All Episodes

April 18, 2020 162 mins

Brian Noe, in for Jonas Knox, explains why ESPN is headed for trouble with "The Last Dance." Brian dives into the NFL draft and explains why he is not buying the latest batch of concerns with Tua Tagovailoa. Additionally, Brian describes why he still isn't sold on Joe Burrow. Brian dissects the recent Odell Beckham Jr. trade rumors and explains what Baker Mayfield has to do with it. Plus, the most boring QB power rankings, and a mock draft entirely based around the coming onslaught of expletives in ESPN's "The Last Dance."

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:04):
Oh, what's going on? Everybody good evening slash morning, depending
on where you're listening in the country. Appreciate you checking
out the show. We're gonna have some fun tonight. I'm
in for Knox. Knox says other commitments. He's over there
hanging out with Rob Parker, so we need someone to
fill in for Knox. Now, I've got random thoughts here.
I think sparkling water sucks. I'll get more in depth

on that as the show progresses. I had a t
bone steak tonight. It was delicious. It's actually succulent, but
t bone steaks they're very high maintenance, very high maintenance.
So I'll get to all the random stuff here, but
let's start with some sports here. I am completely fired
up for the last dance. Finally we get some live content,

some fresh content. It should not live, but it's fresh
where it's the docuseries Chronicling the Bulls. Now, we're starved
for something new, and this is new, so the anticipation
is through the roof. Now here's the only thing that

I think ESPN is making a major mistake. So in
this uh, I'm so starved for new things. I was
watching the horse tournament I'm sorry, I I have skeletons
in my closet. Okay, I was watching the Horse Tournament
and there is something that commentator Mark Jones said during

the horse Tournament. He's reading a promo for The Last Dance,
which debuts on Sunday. Listen carefully to what he says here.
The series premiere is Sunday at nine eastern sixth Pacific
for the uncensored version on ESPN and the edited for
mature language version on ESPN two. Okay, so the unedited

version will be on ESPN the main channel. Now you
might ask, okay, so unedited, what is that in hail? Well,
it entails this. Viewers will hear every F bomb, every
MF bomb, every S word on the mothership. Really, there's

no way this is gonna fly. Now, make no mistake.
I'll be watching the uncensored version because I would like
to see the raw version of it. And like I
always say this, if you watch pulp fiction on network
TV or something like that and it's completely altered. Instead

of Jewels saying one charming mf ng pig, it's changed too.
We'd have to be talking about one charming might a
friendly pig. It's just garbage. It stinks. I hate it, right,
And if it's pulp fiction, if something like that, you're
taking scenes that you're not even understanding what the actual
plot is. There are holes that are missing. It's just

it's a completely different product at that point when it
comes to this docuseries. If a cuss word is beeped out,
it's not like what did he say? What? Where do
you go with there? I have no idea, I have
no frame of reference. I just I'm gonna watch the
unedited But I can understand they're gonna be a lot

of parents who tune in and say, hey, little Billy,
maybe you're eleven year old son, Now this guy Michael Jordan.
You want to watch carefully because he's the greatest of
all time, and all of a sudden, Jordan's just drop
a f bombs. There's gonna be such a shock factor
where people are gonna freak. I'll make you a prediction.
There is no way that all ten episodes air on ESPN.

In terms of the unedited version. People are gonna freak.
This is a Disney owned company, right, Like to wrap
your mind around this. For anybody who's like Brian, what's
the big deal. I mean, I want to hear the
F bombs? Do you think then it would be okay
if they opened up, say the six o'clock version of

Sports Center. I actually don't even know the timing of it.
Let's just say there's a six o'clock version of Sports
Center on on a Sunday normally, and they open it
up like, welcome to the mf ing version of sports
That are welcome to the latest effing edition over here,
I'm Linda Code. People would be like, what are they doing?
This is radical? So I think there's gonna be that

shock factor. I have a little bit of audio to play.
This was on Good Morning America, so they're giving you
a taste of the Last Dance, which premiers on Sunday.
And there's an F bomb at the end of this
thing from m J. Now here's the storyline. It's a
great story, So pay attention to the story. Also pay
attention to the F bomb and picture it not being beeped,

and picture how many people are gonna have made your
problem with that. So this goes back to Jordan's second year.
He had an injury. He wanted to come back and play,
and management was like, let's not risk it. So here
was the conversation. It's between the team owner of the Bulls,
Jerry Rhinsdorf and Jordans. Those are the two voices you'll

hear in this piece. Check this out. Michael asked, well,
if I play, what percentages that I'm going to get
hurt again? The doctor said, and I just lost it
and said, look, it's timpercent chance, but it's nine chance
that I won't. And then I've chimed in the doctors
what happens with the ten percent kicks in? And they said,

well that his career would be over. Well, everybody's just
thinking about the negative. Well, I think the glasses half full.
Everybody thinking is half empty. So I said to Michael,
you don't You're not understanding the risk reward ratio. If
you had a terrible headache and I gave you a
bottle of pills and nine of the pills would cure
you and one of the pills would kill you, would

you take a pill? I look at him and said,
depends on bad Headachuche all right, it's a great story.
I think this series gonna be amazing, But I cannot
wrap my mind around that ESPN is gonna have m
F bombs, F bombs during this. Really, I think people
are gonna lose their freaking minds, Like, don't forget this.

This is Jordan's from the Gateorade commercials where it's like
I wanna be, wanna be like Mike. He was such
a I don't know how to say, like a lovable figure.
His his image, his brand publicly was just this is
the all American guy. This guy. It was like whole

Cogan when he used to say in the ring, now
eat your vitamins. That was Jordan's image. It wasn't what
was happening, but that was the image. There have been
many Chicago writers that have said throughout the years, yeah,
we had dirt on the bulls, we had dirt on Jordan's.
No one wanted to hear it, no one wanted to
read did it, So we just didn't report it. But

the image that many people were used to with Jordan's
and now you're gonna get this docuseries and they're gonna
be f bombs. I just I can't imagine all ten
episodes are gonna air unedited on ESPN. I think they
flip flop it if you put it on the OHO
or something like, Hey, you gotta do some navigating here.
We've got it on ESPN News. You can get the
m F bombs uncensored. Go there, Like, I can't imagine

it's gonna stay on the main channel. It's I'm Brian
noo I for Jonas here on Fox Sports Radio, coming
to you live from the Fox Sports Radio studios. Brought
to you by Geico. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen
percent or more on car insurance. Visit Geico dot com
for a free rate quote. Okay, let me shift to

von Miller here for a couple of minutes. So, von
Miller tested positive for the coronavirus. He's the second known
active NFL player to test positive for it. He's resting
at home. Now here's the thing. I want to give
von Miller some props. And this isn't some sort of
passive aggressive shot at other athletes that have tested positive.

I think that it's awesome that von Miller is coming
out and saying, hey, I just want to let people
know I have this and build some awareness that pretty
much anybody can catch this freaking thing. That's not a
shot at anybody else who test positive and doesn't come
public with it. I think that turns out to be
the case a lot of times in sports, where let's

take Tom Brady for instance, if Tom Brady says something
nice about Tampa Bay, his new team, it's taken as
an automatic shot at his old team, the Patriots. If
Brady is like, oh, man, you know Bruce arians such
a player's coach, it's like whoa he called out Belichick.
Not every compliment is an automatic, passive, aggressive shot, you know.

And so that thought applies to von Miller. I think
it's awesome that he's coming out and saying, hey, man,
I just want to build some awareness and let you
know I have this thing. I think that's great. I
would not take a shot at the three anonymous Brooklyn
Nets players who tested positive who didn't come out and
say they tested positive for it. The only one we
knew about was k d It was reported that Kevin

Durant tested positive. We know nothing about the other three
other situations in the NBA, the Nuggets, there are a
couple in that organization tested positive. So I want to
take a shot if you want to take that, if
you want to keep that under wraps, but I think
it's great if you use your platform to try to
build some awareness, The Broncos released the statement. It read

after experiencing flu like symptoms, Denver Broncos linebacker Von Miller
has tested positive for COVID nineteen. Von has elected to
share his diagnosis publicly to emphasize that anyone can be
afflicted with coronavirus. Again. I think that's great. Now here's
Von Miller in his own words, um talking of out

having the virus. Check this out. We've been taking this
serious since day want I started them in San Francisco.
Training were normally trained, and San Francisco was one of
the first cities to have a stay at home order.
Right when San Francisco had to stay at home order,
we made the decision to come back to Denver. I've
been hearing Denver for about four weeks now, and within

that four weeks, I've probably left the house four times.
All of those With all of those four times, I
never got out the car. It's just just to drop
to pick up food and to come back home. Of course,
you know, I have have people come in you know,
internet like workers, uh, you know, people to come to
the plumbings just everyday stuff. But it was it was
really nothing crazy yeah, and he caught it. That's crazy.

That was Vaughan on the Today Show. Real quick thought here,
and there's gonna be a lot more optimism on the show.
But this is a little bit of a dose of reality,
and reality right now in some ways is a bummer.
You hear about all this talk with leagues trying to
get back the NBA MLB. They want to get back

to playing games, and I hope that happens. But you
hear this a lot about well, they could test these
players each week, and you hear a lot about testing.
If there's a test and we can make sure, then
we can open the doors again. A test is just
a test. It's not a cure, it's not even treatment.
It's just a test. So if you look at von Miller,

if you look at Brian Allen, who's a better example,
because Jay Glazer talked about his symptoms and losing his
sense of smell and his sense of taste, and like,
this is a serious thing. So I want to see
the NBA get back to playing games. I want to
see MLB, but you've gotta be responsible while doing it.

And I think this idea of while they could test
the players, it's like that's good, but that's just one
of the steps. That's not the only step to ensure
it's okay to start playing games again. And I think
we're a long way from a cure, but we need
to see the treatment take a turn for the better

for I believe teams to really open their doors and
and to have games again. All Right, we're gonna get
some more positive stuff here coming up. We'll here from
the crew. Also this from the Geico studios. The concern
makes sense. It just depends on how much concern there
actually is. I'm Brian no keep it locked right here
on Fox Sports Radio. I'm probably no here on Fox

Sports Radio. Coming see you from the Geico studios. Yeah,
So I'm I'm all sorts of confused over here. So
I'm looking for the gift. I was tweeting it out
that I'm on Fox Sports Radio right now, and so
I was I was looking for the gift of the
old w W E thing you better call somebody, And

I was gonna do something off of that, like you
can call eight seven seven ninety nine on Fox. And
so I'm all out of sorts here now. Was that
degeneration Act? Was that that you better call somebody thing
the road Dog theme song. I think it is right.
I think that's where we're going. So I was, I
was completely confused. Who knows this? It's Ryan or w

w E insider, Heven Figures. I should have known my
k fig would know this. What's going on here? Case
not so much. Brian, good to work with your brother,
good to good to speak with you. Yes, the w
WF attitude era is right in my wheelhouse. And yes,
that was the road Dog and Billy Gunn, who I
don't know what can we say his name on the radio?
Mrs they called? They called him Mr hey Man, they're

dropping F bomb on the last dance. We can say
ass here at eleven PM on the West Coast. Yes,
so yeah, we can. So. They were part of Degeneration X,
along with Triple H and X POC and the Late
China Now and Uh. The road Dog and the Mr
Ass were known as the New Wage Outlaws and their
interest music at the very beginning. Yes, road Dog would say,

oh you didn't know your ass? Better call somebody. And
the most impressive part Brian too, is he had a cut,
so he basically talked for the entire intro. So every
intro for them was different, like they never had a
consistent song like that. The music was the same, but
he had lived every single time they walked out. It
was pretty good. That's awesome. So okay, now walk me

through this cave fig because this is important. This fart
stuff can wait? I think this is important right here.
So road Dog and Mr Ass all right, they combined
to form what the New Age Outlaws New Age Outlaws.
That was Degeneration X. So Degeneration X was the larger
group that they were a part of. So now, the
original Degeneration X was Shawn Michael's Triple H China and

Ravishing Rick Rude. If you remember him from back in
the day, the guy used to gyrate but had his
picture of his face on his butt on his pants.
Believe it or not, Ravishing grew Rue of the Best.
Also also rest in peace, Ravishing Rick. So that was
the original Degeneration X. Sean Michaels had his first of
many back injuries, so we stopped wrestling for a while.
It was Triple H. It was the man who was

used to be called the one to three Kid. Then
his name was changed to x poc so he joined
and then the New Age Outlaws joined and so for
the longest period of time it was the New Age
Outlaws tag team along with Triple H in China, along
with XPOC and that was the Generation X Man. Dude,
I really do appreciate the education on that. Always formative.

It was fantastic by you, uh k fig And you
know what, let me ask you this while we're talking
wrestling for a second better group, all right, I want
you to rank these We've got the we've got the
Generation X, the Four Horsemen. And it gets a little
dicey here with n w OH because it turned out

to have like seventy two members in it, but always
like the Wood Tang clan, like you just lose count
after a while, that's right. But when you have like
picked your best four of the of n w OH,
you know, how do you rank those three? Well, even
if you have the original n w OH that was
a trio with Hulk Hogan, Kevin Nash and Scott Hall,

and even that was even that was pretty good to
compete with Degeneration Act, it was, I mean, look, you're
all part of the same click. You know. When Scott
Hall and Kevin Nash and left the w W F
four w CW. Those two we're really close friends with,
Shawn Michael's and Triple H. I can never hear w
c W without thinking of Scott Hall saying w CW.

I hear it in my head every time, right the
old w c W, the old Monday Night Wars they
would call it. There's a documentary on that. It's pretty
pretty good if you're an old wrestling fan, or even
if you're not, it's just very entertaining. By the way,
I hate to ask you all these questions while you're
trying to get to a point. Hopefully I got a
d D going on over here. Have you seen behind
the mat? I have? I haven't seen it yet. Beyond

the mat? Is it worth checking out? It really is
a takes you behind the scenes to Terry Funk was
a legendary wrestler down in Texas for a long period
of time on the Independence or Get, got his break
with e c W a little bit, got into the
w WF towards the very end. Mick Foley is heavily
talked about in the documentary. They actually document one of
his most iconic matches, and the w w F was
at the Royal Rumble I want to say it was

ninety nine. Possibly I could be off on the year
by a year or two. He faced the Rock and
in that match he actually had a mankind Mick Foley's
wife and his children in the front row and he's
just getting wailed on by the Rock with the steel
chair while his hands are being tied behind his back,
and his wife is just has like these excruciating, blood
hurdling screams and eventually has to leave and go to

the back. And after the match, Mick Foli's laughing his
smile and how was it? How was it? And she
was like, you can't keep putting me through this, like
this is ridiculous. You know what's really heavy? This is
pretty disappointing on Twitter because I'm still I'm looking for
a gift the road Dog. You better call somebody. Nothing
not that I got snoop dog. We've got a bunch
of either breaking bad or better call Saul, which isn't bad.

