P!nk Gets Real On How Her Kids Handled The Death Of Their Family Nanny
By Lavender Alexandria
February 8, 2023
P!nk is gearing up to release her upcoming ninth studio album TRUSTFALL on February 17th but she's also getting very confessional about some of the traumatic events that have impacted her and her family in the past few years. In an interview with Women's Health the 'Never Gonna Not Dance Again' singer opened up about the passing of both her own father and her family's long-time nanny.
"I lost my dad in August of 2021. He had cancer for eight years." the singer explains, "I don’t grieve in a normal way, like how I see other people grieve. They have such instant access to their grief, it seems. I just kind of go numb," she continued. The loss was the inspiration behind one of the songs on her upcoming record, "that song was part of the unpacking," she explains.
The other loss she spoke about was the family's nanny Trish, who passed away from cancer. “She was one of the loves of our life,” explains P!nk, who also discussed the challenge of helping her children process the loss. P!nk mentions that while Trish was still alive she told her two children she would be their angel and as a result "Jameson will walk around the kitchen and go, ‘Hey, Grandpa, hey, Trish'," or say things like “Trish, I know you’re up there; you’ve got to make the wind stop!”