Paris Hilton Recounts Sexual Abuse At Utah School: 'They Held Me Down'

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Paris Hilton is sharing her harrowing tale of sexual abuse at Provo Canyon School in a New York Times video. "I opened up in a @NYTimes video about something I’ve never discussed before," the socialite wrote on Twitter. "At Provo Canyon School, I was woken up in the middle of the night by male staff who ushered me into a private room and performed cervical exams on me in the middle of the night."

Hilton shared her experience in an interactive opinion piece that interviewed over 50 former patients, experts, advocates, and employees in the troubled teen industry.

She continued in a Twitter thread, "Sleep-deprived & heavily medicated, I didn’t understand what was happening. I was forced to lie on a padded table, spread my legs & submit to cervical exams. I cried while they held me down & said, "No!" They just said, "Shut up. Be quiet. Stop struggling or you’ll go to Obs."

"This was a recurring experience not only for me but for other #survivors. I was violated & I am crying as I type this because no one, especially a child, should be sexually abused. My childhood was stolen from me & it kills me this is still happening to other innocent children."

"It's important to open up about these painful moments so I can heal & help put an end to this abuse. Watch the @NYTimes video that shares my story & deeply disturbing information about Provo Canyon School’s owners Universal Health Services," she said before concluding with, "Help me #ShutDownProvo #UHSTakeAction."

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