The better call Saul thing is a decent substitute. But
I wanted the road Dog. I wanted some you know
that can't be easily found. That's really surprising to me,
very surprising. But if you want anything you know any
wrestling knowledge between the years of two thousand and four.
I'm your man. I love it. Man, that's awesome. All right,

let me go out to the phones here real quickly.
We'll hear from the rest of the crew. I'll also
get to the concerns for a certain player. If you're
paying attention to the NFL Draft at all, I'm pretty
sure you know who it is. But Doc Mike, now,
I I've got word from a good source, of trusted
source that he got dubbed. He got run last time
he was on the year, so we gotta try him

out again. Doc Mike, we're trying to get you in
good standing here with Fox Sports Radio. What's going on
with you, man, Well, we're working on healing this COVID
nineteen thing, and all the people especially here in Chicago,
working with the group called whist Side Unite did and

and with Men's show, we're notifying you. I mean, I
know you've got millions of listeners out there. I had
a radio show for ten years out of Oregon, was
a Patriot station with forty five million listeners. Twice a
week we were streamed all over the world million listeners.
Doc Mike goodness. You know, you know how many times
forty five million goes into seven point five billion. You

guys were bigger. You guys are bigger than me. You
know that. That was just um dropping a bucket forty
what part of Oregon by the white doc Mike Medford Medford. Okay,
all right, I'm over here right now currently, so not
too far away. Yeah. Well, um, as you know, the

the urine therapy groups around the world are getting together
and sharing this information. For five thousand years, people have
been getting very, very healthy from urine therapy. Man, anything
that helps them, all for it. Okay, here's the deal, um,

And they found this since at scripts in southern California
in two or two that ozone, oxygen, hydrogen, peroxide, and
chlorine dioxide are produced in the body. When you what
they call loop your urine. You just capture it, have
a small amount of it, a teaspoon, a drop even

or as some people consume all of it if they're
really sick. All the military branches are told that in
boot camp. I'm a Vietnam Vet. We were told that
in boot camp that if there's a condition, you know,
in some some serious condition, or if you know, because
they're all drinking in any way. There's no UM pandemic

in the military. You know, we got to figure this
thing out. They want to wait eight months for a
vaccine when everybody's walking around with their own vaccine two
or three or four or five six times a day
you go to the bathroom collected, take a small sip
of it, or I suggest people take it at bedtime

so it works with your immune system overnight and watch
the energy that that comes from that. Well, hey, man,
I'm not a doctor. It's completely over my head. I'll
be honest with you, but I appreciate you thrown in
your two cents here. And if there's any truth to this,
if it does help, I mean, heck, well, I'll be
drinking our own urine. You know. If I'll tell you

what if three million Americans start drinking their urine tomorrow morning,
and the ones that listen to your show, Okay, we're
going to get rid of all of the peripheral stuff. Um,
doctor visits drugs. Um, It's well, how about this, doc, Mike.

We need a hashtag. This is how the young people think.
They think in hashtag, So we need a hashtag to
get the word out there. Is it hashtag you're in drink?
Like what, let's let's bit ball here. We gotta come
up with something to get the word out. Well, uh,
they made me a director of a urine um uh

of what they call You're in association in Boulder, Colorado,
and there's a big conference in Vegas and one of
the directors they're coined a phrase called loop sipping. That's
a good hashtag hashtag loop sipping, yeah yeah, or loop sip,
loop sip or loop sip yeah hipper yeah, Okay. I

think we gotta get urine in there. You know that's
gonna bring the attention. You're in loop sip done perfect?
You You know you're I don't know how I'm I'm
seventy five years old and Vietnam VIP, but I know
you're do. People sound awful young, and I know this
social networking stuff which I don't do. I'm brain dead

when it comes to computers. Now they're on wrist watches.
And when I was in uh, well, let's see, when
I first started working hard in the sixties, um, computers
were in giant rooms. You know, they had light bulbs
in them. Now they're just a little chip and you
can put them anywhere, and they're and they're uh, they're

quite useful, believe me. Well, hey, doc, Mike, I appreciate
your thoughts over here. Man, I think I appreciate Yeah, Man,
absolutely think hashtag you're in loopzip is going to catch
wildfire here very soon, man, But I appreciate you checking in.
By the way, we go from urine to uh read,

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credit scorecard limitations apply. We do have k Fig and uh,

he's gonna spin us around the sporting landscape over here.
You're in loop sip. What do you think, k Fig?
We're onto something here. Um, you're onto something. I don't
know if it's something that would work for me personally. Yeah,
it can't taste worse than Seltzer, right, Like, I mean, really,
I haven't tasted my own. We'll just leave it at that.

But I don't think it can be worse than Seltzer,
because that's just horrible, like sparkling water. Are you a
fan of sparkling water? K fix some some brands? And
I actually saw your tweet that you sent about this.
You took a photo of some sparkling water and and
your disdain. I would like to know what the Twitter
poll that you that you put on for that, what
the results were? Yeah, the results. It wasn't a pole.

It was just a picture. And I went to the
grocery store to get some supplies yesterday and I saw
it there and I was like, sparkling water is trash?
Are you with me? And more people were with me
than against me, So I was encouraged by that. Yeah,
I mean, all sparkling ice is fine. Here were there.
I mean if it's if it's all this someone has,
I'll drink it, but I rarely want I won't go
out of my way to purchase sparkling water. Let's put

it that way. Some people like they think it's a
healthier alternative to soda, and that's why many people drink it.
I think those are the joggers, you know, they like
sparkling water, the joggers with the Fannie pecks. Yes, how
we transition out of urine? What exactly was it called
your astag urine LOOPSI you'reine loops. Yeah. I'll try to

transition out of that to talk about the NBA and
the players and their salary reduction. That's an agreement that
the league in the players Association reached on Friday of
the players salaries will be withheld beginning on May fIF Also,
NBA commissioner Adam Silvers is the league still committed to
continue the regular season at some point, but they're currently

in no condition to make any decisions at the moment
as far as the future goes. He also said the
entire league competing in a single city has not been
seriously considered as of yet. A former Mavericks player in
card for an office executive, Michael Finley reportedly interviewed for
the Bulls journal manager position. On Friday, North Carolina freshman
guard Cole Anthony declared for the NBA Draft. He's a
consensus top six talent in this year's class. News out

of the NFL, the Bears released Teddy and Trey Burton.
He only played in eight games last season after dealing
with calf and hip injuries. Saints quarterback and utility man
Taysom Hill will remain with the New Orleans after the
NFL restricted free agency period ended officially on Friday. Forty
Is running back Matt Breda and Brown's tailback Kareem Hunt
also did not sign offer sheets and will remain with
their respective clubs. Ryan, back to you, man, that's a

lot of stuff going on their Veig. Good stuff. Welcome
back to the Fox Sports Radio studios. Brought to you
by Geico. It's easy to say, fift center. More on
car insurance with Geico. Go to Geico dot com or
call eight hundred nine seven otto. The only hard part
figuring out which way is easier. Okay, let me get
to this. I'm gonna get to the rest of the
crew here, but let me get some sports sports of

the sports talk show for a second. The concerns about
two a tongue of voloa, I understand it. I understand
people in organizations being concerned. He's had a number of injuries.
Hip issue. Okay, fine, you're concerned. You don't know if
he might develop arthritis in his hip years from now.
There are legitimate concerns, But to me, it depends on

how concerned you are. We've got word that three teams
have taken to uh off of their draft boards. Really
just off the draft board. I think that you have
to take things to the extreme at times to see
if it makes sense. So let's take this to the extreme.

Let's just say, to a tongue of Voloa falls in
the draft. We've seen it before. Look at Aaron Rodgers.
Aaron Rodgers could have been the number one overall pick,
and all of sudden, the next thing you know, he's
free falling overall. Let's say that to A just has
this unforeseen free fall. You don't see it happening. I
don't see it happening. It's most likely not gonna happen.

But let's just suspend reality for a second. Let's say
to a falls to the tail end of the first round.
Let's say he falls to the beginning of the second round,
and you're telling me a team that needs a quarterback
if they're up next, they're on the clock. They're saying, no,
can't take him. He's off our draft board. Really, it's

really just it's not a prediction that he's gonna tumble.
I still think he's gonna be a top ten, top
five pick, but it's just to show that these teams
that have him off their draft boards are full of it.
If they are sitting there after he is tumbled and
they have a chance to draft him, all of a
sudden they are they don't have him off their draft board.

I think it's just ridiculous, and I think most of
this is grandstanding. Other thing is we don't know who
these three teams are. It might be three teams that
are all set at quarterback. You know what, if it's
the Eagles and they've got Carson Wentz, who, by the way,
has a lot of injury issues and injury concerns as well,
Let's say the Eagles don't have too on their draft board.

I think it sounds a lot more salacious that, oh,
three teams have taken two off their draft boards. Over here,
there could be three teams with qbs. Do you think
that the Dolphins have them off of their draft board? No?
Like so I just wouldn't take this and run with it.
But I'll tell you what, man, the amount of scrutiny

for to a tongue of vola right now, it's reaching
a ridiculous level. It's getting insane with some of the
things that you're hearing some of these teams have. Justin
Herbert over to Uh, that's crazy to me. We actually
have some sound here from Joel Klatt. He was a
guest on the Doug Gottlieb Show, and he's comparing to

h and Herbert. Check this out conversations in some buildings
as as I'm having, you know, my conversations with people
in the draft. I think there are more teams that
are split between Herbert and two of than we think,
and I think one of them might be Miami. Oh
my gosh. Alright, full disclosure. I'm a die hard Miami
Dolphins fan. If the Dolphins by passed two to take Herbert,

I will go ballistic. I will lose my freaking mind. Now,
if this was the last dance on ESPN, I would
switch freaking with the F word, you know, I would
just be unedited over here. But this is not the
last dance on ESPN, so I'll go with freaking. I
will lose my mind. Because here's the deal. I've done
a radio slash TV show in the Portland area for

almost two years. I've watched all of Justin Herbert's games,
and I do not want Justin Herbert. The guy is inaccurate.
Too often, he is too slow going through his progressions.
Then it's a horrible, horrible combination. Lack of accuracy, lack

of anticipation. Those are the two things you have to
have essentials to be a top quarterback, even a good
quarterback in the NFL, you have to have that, and
Justin Herbert doesn't. I was looking at it like this.
You'll hear this a lot. The most important ability is availability.

No it isn't. I always say this. The most important
ability his ability. Justin Herbert might be healthier than to
Uh but in the NFL. But if to A has
the ability like TA can play, Let's say to AH
when on the field he's performing to a top level,

he's a top ten guy. If Justin Herbert is healthier,
but he's bottom third in the NFL in terms of production,
who cares. I've got way more question marks about Herbert
than I do to Uh. I look at Herbert from
a talent ability standpoint. I look at to Uh from
an injury standpoint. I don't think t is gonna be

so wrecked by injuries. He barely sees the field. If
that's the case, okay, you've got an argument. I don't
foresee that happening. I think T is gonna be healthy
and upright for a number of games. I think Herbert's
gonna be healthy and upright. Also, I don't think he's
gonna be very good. So I have more concerns and
question marks about Herbert than I do to uh. But

it's just it's reaching an absurd level with all the
nit picking about Tah. It's like, can we just be
reasonable for a second and remember that this dude came
in at halftime of the National Championship game against Georgia
a couple of years ago. Ice Cold had just gotten
mop up time during the year. Saban says, we haven't

scored a point in the first half. Tah, you're in
not you're in loop, sip hashtag that you're in the
ball game. Get in there too. And what does he do.
He leaves the Crimson Tide back. He throws a walk
off game winning touchdown in overtime to win the National Championship.

That is special. Again, I get the concerns about the injuries,
but you can't be so concerned you forget about everything else.
That's part of the picture when it comes to Tua.
Craziness right now, craziness, I say, all right, coming up
next from the Geico Studios. This is the time of

year for bold faced lies, and we have another one
that is very entertaining. I'm Brian No. Keep it locked
right here on Fox Sports Radio. I'm Brian No and
for Mr Knox, You're on Fox Sports Radio. Coming to
you from the Geico Studios. I'm gonna get to technical
producer Chris in a little bit. I thought I knew that.

I thought I knew him. He said, it's gonna play
some pan Tara coming back, and I'm like, isn't it
amazing that in the song you're hearing right now, um
yes rhymes with hiss, will say um that guitar line
right there, same guitar line as the song used my
third arm and Chris hits me with, yeah, you know

I didn't and really sat down and listen to Pantera
that much. Listen if he was into bluegrass and top
forty music, fine, great, I understand metals. Not everybody's cup
of tea. He's a metal guy. That is unforgivable to
be a metal guy and be like I never really

sat down and listen to pan Tara. Outrageous, Chris. I'm
gonna call you Christopher that's how ticked off I am. Please,
don't you know if you like yeah, and it's Christopher,
that's how I feel about you right now. Christopher plus
middle name plus last name. So you know your Catholic
mom's mad at you. That's absolutely right. Are We got

Bob in Bowling Green with a response. Here, Doc Mike
checked in and so Bob has a rebuttal. What's going on, Bob? Hey,
good good morning fellas. Look, I'm a huge guy, hard
Ben Malar fan Jonas Knox. No, I think you're awesome.
I do. I really enjoy listening to you, but I

don't see the benefit of being and you are putting
a quack on the radio and giving up this advice.
There is no scientific evidence. There's no medical evidence that
proves that drinking your yurine is beneficial. It's a waste product.

And I know people have tried to justify by saying
it's in the Bible and the Romans did it and
the Greeks did it and all this stuff. And I'm
prior military. I'm gonna storm shield that and we were
never told to drink our urine. It's ridiculous. I know

people think Doc Doc MICUs plaint. He's funny and and
I understand why people listen to him, but please don't
take his advice, you know, talk to your own doctor,
do your own research. Um, it's it's just it's just
ludicrous that this guy gets all and and and say,

you know, he's a doctor, so people automatically give him credibility.
And he does this urine therapy there you can get
a cyphoid from drinking your own urine. It's it's very dangerous.
Why here you and you set the record straight at
least coming from your point of view, and appreciate the props. Man,
that was very nice of you, Bob and Bowling Green.

I just I'm if I'm reading you right, you're not
gonna be on board the the emerging hashtag that we
were working in here hashtag. You're in loop sip. In
my eyes, you're righting up there with Jesus Elvis and
John Wayne wow Man. Is that the uh what do

they call it? Where? Um? Your Mount Rushmore? You hear
this in sports all the time. Is this so? I
don't know what that is. That's a radio slash. I
don't even know what that Mount Rushmore is, But you
got me alongside Jesus and John Wayne. Really. Oh yeah,
and if and if you want to add a fourth
face up there, we'll do. Uh. Frank Sinatra, I was

very fortunate to meet him when I was thirteen years
old and got to spend about twenty five minutes with
him one on one, and it was one of the
greatest events of my life. That's awesome, man, very nice. Well,
hey man, I appreciate the praise. That's very nice of you,
Bob and Bowling Green, and sorry that you weren't feeling
the earlier conversation. But I think we're better now, right.

I think that was therapeutic to get that off your us.
No doubt about that. Good stuff. Okay, So I'm switching
gears to this. This is a mixture's a random mixture here.
So what have we gotten to so far this evening?
Um ESPN airing the unedited version including F bombs and
m F bombs of the Last Dance is a hideous idea.

