How Bad Is Traffic On I-35? Viral TikTok Causes A Stir In Texas & Beyond

Photo: Getty Images

If you've ever driven on Interstate 35, you know how much of a nightmare it is. One TikTok showed the realities of living in Austin — and of course, that includes taking I-35 to get basically anywhere.

The video follows a man engaging in his weekend activities, which include grocery shopping, drinking some brews with friends and driving to the gym. The purpose of the video was to show how car-centric Austin is. The video not only went viral on TikTok with nearly 200,000 views, but it really took off on Twitter where a repost of the two-minute video received nearly 5 million views and several hundreds of thousands of replies.

"This is a dystopia," one user wrote on Twitter, which sparked a debate online. "I-35" was even trending on Twitter for a period of time on Thursday (October 6), according to WFAA. Comments on the video ranged from locals agreeing that the experience is pretty much universal to some roasting the TikToker for his "sustainable" lifestyle, even though all he does is drive. Others questioned the appeal of living in a city like Austin, calling it "hell on Earth."

You can watch the video below. Don't forget to grab some popcorn (and maybe a drink) as you read the replies — don't say I didn't warn you!

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