All Episodes

January 18, 2018 44 mins

Clay Travis hands down sentencing to Jason Martin, discusses the dislike for Blake Bortles, talks to Alex Marvez, Animal Thunderdome, and more!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
This is the best of out kick the coverage with
Clay Travis on Fox Sports Radio. It was the biggest
snowstorm to ever hit our country. That stuff right there,
it's not pure snow, it's some kind of mixed. Plus
there's this fog in the year the white del Not

Clay Travis, We're talking about this snow recorded at a
monster quarter inch. Of the five Brave souls on the
road that day, one coward stood out. That coward was
producer Jason Martin. Guilty. He gave up on America and
he gave up on our kick Nation. Guilty. Guilty, He

is guilty. The jury has spoken. He could hand in
his man guard. The judges rule you are guilty. May
God advercy on your soul, and now we find out
his punishment. Screw you guys, you can kick saying live
from the studio was a Fox Sports Radio Here's Clay Travis.

What were you expecting somebody else? We're coming to you
live from the Geiko Kick Studios. I'll kick the coverage
radio program. We're fifteen minutes. Could save you fift cent
or more on car insurance. Visit geiko dot com for
a free rate quote. You see folks, the advantage of
being executive producer of this radio show as being in
control of the technology, including the microphones. Right now, I

look through the glass at my multimillionaire boss frantically wondering
why no one can hear his voice. Well, I'm here
to tell you it's because I have his microphone hostage.
Don't worry, it's not broken, Clayton. No, no, just stay put.
We're gonna get you in just a second. And yes,
you're gonna leve you my punishment. And now it might
be worse because I chose to hijack our show off
the top. But I felt like, as the victim of

a ridiculous sham of a trial where the jury was
poisoned and the judge was vindictive, where the evidence was
anything but overwhelming, I should at least have a chance
to speak before sentencing and in lieu of pleading for
the mercy of the court. I'm gonna surprise you after
you drop your punishment on me. But first I decided
to play some entrance music for myself that seemed oddly

appropriate for this moment. Yes, folks, sometimes karma isn't just
to be it's also a pussy Willow. After all the mockery,
the name calling, the insults, the hate mail, and the
radio segments from Clay. Yes, he chose to drive a
few feet out of his gated neighborhood yesterday and what
happened From his own Twitter, I quote just went out

for driving snow and slowly slid on ice into a
tree in my neighborhood. And the only thing I could
think is I approached the tree was at j mard
OutKick is going to use this against me? Well, Mr Travis,
your chickens have come home to roost. I felt sympathy
for you yesterday, but the problem was I couldn't feel

much else, and that didn't last very long because it's
tough to feel bad when you're doubled over in laughter
to the point of tears. This could not have been
better if we had written a script ahead of time.
Oh how the tables have turned. And now from the
Getico outkicks studios, the man in control me, I give
you accident victim or perhaps action in perpetrator. The trees,

the one that took the assault. You can decide. Okay,
I've had my fun. He can sentence me. Now Here
is Clay Travis, I appreciate being allowed to speak on
my phone on my own show. I have this to say.
That is an incredible That is an incredible open that

the guys in l A put together. And I don't
even know what the standard is to win a Marcony,
But if we don't win a Marcny, they really should
just do away with the award, uh for or anything?
I mean, I don't. I don't even know. Has anybody
ever wanted more coney on Fox Sports Radio? And we
do we know this? If we haven't, I have no

idea how it's not happened. But I think Pat O'Brien
was the pad. Is that really true? The guy from
Access Hollywood. Somebody told me you're like a very young
Pat O'Brien. Who told you that I was a young
Pat O'Brien. Is that a real life somebody said, you know,
play Travis reminds me of a young Pebrian. Yes, I
actually I heard that. That's inble Is the person like

a hundred and ninety who thinks that? I mean, I
I don't even remember ever hearing Pet O'Brien on the radio. Okay,
here's the deal. I did hit a tree yesterday. But
I want to say this in my defense. You go
to my Twitter feed. Do you know who else did
a tree yesterday in the snow Dale Earnhardt Jr. And
here's what happened yesterday, all right, And it was an

incredibly unfortunate timing. I my wife, So we bought a
out a year ago or something, I don't know exactly.
Every time that we buy a new car, like every
married man probably out there, my wife gets the new
car and I take the old car. And it doesn't
matter what kind of car we're getting or anything else.

My wife gets the new car and I get the
old car. So about a year ago, we bought a
Lincoln Navigator, all right. And when we bought it, they said,
uh there, okay, well this car looks great. You're gonna
like it. You're gonna love it. All your kids will
fit into it, all this stuff. But it has rear
will drive. And I said, you know that won't matter here.

It never snows, we never have ice. Really, it's not
that big of a deal. My wife, to her credit,
was like, I want front wheel drive, or I at
least want all will drive. And I don't even know
what all this stuff means. So I said, no, no, no,
we don't need it, all right, So we take the
car to Michigan, not really think very much about it.

