All Episodes

July 1, 2019 94 mins

Today we flashed back to when offset stopped by and debut his new album "Father of 4", his wife Cardi B and more. Also we had Tia Mowry stop by where she spoke about her new Netflix  show "Family Reunion" and more. Moreover, we flashed back to when Charlamagne gave "Donkey of the Day" to when a man tried kill a roach but it back fired. 

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
It's time and Charlottage and the Doctor the Practice Club.
Bitches want the voice of the culture watching Breakfast Club
like news to really be tuned in. It's one of
my favorite shows to do, just because y'all always keep
you one, honey, y'all keep it real. They might not
watch the news, but they're on Twitter, they're on Facebook,

they're you know, they're listening to the Breakfast Brother gets
your ass. So this is your time to get it
off your chest because your man or blas, we want
to hear from you on the Breakfast Club. Hello, who's this? Hey?
How you doing? DJ Envy, what's up? Bro? Okay, deep boys,
good morning, good morning and Delay, good morning man piece.

My brother was having it all. You know if it's
just brought him. I was that thing good morning one
to get a shout out of. Okay, you sound like
you can cut a mean He sound like you can
cut a mean Macaroni and Cheese commercial, Remember mac and Cheese.
Got y'all have met me down on Miami. Get bo
I did the Bernie MC for y'all term, Yeah, yeah, yeah,

he sounds like the guy from the commercial. Know, my brother.
You gotta get y'all own new to Bernie mckingain. I
remember that Bernie mc right, I would can you do
without cursing? Bernie mckin, Yeah, he used to curse. I
canna hear him. To check out my podcast, Convicted Conversations.

I go around and talking to other fellas. I'm biden.
You know what they did to land them in jail
and what they're doing now. A lot of these guys
are interesting businesses. They're managers at different companies. But they
didn't let that fella beat them down, you feel me.
I like that they moving forward and they doing a
lot of just positive stuff. I like that. I didn't
have a lot cast I even got y'all on that

with Bernie fans and talking about fellas and prison reform,
and that's what I'm moving forward to down in Halladale,
Hollywood got a lot of the areas. I like that idea.
But can I ask you a question. Does it matter
to you what they were convicted of? Like are there
certain people you're like, yeah, oh no, it doesn't matter
as long as they have a felony and they're doing

something positive. Now, if they have a felony and they
still in the game or whatever, it's like no, I
don't want to talk to them. But if they're doing
something positive and they're helping people, and like I said,
they started a business, no matter what they did to
go to jail, as long as they changed their line,
I can help them. I'm even talking to a guy
right now called Dex third Gun. He's getting ready to

take a few bus loads of people up to Tallahassee
on the twelfth and the thirteen to talk to legislation
somebody men that for and moving forward with guys that
do have felony conviction. That's dope, that's I love that.
That's great. Still, you can't even find the what a
state they have something called no felony. Ever, no matter

how long a door it was, they could be twenty
thirty years ago. If you have a felony, you cannot
live here. That's real. That's why everything you do, when
it is all part of prison reform. At the end
of the day, sometimes we have sometimes we have to
do what our government is not doing, reforming our people.
You know, we Hello, who's this dust the Marles, North Carolina?
What's up? Broke? Get it off your chest. I wanted

to talk to Charlomagne and maybe try to eliminate some
of that stigma he has for as man as individual.
Talk to me, sir, hey man, let me let me
just wrap before you real quick, before you cut me up.
Wait a second. Okay, East Coast Caroline as you throw
right behind you, bad guys, what the kind of make
me keep? But and you call me tard here? Who

could left? White? Hard? Real? I fights far, kills, skin
like an angel, strength like a slave. I mangled you
better behave I dangle my cash in front of your
face with the bengas. Whatever it takes, made it because
we never seem fake. Leave you in the woods floating
in the lake, lay asking that's to keep sake met
him again. That's it, that's it. That was a good, good, good,

good little time. You know what I'm saying. But it
still was white. Okay, I appreciate it man, Yeah, yeah,
I'm going to far. I'm gonna go ahead and fart
all over those you know. Lisy was appreciative. I appreciate
how he got that in. But I have to find
on those boss, all right, get it off your chests
and undred five eight five one oh five one. If
you need to vent hit this up now, it's the
Breakfast Club. Good morning. This is your time to get

it off your chests, whether you're man or blast, so
you better have the same instry we want to hear
from you on the Breakfast Club. Don't know who's this? Hi,
my name's Kirsty, Hey, Curtsey, get it off your chests?
Oh my god? Like Okay, So, first of all, I
love you guys, and I love this show, listen to
it every morning. But um, I just wanted to let
you guys know that I sent you guys my song

about a few times and nobody funding back, and I
definitely wanted you to check it out. It's in your
DMS on Instagram. Okay, we gotta look at it. It's
what's your what's your name on there? Kirsty, k you
r c Y? It's underscore, k you r y Underscore?
Thank you, Kurtsey, Monica, Hey Gi, Hey, breakfast manic happening,

get it off her chest? Listen what you're saying. A
guy who was making minimal rages but everything is still
with her meaning and a heye his conversations and he
does not He just don't have a lot of money.
But where is he working? He worked? He worked that security, okay,

because curity is a good job. How old is he
he is in his early forties. But I just don't
like it's just that when we out, I'm can't have
to build you know, like he just he just doesn't.
It's how you know, girls don't really be one love.
Y'all don't really be one love. Like y'all say, y'all
dud because you said this man is cool, you got
everything else, but you're worried about how much money he makes.

It's how I know y'all really don't be the one
love and you need to stop lying to yourself. I'm
just I'm just trying to figure it out. Like what
you think on what like that is? Well, you are
and you're happy. The only thing you're not happy about
is having to pay for stuff all the time. No, no, no, no,
that's not the only thing. I'm just but if you know,
if you're coming short, if you're coming short all the time,
But is that what that become an issue later and

later in life. I think that concern is more about
his aspirations and what is it that he wants to
do for himself? Right, But my goal is pushing him
to do better or pushing him and here gonna look
for a better job. He may be content with where
he's doing and that's the problem right now. Okay, so
you he okay with making this minimum wage and I'm

looking like a bigger picture. Have you had the conversation
with him, of course, and what he's saying, I know
you can't. You can't. Sports don't want to do something.
They don't have the willing and will powers to do
it themselves. You can tell them all they alone. He
probably don't have an aspiration to do better and looks better.
But then I pushing to do it. Then you like
talking to all? But are you willing to lose love

over some money? Oh my god? I know? And like
I'm thinking long term though, I'm not like you when
you're at age. You don't want to freaking you're not
saying this to me day and you're thinking, like this
needs to be a husband material. Yeah, And I will say, girl,
it's not just about the money. It's about his motivations
in life. Right, So that's my thing, Like, if I

see that you're eager to do better than how how
can I see the one terming you? If I see
that you can take with a video. Job is making
tendence for alf an hour and you're not pushing them
for greatness? Like, how is that? And that's my further
with that, that's my that's my thing. You do realize
most Americans want a better job, right, Most Americans will

want a career. A lot of those things aren't available. Yeah,
but if he's not trying, that's really an issue. When
people are motivated in China going hard. She don't tell
you all they long to go apply every day for
a job. I can tell you all they but the
problem but this is the thing. He might not be
motivated by money. He might just enjoy life. He might
not want to work work as hard and work hard.
He likes his job, he likes the money that he gets,

and he loves you. Why don't I don't see the
problem with it about jobs but not low paying. I
only work with a lot of jobs aren't available. I
understand all that, I truly do. But if you're looking
at long term like mortgages and builds and stuff that
needs to be paid, you got goals in life, and
you work and you work hard. So I work a

pretty decent job. So if anything, I'm looking like if
I stating a situation, I'm gonna be front and most
of the dorm build. So it shouldn't you know, I
ain't going front of the money shouldn't matter if you
love somebody, because then what you're gonna you leave this dude,
then you find somebody that makes a bunch of money.
He cheats on you, he doesn't treat you right, but yeah,
he pays the most of the bills. I hope you
get laid off. I hope you get laid off, and

then you'll then you'll understand what love is, all right.
I hope you get laid off at all. He got
in that little minimum wage job, all right, and then
you don't really appreciate that love and what you bring
to the table. But we can't tell her where her
priority should be in a relationship. If it's important to
her that has somebody trouble with somebody, you're always causing troubles. Now,
I hope I don't get laid off, but I hope

he finds a better job them to get motivated, all right.
Right now, you might just enjoy what he's getting. Love
you more, all right. We got more coming up next
with a breakfast club the Breakfast Club. Yeah, it's the
world most dangerous. Want to show the breakfast Club Charlomagne

and God angela. Ye, we got a special guest in
the building. Uh my man, one of the sharks from
the Shark Tank, amongst other things. Damon, John, thank you,
what's happening. I'm blessed. God is good. How'd you spend
the first ninety minutes of your day to day? The
first ninety minutes on my day to day praying? Okay,
you are say the first ninety minutes is the most important. Yeah, absolutely,
praying and meditating, getting myself ready for the for the

rest of the week. So you keep your phones off
and everything. You don't touch nothing. I don't touch on anything.
Not the first really, first hour, not the first nine
of mien is for the first hour. Didn't get a
drink of water or something anything? Yeah, well, I already
have water about my bed, so I'm drinking all night.
I think it wasn't next in my bed too. Yeah,
use every time I wake up, I feel personally I
like the little swive swell bottles or something and keep
it cold all night so it's nice and chili. Oh

that must have been on the show. Can you read
daily affirmations too? Yeah, I'm reading before I go to
bed and every morning I want to wake up. That's
that's interesting because you're the person that people run too
for affirmations. So who does who does Damon John go
to for affirmations? Oh? You know I listen. Well, first
of all, I read, I read affirmation, but I read
more like goal setting. Okay, go to night, Go to
bed tonight. Because um, it's say eighty percent of the

time that you're sleeping, you're thinking about either what you
want to accomplish when you wake up or what you
fear when you wake up. So if you're if you're
if you're reading things about how you want to you know,
be healthy, or or how much paper you want to make,
or how you want to be spending more time with
your family before you go to bed, those are the
things you're gonna dream about and if you read them
again when you wake up, which I said is the
praying and or the meditating, is you're gonna take one

action towards each one of those goals most likely, and
before you know it, they'll compound over the course of
six months or what are the cases? So those goals
that I said, I reset them every six months. This
is interesting because every time I see you, the first
thing I always think about is Fooboo, and then I
think about Shark Tagh And now you have this album
U that's coming out visualized its more like spoken word. Okay.

