This Is Indiana's Most Popular Halloween Costume

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Halloween is the only time of year that we dress up as someone or something else that we never have the chance of being otherwise. From witches and monsters to robots and dinosaurs... people are always creative in what they dress up as.

Each state has one costume that stands out above the rest. The All Home Connections team at AT&T compiled a list of the most popular Halloween costume in each state.

So what costume is Indiana's favorite?

According to the list, it's a witch.

Indiana's neighbors are loving rabbit, witch, dinosaur, and zombie costumes.

The most popular Halloween costume across the entire country was witches. That costume was the favorite of 14 states across the nation. Dinosaurs were a close second, stealing the hearts of eight states.

Other popular Halloween costumes on the list include dragons, vampires, angels, rabbits, dolls, zombies, and ninjas. There were also movie-related costumes, such as Star Wars characters, Mickey Mouse, Wonder Woman, Monsters Inc. characters, and Powerpuff Girls.

Click here to check out the full list of each state's most popular costume.

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