These California Suburbs Have The Most Divorcees In The U.S.

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A recent study from Solitaire Bliss set out to find which suburbs had the most single people. While there have been other studies about singles in major cities, the website wanted to find more localized data explaining that, "... single people don’t just live within the confines of major cities, there are plenty of singles out in the suburbs."

To find which suburbs had the most single and divorced people, they "analyzed US Census Bureau data to find out which major suburbs have the highest percentage of single people, including people who have never been married, and those who are divorced or separated."

So, which California suburbs have the most divorcees? According to their findings, Citrus Heights in Sacramento and La Mesa in San Diego are the suburbs with the most divorcees.

Here is the full top 10 list:

  1. Hollywood, Miami
  2. Hialeah, Miami
  3. Citrus Heights, Sacramento
  4. Euclid, Cleveland
  5. Hackensack, New York City
  6. Paradise, Las Vegas
  7. Southfield, Detroit
  8. Spring Valley, Las Vegas
  9. La Mesa, San Diego
  10. Marietta, Atlanta

Another California city was featured in the study, as well. Long Beach in Los Angeles was the fifth suburb with the most single men and the 10th with the most single women.

To read Solitaire Bilss' full study, click here.

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