I called Chris Brown and be on it and um,
you know he gave me because you know how tight wheel,
he gave me his answer machine to his guest house
and he didn't call me. So I think that he
decided to put out of an album at the same time.
Just you know what I'm saying, because you just knew
all the traction was gonna be there that day. Yeah.
Why an album though? You know because when I was
I was driving on the street one day and I
think it was MLK day and I was listening to

obviously one of the greatest speeches that was ever ever
written in or performing. It was by doctor Marl Luke
King and somebody yeah, and somebody threw a beat to it,
and I was like, man, I want to work out
to this. I want to go to the gym. I
want to listen to this. So when you see my speeches,
you know I have I have obviously a lot of speeches.
I'm out there on the circuit here. One time. You've
heard it enough. But one of my young cats named

Noble Producers, said, let me just put some music underneath
these things, because somebody wants to listen to this thing
and work out and make that day about them. It's
not it ain't talking about smacking jicks and this. And
then he's talking about what's in a few goal settings,
talking about visualized, talking about being a boss, and they
want to get ready to go to work or be
on the subway or driving the car on the treadmill.

So I said, all right, we'll just do it, you know,
because you know, you got this rhythmic thing to this
is hooked by other people and things that nature. And
then we decided to put it out and sort of grow,
sort to grow. People started requesting it, and it's out
and it got fat man scoop on one of them,
and uh, you got Wallow all over it. We got
Wallow all over it. Yeah, Wallow and uh and and
it's doing well. But a lot of people are downloading

and talking about it. So I felt good about it.
What about Wallow? Did you gravitate to war? So if
you don't know him, A wallow was to six seven,
young young man. I mean, I go down the street
with him in Philly and a lot of people hollow
at me. But this dude's a superstar. And he came
home after doing all, you know, doing his time and right,
I think he did like twenty years, and he is

he's just the energy. He's the street. You know, you'll
see him. He'll run across a busy highway and he'll
just start yelling at the camera. But he's saying it
in a way that you know, a lot of the
young brothers and sisters when I talk out there, you know,
I don't I don't say I don't, I don't get
in your ass like that. He just really just says
in a real, real way. And a lot of people
resonating with him. He is energy, he's the streets. And

they look at it like he's been through I've been
through it. I mean, dude, dude, dude put in whatever
ten or twenty years and he came out and you know,
he got probably more follows than I do, you know,
and uh, but people are resonating with him, and I
just think that so many people in the streets. Don't
realize I ain't gonna come to your house and take
you off the couch and say I'm gonna make you rich, right,
you know you gotta you're gonna go out and get it.
That's why I watched Stark Tink because as an entrepreneur,

I think anybody who's starting a business should watch that
show because it's helped me out a lot. As far
as when I have to pitch my business to, you know,
get new clients and things like that. I pay attention
so much to how people go in there, and sometimes
they're not prepared. Yeah, so I pay attention to that.
How important numbers are because at the end of the day,
when you're partnering with somebody, it's not just an emotional thing.

It's also the business. Am I going to make some
money off of? This? Might be a great idea, it
might be something that's beneficial, but is it lucrative? Yeah?
What's your objective? Is there going to be an exit?
Who's your customer? Do your customer pay seventy nine for
this or ninety nine for this? Where do your customer live?
Why do they resonate with you? And you know what
we learned too you know, because if I wasn't on
Shark Tank, I'd have been doing business the same way

that I was doing business twenty years. I've been making
a shirt hopefully hopefully Macy's buys it, and I don't
know who walks by and purchase it or not, and
I don't even know where the person is, right. So
I learned from all the young people coming up on
Shark Tank as well, because as you know, anybody in business,
you gotta constantly learn that. I mean, the dynamic of
business is changing every single day, right especiating to me

too sometimes when I'll watch it, because I'll be like,
that's a great idea when they're pitching, and then y'all
would be like, I'm out. You know a lot of
times we're all because of the person. We don't like
the person. See a lot of people want to have
with this great business idea, but if we don't like you,
So whether you're going today and you're going to get
a job somewhere or you're going to get an investment,
can I stand sitting next to you for eight hours

a day, five days a week, but maybe the next
five years of my life. I don't If I don't
like you, it's not gonna work. That's a great, a
great point. And I think people will look at you
and be like, well, that's because you already got money
and you got them with them. But no, I think
even when you're young and you don't have it, I
think character matters more than whatever that idea. You can't listen.
You can be the geek all you want, but I

don't need to sit next to you. I'll just give
you as a virtual assistant. You know, I don't never
need to talk to you. But it's being a problem solving.
You want to walk in the room. We all know
people who walk in the room and they always got
a problem. Yes, right, And we also know the people
coming room. They're always smiling, they're always trying to tell you, yo,
here's how we're gonna figure this thing out. And those
are the people that you want to be around, whether
you are employing them or you want to have an
investment with them. We got more with Damon John when

we come back, don't move. It's the breakfast Club. Good morning,
the Breakfast Club, just wring. Everybody is DJ Envy, Angela Yee, Charlomagne,
the guy. We are the Breakfast club. We have Damon
John in the building. Charlomagne No. In the song of
Power of Words, you say that the seven thousand words
said they dictate our life. So what are the top
five words you use on a daily basically like maintain

a positive mindset? I wouldn't know if the top five,
but you know I'm using the words love, I'm using
the word power, excel, grow, scale, um, you know, money, family, health, invest, wisdom, invest. Yeah,
it's true. If there's one hundred thousand words in the
English language and we only use around five to seven
thousand of them, if every one of them is can't,
won't or nobody loves us, can't get it done, then

nobody's gonna love you absolutely. Now. You also have a
song about haters on the album Yeah, you feel like
you have haters still at this point in time. Mark
Cubantes know what I'm saying. Mark Keuban really hates you.
Mark Cuban hates me because he always says he's the
luckiest man on the planet. He alway says somebody's gonna
be the luckiest man, glad it's him, but he knows
it's me. Man, I don't believe in luck. You don't

believe in luck. It's right because it is this desire
and opportunity meets you know, drive, you know. But but yeah,
now Mark hates me. Man, you know, he got all
this paper and he's just living alone in a big
old Willy's family, you know. But me, I'm young, and
I'm SEXI black, you know what I'm saying. And I
got you know, one one one one tenth, one tenth,
one tenth of his paper. But it doesn't matter. He

hates me. So you've never been then at his house?
I'm assuming no, But of course you have hate this man.
You know, listen, you have hate this who people who
you know, who's seen you go from career here, the
career there, the career here, and they say, well, how
does it keep happening? You know? Or or or or
they you know, they see you out there and they go,
you know what, food, Who's never gonna happen again? Couzie's

never gonna happen again. Oh wait a minute, now you
got sharp ting, Now you got this, Now you got that.
You know, they just don't understand. And you also say
that the person they hate on in the screech is
the person you need to find Yeah, well exactly because
I tend to do that. Well, it all depends. Let's say, obviously,
if they hating on somebody because they've done some crazy
stuff to wh're not talking about that. But you know

the nasty hated cats that when they hating on somebody,
you know they hate them because that person's making moves.
It is jealousy, you know. You know how they call
everything little? You know, I see you, you little, your
little house. You need your little chick. You know what
I'm saying, um when they see But those people are
also the best best cheerleaders because they're talking about you

out there and they're putting you, putting you out there.
They're using their energy to talk about you when they
could have been using their energy to do something for themselves.
All they're doing is concentrating on you. A lot of
times disruptors get hated on too, simply because people don't
understand them. Yeah, they get well, they get hated on
because number one, people don't understand them because their vision
is too far ahead. And then number two, when they
saw it disrupting the market, people say, why do you

why are you doing that? You know what I'm saying,
You're you're taking opportunity away from others when you're not.
You know, you're just doing You're just trying to get
ahead and doing exactly what you need to do. Is
it's just your vision was two steps ahead of everybody else's.
Now you guys had also opened the Foo Boo phone
stories up because I had seen Semon Brocklyns and how's
that going? What's gool wait? Food Selle? So Foodbo's starting

to make this resurgence. I don't think it's going to
be exactly what it was before I owned. I got
my my Fooboo Puma collaborations right now, and we have
a suit line, we have eyewear, and we have watches.
It's just starting to make this for surgence. I guess
maybe it's because all the things that were going on
with UM, with some of the other bigger brands who
they probably you know, they didn't respect it, didn't value
the market that's selling to, or just you know, fashion

comes back every twenty years, and it probably comes back
for about about three to four years, you know, and
then kids are gonna be moving on to what was hot,
like in two thousand and five. I think that's still
the favorite your favorite thing you've ever done, like with
Dara Fubo Oooh, absolutely, because I started that with nothing,
with my hands and my three other friends, you know,
out of the queens, and I started with um with
forty dollars and I'm becoming a global brand and ended

up inspiring a lot of people and it brought me
to where I am here today. You know, it gave
me the fuel to keep going. M It took me
around the world. I made a lot of mistakes with it,
but it's been It's my baby. It's the one that
I saw when I was nineteen. I didn't really get
really known for it until I was like twenty nine, though,
I think also too, it's because of it's like this
whole new I don't say new. It's a resurgence of

black entrepreneurship and black empowerment and black pride and food
Woo embodies all of that. Yeah, and that's what it is.
You know a lot of people forgot about that for
quite some time, and then they're starting to come back
and they starting to say, you know, they call food
with the original hashtag of clothing, right, So the kids
just starting to relate to it. And I love when
I see kids who are sixteen or twenty reinterpreting the

brand in the ways that I never even thought of. Yeah,
they'll just wear it in a whole different way, and
it'll enlighten me, going, Wow, you know, I never envisioned
it like that, and it's hot. Let's talk about these
two rules. You have never major and minors and anything
worth doing is worth overdoing. Can you elaborate on that? Yeah,
I find that people major in minor. Now we're not
talking about if you're detail orientated when you're talking about

building something a structure and making sure the numbers are
right and the distributions right and things like that. But
I find that people will go out to public, in
the public, or let their minds be consumed with things
that are really super minor to the overall picture of
what they're trying an accomplished. The color of somebody's skin.
You know, they'll they'll major in that. I'll find people
that won't have loved their whole life because they only

are thinking about person of one color of skin, when
love shouldn't have a color or agenda. Or they'll they'll
think about why their business can't go this far because
they're not keeping it real if a consumer is coming
to your business to support your business. When food Well
first started taking off, the first places that bought it
were Seattle, Washington, the white kids in Seattle, Washington, and
the kids in Japan. The kids who were wearing literally

black bass because they were trying to emulate black people,
not in a negative way. They were wearing New York Knicks,
Jersey's Breakdance and wearing black bass. It was the kids
in Seattle Water and the skateboarders who were wearing it
because they felt that hip hop was like grunge and
you know, and they were wearing it in a rebellious way.
If I would have started off saying you can't wear
it because of the color your skin, what do you

think it would have been? You know what I mean?
Because the whole reason I started it because I didn't
want to be a bigot like the rest of the
brands who said, well, because you're black, you shouldn't be
wearing our brand. I figured, Fooboo was a brand that
was made off of African American culture and music, and
we should be able to share it and people of
all colors should be able to listen. I mean should
be able to wear it, because then they'll start appreciating

more of what we went through in our struggles. You know.
So people who major in mind or I find they
just talk crap all day. They gossip, they hate on
each other, and that's it. That's all they do and
they never take action. Why do you name now, I'm visualized.
I did visualize because exactly what we talked about earlier,
with goal setting, you can't hit the target that you
can't see. If you can't visualize it, then it's not

gonna happen. And when you're talking about let's say you're
reading your goals, you're talking about listening, I'm gonna get
this big, beautiful house by then age or thirty years old,
because I'm gonna put away ten percent of my money
over this course of time. You don't just visualize that.
You visualize you touching that warm doorknob. You visualize you
opening the door and your your dog or your your
daughter or your husband, your wife coming to greet you.