My wife comes back and she says, you absolutely positively
cannot drive this car in the snow. So I have
been driving our other car, which is just a Mercedes
Sedan like four door, you know, four wheel draw and
not four wheel drive, but all will drive whatever. I
don't even know. No issues in the snow. But I'm
going to the gym yesterday after our show. It's about

eight forty am my time. So you know, on the
East Coast, you haven't been done very long, and the
kids are all out of school here in Nashville, and
my kids are going insane all being cooped up in
the house. So my seven year old decides he wants
to go to the gym with me. So as we're
walking outside to get into the cars, I think to myself,
you know what, it's snowy out. Maybe I should take

the bigger car because I've got my seven year old
with me, just to be safe. We get out of
my neighborhood, make one turn at a left, and then
I come down to a stop sign, literally stop at
the stop sign and then take a right. And when
I take the right, I can't be going more than
five or ten miles an hour. The car because of

the rear world drive, slides out behind me and I
just lose control of the vehicle and I'm trying to
like figure out what to do. Is I slide across
the ice and I'm trying to steer and I'll be
damned if I don't go head on right into a tree.
I mean, just hit the tree absolutely perfectly. And I

swear to God as I am floating, you know, basically
on the ice like Tanya Harding or Nancy Harrigan, sliding
across the ice, nothing, no control whatsoever, I think to
myself two things. One, Oh my god, I can't believe
that I'm gonna have to tell my wife that i

hit a tree in this car which doesn't drive in
the ice, because frankly, I didn't believe her. She was
like this, this real world drive doesn't work. I'm like, whatever,
You're just totally not being able to drive normally. And
so I'm thinking to myself, I can't believe that I'm
gonna have to turn around and go back after I
hit this tree. And the second thing I'm thinking is,

I can't believe that I'm hitting a tree because of
the ice after I just sentenced j Mark to guilt
on the radio show forty five minutes ago. It's the
timing on it was so unbelievable. So we hit the
and so I've got my seven year old in the car,
we hit the tree. There's nobody else on the roads,
and we're both just sitting there, and I'm like, and

immediately turned in the seven round, like, your mom is
gonna never let me forget the end of this, because again,
the fact that I even took the car, the big car,
she was gonna be upset about. So he's like, and
I gotta give my seven year old credit for this.
My seven year old's immediate responses, don't tell her, dad,
I said, we just hit a tree, and you know,
I'm getting out of the car and I know there's

gonna be damage to the front of the car. I said,
what do you mean, don't tell her? He said, you
just don't tell her. I said, what are we gonna do?
How are you gonna I'm gonna fix this? He said,
duct tape. I swear to God, my seven year old
in the back. He's like, white duct tape. All right,
we have a white car. Obviously, he's like, white duct tape.
She'll never know. I said, so you think that I
should just get some Go buy some white duct tape.

Put it on the front of the car that where
we just ran into the tree, and mom will never know.
I'm telling you white duct tape. So I do have
to say, I I want to go to war now
with my son, because it doesn't matter what I do
a seven year old in the back. He's immediately like,
all in on, don't tell mom the truth. No telling
what he's gonna be into by the time he's a teenager.
But right now it certainly works to my benefit. Come

back home, parked the car in the garage, only been
gone like four minutes. Open the door. My wife feels down, like,
why are you guys back? And I said, I hit
a tree. And she comes downstairs. First of all, she
thinks that I'm messing with her, because you can tell
like she wants to believe it's true. It's like the
greatest day of her life for me to go out

driving in her car, which she says has real world drive,
and it's impossible to draw in the snow. For me
literally to be in the car for four minutes and
hit a tree and obviously not have severely injured myself
or her son is like the greatest day of her
life because it just validates everything that she's ever said,
and also it echoes her opinion that I never listened
to what she has to say. And so she comes

downstairs and she looks at the damage after I finally
convinced her that I'm not, you know, just pulling a
prank on her, and she is just she's just in heaven.
So now you gotta go get a new car fixed.
I have to be honest. I honestly set around and
I thought, maybe I need to be more empathetic about
j Mark. Maybe j mart was actually right to not

get out in the snow. Maybe I am wrong. Now
I'm never wrong, so certainly I didn't think that for
very long, but for a couple of minutes I did
think to myself, it's possible that I have blown this
and that I have done something wrong, that I have
led this show awry, astray from the what I would
have hoped would have been justice. And then I thought

about it more and more and I believe this is
a function of the death trap that they sold me
to drive in here in Nashville by telling me, oh,
you'll never have to worry about the snow in Nashville,
even though I know that it snows sometimes. I bought
that sales pitch and I don't even know. I didn't
even I don't know anything about cars, all right. And
this is where I confessed before that I am frequently humiliated, uh,

