All Episodes

May 7, 2024 42 mins

Covino & Rich finish their thoughts on the huge Roast of Tom Brady! Covino explains how he could have attended at the Forum, but chose not to break plans with family. Rich disagrees with the move & an argument ensues! They have a big announcement about their next Graduate live broadcast! 'LAST ONE STANDING' is so good that it goes into OT! Plus, NBA stars in Minnesota & New York, born right before our eyes!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Hey, thanks for listening to the Covino and Rich Podcast.
Be sure to catch us live every weekday from five
to seven Eastern to the four Pacific on Fox Sports Radio.
Find your local station for Covino Rich at Fox Sportsradio
dot com, or stream us live every day on the
iHeartRadio app by searching FSR. Oh yeah, Hey, Canelo, we're

on the air. WHOA, How was a good fight over
the weekend? You're in a nail? We exactly his plan,
but still a good fight. We have UFC three oh
one in the news. Oh well, if you talk about it, kid,
you keep it Kevin Hart.

Speaker 2 (00:38):
Oh keep it short, no problem. It was a good joke.

Speaker 1 (00:41):
I heard yes night bus save our number eight seven,
seven ninety nine on Fox because we're gonna ask you
guys to call in a little bit because we're giving
away prizes this hour, last one standing, we get some trivia,
some swiggys. We gotta talk turning down things for something
better or no. But we'd be rocking out here on

the Covino and Rich Show, Fox Sports Radio, broadcasting live
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Speaker 2 (01:15):
The way tire buying should.

Speaker 1 (01:17):
Be now, I think we could move past the Tom
Brady roast. Any final observations or obvious servations, things you observed,
you know, put it this way. If you didn't watch
it yet, because it aired live yesterday, it was a
good time.

Speaker 2 (01:33):
It was funny. I'm not even done with it.

Speaker 1 (01:34):
But again, I saw the highlights on social media, the reaction,
the general consensus. Everybody loved it and it went off
really well. Nicki Glazers the MVP, but props to everybody
who got up there. Pound for pound, we're saying Ben
Affleck struggled was the worst because he came off angry.
But again, you be the judge eight seven seven ninety

nine on Fox, and again after today's show, our podcast
goes up, So search Covino and Rich wherever you get
your podcasts and follow, rate and review Covino and Rich.
I think sometimes the indication, Cavino, of someone really caring
about you is them doing something out of their comfort
zone for you. And I thought that was really really

cool of like you said, Randy Moss, to get up
there even though he felt uncomfortable. But the fact that
Bill Belichick was like, I'll do the roast, right, and
the fact that he got up there with jokes and
everything just shows you that while we, you know, we
the media and fans and everyone who were like, oh,
they hate each other, there's a mutual respect there. Where
Bill Belichick flew out to La, got jokes handed to him,

memorized them, got him on the prompter, and delivered a roast.
Doesn't that just tell you that.

Speaker 3 (02:51):
Had a drink with Gronk and Brady for the first
time ever they did shots.

Speaker 1 (02:55):
A drink with them and Robber Kraft.

Speaker 3 (02:57):
Yeah, and bringing Belichick out to age was a very
shy ron Burgundy.

Speaker 1 (03:03):
By the way, pound for pound, I didn't love ron Burgundy,
only because Will Ferrell to me is like top tier comedy.
I think I thought it was good, ultra respectful. And
I'm not saying this because I don't like them. I
love them, but I expected more from Burt and Sigura.
Oh yeah, Bert, because they're so great. But it kind
of wasn't that funny. But again, we're just being extra critical.

These are our observations and also this sentiment on social media.
I'm not the only guy saying that. It's just because
the expectations were so high, because they're so funny, you
know again, pound for pound, I don't think they brought
it as much as you would have.

Speaker 3 (03:36):
Just the way your friend Bert was cracking up and
snorting it was pretty.

Speaker 1 (03:40):
Yeah, he's always fun I say that again, say that respectfully,
like they're great to us, but you gotta be fair
about it, right, You can't. It's like, you know, when
you're a reporter, like Rob Parker would always you know
from the couple saying fair, I'm stunk it up. When
he was on the beat right about baseball, He's like,
just because I liked the player, I had to screwed
him stray when they wash and yes, again respectfully, you

know why I didn't know. There was only one person
on the daist that I had never heard of, and
it was the black lesbian girl, sam Jam who they
jokingly said checked off like every box. Yeah, no, she
brought it to She was good. She was good, but
I was I was unaware of her, and I feel like,
I'm pretty he brought it. It takes a lot to
get up there and and you're playing his balancing act

of crossing the line and not at the same time.

Speaker 2 (04:27):
So that's just our observation. Take it for what it is.