The smell of bed breaking, you know a bet, you
know baking in the in the oven, and you visualize it.
We often do that already and visualize I'm always going
to be in this um abusive relationship. You know, I'm
never gonna nobody's ever going I'm not gonna make money.
You know, They're always gonna hold me down to my job.
And that's what happens. You have to visualize it, you

have to see it come true. What do you want
people to get from this album? I just want people
to get from this album that they can apply themselves
to this and use it for themselves to make themselves
stronger every single day. That's all. I just want people
to be strong every single day mentally. You know, we
got a lot of images coming from a whole lot
of other places who are selling you a different dream
on what you should be. I just want people to

right now listen to It's like going on my speeches
and just and the beautiful thing is, you know today's generation,
they just stream it. They just added to what they
already have. So it's not like me saying, yo, go
get this just you know, I mean buy it. Just
stream it, man, and work out to it and empower
yourself and empower your family and just have fun with
it like I did. Visualize to be our Friday. Damion John,

thank you for coming, Thank you, thank you for having
It's the Breakfast Club Morning everybody. It's DJ Envy and
Ngul Yee, Charlemagne the guy. We are the Breakfast Club.
I don't even know how or why we're talking about this,
but we're talking about washing your legs and feet in
the shower. Yes, it's turned into a big topic on Twitter.
And then they burn it over to the shade room
and apparently some people don't wash their legs because they

feel like this soap drips down enough. Those are the
same people who don't wash chicken. Right, so we're asking
eight hundred five, what do you do? Ev, I'm gonna
tell you eight hundred five eight five one five one
funny story. Right. So I was in the shower with
my wife and when we take showers, this is a
TMA when we take showers. We watched dw Right, So
we watched each other, she watched me. I while it's
some sexy issue, if you ain't do it, do it?

We just what we do. But she was like, you
don't watch the bottom of your feet. I was like, yeah,
but I really thought about it. Ever, Like I really didn't.
You don't really you think you're just standing there in
the soap that dripped down like yo, I mean it's
soap coming off of me anyway, And she was like,
you have to scrub the bottom of your feet, and
I was like, yeah, I do it all the time,
but I thought about it an adult. Now I do,
but I don't think I washed my feet for at least.

That's disgusting. How do you not wash the bottom of
your feet? I do it now. So this is what
I have a problem with this people who use the
same lufa or the same washcloth on their whole body
and their feet that they do like on their face
and there. I don't think you should do that. So
first of all, the bottom of my feet, I have
scrub in the shower, like an exfolian scrub, and I
washed the bottom of my feet with the scrub, and

then I watched the rest of my body with a lufa,
and then I washed my face with a different scrub. Right,
I don't wash my face with I washed my face
with my hands. Um. I do have a butt washcloth.
You have a washcloth just for your butt, just for
the butt. Yeah, And I change it every every other
day because my butt is I'm sure, yes, all right,
I poop a lot. I mean it is what it is.

And you know this is too much. This is too much,
This is too much. Hello, who's this? Hey? Is Melissa? Melissa?
Do you wash your feet? Yeah? What is the scrub? Well?
And they didn't wash this? It doesn't wash his feet.
I didn't at first. I just didn't. I didn't think
about it. You know, you just you fit. You know,
how do you wash it? And you wash it without

your hands? Or you have something you wash it with?
Have something I wash with? No master hart not you
a wash clause? Why don't you wash your feet? I
do wash my feet. At first I didn't because I
didn't think about it. Now do you use that same
wash cloth on the rest of your body? Yeah, now
that's a little weird. But you w you're in the shower,
so you wash and then you wait a minute. So

the same poop pool that you get out the back
of your butt, you're putting your in your front and
your vagina and you wash your face. Shouldn't be pooped
in your butt back face, if that's If that's the case,
what she tried to go at you? Right? Meanwhile, meanwhile,
you don't change your wi cloutht feet in her but Chavonne.
Come on, Chavonne. It says you're a big girl. Yeah,

I am, it says now, that's what it says. I'm
reading the thing. It says Chavon's a bigger Now, how
big is big? Chavonn I'm not big, like three hundred pounds.
I'm like two nineteen. But I'm saying when I take me,
I don't. First of all, no female should take no
back period. That's the disgusting because you're leaning, you're in
the tub, and all that did work getting back up
in your you know your you hop? That's nasty. I

think you shower. I have two washbak one for my
private parts and the other one from my leg, my arms,
my chest, on my back, and my feet. So wait,
you use the same one on your feet you use
on the rest of your body. What about if you
had on flip flops all day and your feet is
dirty on the bottom. No, no, no, I have two
of them. Okay, I keep the last thing I washed
on my bodies. That's the last thing I washed. Han't

you got three? Because I watched my face in war
with an old supper washball. So my kids say that
I'm I got old CD when it comes to my
body and I do. I'm sorry. How often do you
wash your wash cloths? I would I watched my clothes
every other day. My laundry bill is about four hundred
dollars a month because that's how long I have my
washing steam constantly flowing. I feel you. Okay, yeah, let's

be honest. I'm not I'm not that big, but it's
sometimes it's hard to bend down to get the bottom
of my feet. Oh no, I just sitting down, customer,
my tub. I got the old fashioned for the top down.
I put my feet up. If you weigh two fifty,
there's no where you comfortably washed the bottom of your feet.
Why you had extra from I said two nineteen eighteen?

Where you're going? You said to? You said to nineteen before?
Which one is? It's your vanne? It's two nineteen. But
what do you do it? I'm just making sure were
having a little stool to sit down in the shower. No, no,
I'm not old. Now come on now, thank you. Oh listen,
good morning, good morning. Do you wash your legs and feet? Listen?

This is the most white people issh I've ever heard,
coming from the white girls who got Starbucks on the
way to work. Wash your legs, wash your feet, it
is disgusting. Also, washed behind your ears. Some people don't
wash behind their ears. Have that problem where I had
that problem from the head to the toe. Was should
all thank you? You know who is camera guy like

white is a white thing? You know? I had that
problem to a washing behind my ears? Right? Yeah? Wash
behind you is disgusting. My mom went behind my ears
with a cute tip and got so that's so girls, Yeah,
magma behind your guess right too. I camera guy said
he doesn't watch his testicles. That's disgusted. Camera guy disgusted, Hello,

doesn't watch testicles? Do your stinky yo? Man? Anthony was
something bro? Do you watch your feet? Man? No, I
mean I know it. Look, I put a generous amount
of soap on my upper body. That soap un down
and I got a detachable shower here. I make sure
she's got the quession too. So you know, I run down,
you know, I get the runner down, and I hit
the legs and I hook coming off and do a

little bit. Da you have dirt coming up here, dirt
coming over your feet? Man? You know what's clean? So
your own actively go down there scrumb like that. I mean,
you just let us slide down. Your sheets must be filthy, bro, Nah,
I see, I mean you know I could probably want
to know. What's that? Man? I seen your feet as
sh in your bed with your dirty ass feet. Oh nah, man,

I'm pressing, you know, I'm feeling, like I said, I
got coople want to pressure, like just there and you know,
and I hit it with the water and it's it's good.
You know, it's great. And there's nothing worse thing when
you wear flip flops around all day and then you
look at the bottom of your feet and you're like, uh,
when I wear flides, I got fox on. I ain't
got you wear socks with slides. Okay, all right, well
Marlin's story washed your damn feet. Okay, that's what we

just learned that. By the way, I didn't just learn that.
I told me and my wife were in the shower
we washed each other and I didn't wash her legs,
and she was like, you don't wash your feet. I
was like, yeah, the bigger issue is our camera guy
doesn't watch his testicles. That's disgusting, man, that's disgusting. All right,
We got more coming up. Next, We're the Breakfast Club,
the Breakfast Club putting everybody is DJ Envy Angela Ye,

Charlotmagne the guy. We are the Breakfast Club. We got
a special guest in the building. His album is out
right now, Father of Far Welcome. So first and foremost,
why did you change the name of the album? What
was the name before? I thought it was another name
of the ol before, never put no name. I Oh,
I just want to I'll do that for my kids,
you know, you know what I mean, a lot of

people I don't know about culture, but yeah, I just
wanted to focus on my kids. I got folk kids
and I've been having kids like my oldest son nine.
You know what I'm saying. It's just growing up mature.
I mean the music mature on twenty sound, I'm mature
seeing going through someone. I had a rough year this
ship too, So I just want to focus on my
kids and give out some good content music that's interesting
to hear. You said you had a rough year, because

we saw you be in jail before and all of that.
We made the year rough, you know, made the year rough.
Break up, car accident, we're talking car almost lost my
life on our trying to say somebody up life. So
it was just just just just just the time to
grow up. I just want to show another side of
me that people don't really see. It was very personal.