and feel like the guy who doesn't know anything about
sports at a Super Bowl party. I when I go
to Michigan, where my wife is from, her brother designs
cars for Ford and her dad is an engineer that
has been heavily involved in the car industry for a
long time, and they talk about cars at a different
level what I would contemplate. NASA scientists talk about rocket

ships like you might vaguely understand the purpose of a
rocket ship if you are kind of hanging out somebody
kind of understand and oh, that rocket ship is gonna
go to the moon, or they're talking about like a SpaceX. Oh,
you know what, we're trying to go to Mars. All
this stuff. But once they actually get into the nitty
gritty of the discussion about the rocket ship, you realize

that you really don't know anything at all, and it much,
I would imagine, is like what someone who goes to
a Super Bowl party and has a vague idea about
football feels like if they sit down with two guys
who are actually coaches of football and those guys start
really significantly talking about football. I don't nothing about cars,
but I don't understand at all. Why if this is

the case in terms of being unable to drive in
the snow and ice, why rear will drive even exists.
Why would anybody ever choose to make a car that
has rear will drive when there is front wheel drive
and there is all will drive, which are both vastly
superior ways to drive a vehicle. I'm a simple guy.

Why would you not choose to take the more useful
choice there? And here's the other thing, why would this
salesperson tell me that it's never gonna be an issue
when clearly I'm stopped at a stop sign, I take
a right, I can't be going more than five or
ten miles an hour, and the back of my car

just starts to spin because the rear wheel drive doesn't
work in the snow and ice. Why was I lead
so far astray? Why? Why? Why? Just like Nancy Karragan
as we get ready for the Winter Olympics when she
was struck in the knee, That's what I felt like
when I hit that tree. And by the way, there's

like twenty yards of open space on either side of
the road where I could have just slid into the curb.
The fact that I hit the tree is also pretty unbelievable.
There's nothing else to hit along the sidewalk twenty yards
in either direction. And I'll be damned if I didn't
hit the tree right smack, Davin Middle, Tree took it,
Tree took the charge, did not buckle, thankfully, did not

get knocked over. That would have been a mess too
if the tree had fallen on top of me. Thankfully,
my air bag did not deploy because I was going
so slow when we had the when we had the contact.
But I say all of this to tell you that
I will still be rendering justice when we return from
this break. I will be laying down the iron hand

of justice. This justice will be swift, it will be
totally within the bounds of acceptable discourse. It will not
be opaque, be sure to catch live editions about Kick
the Coverage with Clay Travis weekdays at six am Eastern
three am Pacific on Fox Sports Radio and the I

Heart Radio app. All Right, Jason Martin has been tried
and convicted by the OutKick family for dereliction of show
duty and refusing to show up on Tuesday despite a
very minimal amount of weather related issues. And I did
take into account my own hitting a tree in the ice,

but I think that was more a function of the
futility of my vehicle than it was anything that I
had done myself. And so given the fact that he
had four wheel drive and did not know how to
work his defrost and actually be able to see as
he was driving into work, I spent a lot of

time reviewing your suggestions of what his punishment should be,
and several people I thought came up with a good
idea or a variation of that idea, and ultimately I
think it's the right sentence. So, do we have any
music in l a that we need to play as
I prepare to levy this sentence right now? For Jason

Martin having been convicted of crimes against the radio station
and against the show any music at all that should
play here. L A long l A law theme music here.
Justice has to be done, Justice must be blind. Justice

has now arrived. Jason Martin on behalf of the show,
On behalf of the staff of this show, and most importantly,
perhaps on behalf of all the listeners in all fifty
states and the world right now listening to us as
they begin their mornings in this great country and beyond.
I sentence you to one month of having to watch

ESPN Sports Center the six a k A. Yes, a
k a. The Jamal Hill and Michael Smith Woke Center
every single day at six pm Eastern. You must watch
and or DVR this show, and you must come in

and report the most wokest thing that you learned from
that television broadcast. It likely will have nothing to do
with sports at all, but I feel that you must
address your white privilege and sit and watch for one
month every single Monday through Friday that this show airs.
Either have to watch it live or on DVR, and

you will give us a woke report every single morning
about what you learned from the six pm Sports Center
with Jamal Smith and Mikelhabelle Hill and Michael Smith that
is your punishment, So help me God. I have considered
and I have levied it. Your response, now, Jason Martin,
to your punishment, is the death penalty not on the table?

