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September 17, 2024 121 mins
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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
He was on the radar, folks who had this and
it was so part too for debt on the radar.

Speaker 2 (00:14):
That's the that's the cold heart truth about it.

Speaker 3 (00:18):
On the radar since twenty nineteen. And how many of
these these yahoos are on the radar. The suspect in
the second and failed assassination tempt against President Trump on
the radar, on the radar.

Speaker 2 (00:40):
So there you have it. I don't again who'd have
thunk it?

Speaker 3 (00:43):
Who would have guessed the FBI had him on the
radar since twenty nineteen.

Speaker 2 (00:51):
Oh So we got lots of.

Speaker 3 (00:54):
Updates and breaking news this particular story, and again we're
gonna try and break kind of break it down throughout
the morning and throughout the show, So hang in.

Speaker 2 (01:10):
There for that.

Speaker 3 (01:12):
We'll have the bits and pieces and we've got a
couple of great conversations we are going to be having
today as well, So folks joining us guest wise on
the on the program as well, and you or then
welcome to me as always two four eight eight hundred
A two five five that's two four eight hundred talk

and I'll be doing my best to make it through
and I get these allergies just just kicking my you
know what right now, But looks like things are on
the up and up. The confirmation came yesterday the would
be Assesson Ryan Ruth, who we already know had some

questionable past and in activities.

Speaker 2 (01:58):
Anyway, turns out what on the.

Speaker 3 (02:00):
Rate and so for some wild things too.

Speaker 2 (02:03):
On the radar background.

Speaker 4 (02:05):
In two thousand and two is the United States attorney
mentioned the subject was charged and convicted in North Carolina
for possession of a weapon of mass destruction?

Speaker 2 (02:13):
Say what?

Speaker 4 (02:14):
Law enforcement checks also revealed that.

Speaker 3 (02:16):
What is it possess what? First of all, what is
a weapon of mass destruct? I understand what they meant,
you know where they're talking about Iraq and weapons of
mass destruction?

Speaker 2 (02:31):
But what is what.

Speaker 3 (02:33):
Is a weapon of mass destruct? Would that be a bomb?

Speaker 2 (02:39):

Speaker 3 (02:40):
Here's what Wikipedia. This is what they describe it as
a biological, chemical, radiological, nuclear, or any other weapon that
can kill or significantly harm many people or cause great
damage to artificial structures such as buildings, natural structures, mountains,

or the biosphere. The scope and the usage of the
term has evolved and been disputed, often signifying more politically
than technically originally coined. In the reference to aerial bombing
with chemical explosives during World War Two?

Speaker 2 (03:18):
So what did he have?

Speaker 3 (03:20):
And and and just you know, before we get too
fur into this, the FBI agent here, he's got a
questionable history as well. We're gonna talk about him today too.
That's that's a whole another one. But what you just
just just trying to understand us somebody has and has

been charged with and I mean, that's that's what it's
on the radar for this right has his history. Why
why are they out walking around? And if they are,
why aren't we constantly keeping them like an eye on them.
Someone shows you who they are, you're gonna you're gonna
believe them, right, That's what I'm at hope. Anyways, So
let's let's let's cut it back on over.

Speaker 4 (04:02):
The beginning by way of his background. In two thousand
and two, as the United States Attorney mentioned, the subject
was charged and convicted in North Carolina for possession of
a weapon of mass destruction. Law enforcement checks also revealed
that from nineteen ninety seven to twenty ten, the subject
had numerous felony charges for stolen goods. I can also

share with you that he was the subject of a
previously closed twenty nineteen tip to the FBI, where it
was alleged he was a felon in possession of a firearm.
Oh and following up on the tim the alleged complaintant interviewed,
was interviewed and did not verify, I repeat, did not

verify providing the initial information. The FBI passed that information
to local law enforcement in Honolulu.

Speaker 2 (04:55):
I just you just knowing what we know.

Speaker 3 (04:58):
Why is this guy out? They are owing to knock
on the doors of parents who go to school board meetings,
and yet this guy is able to just be out
walking around. They got Tulca Gabbard on a no fly list. Chuck,
great point, Chuck in the chat. Well she's well, she's

not no fly, but she is. She is on a
list where they they are the screw guyzer pattered down
every time she gets on an airport, I mean, and
they give her the business. So this guy though, able
to walk around free, no issues, no issues whatsoever. And

you look at the crazy eyes. I mean you could
tell all these people have it by the way. They
all have the eyes.

Speaker 2 (06:00):
By the way.

Speaker 3 (06:00):
Like I said, more on the FBI agent too, I'm
going to get get that's the whole nother thing. Glenn
was talking about this guy yesterday and there's been subscrutiny
on him too. You're gonna want to hear if you
haven't already. In the following follow up on the tip,
the alleged complaint was interviewed, did not verify providing the
initial information. The FBI passed that information on the local

law enforcement and Holle So they had a tip that
didn't they didn't.

Speaker 2 (06:25):
They didn't get what they wanted, I guess.

Speaker 3 (06:29):
Arrested on Sunday after he was spotted four to five
hundred yards away from Donald Trump, who was golfing at
his course in Palm Beach, Florida. Apprehended after a Secret
Service agent noticed a muzzle of a gun poking through
a fence and fired.

Speaker 2 (06:42):
At the would be assassin well away.

Speaker 3 (06:49):
It wasn't just a gun. He had this gun, but
he also had a body armor style sort of set
up around his would be snipers nest. He had a
go pro camera which apparently was going to be used
to film or record the shooting, and a history of

supporting progressive causes online. He made nineteen donations to Democrat
candidates since twenty nineteen. Now, after they shot at him
and he fled. Thankfully, he was spotted. He did flee
after that happened. Sheriffs in a neighboring basically, I think

it was a neighboring county were able to apprehend this guy.
I'm telling you this, This whole thing stinks. He was arrested,
by the way, after a brief pursuit, charged with federal

gun charges on Monday, not anything like you know. In fact,
a lot of people look at the charges saying, yeah,
I don't I don't know, this is enough, he smiled
in court after being charged with the federal gun charges. Well, yeah,
he's he's famous. Now famous. Let's see any anything particular here.

Let's see you know the charges. Additional charges may be
filed against him, and the yeah, I would count on that,
because you're gonna have you're still gonna have some state
and if I would say, the stated probably be harder
on him than federal. During the hearing, he says he

makes about three thousand dollars a month but has zero savings.
The court he has no real estate or assets, aside
from two trucks in Hawaii, one with a stick bumper
sticker on the back that says Biden Harris, which came
out yesterday, a great picture of that. He also said
he has a twenty five year old son who he

sometimes supports.

Speaker 2 (09:14):
That's the one we heard from yesterday.

Speaker 3 (09:19):
Claiming I don't know if you heard that story, but
his son claimed, well, I mean he hates President Trump
like any reasonable person would. But he's a violin. He's
not a violent person, he said, but he hates Trump
like every reasonable person does. That's that's what the kid said. Yeah,

or these charges. He could face up to fifteen years
in prison if convicted on the first charge, and possible
five year sentence on the second. Well, throw the book
at him. Should be no messing around with any of
this stuff. Throw the book at him. And we need
all of the information. I mean, we need to know
if he was working with anybody, if he got funding

from anybody, Like, how do you if you're only making
three thousand dollars a month and you're barely paying the bills,
how are you getting to Florida from Hawaii? How are
you getting that weapon? What are you? What are you doing?
Because I'm to me, there's there's lots missing, and I

have lots of questions. Another question, and it may be
answered today, but the question is how did he know
when to be at that that golf course when this
this golf event, this outing was never even on the
public event schedule. Nobody, nobody should have known. So how

did he know to go to do that out? And
the answer it may be easier than you would think.
And I'll give you what the with their they're tossing
around coming out, of course, we have reactionally have lots
of the Democrats already. I mean, they're not waste any

time still coming out and condemning and telling us Trump
is dangerous, he's hidler. Of course, it's the same rhetoric
that led to all of this. They're not backing down,
they won't stop anytime soon. And then the newspapers and
cable networks they're basically coming out saying this is all
Trump's fault. Well, that's the victim shaming world we live in.
By the way, this is the progressive liberal democrat wacky

left all day long. Back after our latest head islands
in the update from the Midwestern or the Midwestern or
down News, take a look around the state and beyond.
Back after this a nine ten am so. Biden has
responded to, we got bodycam footage store, I forget the time,
We've got all.

Speaker 2 (11:55):
Of this great stuff.

Speaker 3 (11:56):
Today Biden has responding, and uh, what he said was
kind of interested.

Speaker 2 (12:03):
Actually he sort of admitted it.

Speaker 3 (12:06):
Uh, there should be more resources for the Secret Service
and they should have more money.

Speaker 2 (12:16):
Essentially, that's what he's saying.

Speaker 5 (12:19):
You got a four door so far and out they're
not what thing I want.

Speaker 6 (12:26):
Help And.

Speaker 7 (12:29):
I mean, if they.

Speaker 3 (12:31):
See what that might be. But at the same time,
why can't they do you know a little more with
what they got.

Speaker 2 (12:42):
What do I mean by that? Well, right now.

Speaker 3 (12:46):
It seems they're hamstrung by just poor decision making and
and and particularly and and they just like this need
to be sort of uh, I don't know, beholden to policy.
If this is the way we're going to do things.
The policy is not law. Policy is some sort of

administrator somewhere, unelected bureaucrat made a decision.

Speaker 2 (13:17):
That's policy. And the great example of this right.

Speaker 3 (13:20):
Now is the fact that, well, they don't sweep the
golf course, they don't send out more resources, they don't
do X, Y and Z. Because he's not a sitting president.
While he was a sitting president. Some would argue or
whether or not he should still be the president. The
country's never been in a more pivotal and I think

precarious moment. He ought to be protected at all costs.
Half the country believes this is their president. That's all
I'll say about that. I think that's pretty clear. Maybe
even more. You're add on top of that the fact that,

again it looks, by all intents and purposes, the polling
numbers out there that he will be the president again.
So this is this is this is important stuff. This
is clear. It's very simple, very easy to point out
what should be happening. You and I can armshair quarterback

this all day long. Why aren't they able to do that?

Speaker 7 (14:30):
We have a brand new picture now to show aview
of the suspect and the second assassination attempt of former
President Donald Trump. We are also getting new information which
records show the suspects spent nearly twelve hours near the
golf course before being confronted. So here's the brand new
picture on the left of your screen. David spun now
bringing us more new details.

Speaker 3 (14:51):
David twelve hours. So I'll tell you this while they're
at the same time, seems like they're how did he know,
what did he do? What did he know that we didn't,
and how did he get this information? And I believe
there might be you know, there might be some chance
of that. It's also a chance that he just got lucky.

Speaker 8 (15:10):
Well, Harris, we're looking through this criminal complaint that was
released on the federal court doge. As we know, he
made his appearance in federal court, and I want to
read some of this man's history. It says that on
or about December twentieth, two thousand and two, he was
convicted in Greensboro, North Carolina, where he's from, of possession
of a weapon of mass death and destruction. That's a

class F felony. Law enforcement indicates further that Honor about
March third, so.

Speaker 3 (15:38):
I lost track of him. We just let him run
around the country.

Speaker 2 (15:41):
That's what we've done.

Speaker 8 (15:42):
Me ten About eight years later, he was convicted of
multiple counts of possession of stolen goods, another class eight
and serious.

Speaker 3 (15:50):
How does he get on an airplane? How does this
guy get on an airplane when they're padding down Tulci
Gabbard and they are going to the homes of parents
who go to school boards and speak out, how does
this guy fly under the radar?

Speaker 8 (16:02):
Felony? That's what they used for the probable cause so
they could keep him in custody today to charge him
with possessing a gun as a felon and obliterating a
serial number as a felon. So he remains right now
in federal custody. He has a hearing next week. As
we look at that second.