A lot of things that you told on this this album,
like you talk about your relationship or not having a
relationship with your dad, how does that affect you as
far as how you treat your kids or growing up
and fitting me a lot. That's why I think I
was running around doing so much. I ain't really had
no U father guidance, So without that, and then you
got the streets, you just let the streets guide you.
Your mama, you down, your mama will become the person

you hide from. Your mama. With your dad, yeah yeah,
but it'd still be a different connection, you know what
I mean. I don't really know how to connection with
because I ain't got no I made sure i'd reflected
on my kids, but it'd be hard sometimes with schedulings too,
because time is everything. With all four of them at once.
I actually had three photos shoes I just posted to

the first rough drive, but we had three photos because
I got five, and that's the toughest thing ever. Smile
all of them work straight. And if you're working so hard,
I was trying to get it done, I'm not even
really noticing it's like eleven nine, twelve o'clock. So then
I'm getting frustrated, but I gotta keep it in. I'm like,
just called down. We couldn't get it done. Is the

toughest one because she's the youngest. So she hungry, she crying,
She hungry, she crying, She don't want to sit somewhere
for a little minute. She's not trying to sit down. Period.
It was tough, but we got out. Though I've been
doing that big on that I've been doing that. I
ain't joying it. So even with the money and everything.
And if they say they say the grandma's there, the

mama there, You're like, no, I gotta I feel like
the moments be special to like even changing your child's
playing for like, that's a special moment between you and
your child. That was gonna asked with the nine year
old with so much talking about culture, of course, because
with Cardi, did he feel a certain way like, damn,
they always talk about coach, don't talk about me or
talk about my siblings. No, he ain't never, no, no,
no, no no, he's still a kid. I try to keep

my kids kids or that Instagram. I don't really let
the rock out on there like that, you know what
I mean? He played sports, but no, it ain't never
ain't never been a comparison. They'd they'd be pressing me
by seeing her, and you know, we gotta put her
home private planes because people we just I'll trying to
keep my kids kids. I don't want nobody. That's why
I never I never moved to LA because I ain't.
I don't want cameras all in the face. Because one
time my oldest son, I was like, somebody said something

to him in school. He's like, my daddy got my
money to you your daddy. I beat him though, I
beat you don't know, like a kid. Yeah, And then
he thought he's thinking, and he was. I was seeing
how when he told me, and he's and he told
me how he feeling like it's okay. So I had
to had a whooping about that. And I'm like, because
I wanted to be telling the truth though, right, I

don't know. I keep I keep me in public school though, so,
you know what I mean, keeping a kid? Is it hard?
Having more than one? Baby? Mama at times, but now
at this point and off you gotta you gotta keep
it about the kids. It's about the kids. This is
what you need to Friday and provide schooling, about housing.
I'm abe transtace what you provide your lifestyle. But I

made sure that everybody, you know what I mean, everything
good for the kids, because I want my kids in
good house and I don't want to be I can't
be on this one, can't. Everybody has to have some
a nice place, a nice school like that, because if
the moms are happy and comfortable and makes the kids
happy and comfortable, because they're the ones they have to
help make sure that the kids are good. So all
the baby mamas gotta have a Bentley Trump. No, we

all got just be having transportation, good area to stay in,
with a good school distance. You know, you were very
honest about where you were at in your life when
you had your kids. You know, you talk about on
leg about what you had to do in order to
provide for your firstborn son, which was very difficult. And
then you even talk about your daughter and not even
knowing for sure if that was your daughter at first,

it was like one of the hardest moments in my
life is to be honest, because I was I was
trying to have a kid, but she got to my
mom on Facebook. And then when I see her the kid,
I know it's me, you know what I mean? But
she five months I don't even notice. I know I
see her one time. I didn't know what state I
noticed my daughter. It's my first daughter, but she's so beautiful.

I couldn't do it like that, trying to be invisible.
I couldn't do that. I just had this man up.
I was a decision to finally open the world up
to culture because people were trying to see the pictures
for as soon as y'all had it. What was it
like the first time we saw it was exact on
the cover of your album. People got so much to say,
it's your daughter, you know first, you gotta protect it.
Attempts to see what's going on first. She's still like

we still will probably like you just posting her all
the time because it's like, kid, you gotta keep some private. Man,
how do you figuret how much is too much to
give it your personal lay? I don't feel like it's
never too much when you're starting to grow and you
being a grown man, you know what I mean, Because
it's grown man talk about the issues they face it.
You can. It's okay to say you messed up, you
know what I mean. That's what's good. I think the
human part of it, of you admitting the situation with

your firstborn daughter and just saying how at first you
didn't really want to believe this and how you had
to come to accept it. But so many people have
been in that position, and maybe it will encourage people
to be better about stepping up and handling their responsibilities
no matter what the circumstances were. Just face it like man.
And so when I made that song, I just felt relieved. Honestly,
some of my partners don't even know that. It's just

like it. Thanks you. I was just keeping in, but
I felt like this album got to be different because
I'm grown. I'm doing real grown man. I can't keep
somebody diamonds and need casts. I was trying to put
move music on there because it was going through. That's
why I was taking my time, pushing back, taking my
time because I ain't. I wanted to be able to
control the content because I feel like content music coming
back around that we see you talking about the lean

on that album too, that you used to use lean
a lot. Have you done with all the drug use
at all? Right now? I'm cleaning that up right now.
You ain't gonna you can't really work for real. It's
like you a whole another person, no matter what you're doing,
and then you think you not. Then I'm just starting
to learn, like what is it doing for me what
I'm doing for somebody else? Kid, when they look at me,
you know what I mean? When I'm doing for my kids?
When they're looking at me, can they see everything? If

you got in the cook your cook I know how
my kids see. My son asked me like that, what
you're drunk and I want some juice. I'm just macharing, bro,
I'm going through a little little things. I'm married now.
And Cardia issues with that too. Right did she tell
you like you got to chill out on that or
you can't come back in the house. No, she ain't
doing it like that, you know what I mean. She's
just you know, they jab at you start doing that.
I like you with you, and then you notice because

certain things you do if you don't change your loose
people around you. And you made the porter decisions. Put
his scisions come from that at decisions because you're not you,
and I ain't trying to do that no more. I
did that all right. We got more. OFFSET when we
come back, don't move. It's the Breakfast Club. Good morning, wrding.
Everybody is DJ Envy Angela Yee. Charlomagne the guy we
are the breakfast Club. Offset is hearing his album Father

Affords out right now, Charlemagne. One of the rear curring
themes on your album, you talk about not wanting to
have money just for yourself and got selfish. You do
leave it for your kids exactly. All these lifestyle changes
is for that. I'm kicking and dog breaking the house
because he wanted to know left of the money from
the family. Ever, it was never no money. I don't
never want to take my kids to know how my
kids gonna be doing anything, Like they're struggling and I'm

like this and I got all these cars, and I
got all this here, and I got and I'm gonna star.
I'll be seeing like I've seen nas I'll be seeing
I'll be reading and watching like I put his money up,
put his money right here, put his money right here.
Jam man, Cardi got to buy a house in a
level off your video. Like we were just talking, like
we need to start doing this. Cardi hit me one
time about investing the Jurors University in Atlanta, and that's

what I like to see. And the fact when I
was talking to you out there, he was like, yeah,
I'm on that, you know what I mean. And that's
that that wealth that you could say, here, my kids here,
this is for y'all exactate off that every month until
y'all give it to your kids and y'all kids kids,
and that's what they should be about. Yeah, man, I'm
own being and some having houses. Trying to get department
in complication in a letter right now because I ain't
know like condos, it's a little in. It ain't o

of the little binds too, will I'm frong, I'm two
hundred listen to two hundred thirty thousan two hundred fifty thousand.
All these condos you've fend thirty five hundred a month.
At least you can own them. As long as it's
under market value, you always be good. But if you
buy let's say a complex in Atlanta, Let's say it
might be a million dollars that rent role, You just
use that to play. I gotta I got a complex

that just pays my fun that that handles my cars,
my jewelry, my wife. I got to touch that. That's
that condole everything else. It's something different, you know what
I mean? And you just do that And as long
as you keep that mind frame, you'd be good do
anything for Cloud. Your generation likes to focus on everything
but talent. So is it hard for you not to
get caught up in the sometimes because sometimes got a
little bit and talking, but you know, I be coming

at you. Social media come at you like some punches.
But that might not be for Cloud. That's just you
responding or reacting. But then people look at this Cloud
to you know, you know what I mean. You felt
social media with to come at your ruin your relationship
at one time, for sure they were going there were
we were Charlema made it ninety. Now we had you back,
for sure? You know that ru Yeah, I know that.

I know that. You just hope that things make your
I just want people to be realistic, like, no, we
had you back. We just want to stronger. I'm wrong
like I did find that's wrong. But bro I don't
kill me and God, so we know a lot of
my folks allot me and my people to work this
out because not serious. It's not no game, It's not
no you know what I'm saying. This is an issue,

but it's also a practice situation. And I like for
the fact that as for women, you know, I think
that it is important to acknowledge a woman's real feelings
and hurt that a woman might have. Sometimes people are like, oh,
just take them back, but it is a process. It
is you that you've messed up, that you've changed, and
they want to say that they want saying to take
them back. It was but that's how I know she
loved me. They weren't trying to, not even wanted it

to be over. Yeah, I'm new to being married. I'm twenty.
I was twenty six. Man, I'm twenty something in the prime.
After having the number one, after having the best year
of my two seventeen was the best year for my crier,
my group, everything. You know what I mean, You gotta
learn like it's not no game. You ain't no game.
You do what was right. In my opinion, you fought
and you fought and you did what you had to
do with nobody say, yeah, that was the weird thing.
Everybody was giving you flak when you came out on

stage with the cake. And then I'm done. I don't
give it down. I love my girl. Yeah, I called
my wife on a live Charlomagne gasped me up for
that one, but I called them live on it real, real, real,
right live, Hey baby, love you. I'm sorry, you know
what I mean for real come back, but it got me, Charlomagne.

It was for Cloud, great ratings for us. No, I
wanted he was coming to head. He was coming to head.
I didn't gonna They didn't know what was wrong. He
was about to quit the job. And then I was like, yo,
whatever you got going on, you need to let everybody know.
And then he said that, and I'm like, oh, that
got real. I didn't know you know that said with
your wife sometime, letting everbody know. Like, Bro, you letting

yourself no, because you got you gotta be a man,
like I said with it. I'm like, you gotta step
forward and face what it is you gotta face. Love
is beautiful time, bro, and it's probably cooler at light. Bro.
We get hurt too, bro, and we can say it. Bro,
it's okay with the ever time when you felt like,
you know, let me fall back and give her space.
I ain't gonna say nothing on the ground. I ain't
gonna come out of her should I'm just gonna let

her go and say something on the ground. I was
pressing up. I wasn't giving those places people say you got.
You ain't giving nothing but give your girls to space.
Who basically where you, bro, I lose it all. I
lose her. I'm I'm telling you early like who I'm
pulling up. Man, if you love something, let it go,

if it come back to you with yours. So you
did that, it came by y'all, let it go. I
don't let it go. Might don't come back. You keep fighting,
might don't come back. Man, you're real man. You were
scared that he was gonna lose a fellow for shore.
I heard this girl like this, Yeah, yeah, never again.
You're good now. Everything you gotta keep, man, you gotta
go through steps and different things. A week ago. So

y'all did the marriage counseling and all that work. Gotta keep.
Don't stop. I'll still talk about you, just just how
you've grown, right, because you talk about your grandmother on
the album and missing her. You talk about your old
life for robbing. Did you do some type of therapy
or something like the deal with the trauma you mad? Yeah,
you know what therapy I went through or jail for real,

that was let's save my life. A lot of you
can'ts brow, especially music, Bro, They'd be like trying to
be locked up. Bro, I had these judge my face
like I see you again, I'm gonna give you ten years,
keyr ain't no, I'll set and I've been last time
I had that last arrestaurant, I was in the States, Brow,
I did nothing. I was with my security and called
up of a charge later to a fill on game

with my security. I sent you eight months and it
was not getting no one for no reason. So that
just made me focus all the way down out on
when I get out, Bro, I'm never doing this like
I'm more, I'm gonna do this this this, I'm gonna
turn my sent into a monster with music. And I
did that even with your your your temper, because back
in the day, seem like you would always get in
the fights and like how did you calm that down?