Like I said, is that it? No? I was thinking
about this, and okay, you have levied the punishment. I
will start watching it today and report on it on
the show. And I just it's flat out torture, and
I'm already trying to wonder how I'm actually going to
get through this. That's a full month, I mean, that
is that's a lot of sc six, that is for sure.
But I was trying to think of something and how

we could spend this and do something to help other people.
And with my intransigence and all of all the good radio,
I think that it's that has come out of this situation.
I feel like and I don't know the logistics of
this and how we could pull this off. I saw
other people suggesting different things to me for my punishment,

and one of them stood out, and it came a
couple of people mentioned it, and for some reason I
couldn't get out of my head last night. And maybe
you can or maybe we can figure this out over
the next twenty four hours. We're smart individuals between the
five of us, the three out in l A and
the two of us. I am willing, in addition to
SC six to find a way while we were at

the super Bowl in Minneapolis to do a polar plug
no into a river or a lake or some thing.
But what the reason why I'm willing to do it
is if we could find a way to set up
some like Kickstarter or something like that where we could
have the listeners donate over the next week, week and

half until we actually do it, and then give that
to the Wounded Warrior Project. I would be willing to
do that in addition to SC six and try to
try to help some people out outside of this. And
I figured you would probably be amenable to such a thing.
We could tape it, do the whole deal, and and
have everybody have a good time at my expense. Totally
fine with that. I don't know. I mean, the Minnesota

is the land of a thousand lakes, right so there
have to be a lot of lakes. Are they? I
would assume it all they're all frozen, Like is there
at an open body of wise cold as it is
right now in the country. I don't know. I'm not
an expert in Minnesota waterways, but is there an accessible
Minnesota lake or river? And I don't want you to

be swept away and drowned, because again that would be
certainly ironic. Uh. But I'm not getting in the water.
First of all, I hope that the troops what we
raise some money for the troops. I don't do cold.
I certainly am not gonna do a polar plunge. So
and I'm certainly not going to do a powler plunge
in Minnesota. Although I don't know and I should probably
know the answer to this, can water get colder in

different parts? Like? How much colder can water get? And
I this seems like this seems like an answer that
I should know. But when water freezes, is the water
colder in Minnesota than it is, for instance, in Tennessee
when the water is frozen, or does water reach a
level like I understand the ambient surface temperature of uh?

You know, like America can vary a great deal, right,
it can be right now people are listening dust in Florida.
It might be seventy five degrees and it's like minus
ten in Minnesota. Right, But what I'm wondering, is does
the water basically tap out at a certain degree, Like
is it much colder in the water right now in
Minnesota and it is in where we are in Nashville.

I don't I don't know the answer of that, because
obviously water freezes at whatever it is, thirty two degrees.
But then does the water get infinitely colder? Can it
get down to like minus ten in the water like
it could in the air, or does the water reach
does Does that make any sense to you? It can
get colder? How much colder all the way towards what

we can call absolute zero. Absolute zero is minus fifty
three degrees, where like all movement ceases right minus fifty
three degrees fahrenheit. If I'm not mistaken from my days
back in high school chemistry, so you're telling me that
water can become totally immobile. That doesn't make sense. Basically,

the entire thing can be an ice cube. I mean
that's what That's what I'm reading right here. So the
fish would just be frozen and unable to move to
look into it more, don't think of a little bit
about this. You have stepped in here and made an
argument that basically a fish could just cease to be
able to move, or a beaver, or a or a whale.

You're arguing that the water can become so cold that
no animal can move. This is your argument right now, Justica,
that does not seem like a good arguments like the
Arctic Ocean. Hold on the Arctic Ocean. If you go underwater.
I have watched the Imax movies and you or the
March of the Penguins movie. You can watch the penguins

all swimming around in that water. It has to be really,
really cold. Now, maybe that has something to do with
salt water being more difficult to freeze in general. I
think that's true. But you are arguing that basically a
entire ecosystem can become frozen in place and no one
can move if the water becomes cold enough. Yeah, I'm

I'm reading this from the Department of Physics on the
University of Illinois website, and it it says that the
value it says, I don't know how you ended up there.
By the way, this is when the water molecules are
basically not moving. Yeah, I've seen it on another site.
Right now, are there pictures all of the animals frozen
in place it is he what he's saying is accurate.

Chemists at the University of Utah found that minus fifty
five degrees is when water absolutely must start changing molecular structure.
The molecules start forming tetrahedron shapes, where each molecule becomes
loosely bonded to four others. It creates a form of
water known as intermediate ice. Though it hasn't taken on
all the properties of full blown ice, it can no

longer be considered water. So how do the animals continue
to live? It must not be possible to reach that
level of cold in like normal the normal world. Like
in order to reach absolute zero, I believe you have
to basically create laboratory like conditions. So it might be
physically possible. But what would the difference be right now?