Speaker 3 (16:24):
Yeah, those are just the beginning of the charges. There
sounds like there's going to be more, but those are
just the just the start. Now, there is a sheriff
down in Florida thinks there's more to this fascinating stuff.
I don't know if you got to see his press
conference yesterday. It's the it's the county next over next

to is it Palm Beach County? Is that what they
call him? It's the next it's the next over county
from where they are in list Baum. He thinks there's
something going on. He says, it doesn't look like this
guy alone. This is interesting in itself. And I'll tell
you I I can't rule anything out. You know, I'll
go down to the bunker with you. I'll put the

hat on we'll go down and we'll take a look.
I just I think, and if you're prudent, you're wise,
you won't rule anything out. You get down to the
truth of what's really going on here, you won't rule
anything out. You've got to carefully call me and clearly
and concisely look at every bit of the evidence that

comes in today. And speaking of coming in today, President
Trump will be here in Flint today. He's got a
big town hall that he'll be doing. It'll be live
from Flint. We will cover it coming up tonight at
I think six or seven to night. Actually, I'll double
check on the time for you, make sure that we
get that squared away and you'll be able to hear

right here. Detroit's news Talk superstation nineteen a MJD vance
in the state as well. This today and then Thursday,
Kamala is coming in for her virtual event with Oprah.
I'd say busy week and there's a reason for it.
Michigan is ground zero. Back with that Sheriff's comments coming

up and more in minutes and the fact that Michigan
is ground zero.

Speaker 2 (18:24):
Don't go anywhere. You won't want to miss any of it.

Speaker 3 (18:26):
News, whether in traffic together coming up the joint start
superstation nine ten.

Speaker 9 (18:30):
Am to Mysy's highest to Mark Ken, I think the
answer to me to my dolls answers, no, I haven't knowledge.
I think what we'll find that is not from this area,
which of course raises the bigger question is how is
a guy from not here in all the way to

Mark to Trump International realize that the president form president
the United States is golfing, he's able to rifle in
that vicinity. I think that's the question that BI Secret
Service or laser focused on today.

Speaker 2 (19:07):
Is this guy part of a conspiracy? Is he a
long gun?

Speaker 9 (19:10):
If it's a long gun, then President Trump is that
might say, because we have them, but it's part of
a conspiracy. Than this whole thing really takes on a
very ominous tone.

Speaker 3 (19:22):
Sure if Will Steid there Martin County in Florida, and
I think it's a fair point. Look, can everything's on
the table, right, I mean, you investigating, you're looking into
these things. Everything is on the table. And there's more
lots of media, of course victim shaming, lots of them

out there saying that it's President Trump's fault that this
happened again, which is just insane to me. If anything,
if even a hare was threatened on Kamala's mustache, there
would nobody would, We wouldn't write, you would have any sleep,
maybe walled a wall with a coverage, and you know,

I think we ought we ought to be because we
had not put up with any of this from any
side any way.

Speaker 2 (20:10):
But way, I'll see it right now.

Speaker 3 (20:11):
I mean, it's people on the left that are the
ones that are engaging in this nonsense. We're not saying
any of it right, That's that's for certain. Even when
they talk about January sixth, so he's an insurrection, nobody
brought anything, any sort of firearm to apparently. That's you
can't make sense of it. Don't try and reason, don't
try and use logic when you're dealing with these these people.

Speaker 2 (20:33):
You just can't. But again, don't forget all of this.
Trump's fault his rhetoric.

Speaker 10 (20:39):
Cause, yeah, do you expect there to be calls from
within the Trump campaign to do that because he's going
to reach out to his supporters and say, let's take
this down. We do not know, again, the source of
any gunshot or gun shots. We don't know who is

responsible for this. The whole thing has yet to be
one hundred percent confirmed from start to finish how this
all played out. But do you expect to hear anything
from the Trump campaign about toning down the rhetoric, toning
down the violence, or would that be a typical of
the former president?

Speaker 2 (21:17):
Should you imagine?

Speaker 9 (21:18):

Speaker 2 (21:19):

Speaker 3 (21:20):
This is his fault, James Dixon, I think we finally
have on the phone line. It's Trump's fault. Trump's fault
here for all of this, James, the media, politicians, on
the people that are saying things like the guy is hitler.
I mean, all of this has led to us to

where we are not just one but two attempts now
and Lord only knows how many inevitably there will be.
But when you create a scenario like this and you're
telling people the guys pure evil over and over and
over again, this is bound to happen, you know.

Speaker 11 (21:59):
The Democrat I don't really have a second strategy here.
I think about the nineteen sixty four elections are right,
exactly sixty years ago. Pamala Harris was born in nineteen
sixty four. In that election, Lyndon Johnson depicted Barry Goldwater
as if you elect this guy we'll have nuclear war
and we'll all die. And it used a little girl

name named Daisy to make the point. The Daisy Ad
is probably the most famous negative ad that ever been published.
Even the people who made it were like, we kind
of went that far. But you know, politics is a
hard game, and so for sixty years now we've been
told that to elect the Republican could be the end
of America or even the end of your life specifically.

Is it any wonder that people hearing that rhetoric would
respond and say, Hey, maybe I should do something about
baby Hitler. And I find it fascinating the NBC person
that you were quoting, you know, they kind of veered
into victim blame. They didn't even veer into it. They
leaned all the way into victim blaming. And I do

have to admit, though Trump's skirt was just a little
bit short, it was partially his fault.

Speaker 3 (23:13):
Say his what was short? He's a skirt?

Speaker 11 (23:17):
What they always say? Oh, the way they the way,
the victim blaming, and and it's just it's incredible because
if Kamala Harris had twisted an ankle on July thirteenth,
we'd be in a state of national emergency until she
was out of that walking boot. We had nightly prayers

and vigils. But this man gets shot in the head.
They try to take him out on the debate stage.
I actually consider what happened on that golf course the
third assassination attempt. Had any of the three worked, none
of the other two would be necessary. I think about it.

Speaker 12 (23:56):
Either Trump wouldn't have been here to be on the
debate stage, or Trump wouldn't have mattered by Sunday if
what they did on the debate stage worked. Oh yeah,
And when none of it worked, what do you do?
You send in another crazy guy with a gun. And
my other thought here is when you look at the
guy they sent this, Ryan Ruth, when you look at

Thomas Crooks, when you look at Lee Harvey Oswald who
killed JFA, what I see is a lot of people
who have some amount of training and some officialness on them.
Thomas Crooks, who shot President Trump on July thirteenth, was
in a block a Black Rock commercial.

Speaker 11 (24:34):
Two years earlier. This guy, Ryan Ruth, was in a
propaganda ad for one of the Ukraine battalions. So at
the highest levels of our body politic, these people, their
faces their presence is endorsed, and it's just a coincidence
that these are the guys who pick up guns and
go for Trump.

Speaker 3 (24:54):
I think we're going to find out more on this
one than even I think maybe what we find out
on the previous attempt, because the guys in custody number one,
number two. There's something interesting happening right now. Eric Prince
called yesterday former CEO of Blackwater. Maybe see he called

yesterday for for Governor DeSantis to not completely let go
the control of the investigation in Florida, so we get
some actual answers on this, and it does appear Governor
DeSantis has said we're going to we're gonna we're gonna
see this thing through. We're going to allow the fens

to be a part of it, but we're going to
see this thing through. So we may actually get a
little more accountability. They're not gonna be able to cover
certain things up as much. It appears they may be
able to give us some details. But I mixed that
in with something that came out I think it was
Thursday or Friday last week. Senator Blumenthal, Democrat full on

Trump Arrangement syndrome. He says that what they've discovered during
their congressional investigation and the first attempt of July thirteenth
is shocking.

Speaker 5 (26:10):
I think the American people are going to be shocked, astonished,
and all of mine, what we will report to them
was about the failures a secret service in this assassination.

Speaker 3 (26:22):
Temp Now, now there's more to this video, and I'll
play more later, but just that alone, and we still
yet don't know, and then we get it. Then we
get a second attempt just days after he comes out
to say this, mm hmm.

Speaker 11 (26:36):
And I think it was Time magazine. I want to say,
one of the big ones, one of the big New
York ones there are this week on their cover is
Donald Trump manning. You know, he's riding the golf cart
and he's in a sand trap and trying to back
out of it. And the caption is that line is
in trouble.

Speaker 3 (26:56):
Yeah, in trouble. But James, I just look, I feel
like I'm taking crazy pills here. Somebody once said, but like,
I'm sorry, man, but the coincidence is this just all
of this just it's I think it takes more faith
to believe that these are coincidence than it does to

believe that there may be more happening here than what
we are privy to.

Speaker 2 (27:22):
On the service.

Speaker 11 (27:24):
We need to start saying the thing. The American ruling
class wants Donald Trump dead. And by saying this, I
hope all the people listening right now are thinking, well,
why would they want that?

Speaker 2 (27:37):

Speaker 11 (27:38):
Why would they want that? I saw Donald Trump, he
was president for four years, He's been running for nine years.
We've never seen someone run for nine years like this.
It's unprecedented in our lifetime anyway. And you have to
be paging through your mental collection of the news you've
read and that you've watched, and asking yourself, what exactly

the guy do to deserve one bullet in the head,
let alone two attempts, let alone the entire apparatus. How
could the whole country be united against this one man?
What did this one guy do that was so bad?
And I think the only answer that you'll find what

Donald Trump did that was so bad. He won in
twenty sixteen without anyone's permission and without anyone's help, and
without hiring any of the people. So the theory of
Donald Trump is that Republicans like George W. Bush let
you down and sold you out. So you're were going
to hire a bunch of bush people on your team,

and so that that freezes out consultants from an entire
cycle of money. And so that's where the never Trump
sentiment comes from. These are guys who didn't get their
pockets greased. So to the extent you see never Trump
their establishment people. The Democrats are the establis plishment. The
media is the establishment, and these are all the people

telling you that Donald Trump is a threat to our democracy.
What they mean is to us holding power. So it
is literally the American ruling class against one man who
won without permission and who dares to ask questions from
the perspective of the American people. Hillary Clinton had a
tweet about making fun of Trump because when he was president,

he would ask the generals about the Mexican cartels, Hey,
why don't we just bomb their drugs? And when when
Clinton put that out, it was supposed to make Trump
look stupid, Okay, because who asks the question they don't
already know the answer to. I still haven't actually heard
a good answer to that question. But Donald Trump has
too much of a mentality to actually fix problems that

we've been wrestling with for five and six decades. Think
about Roe. Think about Row. Conservatives have been claiming to
fight Roe for five decades. A Trump actually gets it
out of there and sends it back to the state levels.
And who's angriest of all conservatives? So it is the
entire ruling class, even a lot of people you might

consider conservative who were lined up against Donald Trump, and
our listeners, our viewers, our friends. When they ask why
we have to have the answer for them, he won
without their permission.

Speaker 2 (30:26):
Yeah, I've been saying that.

Speaker 3 (30:29):
I'm voting for the guy who they tried to take
out twice.

Speaker 11 (30:33):
That's seriously, you're telling me the guy taking bullets to
the head is the threat to our democracy. The last
person to make that argument was John Wilkes, Whoo, who
shot Abraham Lincoln. That's actually a Confederate argument that this
man is such a tyrant and that our cause would

be so lost if he won that we have to
kill him ourselves. Is not an American line of thinking.

Speaker 3 (31:04):
It is incredible. And by the way, we know there's
so much at stake. We could talk more and more
about this. I think we're gonna have more details. Maybe
we'll have you come back later in the week. To
discuss Jams Dixon, but Michigan is playing a pivotal role.
In fact, they've got a big, big chance to help
win the entire not just the state, but the nation.

