Tom Morello Auctioning Signed 'Evil Empire' Vinyl To Support Touring Crew

Tom Morello is stepping up to help touring crew members of the music industry who are out of work because of COVID-19.

On Wednesday (June 17), the Rage Against the Machine guitarist took to social media to announce his contribution to a silent auction put on by For The Nomads: his personal copy of RATM's album EVIL EMPIRE that he also signed for the winner.

On his decision to support touring crew members, Morello wrote: “They are the unsung heroes of our industry who set up and tear down all of the shows your favorite bands play across the globe.”

In addition to helping out crews, Morello explained For The Nomads will be “donating a percentage raised to The ActBlue Racism and Police Brutality Fund as well.” Morello recently opened up about his own experience with racism while applauding his hometown for its protests.

At the time of publishing, the highest bid on the vinyl was $1,000. Bidding is open until next Thursday (June 25) at 10pm ET.

Morello isn't the only musician to put an item up for auction, Rise Against, Deftones, Lagwagon, NOFX, Pennywise, GWAR, Hot Rod Circuit, New Found Glory, Warped Tour and more have contributed items to bid on. 

You can check out all of the items and place your bids here

Morello has been in the new lately after his reply to a tweet went viral. If you missed it, a former fan refused to listen to his music because he wanted the musician to keep “political BS” out of his music. Fans, of course, wasted no time trolling the guy.

Photo: Getty Images

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