Movie Theaters Aren't Allowed To Reopen Yet As Phase 2 Begins in Miami-Dade

Miami-Dade County entered Phase 2 of reopening on Monday (September 14), allowing some businesses to open their doors again to customers, according to NBC Miami.

South Florida movie theaters, concert halls and other indoor entertainment venues are also allowed to reopen with 50% capacity and mandatory mask requirements, but Miami-Dade theaters aren't reopening quite yet.

Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez said the county's nightclubs and bars will remain closed, despite the rest of Florida being allowed to do so on Monday.

“I don’t foresee opening bars and nightclubs in the future until we get a vaccine,” Gimenez said last Wednesday (September 9).

Other businesses allowed to reopen Monday include outdoor attractions like Zoo Miami, tour and charter boats, county parks and indoor entertainment venues, like movie theaters.

Some of these businesses have restrictions in place, as well. For example, charter boats can only operate at 50% capacity. Rental businesses must supply sanitizing wipes to customers.

Miami-Dade's curfew will also begin at 11 p.m. instead of 10 p.m. as well.

Gov. Ron DeSantis announced last week that Miami-Dade County will be allowed to have in-person instruction for schools on Monday after six months of remote learning.

"Officials with Miami-Dade County Public Schools are scheduled to meet this week to discuss their plans to reopen campuses," according to WSVN.

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