It ain't worth it, I'm gonna lose. I start seeing
I just started seeing like the os is like people
want to try to piss you up and they can
get a pay out. People want to try you, Bro,
this tight game. It ain't no point of being tough.
What you're being tough and you're wrapping for You're making millions, Bro,
So when you're getting the little beefs with people right
like like to say Chris Brown or whoever, do you
ever think you would really throw it away for social media?
I don't even want to talk about that because you're like, Bro,

I stepped out of my apologize to my fans with
my fault. You know, I'm who I am. I ain't
even pot to be replying. I ain't even replying it
my fault going on shout at you know what I mean.
But at the end of the day, I've been through
the real I'm not finling. I've been shot at for real.
Dog My Poppner been killed in the hotel and I
was on the news. Is all set for real? R P.
Paris Brown killed murder. I'm holding me, telling me, don't

let me die, Bro, and he died. I've been through
real life, so I ain't gonna let nobody. The disrepect
is hard to night like to tolerated from where in
my background. I was talking to just disrespect and handle disrespect.
But it could go so left. Yeah, and when he
go left, yeah, ain't nobody gonna do nothing? Point and
do this? He did this, He did this. Ain't nobody really, folks,

ain't been through the real I get the picture because
I really didn't bumped my head a thousand times like
I cuts in my head. This ain't no cap I
got sixteen more shots. I know what the streets could
do for me. Nothing. I've been trying to do stuff
so much to change the Google search. Used to Google
search for me. It'll pop up with the bad. It's
just time for the good. Gentleman, let me that's some

people that can clean that up for you. Hand be
Google Search. It's clean. I did some righteous things. Clean up.
You gotta clean yourself up. We got more with set
and to build a matter of fact, let's get into
a joint right now. Off his album, this one features
Cardy B is called Cloud Morning. Everybody is DJ Envy,
Angela Yee, Charlomagne, the Guy, We Are the Breakfast Club

Offset is hearing his album father affords out right now, Charlomagne,
would you ever want to record stile with your father? Yeah?
Well yeah, come pull up. I ain't got no beef
with Last time you seen him, I talked to him
and I turned Twitter. He called him my birthday like,
I'm gonna see who I still the light season one know?
Ago never heard that. Then I hear from him about

when I turned like twenty two. Now we are on
a little bit. And then last time I talked to
him twenty sixteen, I don't even been a kid, Like
why don't know? Why? Why y'all I don't like me?
Why ain't you rack with me? He's tripping, I'm rich.
I'm trying to give him the money. Every time I
talk song, I'm like, you wantna pay phone? Man? Listen man,
I'm about to send you twenty thousand where you at?
I want to fly jet to you right now. I
come get you, like son, all right, I'm I ain't

ain't he He might say something like, um, I'm gonna
pay phones, so when I get to the house, I'm
gonna call you, and then I never get a call.
And then I called his mama and she to m me.
She ain't seen them, so I think he got something
else going on on drugs. I love him, or you don't.
You don't really do he on drugs? So he been shot.
He's still in the screams like this is recently, like
shot in the stomach. He had the car crash in

the eight scene, will look Broken Ship got this hit
with plays. It's just a lot of and I don't
know what happened, but I love I love him though.
To keep it real, I took some shots at him
on my album so he can reach. What are you doing, man,
how are you struggling? How's your mama struggling? I don't
even know these people, but my family life, well, I know,
you know, I'm everywhere. Pull up, come, come, come talk

to me. I ain't mad. I got some fun. You
really interesting. You ain't mad at him though, like you
don't resent him from not being there. I know how
I be. You can even let the streets take you away,
or you can kick in with your family. A lot
of folks the streets take them away from the mama,
the grandmama, theay everything. So I've just been on the
other side too. I've been a father that was locked up, tripping,

not really focused on life goals, not really focusing on
taking care of the kids. I'm just buying a little things.
But I'm really being selfish because I don't have nothing myself.
I know how mama's could be too, like it's a
dirty gain't too now, Mama could have been playing the
dirty And then he got to a point where he
just gave up, gave up, say something like why myself?

You would you and you're doing all this? It's just
I've been on the other side. So I ain't mad
at your pops. How your mom feel about that? Though
your mom like man, don't do nothing for him. He
wasn't around my mom gonna know how to type heart
of type personal AUMs, so she should be respecting it.
Like trying to keep trying to find her. So I
don't give up on trying to find him. Sometimes I
didn't last out. She don't know what His phone maybe
be dead. Because it's embarrassing I to have you that

you act tough if you want to. I need to
meet my sister that I don't know. I need to meet.
I need to be I need to make sure my
family good. I gotta provide bro it's real, Like who
life did you save in the car crash? You say
he was trying to save somebody else? Like he had
to swear too. He probably was like a fiend because
how you just in the middle of the street when
I'm looking it's running. I'm I'm still going to look

what I seent me going. I'm going about fifty on
a one way street and I see you. You look
and then I'm super close to you now, so I'm like,
what are we going? And then I go around and
how how how the haircut is? It fished tail? And
I didn't have my traction on, so at first it's black.
I couldn't even see what I was sitting. And there
was a treat pump. I know, I just and I
remember when I hit everything, I felt my teeth because

my bottom two I felt my teeth come out. I
couldn't blink this eye. But the dude came to the window,
and like I had to see if I was dead,
and how the dough was the dough with jams so
I couldn't get out this my dough. So I just
yelled like I'm panicking. I'm like, what you're doing. I'm
trying to tell him to open the dough. He's just
going he run off. I just climb out from the
other side because the car was squished, so it had

jammed the doors. But the other dough was good though,
because I had hit it kind of on the left
side drive side instead of this side. So when I
crawl out, my jury started falling off my neck. Now
I don't know where to do that. I started grabbing
my that. Damn. I'm like, I'm like, I ain't trying
to get it, rob, I ain't trying to get rob
me baby gonna live. I'm like, I ain't trying to

get your I grabbed that. I remember, just I just
remember I grabbed it. And then I remember like a
dude was running like yo. He ran down to me
and I couldn't really see. I got so much blood
and just covering. I'm walking because I was probably half
a quarter mile from my house. I'm walking to the house.
And then he just helped me walk up and he
just did do help you just naked angel. Come to
find out he was walking from work. He walked for
work and he used a single fall the team with

two kids, so I had bottom a car and blew
me right I bought him a little Nisan, right, they're
telling me on the internet, why don't you buy him
a Nissan? You should have brought him. He sage a lot.
You should put him may back gonna do to me
it ain't good enough. I ain't had no pr I
ain't had nobody tell me that. I was looking for
him at first, but I'm like, man, it's just a
walking man walking down the street, bro at four o'clock

in the morning. Then when I went to I went
to hospital and I was just thinking about that, like, man,
who was that? Who was that? That? Just didn't I
needed that? And he was like he was like, oh
my god, bro Row and he's still. When I got
in the house, I was willing him, like ye'all take
him to the hospital. By the time I looked, he
was walking. When we were driving, we was pulling off.
He was walking back to wherever he had work. And

now he's driving the knees on. That was the craziest
I've never been in the cross before that. Yeah, I
crashed and the dog count over one ship right here
on my face. It's not close. It ain't got bent in.
And then when I get to the hospital, they tell me.
Ninety percent of people die every time they hit the tree.
They're coming through the window, and I didn't have no
seatbelt on, so those brushes were death. Between that and

your parting dying in your arms, that that's changed your
whole perspective, whole perspective. All my kids gonna do what
I mean? Man, is it hard to being married? Because
I'm sure women are throwing themselves at you. Nah, it
ain't hard to be married when you just really focused
and do what you gotta do. That's right. You know
you're growing man, So whatever you're doing, I mean, you
know what you're doing. Know it ain't right. Black men

don't cheat. Black men cheat it out, cheating, played it out.
Check each other though, too, black men, we need to
start each other. We see something like your like, come on,
you're risking it all. You gotta start treating like it's
a penitentiary chat because it is is, bro. You will
lose your feeling. You'd be Ryan man. Listen, your girl
walking around with another man. Lord, have mercy looking back

in the room texting a girl right now. I just
texted someone before that's gonna happen, And didn it be
your phone? You punished for life, and it's gonna show
in your career. And if you're gonna start like, damn
what you hurt, I don't do people know you hurt,
and you hurt for real, trying to look fake happy
on the happy, but your crushed, because I'll cry. I'll

cry like the crush. Ask her. I was on the
floor it laying down in between breaks. Now, it seemed
like it was hard for you to do that video,
the audio you used on the album before, Don't Lose Me.
It seems like it was hard to do that. And
I apologize. You know what I'm saying, breaking your heart,
breaking out promise God's promise, and being a selfish, messed

up husband. You know what I'm saying. I'm trying to
I'm trying to be a better person. I want to
get this off because I'm not an outspoken person like
that anyway like that. But I know I gotta step up.
I make my wife look crazy, So I take the punishment.
I take them not liking me or not liking me

no more, or doing whatever they they'll be doing. I
take that. I deserve it, even in the midst of
all that she sell her tell her fans y'all do
not be mad at my offset for anything. I don't
need y'all attacking him. Still there you go, we reside,
love y'all together, love words gonna be striking fit for
the You know, the first time ever I pursonal Bottle

was in here, it was when Clue was in here. Man,
you were talking right here. I brought it up. I
don't know if you pants. I'm like, I'm like, hey, cool,
you know Carter this before everything all that, I'm like, hey,
like her man, that he that comes to my little
I had a little thing in New York and she
just pulled up Clue, the clue Man, the clue, Yes,

