Netflix Says Goodbye To 'Iconic' Service After 25 Years

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Netflix is saying goodbye to one of its iconic services after 25 years.

The streaming giant will ship out its final DVDs on September 29 in an effort to eighty-six, home to the "iconic red envelopes" that would bring blockbuster movies right to your mailbox, Netflix announced this week. "After an incredible 25 year run, we've decided to wind down later this year. Our goal has always been to provide the best service for our members but as the business continues to shrink that's going to become increasingly difficult," Netflix CEO Ted Sarandos wrote in a news release.

The company added this DVD shipping service "changed the way people watched shows and movies at home" and even "paved the way for the shift to streaming," which Netflix is also changing its rules for. "We feel so privileged to have been able to share movie nights with our DVD members for so long, so proud of what our employees achieved and excited to continue pleasing entertainment fans for many more decades to come," Sarandos said. "To everyone who ever added a DVD to their queue or waited by the mailbox for a red envelope to arrive: thank you."

Since the first DVD was shipped on March 10, 1998 — Beetlejuice (feel old yet?) — over 5.2 billion DVDs have been shipped. The most popular movie was The Blind Side, starring Sandra Bullock and Quinton Aaron.

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