For j Mart's polar plunge in Minnesota water versus Tennessee water,
Is there actually a difference. Well, I'm not exactly sure,
but I do know that there is a actual polar
plunge set up for downtown Minneapolis the week after we're there,
maybe the Super Bowl. Well, I mean, I don't know
how much colder it would be. We'd have to find out.
If it's too cold and flat out untenable, then we'll

do it back here in Nashville. But I feel like
we might be able to pull this off, and I
think it would be a cool thing to do, and
I'm certainly willing to do it, all right. I like
that idea. I do think that's a that's a good idea.
So if you are in Minnesota and there's a body
of water that you would suggest we are broadcasting live
in a couple of weeks, whatever the week is of
the super Bowl where you're gonna be in Minnesota. I

believe Radio Row is at the Mall of America, So
in an ideal world, there would be a body of
water somewhere near the Mall of America that j Mark
could go into on behalf of wounded warriors, and also
to pay penance for his refusal to actually drive in
the snow. We're not driving, by the way, in the
snow at all. We'll have Uber's only only Uber drivers

in Minnesota. No way we're gonna actually rent a car
and drive anywhere in Minnesota. That's just a death up.
Be sure to catch live editions A I would kick
the coverage with Clay Travis. Weekdays at six am Eastern
three am Pacific, we go down to Alex Marvez at
Alex Marvez on Twitter usually joins us on Tuesday, joins
us now on Thursday. And Alex, you're down in Florida.
You're in the Gainesville area. You're not that far from

Jacksonville in general. And I'm asking a question, Um, why
does everybody hate Blake Bortles for a guy who hasn't
really done anything off the field, for a guy who
hadn't even played in that many big games period. He's
won two playoff games. Now, obviously the game against the
Bills was awful, but he made some plays in the
fourth quarter against the Steelers, and it seems to me

that everybody is rooting for him to fail. Like I
think the vast majority of people out there listening right
now would love to see him throw five interceptions and
basically just throw up all over himself in this a
f C title game. Why is he so disliked? Well,
it's sort of weird. It's sort of like you in
a way, like you see your face, like you know
what I mean, and those great shots they put up
on dead Spin of you where your eyes are rolling

in your You just want to punch you, you know,
I mean right, and break your nose and splatter it
all over your face. And by the way, well, I'm
just saying, you know, you got me all riled up there,
you know, I get we start late to the segment.
Jason doesn't show up to work on Tuesday. I would
have worked, but I was on Serious x M. You know,
snow whatever. Anyway, the point is it's weird with Blake
Bortles because in his case, you know, like you have

players calling him out. I understand the media and the
negativity towards the guy, and it's easy to pile on somebody.
It's low hanging fruit. I understand that. But you know
what I wonder is, sometimes are our players like a
Darrell Casey, for example, who always calls this guy out?
Is he just trying to get under his skin? Or
is there something sincerely rotten about Blake Bortles. But you've
heard nothing bad about this guy in his personal life

or anything. So it's a little bit weird. It's sort
of and the same thing what's happening with Nick Foles, right,
I mean, think about all the anger directed towards Nick
Foles and how he gets mocked. You know, what did
he ever do to anybody? Right? He never said anything
to to anyone that will remember, no notable, Like none
of the three of those guys have ever done anything
that's remotely like offensive or bad or anything else. And

I feel like, and I'm guilty as well. I'm like, Oh,
these guys suck. I hope they blow up and and
make stupid plays, like why why is it that all
three of these guys. But I think Bordles gets at
the worst. I just don't really get it, you know,
in terms of people say, oh, well Tim Tebow was
really contract. Yeah, but Tebow did a lot of things,
like he wore his faith really aggressively. He was famous

from college. I can't even think of Blake Bortles ever
saying or really doing anything that draws attention to himself
other than the fact that he happens to be an
NFL quarterback. I think it's because people want to see
good football, and we don't associate these players with good football.
And it's an easy narrative in the media for us
to sit here and rip this guy. It's easiest fans

to say, oh, this guy sucks especially when they're going
against a better quarterback, right, And what we don't have
in the NFL, as as fans in his media, is
patients for guys to grow into a position. Blake Bortles
has improved in two thousand seventeen. I'm not saying that
he's the next coming of Tom Brady or anything like that,
but it takes time for some of these guys, you know,

especially under classmen who come out like Blake Bortles did.
Guys thrown into the starting lineup right away a lot
of different issues. I mean, that's the thing about it.
We just, you know, how when do quarterbacks really truly
start to hit their stride. We've had quarterbacks like Ben
Roethlisberger and Russell Wilson win super Bowls year two of
their NFL career, but they were being carried by extremely
good defenses and running games. And maybe Blake Bortles will

get carried to a super Bowl. I don't know, but
the point and same with case keenum maybe for Nick Foles.
But I think that's what comes to it, to the
expectation that you want to see exciting play from these guys,
and a lot of times it just isn't there. Does
it help the NFL or hurt the NFL If we
get a huge upset by the Jags over the Patriots

and it doesn't even hardly matter who wins between the
Vikings and the Eagles and we get Blake Bortles versus
either Nick Foles or case Keenum is that good for
the NFL because it convinces a lot of teams out
there and their fans. Hey, maybe we could make the
super Bowl after all without having to have an elite
level superstar quarterback. Or is it bad for the NFL