They're gonna get absolutely crushed for doing this. I can't
imagine all ten episodes unedited are gonna be on ESPN.
We've also talked a little bit about two A tongue
of La the concerns are just off the charts now.
People are in panic mode about the injuries. It's ridiculous.
And then we've sprinkled in a healthy mixture of k

FIG breaking down the w W E from back in
the day, mixed with a little w c W and
then also hashtag urine loop SIP conversations with Doc Mike
and rebuttal from Bob and Bowling Green. It's been a
festive first hour. Man, oh oh yeah. And Chris metal
fan hasn't really sat down out and listen to Pantera

that much. Unbelieved. The Cowboy from Hell? You even screwed
that up. It's that cowboy from It's Cowboys from Hell.
Have you listened to Walks? Also? Maybe, Okay, let's hear this.
This is the time for lying through your teeth. This

is the Lions GM Bob Quinn Okay, the Detroit Lions
have the third overall pick. Listen to what he says
about potential draft day trades. If I'm gonna do something,
I think we'll kind of probably have a pretty good idea,
you know, Thursday afternoon of we'll kind of where we're
where we stand. I don't think I'm gonna be making
a huge decision on trading the number three overall pick

while I'm on the clock, while I'm virtually talking to
our head coach and our other personnel. Okay, let's go
through this for a second. Sounds reasonable until you really
think about it. So am I supposed to believe that
the lion ends are on the clock and all of
a sudden the Dolphins call up in a panic like

we'll give you, and they just they've got a couple
of first round picks. I mean, this is a heck
of an offer from the Dolphins. I'm supposed to believe
that Bob Quinn is like, whoa, hey, ho. I wanted
to get this ironed out earlier in the afternoon. It's
too late now, Dolphins with your two first rounders and
your two second rounders. No, thank you. Really, it would
be ideal to get this done before the draft. But

he's lying if he he's saying no, no, no, I'm
not gonna do it during the draft. Okay, all right,
coming up next to the Geico studios, the goat gets
the benefit of the doubt, all right. So we got
the last dance coming up on Sunday. Looking forward to it.
It's something current, something new, So a lot of intrigue
in the sports world. A lot of current NBA players

are looking forward to a lot of former NBA players,
a let of non NBA players. This would be a
good thing. Now there's one thing that's being talked about
that it makes some sense, but it doesn't make total sense. Okay,
it's a little bit like this with to a tongue
of voloa. If you have some concerns over the injuries,

it makes sense. That makes some sense. If you're freaked
out and panicked and okay, that's that's going too far,
going too far. So it's the same kind of concept
when it comes to Jordan's all right, the tough love
from Jordan's back in the day when he's just slapping
and slucking Steve Kerr. It's being talked about like, oh man,

Jordan did this for the benefit of the team. There's
some truth to that. Is it fully true? No? No,
not fully true. Now here's Steve Kerr. Listen to him
on the Dan Patrick Show earlier this week talking about
Jordan's pushing him around, punching him in practice. Here's Steve Kerr.

Even at the time, I I could see what he
was doing. You know, Michael wanted to make sure everybody
who was out there to deal with the pressure of
a playoff game. And if you couldn't deal with his
trash talk during practice, then he didn't think you were
going to stand up to the pressure during a playoff game. Okay,
all right, there's some truth to that. I'm not saying

it isn't true. I'm just saying it isn't fully true.
This is the way I compare it with Jordan's. I
think Jordan's when he would snap on a teammate, some
of it is what you will see from coaches. Sometimes coaches,
they will get in your face, they'll call you out,
they'll challenge you, and it gets the best out of you.

Bill Parcels comes to mind. Bill Parcels challenged his players.
Carl Banks an ex player of Bill Parcels with the Giants,
he said, there are some players to this day who
don't like Bill Parcels at all, but they played hard
for the guy. So there was a method to his madness. Now,

was there a method every single time he made any
comment whatsoever? No, No, Sometimes he just lost his mind.
Sometimes he lost his school. It's the same thing with
Jordan's Yeah, some of this was by design, some of
it was challenging his teammates and making them better. But
to take this and act like, oh, it was solely

for the benefit of the team. He was hardening us,
he was getting us ready for playoff action. Like sometimes
he just ticked off, right, So I think this is
the classic. If you win, we view it positively. If
you lose, we view it negatively. If you win six rings, oh,

he's getting his players ready for the postseason. If he
goes three and three in the finals, it's like, yeah,
it's pretty much a loose cannon. That's how it goes.
Tim Duncan towards the end of his career when he
still produced sing it's he's a wildly crafty veteran. If
he's not producing any more, he's old. You know, he's
past his prime. So that's the way it works. But

don't fall into this trap of thinking that Jordan was
doing this solely for the benefit of the team, because
sometimes he's a competitive maniac who just lost his cool
and slugged the teammate. But he wins titles and it's
brought up like, oh, yeah, our best interest in mind.
I don't take it as gospel. I'm Brian though here
on Fox Sports Radio, coming to you from the Geico Studios.

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There's one other thing I'm not going to be doing tonight.
I'm not gonna be going knee deep into these hypothetical
arguments of whose team could beat the Jordan's Bulls. But
I will play some sound here because there's something in

the middle that I find interesting. This is from Shock
talking about his Lakers versus Jordan's Bowl easily, Yeah, because
I would have killed Luke Longley Bill cart right. Yeah,
so the factor is me and my free throw shooting. Okay,
I'm not gonna do an in depth tale of the

tape shacks Lakers v. Jordan's Bowls because they're never gonna
play and it's a waste of time. If the conversation
exceeds one minute. In my book, are you can knock
yourself out. But oh well, look at Jordan's his mismatch
and yeah, if you look at Shock and okay, I'm
already tuning out. But in the middle of this, how

disrespectful from Shack getting the great Bill Wennington's name wrong.
Listen to this Bill Weddening Now, I can't if Bill
Wennington was not a great player at all, but such
disrespect to the Jordan's bulls with Bill Wennening from shock
over there. But no, I'm not gonna get into a

hypothetical tale of the tape. I will not be doing that.
You welcome to chime in eight seven, seven, nine nine
on Fox. Is your phone number. I'm Brian no In
for Jonas Knox. Now, I think that the NFL should
have learned something tonight from an unlikely source, the w

n b A. So the w n b A had
their draft tonight. If you didn't watch a second of it,
maybe you caught a little bit on the highlight shows,
maybe you saw something on Sports Center. Maybe you haven't
seen a freaking thing. I wouldn't say, um, you're wrong
for doing that, but there was something during this draft
that should happen during the NFL draft. You gotta you

can't have more than ten people at your place. Those
are the c d c S guidelines. You cannot have
a situation where there are fifty eight draftees that are
gonna be on camera. You can't have a draft pick
on camera with twenty five thirty five people at the
place celebrating their loved ones entrance into the NFL. It's

a bad look. The NFL is already getting criticized for
even having a draft. I would push back and say, well,
the w n b A just had a draft, and
he pushed back on that, like, I understand, it's not ideal.
I understand it's a lot harder. You can't check these
players out medically. You can't bring them into your facility.
I understand it isn't easy, but it also isn't impossible.

So the NFL is moving on with business. What they
cannot afford to do is have these draftees with a
ton of people in their living room. It would be
such a bad look. You go back to the Dak
Prescott party earlier, what about a week ago and TMZ
reported that there were thirty plus people at this birthday

party and it just had layer upon layer upon layer.
That comes out with a statement. He's like, no, it's
about ten people there. It was a birthday party, it
was a dinner party. That's it. Stephen Jones comes out
their statement school, Lord, is this whole thing right? What
do you think is gonna happen on Draft night? If

you have player after player with fifteen twenty people. It
can't happen. It cannot happen. It'd be such a bad
look for the NFL. You can't everything that you're hearing
about social distancing, you can't do the opposite of And
when they go to commercial break, they're even gonna be
commercials with athletes saying wash your hands, stay at least

six ft apart from people you know, don't have big
social gatherings, all of that stuff, and you can't go
all right, we're back live on the clock the Dolphins
and they take two a tonk of volo and they
showed two in his living room and there's forty people around.
It can't happen. Can't happen. The NFL they put out
a list of guidelines in terms of sponsored products. If

they're drinking pepsi products, if they're eating like Nibisco products,
something I don't even remember. But there are certain things
that are deemed okay by the NFL, and they're like,
if you do anything beyond this, you're not gonna be
shown on TV. Well, it's gotta be the same thing.
If you have a party more than ten. Ten is
the limit. And I hope that they are smart enough

to stress that to the players that are about to
be drafted, because if they don't, that is just it's
beyond a bad look and that's something that would absolutely
distract from the draft. So I hope that the players
have enough foresight and intelligence to avoid the big gatherings.
I hope the NFL is smart enough to say, don't

do it. It's not good for you, it's not good
for us, it's not good for your brand or our business.
So we cannot do that. I hope that's the case.
By the way, tip of the cap. Also to the
w n b A. They made honorary w NBA draft
picks out of Gianna Bryant, Peyton Chester, Alyssa Alta Belly.

Those were the three among the eight that died in
the tragic helicopter helicopter crash. It's it's a nice move.
It was a a very classy gesture by the w
n b A in that tragic event that they would
take the time and pay tribute to those young girls
that all had w n b A aspirations. I thought

that was a very very cool thing that they did,
no doubt, so a little bit of shine for them, alright,
plenty to get suit tonight. We're just getting warmed up
over here. I still have to get to Ryan Burr, singer,
our trusted producer. Gotta wrap with him. Shame on me
for not getting him on the air yet. We need
to go more in depth on Chris and the skeletons

in his closet, not listening to Pan tra as a
metal fan, which is just obnoxious. We'll circle back with
k fig Is in depth wrestling knowledge. There's plenty that
I need to learn about coming up next. These vintage games.
I saw a couple of them tonight, not in their entirety,

but bits and pieces, and one thing really stood out
to me, and I want to compare it to the
last NFL game that we actually saw. I'm Brian no
keep it locked right here on Fox Sports Radio. I'm
Brian No here on Fox Sports Radio. Coming see you
from the Geico studios. Do you own or rent your home?

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Falsetto voices that throw me off. You know, remember when

Mike Singletary said, I can't throw it. That's how I
feel about false settle voices. Can't deal it, can't deal
with it. Chris, I bet that you've listened to more
bands with singers and falsetto voices then listening to Pantera,
You Great Philippines pretty much? How How is that on

your resume? How? Uh? So? I mean that was the
thing is like I ran a rate radio show about metal,
and we we try to keep it as up to
date as possible because otherwise we're gonna fall back in
the trap and just playing some older stuff. And I
had my co DJ was really into like euro death
metal and everything. So those were our two options. Was
basically either false yeah, yeah, European death metal. So like

that's your two options, is either falsetto or like super
growly stuff. And I can probably play Falsetto on the air.
If I play growley stuff on the air, I'm pushing
my I'm pushing my luck already. The guy who plays
metal you grow an affinity for falsetto voices because you
played a lot of them, So I mean there's some

guys who do it well. That was like that the
song I play. Always get questions on Twitter about what
I played. That was just protests the Hero, which is
like a big Canadian protest the Hero that that. Sometimes
there's growling in there too. It's it's a good band.
It's a good band, but just I I happen to
have the one track where you got a little bit
of the falsetto. I can't do it. You can't get

down with it. My friends, a lot of them think
I'm crazy. I don't like Iron Maiden musically, very good singing.
Get it away from me immediately. All my friend cannot
do the falsetto stuff all my friends always wanted to do.
Run to the hills at karaoke bars, Oh my gosh,
And that is all falsetto right there. That is like
to like, I'm running to the hills right now, all right.

If you could just eliminate the vocals and I can
hear the music, great, I'm all for it. If you
could replace whoever you got with Randy Bly for Lamb
of God and through the Hills. Now I'm in I'm
in you with me on that christ I can buy that.
I'm not huge jhn Iron Maiden either. I get their appeal,
but again I I I was just I was just
telling someone else's is like. I try to keep as

modern as I can because otherwise I will fall into
trap of too much older stuff. So like and and again,
my my co DJ was really into like stuff that
was going around the time, like O Path and whatnot.
So by the way, by the way, a couple of
new Lamb of God cuts or out. Have you sampled
this yet? I have not, but I'll see if I
can find something that's radio friendly for the bounce back. Okay,

here we I don't know if you can find this,
but the two new songs Checkmate, very good song. They've
got to be on Spotify and Momento Moray or Maury.
I don't know how to say it, but I've played
that one before. Yeah men, yeah, yeast sing. Oh. By

the way, this is the show off. But my guy
Mark Morton, so we're exchanging some text messages. One of
the guitarists in Lamb of God. So for my Portland's show,
the weekday show, I'm gonna be doing something called duet Day.
And so the thought is, I played guitar for half
my life. I'm out of practice. I barely pick it

up these days. I try to pick it up daily
and at least learn one new part of any song.
I might pick it up for five minutes and learn something,
and I'm like, I gotta go to bed. I used
to play for eight ten hours a day easy. I
used to live with the guitar, but I'm I'm busier
now and I just I haven't gotten into the habit
of it again. But but it's a bit like writing

a bicycle. Depending on what you're playing. I can still
pick it up and play along with the center you
than me. I tried learning bass guitar for about a
year and I just kind of like fell out with it.
Well you gotta, but you gotta like live, eat, breathe, drink. Yeah.
I was for a couple of years, and then you know,
you don't fall off completely. Yeah, yeah, yeah, you gotta

have that in the blood. Yes. But I'm gonna be
doing duet Day on my Portland's show. And the concept
is I've played guitar for half of my life and
someone who plays guitar or plays bass, or plays piano
or plays the flute or whatever, like, we're just gonna
do duets of random songs, not for the entire show,

but once every month, every couple of weeks whatever. And
so Mark Morton and I were texting and I was like, hey, man,
you up for a duet day. It's like yeah, I'm
like cool, what do you think we should play? And
I'm thinking, all right, we're gonna play. We're gonna play
some Slayer. Where we going for it? Here? He hits
me with Led Zeppelin? So I just play a couple

of Zeppelin tunes. Now I'm not against Led Zeppelin, but
I gotta be honest. I was a little bit let down.
A little bit. I thought we were gonna be playing
Killing Fields or Raining Blood or something. We're gonna be
playing a couple of Zeppelin songs. That's that's all right.
We can rock it out and be okay. I think
what it really was he was like, what's your skill level?
And I was like, I used to be good, but

I'm out of practice now. And I think that's why
it was. Let's go with Zeppelin. That won't be too
hard to play. Maybe that's what it was. I don't know,
but we'll be doing that sometime in the next couple
of weeks. I'll make sure to have post that on Twitter.
By the way, hit me up on Twitter at the
No Show and Oe Show is where you can reach me. Okay,
let's get to some sports. We'll hear from the crew.

I promise we'll get to Ryan Burr Singer. Maybe this
is just gonna be the tease that I'm gonna weave
throughout the show. And I'm never going to get to
producer Ryan Burr Singer, but I'm gonna say a number
of times, so we're gonna get to Ryan coming up next.
It's just the cliffhanger, you know, all right, let me
get to this. I was watching a couple of vintage
NFL games tonight because that's all we have, and oh

my god, this vintage stuff going on. There's no live sports,
and a couple of things stood out to me. One
I was watching Super Bowl forty two and I remember
some parts of it, the epic Patriots eighteen and no
they lose to the Giants, huge upset. I still remember

a decent amount of things, but it still is staggering
to me, the amount of things that I forget over
the years, and I'm like, how in the world did
I forget about this? They showed Super Bowl forty five
about a week ago or something on Fox, and that
was the Packers beating the Steelers. I'm watching that game.
There was a pick six, like Big Ben through a

pick six. I'm like, I don't even remember that. At
the time, It's like, WHOA, what a huge play, pick six?
And the Super Bowl. You give it a few years,
you forget about stuff. So I'm watching super Bowl forty two.
This might sound like a small thing, but I remember
Asante Samuel nearly picking off Eli on the Giants final drive.