And we're doing that right now to talk about that.
That's a major some of this polling in the things
that we're here by. In fact, he'll be here tomorrow
for a town hall in Flint.

Speaker 5 (31:35):
Oh yeah, you know.

Speaker 11 (31:37):
I when I listen to the Jason Whitlock The Fearless podcast,
I'm a podcaster, but I listen to others to build
up my skill, and lately I've been hearing the familiar
voice on those podcasts, the voice of Justin Barclay talking
about the ten x votes project, talking about how you know,
if you're a person of faith, why don't you go

on ahead and reach out to ten of your friends,
family members, people you go to church with, people you know,
good people who may not necessarily have a plan to
vote in November. And so when I saw the conservative
response last week to that assassination attempt on a debate stage,
I saw a lot of conservatives talking about, oh my god,

I'm so upset that Trump didn't win. I'm so upset
that Trump didn't beat the assassin's bullet that it occurred
to me every single person who feels that way is
not doing enough work. You're not doing enough work because
you're waiting for the TV show to be perfect and
entertain you. A guy like Scott Presler, who's out there

registering a million voters, he's not complaining about a debate
performance because he's putting in the work. And so I
think all of us need to start thinking what can
we do to build the future we want. Nate Silver,
who's actually from Michigan, he is found in his number
crunching that if Trump wins Michigan, he basically wins. Last

week it was as high as ninety six percent. The
last number I saw is ninety five percent. So if
Trump wins Michigan, if Trump wins Michigan, ninety five percent
chance of winning the entire election. For Harris, it's only
something like a seventy six percent chance. So we all
know we live in a battleground state. I don't think

people know we live in the king of battleground states.
Everyone in America is going to be looking at Michigan
at eight pm on November fifth. What story do we
want told what's going to happen When you close your
eyes and imagine that night, what's gonna happen. Are we
going to be talking about Cobo Hall or are we

gonna be talking about a win that was so clear
that could be put in the bag on election night?
That's entirely in the in the in the realm of possibility.
It's something that we can affect as a people and
as a movement. If you talk to your friends. I agree,
And there's more than any state. What are we going

to do about it?

Speaker 3 (34:08):
I agree, James. And the thing is President Trump said
this too big to rig. That's what has to happen.
It can happen. There are one point seven million conservative
out there that would if they voted, would vote conservatbily.
They would vote for him and these other races. One
point seven million, they call him low propensity voters. If

we just go out and find ten friends who will vote,
they just maybe they go to your church and maybe
they're your friends or family members, maybe you're hunting buddy,
whatever it is. These are people that would vote conservatively
if they voted, and they need to get off the couch.
You can do it from your couch tenex votes dot
com is the way to do it.

Speaker 2 (34:46):

Speaker 3 (34:47):
We're going to have you back on this week. We'll
talk more about the story as it develops. The one
thing I don't want to see this thing happen with
this is it get memory hold like they did the
last one, because you know it didn't even come up. Well,
I take a bi did come up to the debate.
He had to bring it up and then they cut
him off. Yeah, that's thank you, God blessed brother. I

appreciate you as always. James Dixon down I seventy five
over on Twitter and make sure you get with him
the Michigan enjoy your podcast. Yes, his article at neiggorant
Post as well. Make sure I get that up on
the stack the latest white winning Michigan can win Trump

the presidency. Back in just moments, we take a quick
break for the latest from the Midwestern around the state
and beyond.

Speaker 2 (35:37):
We'll give you the latest updates.

Speaker 3 (35:38):
Back next on nine to AFS Sean did He Combs
arrested by the FBI? This is puff Daddy Puff?

Speaker 2 (35:47):
Did he did He? Daddy?

Speaker 3 (35:51):
Rapper arrested following raids human trafficking investigation.

Speaker 2 (35:55):
This happened after a grand jury. I guess returns.

Speaker 3 (35:59):
Charge you here Sean comes ex girlfriend breaking the silence.
YadA YadA arrested Monday in Manhattan. Fox News Digital confirming
unclear what the charges are. Arrested by ed by the way,
I'm not I'm not convinced. It's not a bit of
a distraction. I'm going to stop talking about and memory hole.
The second assassination failed assassination attempt. Well, so who knows?

Who knows? I'm going to find out more on this,
We'll share it with you. But that's that's another big
story coming out today. And Michigan admitting peak numbers of refugees.
I want to talk about this coming up because the
Midwesterner has a story. You've been hearing it all morning
in their reports, but Michigan is in Whitmer's Michigan. Probably

important to note admitting peak numbers of refugees and who
are these refugees anymore? You know, there are folks to
come here from all over the world as refugees, and
they have become productive members of society, have become really
great additions to our community. So not it's very important

to make this discernment because you know, the love just
gonna say you're racist if you say, hey, maybe we
should be a little more careful about who's coming here
and who we're a little But the problem is now
is there really is no vetting process. There really is
no It's it's where complete whole systems overwhelmed and it's
been done on purpose. More than forty four hundred from Afghanistan, Ukraine,

Democratic Republic of Congo, Sudan, Burma, Guatemala and Guatemala and Iran,
according to the Midwesterner Metro Detroit agencies bracing for peak
numbers in the coming months, a situation created by the
Biden Harris Whitmer administration, it's expected to further strain in

the state's housing shortage. You have a hard enough time
as it is right kids trying to buy their first home.
I mean, it's incredible. It's hard enough time as it
is trying to try to get this organ the affordable housing,
affordable thing about it, affordable groceries, gas, all of it.
Now we know there's another reason why the White House

goal of admitting up to one hundred and twenty five
thousand refugees the United States is fiscal year Michigan improved
to receive more than forty four hundred. I saw a
report of it. It's online. I'm trying to see if
I can pull it up. It's a town of fifteen thousand,
got one thousand. That's just insane how many people they're

letting in in regards to how many people are actually
in the community. Through July, data from the Michigan Department
of Labor and Economic Opportunity shows a state has taken
in nearly three thousand refugees from thirty nine countries so
far this fiscal year. Local agencies that work to settle
them expect thousands more, and they make.

Speaker 2 (39:01):
Big money doing it, by the way.

Speaker 3 (39:05):
So, uh, we get into this because it does need
to be discussed. What's happening in oh And we've got
an update about what's happening in Ohio. Remember it was
all these Trump's fault again, everything that's happening, We get
all these bomb threats.

Speaker 2 (39:20):
Turns out that's not true.

Speaker 3 (39:22):
Well, there's something about the bomb threats at least needs
to be brought up. Finally, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine has
spoken up on this, and so you'll hear the truth
coming up a bit, plus we'll grab your phone calls
and get some more breaking news after top of the hour,
I checking the latest news, weather, and traffic together. This

is Detroit's news Talk Superstation nine. Today am I'm justin Beck.
After this, well, well, another day, another dump of updates
for you. We get the latest of these second failed
assassination attempt. Next President Trump, you'll have the updates on
that and the fallout from it.

Speaker 13 (40:07):
You know.

Speaker 3 (40:07):
What's what's interesting is the FBI in charge, the agent
in charge. As a history he told you about the
history of the subject so far, and uh, this is
not good. He's got a really really interesting history. And

I don't know how the guy's out walking around, or
how he even gets on a plane, or how he
gets hold of the weapon period. I mean, the history
is just it's questionable at best. You know, Glenn talked
about this yesterday too on his program. He had a guest,
a former FBI I think he was a whistleblower with
the FBI, talking about Veltry, the guy who's in charge

of this whole thing is is the head of the
FBI field office in Miami, well known. He was adamantly
vocally anti Trump. They made him at some point scrub
his profile of all the anti Trump rhetoric and whatnot

that he had he had posted online, which is fascinating
in itself, but Glenn went into depth and detail on
it yesterday on the program.

Speaker 14 (41:20):
Let Me Talk to Steve Friend. Steve is a whistleblower
with the FBI. He has They have made his life miserable,
but he doesn't care. He's doing the right thing. He's
one of the He's one of the good guys that
you know used to see and you used to believe
that existed in places like the FBI. He really is
that guy, true blue cares about the country and the constitution.

He blew the whistle on the on the FBI in
Florida when they went full swat on mar Lago, which
we know now was absolutely unnecessary and way out of protocol.
Steve is with us now because I wanted to get
him on because the guy who authorized that and then

dummied evidence up is the guy in charge now of
the FBI's investigation of this shooter. How good does that
make you feel, Steve?

Speaker 13 (42:19):

Speaker 15 (42:19):
Well, I mean it actually goes a little bit deeper
than that, Glenn. This is probably going to need the
old chalkboard out here to explain to the audience. So
this is mister Jeffrey Beltree and for your audience's edification.
Before he assumed his post in FBI Miami as a
Special Agent in Charge, he was the deputy assistant director
of the Security Division for the FBI, and that's the

branch that's going after the whistleblowers. And from that post,
he actually said that whistleblowers that they were looking to
purge from the ranks were people who were military veterans
because he thought that they were disloyal, as well as
people who attended regular religious warship ceremonies and opposed the
coronavirus vaccine. And then when the word came down he

was going to go to the FBI Miami office Christopher
Ray and deputy director of Paula Bate and Executive Assistant
Director Jen Moore, also another person who's was involved in
getting rid of all the whistleblowers, said that he had
to cleanse his Facebook account of all the anti Trump
vitriol that he publicly put out there. And now he's

in a position of authority in my FBI Miami office,
and that is the office that has the responsibility for
investigating this latest assassination attempt.

Speaker 14 (43:34):
Wow, So you think the guy who wanted to purge
the FBI of military people, religious people, and Trump supporters
might not do an honest investigation.

Speaker 3 (43:45):
Is that what I'm hearing, Steve Well?

Speaker 15 (43:48):
I mean, throw it out a little starcasm here, Glenn.
But at the same time, this is the this is
the agency that looked at the twenty seventeen congressional baseball
shooting where Bernie Sanders supporter showed up, asked where other
Republicans and then proceeded to try to kill ten percent
of the Republican calgut and the FBI investigated said that
was not a sin assassination attempt, that was suicide by cop.

Speaker 3 (44:10):
From Glenn's show yesterday, again, Glenn back here, mine to
down here weekdays with the FBI whistleblower talking about who
they got. Now this is important. Why is this important?
Because we've also received Senator Josh hollyput on a whistleblower
report of multiple failure Secret Service and Department of Homeland
Security in the first assassination attempt.

Speaker 2 (44:32):
This was expected to come out yesterday.

Speaker 3 (44:34):
We had the audience. Senator Bluementhal over the weekend. It
said that when you hear what you hear about this report,
the failures, this is going to be damning on a
number of levels and very serious, very serious nature. It
is also the reason why Eric Prince, from the CEO

of Blackwater and Security Expert came out to say Navy Seal,
the governor on DeSantis should in fact head up the.

Speaker 2 (45:10):
State investigation.

Speaker 3 (45:12):
They should have a statewide Florida investigation and don't see
complete control. In fact, we've got a guest coming up
talking about this a little bit later on in the
program who talks about taking back control in a local
level focus on things and getting away from really the
federal bureaucracy and what we've seen.

Speaker 16 (45:31):
I've not talked to him yet. I did announce yesterday
we're going to be doing a state level investigation. I
understand that the Feds are involved, but we do believe
that there were multiple violations of state law. We also
believe that there's a need to make sure that the
truth about all this comes out in a way you
know that that's credible. I mean, I look at the

federal government, with all due respect to them, you know,
those same agencies that are prosecuting Trump and that jurisdiction
are now to be investigating this. I just think that
that may not be the best thing. Wow, the fantastic
point for this country.

Speaker 3 (46:07):

Speaker 16 (46:08):
Nevertheless, they have their progative, but we have our progative.
And so we'll be making an announcement further along those
lines in the in the ensuing days.

