Michigan Senator Introduces Legislation To Crack Down On Dangerous Dogs

A new Michigan Senate bill is focusing on dogs with dangerous behavior rather than dog breeds.

The purpose of the bill is to prevent dog attacks before they happen.

According to WDIV 4, Michigan Senator Sean McCann is proposing the bill to target dogs based on their behavior rather than labeling a dog dangerous because of its breed.

If someone is concerned about a dog, the bill will allow them to file a complaint. Once the complaint is filed, local animal control agencies would investigate the dogs' behavior. If the dog is labeled as dangerous by animal control, the complaint then gets handed over to a judge.

The dog owner would be required to keep the pet contained, and they must notify mail carriers and utility workers about their dog being deemed dangerous.

If an owner fails to follow the guidelines, it could result in a felony.

Detroit Dog Rescue Executive Director Kristina Millman-Rinaldi told WDIV 4, “To judge an animal by their behavior, rather than the breed is so much more pragmatic."

Millman-Rinaldi does suggest that the bill be refined and include what qualifies as dangerous behavior and have those working in animal control take specific training to recognize it.

Photo: Getty Images

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