I remember that on the sideline had a chance to
make an interception. He missed it. I didn't know the
very next play was the Tyree catch. Of course you're
gonna remember the Tyree catch. That's legendary. I didn't know
there was. That was one play after another and then
another game. And I apologize in advance to k Fig.
This is not an effort to troll k Fig, who

was a Raiders fan over there. But they had the
Tuck Rule game on tonight and I was watching that,
and I'm like, I didn't remember at all that the
Raiders were leading heading into the fourth quarter thirteen to three.
I didn't remember that whatsoever. But just to get in
position for it to be in overtime was an uphill

battle for the Patriots, and then Vinitary with forty five
yard or of course, you can remember the big picture things.
You're gonna remember the tuck rule play. Probably gonna remember
Vinitary hitting that forty five yard. The rest of it,
it was just an oh yeah, fast. It was like
in overtime there was a catch by David Patton, where

Brady throws it, Patton drops down to his knees to
catch the ball. There's just snow galore. I didn't know
that was on fourth and four in overtime. The way
I remembered it, I remember the Patriots just having a
relatively easy drive setting up Minitary chip shot field goal.
They win, go to the a f C Championship game.
I didn't know that David Patton catch was on fourth

and four. So the whole point of this is what
stood out to me, was how much are we gonna
forget about the Super Bowl we just watched? If you
think about the Chiefs beating the forty Niners. Years from now,
we're talking over the next five ten years. What are
you really gonna remember about that game? And I think

what's interesting about it is h might realistically only remember
the Jimmy Garoppolo overthrow. Maybe you remember Patrick Mahomes with
the conversion on third and seventeen to Tyreek Hill. Remember
the bomb he threw. It's just over seven minutes to go.
Chief's offense hadn't done much of anything. If they don't

convert that, they don't win the game. There's not enough time.
So maybe if you maybe you remember a couple of place.
If you're a degenerate gambler, maybe remember the garbage Chief's
touchdown at the end, if it cost you some money
or you profited off of it. If you're a die
hard Chiefs or forty Niners fan, yeah you're gonna remember

the details a little bit more. But if you're just
a random die hard NFL fan, you're not a big
time fan of either team, you didn't have money on
the game, You're not gonna remember most of the game.
And so what I take out of it is the
big picture stuff really carries a lot of weight because

we just forget the details over the years. And if
you look at Jimmy G with the overthrow of Emmanuel Sanders,
he is going to have to do something extraordinary for
many people to not associate him first in foam, for
first and foremost, sometimes solely with that overthrow in the

Super Bowl. That's people don't even think about Jimmy G
beyond that. It's like a reputation. If you develop a
reputation as let's just say, the cheap guy, you're gonna
have to do something extraordinary to change that reputation. When
the pandemic is the thing in the past and we're
out and about among people again, you can go to

a restaurant. If you have the reputation as the cheap guy,
you're going to have to be picking up the tab
consistently for people to be like, what's gotten into John?
Like right, it takes a lot to change your reputation,
and it's gonna take a heck of a lot for
Jimmy G to change his reputation. Because you might think

heading into the next season, if Jimmy G, hey, he
plays Creton the first half of the year, well, that
changes its reputation. No, it doesn't because guess what, a
few years removed, you're gonna forget about that first half
of the season. You're gonna forget about a lot of things.
It's really the big pick your stuff that sticks with you.

And I can't be the only one that has had
those moments. If you're like Wemp, there's nothing else on.
I'll check out Super Bowl forty two and you see
a number of these plays and you're like, oh my gosh,
I totally forgot about that. Yeah. Yeah, That's why the
big plays in the big moments carry so much weight

in terms of how reputations are formed and what it
takes to change those reputations. You gotta do something extraordinary
to change it. There is no doubt about that. By
the way, before I kick it over to k Fig,
my favorite moment from the Tuck Rule game that I
completely forgot about someone throwing a snowball at Phil Simms.

This is towards the end of the third quarters, about
three minutes to go, and not the third in the
fourth quarter, about three minutes to go. In this infamous
Tuck Rule game, we're about in game time a minute
prior to the actual Tuck Rule taking place. Is how
ousided on CBS, but I'll always find it interesting. What
do you WHOA, I just got hit by a snowball

and I see the guy that threw it. Excuse me, sorry, Greg,
I think they're throwing to you. They just missed you.
There's a brief window right there where Phil Simms almost snapped,
and then he thought, wait a minute, I'm getting paid handsomely.
I cannot snap here. He's like, I see the guy

who did it, and then it just it clicked, like,
wait a minute, compose yourself, National television. Let's tone it down,
because he was on the verge of dropping an F
bomb like it was the last dance on ESPN on
Sunday Night where m F bombs are allowed. You know,
that's almost what Phil Simms did in that moment. Unbelievable,

good stuff. All right, we kick it over to k
Fig again. Apologies on the tuck rule game. K Fig.
It's fine, Brian, but you had a greater a greater
point when talking about out. You know, the big moments
is what everyone remembers. It's it's a reality. But it's
unfortunate because so many of the other important plays that
happened in many of these big games go forgot. You know,
you talk about Tom Brady and his legacy, you know,

you realize that every single Super Bowl that he's one
has been within one possession, and that every single game
came down to a play or two that was or
was not made. I mean, he is a couple of
plays away from being either nine and oh or three
and six in Super Bowls and that has a completely
different connotation to where he is right now in his career.
It really is amazing. It is, man. You just go
super Bowl after Super Bowl. You could play that game,

you really can. It's wild, right, think about the last
couple of them. The Falcons one easily could have lost
the Seahawks. One easily could have lost the a f
C title game last year against the Chiefs. You know,
if you know the defensive end doesn't line up all sides,
that's a pick six to in that game. Yeah. And
the other way to the games that they've lost where goodness,
the Eagles game, Brady and the Patriots had the ball

with the Brandon Graham strip sack. They didn't punt one
time in that game. Yeah, Like the odds are overwhelmingly
and the Patriots favorite that they score points on that game.
If they don't lose possession of the ball, it's nuts.
It really is. How they could have gone either way,
no doubt. So that's just a lot and a lot
of fans are not gonna want to put in the
leg work, rightfully, so to to talk talk about why

certain games are one and certain games are lost. But
you're right, it's only the bigger plays that that stand
out to people, and it's the other ones that get
lost him on the shuffle. But it's an interesting conversation.
Jimmy G uphild battle to change his his rep man
after I think he started that game like twenty one
or something like that. He was amazing. Yeah, you know
what's funny? Really sorry, I'm like bombarding your update over here.

You know what's interesting is it was the it was
flip flopped. Mahomes stunk for the first three quarters for
his standard, right, and then he came on in the fourth,
and the opposite was Jimmy G. Jimmy G was fantastic
in the first three and wasn't any good in the fourth.
And that's all we're gonna remember is that Mahomes got
it done in Jimmy G didn't ye he has a ring,

and uh, the other doesn't. And that's that's what's all
gonna end up mattering at the end of the day. Uh.
Some NBA news they came out on Friday, the players
Association and the league reaching an agreement that a result
in the league withholding of every player's salaries starting on
May fifteenth. Commissioner Adam Silver saying the league is still
committed to continuing the regular season, but there was no
timetable in place as to win that will happen. The

league is not currently in a position to make any
of those decisions. Silver did say that the concept of
the entire league playing all of its games in one
central location has not been seriously considered as of now.
North Carolina freshman guard Cole Anthony declared for the NBA
Draft on Friday. He averaged just under nineteen points per
game this past season for the tar Heels, didn't miss
eleven games with them meniscus injury. Listed as a top

ten pick in most mock drafts. Oregon duck star Sabrina
iyan Escu was the top overall pick in the w
NBA draft by the New York Liberty and Saints. Quarterback
Taysom Hill and Brown's running back Kareem Hunt will remain
with their respective clubs after the NFL's restricted free agency
period ended on Friday. I am back to you, by
the way, k Fig. This is more of a joke
than anything, but halfway a serious question. Do you always

hear about the transfer portales in college and a couple
of these G League players right, these top high school
prospects that are like, the heck with college basketball, we're
going to the G League? Can you transfer from college
basketball to the G League? Like? Can you just go
from one to the other? I would imagine you could
if you were a stud and wanted to write, you

probably just go straight to the NBA. But yeah, I
don't imagine. I don't really know what the parameters are
for the G League and these new rules they've put
in that it's only exclusive to outgoing high school seniors.
I would imagine it wouldn't be. That wouldn't make a
whole lot of sense. But yeah, if you're a kid
that goes to you know, say Kentucky and you're not
highly recruited, but you earned playing time and you turn
into a star, and you say, well, you know, maybe
I'm gonna be a top second round pick or a

little one number one, maybe actually go to the G League,
gets some money, get a little bit better, and bring
enter the draft after that. I'm not sure if I'm
the only one here, Kate fig but I don't understand
what the NBA is doing where they're trying to spruce
up the G League. But I don't understand how this

is a much better situation for the players that end
up going to the G League, you know what I mean.
So we've had Jalen Green, depending on which you go by.
ESPN has him as the number one recruit in the nation,
his high school player. Instead of going to college, he's
gonna go to the G League. He's gonna get paid
around five hundred thousand dollars. He can make money in endorsements,

in appearances. So Jalen Green is going to the G League.
Isaiah Todd, he de committed from Michigan as a five
star forward, He's going to join the G League also,
So I understand the players saying, hey, man, I can
make this much cash, I'm gonna go that direction. Okay, fine,
But for the NBA to put this much money into

it to essentially screw college basketball in ways it's not
gonna you know, pummeled the entire product, but it hurts it.
I don't understand how the kid is in a much
better position for his NBA future, right, Like, how is
this much better for his development going to the G
League compared to whatever? If you're a five star recruit,

if you're a number one, number fifteen recruit, you can
name your school, you can go to any of the
blue bloods you want to. How is playing for coach
k or Calipari or whoever? How is that a worse
position to be in than going to the G league? Like,
I don't understand how going to the G League helps
your development? That's that much more compared to college. Well,

the NBA would spend it as we're putting you with
NBA caliber or just below NBA caliber type of coaches,
in an environment we're gonna put you through our own
version of schooling and not necessarily sitting in the classroom
teaching you things, but teaching you about life and money
management and what life in the NBA would be like
if you make it through. Those are things that you
would be able to focus on. If you have designs
were actually having a true NBA career as opposed to

going to college and by some people's measures saying, you're
kind of wasting a year, you know, where you could
be actually making money in a professional or semi professional
environment as opposed to going to college making no money,
putting yourself at risk. I mean, we have to, you know,
remember the exploding zion shoe last year, to imagine what
could happen to a guy who goes to college for
a year because he has to as opposed to go

into a semi pro environment where he can be around
pro coaches and pro scouts and learn about the game.
I don't know if I have necessarily an issue with it.
It is kind of a bit of a middle finger
to college basketball, but totally, the NBA doesn't old college
basketball anything, to be honest with you, And if the
Players Association, Brian honestly is, is really fighting the NBA
back and forth as to whether or not the one
and done should be happening, this is kind of the

alternative to that. Well, Hey, listen, I think it's garbage
that college athletes don't get paid. I don't know if
that's a part of the incentive for the NBA to
be putting this much money into contracts to entice the
top prospects to go to the G League in instead
of college basketball. But I look at it where, Okay,

the G League they have NBA caliber coaches. Well, you
know who else does college basketball? Like coach k is
certainly an NBA quality coach. There are plenty of And
if you're a top prospect, if that's your desire, you
could go play for a coach in college that way.
And also you bring up Zion. I think that's why
it's such a great topic is think about how much

money being associated with Duke earned Zion. So it wasn't
like five hundred dollars up front, well legally, I don't know.
I don't know if you got paid under the table something,
but I doubt it was half a mill, right, But
like having that brand building experience at Duke and being

in the n C Double A Tournament and all of that,
that tacked on a lot of money to a shoe
deal and the money that he eventually got. So I
also don't know Brian if he because nowadays, especially with
social media and how popular basketball is on social media,
he was won was when he was seventeen before he
even committed to Duke. I don't know if the contract

is as big though. I don't know if he goes
to the G League compared to Duke, and if he's
still you know, dunking on people and making highlights. I mean,
the Four Letter Network is putting Zaiah Williamson games on
TV last you know, last year, if he's in the
G League, because he's that much of a sensation. Now.
I don't think the youngest ball kid who people are
talking about being the top of the second overall pick
is necessarily gonna be that good or that impact of

a player. But this kid had, you know, fifteen years old,
had over a million and a half, you know, Twitter
followers like it's it's a completely different environment now than
even five or six years ago when it comes to
these and basketball in particular, with these basketball recruits and
these players. You know, nic Omnnon, who was the point
guard for Arizona, has been a star for the last
couple of seasons simply based on social media. You know,

these guys, I don't know if they necessarily need to
have It doesn't hurt to be associated with the Duke
or North Carolina or Syracuse. A lot of these guys
have their own built in followings before they even make
it to college or the NBA. I just look at Lebron, Okay,
Lebron coming out of high school, and it might not
be the greatest example because some of his high school
games were televised, but imagine if you had Lebron go

to college for a year and the brand building, and
I think that I still think it's a bigger deal. Yeah,
I think it does because I think that, like look
at John Morant, like, think about playing at Murray State
compared to if he went to the G League. I
think it's night and day in terms of what their

brand is heading into the n b A and the
money that they can eventually make. This isn't me saying like, hey,
no fair, NBA, like leave college basketball alone. All I'm
saying is this, how much of two things? Really? How
much of a benefit is it really to the kid
if he goes to the G League. It's like, oh gosh,
he's in such a better position to hit the NBA

ground running. I don't see it that way. And the
other part is I do think even though it stinks,
you don't get your money up front in college sports,
college basketball, you might see more money in the long
run based on the brand building. At least that's the
way it is right now. Things could change if there
are more and more and more prospects that go the
G League route, And the other way to look at

it is, you know, these kids who will be playing
essentially for free for one year at a college institution
would at least be able to play and actually have
money in their pockets for a couple of years while
under the NBA umbrella. Absolutely absolutely. I'll tell you what, man,
the ripple effect. Let's say you're friends with Jalen Green
and he's making five hundred K, and you're going to

college basketball route and someone's like, hey, we'll pay you
a hundred thousand dollars. You know that devil on your
shoulder is just like, get yours, dude, jakeln Green is
getting his like. So, I really wonder the ripple effect
of the corruption if it leads to more in college
hoops to try to keep some of these prospects in

college basketball. It's really interesting. Man, Hey, we're coming to
you from the Geico studios. Fifteen minutes could save you
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or call eight hundred seven Auto. The only hard part
figuring out which way is easier. I swear we gotta
get to Ryan bur Singer. We gotta get We gotta
get to Ryan bur Singer, the producer of this fine

program tonight, also a thought on a chip on the shoulder,
how it served one player extremely well in kur could
serve another player extremely well as well. I'm Brian No.
Keep it locked right here on Fox Sports Radio. I'm
Brian No here on Fox Sports Radio. Coming see you
from the Geico studios. Get your free credit scorecard today,

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I love the dramatic pause before some salt and pepper.
It just made it better. I was like, uh, where

are we and we're back, We're back. I like that. Okay,
So Tom Brady. Tom Brady has had a chip on
his shoulder. He's had a boulder on his shoulder. He
posted on Instagram the six quarterbacks that were drafted ahead
of him. It was the anniversary of when he was
drafted a couple of days ago, so he post this

on I G and I think that, of course, this
boulder slash chip on his shoulder has served him very
well during his NFL career. I think this is the
main reason he continues to play, is because there were
so many naysayers at the beginning. There have been so
many critics throughout. He's a great competitor. He loves proving

people wrong. That's a big part of his success. I
think that the amount of doubt that to a tongue
of Voloa has experienced, I think that's gonna help him
in his NFL career. Now, it's not going to help
him to the point where most of the question marks
are about his health, where it turns into all this

guy's brittle. He's had the hip injury, the ankle issues.
You can't trust him from a health standpoint, YadA, YadA,
YadA YadA. It's not like two is gonna say, oh yeah,
I'll show you and make himself healthy. That's out of
his control mostly more on that in a second. But
what he can control. I think this adds a lot

of motivation when you are doubted, When people say I
wouldn't touch him in the top ten, I wouldn't draft
him in the first round, on and on and on
and on. I think that's very, very motivating. I think
there is real value in being doubted, and make no mistake,
two is being doubted to the nth degree right now,

and I think that will help him be a more
productive player in his NFL career. So I actually think
this make him more desirable as a prospect if you're
one of these teams that needs a QB. Dolphins has
a top pick Dolphins, I think it makes too even
more desirable because he's been so doubted. Okay in terms

of it being out of his control in terms of
the injuries to a degree, that's true, But I think
that to Ah, he throws with anticipation. He does a
great job of anticipating windows who to throw the ball too.
He does a great job in the passing game with anticipation.