because the game itself will probably be awful and it's
just gonna reflect some of the challenges that come with
football when you have two not very good quarterbacks going
head to head. I've got, you know, Tony Easton images
going through my mind from Super Bowl twenty. You know,
Oh goodness, Champagne anyway, that was his nickname, and it's

what the worst NAVE ever bestowed upon. But I know
we played in Illinois, but there's no bottles you wanted
to pop when watching Tony Easton played football. I think
it would be horrific for the league, I really do.
I think ratings would plummet for the super Bowl because
you know, and we talked about why did television ratings
go down for the NFL over the past couple of years. Well,
while we can watch Peyton Manning all we want on

commercials and it seems like he's an omnipresent figure to
this day, he wasn't on the field. And that's a
superstar player. And so why watch some games that you
would normally for the Denver Broncos or Indianapolis Colts that
could draw in mainstream fans, casual viewers things like this
without a superstar player like this. Look at the Green
Bay Packers and the issues that they had when Aaron

Rodgers went down. It just isn't the same watching Brett Hunting.
People want to see star players. I think at this
point the mainstream I'm not and listen you could you
want to boo the guy. I get it for most
most fans, But Tom Brady draws in eyeballs at the
NFL wants for them. They know that the hardcores are
going to be there. They know that people are always
going to buy into the narratives of this might be
our year and things like that, and the Jacksonville Jaguars

Super Bowl appearance would enforce it. But for what the
NFL wants from a showcase game, which is everybody allies
to it, being able to boast of record numbers and
how the league is as hot as ever. If you
get play portals in that game, that narrative is not
happening in the NFL once again comes under siege as
a sport that is quickly losing its popularity. Do you
think the Jags have a legitimate chance to beat the

Patriots in Foxborough? Yeah, because I think they can move
Tom Brady off his spot. The big question to me
is this, what what can Blake Bortles do in the
passing game if the Patriots do what the Steelers didn't do,
and that's bottle up Leonard for Nett and Leonard becoming
the first rookie in postseason history to score three touchdowns
in one game along with a hundred yard Russian performance.
He was absolutely fabulous in that regard. And of course

at that point the Steelers were playing catch up the
entire game, and you know that created opportunities for Bordles.
He just had to be efficient. He made some plays
with his legs, and kudos to him and clearly the
Stellers never recovered from the loss of Ryan Shazier. I mean,
that is just devastating. You could just tell that that
Jacksonville did a great job attacking the middle of that
Steelers defense where Ryan Shasier wasn't New England, I think

they're a little bit smarter. I also think too, I
know this for a fact. They've given up fewer points
in the NFL since Week five than any other team
in the league. I mean, they were so bad early
on and that you think, Wow, this Patriots defense their mediocre.
You know, I can't name five starters on the unit,
to be honest with you out. I mean I can
name the secondary, I guess, but when you're talking front
seven personnel, huh, you know, Gino Grissom or whatever. You

know what I mean, Like, who are these guys? Yet
week after week they keep stuffing teams. That's the thing
they take away, that one thing each game they're gonna
take away Leonard Fournette is the way that I look
at them, much like they took away Derrick Henry from Tennessee.
So what's next? And can Blake Bortles make enough plays
for the Jags to win? And can the defense create
enough turnovers to put Bortles in position to get the

Jags on the scoreboard. I'm just not buying it. I
gotta go with the pass. By the way, Jacksonville one
and ten all time against New England. The only time
they beat him on the road came back in. All right,
let's go to the other game, the NFC title game
between the Eagles and the Vikings. Who you got? Well,
I mean, Jeff Fisher should be proud, right, and he

should take credit for what's going on with the Eagles
and the Vikings because both Nick Foles and case Keenum
are products of Jeff Fisher's tenure with the then St.
Louis Rams the Los Angelos Rams. So shouldn't Jeff be
taking some credit here? Half of the half of the
quarterbacks in the NFC playoffs were on the Rams roster.
Was it last year, a year and a half ago,

whatever the math is on that. That's pretty crazy. It
is absolutely amazing, and it makes you wonder, well, why
could they succeed somewhere else? But they couldn't win with you?
So it goes that all that being said, you know,
I look at this one. I just think the Vikings
they had their scare, and of course what a scare
it was, right, and they beat you know, they beat
the Saints, and now I just think they're gonna I
don't say they roll, but I just think that their

defense is as good, if not better, than Philadelphia is.
I think it is a better unit overall, and I
just can't see Philadelphia making enough plays on offense to
get to where they want to be. So I'm choosing
case Keenum greater than sign Nick Foles, if you know
what I mean for the kids who do it on
the interwebs. The Vikings potentially would have a home game

in the in the Super Bowl. How much of a
storyline do you think that will be and how much
of a favorite in terms of how much would you
adjust Let's assume the Patriots are going to be there,
how much should you adjust that in terms of what
you expect the crowd to look like? In other words,
this is already going to be a really difficult ticket regardless,
I think. But if you go with the Vikings there,

