Gamefowl Commission Leader Among 11 Arrested For Cockfighting

Photo: Carter County Jail

A district leader with the Oklahoma Gamefowl Commission was identified as one of 11 people arrested during a cockfighting bust earlier this week.

Chance Campo and six others -- Gary Bauman, John Gliby, Hung Nguyen, Son Nguyen, Phillip Sanders and Larry Young -- are facing felonies for participating in a cockfighting event in June, KXII reports. Four others were charged with misdemeanors in relation to the cockfighting sting.

The Oklahoma Gamefowl Commission claims to be a nonprofit organization, however, Wayne Pacelle, the president of the animal rights organization Animal Wellness Action, believes said it's "just a charade."

“It’s a phony name. It’s just a bunch of cockfighters that tried to have an authentic or serious minded name," Pacelle told KXII.

Cockfighting has been illegal in Oklahoma for more than 20 years, however, state representative JJ Humphrey recently co-authored a bill aiming to reduce the penalty for participation, which failed by just one vote.

“Mr. Campo’s actions do not represent the views of the Gamefowl Commission,” Humphrey said via KXII. “I will pledge to continue working with the Oklahoma Gamefowl Commission to obtain fairness and justice for the game fowl industry in Oklahoma.”

Pacelle claimed that Campo's arrest confirms his belief that the commission is involved in illegal activities.

“The only people interested in decriminalizing cockfighting in Oklahoma are cockfighters,” Pacelle said via KXII. “Now we’ve seen one of the leaders of the so-called Oklahoma Gamefowl Commission arrested for cockfighting crimes. It just makes it all very clear what the motivations are.”

Campo faces possible prison time and fines worth thousands of dollars as part of a felony charge in relation to the cockfighting bust.

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