This Is Ohio’s Signature Dish

Photo: Getty Images

Food is a very central part of the culture in certain regions, countries and states. The area one lives in and where their ancestors originated from often influences what food they like and dislike. Thus, food is a way to maintain one's cultural identity, as well as connect to those around you. Humans are special in that way: While most of the animal kingdom sees food as simply a matter of providing nutrients to the body, humans see food as much more than that.

With those ideas in mind, Far and Wide compiled a list of the most beloved dishes in every state in the U.S. These items are not only delicious, but central to the culture in that state. They named Cincinnati Chili as the best dish in Ohio. Here's what they had to say about it:

Two-way, three-way, four-way or five-way? Those are your options when you go to order a piping-hot plate of Cincinnati chili, which isn't much like your average chili at all. More like meat sauce than a thick stew, it's served over spaghetti (that's two-way, FYI) and then embellished with your choice of toppings. A five-way, for instance, includes spaghetti, chili, beans, onions and cheese.

So, where can you find the best Cincinnati chili in Ohio? Cincinnati, of course! Far and Wide named Camp Washington Chili as the best restaurant serving the dish in the state.

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