Speaker 4 (04:31):

Speaker 1 (04:32):
Kevin Hart was a good master of ceremony. Yeah. Side
story is big Mike, who runs this place probably went
through a long list of people who and got to
me and he asked me if I wanted to go
with them to the roast, and I'm sure I was
like fifth on his list. Respectfully, here's the deal. It's

a whole story too. Then I fell asleep watching the
Yankee game. I didn't get back to him. I felt
bad about that. It's a whole story. He's like, oh,
you want to come or not? I was like, oh, sorry, man,
it was a rain delay. But I had asked my
sister and her kids to come over. It was Sinko
demayo now, which is I'm not saying it holds extra weight,

but Christmas Keith, So I celebrate, yeah, celebrate. Yeah. I
had plans and tackles on my mind. Tackles on my mind,
Oh the day longest tuckles on my mind with my
mind and my money and my tuckles on my mind.
This is ridiculous, This is ridiculous. Can you let me
finish the story, you blabber mouth. I can't wait.

Speaker 3 (05:36):
Giermo was at the roast celebrating Sinko Tomayo there.

Speaker 1 (05:40):
Yeah, he had dope ass seats right there in the
front row. You no think Mike did. No, But that's
not why I chose to say, I don't dam I'm
gonna make it man. So Mike hets me up and
again day of day of here, I got tickets to
the Tom Brady Roast, and I was like, ah, no, way,

really tomorrow. First I got to say I was honored.
I'm like, Mike calling me up. That's very nice. I
love Mike. I'm glad the mutual feelings mutual. I thought
about it, and I told my sister and the kids
to come by. My daughter gets excited when the kids
come by. The kids get excited when when they come by.

Speaker 2 (06:24):
We're gonna have.

Speaker 1 (06:25):
Tacos, celebrate our culture, have some fun, just play some music.
And I was like, I already got plans. I'm not
going to something else. I'm hosting these plans. You know what, Mike, respectfully,
I'm sure you'll find someone else that wants to go.

Speaker 2 (06:41):
This is gonna be a big deal. I can't go.

Speaker 1 (06:44):
Man. I already told my family that that they can
come by and all that stuff. This So now this
poses a question because in retrospect, In retrospect, after seeing
all the people that were there and how great it was,
we just talked about it for you know, thirty five
minutes back, how much fun it was. Kim Kardashian too,
Bert Kreischer, you name it, from Bill Belichick to Rob Gronkowski.

Legends were out right. Peyton Manning. Peyton Manning was there,
Ben Asflex was there, Will Ferrell, Ron Burgundy, and Steve
Cavino was not. I was like, oh now I got
deniers remorse. I denied the invite. Did you look at
the audience? Dane Cook, Shane Gillis, but Dana White like it.
It was a start event. I'm not saying that the

tickets and where they were influenced my decision, but Mike
didn't have like tickets at a table next to Dane Cook,
Ormo or who's our pal from Talk Soup, Joel McHale. Yeah.
I kept seeing Joel McHale there. You know, It's not
like it was there and I was gonna be palling

around Rich Eisen. That's not how it was. You would
have been in the stands and I would have had
binoculars on like I think I see Kim Kardashian's treeks.
So that's not again what influenced my decision. I had plans,
and I was like, I can't blow them off. So
the question now is can you blow off plans for
something better? And I'm pretty adamant that you can't. Kim.

Mike said, yeah, you know, even though it was tough,
I respected your decisions. This ridiculous answer, I think you.
I think it speaks volumes that you're willing to deny
your original plan for the upgrade. And I think that's
the problem with society. I think that's why you're seeing
young people not get married. I think that's why you're
seeing young people in non committed relationships because they're always

waiting for that upgrade, for something better. That's what you
see why you see people bouncing around from party to party,
never satisfied, because they're always thinking something's better. What is
your mostr favorite toy as a kid? Was man? Was it? Stretch? Armstrong? Beuse?
That is one hell of a stretch?

Speaker 2 (08:47):
Good good good?

Speaker 1 (08:49):
If it were Christmas Eve, your your blow off plans
that you made with somebody because something better came up. Yes,
I think that's what a what a front running wienie does.
I stay true and it wasn't easy decision. It wasn't easy,
and I think I did the right thing. So let
me get this straight. This is not Christmas Eve doesn't

always feel good. This is not Christmas Eve. It's not
someone's birthday. It's not a big event or big holiday.
This is a Sunday that you were going to have
your nieces and sister over. And you told me you
ate it like cactus taka, which is like a little stand.
You got takeout food. I got take out, so take
out tacos? What This is not a big plan to adjust.

It's your sister. Now. If it were a plan, like hey,
big summer barbecue.

Speaker 2 (09:36):
And she bought for all that stuff.

