WATCH: Pranking Bear Rings Doorbell Of California Home In Hilarious Video

Photo: iStockphoto

A mischievous bear with an obvious affinity for pranks was caught ringing a San Bernardino County resident's doorbell on Wednesday (October 25th). According to KTLA, the bear decided to pay the resident a visit at 12:45 in the morning with a few of his friends. Video footage captured by a Ring doorbell camera shows the bear stumbling up to the front porch and ringing the doorbell with his accomplices close behind.

The animal nudges the doorbell a few times with little result until it finally rings. The curious bear turns around proudly as if to receive assurance from the other bears before returning to the door to repeat his previous action. After an unsuccessful attempt at ringing the doorbell, the bear turns around to see that his friends have left him. He then runs off the porch in a seamless getaway attempt and exits the property.

Information regarding the bear's return to the property or other properties in the area was not reported. KTLA mentioned that bear encounters have become more common in recent years and suggested checking out The National Park Services' trusty list of safety tips should you find yourself face-to-face with one of these large, furry creatures.

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