Speaker 3 (46:15):
So you know, there's already two there's two charges that
are out. They're gunning charges, they're federal charges. They were
just to be able to hold him too simple charges
and now they can, they can, they can move forward
with all of this. But these are stories, these are
pieces of the the the entire picture that you've got.

You really have to get. You have to get a
hold of you have to be able to see otherwise.

Speaker 2 (46:44):
You just can't.

Speaker 3 (46:45):
You can't get a full picture of what what it
all means.

Speaker 2 (46:49):
You really just can't.

Speaker 3 (46:50):
And if you're you're gonna leave it to the mainstream media,
you'll leave it to you know, the networks or the
newspapers or whatnot to get people that platform folks like
this and I say that, you know, tongue in cheap,
because that's what they say it platform Hillary Clinton out there,
says you belong in jail for sharing what she says

is misinformation.

Speaker 17 (47:12):
And boosting Trump back in twenty sixteen. But I also
think there are Americans who are gauged in this kind
of propaganda, and whether they should be civilly or even
in some cases criminally charged, is something that would be
a better deterrence because and boosting Trump.

Speaker 3 (47:31):
Back criminally charged. She even goes out there to call
Trump dangerous. She goes out on a limb to call
him dangerous again. Now, this is a day, This is
a day. This is the day after the second failed
assassination attempt was discovered. This a day after, and she
and the networks are still running running with that that narrative.

Couldn't even wait forty eight hours to tell everybody that
he is a danger to the country.

Speaker 17 (48:05):
And I don't understand why it's so difficult for the
press to have a consistent narrative about how dangerous Trump is.

Speaker 3 (48:14):
Do you hear that. I don't understand why it's so
hard for the press to tell you that he's dangerous
over and over. Maybe they shouldn't, Maybe that's not their job,
She says, have a consistent narrative. First of all, the
press isn't supposed to have a consistent narrative. They're not
supposed to all agree on a story. They're supposed to

go out and find out what the heck the truth is.
That's what we're all supposed to be doing here. You
and I, more than anything else, should be interested in
what the truth is. We want to get to the truth.
Why do we need to know the truth so that
we can make the best decisions for ourselves, for our families,

for our country. We've got to know the truth. We
don't want spend, we don't want phony maloney, we don't
want made up and we also don't by the way,
we don't want you to leave.

Speaker 2 (49:11):
Anything out there is.

Speaker 3 (49:13):
Lying by o mission, which is another piece of what
they do on a daily basis. We don't want that
and it's bad for the country. Now, I'm not gonna
tell you that these people need to be or should
be arrested, although I probably feel that way.

Speaker 2 (49:30):
They do have the freedom of speech.

Speaker 3 (49:31):
They're allowed to go out and lie, and that, unfortunately
is Somebody asked me about that yesterday, what do you
think about should we go after these people? I said, well,
you know, truth is I see what you're saying. But
if we if we started going after people for what
we say we're lying, then you have to figure out
who gets to decide who's lying and who's not. And

you know that we'll be used to kiinst us first
and foremost before anybody else actually is held accountable.

Speaker 2 (49:59):
So they're already doing that.

Speaker 3 (50:00):
I said, yes, exactly, exactly what's happening.

Speaker 17 (50:03):
And I don't understand why it's so difficult for the
press to have a consistent narrative about how dangerous Trump is.
You know, the late great journalist Harry Evans, you know,
one time said that, you know, journalists should you know,
really try to achieve objectivity, And by that he said,

I mean they should cover the object. Well, the object
in this case is Donald Trump, his demagoguery, his danger
to our country and the world. And stick with it, you.

Speaker 3 (50:39):
Know, elthno fury like a woman's scorn. Now, don't forget
as she's telling you how dangerous he is, she she
has in the back of her mind that she would
still be president now, she would be finishing the job
she was tesked with you, you remember, And this is
the problem. By the way, this is what they really

this is what they really take issue with, is that
he was never supposed to win. He was never supposed
to win. She was never supposed to lose. In the
last eight years, boy, they're behind on all the work
they wanted to do. Now they've been able to do
a few things here and there, and of course you've

seen the mess we've gotten into in the last three
and a half years here with Biden or who are
pulling the strings at the hen Kamala says she's different
but brings the same policies and a lot of those
same marionettes. She will be even worse. It will be

an all out, full frontal, blatant assault of lies. And
I'm telling you, I don't think we can survive four
to eight years of Kamalinism, the best way to put it, Kamalanism.

That's why I said. The same same person that called
half the country deplorable. By the way, that's Hillary Clinton,
who wants you thrown in jail for lying and saying
just what not? Even forty eight hours after that failed
assassination attempted President Trump, the second one that that he's dangerous.

These are the people inside of the violence, These are
the people causing these left wing nuts toeal off uh
in in in massive ways, and until they they zip it,
I am afraid we're gonna see more of it. Hang on, well,
we'll be back after this. We've got more to get
up to speed with. And of course the latest from

the Midwestern or the Midwestern are DoD News take a
look around the state and beyond back next to nine today.
M I am sorry, sorry, I apologize.

Speaker 2 (53:02):
This is.

Speaker 3 (53:04):
This is almost nearly inexcusable. I have accidentally left the
behind the scenes live stream. We do this on Facebook, Twitter,
rumble Getter locals. We do it every day and you
get to see sort of the behind the scenes. You
get to see pictures and video and everything that we
talk about on the program. I absolutely there's no excuse

for this. I'm gonna tell you right now, and I
apologize for it. But we're doing some things behind the
scenes here and I think it just took me.

Speaker 2 (53:43):
Sort of my eye off of the ball here.

Speaker 3 (53:45):
But I have accidentally left Hillary Clinton's picture up on
the screen for the past ten to fifteen minutes here,
and I know people are trying to eat breakfast, and
I apologize. I know you're trying to have your morning coffee.
You want to start things off a little more peace.
But the very woman who says that you should be

jailed for posting misinformation or sharing misinformation online, That's that's
what we're talking about now and again I I I
will get that. Let's get that off the screen. What
are we doing?

Speaker 13 (54:16):

Speaker 3 (54:17):
We there?

Speaker 2 (54:17):
We go.

Speaker 3 (54:18):
Okay, I don't know if that's any better. It's a
picture of me, but uh, anyway, you gotta have to listen, folks,
gotta laugh our way through some of this. It's very serious.
It really all is very serious, but we gotta laugh
away through President Trump's folks just put this ad out,

by the way, talking about how the rhetoric who the
media keeps blaming us for and Trump four and it's
all his fault that people would want to try and
attack him after they've called him hitler, I mean add
nauseam over the last ten years or so. They put
this add out that show where the real hate's coming from.

Speaker 2 (55:02):
It's left.

Speaker 7 (55:03):
If you had to be stuck at an elevator with
either President Trump, Mike Pants or Jeff's sessions, who would
it be.

Speaker 17 (55:10):
Does one of us have to come out of line.

Speaker 3 (55:16):
Presh always asks me, don't I worsh I were debating you.

Speaker 11 (55:19):
No, I returned high school.

Speaker 18 (55:20):
I could take it behind the gym.

Speaker 3 (55:22):
That's what I want, I said, No, I said, if
we're in high school, I'd take you behind the gym
and beat the hell out of it.

Speaker 17 (55:29):
I just don't even know why there aren't uprisings call
of the country.

Speaker 19 (55:32):
Maybe there will be that.

Speaker 17 (55:33):
You cannot be civil with a political party that wants
to destroy what you stand for, what you care about.

Speaker 18 (55:41):
Do you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant,
in a department.

Speaker 3 (55:47):
St and a gassa you guess and you go and
you just st No, we've known about that's vaccine latters.
We've known about this for years. We've seen it, and
we fought against it and talk back by the way.
You you you, you just you just wait. Now, sum

are upset because Maxins faces on it on the screen. Now,
I look, it's not intentional. They got torturing them on purpose.
That's not what I'm doing here. I I apologize. Hey,
we'll take it down momentarily. But the reason I bring

this up, and it's and it's really it's true, is
because these things are moving us closer and closer to
a very almost a line that I don't know we
can come back from.

Speaker 2 (56:46):
And and and I'm going to tell.

Speaker 3 (56:47):
You that the reason why I think it's going to
get worse and worse, unfortunately, is because both sides are
locked in and we realize what's at stake. It's the
future of this country, the fate of the nation. It's
not about the next four years. This election is about
the next two hundred and fifty. Now, I don't think
two hundred and fifty years of success, prosperity and all

the rest it is guaranteed with a Trump win.

Speaker 2 (57:18):
But I know the exact opposite is guaranteed with the
Trump loss.

Speaker 3 (57:27):
It's blatant the road they want to take us down,
and you're already seeing if they get their way, they
will criminalize you, speaking out, posting things on social media,
just going again. And by the way, people on the left,
you say, well, that's good because this is misinformation and
hate speech you but no, no, no, they decide whatever
that is on a daily basis. All this is is

pure authoritarianism, and you cheer it on today, but you
could find yourself staring down the barrel of that weapon tomorrow.
You can find yourself on the other end of it tomorrow.
That's why we must restore dignity to this process, and

we must make sure that they don't win, because these
people that want power, they're already showing you exactly who
they are. They're telling you what they want to do.
And by the way, this is a Kamala surrogate. Stacy
Plaskett massive Freudian slip on msdn C just the other

day where she said something having.

Speaker 20 (58:38):
Trump not only have had the codes, but now having
the classified information for Americans and being able to put
that out and share it in his resort with anyone
and everyone who comes through should be terrifying to all Americans.
And he needs to be shot stopped.

Speaker 3 (58:56):
Sorry, what he needs to be shot? He says, stopped, stopped, stopped.
There are some good pieces of news, by the way,
coming out still yet today I want to get to
the latest on some of that Ohio sheriff asking residents

for something special and unique, which is kind of funny.
We'll get into the story that you'll definitely want to
hear and share with others. You'll get the whistleblower report
coming out from Josh Holly out of the Secret Service
and the Department of Homeland Security and more, plus big
election news.

Speaker 2 (59:34):
We get into all of it coming up.

Speaker 3 (59:37):
There can pause for a bottom the hour updates, news, weather,
and traffic together right here on nine to ten am.

Speaker 2 (59:48):
Jump in at any time.

Speaker 3 (59:52):
Five the number to get in, and of course the
state of the race is the question.

Speaker 2 (59:56):
And we got a wait. We don't even know what
polling is.

Speaker 3 (01:00:01):
Yet after this second and failed assassination attempt, but I'll
tell you that to polling is looking really good. James
Dixon's got a story right now in the New York
Post about this, and in fact, it is all about
how Michigan is. Essentially, it's all for it's all for
the marbles in Michigan right now. Winning Michigan can win

Trump the presidency is his story in the New York
Post today. James Dixon our good friend who joins us
on the program from time to time, and just just
spoke with us earlier why winning Michigan can win Trump
the presidency and the details. He goes into this pretty

pretty in depth. Well, we'll go through some of this,
but polling also coming out from Nate Silver.

Speaker 2 (01:00:52):
That's one of the folks he talks about.

Speaker 3 (01:00:54):
But he says if Donald Trump wins Michigan, he's in
ninety five percent chance of winning the twenty time twenty
four election.

Speaker 2 (01:01:01):
According to guru.

Speaker 3 (01:01:04):
Nate Silver explains that Trump campaign practically camping out here
in the Great Lakes State again here in Flint for
the town hall today. That that that's happening, that's underway
this evening. Jd vance on the west side of the
state for an event and they probably both come together

at some point. Sarah Huckabee Sanders, governor of Arkansas, will
be in town for that that as well. Now it's
also explained simultaneously why Kamala and Oprah are coming together
and doing a virtual event. They're going to do some
sort of I don't know so virtual town hall thing.