Speaker 1 (09:38):
I'll let you finish big summer barbecue, our holiday. Kidding me.
If this was a punch, that punch count word for word.
You know how much you talk, So let me get
a word and I'm telling the story. That's the story.
I think it's important that my sister was again preparing
and what did you prepare? She was bringing food and stuff. Yeah,

what did she bring? She brought her chips and everything else.
Thanks for her kids, chips and dip. I mean, I
don't know how that matters. It does canceling the plan
or now it does? They brought dessert? You know, they
brought things for the kids. How does that does that?
How does that matter a factor into it does to
the level of the plane rich especially if you're hosting

the place level. It makes you such a d bag
to cancel because you got tickets to something else. By
the way, it's in retrospect, you didn't know that was
going to be that big of a deal. How did
you not? Howm Brady roast Because you didn't. It's only
in retrospect that you can say, Man, everybody showed up.
What did you think it would be a low key
thing live on Netflix three hour special? I know it
was going to be that big of a deal. Well,

point is it's not a holiday. You didn't even mention
it once leading up. It's not a holiday to my house.
It's not a holiday, dude. It's something that people celebrate.
And yes, I'm of Mexican descent, so I celebrate. You
don't have the day off fun. It's a fun thing,
so it is to me. It's not a holiday Madiacchi music.

Just because you don't care doesn't mean I don't have
fun with it. You had your sister, a close family member,
my only family member here. If you had have had
twenty people, I think you're justifying, like your a whole behavior. No,
is you to cancel for something better? Don't you see
the different spot? Do you only see the difference of
I'm having twenty people over planned barbecue, planned event versus
my sister's coming over for tacos? Yes, Like it's so

everyone's looking at you with the same look in the studio,
like it's not easy to do the right thing sometimes.
So I think I still think I did. If I
think your sister would understand, would have understood because she's
my sister. But is that the right thing to do?
Hold on grace, of course you would have understood. I
got a ticket to the Tom Brady Roast, Yes, but
I bought tostitos. You're not factoring a lot of things.
I'm there with my kid. These are special moments. I'm

trying to get her in touch with her heritage, trying
to have a special day I'm sorry. I can't I
kill that. I can't allow you saying ordering out tacos
is getting in touch with your heritage.

Speaker 2 (11:55):
I'm not making them.

Speaker 1 (11:56):
Let's stop, Jimmy wayn you're really downplaying it. So and
just because you're an doesn't mean that. I just wish
people realize you're getting type of guy that has a
plan and says, you know what, something better came up.

Speaker 2 (12:07):
I'm out.

Speaker 1 (12:08):
You know, like like the corny ass wrestling thing you
went to this weekend, we could have went to the
moon Gia Fiber. You're like, no, I'm going to the
wrestling convention. You dip that on. That shows what an aile.

Speaker 5 (12:18):
You prevented him from getting in touch with his roots.
I know Canelos Mexican.

Speaker 1 (12:22):
Hey, there's true to that. So you can make fun
of it and sound like a jerk, but I'm serious
when I tell you my thing said appreciates those things.

Speaker 5 (12:28):
If you had gone to the fight, you wouldn't have
heard Iowa Saan's great though.

Speaker 2 (12:31):
So well, anyway, let's talk to take. And I didn't
make those.

Speaker 1 (12:36):
You know, I did make those other plans way before,
so according to that, you should be like you stuck
to you, then you should have admired me for sticking.
Those are whack ass plants. So according to the according
to everybody hung out with no name wrestlers all weekend.
So I hung out with my good high school friends
that I've known for thirty years. Yeah, and you can
see them anytime too. Can you blow around the country?
Can you blow off plans if something better comes? The answers, Yes,

I say that's a whole behavior. Rich is saying I
dropped the ball. Do I feel bad about it? Yes?
Of course, I'm like, ah, Man, Mike had a blast anyway,
he was there, he had he had a blast, He
went regardless. Jimmy, you're on the show Covino and Rich
a seven seven ninety nine on Fox. What's up, Jimmy? Yeah,
what's up? At them?

Speaker 6 (13:19):
Almost happy? Uh?

Speaker 1 (13:22):
Save them?

Speaker 6 (13:23):
Also, but not a holiday I got. I gotta say, dude,
for real, It's like, you guys. You know, I know
you guys. You guys are great guys, great great uh
you know, relationship guys with your with your wife, your girlfriend,
great dad's, great great siblings, great sons to your parents.
You know, you guys are great guys. But Rich is

so wrong. On this because yeah, and I agree with Cavino,
but Rich, you went to like this wrestling con deal
when you could have gone to Canelo, and you can't
say that always Cook my boys, your boys would have
gone with you to Vegas.

Speaker 1 (13:56):
And you would have been They would have under showed
that you had work and we could have went to
the fight.

