This Is The Most Beautiful River In Arizona

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Arizona definitely offers some stunning sights. From gorgeous snow-capped mountains to vast deserts filled with towering saguaro cacti, there's definitely some picturesque spots in the state.

Cheapism compiled a list of the most beautiful rivers in each state. The website says, "While beauty is certainly in the eye of the beholder, we've rounded up some of the most picturesque rivers, according to local experts as well as state and federal scenic-river designations."

According to the list, the most beautiful river in Arizona is the Colorado River. The website explains:

"The Colorado River figures heavily into Arizona's most stunning vistas, cutting a path through deep gorges in the northwestern corner of the state that include the Grand Canyon. The Colorado actually passes through 11 national parks and monuments on its 1,450-mile journey to the Gulf of California, providing water to 36 million people along the way. For one of the most iconic views of this iconic river, head to Horseshoe Bend in Arizona's Glen Canyon National Recreation Area."

A full list of the most beautiful rivers in each state can be found on Cheapism's website.

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