I mean, this is kind of an uncharted territory, right well, yeah, no,
what you know, we we're talking about, like, okay, in
some cities, for example, I believe we've had four Super
Bowls previously where you know, for example San Francisco super
Bowl nineteen where you know the forty Niners they play
a candlestick. But the Super Bowl was held in Palo
Alto twelve mile difference, so you have that home crowd
mania that goes into it. But it's a different game

since then, clearly, and you I think the ticket value
would just skyrocket through because people at that point, you know,
Vikings fans, they can stay at home, they don't have
to come in until the day before the games. It's
a lot like Alabama Georgia. The tickets ended up so
expensive because people didn't have to pay for air fare
because they didn't even have to get hotel rooms. They
could drive in the day of the game and then
drive home afterwards exactly. And that's not good news for

the n Fell on its merchants either. It also becomes
a paro, you know, a provincial thing so to speak,
you know, and people will be playing up Minnesota culture.
I think you've got Jason Martin going out to buy
whale blubber. He's gonna eat that before doing his polar plunge.
I mean, all those sorts of things that Gilda Horne
is going to be out there. I mean, you know,
any stereotype you could find about Minnesota's you know, like
the way they talk. I mean, you know what's going

to be emphasized during the entire week. You know. Interestingly enough,
the Vikings, and this was reported a couple of weeks ago,
they're going to be the visitors. NFCS are the visitors.
NFCS the visitors this year, so they would be in
the visiting team locker room, even though they'd be inside
their own home stadium. But I know it's a huge,
huge advantage, especially if the Patriots go would end up
having sometimes is travel fatigue, Like if you're a Batsman

and you want to go see a Super Bowl, you're
probably gone by now, you know what I mean. And
I just don't know what people are really going to
spend the type of money that it would require to
get a Super Bowl ticket to then travel into you know,
from a cold weather site to an even colder weather
site to watch this gameplay. So I think it would
give the Vikings an advantage, But be careful what you
wish for, because think about all the distractions of having

the vice. I mean, and I say this, they're gonna
have to mitigate this for the vikings if they make
it look people are you know, it's not going to
be a normal life that you're living. You know, you're
around people all the time, and it's just gonna be
you know what I'm saying, You're not able to get
away and concentrate fully on the game. You know, you're
gonna have so many other things that are coming up,
potential distractions that take place in the Twin Cities if
you are playing the game there. So that's something that

Mike Zimmer and his staff really have to account for
to try to make sure that things don't get out
of control because of the hysteria that will ensue in
Minneapolis and St. Paul. What do you think is going
to happen with the open jobs in the NFL right now?
If you are predicting or what are you hearing about?
Who's going to get those gigs? Okay, Mike Munchak was
the guy the Arizona Cardinals wanted, and they they really
were going to hire him, Yeah, they really were. And

you know what ended up happening was and this is legit. Look,
anytime I see something Clay I'm like you, I'm extremely skeptical. Right,
And I see Mike Munchak put out a statement saying
that he's pulling out of this job for family concerns,
And I thought family concerns was Mike Comlin's family, since
he may be looking for a job on the road
in a year, and Mike Munchack would stay and potentially
replaced Mike Comlin if if Mike can't get his act
together with the stillers. That being said, this is apparent,

this is I mean, I'm oneent sure of this. It
actually was a legitimate family situation that caused Mike to
get cold feet about going out to Arizona. See and
the Cardinals, they were in no rush because they knew
that nobody else wanted to hire Mike Munchack. They knew
he was their guy, and they were He's a great dude.
Uh you know, he was the head coach here with
the Titans. I mean, just a really likable, straight shooter.

I I don't know anybody who doesn't like Mike Munchack,
So I didn't know how serious the Arizona Cardinals were
considering him. But he's just a genuinely good dude, right,
And now you're back to ground zero, and the Arizona
Cardinals options are not that great because if you go
with the John d Filippo, for example, are you gonna
make him do you know the Eagles offensive cord or
the quarterbacks coach, even young kid he's never had worked

with James Spector before, the defensive coordinator. Are you gonna
keep James on your staff? Is he going to run
the defense? And is d Philippo going to come in
on offense? And by the way, the skill position players
for the Cardinals, who knows how they fit into what
this guy wants to do. There's talk about Brian Flores
coming over from the New England Patriots. I couldn't pick
him out of a lineup, to be quite honest with you,
I know nothing about this guy and he's going to

run your team. I mean, I think Arizona at this
point there and they're in some trouble Tennessee right now,
though they're the ones that will probably hire Mike Rabel.
He is the leader in the clubhouse, has a previous
relationship with John Robinson and Clay Is. You know, as
I've said on your airwaves, changes were coming to that
Tennessee assistant coaching staff, and maybe Mike mclarkey wasn't even
all about aware of it, because remember, just like with
Mike Munchaik getting fired, Mike mclarkey getting canned in Tennessee

because he refused to make the type of changes on
his coaching staff that was being demanded by the GM
and by and by team ownership, No doubt at all.
Appreciate you as always, Alex Marvez. We'll talk to you
next week. Sounds good. Thanks, and it's good to see
Jason at work right Yeah, no kidding. Joined the club.
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ladies and gentlemen. I'm just glad. I was scared, boys
and girls. I thought he thought I was like this
enormous piece of chicken diarm times. I had an in
my space this is animal thunder doll, take it away,
Jason Martin. So this is just vindictive. This is a problem.

