Cardi B Misses Deadline for Community Service, Granted Extension

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Cardi B has escaped some potential legal issues when a judge extended her timeline to complete some community service she was sentenced to as a result of a 2018 assault case. According to TMZ, the 'I Like It' rapper failed to complete 15 hours of community service that had been assigned to her in time. Thankfully for her, the judge granted an extension on the sentence, giving her until March 1st to complete it.

The sentence comes from a 2018 assault case that Cardi faced after a huge fight erupted in a New York strip club. After initially pleading not guilty to the charges in 2019, she eventually reached a plea deal last year in which she plead guilty to third-degree assault and reckless endangerment. As a result of the plea, she was sentenced to 15 days of community service and ordered to stay away from the victims for three years.

The good news comes amid swirling rumors about the rapper's long-awaited sophomore album spawning from an Instagram account called @albumcb2 which recently received a follow from Cardi herself and posted a picture of her in the studio to the accounts Instagram story. In the days since fans have followed the account in mass in anticipation of news about the forthcoming project.

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