These Abandoned Places In Arizona Are 'Eerily Fascinating'

Photo: Moment RF

Abandoned buildings and towns can be a portal to the past with remnants of times gone by scattered among broken windows and tattered walls. The quiet, empty spaces of these once-populated places create a creepy atmosphere that is not for the faint of heart.

Here are some of the most eerie abandoned places in Arizona:

Casa Grande Domes

The cluster of domes in Casa Grande has been completely empty since the '80s. The domes were set to be computer hardware headquarters, however, that never came to fruition. The ruins of a vintage tech venture look like abandoned alien aircraft, and are even rumored to be haunted. Only In Your State calls these domes "eerily fascinating."

Ella's Frontier Trading Post

Another Route 66 tourist spot bit the dust. This trading post was once owned by a former circus clown and was sold in 1947. In 1955 it got its name as Ella's Frontier. It lies completely abandoned and falling apart in Joseph City, which is 80 miles east of Flagstaff.

Fort Courage

Fort Courage is a replica fort that was built to resemble the one in the once-popular television show F Troop that ran in the late '60s. The replica was not officially affiliated with the show, but legalities didn't stop it from selling official merchandise and displaying actual F Troops props. The desolate tourist trap still lies near I-40 off Exit 348.

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