Missouri Man Paddles 38 Miles Down River In Hollowed-Out Pumpkin Boat

Photo: rossandgaffney/iStock/Getty Images

A Missouri man may have set a new world record after paddling nearly 40 miles down a river inside a massive hollowed-out pumpkin vessel that he grew himself.

Steve Kueny of Lebanon set out to break the Guinness World Record on Monday (October 9) for longest journey by pumpkin boat when he paddled over 38 miles along the Missouri River inside a nearly 1,300-pound pumpkin vessel called Huckle Berry, a trek that took nearly 11 hours, per USA Today. And according to Kueny, he achieved his desired result, paddling further than the previous record of 37 miles set last year.

Paddle KC Paddling Club shared some photos of the impressive journey on its Facebook page, adding that the group paddled alongside Kueny to provide support and help him keep pace. Kueny told USA Today that the group, as well as several boats, were making sure that "we're doing something very silly very safely."

All evidence of the record-breaking attempt, including photos and videos, will be sent to Guinness World Records for verification and if approved will be certified as the new record.

"It takes a lot of planning and also a lot of flying by the seat of your pants," he told KCTV 5. "I'm just a guy with a pumpkin and a whimsical sense of adventure out to have fun."

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