Speaker 2 (14:00):
They wouldn't have understood.

Speaker 1 (14:02):
Yeah, but it was it was me choosing a plan
I made, Okay, and that's what I did. You plan
no plans that involved flights and hotels and all this
stuff versus versus your sister coming over with the Redoms.
How are you not understated? Like Mike. First of all,
I'm only saying is to make it clear to people
that don't know. I only have one family member here
in LA and family that much. So this was a

chance to see family and a chance to have phone
with my kid while I have her. You could have
went to the Tom Brady Roast with Mike, and I
think your sister would have said, oh, of course I
would have. Of course, there's no doubt about that. Of Course,
in the moment, I'm like, eh, I'm sticking to my guns.

Speaker 2 (14:40):
It's it's sometimes it's easier to be.

Speaker 1 (14:42):
Lazy, you know, am I glad I did judge, you
know how judging the Tom Brady roast, we said, you
have to play it. You have to almost do it
by pound for pound. Like Ben Affleck you expect more
from because he's an actor versus Randy Moss. I think
you also have to weigh the caliber of the plans.
If it's a party where twenty people are coming in,
it's that you already. Even Mike was like, I don't
think the tickets are that good, but I don't know.

So it's like she didn't know. And and by the way,
we didn't know that it was going to be that
magnificent of an event. You're only speaking based on how
much hype it got afterward. It's not like everybody was
talking about it leading up to it. I saw like
two promos leading up to this thing. I mean it
was a big deal. You didn't see anything leading up
to it? No, really, no, not advertising all. You're on

Knox Sports every day. You didn't bring it up once
last week, so I wasn't on Friday for weekend hub them.
I was like, that was that would have been the
big thing. You talk about trash every day. You could
have brought that up every day you talk about the
trash you watch. I got to hear about American Idol,
but you didn't bring that up. It was a big deal.
COVID was in my notes for a weekend hobnobbing. But

since Iowa samplayed intro.

Speaker 3 (15:50):
That took a minute and then no, no, I'm just
saying I talked about the nuggets really fast.

Speaker 1 (15:54):
I did much. Yeah, I had it.

Speaker 3 (15:56):
There's a second thing on my list, and I was
so mad when I didn't.

Speaker 1 (15:58):
Get to it. By the way, the other side factor
of the story was if I would have known, like
the day before and Mike got last minute noticed too. Though.
If I would have known the day before, then I
would have been like, yeah, you know, me more time
to do that. But it was day of and I
was like, eh, like I said it was, it was
just easier to be like, ah, man, you know, so

get this.

Speaker 2 (16:21):
We'll take your feedback and phone calls.

Speaker 1 (16:23):
The question is based on that, based on not going
to the Tom Brady Riss when I had the opportunity.
Can you blow off plans, your original plans because something
better came up? You know? Is that fair? Is that
the way to be or do you stay committed to
your plans? Well, speaking of think about it. Speaking of plans, Well,
we have a plan to play a game. Well, we

planned to play a game, but I just got a
text from the bus that we got the green light
to talk about a live broadcast we're going to do
next Friday, not this Friday, Friday the seventeen.

Speaker 2 (16:55):
I hope nothing better comes up, because Rich might not go.

Speaker 1 (16:58):
No, it's possible.

Speaker 3 (16:59):
Yeah, I hope that other wrestling convention doesn't happen. Allright,
second appearent's at a Graduate hotel.

Speaker 1 (17:06):
We're gonna be I'll give I'll give you. I got
the address if you want to now you know what,
give everyone quick details that will break and come back
and play a game and give away something.

Speaker 2 (17:13):
So if you want to win, you want to play.

Speaker 1 (17:15):
Eight seven to seven, nine to nine on Fox is
the number if you want in on last one standing. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (17:21):
Covino and Rich Show broadcasting live from the Graduate and Eugene, Oregon,
two Fridays from now May seventeenth, from two to four pm,
sixty six East sixth Avenue. That's sixty six East sixth
Avenue there in Eugene, three six yeah, I know two
to four pm and then a special happy hour from
four to six.

Speaker 1 (17:40):
So from what I understand, we're gonna do the show
maybe with listeners around. But the two to four I'll
find out about. But I do know there'll be a
four to six pm happy hour party with Coveno on
Rich and Fox Sports. Are you four to six pm?
Four to six pm Local time.

Speaker 5 (17:57):
Live show two to four join us toy out for
an exclusive happy hour afterwards.

Speaker 1 (18:02):
There go prefect. We'll get it that way. So we'll
do the show and then after the show, I'll have
some cocktails, chop it up, have fun, four to six pm, Eugene,
Oregon Graduate Hotel. But Bam, make the plans. We'll put
it out there on social media to remind you and
we'll play a game next if you want to in
Oh yeah.