I don't know exactly what it is. We don't know
where it is, We don't have much information about it.

Speaker 2 (01:01:53):
They don't.

Speaker 3 (01:01:54):
They keep this pretty close to the chest because they
don't want they don't want people showing up that they
haven't probably paid to be there and completely vetted.

Speaker 2 (01:02:06):
Grand Rapids.

Speaker 3 (01:02:08):
He says it was where Grand Rapids where the former
president held his first rally after being shot in Butler, Pennsylvanian,
welcoming Ohio Senator J. D. Vance as his running mate.
It was Howell where Trump gave a message on law
and order alongside several Michigan sheriffs, and Tuesday it will
be Flint where Trump holds his first town hall. Since
Sunday's discovery of a second would be assassin, we have

become our own Bellweather of a traditional voter Michigan based
poster ed Sirruplas says so Polis, fifty two year old
veteran of public opinion, told the Post, we have labor,
we have the black vote, a little bit of everybody.
If you can't win Michigan, how are you gonna win
North Carolina. Silver's analysis was amplified by Congresswoman Melissa slocke In,

a Democrat running neck and neck with Republican former Congressman
Rogers for Michigan's open Senate seat. Slockin struck a worried
tone Saturday in an email type of Nate Silver's Michigan analysis,
Slot can put these lines in bold tex. Trump's chance
of winning if he wins Michigan ninety five point one percent,

the highest of any seriously competitive swing state. By the way,
this is why you know causes like and efforts like
ten x votes dot Com are so important and critical.
Really again, it's it's you can't it's you cannot deny this.

If if we have that big of a role here
to play in Michigan, we could not just save this state,
save the country, but we may even save the world,
because I believe the last thing holding us back from
plunging into complete technocratic darkness here in this world that
we are in today is that, albeit a bit more

dim than it used to be, bright shining city on
a hill America. She's still there, she's glowing, but that
light could fade in any moment. It's only sustained by
the grace of God and by your effort and mine.

That's why the ten X votes. Folks that if you
think about this, fine ten friends who don't vote and
we win. These are one point seven million, they say,
people who don't normally vote. They would vote conservative, they
would vote Trump. They would help save the nation and
thus the world right here in Michigan. One point seven
million of folks who you go to church with, maybe friends,

family members, hunting buddies. These are people that don't normally vote,
but if they did, could make tremendous impact. So you
can sign by the way ten x votes dot com
is where you can find out more about that. Back
to his article, though Slotkin knows it, she continued, there's

no holding the Senate without winning Michigan. There's no winning
the White House without winning Michigan. And the better Alyssa
Slockin does, the better Kamala does in Michigan.

Speaker 2 (01:05:37):
I think it's the other way around.

Speaker 3 (01:05:38):
I think whoever wins the top of the ticket is
going to carry this Senate race. For Harris, Michigan is
not quite as pivotal. A Wolverine skate victory would give
her a seventy seven percent chance of winning the entire race.
So Paula said that in Michigan, the Republicans start with
about fifty two percent of the white vote, how other

groups vote and what other numbers often decide who wins.
As long as the white vote only breaks fifty two percent,
Republicans and people of color turn out, that the Democrats
will win statewide, typically, he says, but polls show the
Michigan race well within the margin of error. Silver gives
Trump the slightest egine Michigan fifty to fifty. Sir Pola

says Michigan was pivotal in Trump's twenty sixteen win over
Hillary Quinton. He won the state by about ten thousand
votes that year. Trump grew his twenty twenty vote total
over twenty sixteen, but so did the Democrats President Biden.
He says, one Michigan by about one hundred and fifty
thousand votes. Now you know that one point seven million.

This is so pivotal. Democrats strategist James Carvill has said
Democrats need to be winning by three percentage points in
the popular vote to have an electoral college lead. Silver
fines Harris had by two percentage points forty eight point
six to forty six point four percent, so Polis took
it even further. Democrats cannot ever win the electoral college

unless they beat the Republicans by four points. He said,
this will be a turnout election. Of this why we
are seeing such an effort to do just that. Another
Michigan based polster, Bernie Port of Epic mr A, disputed
Silver's read on events, so he says, I would question
that North Carolina's dead even He says Georgia I think

Trump is up a point or two. We had Trump
up a point in Michigan last month. Arizona and Nevada
are for up. For Harris, I disagree with that too,
but that's what he's saying. He concludes, there's just a
large mix of potential outcomes. It raises the question about
why Michigan would be such a central focal point of
Nate Silver's analysis.

Speaker 2 (01:07:52):
Well, he's from here, so maybe that's the obvious reason.

Speaker 3 (01:07:58):
Everything you see in Michigan's are post says, there's a
reflection of what it's like and what it will take
to win. The Great Lake State is a microcosm of
the national race. Sir Polis noted, Michigan is majority white,
seventy three percent. Republicans win about fifty two percent of
the white vote. Democrats win heavy turnout in Michigan, and
we'll need it nationwide. So in order for a Democrat

to win, to offset the fifty two percent white vote,
which is a majority of the vote, he says, they
have to get close to a fifty three to fifty
four percent majority everywhere else.

Speaker 2 (01:08:29):
Sir Polus says, now I would just add this.

Speaker 3 (01:08:34):
And this is just me, okay, but I would just
add this on top of it all, all right, is
we are playing these games and you are hearing these
stories based on how they.

Speaker 2 (01:08:49):
Have seen the world work thus far.

Speaker 3 (01:08:51):
But I don't think we're in any sort of day
and time that is normal. I don't think there's anything
normal about what we are now. It could certainly be normal.
Everything could, I guess, essentially just hash out the way

it normally does. But has anything been normal about anything
that we've watched so far? To two assassination attempts well
essentially former president and front runner, one political hit job
on Biden himself, a coup in which his own party

dumped him and pulled up the less popular of the
two on the ticket to become the front runner, and
the media as much as they do with the heavy lifting,
I think people are already just so disconnected now. I
think what they have done is they've excited some of
their base in some ways. I think there are people
that in the Democrat Party that we're not excited about

voting for Biden. And I think the reason why this
is critical is because it does play under their down
ballot races. That's the thing they were most concerned about.
They figure they could probably get around another four years
of Trump if they could win some of the pick
up some of these down ballot races, including Congress, et cetera.
If they could win the House, well you got four
years of more investigation. Make Russia Russia right, They'll and

peach him other seven times. That's why it's important. Every
one of these races is in fact important. It's not
just me, by the way, it's not just Nate Silver,
it's CNN saying this, Harry Atten talking about that being
in the danger zone with Democrats right now, right.

Speaker 18 (01:10:35):
So you know it's not that surprising, mister Berman from
my undisclosed location, You'll never guess where I am. So
take a look here national polls in the last month,
including leads within the margin earrow. Look, Kamala Harris leads
in pretty much every single national poll. She's led in
nine of the poles that have been released over the
last month. Trump has just led in one national poll
over the last month, and we've had one tie. So

the fact that a national poll shows Kamala Harris ahead
not really much of a surprise because John pretty.

Speaker 3 (01:11:03):
Much all of them do.

Speaker 21 (01:11:05):
And the thing is, Harry, thanks to the Founding Fathers.
This isn't a national election exactly, is it. Oh, now
you're suddenly behind you.

Speaker 3 (01:11:13):
You keep on moving.

Speaker 21 (01:11:14):
There's Harry still in an undisclosed location, but at least
virtually behind me, making me very nervous. All right, Harry,
talk to us about what the states look like, the
battleground states.

Speaker 18 (01:11:25):
Yeah, so, look, this is about the electoral college. Right, So,
let's take a look at the average margin. Nationally, Harris
is ahead of the average poll by two point five points.
But what in those seven key battleground states Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada,
North Carolina, Pennsylvania. In Wisconsin, Harris is only ahead by
zero point three points. John, So, the bottom line is,
in those seven key battleground states, it's a significantly tighter

race than it is nationally.

Speaker 21 (01:11:49):
John So, al Gore and Hillary Clinton are calling right now, Harry,
asking what the chances are that Harris could win the
popular vote but losing the electoral college.

Speaker 18 (01:12:01):
Okay, So basically, you note that two point five point
lead nationally here, right, Okay, Harris's chance is if she
wins the popular vote by two to three points, the
chance she wins the electoral college is only fifty three percent.
The bottom line is, once you have to get all
the way north to about three to four points for
Harris to have a clear, clear, clear chance the majority,

the clear majority chance of winning the electoral college, if
she only wins by less than two Look at that,
only a twenty three percent chance of winning right now.
Harris is right now in that danger zone. We're basically
about half the time given that popular vote margin nationally she.

Speaker 3 (01:12:36):
Would win by the way, I think that's it, maybe
even less than like reality might be even less than that.
But this is the problem. She's not popular. They knew
this going into it. Biden wasn't popular either, but he
was more popular than her. They just didn't think he
could pull it out, and they really thought that the
enthusiasm would be taking quite a hit when it comes

to you know, what actually is is going to happen,
as I mentioned in those down ballot races.

Speaker 18 (01:13:05):
And so here's the situation. Chance Harris wins the popular
vote at this point is about seventy percent, but the
chance she wins the electoral college is only about fifty percent.
So the bottom line is, at this hour, John, there's
about a twenty percent chance that Kamala Harris wins the
popular vote but actually loses in the electoral college. So
we could be heading towards one of these splits that

we saw in twenty sixteen and in two thousand, whereby
one cand a Kamala Harris wins in the popular vote
but loses in the electoral college. Basically, at this hour,
we're right in that sort of weird middle zone where
we honestly don't know what's going to happen based upon
the popular vote. And that is why those national posts
that show Kamala Harris ahead at this point really don't

matter that much.

Speaker 3 (01:13:52):
He's right, and that that's the key. That's the takeaway.
And by the way, all you're going to hear and
it's an effort to push this so that they can change,
you know, the electric and way people vote and think.
But you're gonna be hearing them push a wall. She's
ahead in the popular bush, she's ahead, she's ahead, she's
a head. You're gonna hear that. But again, as he mentions,

it doesn't matter. And yes, Democrats are worried. By the way,
why do you think they try to take him out again?
I mean, I don't mean to be crass, but it's
if you're up, if you're confident you're gonna win, you
you don't have to try and take your your Canada out.

Speaker 2 (01:14:33):
I mean, it's just it's him. Think about that.

Speaker 3 (01:14:37):
Always say, well, what do you mean they tried to
take him out? Well, here we are, folks. Reality is
sometimes tough to face. But this is the boat we're in.
We're gonna row together and get there. All right, We're
gonna take a quick break out to get the latest

from the Midwestern or the Midwest news and I get
more goodness too. We'll get to it all the reality,
the truth behind what happened in Ohio and what's really happening,
because you know, you're hearing one thing on mainstream media,
but they're leaving something out that's pretty important. In the
Governor of Ohio sets.

Speaker 2 (01:15:17):
The record straight.

Speaker 3 (01:15:18):
Next the truth nine ten ams. You are racist, sexist, homophobic,
every is in the book.

Speaker 12 (01:15:31):
At you.

Speaker 3 (01:15:33):
If if if you share any of the stories about
what's happening and really happening in Springfield, Ohio. Look at
here's the truth. They've got a massive amount of people
dumped on them from Haiti. This is this is gonna
get undisputable. These are undisputable facts. I think fifteen to
twenty thousand people in the population that was fifty sixty thousand.

It's overwhelmed their system. Housing prices are through the roof.

Speaker 18 (01:16:05):
And you.

Speaker 2 (01:16:07):
This is a fact.