Clue fix the fab Ray situation clix. People don't even know.
I was working to get her too. We had a
little girl, donn a lot called a baton batting Booge
dinner and we just anybody women and I invite a
home purpose like when I get in front of her
so well, so you knew, you knew from the first
time you've seen it, Like that's gonna be like when

she had click so you pay phone. Congrats on the
new album and he gonna follow the folk right now.
Thank you for stopping. He gonna have girl scatting and
shout us for the rest of the year. That don't
lose me. You'd be out too late and get that
don't lose me text three words don't lose me. Well,

lis'sen breakfast cloud is offset. Make sure you're telling them
to watch out for Florida Man. The craziest people in
America come from the Bronx and all of Florida. Yes,
you are a donkey. The Florida man a chapter and
ATM for a very strange reason. It gave him too
much money. Florida man is arrestiped after definitely say he's

rigged the door to his home and an attempt to
electro kid his cresent's wife. Police arrested in Orlando man
for talking a Felida to Breakfast club bitchy donkey. Other
day when scharlam Haine a guy, I don't know why
y'all keep letting him get you elected. Well don't yet.
Today goes to a sixty one year old Florida man
named Thomas Davaney Lane. Now listen, what did your uncle
Charlotte tell you all the time? The craziest people in

America come from the Bronx and all of Florida. There's
no debate about this. Now, once again, you have two
types of people in Florida. The ones who don't think
anybody from Florida is crazy at all and get offended
when I say that, and then the ones who know
Florida is crazy as hell and they just accept their fate. Stacy,
who called here a couple of weeks ago who wanted
to kill me. He's one of the people who gets

offended when I called Florida. Remember Stacy, he was hot. Okay,
all right, Stacy, I'm just out here reporting things that
I've seen on the news, but they ain't right. Well, listen, Stacy.
Once again, there's more than enough evidence to prove that
Florida is indeed crazy. Okay. I come in here every
day and get presented stories from the news that prove

my point. And today it's no different because Thomas Lane
was arrested for disturbing the piece. Now, this is ironic,
being that the whole state of Florida disturbs the piece
of the rest of America. So if you are Floridian
in Florida and you get arrested for disturbing the piece,
you must really be raising hell. Thomas Lane is a
self proclaimed saint. Now what is this saint? A person

acknowledged as wholly are virtuous and typically regarded as being
in heaven after death. That has nothing to do with
anything that I'm about to say. So, authorities received multiple
calls about a man who was disturbing the piece at
several businesses, screaming that he was indeed a saint and
he had a whole army that was going to destroy everyone.

He actually told a nine one one operator that any
responding officers need to leave now or they will all
be sorry. They eft with to Satan and if you
effort to saint, my army will destroy the whole city. Now,
you gotta take threats like this serious. In twenty nineteen,
a man says he has a whole army. All right,
he may really have a whole army, and Thomas Lane

really did have a whole army. Let's go to CBS
four Miami for the report. Police police say this Florida
man warned them that his turtle army would destroy them.
Officers in Bavarn Counties say they received seven calls about
a man disturbing the piece at three different locations. At
one point, they say, sixty one year old Thomas Devaney
Lane walked into the police station, yelled at the dispatcher,

and pounded on the walls and glass. According to the
arrest report, he left, but then called the dispatcher from
a nearby seven eleven and told them that they would
be sorry they messed with quote the Saint. When they
came to pick him up, Lane reportedly refused to get
out of the car, yelled up, sat these and told
them his turtle army would destroy them, saying they would
see what would happen in an hour. Lane is now

facing multiple charges of reaching the piece, misusing nine one one,
and resisting an officer. It's turtle army sounds like a
horror movie, like the Birds, but the turtle version took
them a whole hour. That's actually some fast turtles if
they can get it done in now. But Florida not
playing y'all? Okay, y'all worried about white militia groups when
the real enemy is green militia groups led by white people.

All right, Thomas Lane is no master Splinta. He doesn't
have a team of heroes and a half shell them
always turtle power. But the ain't no Leonardo Michelangelo, Donna
Tello Raffael protecting the city from danger. He has a

team of villains in a half shell that are here
to bring danger to the city. Okay, Thomas Lane wants
all as smoke. What is America doing to protect us
from these kind of domestic terrorists in the form of hortoses?
All right, Tara has a name in America, ladies and gentlemen,
and the name is Ceas to the Turtle. Okay, don't
let's see to the turtle fool you. If you don't
think turtles can be a threat, then play Super Mario Brothers.

Give them some pizza. No, those are the good turtles.
The good turtles like pizza. The bad turtles just want smoke.
That's how they get fed. All right, I got the
meeting Nintendo hooked up at the house right now. All right,
all of y'all will take Thomas's threats more seriously if
you go to war with the Cooper Troopers, all right,
do you want that smoke with bows in his gang
of Cooper Troopers? Now you don't, all right, step on

one of those turtles. They're going to their shell for
a little while kick one, turn your back, they bump
into a pipe, bounce back and kill you all right now.
Thomas was arrested and charged with disturbing the peace, resisting
arrest without violence, and misusing nine one one. He was
released on bail, and when Thomas was asked to make
a comment on threatening the city with crushing squirt from
finding Nemo, he said this, I like turtles. Please please

give Thomas Lane the sweet sounds in the Hammeltones place.
Oh no you all, Oh gee, Oh the day, the doge,
Oh the day. Ye all right, it's getting crazy in America, y'all.

I'm telling you, green milicias led by white people. That's
not what we want. Charlomagne, thank you for that donkey today, Yes, sir,
all right, we got more coming up next. We're a
breakfast club, the breakfast club. Morning. Everybody is DJ Envy
Angela yee, Charlomagne, the guy. We are the breakfast club.
Why are you so giggly? I don't know. We have

a special guest in the building, Ta Mallie, he's also giggly. La.
Good morning. I don't know what's about to happen. Nah,
I just love life. There you go, it's not roll mean,
we're all here. It's the Blessing. So you have a
new show coming, Yes, I do, and it's called Family Reunion.
I'm really excited about it. And it's premiarrying July ten
soon on Netflix. And it is an all black writers room.

Yes it is. And I was very very excited about that.
I think, you know, Um, it is a funny, incredible show. Um,
having an all black writers staff, I's it was just
such a great, incredible experience. Tell us about it. We
see it's the old generation versus the new generation. Yeah,
so it's like old school, you know, meets new school,

kind of like tradition versus you know, non tradition. But
it's about a family, the McKellen's and um, we're from Seattle, Washington,
and we end up going to a family reunion in
the South in Georgia. We end up saying we want
our children, you know, to end up growing up there
and and living there, and we end up moving in

into my husband's mom's house, which could get a little
you know interesting. Um. The grandma Lauretta Divine, she's incredible,
she plays the grandma. Um. But yeah, it's it's a
great funny show. Um, and I'm just so proud of it.
How do you raise your kids? You have two kids.

I do the baby girl by the way, Yeah, old school,
new school, a little bit very I'm non traditional. Like
my daughter, she's still in the bed with my husband
and myself. She's never gonna get out. I'm just gonna
let you know, no, eventually she will around. Well my son, no, no, no,
my son, he was out of our bed when he

was around four. So that's when you put them out.
They still gonna find their way back now, I know.
But that's what's that's what's so beautiful about it, you
know what I mean. They're not gonna be babies forever.
Mean you and your husband, what's like the babies in
the middle. We didn't have no problem getting some because
they got you know, works right. No, No, there are

other places in the house. Okay, so you guys gotta
leave the bedroom. You like doing a two bedroom of
it makes it fun, you know, So you going their room,
be going to kids closet, classroom. Did you have the
experience growing up of not realizing that there were some
things that as black people are kind of exclusive to us,

that people outside of our culture just don't get because
sometimes we take it for granted. Like you're like, I
don't know, this was just what we do and what
other people don't do. Yeah, no, yeah, totally, Like what
are some examples of things that we do in our
community that culturally other people just you know, one thing
that I just love about this show in general is
exactly what you're talking about. Um, there's this one scene

where you know, the brother on the show, he's you know,
getting a haircut at home. The barber, you know what
I mean, he comes to the house and some people
they don't they don't get that. They don't you know,
understand that that you know, that's just something that we do.
Or not only that, even to the job guys get
their hair cut at work all the time. Yeah, it
comes to Yeah, the barber basically comes to them because

you know, it's all about that lining and they have
to make sure that they have that. This is appointed
as a doctor exactly exactly, so you know, but that's
new because I couldn't afford that at a while ago.
I had to get still to the b shop. Now,
just put in comaraderie in the communication. But yeah, so
the white barbershop is different than like the black guys barbershop. Oh, yes,

I guess you have no idea. I mean, my my
my my son gets his you know haircut at the house.
We have a barber, you know. You know that's part. No,
but I mean that's just like you said, it's a
part of the culture. You know what I mean. No,
it's really not. You got to be special come to
the house. But I guess what I'm saying is we

have a relationship with our barber. Yes, you know what
I mean, they are part of the family. They are
welcome to come to that house because you just don't
bring anybody and everybody up to the house. That's true,
that's what. And if the barber is coming to your house,
that's probably because he ain't got no license and they
kicked him out the barbershop a house call. No. Um. Also,

what I think that's great about, you know, family reunion
is you know, the religious kind of aspect about it.
You know, I really feel that, you know, growing up,
church has always been a part of my life. I
feel like with Black culture, church is always a part
of you know, everybody's life, whether you wanted to go
to church or not. You were in church on Sunday.

And I just really love that about this show. Yes,
you know, this show is for us, by us. And
what I love about, you know, the writing staff is
the stories are very authentic and they're very real. Um,
and it and it makes the show very relatable and
very grounded. And and that's why I was really really

excited about doing this show. Have you have you learned
anything new about motherhood now that you have a girl? Yeah?
Some before right, Oh yeah, that's a really good question. Yeah. Um,
you know one thing about having a son, I said,
I mean it's amazing. And my son, he's almost eight,
he'll be eight in June. My son is a part

of me, but my daughter, she's an extension of me.
Oh and that's what I've you know, learned with you know,
just raising my daughter now. And it has been such
an amazing, beautiful experience, just seeing her grow into this
personality personality that she is. I mean, she's walking now,

she's saying words like mamma, dad, dad. But yeah, I'm
really enjoying it. I'm really enjoying, um, you know, raising
my daughter. How much different her life will be from
you because you essentially grew up with your best friend
your whole life. You doesn't have that necessarily, No, she doesn't,
But I mean I want to be that for her.