Speaker 5 (18:19):
And if you want to take photos with Rich, we'll
hand out as numbers. Nice take weird photos.

Speaker 1 (18:23):
Any females who want to go wear a beret that
please do eight seven, seven, nine nine one Fox We
got more. Oh, Swiggy Swiggys Covino and Rich next and
a Swiggy is on the lines. We'll get to that
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Speaker 4 (19:26):
Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in
the nation. Catch all of our shows at Foxsports Radio
dot com and within the iHeartRadio app search FSR to
listen live.

Speaker 1 (19:40):
Hey, I'm Doug Gottlieb. The podcast is called All Ball.
We usually talk all basketball all the time, but it's
more about the stories about what made these people love
their sport and all the interesting interactions along the way.
We talked to coaches, we talked to players. We tell
you stories. You download it, you listen to it. I
think you like it. Listen to All Ball with Doug

Gottlieb on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts or wherever you
get your podcast. All right, Cavino and Rich tight like
Lelo and Stitch, Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 2 (20:22):
And there was lots of battles this weekend.

Speaker 1 (20:26):
UFC three oh one Canelo Mungia, big win for Canelo,
big fight for Mugia. He still battled, but the biggest battle,
biggest battle Kendrick Lamartin Drake, Oh my goodness, can you
no hit me up? Over the weekend? Well, I was
watching something and you were insinuating, like what if this
did end up like a Tupac Biggie thing where we're
assuming it's all fun and games, but they're taking low

blows about They're saying things like pedophilia and women and
family and name like it's it's getting weird. Accusations are
creepy and weird and dark and yeah that all this
isn't this weekend. This is like MGK and eminem just
like making fun of each other.

Speaker 2 (21:04):
No, not at all, but lots of about.

Speaker 1 (21:08):
I think either of these guys are gonna grab a
weapon though, but maybe someone in there camp because there's
some character defamation. They're trying to end each other's career.
That's what's going on in the reputation that you this Danny,
I really don't care. But if you go anywhere the
New York Times, CNN, every major platform has today released Ay,

here's what you need to know, like almost a breakdown
for the for the average fan, it poses the question
too of like, well, where is the line and what's appropriate?
And I realized something over the weekend. If you package
it in the form of a dish track or a roast,
anything goes you. Yeah, it's like, hey, I could use
words in terms that we haven't used in years because

it's in the form of a roast, and hey, we
reap the benefits by having good music and and a
funny show, So whatever hope you had a good weekend.
Cavino and Rich we got games to yeah, before we
get to last one standing, one quick final call about
can you cancel plans if something better comes along? And
it's not about one upping, it's hey, if you got
casualt that mindset. We used to hang with the girl,

right and she would always leave, you know why, because
a better party came up all the time, And that's
like a bad character trade. Are you in the hang
or are you looking at the clock and at your
phone all night because you're thinking something better than what
else's doing. Now, I agree with that, but I feel
like if it's a casual like oh, me and my
sister and my buddy were just hanging around watching the game,
and someone else knows I have concert tickets last minute,

I think your friends or family member would agree. Melvin, Ohio,
wrap it up.

Speaker 7 (22:39):
I disagree entirely. I think it's such a douchebag move
to break out plans or even have booking plans when
you're going to see somebody.

Speaker 1 (22:47):
No, give me a give me a favorite, give me
your favorite team, Melvin.

Speaker 7 (22:50):
My favorite team is Bears.

Speaker 4 (22:52):

Speaker 1 (22:52):
Okay, So if you said to your buddy, hey man,
maybe we'll grab a I don't know, lunch today. And
someone from work is like, Melvin, I got fifty yard
line seats for the Bears. You'd stick to, like a
plan to go get a sandwich at your friend at
a principle.

Speaker 7 (23:07):
Yeah, especially if I had this plan for more than
a day or two. My friend, I'm not gonna tell him,
I'll dude, something better came up. I got to go.
That's just, you know, because he might have had plans
that he counseled because he told me we.

Speaker 1 (23:18):
Take a squeak character. It's all circumstantial, Melvin, I appreciate
it is. They tell you how many times my brother
would be like, I'd be yo, bro, I thought you
were hanging out with your buddies, Like, yeah, they decided
to do something else, and I'd feel bad for him
all the time. I'm like, what so they they left
you flat? It was, as we used to say, for
something better, an exception, friends, I'm gonna make an except
kind of friends. Do that exception. And if you don't

agree to the Nash shows again, it speaks volumes. If
you don't agree with this exception, we're cut from different cloths.
And by the way, Tom Brady is not my Chicago Bears.
It's the signing scale of what's a priority too. I
know we got her all. There's one exception, Danny, I'll
never ever get mad at a buddy if he cancels
plans with me for some hot booty. If some if
one of my buddies like, yo, dude, I know we haves,

but some girls like come over my place. I need you,
I'd be like, dude, I got go. There you go.
There's the exception. I was Sam, hit it.