Speaker 3 (01:16:07):
You could go up on Zillo and just look at
what the cost, what the values of homes have done
on Zillo Zillo alone. It's public record. It's all out there,
what the homes are selling for and essentially what rent
is in these sums. Why why is the cost of
housing going through the roof? Well, because these twenty thousand

folks from Haiti are getting federal subsidies. So the federal subsidies,
the checks, etc. Are pushing the rent and the price.

Speaker 2 (01:16:41):

Speaker 3 (01:16:42):
It's the same as Kamala Harrison. I want to give
you know, first time home buyers or whatever. Shore, I'm
going to give them twenty five thousand dollars. Well, now
you really have not helped them buy a house. You've
made that house that they want to buy even more expensive.
So you really haven't done anything to help them at all.
But that's the game. When you have government intervention, in
interference it's probably the better word for it. That's the

game and that's the problem, and unfortunately that's that's where
we are.

Speaker 2 (01:17:12):
So again, these are.

Speaker 3 (01:17:14):
Real issues, real problems. There are car wrecks. There are
also other things that are happening. One of those is
they're rumors that pets are being taken and eaten, and
whether or not they are or not, we we don't know.
We just know what people are saying. Well, what's interesting
is it the media, mainstream ETCA is out there telling

you no, that's not happening, without really knowing. How can
they know. They can just interview somebody and say, well,
you know to that point, we interviewed the city manager
and the city manager set x. Okay, but these people
are going to town halls, et cetera. They are they're
the ones that are saying why so, so all you

can do is tell people what is being said. I
haven't seen it with my eyes, but other people are
reporting it. They're telling you it's racist, sexist, homophobic. But
whatever they want to say, they'd telling you it's wrong
to even mention it, to even talk about it, to
even say it. Steven asked the question, that's the problem

so far, they've gone to the extent now to say
that in the last week or so that the bomb threats,
there were bomb threats coming into Springfield, Ohio, the Governor
Mike DeWine saying, oh, yes, there were bomb threats coming
in at Springfield, Ohio. But they're not coming from who
you think or who the media is trying to portray
them coming from. In fact, they're coming from outside the house.

Speaker 19 (01:18:44):
Least thirty three separate bomb threats, each one of which
has been responded to, and each one of whom has
been found as a hoax. So thirty three threats, thirty

three hoax I want to make that very very clear.
None of these had any validity at all.

Speaker 2 (01:19:13):
But wait, there's more.

Speaker 19 (01:19:14):
We know that people are very very concerned, and we
have taken some actions and in a moment, I'll let
Andy Wilson go into more detail, but we've moved resources
into Springfield. So I want to say to the parents
in Springfield, these hoaxes have these these threats have all

been hoaxes. None of them have panned out. We have
people unfortunately overseas. Wait, men are taking these actions.

Speaker 3 (01:19:49):
Wait wait a minute, I thought these were all like
white supremacist Trump voters.

Speaker 2 (01:19:57):
Wait wait just a minute. Wait just a darn man
in here.

Speaker 3 (01:20:01):
You mean, these calls, these hoaxes, these bomb threats that
were coming in, they weren't coming in from Ohio. They
weren't even coming in from around the country. They were
coming in from overseas.

Speaker 19 (01:20:13):
Some of them are coming from one particular country. We
think that this is, you know, one more opportunity to
mess with the United States, and they're they're continuing to
do that.

Speaker 3 (01:20:25):
Wow. Now, don't hold your breath because MSD and C,
C and N the rest of them. Lester hope they're
not going to report that. And you have to ask yourself,
why how much do they hate you? And how much
do they hate this country? How much do they hate freedom?
How much do they hate the truth?

Speaker 2 (01:20:46):
Quite a bit?

Speaker 3 (01:20:49):
Now there it is, plane right in front of your eyes,
indisputable on the governor's lips. All right, back after this
Detroit's News Talk superstation nine ten am. We got more
cover some good news, and we're going to hit down
in Florida and what's happening, particularly with Governor Ronda Santis
in the investigation under a great conversation and I want

you to hear some of it.

Speaker 2 (01:21:15):
But the man named.

Speaker 3 (01:21:16):
Sheriff mack he Is. You're in the Constitutional Sheriff's Association
of Peace Peace Officers Association in America, and he's got
a fantastic viewpoint on how you take the country back.
It starts in your own backyard, in fact, and that's
why I found it so interesting, particularly what's happening now
in Florida right now with the the the way the

governor is now saying we're going to handle some of
this investigation here from the state side. Eric Prince, CEO
of former CEO of black Rock, black Water and Navy
Seal on Benny Johnson's show on Sunday, that we're talking
about this, and I just had a chance to ask

him about this yesterday. We had a great conversation that
you'll get to hear more of. Will release the podcast
this week and it's already up on locals as we speak.
Locals first justin Barclay dot com slash locals if you
want to hear it.

Speaker 2 (01:22:16):
On a number of fronts.

Speaker 3 (01:22:17):
Speaking of a private maybe a private security This is
former CEO of Blackwater, Eric Prince, and he made the
comment yesterday on Benny Johnson's show that Governor Ndasantis and
Florida should hang on to some control, more control of
this investigation because of what we've seen and the way

things played out in Pennsylvania. I thought it was a
fantastic point.

Speaker 8 (01:22:41):
You say that the Palm Beach Authority should not seed
all power.

Speaker 3 (01:22:46):
To the Feds here.

Speaker 8 (01:22:48):
Jay, Can you please expound on that, because I have
a feeling that that's going to be a large takeaway line.

Speaker 22 (01:22:53):
Here, and even the Governor of Florida should exert, should
exert co equal control on this. This happened in Florida's territory.
The state governor has a direct interest in making sure
this doesn't happen again in his state. Clearly, the federal
government is incapable of doing these investigations if they're too

political or too fraught.

Speaker 13 (01:23:17):
With with bias.

Speaker 22 (01:23:21):
So again, let the state government flex up back to
the local government and say enough, we want coequal information
on everything here. And I would not even turn that
guy over to the FEDS until he has been thoroughly investigated,
interrogated by the state and local authorities.

Speaker 3 (01:23:41):
It's interesting because Governor of Florida, Rob the Status has
made a I think a very good pointless He said,
you know, essentially why I don't know that if it's
a good idea to trust the same office organization that
is investigating Trump for other allegations to investigate this scenario.

So we're going to do this right alongside in tandem.
And by the way, what to hear what Sheriff Mack
had to say about that now, I thought was kind
of interesting and it's part of our podcast. I'll give
you a glimpse of that coming up about eight thirty
five down to the bottom of the hour. This morning
the Choice News Talk superstation nine ten am. Mike Rodgers

joined us. Now part of what we were just discussing
earlier today. Maybe we'll even talk about this as well,
but former Congressman Mike Rodgers running for Senate here in
Michigan the election. The stakes are high, but you've got
some good news. We'll talk about that coming up here
in a little bit as well. But this is really interesting.
The article came out today James Dixon had about Nate

Silver and the fact that hey, if Trump can win Michigan,
he can win it all, and how pivotal this state
really is, not just in that presidential race, but all
the way up and down the ticket, and that includes
taking the Senate back, Mike, welcome in.

Speaker 13 (01:25:01):
Hey, justin, Thank you very very much for having me.
And you know, listen to all the polling. The last
two had us tied with my opponent Alyssa sluckin. So this,
I mean, this race is going to come down to
the wire, and that helps President Trump. President Trump helps us.
We just all got to get out there and work
as hard as we possibly can to make sure this

thing happens.

Speaker 2 (01:25:24):
Mike Roger's with us right now. Let me ask you
about this.

Speaker 3 (01:25:29):
Then there's in another situation that we find ourselves in
very unfortunate. Here we are yet again, for the second
time now in just a little over two months, we've
had a failed assassination, thankfully failed assassinations. Tim on President Trump,
and I know you've been watching these things. The media
will tell you it's his fault, which I find abhorrent

that they are victim shaming in this scenario. But also
they will also keep up and many others on the
other side, we'll keep up with this that's not only divisive,
but it's downright dangerous. I'm calling him a threat, and
we just had Hillary Clinton out yesterday saying that he's dangerous.
I mean just hours after this, this whole thing was thwarted. Yeah,

what do you what do you make this is really
disturbing stuff.

Speaker 13 (01:26:19):
Yeah, well, what bothers me about it is there a
cerbic rhetoric on the left exactly that he's going to
steal democracy, he's gonna, you know, take us into a war.
He's going to fill in the black I mean, they
just go right down this list. He's dangerous, dangerous to democracy.

Speaker 3 (01:26:36):

Speaker 13 (01:26:36):
And then it says, well, it's his fault that he's
getting shot at. Both of those are problematic. Both of
those are problematic. And so the left needs to come
to a reckoning here. And what they're doing is whipping
up their the left wing of their party, which is
the majority of their party by the way, uh, and

getting them convinced that he is some kind some some
kind of terrible, terrible guy that's going to do terrible,
terrible things. And what we found in that you may
not like him, you may not like some of his language,
but his outcome was everything opposite of what they say.
We had peace in the world, we have stability, we
showed strength in the world. We didn't get in military

engagements like these folks have gotten us into they you know,
he was bringing back manufacturing, unlike what these folks have
done to us. In the last four years, we were
exporting more food than we were importing, unlike what we're
doing now. We're importing more food than we're exporting, first
time in the nation's history under Democrat leadership. And so

I think these are all fronts for what is absolutely
catastrophic failing policy. Uh And they're you know, they're getting
trill about it, and it's you know, it's driving people
to do outrageous things and dangerous things like try to
think that committing an act of political violence is a solution.

Speaker 2 (01:27:58):
You know.

Speaker 3 (01:27:58):
On the other side of this, you've got folks very
concerned about some of the latest stories in the border
is really hitting home right now. Midwesterner has a story
this morning, Michigan emitting peak numbers of refugees, increases expected
next year. You put it all together with the stories
you're hearing across the country right now, very concerning things

for people. I know your opponent is else she's in
favor of this open border. Her record is abhortant when
it comes to what's happening in here. And we don't
even to look across the country. We've had various incidents
here in Michigan, Ruby Garcia's death, the fentannel pouring over all,
the deaths from that, and the Chilean gangs in Oakland County,
you name it. These are major issues that are impacting

the people here on a daily basis. And your opponent's
record is quite drastically different from your stance on this.

Speaker 13 (01:28:53):
Oh completely. I believe we've got to secure and close
that border. She has supported open border, she voted against
the wall. She voted to allow immigrants to votes, illegal
immigrants to vote by the way, she voted you know,
for sanctuary cities, especially in Washington d C. I mean,
she's just exactly wrong where eighty five percent of Michiganders

are on this issue. And she likes to come out
and say no, she's with you, but if you look
at her record, it's dangerous. And you talked about it
a the crime that's coming, but be the sheer cost
it is now costing our local communities. The more of
these folks that they bring in and we're not prepared for.
It costs us all money. And you know, when you're

living paycheck to paycheck and you're trying to figure out
how you buy food at the end of the month.
Understanding that we're diverting money from our schools, our communities,
our social services to handle this influx of people is
maddening and it should be maddening. And our opponent, who
she's not very connected to Michigan in so many ways,

everything from our automotive industry votes against them, to the
porter votes against us, to cost the groceries in gasoline,
she votes against us. And you know, those things should
matter to people. And that's a record. That's not me
just saying it. She has a record the last six years,
even to the point where she says those people back

in Washington everyone's to blame. She's in Washington, she's been
there for six years. And so you start thinking through
this what she's doing and then what she's saying two
different things. And she bears the responsibility of all the
increased crime, the increased fetanol, increased grocery prices. She doesn't
want you to believe that. And she's throwing up a

whole bunch of nonsense on TV. And we just found
out yesterday she's the second largest out of state donor
of recipient dollars, meaning California and New York, and you
know Colorado pouring money into our state trying to buy
her a Senden seat. We just ought not a let
her do it, and we ought to let her get

away with telling us she's for us and then voting
against us in Washington.

