Videos Show River Of Wine Flooding Through Village

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Videos shared online show nearly 600,000 gallons of wine flooding the streets of a small village in Portugal.

Two tanks owned by Levira Distillery spilled, sending the red liquid down a steep hill and through the streets of São Lourenço do Bairro, as shown in multiple viral clips on social media. The Anadia Fire Department successfully stopped the wine, which was reported to be enough to fill an Olympic-size swimming pool, from seeping into the Certima River, instead diverting it into a nearby field, according to the New York Post, which cited local media.

A basement in a home located near the distillery was reported to be flooded with the wine, according to the local fire department.

Levira Distillery issued a public apology and vowed to take care of any damages stemming from the incident.

“We assume full responsibility for the costs associated with cleaning and repairing the damage, having teams do so immediately,” the company said in a statement obtained by the New York Post. “We are committed to resolving this situation as quickly as possible.”

Levira Distillery also confirmed that the wine-soaked soil at the field where the flood was diverted to had been transported to a special treatment plant.

São Lorenco de Bairro has an estimated population of 2,000 residents.

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