He needs to do that in other aspects of football
other than the passing game. He's got to anticipate contact
better than he does if he's running the ball, if
he's buying time, he's got to anticipate, Hey, the play
isn't here. I'm about to get clobbered, so let me

get rid of this ball and live to fight another down.
He's got to do a better So I do think
that to a degree, he does have a decent amount
of control when it comes to his injury issues. It's
not all in his control. Stuff is gonna happen on
the football field. Players get injured. That's just how it goes.
But I do think that he has some control over

his health status. By the way, um, we're gonna get
to a lot in the third hour here because I
have done some crack research and I will be dispelling
a myth. It's a very very popular myth that many
people have bought into and I'm not one of them,

and so I'm gonna bring some information to the table
and it might cause you to change your thought process
as well. We've got Ryan Burr Singer are trusted producer
eas yet to check in. What's on your mind tonight,
bur do Brian, I've got something really important I wanted
to do. What's going on? Everybody? Hope you're enjoying your
Saturday morning over here. I'm having fun hanging out with

you and for Jonas knocks, you know, I do have
to start off this hour some troubling news over here.
I received a Twitter message from my former show girl
friend Shay. Yes, she's my radio girlfriend for a while,

and I just tweeted out that saltzer like sparkling water
is garbage. Who's with me? And she just put your
taste buds are trash, Bud. It's actually a very good tweet,
very nicely done. Now it's funny too, because I'm gonna
get some sports in a second. There's a myth that

I have to dispel in just a second. But let's
open the door for some shenanigans here. Because I typically
use Bud, That's what I say. I know normally either
go what's not in or what's up Bud? But I
used Bud quite a bit. And so Chris, producer Chris,
he texted me before the show and he goes, hey,

I'll be in the studio here in about thirty minutes.
Do you want me to call or text you when
it's clear for you to connect? And I just put
sounds good, But okay, I read his text and I
totally didn't gather that he's asking me a question. So
when he called me, I was like, hey, what's up.
I was all confused, like, why didn't you just text me?

And then he later told me he asked me a
question and I just responded with sounds good. But yeah,
I was driving at the time, so I couldn't actually
follow up and like tell you it's like this, this
wasn't this wasn't a statement, Brian, this was a question.
And then yeah, when I I always like to ask
that because some guys just don't look at their phones
before I like connect them on on the units we

have here to get you know, into the Los Angeles studios.
So it just you know, you can't ignore a phone call.
But then, yeah, I was just I was just I
stared at that text for a good minutes. I did.
It's strange. I read it. I didn't process it very well,
and the way I processed it was just, hey, I'll
contact you thirty minutes before the show. I'm like, all right, cool,

I didn't read it very well. All right. That was
the voice of Chris the metal fan who has not
sat down and gave Pantera a good listening to. You've
heard from k Fig tonight, we'll get more from k Fig.
You only heard a little bit from Ryan Burr Singer,
and I apologize that was shoddy show hosting from yours

truly where we have these hard network outs at the
end of the hour, and so I was bringing Bursch in.
We're gonna have a discussion as we typically do. I
love doing shows when Bursch is producing here, so I
was having a discussion with him, and then the hard
network out interrupted things. So I will I will absolutely

circle back and we will get more in depth with
Ryan Burr Shinger here this evening, no doubt about that.
I I am a man at my word. That will happen.
Let me get to this though, I've done some crack research. Now.
There was a tweet over the last day or two
and it just had Bill Belichick's record, and I saw

it and I was like, wow, two thirty seven and
eighty three in twenty seasons with the Patriots, just to
look at that, it doesn't look right to thirty seven
and eighty three. And so I was putting together a
thought based on that, and I don't remember what it was,

but I was starting to come up with the stance,
come up with an opinion. And while I'm doing these things,
I'm always thinking of the counter argument, and I'm like,
you know, the counter argument, it's gonna be a f
C East, Brian AFC East. It's thanks trash, that's why
his record is so good. Blah blah blah. And so
I was like, let me do some crack research here,
and so what I did. It didn't take that long. Actually,

I went through the seasons and I wanted to compile
everything into the games that Belichick has won in the
division against the a f C East and the games
that he's won outside the division. And when you add
everything up, Bill Belichick has won seventy percent of his

games in the division against teams in the a f
C East over these last twenty years with you know,
Brady Belichick. Twenty years, right, and even that first year
was without Brady. It was you know, it was until
two thousand one where Brady was the full time starter
throughout most of the season. It was Bledsoe before that.

But Belichick has won seventy of his games in the
division as the Patriots head coach. In games outside the division,
he's won seventy three point four percent. Like so within
the division, seventy three point four percent outside the division.

Not a big difference. Whatsoever. And so the popular myth is, oh, well,
it's because of the a f C. East filling the blank,
filling the blank, filling the blank with stupid comment after
stupid comment, right like, that's the way it's gone. Oh,
they're a byproduct of a week division, and that's why
they've been so successful. Never mind the fact that they've

been winning at nearly the same rate over a twenty
year period outside the division as they are within the division.
So to boil everything down to or or explain away
the Patriots success and just chalk it up to, oh,
it's it's the a f C. East, it's a week
to vision. That's garbage. That's six games a year since

realignment in two thousand two in your division. You've got
ten games outside of it. So if you're winning almost
an equal amount of games outside the division when you're
playing ten versus inside the division when you're playing six,
it means more what you're doing outside your division. Anyway,
it's just a numbers game over twenty years, and they're

winning at nearly the same clip by the way, out
of these twenty years. There's another bit of crack research.
Twenty years Bill Belichick head coach of the Patriots. How
many of those twenty years do you think the Patriots
went undefeated within the a f C East. What would

your ballpark it at? How many games? How many seasons?
Five times, six seasons? Seven times? They went undefeated in
the a f C East. I mean, it's the a
f C East. It's trash, right, it's awful, terrible. They've
only gone undefeated twice in division play over the last
twenty years, which I find pretty amazing for all that

you hear about the a f C East. Oh, it's
so bad, it's out terrible. There's another but bad teams there.
They've gone undefeated twice. That's it. And so although it
has not been a gauntlet, teams within your same division
know you better than teams outside, which does make it

more difficult. And I remember, like Nick Saban when he
was the head coach of the Dolphins, one year they
shut out the Patriots. They beat him twenty one to nothing.
So long story short, it's like, don't boil down or
don't reduce everything that the Patriots have to have accomplished

two Oh gosh, they yeah, they they're the byproduct of
the a f C East being down No, they aren't. No,
they aren't. That's dumbing it down to a level that
is factually incorrect when they're winning it almost the same
clip outside the division than inside it. That's just it's
a bad argument. I'm Brian now Here on Fox Sports Radio,

coming to you from the Geico Studios. Fifteen minutes could
save you fift cent or more on car insurance. Visit
Geico dot com for a free rate quote. Let me
get to Joe Burrow here, okay, because there's something that
doesn't quite pass the smell test to me. So Joe
Burrow he had as an NFL passer rating. Okay, a

couple of years ago at l s U, his NFL
passer rating would have been ninety point six, which isn't
anything to write home about. Ninety point six. That puts
you in the territory last year as case Keenum actually
less than case Keenum with the Washington Redskins like that's
in the Gardner Minshoe in a case Keenum ish area.

Those guys had passer ratings just slightly above ninety one.
So Joe Burrow two years ago at l s U,
N six was his NFL passer rating. Now now last
year under Joe Brady, the guru of coordinators over there
in college football under Joe Brady, last year at L

s U, Joe Burrows NFL passer rating was one forty
three point seven. It's just just insane, man, It's crazy. No,
let me ask you this. Doesn't that smell funny to you?
Does that not strike you as Wait a minute, this
really when you're projecting his NFL success, a leap that

big makes me raise my hand like, wait, wait a minute,
let's look at this example. Look at Ryan Tannehill. It's
not apples to apples, but just follow me on this.
Ryan Tannehill played great for the Titans the ten starts.
He had highest passer rating in football, a mammoth leete

compared to what he did with the Dolphins. Are you
going into this next season saying, man, Tannehill is the truth? Like?
Are you saying that? A? Are you saying well, I
gotta see more to completely buy in. Now, Now, let's
be fair about this. Tannehill played a lot more years
in Miami and had mediocre results. Okay, you had one

mediocre season with Joe Burrow at L s U. So
that is an apples to apples and the other part
of this also is an apples to apples, which is,
although Tannehill played very very well, he didn't play nearly
at a level that Joe Burrow did last year, So
there are differences. The only reason I bring tanne Hill
up this is the comparison. You would probably need to

see more from him to buy in that he's really
turned a corner, and so I think it's reasonable to
just throw out there with a leap this big for
Joe Burrow, it just doesn't pass the smell test to me.
He received a late round grade a year ago from

National Football Scouting. Think about that, a late round grade
last year. Now, all of a sudden, he's the consensus
number one overall pick. Oh, you're out of your mind
if you don't take this guy number one overall. I
just I don't know if he is that talented of

a player to be a star in the NFL. I
think he could be good in the NFL. I just
don't see stardom written all over him. And that leap,
that nammoth quantum leap from his first year at l
s U to this last year where he's throwing sixty
touchdown passes. He's showing athleticism, he's throwing with anticipation, He's

just doing everything. He was unbelievable. I look at that,
and I don't want to be the glass half empty guy.
But I look at that, I'm like that just it
doesn't seem quite right. I don't think you can sustain
that going forward. And I realized the UNFIL is another level,
and but to sustain it on a reasonable level in

the NFL with the competition being much better, I just
I have concerns. I have questions. Now. I think they
would be a good player. Question is his arm strength.
He doesn't have a strong arm. Well, okay, he doesn't
have a cannon, but he doesn't have a p shooter either.
I think it's a talented guy. He can process information
very fast. He's accurate. When you have that, when you

have anticipation accuracy, you've got something to work with. So
I think it could be good in the NFL. But
that want them leap. I still have questions. I have
reservations that he is going to be that productive in
the NFL. We're talking elite production. I just one year
even a star studied as it was, even against the

best competition you could have faced. They're taking down a
p top ten teams left and right last year as
as college. I I just I am not sold that
he is going to be the star that many people
seem to think. He's gonna be. Alright, plenty more to
get to. I want to get to this. We're gonna
have some fun. We're going to have the Last Dance

cuss word mock draft, if you will. It's gonna be
a combination of It's more of like a Super Bowl
prop bet type thing where I'm gonna throw out some
prop bets as to who's gonna be the first cusser
on ESPN the Last Dance where there chronicling the bulls.
They're gonna to have the unedited version F bombs, m

F bombs? Who will be the first cusser? How many
cuss words are we gonna get on the first night
where they air two episodes. We'll have some fun with that.
We'll lighten it up here. I'm Brian no keep it
locked right here on Fox Sports Radio. I'm Brian No
in for Jonas Knox. Welcome back to Fox Sports Radio,
brought to you by Geico. I am tempted to not

not speak here when my guy Chris play some Lamb
of God. You know, I'm tempted to just take dramatic pauses. Breathe,
let it breathe a little bit. I think it is
near the end of the song though, so that's okay.
I can wait. I got nowhere to be. Yeah, yeah,

you just got a radio show right here. Yeah, yeah,
there you go. You're just talking some sports, some high jinks.
I'm watching Fight Club, by the way, before we get
to the Super Bowl prop bet like version here for
the Last Dance, premiering on ESPN on Sunday. I've noticed

something about myself when it comes to all these vintage
games that are being replayed. I have no problem watching
bits and pieces of these games. Some people look down like,
oh my gosh, you're a loser for watching some of
these old games. I don't look at that. I don't
look at it like that at all. And something about movies.

I don't know about you guys, but I actually many
times would prefer watching rewatching a movie I've I've already
seen numerous times, then watching something new. There's gotta be
a new movie them really interested in seeing, like I've
been hearing some good stuff. I saw the trailer that
looks really good. Don't get me wrong, I watched new movies.

But if it's a difference between yeah, this movie looks okay,
and I know this one's really good, and although I've
seen it thirty five times, I'm good for a thirty
six viewing. That's how I get down, Chris, how do
you get down with movies? Exactly? What's your thing? There?
There are some movies where I will go back and rewatch,
and I think one of my favorite is Fear and
Loathing in Las Vegas. And I've rewatched that about like

three four dozen times. I've never seen that one really.
Oh that's a good one. You'd like that, you would
like that? Um? Mind this down? What's it called again?
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas? So um? But I
I think for me, it's like it's not that I
have a bit of what I call hipster brain. I
think we've talked about this before. Kind of goes into

metal as well too, about selling out. It's like if
something gets a little too big, I kind of dragged
my feet a little bit. Like I've had Tiger King
and my watch list on Netflix. But the problems everyone
talked about it so much, and I'm now like, you
know what, I'm gonna drag my feet a little bit.
I like, if i've go see new movies, I try
to go out and left field. I try to go
off the beaten path a little bit because I want
I want new experiences. I don't want to be just

you know, fair enough. Yeah, I get you on that,
and yes, there is something about it. As a metal fan,
when something gets insanely popular, you're just like, this feels
uncomfortable because heavy metal is an underground genre for the
most I think. I think it's just I can get
negative too. And then I it's like, all right, I'm
gonna go into this, but then I start getting hyper

critical about the like the really popular thing, and then
I'm just like, yeah, it's just not it's just not
comfortable for me to to watch it because now I'm
just sitting there picking out all the nuances, all the
little things like this where it's like the NFL. The
NFL is one of the few exceptions where it's uber
popular and I'm totally into it. Yeah, but if it's

i don't know, like the Pokemon go thing, I'm like,
it's a little too popular for me. I'm just I
can't do it, you know what I mean. I don't know,
it's it's a weird thing I have. I think there's
something tracing back to metal. I think there's something with that.
More less about that, but like keeping it in sports,
like me with the NBA recently, I'm getting a really

really getting a little kind of I think part of
it too, is like I'm a Pistons guy, and the
Pistons have been good and like, I don't know, we're
going on fifteen years now, something like that. But at
the same time too, it's just I I watched the
NBA and they're just just because maybe all all my
Twitter talks about some of these games during the regular season,
I'm just like, I'm dragging, just dragging my feet here

now a little bit. Okay, enough of your negativity here, Chris.
We're gonna get to the Super Bowl, like prop bets
when it comes to the last dance. So this is
debuting on ESPN. There's a lot of anticipation for it.
The balls were insanely popular in the nineties and now
all of a sudden we get this never seen before
footage and all of that, and with no live games

going on. There's gonna be a lot of interest. I
think it's gonna rate very highly. The sports radio shows,
the sports television shows, you're gonna be talking about it
a lot. But the thing that stands out to me,
the unedited version is going to air on ESPN on
their main network. They're going to have the unedited version,

which includes the m F bomb, F bombs, the S word.
I think there's gonna be a lot of people ticked off,
and so we're gonna have some prop bets based on this.
So we're gonna go around the room. Now, our guy
Ryan Burr, singer, he has a hot take, and in
an effort to get to his hot take, we want

to streamline this this prop bet, little super Bowl sort
of deal here with the last dance. So it's gonna
be me k Fig and Chris. We're gonna make our
predictions here. Bursch is okay with this because he wants
to have time for this hot take you're talking about
outside the box. It's gonna make you go, wow, what

I never thought of it that way, So we need
to add some time. I'm save enough time for him.
So it's gonna be me k Fig and Chris so
we'll go around the room. Let's start with you, k Fig,
who utters the first cuss word? This is Sunday Night
episodes one and two air, so we're gonna have two
hours of content over here. Who cusses first? It could

be a bulls player, could be Phil Jackson, could be
a media guy, could be anybody. Who's your guest. I'm
gonna go with Scottie Pippen. Okay, Kate Fi goes with
Pip Chris. What do you say first cuss word on
Sunday Night? I mean, Jordan's kind of seems like the
obvious answer here, right, Like I would probably put him

the odds on favor. But if we're taking him off
the board, you don't have to. You can go with
them Jack you know what, Yeah, I'll go with m J.
I'll say for fairness, my second choice is probably Dennis Rodman. Yeah,
That's where I'm going. I'm going with Rodman over here. Okay,
so what is the first cuss word? I mean, are

we just saying what it begins with? We do out
there for everybody and my last night working at Fox
Cross Radio. Love you guys. I think you're switching on
the dump button. Kay, Uh, let's just say it starts
with an F Okay, he goes F bomb. What do
you say from the hand that he he got, he
got the first choice of that. Yeah, allowed to say

the same thing as him? Or do I need to
like pick Yeah, so you can go with the same thing. No,
I'm with him. It's gonna be an F bomb. It's
gonna be an F bomb. You know, I'm gonna go
with I'm getting plus money on this. I think it's
probably about plus three fifty. I'm gonna go with BS.
I'm gonna say that that's the first customer. Yes, yeah,
very strong. Okay, what else do we have here? Okay,

on Sunday the first two episodes, the person with the
most cuss words, who do you have? I'm gonna go
I'm gonna steal yours and go with Dennis Robin for
the most us words in the entire probably probably get
like a good string of like four or five and
one sentence at one point. Yeah, is that where you
go to Chris No, I I'm just gonna stick Jordan's.