Speaker 3 (01:31:06):
Fantastic point, Mike Rogers, with us right now running for Senate.
Here from her congressman in Michigan, I got some good news.
I want to get to you a new endorsement coming
up here in just a second. But I want to
go back, if I can quickly, to the unfortunate event
the other day, the second failed assassination attempt. And I
know when people are looking at the security issues, one
of the things that we heard was this glaring policy

issue as as well. It's just not policy policy. We
don't give the same amount of protection. This is after
a first failed assassination attempt. Now we have a second.

Speaker 2 (01:31:37):

Speaker 3 (01:31:38):
I know it's a law former law enforcement, you have
to be reeling watching some of this, But just as American,
I watched this, and I think to myself the process
of what we're going through and the real tough work
that has to happen to get the country back on track.
And I'll just throw I'll just throw this in there.
We've got to have these people that are going to
be running and in leadership, they've got to be We've

got to make sure that they are secure and that
there isn't a threat. On top of this, I think
to myself, if they can't even keep former president of
the United States and really the front runner in this race,
it looks like he's going to be president again. If
they can't keep him safe, what does that say to
the rest of the world about any and every other American?

How can our government, how can any of the folks
in the places, how can they make the claim that
they can keep us safe. It's absolutely disgusting what's happened.
And it's a shame. We look like a laughingstock in
the pace of the rest of the world.

Speaker 13 (01:32:40):
Oh absolutely, I mean, how did this guy get within
the bushes in the first place? So there's a security
laugh I mean, just incompetence, after in confidence, after inconfidence,
And I really do Somebody asked you this yesterday, justin
and said what do you think of that? And I said, honest,
it looks like just gross and confidence. I mean, I
had somebody there apparently didn't had failed a couple of

her accreditation tests. She was the site manager of the
of the Pennsylvania event. I would look at the site
manager at in mar Lago. That would allow someone with
a long gun, right, So that's not something you stick
in your pants to walk up to the bushes. Something's
going on, and if it's you know, more people, I

just I won't buy that until I see a fundamental
reform and exactly how they're training these people and how
they're holding them accountable. And if you don't hold them accountable,
guess what it's going to happen over and over and
over again. And so I don't think they fired anybody.
People need to lose their jobs over this. If that's
your job and you fundamentally fail and it results in

the life and the death kind of situation, I'm sorry.
You shouldn't be there anymore. And so I think we've
just got to get back to what we know works
in law enforcement. And you're right, we know that isis
k very dangerous form of isis the very violent form
they're al Kaeda associates. We have them in the country.
We know that the FBI believes it's as many as

eight to twelve. That's just the ones we know about,
and that happened because of an open border. And you know,
here we have their Justice Department diverting resources to some
utter nonsense, and we have got, you know, analysts inside
writing the memo about how Catholics might be a big
problem for the United States. I mean, it is so maddening,

and that to me is so incompetent that people need
to lose their jobs. You've got to reset the culture.
When I was in the bureau, I mean, none of
this was happening. It was you're going to get bad guys,
and you do it the right way. You don't make
up evidence, you don't do any of those things. FIDELI bravely,
bravery and integrity. I don't know what's going on, but
we got to get back to that. And part of

it's the sheer politicization of the Department of Justice. Those
lawyers that are now ten deep in the Department of
Justice that have these political access to grind, I'm sorry,
they all have got to go. You cannot allow this
to continue to happen. Same on the Secret Service side, Listen,
I think they got to pull them back out of

Homeland security. They put them in homeland security, probably not
the right place for them. They need to refocus on
their mission. They're hiring, how they're training. I mean, it
was clear to me that certain agents did not have
the appropriate level of training. Even at the Trump event,
you could see that, you know, some performed exceptionally well,
put their lives on the line. Others you're like, oh
my lord, what are you doing there? And we got

to fix all that.

Speaker 3 (01:35:37):
Well, thankfully, in both events, disaster was averted. And I
will say that there's you know, there's some good news
through it. But these things shouldn't even become a possibility.
I think that's what most folks are concerned with. Now
you've you've got good news today earning another big endorsement.
Agripak tell us a little bit about it and why

folks are excited.

Speaker 13 (01:36:00):
Well, you know, this is the second largest industry in
the state, and I've traveled all over the state, talked
to you literally dozens and dozens of farmers who are struggling,
who are trying to make it. And this was the
first time in the last four years that we've imported
more food than we exported and farmers are getting hammered

the regulatory environment, the fact that the Bide administration is
just not enforcing trade regulations when people of China and
Turkey are trying to dump products, agricultural products on our market.
And I don't know about you, justin I would rather
trust our own food produced here than food we have
to import to feed our families. And it's just we

can't be a great country if we can't do it.
So everybody's under siege. And these farmers are saying, I
want my kids to be able to farm, and I
want my grandkids to be able to farm, and what
the Democrats are proposing will stop that from happening. And
this is a wake up call. And so this I
am honored to have their endorsement. I will fight for
Michigan farmers and American farmers every single day to make

sure that they have the ability to grow fresh food,
get it to the market, and get us fed in
a way that takes care of our economic security and
our national security as well. So I was really honored
to get our farmers are working hard, they need a
little help, and come in November, I'll have their back.

Speaker 2 (01:37:22):
You got it.

Speaker 3 (01:37:23):
Mike Rogers, I know you got a busy day all throughout.
President Trump here later on for the town hall, and
of course I know that Senator Vance is also making
an appearance in the state today. So we are things
that are heating up and they continue to get even
more interesting as we get closer. Now I think forty
nine days to election day. If I got to count Ryan,
it could be wrong, but that boy, the time is

ticking and it's going to be here before we know it.
Appreciate you taking the time. As always, folks can follow
up and get more info online at the website Rogers
for Senate dot Com is how you do it.

Speaker 2 (01:37:56):
Thank you, sir, always the president.

Speaker 13 (01:37:59):
Hey, justin. This is the time to get involved, folks.
We've touched over two million voters either by phone or
by doors half and half around the state. We've never
done that before, and we've done it with people power.
So get involved, get on Rogers forsenate dot com and engage.
This is the time. If you've ever worried about your
country like I am, like you are, this is the

time to get involved. You know, put out a yard sign,
hand out a leaflet on a door, knock on the door,
call somebody and tell them, hey, it's your time to
vote as well. We'll make a tremendous difference.

Speaker 3 (01:38:31):
Mike Rogers when we're Congress with here in a mission
plotting for Senate. Back with more after this, and of course, John,
the critical nature of this election, I don't think it
can be overstated.

Speaker 2 (01:38:43):
So important.

Speaker 3 (01:38:43):
We continue talking about that yet more after the latest headline,
So the Migussner around the state beyond it's steins in
am de trone news Talk Superstition fantastic coming up tomorrow,
looks Jade answer was short in the program. A chance

to talk to him while he's in town. It sounds like,
let me give a shout out to Linda. Linda is
somebody who listens daily, she says. In fact, she says,
I just got your email. I listened to you every
day in the morning. Thank you for all you do.
I appreciate the information. Linda, I said, where are you listening?

Because we know we're got a couple of different places
people can find us online all over and she just
happened to tell I'm in Dearborn. I listened on nine
ten am, and we are so grateful for that. Linda
thank you, uh for everyone who has helped support and
make the station in the first year of it's really

it's just in its infancy in this version now you
know this. The signal itself for the radio station itself
has been around for decades and decades and decades, but this,
this incarnation of it has really picked up speed. And
we just appreciate all the support and the love and see,
this is how we make things work here. Linda or you,

if you're listening right now, no matter who you are,
make sure you tell somebody about this radio station today,
because this is how we get the word out we need.
This is what we need now more than ever, people
being able to tune in, have a place to go
to be able to have well get the truth, access
to it, in fact, because you're just not getting it

when you watch mainstream media, when you reading a newspaper,
when you're get into some of these other places, you're
just not getting it and that is a problem. We'll
try and give you another heavy dose of it. Full
supply coming up in moments. Sheriff Richard Mack He is
the Constitutional Sheriffs Association of America and in fact, he
really believes that most of the power according to the Constitution,

on a stay close at home is possible, and I
think that just common sense to me. Anyway, we had
a great conversation yesterday and talked a little bit about
that this can failed assassination attempt. And of course now
that the governor rondas Antis has said he's going to
take over some of this this investigation and why that
makes so much sense, you'll get his thoughts on it,

and of course the full conversation with him coming out
on the podcast.

Speaker 2 (01:41:15):
It's at locals right now up.

Speaker 3 (01:41:17):
On our website justin Barclay dot comp slash locals inside
the Free Family VIP. So there you have it, more
questions trying to get answers, and Tulsi Gabber joins Glenn Beck,
Todamic Glen back program to New So I'm gonna rine
this traffic, news and weather together back after this on
my tip. Ron DeSantis coming out and I think making

very prudent points here about the investigation of why they
might have this is after Eric Prince clalled for that
that investigation to be done side by side there alongside
the FBI.

Speaker 16 (01:42:00):
I have not talked to him yet. I did announce yesterday,
we're going to be doing a state level investigation. I
understand that the Feds are involved, but we do believe
that there were multiple violations of state law. We also
believe that there's a need to make sure that that
the truth about all this comes out in a way
you know that that's credible. I mean, I look at

the federal government, with all due respect to them, you know,
those same agencies that are prosecuting Trump and that jurisdiction
are now going to be investigating this. I just think
that that may not be the best thing for for
this country. Nevertheless, they have their progative, but we have
our progative, and so we'll be making an announcement further
along those lines in the in the ensuing days.

Speaker 2 (01:42:42):
There is I think that's a great point.

Speaker 3 (01:42:44):
In fact, we talked about this with Sheriff Richard Mack,
who is the founder of the Constitutional Sheriffs of America.
And by the way, he he has a a I
think you'll hear a full interview we do the podcast,
it'll be out this weekend, but he has a really

interesting view of the Constitution and how the power really
needs to stay closer to home. In fact, do you
think about it. I think it's pretty common sense. But
he weighed on this particularly yesterday in our conversation. I
gotta ask you because that to me sounded so totally
in fact.

Speaker 6 (01:43:22):
What it would be called a parallel investigation. You're not
saying the FBI can't, but you're saying, we will be
conducting ours and if we cross each other's path, fine,
But uh, this actually happening. Happened during the assassination of Jfkow.
Texas was in charge, and they were supposed to they

were supposed to do the autopsy on the president, and
then they just literally they stole the body of the
president and took him to Bethesda, and you know, when
he got to Bethesda, there was no brain. The President's
brain was.

Speaker 3 (01:44:02):
Gone issye and then something How did.

Speaker 6 (01:44:05):
They destroy that evidence because you know, you could have proved,
they could have proved with ballistics that that bullet showing
the projectory of the bullet fragments going through the President's brain,
they could approve that, yes, a shot came from the
grassy knoll, So they couldn't have that brain there. So
somebody high up got rid of the President's brain. And folks,

I'm not making any of that up. And I've actually
done a lot of research on this. I've even been
to Daley Plaza a couple of times, and that is
one of the spookiest places on the face of the
planet because all of it. In fact, I just read
an article recently that said Daley Plaza looks like it
did in nineteen sixty three.

Speaker 3 (01:44:51):
Yeah, yeah, isn't that something. Even in the recent situation
with this guy in Pennsylvania, they they took his body
and cremated him and did it very quickly. And I
think to myself, you know, look, uh, we're just we're

just using our brains here, we're asking questions, you know,
how to do that anymore?

Speaker 6 (01:45:16):
But why would we even who called there's.

Speaker 3 (01:45:25):
Even an appearance of any sort of impropriety or any
issue at all. And this goes into elections, It goes
into everything that we've ever looked at and said, why
why are we even allowing there to be any room
for this?

