St. Louis Woman Goes Viral After Bringing Her Toddler To An Interview

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A St. Louis mother has gone viral on TikTok after she brought her toddler to a job interview.

Maggie Mundwiller was given a second interview for a job, but she wasn't able to find childcare. When she told the company, they told her they were child-friendly and to bring Mylo, her son, along, KTVI reported.

In her viral TikTok video, Mundwiller and her son are getting ready for the interview. In preparation for the interview, Mylo is dressed in a light blue suit, washes his stroller, and even has a resume.

His resume reads:

Mylo Mundwiller

Objective: To not find a job and eat all the snacks.


  • Can destroy a clean space in 30 seconds
  • Can take off own diaper
  • Can say about five words that start with "B" or "D"
  • Smell flowers with my teeth
  • Go downstairs while holding my mom's hand
  • Can throw a ball
  • Can spot a dog a mile away

Experience: March 2020 – Present, None

Education: Mom & Dad University, GPA 4.0

References: Mom and Dad

Mundwiller said finding childcare has been challenging while in between jobs during the pandemic. "We don't have childcare yet, and it's because I'm staying home with (Mylo), but once I have a job, then we would have childcare. So when you're stuck in that transition period, and you don't have it, I think there's a lot of parents who are left out."

"It was a great experience. What a welcoming company culture," Mundwiller added in the video about the company.

Since going viral, she posted a follow-up video saying she was offered the position she had interviewed for.

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