The Best ‘Local Favorite’ Holiday Market In Arizona

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When that cheerful time of the year rolls around, holiday markets emerge as colorful and unifying celebrations of seasonal cheer and community spirit. These enchanting gatherings, often set against the backdrop of historic city squares, host vendors offering the most rare festive delights.

Each vendor's stall tells a story through an array of handcrafted treasures — from intricately designed ornaments that glimmer with delicate details to cozy knitwear that beckons with its warmth — and homegrown or homemade treats. The air is filled with the rich aroma of mulled spices, enticing passersby to sip on steaming cups of spiced cider or indulge in sweet desserts that awaken the taste buds.

Beyond the gifts visitors can purchase, holiday markets are a reminder of tradition and shared joy. Local artisans showcase their talents, while the atmosphere is jolly, characterized by the genuine laughter of families, and if at the right time, the melodies of carolers.

Food and Wine discovered the best holiday market in every state:

“We've rounded up the best, jolliest holiday events all across the country, from Maine to Hawaii. Some of our favorites are happening right now, some run all month long, and others will be gone in a flash, so don't delay. Happy holidays!”

In Arizona, the coveted title goes to Phoestivus in Phoenix:

“From the Pheats of Strength (climbing a rock wall) to the world’s largest Phoestivus pole (and don’t forget the traditional airing of the grievances), it’s all happening at one of the city’s most festive annual fairs, open to all ages and well-behaved pets, featuring Hip Santa, selfies with Phreddie the Yeti, and a special, seasonal Phoestivus beer from the Phoenix Ale Brewery. Drop something in the donation box — Phoestivus is the annual fundraiser for the Downtown Phoenix Farmer’s Market — and enjoy over 200 local vendors.”

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