Republican Glenn Youngkin Wins Contested Virginia Gubernatorial Race

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Republican Glenn Youngkin defeated Democrat Terry McAuliffe in the Virginia governor's race Wednesday (November 2), which was one of the most contested on Election Night, the Associated Press reports.

Youngkin trailed McAuliffe -- who had previously served as governor from 2014-18 -- in the polls for months before gaining momentum in recent weeks and taking control of the commonwealth, which gave President Joe Biden 10 points in the 2020 presidential election.

“This is the spirit of Virginia coming together like never before,” Youngkin said while addressing supporters in a hotel ballroom in Chantilly, about 25 miles outside of Washington, D.C., with AC/DC's 'Thunderstruck' playing from the speakers after the race was called early Wednesday (November 3) morning.

Youngkin, an outspoken supporter of former President Donald Trump, campaigned on his support of "election integrity," a nod to Trump's false claims that the 2020 presidential election was stolen, while also focusing on education and business-friendly policies within the commonwealth.

Tuesday's elections provided the Democrats with their first test less than one year into the Biden administration, with contested races in both Virginia and New Jersey, where Democrat incumbent Phil Murphy is reportedly "deadlocked" with Republican challenger Jack Ciattarelli, the Associated Press reports.

New Jersey was also a key state in Biden's election, giving the president 15 points in 2020.

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