Will TOOL Fans Have To Wait Another 13 Years For A New Album?

Photo: Travis Shinn

When TOOL released 2019's Fear Inoculum, it came 13 years after its predecessor, 2006's 10,000 Days. The band's never been swift at releasing new music (the shortest gap between albums was three years between 1993's Undertow and 1996's Ænima), but fans will be happy to know they won't have to go another decade-plus before hearing new tunes again.

During an interview with The Vinyl Guide podcast, bassist Justin Chancellor teased that TOOL's “got many ideas cooking” for Fear Inoculum's follow-up but “haven’t recorded anything yet.”

“But we’re quite busy until after the spring of next year touring. So once that’s done we’re gonna get back in the studio and knuckle down and put some of it together,” Chancellor assured. “So we’ve got all the ingredients in place. We’ve just got to really bang it out and spend that time when we’re not touring.”

He also revealed the band has a bunch of unreleased music in its vault. “Tons from the last album. We have tons of ideas. But not recorded to the standard that we’d put on an album," he admitted. "Just kind of… lots of demoed stuff. And just tons of ideas that are just stored away.”

TOOL is currently on tour and plans to hit the road again at the beginning of 2024. See the full list of dates here.

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