Local Arizona Police Help Child Locate Missing 'Elf On The Shelf' Doll

Photo: Getty Images

In a heartwarming turn of events, the Gilbert Police Department played a pivotal role in reuniting the McMahon family with their cherished Christmas companion.

Having relocated from Oregon, the McMahons were struck with the realization that their daughter's beloved "Elf on the Shelf" doll had gone missing during the move.

Faced with this holiday emergency, Jason McMahon reached out to the Gilbert Police Department for assistance.

Recognizing the sentimental value attached to the missing Elf on the Shelf, McMahon sought the support needed to bring joy back into their festive season. Expressing his gratitude for the assistance provided, McMahon shared his family's journey of being separated for a couple of years and the challenges of not being able to spend Christmas together. The recent move marked a significant change, allowing them to appreciate the warmth of being reunited as a family during the holiday season.

McMahon conveyed the profound impact of this reunion, emphasizing how it has added an extra layer of happiness to their celebrations.

The story serves as a heartening reminder of the positive impact that community support, even in seemingly small gestures, can have on families during the festive season. The Gilbert Police Department's involvement not only resolved a momentary crisis for the McMahons but also contributed to the overall joy and unity that define the spirit of Christmas for this grateful family.

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