I mean I know that there's you know, your children.
You can't necessarily be their best friend, you know what
I mean. But I want to be the mom that
my daughter can go to and talk to and lean
on me and you know, tell me everything. Um, So
I definitely want to be that for my daughter. I did,

you know, I do feel like, you know, having a
twin and you know, hy Tamara love you. Um, you know,
she's definitely you know, a best friend. And being able
to go through life and the trials and tribulations that
I've gone through. Um, it has been easier because I've
had my sister right there with me. So don't fight

a lot, you and your sister, you know what. What's so?
I have five and old they fight like crazy. He
doesn't get it because vy's only my sister and I
to say that we never fought, it would be a lie,
you know what I mean? Because sisters, you have to
no no, no, no, no, I'm not yelling at scream.

I'm talking about agree. You know, you know what. And
I know this may sound weird, but when you're a twin,
you really have this unique, special bond. But to answer
your question, of course we have sibling Riberry at times,
because that's normal different. We're very different. When you have
two people that are so alike, that's you know, that's

when it gets a little challenging and all that too.
She did. I loved it, Tamara. She didn't like it.
Like we dressed like all the way up until we
were in high school. And I remember high school, yeah,
but that we grew up in dressing a like with
your best friend was fly. Yeah. It was fun. But

my sister, you know, she was all about trying to
find her own you know, individual you know all that.
But I thought it was really cool. We learned from
each other. Like I'm the non traditional parent. I have
the non traditional parenting styles. My sister is very traditional. Um,
but we you know, we learn from each other, all right.
We got more with Tia Maori. When we come back,
don't move. It's to Breakfast Club. Good morning morning. Everybody

is DJ Envy Angela Yee, Charlomagne the guy. We are
to Breakfast Club. Were kicking it with Tia Malory some
more Charlomagne, what is it? What is what are you
consider non traditional and traditional? Because because for me, I
think traditional a lot of that is messed up in
a lot of ways. Non traditional, in my opinion, means
and just like my character Coco on a Family Reunion,

I'm very much like her. It means in my opinion,
just going with the flow, you know what I mean,
not putting so many rules and regulations, you know, on
your children. You just allow them to be who they
are and grow into who they are, instead of dictating
at this age you need to be away from the bottle.

At this age, you need to be out of the bed.
At this age, you need to be you know, doing
this sounds like you just on on punishment, Like do
you believe in that? Uh know, I was whooked, as
that's what I mean. I'm like, that might not have
been good. Huh When you say traditional, that's what I

think of because that's how we I grew up with
a lot of discipline, and yes, yes, I don't think
that's good. Yes, so I did. I grew up with
a I mean my mom she was very very strict
still is my dad. Um. I grew up being spanked,
which it's it's awesome and it's great, you know, to
an extent, if that's the way you want a parent,

you know what I mean. But I see it differently
as if you're spanking you're a child. In my opinion,
it's because of you. Yes, it's because of you, and
where you are in your headspace, you're impatient, you know,
you just want to get this done over with, Whereas

I feel like if you don't spare the rod or yeah,
if you don't, if you if you don't, if you don't, yes,
then it takes more time. You have to talk to them,
you have to explain. But I feel like there is,
in my opinion, a better outcome because you're explaining and

you're saying why, as opposed to, you know, just kind
of hitting them. But that's just my that's my you know, opinion.
So she she does, she spanks her children, But yeah,
I don't, I don't. Huh no, no no, no, no,

no no no. You think about it. Back in the day,
it took a village like it would let the aunts
spank the kids. Talk about that, we talked, we we
haven't scene about that in family reunion where you know,
madear Loretta Divine's character. She you know, she you know,
brings out her belt and talk about exactly what you

just said. Yeah, but you know that that was then,
and I feel like this is now, um, and you know,
so far it's just the way I parent, and it's
so far it's it's it's good, you know what I mean.
I don't want and not that I'm afraid of my mom,
but I don't want my children being afraid of me.

I agree, I don't and that's what I mean. I
want them to be able to come to me and
tell me anything. Now. Of course there will be times
when they're like, I don't want to tell my mom,
you know what I mean, But I want them to
be able to not be afraid of me. But clearly
y'all were raised right though, because y're all like two
of the few child stars who didn't go crazy. I know,

we don't know what happened back. I don't see it though.
You'll be pretty grounded. We are. We're very grounded. And
I do give a lot of credit to my parents.
But but no, see, it wasn't about popped us. It
was about also what they taught us and what they

would always teach us. Or tell us is. I was
just saying this last night. I was talking with one
of my friends. We never allowed the business to define
who we are as people. And I feel like, you know,
a lot of young stars they could get caught up
in that that. You know, this business is very fickle.
You know, I've been in this business for a very

long time, so I've seen the waves. I've seen. One
minute you're hot, you're working, one minute you're not. And
what happens is is when a lot of people get
to that you know, kind of fame status, it goes
to their head and then it starts to define who
they are, like, um, you know this because of that,
and it's like no, no, no, no, that's very dangerous

because it's it's not always going to be like that.
So when it drops, you know, fame, attention, money, then
you know, they lose themselves and they lose who they are.
So we never I never, I never defined myself with fame.

You probably had the advantage of having your sister there too, though,
to keep you ground, keep each other graded. Yeah, you know,
it's all about you know, like what I said, my
what my parents you know, engraved in me, and then
my support system. Would you want your kids to be
in TV and film? Yeah, it's so funny. Someone asked
me that earlier today too, and my son actually did
an episode of Family Reunion and he killed it. He

was freaking amazing that he actually has an agent and
a Um. Yeah, he has an agent and a manager now. Um.
But to answer your question, I don't mind him being
in the business as long as there are, you know,
those regulations in regards to I don't. I don't. I

don't want him to just depend on acting. I want
him to diversify, like the same thing, kind of like
what I'm doing. I have a YouTube channel, tim or
He's Quick Fix, and then I'm in the culinary world
to have my you know own cooking you know show,
and then I'm also an actor and that keeps me
working and not so just focused on, you know, acting,

because there's a lot of rejection that comes along with that,
and I don't want him to ever struggle in that
in that way. So I would mind him being an actor,
but I would want him to focus on other things.
And at the end of the day, for me, it's
as long as he's happy, as long as he has
a smile on his face and whatever that is, then
go ahead, do you you know you talked about, you know,

when the fame died down and a lot of times
that leads the depression and if people start using drugs
and self medicating. Have you ever been in that space? No? No,
And again I think it's mainly because I was supported
and my mom and my dad they always protected us
from that moment. And what I mean by protecting us

from that moment is prepared us for that moment. Put
your money up in all this, yes, so save um uh.
She used to always say this. She said, you know,
you're writing in limousines now, which is awesome and it's great,
but it's not always going to be like that. And
when you're oh yeah, when you're when you're when you're young,

and you hear that, it's kind of like why you like,
why are you Hayton? You know what I mean? Or
like you know, yes, But but it was the truth.
And so she prepared us for the for for those moments.
So when it happened again, it wasn't like, oh my god,
what happened? Like she prepared us for that. And then

also I had, you know, my sister, and then after
the show. We went to school, Um, so we kept ourselves.
We were never idle with our minds, you know what
I mean. So when we were done with that, we
went to Pepperdine University. We studied, graduated, so we were
always moving, all right. We got more with Tiam Malory
when we come back. No move is the Breakfast Club.

Good morning, Good Breakfast Club back. You're kicking out the
world's most dangerous morning show. Morning. Everybody is DJ Envy,
Angela Yee, Charlemagne the guy. We are to Breakfast Club.
We're kicking it with Tia Maori some mort yee. Oh here.
You know what I wanted to ask you, because you
guys have been in this business for so long and

you've seen a lot of things happen from when you
first started up until today. What are some major changes
that you've seen it. Have you ever felt disrespected, like
behind the scenes by a director and agent anybody like that.
When you say major changes, you mean like within the business. Yeah,
just within the business, just how people are treated and
even opportunities that are available. Huh. That's a very interesting

question because yes, I've been in this business for a
very long time. I mean there are pros and cons.
You know, I think the positives that I've seen is
it's nice to see that there are more black women,
in my opinion, the center of television shows, you know,

Viola Davis, Carrie Washington. That's very rewarding, Yeah to Raji
to see do I feel like there needs to be
you know, more improvement of course, But again, and I
hate to keep on bringing it back to the show,
but I think that's what's just so different and refreshing

and wonderful about Family Reunion is that we do have
this all black writers staff. Because you know, I've been
on a part of four television shows, Sister Sister, The Game,
Instant Mom. The Game was a little different, you know
what I mean, because we had you know, Mara, and
we did have some black writers there. But on Sister
Sister and even Instant Mom, you know, it was it

was it was difficult seeing certain writers write about what
they think being black or what what they think of
a black family is like. And there are many times
where I would would voice my opinion and say that's
not you know, I really don't like the way you're
depicting or writing about the yes, and there were several

so what's so awesome about this show is it's not
a writer writing about a perception or an idea or
an opinion or a thought of what they think. A
black family is like, they know, they know, and they've
lived these moments. I saw you said that, Loretta Devine
said when she's doing things that she has to make

sure where my character oh say something like this, Oh
give feedback. Have you always felt like, even when you
were younger, did you feel like you have the power? No?
Do that. No. And that's what's so awesome about sitting
down and just acting with Loretta is seeing her use
her voice, not say anything or do anything that she

doesn't feel is authentic to her character or just to
the story. Like if a director is telling her to
move or go somewhere or to pick up a plant,
She's like, why would I do that? And I had
never been been in a position where I would see
someone have those questions and she does it so gracefully. Again,

to answer your question, I have seen some improvement in
this business. But that's what I just love about this
whole this show is and even with Netflix, I will
say this, they are allowing us to be authentic to
our culture. They are allowing us to talk about church,

talk about you know, baptisms, talk about you know, how
important church is to you know, Black culture. But it's
also coming from a real grounded place, and they're allowing
us to tell stories like we talk about police brutality. Um.