I think we're going to really saucy version of Jordans
on this thing. They're they're not They're not going to
make this decision to have a completely a separately aired
unedited version on their other network unless it is really spicy,
unless it is really caliente. So I say it's gonna
be Jordan's. All right, you're going to Jordan's. I think

this is really tough. So it's just on Sunday. First
two episodes, two hours worth of content here. I like
Rodman a lot, k fig it really just depends on
how much face time he gets, and it's hard to
project that because I just don't know how in depth
they get into it that first night. So I don't

know how much Pip and cusses either, though, you know, yeah, well,
it's also all you said, who I mean, going back
to the first prop, bed, who does it first? I mean,
the very first words of the documentary could be a
cuss word? How would you describe that? Last season? Man?
S you f anybody you know, I'm gonna go to Jordan.

I'm gonna say, guys, the most cuss words on Sunday.
That's tough though. Okay, another prop bet here, will there
be a cuss word within the first three minutes in
episode one? Now after the intro and they might have music,
and when they start speaking, that's when the clock starts.

It might be like a cold open. Well, once they
start talking, right, I'm gonna say, yes, I think it
happens within the first three months. That very early, very
early on. Okay, how long do you think it takes?
What's your best guess? Um, I'd say I'll give it

ninety seconds seconds? All right, what do you say, Chris,
two minutes? It's it sounds like you're telling me a
countdown in my ear. I'm gonna say, all right, I'll
go in the It's almost like prices, right styles, you know,
I'm gonna say. I'm gonna say it's within the first

sixty seconds. There's some type of cuss works. Okay, I
thought you're gonna say a minute in twenty nine seconds
over Yeah, I'm not gonna be two minute range. Almost. Okay,
we got two more. Actually, let's get to the the
other prop bets. This is for the last dance the
docuseries about the Bowls. There's gonna be cussing on the

ESPN version. I've got two more here on my list.
But first let's uh, let's work in a sports update
from k Fig and we'll get the tail into this
right after k fig does his business here alright, and
as the COVID ninety now break continues to affect the
bottom line in most industries. The NBA and the Players
Association reached an agreement on Friday that will will hold
of each player's salary beginning on May. The remaining money

for the players will be held in an escrow account
and will be returned to the players if all of
the remaining games from the regular season are played. But
will that season be restarted. Commissioner Adam Silver says that
is still the plan, although based on his discussions with
health officials, the league is currently in no positions to
make any decisions at the moment. Silver did say that
the proposed plan of having the entire league play its

games in one location has not been seriously considered as
of now. In the NFL, the Bears released tight and
Trey Burton, who only played in eight games last season
as he nursed a calf injury. Saints quarterback Taysom Hill
and Brown's running back Kareem Hunt are among the restricted
free agents who did not did not sign offer sheets
with other teams, so they will remain with their current franchises, Briant.

Back to you, good stuff, k Fig, We're coming see
you live from the Geico Fox Sports Radio studios. It's
easy to save fift center. More on car insurance with Geico,
go to Geico dot com or call eight hundred seven Auto.
The only hard part figuring out which way is easier. Okay,
back to the prop bets here The Last Dance docuseries

begins on Sunday. Lots of anticipation. The naughty version cuss
words galore on ESPN. Here's the question, will the entire
series air unedited on ESPN? What do you guys think?
I'll say, yes, you go yes? What do you say?

Is it on ESPN or I thought it was on
ESPN two where they were doing No, it's backwards. Really,
the unedited is on ESPN the main channel. The edited
version is on ESPN two. See if you have to
go to the secondary channel to seek out the edited version. Wow, ah,

that's rough then, um, because if I had said if
it would, if it had been ESPN two for the
unedited version, I would have absolutely said yes, now my head, yeah,
I'm gonna I'm gonna lean yes. I don't think there's
gonna be enough really slightly lean yes, I say absolutely not,

no way. I think there's gonna be such pushback on this.
I just think the shock factor of hearing Michael Jordan's
who's this icon? He's like a deity, you know, if
he's dropping the F word. I think they're gonna be
parents that are like, I didn't know that they were
gonna have this on the air, and not everybody knows

this might like, you know, parental discretion is advised, and
then you know, if you want to watch the edited version,
flip over to ESPN two. I mean, if you conslate
it that way before it starts. Yeah, I think the
ESPN would have would have covered their backside on that,
I guess. But you're still gonna have people who like
tune in the middle of it and just don't see
that and just still flip on them. But I think

I'm leaning yes, just because at this point, like they
seem committed to this. I think they've weighed these kind
of fears in their heads and they probably like, yeah,
we can probably roll with it. So I just it's
gonna be a matter of what happens when it all
hits the asphalt, you know what I think it's it's
gonna be like, I think the reaction is going to
be similar to remember when Snoop Dogg performed for Kentucky.

Remember it was not Kentucky. What was that was that
midnight match? It was Midnight man Is for the for
the start of the season, and so he had some
adult language and spans around. They had like a stripper pole,
and the fans lost their freaking minds. You know, that's

what's gonna happen with this docuseries. You're gonna You're gonna
have m f words dropped. People are gonna freak. And
this is a Disney owned company. There's no way this
last on esp and the unedited version, Isn't that the
funky parts to begin with the fact that it's a
Disney owned company and they're already green lighting the fact

that these episodes are gonna erro on ESPN, Like does
something get missed in the line of you know, get
accepting this. I just think there's gonna be some big win,
big wig over there at ESPN that it's just like,
we know, abort the freaking mission over here. And and
this is a company too that when the angry mob
starts circling outside. They're like, alright, alright, alright, well we'll change.

I'm sorry, I'm I'm trying to remove it. Yeah, yes, yes,
I say, no way have I convinced you at all?
Are you coming over to the dark. So I'm still
fifty on this because I think this was done knowingly
by You say there's a big wig who's gonna come
in and storm in. That might very well be true,
but there's probably some big wig beneath him who who
first thought this up as like, this is how we're

going to get eyeballs. We're gonna come out here and say, yeah,
there's gonna be cussing, and it's gonna get all these
people excited in the midst of this massive drought of
sports content and everyone's not sure what to do or
even to turn in for a documentary. Let's just spice
it up, let's go to the wall. This is kind
of like just kind of some shock. I just think this. Yeah,
I think they think they You're not gonna spice up

Sports Center. It's not like shrinkers are gonna be dropping
F bombs and m F bombs, and yeah it would be,
but people lose o that I think what's gonna happen
is yeah, it's like it sounds like a cool idea
on paper, but as you say, some other big wigs
coming right, is gonna come in and be like, hey,
I didn't get the memo on this one. Is exactly

somebody up there on the higher up, like the state
is gonna be like this because someone green lit the
snoop thing. I can't believe. No one I Kansas knew
is like, yeah, you're getting stoopid. You know you're getting
It's like there was like, so we're gonna striples. Yeah,
that's cool. That's cool, and then someone above your head
comes in It's like, I know I didn't have power
in the Last thing I'll say about this, though, is

I think that the cussing is gonna distract from the series.
And I think that's the main reason when you get
as much pushed back. You've put all this work into
this dot Q series. We're talking hours and hours and
months of work, and you want it to be on
the storyline. What picture you're trying to paint instead of

I can't believe they're having Jordan's unedited dropping the MF
word on there. I think that's the reason why they're
going to switch it up and put it on a
secondary chan. Can I just say one last thing to it?
It's when it's on TV. It's so much more funny
when you bleep cuss words. That's me, that's me. I
don't I don't mind unedited sometimes, but like when I

hear that sensor bleep, it just makes me giggle. Well,
if it's like this, I think if it's a different version,
if it's say pulp fiction, and you hear jewels say
this and it's switched, that could talk about right like
it's supposed to be. Yeah, yeah, should they should? They
just have someone slice in with freak and it's not

even close to Jordan's voice. No, if it's if it's
Dennis Rodman going on some long rant where he's using
like eight different cuss words at once, I just want
a long string of like, that's funny, that's okay, I
got you, I got all right. Last one. I'll ask
over under on Sunday, two episodes right, two hours in
total over under forty total swear words. What do you say?

I'll take the under on that give me the under.
I got the under as well. Something tells me it
might not be as bad as we're fearing it might be.
We're making this really racy here, and this is this,
this is this little won't be that bad. I think
it is. I think it's gonna be bad. Here's the
other thing you gotta keep in mind. This is a
great point. I was talking to Aaron Torres on My

Portland's show on Friday. He made a great point. I'll
give him credit for this. I thought about stealing it
and passing it off as my own, but I can't do.
Aeron Torres like that. He was like, this is so
if they're including footage of that time, the standards at
that time are a different than the standards here and now.

And that is a great, great point. So a lot
of it is gonna be current interviews where they're talking
about the season back then, but if they add in
clips of interviews or talk that was with the camera
crew there, there could be some stuff that's pretty wild,
pretty wild in a different era, they would they would

never leave that sort of stuff in, knowing for the
consumption of the audience today. If there's something that would
have been that will be more offensive if here today
than it was back then. I highly doubt they would
leave that in just to protect the players, even though we're,
you know, decades later. I don't think they would do that. Yeah,
I would hope they wouldn't do that. To be honest
with you, I'm so interested for the cuss factor. It's

not just a storyline. Okay, alright, last thing I said,
last thing, I like, this is the last thing. Your
best Guess how many curse words on Sunday? And we're
talking about words that you can't get away? Would saying
right like word you could say that it doesn't get
George bad words? Yeah? There you go. Yep? How many

k how many so in total for both episodes on Sunday? Ye?
Uh eight eight? Uh? Who I was gonna say twenty,
I'm gonna go thirty three. I think they're letting him
fly here. Yeah. I think that we're gonna get a couple.
We're gonna get kind of like a fast break of Rodman.

He might let two or three go in a row.
They just start compiling like the bio factory. It's like, yeah,
there's a fast break, there's a barrage of Rodman, and
then it's just there through the roof. Yes, someone's just
gonna make a montage on Twitter, just all the curse
words with nothing else. You know, when the series is over.

That's absolutely correct. That will be happening all right. Coming
up next from the Geico Studios, the NFL with some
plans that at this rate don't make a whole lot
of sense to me. I'm Brian. Now keep it locked
right here on Fox Sports Radio. I'm probably no here
on Fox Sports Radio. Coming to you from the Geico Studios. Hey,

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discover dot com. Slash credit scorecard limitations apply. Okay, so
I have a lot to get to here. So the NFL,

they say that they're still planning on releasing their schedule
on May nine, and I just look at this and
I think, if we haven't made major progress in the
fight against COVID nineteen, I don't think it benefits the

NFL to release the schedule on May nine, because think
of the reaction the is all built on if we
haven't made great progress. And here's hoping that we do. Obviously,
but let's just say that we're in a relatively similar
position that we are in right now, and the NFL

releases its schedule, the reaction is gonna be, hey, yeah,
so Patrick Mahomes and the Chiefs they open up the
season on September whatever against whoever, and the reaction is
gonna be like, well, it's gonna be awesome if it
even happens. So it's gonna be this muted response instead

of the normal Oh hey, here's Tom Brady and he
travels to wherever, he travels to New Orleans and he
faces breeze in Week five and it's gonna be on
Sunday Night football. At the reaction is like, oh wow,
that's gonna be awesome again, if we aren't in a
much different place about three weeks from now. I don't

think that it excites NFL fans because you're probably thinking,
I don't even know if that game is gonna take
place at all to begin with, or at that time,
is the season gonna get pushed back. I just I
don't think it makes sense for the NFL to re
release the schedule then when you would get this anticlimactic

reaction from fans, that's not where you're going with. That's
that defeats the whole purpose. You're just you're trying to
promote the season and get people fired up, and I
just I don't think that it does either. By the way,
there's a funny blurb here, actually a couple of them.
TMZ tweets out the NFL says no dress code for

the draft. So we're kidding around here, where um, if,
like say Jeff Okuda from Ohio State, who's rumored to
go to the Lions, if he's just lounging around in
some ratty sweatpants, Matt Patricia is gonna be like this
little finds it. Take him, Take this guy, get him

right now, because Matt Patricia is not exactly Mr g
Q on the sidelines. So yeah, no dress code for
the draft. Listen, it makes sense people are at home, right.
I wonder who gets suited and booted for this thing,
because someone is that's the custom. You get this tailor
made suit, you dressed to the nines, you look fabulous.

