Mobile Home Abandoned In Texas Parking Lot And No One Really Knows Why

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It's common for people to abandon vehicles in parking lots, but it's pretty rare to see a whole home left there. KENS 5 reported that a mobile home is currently in the Marbach Plaza shopping center off west Military Drive.

According to business owners nearby, it was left a week ago. They are guessing that the trailer towing it broke down.

One man said, "I knew it, it wasn't going to be taken out of here, that it was going to get some attention."

It's still unclear why the mobile home was taken to the parking lot, but many are guessing it came from the mobile home park behind the shopping center. People are speculating that the owner was evicted.

The man said, "Right now, people are hurting especially with this inflation."

The owner of the trailer could not be found.

The City placed a 30 day notice on the mobile home to be removed. But, moving it could bring a huge a challenge. "They are going to have to demolish it. If they take it on the road it will fall apart," the man said.

Check out the mobile home below:

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