Optical Illusion Causes Traffic To Vanish, And Everyone Is Perplexed
By Dave Basner
June 6, 2020
Optical illusions are powerful things. They can have you thinking part of a car is a submerged boat, that a black and white picture is in color, or that you need to see an optometrist. They can also make you feel like you are going insane. That's just what a new illusion is doing to people after it was posted on Twitter. It's a short clip of traffic that is seemingly on a bridge that spans some murky water. As the cars and motorcycles moving along it make a left turn, rather than driving off into the distance, they completely disappear.
Yes, the traffic just disappears. pic.twitter.com/XPcGrzadu5
— Daniel (@DannyDutch) June 29, 2019
Commenters were pretty shocked by what they saw, writing things like "Going to Hogwarts" and "Bermuda Triangle." Others were just confused, saying "How is it possible," "I'm still scratching my head," and "Am reading the comments to find the answer."
So what's really going on? It's actually pretty simple - the video was recorded from a terrace or a balcony and the thing that looks like the side of a bridge is actually just a rooftop railing while the murky water is the roof. The cars aren't vanishing, they're just getting obscured by the building.
Photo: Twitter/DanielDutch