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February 9, 2024 9 mins
Need someboy to hang out with Weeknights? Wayne D & Tay got your back. From hangs with some of the biggeet artists in Nashville, to the biggest stories happening in and around Country Music. Wayne D & Tay broadcat weeknights from 7pm -Midnight local time in over 59 cities across the country.

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Yes, Thursday night, Wayne Dand Tay hanging with y'all Instagram. Wayne
Day, check in when you geta second. You're coming in hot.
I'm ready listening. It's Thursday night. I'm riding rock. We're almost to
the weekend. Let's go. Let'sgo. Yes, reach out to us
on that free iHeartRadio app. It'sdownload to your phone, a free Like
we said, you never sounded sogood. But when you download it,
you open that thing up and hitthe red microphone button on this message.

It's easy. Coming up tonight.It's Thursday, so we're diving into groups
there. People do that just aftereight o'clock and it's awkward. Yeah,
it's a mom parents. Parents needto chime in for sure. Yeah,
sitsight. We'll get to group therapycoming up after eight with Wayne DNTA gonna
get you in Austin, Texas forthe biggest live show of the year.
Details are waiting on our Instagram goto Wayne D and Tay, but you

can see Jason al Dean Jelly rollingmore shows coming up May fourth. Yes,
like you said, tickets are availableon our website, but hurry up
and get them because they're going.Yeah, it's short trip right, you
deserve to get away anyway. Checkit out. It's the latest news street
out of Nashville, the High HeartCountry Round. So we all know Jelly
Rolla has grinded it out the lastyear and a half. He's really blown

up. So now we get tosee him on American Idol Season twenty two
as a mentor. He just announcedit on his Instagram the other day.
It's going to be launching February eighteenth. It didn't say what exact episode he's
going to be on, but theshow launches on February eighteen, so we'll
just have to say stay tuned,can't wait. We love jelly roll around
here. He's actually part of theiHeart Country Festival this year too. Yeah.

Next, Chris Young seeing some Sinatraon his Instagram. Did you see
that way? Yeah, he likeflexed a little bit for us. Was
it was him and a friend onpiano and he was singing fly Me to
the Moon kind of like his ownversion. That yeah, kills that.
He does a great sinata too.He has a sinaptra points yeah right there,

but Chris Young saying it was reallygreat too. You gotta go check
that out when you get a secondand last, Brian Kelly teased a collaboration
with Blow Rider. What yeah,BK and Florida. Okay, it kind
of makes sense his whole like beachcowboy vibe with floor Rider. I could
see that happening. But he postedit on Instagram saying, I got a

damn treat for y'all a week fromtoday, which was is gonna be on
the fourteenth, So he's dropping thenew song on Valentine's Day. I love
that. First, we gotta getBK on talk about that new tune.
That's your iHeart Country round Up withWayne Dy and Tay. We could all
use a little group therapy with Wayned Inta. I gotta tell you we've
done this before, but this,this topic of group therapy is new for

us. It involves a mom,a daughter, and a pet. Yeah,
and I mean that as a parent. If you've ever had a pet
for your kid, We've all beenhere before. Like what do we do?
Do we lie? Well, We'reabout to talk to who and try
and help her out. This isJessica I am, and I'm like,
I don't know if I'm like aterrible and like the worst mother ever on

the face of the earth. Butmy daughter, she's twelve. She had
a hamster. It guy, daughterwas super attached to Tiger, the hamster
and Tiger. You know, Idon't you know kick the bucket. Once
wanted to have Tiger's ashes, youknow, have Tiger cremated and the ashes

in her room. So I tookit to the vet. And it's four
hundred dollars to have cremated, tohave the streaking hamster cremated. And so
I was like, I can't dothat, Like it's expensive. I have
my brother just build a fire andburned paper and cardboard boxes, not the
head, not the hamster, andI buried the hamster. And I just

gave my daughter the ashes from thepaper and those like the little bonfire that
my brother did. Am I terriblefor lying to my daughter? All right?
So Day's already making a face.So she's got an answer. I
got one, but we ain't interestedin that. You're the star of the
show. Share your thoughts on howwhat's who? Were we just talking to
Jessica? How she should handle thiswhole thing? Just come clean with her
daughter. Tap the microphone button onthe iHeart radio app. Now, I

can't wait tomorrow is gonna be abig day Friday. You could be the
one celebrating, like Kathleen, youare kidding me, No, lie,
Kathleen. My husband's sitting here.I'm just yelling. Probably probably used to
yelling at him anyway. Listen,free money is back your shots when you're
here a thousands all day Friday,bab. It's Wayne D and take quick

social media shout out if you checkus out on Instagram. It's Wayne D
and Tay. Yeah, our girlTanna is hanging out with us tonight.
She said she loves us, andshe's actually on her way home from work.
Yeah, it's too late. Youshould have gone home early. And
then there's some of us still atwork. So enjoy your freedom, Hannah.
It's Wayne D and Tay Hamilton hangingwith you. Diving into some group
therapy on Thursday nights. All right. So Jessica called in and her daughter's