Speaker 7 (24:09):
Hit it.

Speaker 4 (24:10):
You have five seconds to battle for your sports trivia love.
Put your electronic devices down and pick your sports knowledge.

Speaker 1 (24:25):
It's CNRS. Last one standing, Last one standing.

Speaker 3 (24:30):
All right, I have four categories ready to go if
needed a tiebreaker. Each contestant gets five seconds to stay
alive in the round. If you run out of time
or you answer incorrectly, Iowa, Sam is going to escort
you out with his famous buzzer. We keep battling until
you are the last one standing. If you win two
of the rounds, you are the top dog. Here are
the contestants. Two time winner Steve Covino, so the right

of him, the guy who thought about canceling this game
on US three time winner Rich Davis better games, He
has better plans to go to right now.

Speaker 1 (25:04):
If I win, I get at if I win getting
in touch with this area and playing Last One Standing
for the first time ever. Isaac Low and Crome thing, alright,
that's late, you know, because you guys have no heritage.
You guys have lame ass heritage. And Jonas drop I
was talking about my daughter getting in touch with her heritage,
not me having a taco and signal to my is

not gonna help her get in touch with their heritage.

Speaker 3 (25:28):
Let's go to the studio line. So we got to
see who's gonna play for Coloney Sandwiches. You can see
who's gonna play for a CNR stainless steel Swiggy. It
is Russ in Florida.

Speaker 1 (25:36):
Yo, Russ, what's up man? Hey Russ?

Speaker 7 (25:39):
Hey guys, how you doing?

Speaker 1 (25:40):
Heybody? Thank you? Thank you? What do you do there
for a living Russ?

Speaker 7 (25:44):
I am an irrigation specialist from Florida?

Speaker 1 (25:47):
Nice man? All right?

Speaker 3 (25:48):
Cool spot is the fact checker during this game. A
very important part of Last One Standing?

Speaker 5 (25:52):
Is it a rate a lot tether? Yeah, irrigation special Yeah,
that's true.

Speaker 1 (26:00):
Hey Russ, if you can pick up your handset.

Speaker 3 (26:02):
Okay, all right, appreciate it. Here's the first category. Tuddy's
on top. Oh no, you have five seconds to name
an NFL QB who's on the top twenty five list
for most career touchdowns. Aaron Rodgers top twenty five. You
know how the game works, is no, No, Isaac's never played.

I'm gonna go in order here. It's almost like a draft,
and then you'll get your five seconds. Okay, let Isaac
go first. It's actually Coveno up first.

Speaker 1 (26:32):
I'll go who was roasted last night? Tom Brady number one?
All right, number one on the board. Rich, your turn,
I'll go Drew Brees, number number two of you in
order now? All right, Low and Crown, Now it's your turn.
I guess Aaron Rodgers. I think you've been active. Okay
Aaron Rodgers, yea, yeah, good job, Russ. Dan Marino, Dan

Marino would be number seven, going good so far? Covino.

Speaker 2 (26:59):
Let's Peyton Manning. Peyton Manny would be number three.

Speaker 1 (27:05):
Rich, Philip Rivers Philip Rivers would be number six. Low
and Cron Steve Young. Steve Young would not be on
this list. Oh, Matt sorry, always like Montana better. Well
that was my answer. That was my There you go,
number number nineteen, Russ and Florida, Roburger, Oh yeah, number eight,

Big Ben and Coved.

Speaker 2 (27:30):
What'd you say, Joe Montana, Yeah all right.

Speaker 1 (27:33):
Rich, Mattie Ice, Matt Ryan.

Speaker 5 (27:35):
Matt Ryan would be number nine, Russ, Dan Fout, Yeah,
number twenty three.

Speaker 1 (27:43):
Cono, Rett Farv Brett Farve is number four. Back to Rich.
He took my answer. That was the one I had
in the holster, the chamber. Three. Matthew Stafford.

Speaker 2 (27:54):
Matthew Stafford, Yeah, number eleven.

Speaker 1 (27:56):
Nice Pool Russ.

Speaker 7 (28:02):
I'll throwing out Franks.

Speaker 1 (28:05):
Yeah, twelve, wow, nice Coveno Jim Kelly, Jim Kelly, No, sorry,
this list all right, it's between Rich and Russ, Rich,
John Haway, John Ellie fourteen good one Russ.

Speaker 7 (28:19):
I thought Troy.

Speaker 1 (28:21):
Troy on this list. No, No, that was Rich the
last one. Stand.

Speaker 3 (28:28):
It's funny, Yes, yes, it's funny, he said eight.