Speaker 2 (01:45:38):

Speaker 3 (01:45:38):
And again we've seen the second assassination tempt in as
many months. And to me, I don't know, but you know,
I look at these things and I say, to me,
I think it takes more faith to believe that's a
coincidence than it does to say something's not right here.

Speaker 6 (01:45:56):
Well, the most logical question is how, after just two
months ago the president got shot and now two months later,
how somebody gets that close to the president again? How
and and that there's just it's absolutely inexcusable for that

to happen. And he's even saying, well, I hate the
President so much, I just had to do it. And
so you know, the rhetoric from the left is now
at least be it looked at. But it's I mean, uh,
CNN and MSNBC and all these other ridiculous calm channels,

and you know, the Democrat media, they're never going to
take any responsibility for anything. So let's just move on.
But Governors DeSantis and the sheriff of Palm Beach floor
they should both be demanding to conduct their own investigations.

And the other joke of the Butler Pennsylvania federal investigation.
One week later, they're spraying down with a garden hose.
They're cleaning and washing the top of that roof. All
of that was washed off, and then, as you mentioned,

and the suspect was cremated. What are they thinking, And
not only that, passers by and onlookers and curious people
were allowed to trample through the crime scene. Even citizens
could get up on that roof and you would think

that they would be trying to preserve the crime scene
for weeks, but no. It was like my joke to
the FBI was this, why did you guys just charge admission?
You could have made millions?

Speaker 3 (01:48:01):
Yeah, you know, well you know, and this is unfortunately
the situation we find ourselves in, and an FBI in
a very bad place. Don't they got more interest in
targeting parents or going to school board meetings and really
finding out the truth about these Well, let's talk about
what you guys are up to. The Constitutional Sheriffs and
Peace Officers Association, tell us a little bit about how

you got started and what it all really is about.

Speaker 6 (01:48:28):
Well, we got started from this little booklet. Okay, did
everybody read the title. You need to read the title
because you need to purchase these and look this is okay.
You can get one for two dollars. Okay, if it's
in your pocket. Here you can get three for five dollars.

And it goes on from there, folks. This is the
most powerful Supreme Court decision in the history of our
country relating to the overreach of the federal government. When
I was sheriff, I became the first sheriff in American
history to sue the federal government, take it all the
way to the Supreme Court and win. Now, I'll be
eternally grateful for the other six sheriffs that joined me

in this lawsuit. It was really key to getting this
case to the Supreme Court, at which I never thought
would happened. But Justice Scalia wrote the decision, and he
takes us. He even introduces the case that in his
introduction he said, this is going to be done. This

case and the answer to the cleos. He calls the
sheriffs that did this case. He calls the chief law
enforcement officers the cleos. And indeed that is true. Your
sheriff is the CLEO, the chief law enforcement officer of
your county, and in this country, he is the only
elected law enforcement officer anywhere in the country. He reports

only to you, to the people. And he says this
the challenge, or the answer to the khios challenge must
be sought in historical understanding and practice. It's all about history.
He takes us through a history lesson and he quotes
the Founding Fathers, he quotes the Federalist papers, and he

quotes the Foundational documents as he proceeds through this amazing,
miraculous decision. This came out in nineteen ninety seven. I
formed quite some time later, but I was already doing it.
I was as soon as this came out, and I
was retired from the Sheriff's office. I didn't want to
be retired, but this case actually cost me. Believe this

is kind of strange, but my strength became my weakness
politically because people got tired of this in my county.
It became quite controversial and I lost my third election.
And then nine months later I woned the Supreme Court.
And then ever since then, I went on the lecture circuit.

No matter what other jobs I might have had, I
was always on the lecture circuit. I was always writing books.
I wrote The County Sheriff of America's Last Hope in
two thousand and nine, and then in twenty eleven I
started the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association. But like
I said, I was always promoting constitutional sheriffs even while

I was sheriff. And I left the sheriff's office in
January first, nineteen ninety seven, wrote books and traveled the
country ever since, I've been to all fifty states. I
testified before about a dozen different state legislatures, including New York,
which was a fantastic experience. But this is what started this,

my lawsuit, my victory on the Tenth Amendment, to protect
the office of sheriff and the rights of the people
and to put the federal government back in its proper lane.
That is what we're about, is making sure that the
federal government stays within it's prescribed and detailed authority and

powers as prescribed by the US Constitution and Bill of Rights.
And so now we have found that the federal government
is completely out of control. There's no one checking it.
The checks and balances are being ignored, and the federal government.
Get this, the federal government only has five delegated law

enforcement authorities. Five And if you want to if they
want to expand or steal or usurp others, we the states,
and we the counties, and we the people must refer
them to the Tenth Amendment, which it says the powers
not delegated to the federal government belong and remain with

the people or the states, and we have failed at that.
And the five that the federal government has lawfully are treason,
felonies committed on the high seas, or piracies counterfeiting. Now
get this when you're gonna like this one, Article four,
Section four requires the federal government to protect our borders

from invasion. Yes, that is a law enforcement assignment. And
then violations of treaties, Well, it is completely lawless. It
is completely out of control and is completely unconstitutional. And
we've got to take that back. And that's what we're
doing at the CSPOA, and every one of you could
become a member.

Speaker 3 (01:53:34):
By the way, people are asking about that pamphlet. What
is the pamphlet? Where can I get the pamphlet? It's
a Supreme Court case for state sovereignty, Mac and Prince
versus USA, the monumental Supreme Court case that restored the
Tenth Amendment abridged with forward in summary by Sheriff Mac.
You can get it on their website CSPOA dot org.

That's CSPOA dot org. Sheriff Richard Mac is, of course
constitutional sheriff. He goes around talking about this throughout the country.
And again I just thought it was interesting because the
timing of our conversation. He and I have been trying
to link up to how the podcast record the conversation
podcast for a while now, and and we had several
issues that just popped up on my side on his side,

and then finally yesterday that they came and we were
able to pull it off. But it actually came at
a really unique time, the time when there were calls
and Governor Ron DeSantis decided to heed that call as
well to set up the investigation inside the state of
Florida into the second failed assassination attempt, and they're still holding.

I don't think the State of Florida is given that
suspect up yet. I think he has been charged in
federal Cove's were reigned yesterday, but they still hold him
and State of Florida and are going to have their
own investigation, which is important because we need to have
answers exactly no matter what exactly is going on. How
did he get to where he was well was he

supplied making three thousand dollars a month barely able to afford?
And how is he looped in with Ukraine? How is
he traveling all over the country. All of this and
of course his his history the past of being arrested
for a weapon, I'm having a weapon am mass destruction
back in two thousand and two, a fellon with a firearm,

and all these other things that are very questionable at best.
We need to dig in and get those answers. So
we'll do just that this weekend. You'll be able to
hear that. It will drop everywhere in a podcast at
justin Barklay dot com. If you haven't subscribed, to make
sure you do that. Maybe you can make sure you
keep up to speed with everything we talk about on

the show a full three hours here six to nine
daily and you can do that at justin Barklay dot
com and get to get into this letter as well.
We stay up to date with each other. It's it's
free and plea give you updates when they all right
back in moments checking our quick break in the look

around the State and beyond with the Midwestern the midwesternor
dot News.

Speaker 2 (01:56:08):
The liveback program is coming up next.

Speaker 9 (01:56:11):
I'm not going well.

Speaker 3 (01:56:15):
The folks and my pure health solutions for powering this
program today and every day, making it happen and gonna
see energy to proceed in the fight as as you know,
we gotta we we gotta fight. Ahead of us, the
most important election of our lifetime, if not the entire
country's history is happening.

Speaker 2 (01:56:35):
It's unfolding as.

Speaker 3 (01:56:36):
We speak daily basis. And uh, well, that and the
fact that I'm a father of too and the ages
are about almost for and almost two. And I gotta
tell you my energy. I could not survive without being
able to have the energy that I've had. Well, I'm

down forty forty days to see is out thirty nine
point four to be exact, and they helped me do it.
With my Pure Health Solution, we told your story after story.
They've got great ways for you to take your life back.
And of course, if you go to Health Withjustin dot Com,
you'll get the full scoop. You'll be able to watch
a conversation that I've had with Bessie and the folks
in my Pure Health You'll be able to see my

before and after photos and more at my Pure Health Solutions.
Hell's with Justin dot Com. It's Health with Justin dot Com.
Go look them up and they'll give you the scoop
on what to do. Very simple, free thirty minute phone call.
They'll go to walk you through it. For folks who
listen to this program, take care of you and tell
them that I sent you all right before before we

rap thanks. The playback program is coming up nine to
New Toulsi Gabbard. She'll be on the program a little
bit later on today, so you have a chance to
hear her.

Speaker 2 (01:57:52):

Speaker 3 (01:57:53):
We're going to have chances of our conversation with jd Vance,
he said this date. We'll try and catch up with
him the day. We happen to have that for you
tomorrow as well. And what else did I want to
make sure that you heard before we got out?

Speaker 2 (01:58:12):
Is there some good news? I thought? What else is
out there?

Speaker 19 (01:58:18):

Speaker 3 (01:58:19):
This is I don't know if it's good news, but
it is interesting news. That's that is for sure. This
is do we just talking to Sheriff Richard Mcan. I
don't know how constitution this is, but the sheriff in
Ohio asking for residents information, Well, he wants to know
the addresses with folks with Kamala Harris signs.

Speaker 2 (01:58:37):
Now, the way that Drudge has written this.

Speaker 3 (01:58:39):
Updge Drudge is trying to make this seem like the
guy's coming after him for some reason. No, no, that's not.
In fact, it's it's even it's even more hilarious. It's
actually funny, and I'll sheriff. He's asking residents for addresses
with Kamala Harris signs to send illegal immigrants to their home.

In other words, he said, if you want to vote
for this, why don't you take them in your at
your house. Why don't you go ahead and take them
in Well, you could say the couple over to your
home if you'd like. This is this is happening? A
sheriff in Ohio in a post on his personal campaign page,
Portage County Sheriff Bruce Zakowski appeared to encourage residents to

write down the addresses of supporters of Harris, the Democratic
presidential candidate. When people ask me, what's gonna happen if
the flip flopping laughing hyena wins, he said, I say,
write down all the addresses of people who had her
signs in their yards. So when the illegal human locust
he says, which he supports, needs to needs places to live,

will already have the addresses.

Speaker 2 (01:59:48):
Of the new families who supported their arrival.

Speaker 3 (01:59:52):
He's been sheriff in Portage County since twenty twenty one.
Has served in Ohio law enforcement for nearly three decades,
according to his biol its website. Fox News reached out
to him for comment, but I don't think they get one.

Speaker 13 (02:00:09):

Speaker 3 (02:00:10):
One Springfield resident there in Ohio says it's like living
in a dystopia nightmare right now. Diana Daniel's telling Fox
and Friends in a previous interview, you wake up and
it's twenty nineteen again, you realize it's twenty twenty Four's
the same thing all over the day after day. It's
hard sometimes to get up in the morning and hear
residents that I've known for years.

Speaker 2 (02:00:29):
Struggle paycheck to paycheck. She said.

Speaker 3 (02:00:33):
By the way, I've got some I've got some good audio.
We'd probably share this with save it and share with
you tomorrow. I think you're gonna like it. Plus we'll
have Jade Vance and more from Ohio in that story,
and the Glenn Back program again, Tulca Gabbert coming up
on the show today. So you have a full day

and fully ready to go for you on tap.

Speaker 2 (02:01:01):
And know lots to cover.

Speaker 3 (02:01:03):
We never have all the time that we'd like to
even with three four hours, I'll just say thank you
for being here with us again today. Folks, you make
this program possible, make it a great day, and God
bless just a small town
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