In some of our episodes with my sons on the show, UM,
we talk about um gender roles about you know, just
because your boy doesn't mean that you have to you know,
play you know, uh sports and be a football player.
You know, my son loves to bake, and that's kind
of like another thing traditional versus non traditional. I'm very

much that way in real life too. Like if you
if you see my children, their names are Create and Cairo,
and it's very unisex both of their names. Cairo could
be either a boy or a girl. Cree could either
be a boy or a girl. And I'm all about
that as well, just letting kids evolve and being who
they want to be. Here same parents freak out because

they're some put on the mom's heels or something like that,
but it's kind of just like they're not thinking I
want to be well, but if because they'll fall, they'd
be putting them big ass shoes on anyway, But you

know what I mean. So, yeah, question, Yeah, it was
always a rumor that y'all converted Mace back in the day,
like y'all you and made leave rapping my god, Christian.
That was such a long time ago. I have to
really think back. I don't think it was us that
converted Mace. I think that was just we were just

there around that time. Do you get what I'm saying?
He said, y'all met on a video setting. We did.
We met, hit him with Bible scriptures and he cried,
and what are you talking about? Helped convert him? Maybe
I don't. Maybe I did, and I don't. I don't

know that I did, but you know, we were just being,
you know, ourselves and maybe he said it in a
song he did. No, I'm kidding. Oh see, I think
you know, it was just refreshing for him to see
you know what I mean. He's probably had a bad
time at that time and he needed you guys in
his life. Yeah, and so we you know, here we
are like you said, Giddy, you know here we are

just we. I try to see the positive and everything
religious people. No, I don't know. Yeah, I haven't spoken
to him in a long time. Hunt. Are y'all very
religious people? Religions religious? So religion? Yeah, yeah, he believe

in God, but probably not organized religions. I believe in God. Yeah.
But one thing that I love about Coco like the
character that I play like I said, she's very much
like me. I respect all religions, yes, and there's something
in every religion that I'm fascinated with. So in my opinion,
I just I think it's all amazing and beautiful. You

know what I mean. Your sister was on the reel
and she says, yes that your parents got divorced. Yes,
affected you in your lady years too, right? Yes? Um
no um. And I will say this, I feel like
in religion some people say you shouldn't, you know what
I mean, get divorced and really let's stay together just

because exactly so. The reason why I have not been
affected is because they are both happy. They are so happy,
and they got divorced recently. It was maybe a few
years ago. I would say, maybe like seven five to
seven years ago. Married they were married for a very
long time, I would say, like thirty something years. Yeah,

but you know they're cordial and they're both very happy.
So if I can see that my parents are happy,
that's all that matters. How was it growing up? Were
they fighting? Was it a lot of tension? Was Nope,
not at all. You know, my my mom and my
dad they had a beautiful marriage. You know, some people

they just get older and they they you know, they
grow and they wait for the kids to grow up too.
Sometimes they're like, okay, the kids are yeah, it could
be yeah. Yeah, parents waited until we graduated from Kylie's
to get divorced. Oh wow, okay, yeah we're done. Yeah,
and if they're happy, then I'm happy. And it's not like,
you know, we're not a family or a unit anymore. Yeah,

and we were older, so maybe that could be why,
you know, has to go. Guys. Gosh, you guys, thank
you so much. And you guys definitely have to support
support support support supports. Yes, that's other chairless. I'm excited
to watch it all right. Well it's Tia Maori d Morning.
That was chop Sticks, Schoolboy Que featuring Travis Scott Morning.
Everybody is DJ mvy Angela Yee, Charlomagne the guy, we

are the Breakfast Club. Schoolboy Q's still here? Ye? What
means a lot to you. Now you talk about you
want this album to be number one again, right, you
want to have another number one album? But what else
matters to you when it comes to the awards? And
awards don't matter to me, Dog, Reviews don't matter to
me no more, dog, because I've always been the highly
reviewed artist, like everything, like especially blank Phase. Dude, that

joke was like eight out of ten everywhere, nine out
of ten everywhere A mine is a plus everybody. She
didn't do nothing. So I'm like, bron all you who
are you? Like? Where are you? That? Are you that's
reviewing it? Why are you saying that the show? Like
where are you that? When I played it to be
love it? Why are you going up at the show?
That's why I'll be playing all the turn up. You

get what I'm saying. You played the album for your
daughter before you turn it in and everything and see
what she turned Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah. She
always liked the catchy stuff, you know, she don't really
care for anything introspective and popping something. She loved violence
in too, so she liked she liked g herbo and
like you know what I mean, Like before every soccer game.
We gotta play swerv on obviously I introduced him for him.

You know old, she's nine, should be ten tomorrow. You
don't think that's a little too much for nine yo?
My daughter a gangster brother. I don't send to nothing
for my daughter. Well that rated art. Go watch it,
let's go. Yeah, that's how you got here. You don't
feel like it's nothing. You should keep her from early on? No, nothing,
that's how you was raised. Yeah, okay, yeah, you know

what I mean. Let hers see what's happening like it's real.
Did she go to like regular school and homeschool? Okay,
well she's like way advanced. What made you decide homeschooling.
I'm gonna put her like this. My daughter hates school, right,
she hated it. She would always start off good in
school and then she started chelling down. Did she failed? No,
she never failed nothing, but it'd be like, oh, it's

a student's see. She hated it. Never really went to
friends parties, never really went to none of that. She
said she don't want to go. So I took her
out of class, put her homeschool, and now she learned more.
And a few months of doing homeschool, did she learned
a whole year of school. Yeah, maybe what she does
they did it something. I think she's like everything's on

the sixth grade level, all right, in the fourth grade
up to of course. Man, I gotta get this chili, bro,
I gotta get have have you gone for a few years? Bro?
I got a tour? You know what I'm say. I'm
gonna be like a baby king Bro. You know what
I'm say. I'm gonna be touring until I'm eighty. Bronna.
It's thirty people in there. I'm showing up and I'm
still jumping up it down. Tell you eighty sagging into

How did that work with the kids at the house? Though?
With your daughter, at least she's gonna be grownish. No,
I'm not about now. Like I said, I chilled for
two years. Yeah the time. So I mean I'm home.
So when I'm deaf, it's like, oh he's gone. You know,
you'll be right back and I'm gonna be back chilling
back at soccer practice, back playing golf like like I

never left, you know what I mean. Why does golf
give you such a piece of mind? Um? It took
me outside because every day for mad years, just like
two thousand and eleven. My whole life was be at
home until something happens. I mean, watch TV or do something.
Didn't studio, it didn't. I where used the fame point.
And now when I try to go to the stores
like Schoolboy Que, so you see weird those doing like this,

or you give what I'm saying, and then you get
you start hiding because you don't feel comfortable going places.
So now you're really in the house, you get what
I'm saying. And then you just walking by being to
thank you just princes or something, and everywhere you go
you got your hood on looking down and you see
somebody somebody, you know what I mean, you're looking away
the probably don't even know who you are, you know,

but you're just like your anxiety kicking. Yeah. So anytime
I make I ain't contact with people, I'm like, you
know what I'm saying because I just I just don't
deal with like the fame part of it too. Well. Yeah,
I didn't want to ask you this question, but our producer,
he's a super huge fan. And by the way, he
had on his Schoolboy Que sweatshirt and he took it
off to go. Yeah, I was like, you're scared to

just say what's up and celebrate rap is the only
job on where they do that. He came in and
I said, oh, you wet your schoolboy que sweatshirt today.
I see you and he took it off. Oh man,
you're gonna do be like that. You're gonna take the
shirt off, go put it back on back, You're gonna
autograph it for you and not you have to ask
you this question. But he texted it to me because
he's a super fan, and I know you get this

question all the time. Right now, he wants to know
about the Black Hippie album, dude, and then he goes,
look at your phone, Look at your phone. Man, Hey look,

Black Hippie is probably never gonna I keep saying it
over and over again, bro, no matter how must y'all
want it, Bro, the chances of us all getting into
studio luck checked this out. If y'all won't black Hippy
so much, tell one of the other artists to start
it and then I'll send my verses or I'll come
to the studient. Y'all all being a studio together anyway, though, Yeah,
but we'd be working on our own stuff. Yeah, we don't.

We don't put music out for every two years. It's
like whenever we're gonna put the Black Hivvy album out,
y'all never even started it, never never thought about trying,
never came up with a title. Black Kivvy was just
a name that I can't out with for when we're
all on a song together. I just didn't want this
to be like Kendrick Glamar app so Jay Rocks, like
you get what I'm saying, It's like Black Hivy. It's

never was supposed to be like, oh, this is an
album that's coming, but um yeah, I'm with it though,
but I really not with it. But yeah, I'm with it.
I'm with it. But what happened to the school But
whether the Schoolboy and mac out met one point? Never?
Man never man Me and Rocky was gonna do one
but um man yeah never mac Me and Mac did

a lot of records, but um never, never like an album.
Were talking about do you ever hesitate? When female fans
asked for pictures that it might be. No, but I
just don't touch females no more, like arms around. I
don't do that no more. I don't hug women no more. Yeah,
you have to tell I do hugs. I don't do

that no more, you know, And now women are looking
at me crazy. I'm like, wait, I thought well was
tripping on it, like y'all never wanted to be touched down, Like, oh,
you don't want to give me a hug. It's like, damn,
I thought this was a new wave. Like, but she says,
I get a hug. I mean yeah, I'm gonna do it. Yeah, yeah, yeah,
but for just meeting somebody, I'm cool, Bro, I don't
know what's going on out here. Bro, I don't know.

I'm cool. I don't mess some people kids. Like when
my daughter enough friends is over, I'm dip. I'm telling you, bro,
I dip every now and then. It's oh man, I
just can't do it, bro, Like picking my daughter up
with her friends from soccer practice and I gotta take
the friends somewhere and it's like, oh, bron, now you're daddy.

Now that comes with the territory. Yeah, but I'm just
I just don't feel right, man. I get what you said.
Got somebody else kids and my like as my possession
right now, I'm like super responsible for somebody else kids
and vice versa. I'm the same way with my daughter.
Like if my daughter's at her practice and she's like,
can I ride with such such to her house? I'm like,
I don't know about a Yeah, yeah, you know what
I'm saying. Like that too, like, man, you're gonna were

they white too? Like mad manais, it's just some weird
why they can't come to our crib man, like a
big crib to the crib, like come on, like I
didn't want to come here, just go. I'm gonna just dip.
Are you answering? Ms? Hell? No idea? This is a

that's fake man, because you might get hit with the
don't say it. Yeah, you might not hit with your thing?
What about it if they have a blue check and
somebody that no, you can't, don't even do it to yourself. Hey,
i'n man, faithful man, dudeloyal to my daughter and you

know what I mean, never just in no kind of way. Man.
I'm a good man, really really good faithful man. Dude.
Word Crash Talk is out right now with Friday actual
crash Talk Bro Friday run new chapter. Maybe we're going up, man,
you know what I'm saying. R Peter mac r Peter
Nipsey Man we're going up. Man. You know what I'm saying.

Groovy Tony. I killed groovy Tony. Groovy y'all killed groovy Tony.
Good No more groovy Towny. So it's just groovy, Yeah,
just groovy. The Schoolboy que is the Breakfast Club morning.
Everybody is DJ Envy Angela Yee, Charlomagne the guy. We
are the Breakfast Club. Chat to everybody that picked up
tickets to my car show again, are so appreciated. September
seventh is the date. And also, Charlomagne, you got a

positive note. The positive noticed simply this man, if you
don't heal what hurts you, because you know, I'm really
big on healing. If you don't heal what hurts you,
you'll bleed on people who didn't cut you. Breakfast Club
this is you don't finish or y'all dumb

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