Someone's gonna do that at some point. But I guess,
according to this story by TMZ, celebrity tailors are taking
a hit. Yeah, because we're not seeing the custom suits
to the same degree as we normally do. Obviously, man,
this whole pandemic things sucks. It's brutal. But I think

that the NFL has got to be very very smart
about how they approached the draft because they've been criticized
before for even having the draft. Adam Schefter was on
Sports Center a week or two ago and he was like,
they're gonna have the draft while there's carnage in the streets.
That's been talked about. So there have been some that
have been very critical of the NFL. I think they're
blowing it out of proportion. But the point is those

people are out there with that in mind. You can't
have all of these people huddled in a home for
their relative to be drafted. If a player, let's say
Joe Burrow, Chase Young, these guys at the top of
the draft who will have a TV camera on them.
You can't have your uncle and friends all your relative

You can't have more than immediate family because it'd be
such a bad look for you and the NFL. By
the way, speaking of TMC Sports, so they have the
storyline on Joe Buck there was a porn site that
offered him a million dollars to do some narrating, okay,
and he would have to narrate twive live cam shows

per week through the end of a to get the
million dollars. That is obnoxious. That is an obnoxious ask.
That is so obnoxious. I'm not even going to mention
the company. Of course they do this to get their
name out there, which is typically smart. But you can't
do something that's so outlandish that you don't even it's

not even a possibility that he would do this. Um
And when you take it to that degree, it's I
can't give your your name a plug. I can't do that,
all right, coming up next to the guy Goes Studios,
we get that two of versus Herbert. Many more layers
to get to keep it locked. Good morning, everybody. Hope
you're enjoying your early Saturday morning festivities over here. In

for Mr Jonas Knox, he had previous radio commitments and
obligations on Friday, so I'm in for him, very happy
to be here. So the reaction about to a tongue
of voloa is just it's getting ridiculous here. I'm not
gonna go long on this because I feel like, here's

the deal. I think the longer you do sports radio,
you become like a quarterback. A quarterback has that internal
clock where they gotta get rid of the football. They're thinking, alright, alright,
my first option is not there, my second option is
not there. I better get rid of it or I'm
about to get clobbered over here. I think it's similar
for radio hosts because you start to develop this internal

clock of okay, they've been hearing a lot about to UH,
and more about TOAH, and even more about to US.
I don't want to go on for twelve minutes on
TAH over here, but there are a couple of thoughts
that I wanted to share with you. One is Joel Klatt,
NFL draft analyst, does an amazing job. He was on

with Doug Gottlieb on Friday, and this is what he
had to say when he is looking at TAH compared
to Oregon's Justin Herbert. Check this out. Conversations in some
buildings as as I'm having, you know, my conversations with
people in the draft. I think there are more teams
that are split between Herbert and TWA than we think,

and I think one of them might be Miami. Oh
my gosh. I literally, I'm not kidding you, guys. I
have nightmares about the Dolphins possibly taking Justin Herbert. I've
watched all of his games. I do a local show
in Portland and so we talked Ducks football, like I've
watched this guy very closely. And yeah, I know, he

hasn't had Jerry Judy and Henry Ruggs the third. He
hasn't had that talent. He hasn't had Justin Jefferson or
Jamaar Chase. He hasn't had those guys. I get that,
But you know what he's had open receivers. Believe it
or not. I know hopefully you're sitting down, Mike, catch
you off guard. He has had open receivers at Oregon before,

and he has missed those open receivers far too often
for my life. King, I am out in terms of
the Dolphins taking Herbert with potentially too on the board,
No way. I also think this the Dolphins can't have
what happened with Breeze happened again with Tua because Drew

Brees was on the open market. You go away back
when in the mid two thousands, when the Chargers were
moving on from Breeze, they were gonna commit to Philip Rivers,
so Breeze was on the market. The Dolphins checked out
Drew Brees just had this major shoulder injury. The Dolphins said, Nap, Nap,

not feeling it from a health standpoint. And what's happened
since Breeze has just tormented the Dolphins by being an
all time stud NFL leader in passing yards and passing touchdowns.
In your freaking face, Dolphins, they cannot risk that happening

again by bypassing on to Ah. I understand the concerns.
They are valid concerns. The guy had a major hip injury,
two ankle surgeries. I get it, but I don't think
you can be concerned to the point that you say,
you know what, let's take Herbert instead of Tuah. That's

the way it goes down. This is just crazy to me, man. Crazy.
And also this is from Tuah his own words. He
was on with Mike Locksley. Locks was the former offensive
coordinator over there at Bama. He's now the current head
coach at Maryland. And I thought to have put it
very succinctly, very simply, this is what he says about

injuries in general. I'm not playing Batman. You know I'm
not on the swim team. This is a physical sport. Yeah,
you're gonna get hurt. Yeah. You know what's funny is
if you just consider this for a second. I think
the talk it's just like, oh, too, he's been banged up.

It's a big time risk. YadA, YadA, YadA YadA, And
I get it, but it's talked about so much. It's
as if the other quarterbacks can't get hurt. You understand
what I mean, Like I understand that Herbert hasn't had
the same injury history as to AH, but he's been
banged up before. He had a collarbone injury, he missed

half of the year, got knocked out, right, Like we
shouldn't just dwell onto uh. And it's two in the
injuries too, in the injuries, all the injury concerns. AH,
he's brittle, as if other qbs cannot get hurt their bulletproof.
No way you have any injury concerns whatsoever, should you
take the Herbert route. It's just it's crazy what it's

turned into. I'm Brian though in for Jonas here on
Fox Sports Radio. Coming to you from the Fox Sports
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I got a tweet a little bit earlier tonight at
the No Show and Jedi checks in Jedi two and says,

really to a special, he couldn't even win the starting
spot at Alabama. He played weak competition. He only played
a few good schools in the SEC because their non
conference was garbage as always, and the SEC is pretty
weak also, and he's a second round pick. There's just

there's we gotta get to Burstinger's hot take, and if
I unpack all that's wrong in that tweet, I don't
know that we're gonna be able to get to it.
Like he didn't win the starting spot. What hey, Yeah,
I don't know if that's going back to the Jalen
Hurts days when Jalen Hurts was the are in and

Tah was the backup guy. I don't know what that's
alluding to, but Ta has been the starter. He's certainly
better than a second round pick. The competition wasn't nearly
as weak as this guy makes it out to be.
The entire time to it was at Alabama. It's just
that's the type of stuff I'm talking about. That's why

I think TUA has even more value. I think there's
such great value if you're wired the right way when
you're doubted. I'll tell you a quick story. So when
I was in college, I had a friend of mine
and we go to the weight room together, right, and

I'm one of these competitive nut jobs where I just
I feed off people doubting me. And I would say
to my friend, I'd be like, you don't think I
can lift this ten times? If we're a bench pressing
I'm like, you don't think I can do this? Do you?
And he'd be like he was just really laid back.
He's like, uh, whatever, be I don't know. I was

just waiting for him to doubt me, where I'd have
even more motivation. You have teams trying to create doubt.
The Patriots when they won the Super Bowl against the Rams,
they were playing the card if no one believes in
us at all. It was like, you're the freaking Patriots.
What are you talking about? You can't find anybody on
the face of the earth that believed the Patriots had

a chance to go into Arrowhead, which was a playoff
house of horrors over the years, and win a playoff game.
No one, no one at all. Come on, you try
to manufacture people not believing in you to what has
that he doesn't have to manufacture anything. There's talking head

after talking head just outright doubting this dude on an
outspoken level. Here's a little bit from Michael Lombardi, he
spent many years in NFL front off. This is Listen
to what he said on the GM Shuffle podcast this
week about to two teams I've talked to have flunked him.
They flunked him on not just the hip, on the

multitude of injuries, like the risk far outweighs the reward. Okay,
risk far outweighs the reward. And also this, it's not
just his hip, it's his ankle, it's his wrist. He
broke his wrist the first day of spring ball one year,
and then they fixed that, he came back and he
rebroke it again. I mean, he's brittle. He is brittle. Look, man,

we all understand that injuries are it's a combination of
either bad decision making at time and also bad luck.
We get that we can't chalk up every injury that
to has suffered to like poor discretion getting rid of
the football. Sometimes stuff just goes south on a football field.
But I think that this makes two and more valuable

because I think he'll be even more committed to being
a productive player. He can't control every injury and avoid
every injury. That's obvious, but what he can do is
while he's upright, put in the work necessary to be
a very productive player, because you have all these people
doubting he's ever going to be that. And I also

think that it plants the seed in his mind of Okay,
you think I'm brittle. Huh. It isn't just all bad luck.
You're basically saying I'm what unmanly in a way you
want to talk about motivating. I think that will change
his game to a degree where he's not holding onto
the ball as long because if I were him and

I'm hearing all these people say, oh, he's brittle, can't
trust him, the risk outweighs the reward. One of the
things that I want to do is put myself in
a position to not be as at risk for injury,
and that means at times getting the rid of the
ball earlier and not taking that punishment and not taking
those chances that you get hit the wrong way and

get injured. So I think this absolutely helps add to
the value of TA on top of the great anticipation,
great accuracy, great deep ball guy, all the stuff that
he brings to the table talent wise, if this helps
tweak his mindset for the better with all the negativity,

I think he's an even better prospect. So if the
Dolphins passed on the guy, I I I don't even
want to think about it, but I'm gonna go nuts.
I'm gonna go ballistic. One of my friends I did
radio with this guy in New York, Bruce Jacobs, one
of my friends, great dude, And for a while it

just popped into my head. He talked about the golfer
Kevin Nah. We're just looking like in his mind Kevin
Nah was gonna go ballistic one time if he missed
a putt, he was just gonna lose his mind, wrap
his club around a tree or whatever. He always talked
about Kevin Nah going Kevin and Nah, and it just
became this thing, and it just popped into my head.

I will go Kevin Nah. If the Dolphins bypassed two
and take Herbert. You guys don't even know. You're probably
rooting for it just to see what happens with me
having a mental breakdown. But that's exactly what will happen
if that's the result of the draft. All Right, lots

more to get to coming up next to the Geico Studios.
We gotta get to Ryan Burr Singer's hot take. We
have carved out enough time and it's quite the doozy,
I'm telling you. Also, this is a classic case of
damage control. I'm Brian No. Keep it locked right here
on Fox Sports Radio. I'm Brian No here on Fox

Sports Radio, coming to you from the Geico Studios. Get
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your scorecard won't hurt your credit. Learn more at discover
dot com. Slash credit scorecard limitations apply. Okay, I think
this is a classic case of damage control. You had

Paul de Podesta. He came out he's the Browns chief
strategy officer. That sounds very very fancy here and now
all these Odell Beckham Jr. Trade rumors? Is he on
the trading block. Are you're looking to move him? What's
happening over here? This is how he puts out the fires.

Here's Paul de Podesta in short, all to say it
was completely false. You know, it's frustrating a little bit. Obviously.
I think it's pretty clear that we've done an awful
lot in free agency. We're excited about what we have
a chance to do in the draft, and we're really
building around a corps of players that we think have
a chance to be a championship caliber corps um And

the idea that we would take away from that corps,
you know, at this moment, just doesn't make a whole
lot of sense. I mean, look, here's the deal. This
could be true, but you always have to look at
it like this. What is in the Brown's best interest
right now? It's to put out the fires. It's to
say no, there's no truth to this whatsoever. Why would

we even think about trade Nodell Beckham Jr. He just
got here. We're building our young core of talent. We're
trying to put together a championship worthy team. He's a
big part of that. Why would we even think about
that because that's in their best interest. They don't want
to have this relationship go south. They don't want to
do that at all. So while he's a Brown, you

want to say, no, there's no truth to these trade rumors.
Of course not because Odell Beckham Jr. Is an emotional
player and you don't want to risk him not feeling
the love and feeling like they're shopping him and all
of a sudden he goes, Oh, who needs you anyway?
Right Like, So of course you're gonna try to rectify

the situation with that being the desire of the Browns.
That's why you have to read between the lines. I
believe when you hear all these comments about no, we're
not shopping him, it's like, I'm gonna be a little
skeptical at the very least that you aren't being completely

forthcoming on this one. It's similar to the Bears. Think
about the Chicago Bears. After the season, Ryan pays the
GM he comes out and he was like, Oh, well,
Mr Robinsky, he's our guy. We're committed to Mitch. He's
our quarterback. And it's like that was the best thing
for their situation at the time. What sense would it

have made for them to come out and say, yeah,
I'm just gonna be honest, he's kind of stunk. If
we're gonna cut through it, I mean, good lord, compare
him to mahomes whose all world Deshaun Watson is a stud.
We could have had either of those guys, and instead
of we trade up to get Trabisky, who has been
a complete and utter disappointment. No, we're not committed to
this guy. You'd be nuts to be committed to this guy.

How would that have been in their best interest? It
just wouldn't have been. Who knows, they might not have
gotten a quarterback that was potentially better than Mitch Robinsky
in the off season. They got Nick Foles. You know,
he's probably going to be the starter because the money

that he's making, and I think he's just better than Trabinsky.
You don't have to be all world to be better
than Trabinsky. But the point is it wasn't good for business.
They didn't gain anything by saying at the time, oh, yeah,
we're shopping Mitch. We don't want them. It's like you
might be stuck with him, so you have to spin

it in a way where it sounds like you're committed
to the guy, when, of course you're playing the field.
So I think that's a similar concept what's happening here
with the Browns, just because this is best for business
right here, right now. To say, oh no, we're not
even and thinking about shopping this guy. He's our guy.
We love Beck's. It's because they might not get enough

for the guy. It might be because well, they do
see a future with him. But to think that they
wouldn't listen if there's a major offer, it's just ridiculous.
You can't buy that at all because it doesn't make
any logical sense. I will say this one more thing
on it. The reason that Odell Beckham Jr's name has

come up in trade rumors, the main reason isn't because
of O. B j. The main reason is because of
Baker Mayfield. Make no mistake about this, and this isn't
me in the Colin Cowhard apprenticeship program with there's angle
I'm gonna take because he said many critical things about

Baker oh over the last year or so, but it's
the truth in this instance. The reason Odell Beckham Jr's
name has come up in trade rumors, it's because his
production wasn't great last year. And what's the reason for that.
The reason for it, more than anything is Baker Mayfield.
Baker had a down year. He did not play well

at all. And if Beckham had put up big numbers,
do you think the trade rumors would be out there? No.
Do you think there'd be speculation, Hey, maybe he's going
to the Vikings, maybe this is happening. Maybe No. If
Beckham Jnr. Is putting up numbers that rivaled his days
with the Giants, his big years, you know we're not

speculating about him going elsewhere. But because there were these
huge expectations for the Browns, Oh, they're taken down the
a f C North, they're Super Bowl contenders, and that
didn't happen at all. Freddie Kitchens gets run out of
a job, Beckham Junr. Has this disappointing season. It was
just a complete train wreck. All of that together is

why we're getting the Beckham Junior trade rumors. The Browns
knew what they were signing up with by trading for
Beckham Jr. In the first place. It's not like he
just became high maintenance this last year. It's not like
he just became a dude that had diva tendencies or
was a little eccentric, a little emotional. They knew what
they were signing up for, and they willingly traded for

the guy. So the only reason the stuff is coming
up because he had a down year and the Browns
had a disappointing year. And the main reason that happened
was because Baker Mayfield greatly regressed. If Baker is playing well,
you no, BJ's putting up his numbers, You're not getting
these trade rumors. I'm Brian no In for Jonas Knocks

here on Fox Sports Radio, coming to you from the
Geico Studios. Okay, I was thinking about this is random here,
but based on what I was saying about Baker, I
heard a SoundBite of Jared Goff and it almost put
me to sleep. You know, if it wasn't around two
on the West Coast, I would play this SoundBite for you,

but you would fall asleep for sure, and I don't
want that. I want, you know, if I'm putting on
the show, I wish to be a wake for it.
I want to try to entertain you instead of putting
you to sleep. So I don't want to play this
sound bite. He was just talking about being in great shape.
It was like I'm working out, I'm in great shape,
I feel good, and it just puts you to sleep.
So I started thinking about who are the most boring

NFL quarterbacks and who are the most entertaining NFL quarterbacks.
This has nothing, repeat nothing to do with actual play
on the field. We're just talking about personality wise when
they're doing their media obligations, when you hear them in

sound bites, we are the quarterbacks that put you to
sleep utterly. Okay, I'll give you a little Jared Goff.
Now I'm gonna yell right after this in an effort
to wake you up, but this literally put me to sleep.
Check it out. I'm still working out, I'm still trying
to throw all when I can and stay in tip
top shape. I actually feel like i'man maybe the best
shift better Ben right now is just basically focusing on

working out and throwing and literally nothing else all I
can do. Oh my gosh, dude, I could hardly get
through it. So my my most boring NFL quarterback power rankings.
Here you go. Number three Sam Donald guy says nothing interesting.
Number two Carson Wentz. Carson Wentz is he's just boring,

He's dull. He does live great work in the community.
I'm not here to bash the guy, but at the
podium after a game, no thanks, I'm out. Nothing interesting.
Number One on the list Jared Goff, Jared Goff. The
reason I put Jared Goff number one, it is because
he is as dull as it gets in interview settings.
And the Rams were just in a Super Bowl a

couple of seasons ago. Like they're having deep playoff runs.
You're having to sit through all of these media sessions
with Jared Goff. I put them number one on the
boring list. Now on the most entertaining side, Okay, we
get to the quarterbacks that have the most entertaining sound bites.
There's a handful here. This is a lot tougher to do. Um,

I'm gonna there's a lot on the honorable mention, but
I'm gonna look at it this way. Number three Aaron Rodgers.
When he has the relaxed sound bite and he's had
a couple of interesting things to say over the years,
he'll send some passive aggressive messages. He'll disagree with the

front office for firing his quarterbacks coach. Like I'll put
Aaron Rodgers in the top three. Number two, I'm gonna
go with Gardner Minshew. He's a loose cannon. You never
know what he's gonna say. He'll tweet something out about
rendition of Joe exotic and he's he's acting like that

just with the jag ours and I know it's a picture,
but it's just giving you a glimpse of his personality.
And that comes across with sound bites as well. He'll
make you laugh, He'll say things that are outside the box.
You don't know what you're gonna get. He's wearing George's
and it's just a free spirits I go Gardner Minshew
number two in terms of entertaining interviewers. Interviewees number one,

number one, and it is tough this to I'm gonna
put Baker Mayfield at the top of the list. Has
nothing to do with play on the field, but most
entertaining in sound bites. If he's going after media guys
and saying that's the dumbest question you could ask, that's
entertaining when you're calling out your own guys. He called
out Duke Johnson in the off season before last year.