Speaker 1 (28:34):

Speaker 5 (28:34):
But Tony Romo is going on the list at the bottom.
I had, I had Romo on No one, said Eli Manning.

Speaker 1 (28:42):

Speaker 3 (28:42):
How about Ross Master Drew Bledsoe, Yeah, he was twenty
four on the left. Wow, yeah, Johnny Unitas, Carson Palmer,
Russell Wilson, An Say, Kirk Cousins.

Speaker 2 (28:53):
No, no, yeah, wow. I didn't think he'd be there yet.

Speaker 3 (28:56):
All right, good job, Rich. We move on to the
second category. It's called steal the victory, not steal the victory,
steal the victory. You have five seconds to name an
NBA player who's on the top twenty five for most
career steals in the playoffs.

Speaker 1 (29:11):
A lot of stars.

Speaker 3 (29:11):
There's a lot of stars on this list, top twenty
five and steals in the playoffs.

Speaker 8 (29:15):
Russ, Michael Jordan's Michael Jordan, Yes, number three, three, yeah,
all right, And then it goes to low and Krawn.

Speaker 1 (29:27):
Lebron, James, Lebron, James, number one, number one, Rich Uh
Tony Parker, Tony Parker, No really, I have other people.
I was just trying to get Mike wo I'm going
on Draymond Green on Thismond Green.

Speaker 3 (29:49):
Yeah, yeah, Draymond's on there, twenty one, all right, Russ,
John Stockton, yes, sir, number five on the list.

Speaker 1 (30:00):
The people on my list, all right, Loan Crown, Kobe Bryant,
he's got to be on the list. Number three, yes, nice.

Speaker 3 (30:11):
Coveno would say Magic Johnson Magic number four?

Speaker 1 (30:15):
Russ, Oh.

Speaker 7 (30:20):
No, but one of our names of this one have aut.

Speaker 3 (30:24):
H three kid Yeah, yeah, good one seventh slip Yeah,
last second poll there Low and Crown.

Speaker 1 (30:32):
Steve Nash, Steve Nash not you know, because I feel
like not enough playoff games?

Speaker 8 (30:41):
Really, you know?

Speaker 1 (30:42):
All right? It's between Russ and Covino.

Speaker 3 (30:44):
Cove'll go Larry Bird, Larry Bird. Yeah, number eight, you
were thinking that too, Russ. All right, Russ, we got
five seconds to stay alive.

Speaker 4 (30:57):
How about Alan?

Speaker 1 (30:59):
Even a last one standing? Is Coveno in that round?
Chris Paul? Chris Paul? Yeah?

Speaker 2 (31:10):
Number eleven? Yeah, that was all right.

Speaker 1 (31:13):
We got a rush into the third category here.

Speaker 3 (31:15):
Pippin number two your favorite Broadway show? Oh no, Scott,
all right, laundry leaders. You have five seconds to name
an NFL team who led the league in most penalties
between the twenty twenty three and twenty twenty four seasons.
Going to take the top sixteen and Covino you're up first.

Speaker 1 (31:36):
Vot your Raiders.

Speaker 3 (31:39):
No, they've cleaned up their penalties the last couple of years.

Speaker 1 (31:43):
This is such an arbitrary list. I love it and Hitch,
the New.

Speaker 3 (31:46):
York Jets, number one, number one, number one, Low and Crown.

Speaker 1 (31:52):
The Jets, Sorry, the Cowboys, the Cowboys, Cowboys, Cowboys.

Speaker 3 (31:57):
Yes, third on the list, all right, Russ, Cleveland Brown, Yeah,
number two, number two.

Speaker 1 (32:05):
Again arbitrary. Philadelphia Eagles, Eagles. What are we coming off at?

Speaker 2 (32:11):
Are we said?

Speaker 1 (32:12):
Twenty five fifteen? It cuts off their that. No, I
can't tell you.

Speaker 3 (32:20):
Eagles are Eagles on this No, I lost my count now, no,
Eagles are not all right, So it comes down to
Low and Krown and Russ.

Speaker 1 (32:28):
Then am I next? Yes?

Speaker 8 (32:31):
Bears, Yes, nice, Russ, Texans, Texans, Yes, number four, nice, Low.

Speaker 1 (32:44):
And Crown, the Buffalo Bills, Bills, number.

Speaker 3 (32:48):
Back to Russ, Alanda, Falcons, Falcons.

Speaker 1 (32:57):
So we got to go bonus round.

Speaker 3 (32:59):
Yeah, Russ is the last one standing, all right, all right,
so three way tie Rich Covino, Russ quickly to the
fourth category.

Speaker 2 (33:05):
That's his opponus F five is.

