San Diego Teen Goes 13 Years Without Missing A Day Of School

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It’s nearly impossible to go through your entire school career without missing a single day, especially over the last few years where quarantines and sickness have become much more common. However, one San Diego County teen did just that, attending 2,353 days of school without an absence, per CBS 8.

Lindsey Frost, a senior at San Marcos High School, has not missed a single day of school and has had perfect attendance since her kindergarten. After continuing to never miss a day through fifth grade, she decided she wanted to keep up the perfect attendance throughout her school career as it would be a fun story to someday tell her children.

“In kindergarten I got the perfect attendance award first and I really liked the idea of it just because all you had to do was show up to get it,” the 18-year-old senior said. She added, “Then I thought to myself it would be a neat story to tell my kids one day that I was able to do it every year throughout high school.”

Even Frost’s principal at San Marcos High School was impressed with her attendance record.

“It is very rare,” said Principal Adam Dawson, adding, “What employer doesn’t want someone who is there every day?”

Frost’s perfect attendance is a bonus to her excellent academic performance as she has an incredible 4.31 GPA and has even completed five college courses.

“She is an impressive student and having her in class was really a joy,” said U.S. History teacher Tara Razi. “Throw in a pandemic on that, and online learning on that and Lindsey taking classes at the same time at the college.”

After graduation, Frost will head to Rice University where she plans to double major in math and film and extend her incredible attendance record.

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