San Francisco Tops America's Wildest Cities List

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San Francisco may not have reputations like Las Vegas or Miami, but a recent survey claims that the city is one of the wildest in America.

"Depending on the company, any night has the potential to get a little out of hand, but some cities just have a bit of a reputation for being on the wild side," writes The Online Betting Guide (OLBG), who conducted the survey.

To determine which U.S. residents partied the hardest, OLBG ranked the country's most populated cities on six factors including nightlife, casinos, strip clubs per 100,000 people, consumption of alcohol, marijuana, and cocaine.

Overall, Las Vegas maintained its reputation by ranking No.1. San Francisco ranked No. 24 overall falling just behind New York City.

However, San Francisco did manage to make it to the top when it comes to the percentage of adults who drink heavily. The city ranked second. According to the survey, the only place Americans are drinking more is in Denver, Colorado.

Portland, Oregon(No. 3), New York City, New York (No. 4), Milwaukee, Wisconsin (No. 5), Boston, Massachusetts (No. 6), Washington, D.C. (No. 7), Austin, Texas (No. 8), Chicago, Illinois (No. 9), and Fort Worth, Texas (No. 10) rounded out the top 10.

To see the complete survey, click here.

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