3 Ohio Cities Among The 10 'Hottest' Housing Markets In America

Photo: Grace Cary/Moment/Getty Images

The housing market around the country has been a rollercoaster for years. Many people looking to relocate may wish to move to desirable cities but face roadblocks like sky-high real estate prices, high cost of living and low supply of quality housing. However, there are some popular cities around the country that are predicted to make that transition easier.

Zillow compiled a list of the 10 "hottest" housing markets in the U.S. for 2024, basing its rankings on "an analysis of forecast home value growth, recent housing market velocity and projected changes in the labor market, home construction activity and number of homeowner households."

Three cities in Ohio made the list, including two in the top three spots. Cincinnati ranked highest at No. 2 on the list, directly followed by Columbus at No. 3. Cleveland rounded out the Ohio cities on the list at No. 8.

As for the top spot, that belongs to Buffalo, New York. According to the site, Buffalo earned the No. 1 placement because of steady home values as well as the increasing number of jobs that have been created compared to the number of new comes construction projects being approved.

These are the 10 hottest housing markets in the U.S., according to Zillow:

  1. Buffalo, New York
  2. Cincinnati, Ohio
  3. Columbus, Ohio
  4. Indianapolis, Indiana
  5. Providence, Rhode Island
  6. Atlanta, Georgia
  7. Charlotte, North Carolina
  8. Cleveland, Ohio
  9. Orlando, Florida
  10. Tampa, Florida

Check out Zillow's full report to read up on its predictions on this year's housing market.

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