These 4 Pets Are Banned In Wisconsin

You might be a dog person, or you might be a cat person.

But if you’re looking for a more unique animal as a pet, you might be out of luck.

In every state, there’s a list of animals that are banned.

The law — which varies from state to state — aims to shield the public from exotic animals that could pose safety risks, like lions or bears. In some states, citizens can own some unique pets with permits, but there are consequences in store for those who keep exotic pets illegally, according to Stacker and MSN.

So, which ones are banned in Wisconsin?

Wisconsin residents can’t have these animals as pets:

  • Cougar
  • Black Bear
  • Raccoon
  • Bobcat

Here’s what Stacker reads:

“It’s illegal to own a wild animal in Wisconsin without a license, with some exemptions. Permits are not required to own chipmunks, rats, squirrels, weasels, and pocket gophers, among other species.”

Check out the list of pets banned in every state.

Photo: Getty Images

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