This Is Minnesota’s Most Popular Dating App

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Online apps have taken the dating world by storm, quickly becoming the most popular way to meet your future spouse in the United States. However, each user's success varies based on where they live and what app they choose to use. Luckily, Dating News recently compiled a list of the most popular dating apps in all 50 states for all of our single friends. Here's how they did it:

"Dating app popularity can vary widely by region, so it’s good to have a working knowledge of the trends, habits, and patterns in each state. Our dating experts have done some online investigation and ranked the most popular dating apps by state. The rankings are based on a combination of Google analytics, online usage surveys, and user recommendations."

They found that the most popular dating app in Minnesota is Tinder, an app that has been downloaded over 400 million times. Here's what one satisfied user had to say about the app:

"Thanks to Tinder I have found the love of my life and we are to be married... After talking for about a week we went out on our first date and I knew there was something special about her!"

Have you ever used Tinder? Comment your experience down below!

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