Videos Of 'Fight Club' At Western PA High School Shared On Social Media

Photo: Getty Images

A Northgate Middle/High School parent said her son was the victim of an ongoing fight club at the school, which has been featured in videos and photos shared on social media recently.

Samantha Guardalabene shared the Instagram @Ngsd_fights with WPXI and said her son was the victim of an on-campus incident depicted in a post on the account.

Guardalabene said her son noticed himself in the video after it was posted and was told by a group of boys that he would have to fight his way out in order to leave the school bathroom, where the incident took place.

“He comes up and he says, ‘Mom, they are running an Instagram and they posted the video,'" Guardalabene said. "I was like, what?”

Guardalabene said she immediately called the school and the Instagram account was disabled within the next 20 minutes, however, the account appears to have since been re-activated.

The @ngsd_fights account currently has one video posted on Tuesday (December 14) afternoon which shows a fighting incident.

The account also acknowledged the news report in a series of Instagram story posts beginning with, "We made the news," followed by "Really gonna remove my vids Idgaf," "Go peep the northgate [sic] fight club news story" and "Keep reportin [sic] my s*** I'll keep putting em back up."

Guardalabene showed WPXI a letter the school sent to parents in response to the incident, which states, “Recently it was brought to our attention that someone has created an Instagram account where videos of students fighting are being posted.”

The school said it was working with local authorities to determine who was the source responsible for the account.

Guardalabene said her son was involved with a second incident involving the group in the video and was suspended after the group harassing him told the principal they thought her son had a gun.

Guaradalabene said her son attempted to ignore the group and reached into his duffel bag for his phone while in the gymnasium, which the group then falsely accused him of grabbing a gun.

The mother added that she believes if the school was actually investigating the incident, her son's case wouldn't be so simple.

“So he reached in and grabbed his phone, and these boys say, ‘What, little (expletive), you got a gun, you got a gun,’ and when they realized how serious it got when somebody overheard the word ‘gun’ they said (her son) he has a gun and he’s going to shoot me," Guaradalabene told WPXI.

Northgate School District provided the following statement in response to WPXI when asked for comment and whether Guardalabene's son was getting fair treatment:

“The Northgate School District does not tolerate or condone violence in any form. We appreciate that we have a supportive school community that works together to identify potential threats so they can be addressed in an appropriate and timely manner.”

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