hamster kicked the bucket, and she, instead of going to get it cremated
because it was going to cost herfour hundred dollars, decided to have her
brother fake the ashes and burn somenew paper up. Does she give it
to her? Actually, she's feelinglike a jerk. Should she four hundred
dollars or Hampstead it costs like tendollars to buy a new one. She

could buy forty new Hamsters. No, yeah, I would have definitely,
you know, got some regular passedthis and put them in there for her.
As parents, it's okay to tellcertain lies, right, it has
to be in protecting your children.I don't know why she couldn't just be
like, hey, it's gonna costa lot of it. Yet. That's

the other thing is my daughter istwelve, and if I sat her down,
I'm like, hey, here's wherewe're at, she would get it.
Yeah, she'd be like, okay, let's just bury it then,
or somebody. Yeah, maybe thatwas the Well you already lied, and
it's too late, and the Lordis watching, checking on checking on Instagram.
It's Wayne Dy. It's Wayne Dyto Hamilton diving into group therapy every
single Thursday night, and sometimes it'sdrama. This is a weird story that
we got tonight. So Jessica's daughtershamster died and instead of getting it cremated,

she lied to her daughter and fakedthe cremation. Basically, it's now
it's what campfire asses yeah, Yi, she's a bad mom for that or
what Oh my gosh, she shouldnot lie to her daughter like that.
She's gonna find out someday and it'sgonna cause trust issues. Well I hope
to god she doesn't find out,because that is no, no, that's

not a mommy. So you don'tdo that. Oh you don't want a
mom shame. But at the sametime, it's like you're gonna have to
eventually tell her what actually happened,because when she holds it, or when
you move into a new house andshe's twenty five and she's like, oh
my god, don't forget herb Methe Hamster. Yeah, what do you
do? Let me tell you it'snot Herbie the Hamster. It's Carl the
Campfire. Okay, sorry kid,Sorry, I told you. Tay's already

got the song and she won't letme listen. This is garbage, it's
Wayne d and Hey Tomorrow, it'san iHeart Country World premiere. Right here,
you're gonna hear from Blake Shelton,Gwen Stefani. It's more Gwen than
Blake, though Chase said it haslike a more Gwen Stefani vibe to it,
but Blake Shelton sounds so good onit. It's a world premiere.
Get it here all day tomorrow.It's Wayne d' and Tay. It's bought
time, breaking the positivity back outagain on a Thursday night. Getting you

to smile with Wayne D and Tate. This is so cool. A long
lost family finally reunited. Call itin the fields. That story's coming up
in under fifteen minutes. You needa reason to smile, Wayne Dan Tay,
you're hitting you in the fields.Vietnam veteran Jim, he lives in
Florida. Now he recently met hislong lost son named John, for the
first time. And now this reunionwas made possible through ancestry dot com.

They've got their DNA match thing thatthey do. And Jim, who had
known about his son being born inThailand after his deployment ended, was surprised
to discover that John was actually livingin the US for the last forty years.
So when they got together, asyou can imagine, it was a
very emotional reunion, but it filledthe gaps in their family history, and
now their story kind of offers hopeto others searching for lost relatives. You

got Wayne D. Tay Hamilton hittingwith group therapy every Thursday. This one
is messed up because its mama straightup live. Yeah, Jessica's daughters hamster
died and instead of getting it cremated, she lied about about the cremation.
She basically took like ashes from acampfire. Campfire, So let me ask
Tay, as a mom, youjust tell your kids straight up, like

I would be, like, Hey, I'm not going to pay four hundred
dollars to get this thing cremated,So let's just do a nice burial.
Let's do a burial, and thenwe'll take half of that four hundred dollar
by a pair of shoes, shoesor another hamster or yeah, yeah,
true, two hundred dollars, I'llget you five hamsters. Yeah, whole
family, what do you think?Go ahead? Yeah, this is I
applaud the parents for going above andbeyond. Like, no, nobody's gonna

spend whatever they had to spend toget a cremated hamster. That's absurd.
I know, four hundred dollars.You ain't, kid, brother, Hey,
thanks for checking in. We appreciateyou. Don't give up. Julie
didn't. Oh my gosh, youget it. Nah, girl. She
won big thousands of dollars on deckagain tomorrow morning. The winning starts at
nine am Friday. It's Wayne D. Tay Hamilton. You probably heard America's
favorite pastime baseball, right, Well, might not be America's favorite sport.

No more. Tay's got a storyshe'll share this couple of minutes away.
All Right, I still would answerbaseball. Right, it's Wayne DNTA America's
pastime, America's favorite sport. Imean it's always been baseball, right,
Well, Tay found something that saysthat might not be the case no more.
Yeah, there was a survey oftwelve thousand US adults and they were
all asked the same thing, like, if you choose one sport being America's

sport, what would it be?Most people this time around picked football.
It doesn't surprise me. I feellike baseball's popularity's kind of gone down a
little, was declining. Yeah,I mean they said only twenty seven percent
of them. I still love mesome baseball, but it's hard to beat.
It's hard to beat football. Yeah, it's a big thing right now.
Hey check it on Instagram. Youget a second. It's Wayne D.

Andta more. Country music plays next,
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