Massachusetts Eatery Crowned 'Most Beautiful Restaurant' In The State

Photo: Moment RF

Food isn't the only factor that elevates a dining experience. Atmosphere is also a huge part of going out to eat. This feature, while not as important as the quality and freshness of the food, can transform a simple, run-of-the-mill visit to a local restaurant into an extraordinary, unforgettable adventure for the whole family.

While there are many restaurants scattered across Massachusetts that offer decent decor and views, there is one so spectacular and unique that customers cannot stop raving about it!

According to a list compiled by LoveFood, the most beautiful restaurant in Massachusetts is Ladyfinger’s Tea Lounge located in Newburyport. Love Food praised this standout location for its glamorous velvet seating among other stunning qualities.

Here's what LoveFood had to say about the most beautiful restaurant in the entire state:

"Resplendent in pink, Ladyfinger’s Tea Lounge has customers clamoring to sample its famous afternoon tea and pose for pictures. You must book well in advance, but it’s more than worth it for the delicious finger sandwiches and sweet treats, tea served in fine china cups, pink velvet seating, Elizabethan portraits and gilt mirrors on the walls, and Art Deco chandeliers."

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