Did You Know About This Abandoned Mining Town In Arizona?

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Abandoned buildings and towns can be a portal to the past with remnants of times gone by scattered among broken windows and tattered walls. The quiet, empty spaces of these once-populated places create a creepy atmosphere that is not for the faint of heart.

One of those abandoned places is an old mining town in Arizona. Only In Your State reported that Klondyke is a historic mining settlement that has less than 50 people today.

The town is tucked between the Galiuro and Santa Teresa Mountains west of Stafford. It was founded by some miners who had recently returned to the US after participating in the Klondike Gold Rush.

A post office was opened for the town in 1907, but the town didn't last very long. Half of the town's residents left during the great Depression, and the post office closed in 1955. The building was abandoned for many years, but it was recently turned into a country store and lodge.

Visitors can grab a beer and snacks and hang out for a while. This is definitely a trip worth taking if you're in to exploring old, abandoned towns.

Click here to learn more and to see photos of the old mining town.

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