Hurricane Hilary Will Arrive At Midnight. Here's How To Prepare At Home

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Hurricane Hilary has sped up, expecting to hit San Diego on Sunday morning. Currently it is approximately 640 miles southeast of the city.

The last time a storm of this severity was present in the state was in 1939. California Gov. Gavin Newsom issued a state of emergency for the entirety of California on Saturday afternoon.

It is predicted that the storm's approach will be its most intense phase. As a result, the National Weather Service stated the following, "Preparations for the impacts of flooding from rainfall should be completed as soon as possible, as heavy rain will increase ahead of the center on Saturday."

Times of San Diego recently released a list of 10 steps to follow to prepare for and ensure safety during the hurricane. It's imperative that these measures are taken sooner rather than later in order to be the most effective:

"1. Prepare an emergency supply kit. If you are a longtime California resident, your earthquake kit will suffice. There’s still time to pick up water, batteries and non-perishable food at local stores.
2. Make sure your car has a full gas tank or is fully charged in case you need to evacuate.
3. Charge smartphones, laptops and other electronics in case the power goes out for an extended period.
4. Make sure your pets are in a safe place and cannot run away during heavy rain, wind and thunder.
5. Clear your yard, making sure there’s nothing that could blow around during the storm and damage your home.
6. If you have time, clear debris from gutters and downspouts.
7. If you rely on electrically operated medical equipment, make sure you have made backup power arrangements.
8. Stay off the roads during the storm because of the danger of flash flooding.
9. If the power goes out, visit for status updates.
10. Check local media frequently for updated forecasts and possible orders to evacuate."

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