WATCH: Indiana Cheerleaders Retrieve Stuck Ball During NCAA Tournament

Photo: Getty Images

They say third time's a charm, right?

After a basketball got stuck on top of the backboard during the second half of the Indiana vs. Saint Mary's NCAA Tournament basketball game on Thursday (March 17), the third try is the one that got it down.

First, a referee stood on a chair and tried getting the ball down with a mop handle. Nope.

Next, players stood around the chair trying to think of a plan on how to get the ball down. That went nowhere.

Enter the Indiana cheerleaders.

In an effortless movement, Nathan Paris lifted Cassidy Cerny 13 feet in the air on his shoulders, then his hands, to set the basketball free. They were met with a standing ovation — and a ton of hilarious, viral videos on the internet.

The cheerleading duo made an appearance on TODAY on Friday morning to discuss exactly what the heck happened with that basketball:

"They kept trying different ways and nothing really was working. And so all of us kind of looked at each other and our captain, Ethan, (said), ‘We need the tallest guy to lift somebody up to see if we can get to the top of the backboard.' So, I’m one of the tallest on the team, so I grabbed Cassidy and said, ‘Maybe this’ll work,'" Paris said.

On the broadcast, play-by-play announcer Andrew Catalon exclaimed, "Now, she's got it! Oh, what a play!" when Cerny retrieved the ball from the rafters.

Cerny, who is now arguably the most famous cheerleader in the country after videos of the sticky situation went viral, is enjoying her 15 minutes of fame, she said. "(It’s) very overwhelming. It’s been very cool and very interesting to see how many people have seen the video and are reaching out. It’s just been really cool," Cerny said.

Indiana went on to lose the game 82-53. Saint Mary's will face UCLA in the second round on Saturday.

Here are a few of the viral videos from the basketball game:

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