Travis King Was In South Korean Prison Before Fleeing To North Korea

Photo: Chung Sung-Jun / Getty Images News / Getty Images

As the United States continues to determine the fate of Pvt. 2nd Class Travis King, new details about the soldier's past are coming to light.

According to NBC NewsKing spent 48 days in prison in South Korea after failing to pay a $4,000 fine for charges that included damaging public property. He was arrested last October after damaging a police car and yelling profanities at officers who tried to detain him.

He was also involved in an incident in September when he was accused of repeatedly punching somebody while drinking at a club.

King was released from prison on July 10 and was supposed to return to the United States on July 17 to face additional disciplinary measures. When he went to his gate at the Incheon International Airport, he realized he was missing certain travel documents and was escorted from the airport.

Somehow, King managed to join a tour of the Joint Security Area of the border between North and South Korea. During the tour, King was able to slip away from the group and then sprinted across the border into North Korea.

So far, North Korean officials have not responded to any inquiries into King's whereabouts or his condition. American officials are continuing to work with international partners to locate King and arrange for his safe return to the United States.

"The administration has and will continue to actively work to ensure his safety and return him home to his family," State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller said.

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