Back on January four, four days ago, a New Jersey
State trooper was tested by a python. A New Jersey
State trooper tested by a python where near a highway
toll booth Bloomfield trooper responded for a python dropped in
a toll collector's basket. Is what the call was actually

reported to To this guy who actually responded to it,
it had not actually been left in a toll collector's basket,
but a maintenance worker had found it in a broken
aquarium on the side to the road near the tolls.
The turper then grabs the python by the tail, uses
an expandable baton to lift part of it up, slides
it into a partition area in the back seat of
the vehicle, secures it, takes it to an exotic pet sanctuary.

The reason I mentioned this we all hate toll booths.
We hate having to deal with toll roads. Luckily it's
not something we have to deal with the Nashville but
every time you go to Florida, if you go to Orlando,
that's the whole point of going to Orlando is to
deal with all these tolls and pay thirty extra bucks
just to drive around. So you're telling me, at least
from the way I read this, that this dude that

somebody hated tolls enough that they just dropped a python
off by the toll booth, and not a small python either,
a venomous large python right there to potentially attack a
tollbooth worker when they showed up for work. That is hatred.
I think if you if the guy had actually put
the python in the toll booth, I think he should

go to prison for the rest of his life. I
don't know what else that guy's into, but I'm confident
that he's into some freaky stuff. Not gonna roll with it.
He should definitely go to prison forever, never get out,
just like the guy who smuggled the cobras in the
Pringles Cans should never be able to get out. Did
you see this, by the way, an alligator speaking of pythons,
and alligator and a python got in a battle on

a Naples golf course, like they were fighting with each
other right beside the golf course. Yeah, look like the
alligator one from what I saw. But it's horrifying because
if you just walked up on it, it's just an
alligator with a python like over top of it, like
trying to wrap around it. That's the last time I'm
golfing in Naples. Well. Also that we've had a couple
of Naples stories. The guy got attacked by the bear. There.

Term's the other thing about these pictures. The guys are
playing golf and one of the guys is taking a
drop like five feet from the alligator and the python fighting.
This guy must have balls of steel. I mean, like,
first of all, maybe give him a free you play.
Maybe just say, okay, you don't have to take a drop,
like We'll give you a few feet like you can maybe,

you know, hit the ball somewhere else. You look at
this picture on click Orlando dot com is where I'm
seeing this right now, and the guy is literally taking
a drop to play his ball. It can't be more
than five or ten feet at most from this alligator
python mortal death struggle here. Yeah, it's bad. It's really bad.
You Actually, when you really look at the photo, it

looks like the python circles the alligator, but the alligator
has part of the python's face in its mouth. Like
in that same shot that you're talking about where the
guys dropping the ball, which I'm looking at right now,
the python is in the alligator's mouth at that point,
so it looks like the gator has the upper hand,
which I guess if you think that you can take

down an alligator with elbows. That means you should probably
be able to take down a python by the transitive property. Well,
I don't think. First of all, the transitive property doesn't
work in sports, as we all know. Secondly, I don't
believe the my art him it is that I can
go after the vital organs of the alligator by turning
him over and it would go to sleep, so it
wouldn't be able to fight me. I don't think that
same situation would apply with a python. By the way,

did you also see this Eagles fan Taylor Hendricks. He
was arrested for punching a police horse outside of the
Eagles win. I'm not sure that there's more. I'm not
sure there's more of an Eagles fan story than a
drunk guy who punched the police horse outside the stadium.
That's hideous. I mean, they booed Santa Claus, so what

this isn't that much worse? But yeah, what did the
what did uh the police horse do to you? What? Possibly?
That's just mean, That's just flat out mean. That's like
me growing up. I had a friend of mine. We
were we were mischievous, and we had like a paintball
gun and we were on a wheel and he just
went straight up and went I first into a cow
with the paintball, and the cow just stared at him.

I thought that was about the cruelest thing I've ever heard.
But just punching a police police horse, come on, indefensible,
totally what I would expect the Philadelphia Eagles fan to do.
That's why I'm frankly rooting for the Vikings this weekend.
You punch a police horse, you don't deserve to go
to the super Bowl. It's a simple rule, but I
think it's a just one, just like making Jason Martin
watch Sports Center six for not showing up at work.
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