You never know what you're gonna get at that Point's
all go Baker Mayfield number one now honorable mention. Lamar
Jackson had some great sound bites this past season. I
think he's a little shy in the interview sessions, right,
He's gonna come out of his shell more and more.
He did have some good ones where it was like,
not bad for a running back, Huh, what do you

know kid can throw the ball? Huh? All you jackasses
that sold me short and said I should be running
with the wide receivers at the combine? Yeah what now?
So Lamar had some good ones. Cam Newton is very
entertaining in the sound bites right in the media sessions,
from what he's wearing to what he's saying. He's a

thoughtful guy. He's a funny dude, so I think he's entertaining.
I also get a kick out of Philip Rivers, very
good in interview settings. So we got more good than bad,
more good than bad, no doubt. All Right. I've got
a quick thought here coming up about the docuseries that's
gonna start on a Sunday. It's just tomorrow night, very

much looking forward to it. The Seven Bowls. There's something
that you have to keep in mind in terms of
shock value. First though, k fig Kevin figures to spin
us around. What's going on all right, Brian? The restricted
free agency period in the NFL ended with a bit
of a whimper. On Friday, no players signed an offer
sheet with another team. Saints utility man in quarterback Tayson Hill,

along with Brown's running back Kareem Hunt, headlined the group
of players who will remain with their respective teams. Giants
general manager Dave Gettleman says his team will entertain trading
out of the fourth pick in next week's draft. The
Giants only have two picks in the first ninety five
as of now. Lions general manager Bob Quinn says he
has had conversations about possibly trading out of the third
overall pick. NBA Commissioner Adam Silver says the league is

committed to continue the regular season, however, they are currently
not in a position to make any official decisions. The
NBA and the Players Association have reached an agreement to
a plan which will withhold twenty five percent of each
player's salary beginning on May fifteenth. Former Mavericks player in
current VP of Basketball Operations Michael Finley reportedly interviewed for
the Bulls General manager position and Oregon stars. Sabrina Ionescu

was the first overall pick in Friday's w NBA draft
by the New York Liberty. Back to Brian good stuff,
k Fig. By the way, quick question for you, K
fix Um. I love T bone steaks. I had one tonight,
I prepared. I'm actually grilling out a lot more. Yeah,
I'm very proud of myself, K Fig. I love T

bone steaks. I would submit that they are they're high maintenance,
and they are They're an uncomfortable steak to eat publicly.
Now this isn't the greatest take of mine. Based on
the pandemic and not being able to eat out, you
would happily be able to do that. But here's the thing.
I don't like wasting anything, K Fig. And so you

have got to if you're trying to be civil, you've
got to cut with a knife strategically as close to
the bone as you possibly can. But you have that
little steak devil on your shoulder that's like, hey, hey,
they're still meat on the bone. What are you gonna
do about it? You can't put it up to your
mouth and kind of like gnaw it off, and you
can't like take your finger and kind of pick it

off and then eat it from your plate. You're at
a loss. You can't eat it publicly in a civil manner.
This is true. But this is the advantage if there
is one to being at home. You can go back
to your primal days and just use your hands. You
don't have to use a knife and fork at all
if you don't want to pick up a whole darn thing.
You tell me if this is a good comparison or not.
K A t bone is the orange of the steak world.

Follow me on this one. It's luscious, it's delicious. It's
just high maintenance, right, like the steak as just described,
around the bone. It's hard to get to an orange.
You gotta peel to yours, wash your hands, you gotta
do it. But they're both succulent. It's they're just both
high maintenance, right, they're high maintenance. But they're so worth it,
you know what I mean. It's it's very much worth it.

I love the funny thing. I love a good t
bone steak and I love oranges. So right on my alley,
I'll take you too. Yeah, you know, actually a good combination.
You know, for me, it's it's almost like, you know,
crab legs are similar or a lobster tail. More so
crab legs. You have to use the thing to crack
them open. Yes, but you got yourself some good king
crab legs. It's worth the effort and talking them out,

you know what I mean. Let's bring this back to
a sports level. Okay, Is Odell Beckham Junr worth the
effort right now? I would still say yes, I would too, Yes, yeah,
I would also do you agree, k Fig And let
me know what you honestly think. I think the reason
that the trade rumors are so is because mainly, not solely,

but mainly Baker Mayfield had a down year. If he's
having a good year in bex is putting up his
his numbers. I don't think we're getting trade rumors right now.
They're building and it's like they're moving forward. This is
the Browns. They've been into the playoffs and forever. They're
getting close, Like why would you break it up? That
would be the conversation. You wouldn't have trade rumors if
Baker was a lot more successful last year. No, And

that's what it is. The Baker, the team as a
whole just struggled all of last season, and they have
to point the finger at someone. So Freddie Kitchens is
out of the door. And but they said, you have
all this talent, Why wasn't this talent able to put
it all together? Clearly, there's must be an issue in
the locker room or personalities are clashing. You can have
all the talent in the world, but there's something else wrong.
So I think that's what a lot of people end

up pointing to. Whenever you know, people are talking about
the Browns winning eleven and twelve games and winning the
division last season, and they didn't even come close to that.
So but they had a lot of talent offensively, at
least at the skill positions. And when it doesn't come
together the way people expected to, there has to be
a reason behind it. And people are not willing to
give up on the young guy and Baker may feel
quite yet, but they are willing to give up on

the person who perceived, perception wise, is a bit of
an issue and a bit of a diva, and that
is Odell Beckham Jr. So the finger is going to
automatically get pointed at someone like him. Yeah, now, listen,
I have to set the stage here, and I apologize
in advance. I'm gonna be playing some some audio that
brings up bad memories. I know. I hope that Lincoln

Kennedy coming up isn't listening right now because he was
on the football field with the radars and the tuck
game that was replayed on Friday night that I was watching.
And I just have a little bit of audio at
the end here um with the reversal of fortunes. When
it comes to this tuck rule being made, they're going

to under two minutes review whether it's an incomplete pass
or a fumble. Reviewing a play, the cornerbacks are what's
going forward. It's it's the most dreadful rule ever. Like literally,
I still think that fumbling out of the end zone
and the other team automatically getting possession without recovering the

fumble is just idiotic. It's so stupid. It's the worst
rule currently and somehow Derek Carr finds a way to
do it at least three times a year. But yeah,
you're right by the way. By the way, a couple
of years ago against Dallas, your boy gotta push off
of that. I had the Cowboys minus three. Thank you.

For that one, I'll take the push over the loss
any day. And then he did it gets the Packers. Yeah,
but I bring that up because the tuck rule was
just dreadful. The idea of if you're in the throwing
motion and you attempt to retuck the football and it
gets knocked out of your hand, it's not a fumble,
it's an incomplete pass. That makes no logical sense at all.

I say all of this to ask you this, in
all your years as a sports fan, was that the
worst loss that you had to deal with? Oh? By far? Yeah,
by far, because it's even worse than the loss in
the Super Bowl that very next year, because they just
got trounced, you know, from the very beginning of that game,
and the Raiders just didn't have a shot. They were outmanned,

out coached. You know that John Gruden built that offense
and just destroyed them. So had they lost that Super
Bowl by three points, I think that probably would have
been a lot more painful. But yeah, I mean considering that,
you know, I thought the Raiders, we were just a
better team. The elements got to him and that in
a bad call. You mentioned, they were up there atween
to three going into that fourth quarter, there are planning well,
Patriots got themselves a little bit of momentum and the

tide turned um. But yeah, that is easily and just
going back in my memory right now, that's easily the
toughest loss that I've ever experienced in my lifetime as
a fan of a team. Yeah, I think I'm going
back because I'm from South Bend, Indiana. So there's been
a couple of Notre Dame ones that have hurt over
the years. The Push Push was the first one I
thought of just now, Yeah, that was a rough one,

but I would actually put something above that. I would
put in now we gotta go in the hot tub
time machine over two years old. But what was great
was Notre Dame beat Florida State and the number one
versus number two game. It was built as the game
of the century and Notre Dame one it. Charlie Ward
was the quarterback at Florida State. Huge win for Notre Dame.

So they're in the pole position to get to a
national championship. Right the very next week, they're struggling against
Boston College. They're trailing by I'd have to go back
and look, but I want to say, for some reason,
the score was around like thirty eight to twenty three.
I don't know why. I think that something along those lines.

Notre Dame comes back. They score a couple of touchdowns.
It's fourth and ten. I'll never forget Kevin McDougall to
Lake Dawson on fourth and ten touchdown. Irish take the lead.
They're up. Boston College with Tom Coughlin as the head
coach and Glenn Foley the quarterback. They marched down, they

set up a long field goal, nail it and just
rip your freaking heart out. I think that was the
worst one as a fan. I think that was the
worst loss. Those are the tough ones when you battle
all the way back to either take a brief lead
or tie the game up, and the end of losing,
that's hard, that's swallow, especially when you're essentially I mean,
that's everything, that's the season back then. You know, you're

just fighting to be number one of the polls by
the end of the year. Yeah, you know, by the way,
I know the Tuck Rule game, it was bad memories
for sure, But I have to play this audio again.
During the touch Rule the snowball that I forgot about.
I don't even remember that myself. Interesting, what do you

I just got hit by a snowball and I see
the guy that threw it. Excuse me, sorry, Greg, I
think he was throwing to you. They just missed you. Yeah,
this was pretty This was a two thousand and one,
so this is pre Janet Jackson, so that was probably
full on live. Imagine where Phil Sims would have said, Oh,
he almost he was close to really losing it. And

I don't know what, like cussing or that passed right there,
something something more colorful that he reined it in. But yeah,
he almost lost it there. By the way, I know
you saw the game, Brian, you win some bar bets
if you were to ask. The Raiders only scored one
touchdown in that game. Do you know who scored the
touchdown on a pass from Rich I do. Actually it
was James Jet. Was James Jet. It was not Jerry Rice.

It was not In Brown or Jerry Porter or anybody
from you know that prolific offense those couple of years.
It was little known. We're not little known. Guess he's
very popular for me being able to run really fast
but not being able to catch a cold. Most of
the time, and he was the only Raider to score
a touchdown in that game was James Yet. Yeah, that's
a great one. I would not have remembered that if
I hadn't seen it on Friday night. There's no way.

You just forget about the details at a staggering rate
over the years. Really, it's crazy, and it's a it's
a it's a play, a big play, an interception or
a dropped interception like you described earlier with the Sante
Samuel in a key moment that gets overshadow because a
much bigger play, or perceived bigger play happens right afterwards
and the other one just gets forgotten. I know. It's

crazy like that are We're gonna close it down in
style from the Geico Studios a a comparison in terms
of shock value. And also we've been teasing it a lot.
I have made sure to have enough time for the
hot take that Ryan Burr, singer trusted producer will deliver

that is next. I'm Brian though, and for Mr Knox
here on Fox Sports Radio. I'm Brian no here on
Fox Sports Radio. Come into you from the Geico Studios.
The Fellas the top of the hour, Anthony Gargano Lincoln Kennedy.
By the way, Chris is Gargano a metal fan at all?

Absolutely not. It's disappointing right there. You said that, like,
not even a little bit, you know, not at all,
not at all, h not an outlier, like he doesn't
like even a bit. You can keep asking if the

answer is no, it doesn't even like sad but true
by Metallica, nothing like even a little We'll find out
from him, but I seriously doubt it. Okay, please please
find out for me. I would like to know that
I wonder if Link likes any metal songs. You know,
if you're a I think if you're a an NFL

player and you're getting ready for a big game and
over the loudspeakers every now and then they'll crank up
some metal song. I would imagine there's at least one
song that he's fairly fond of that pumped him up
right before he went out out on the field, right something.
Maybe I would imagine there might be something else to
ask him to. I know I played like when I

was first starting out here about a year ago, I
played him some something from the Prodigy. I know that's
not metal, but like he he said he used to
get hyped up to the Prodigy. So you see HYC Prodigy.
There's probably some metal in there too. Oh man, that's good.
I had no idea. All right, Well, the fella's coming
up at the top of the hour. Okay, A couple
of things to run through here real fast. First off,

the the Patriots with the rumors about them possibly trading
up to get to Uh. I don't know this is
gonna happen, but let's walk through this for a second.
If the Patriots jumped up to trade to a tongue
of Iloa. Just think about how the reaction would differ

if the Patriots got to a compared to if the
Dolphins draft to Uh. Now I'm a diehard Dolphins fan,
and I even will admit this, if the Patriots drafted him,
it would be like, Wow, they know something here. They're
looking at the playmaking ability. I mean, this guy is special.
You saw what he did throwing the deep ball, and

he's just he's got the sixth cents over. It would
just be so much different if the Dolphins take two Uh.
And I hope they do. I really hope they do,
just based on their lack of success of the past
two decades. It's gonna be all the injury concerns, it's
a risk, and this guy in the hip surgery. Maybe
there's our thritists that developed. It's just gonna be so different.

And I think that's interesting. Your track record can earn
you the benefit of the doubt when you pick a
certain player, and you compared the last two decades with
the Patriots compared to the last two with the Dolphins,
night and day, and depending on where too it goes,
it's gonna be talked about completely differently if those are

the two teams, Dolphins versus Patriots. Fingers still crossed. He's
a Dolphin. Okay, before we go here, I've been talking
about the Last Dance, the docuseries that's debuting tomorrow night,
Sunday Night on ESPN, the Naughty version on ESPN, where
there's cuss words galore, F bombs, m F bombs. I

think they're gonna get so much complaining. I can't imagine
the whole docuseries ten episodes. The Naughty version airs on ESPN.
I cannot imagine that at all. This is a brief
snippet of it. Just picture Jordan's not being beeped out
cursing right here. Check this out. If you had a
terrible headache and I gave you a bottle of the past,

and nine of the pillars would cure you and one
of the pillars would kill you, would you take a pill?
Depends on bad headaches? Like, it's gonna be unedited on
ESPN Disney Owned. I think you're gonna get a lot
of complaining. We're trying to come up with a decent comparison.

Who is another player right now that has this great,
great image Jordan back in the day, it's like to
be like Mike Gatorade adds and just image wise unbelievable.
The likability factor and the image was just it was fantastic.
He was put on a pedestal. It would be similar
to Drew Brees Russell Wilson in IT docuseries just dropping

F bombs Like I maybe Steph Curry with the Warriors,
if he's dropping an m F bomb, You'd be like, oh, oh,
what is happening over here. I'm just telling you, I
think there's gonna be a big time reaction with that
being on ESPN. We'll see, I say, not all ten
episodes are there's gonna be enough complaining. They move it. Okay,

we saved it. We have enough time. Ryan Bursh and
your your hot take. What is it? Go? Well, Brian,
I was thinking

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