Speaker 3 (33:07):
The bonus Yeah, deepest of the deep is this category.
You have five seconds to name a major league baseball
team who led the league in homers last season. Gonna
take the top fifteen, all right, and Russ, you are
up first in this category.

Speaker 1 (33:20):
Go off.

Speaker 3 (33:22):
Yankee Yankees, yep, yes, sir, Low and Crown, Dodgers Dodgers
number two, Yeah, Rich.

Speaker 1 (33:29):
Bravos, the Braves, yeap, number one, Coveno, red Socks, red Socks.

Speaker 3 (33:35):
Not on the list, Nath Sorry, sorry, Cove, Russ, Dodgers already.

Speaker 1 (33:44):
Dodgers taken three.

Speaker 5 (33:47):
Two Astros Yeah, Low and Crown Phillies Phillies right below
the Astros Rich.

Speaker 1 (33:56):
Rich Orioles.

Speaker 3 (33:58):
Uh no, there are two teams under the list.

Speaker 1 (34:04):
Sorry about that, Russ.

Speaker 7 (34:10):
How about Toronto Blue Game?

Speaker 1 (34:14):
No, just I mean Low and Low and Crown.

Speaker 2 (34:22):
Shame on you for not saying the Mets the last
one standing.

Speaker 1 (34:25):
He's the last one somebody? He only won? Low and Crime.
Did you get one round or two?

Speaker 3 (34:30):
I think I just got that one right, Yeah, So
it's a yeah. So you've got to go to the
tiebreak category.

Speaker 1 (34:37):
You know what.

Speaker 5 (34:37):
I've never had to pull up a tiebreaker. Crazy crazy
By the way, the.

Speaker 1 (34:42):
Mets, I guess just based on Peter Lozzo and Lindor alone.

Speaker 3 (34:44):
Right, But guys, we don't have time for them. We
don't have to do the tie break on the way back.
So that tiebreaker, hold off the phone, Russ. We'll go
to Low and Crown's update and we'll do the tie.

Speaker 2 (34:54):
Breaker time in Last one Standing History.

Speaker 1 (34:56):
Nice again, Covino and Rich live from the tyrack dot
COM's two. Let's go to Isaac. What's up, Bud?

Speaker 9 (35:01):
All right, fellas in Minnesota December, we'll say Rudy Gobert
is questionable for Game two of the West Semis tonight
at Denver due to personal reasons. They didn't disclose additional details,
but ESPN reported Gobert's girlfriend gave birth this morning to
their first child, to baby boy. Gobert's present whereabouts are unknown.
It is also as yet unknown whether Gobert will attempt

to proceed to Denver for tonight's game. Tip Off is
at ten pm Eastern eight pm local time in Denver,
And with that in mind, a Twitter user with the
handle mfd apparently has it all planned out. MFD posted
ni quote, assuming Rudy needs two and a half hours
to eat a pregame meal, slash hydrate, slash take a deuce,

slash warm up properly, he'd need to land in Denver
by four thirty pm local time, unquote MFD weighing in anyway.
In Major League Baseball, the Philadelphia Affilies have just defeated
the San Francisco Giants six to one. Bryce Harper hit
his eighth home one of the season. Philly's on a
six game winning streak. They've won seventeen of twenty. This
is for you, Danny G. NFL media reporting that the

Las Vegas Raiders are signing former New Orleans Saints starting
offensive lineman andrews Pete. The Raiders also signed former Los
Angeles Chargers receiver Jalen Guiden.

Speaker 1 (36:19):
Back to you guys, Thank you Isaac, and welcome back
to the Covino and Rich Show.

Speaker 2 (36:23):
Now from tyrack dot com Studios.

Speaker 1 (36:25):
We are going to get to the final tiebreaker of
last one standing. Nervous man pass a deep thought about
the NBA. Will jam that in before we get out
of here today. Whoa gentle more? Next? Right here? Covino
on Rich on Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 2 (36:44):
Oh yeah, Covino and Rich.

Speaker 1 (36:47):
Oh tension in the air for contestants. One final question.
We have never had to go to sudden death overtime
in our Monday game. Last one always shuts us down.
That's why Cono and on Fox Sports Radio, all four
of us still standing. One more bonus round All right,
and let's see if we were.

Speaker 3 (37:07):
What we're gonna do is what we do with the
trivia games. Closest guess without going over price is right? Barker, Yes,
and Russ and Florida.

Speaker 1 (37:15):
You ready, yeah, I'm ready for that. Okay, all right?

Speaker 3 (37:18):
Four way tie all you guys, your name is your buzzer.
You just buzz in for who wants to go first?

Speaker 6 (37:24):
Here we go, Hi, everyone will get a guest.

Speaker 1 (37:27):
Yeah, everybody's gonna get a guest. If you want to
chime in first, go ahead. Well we'll take it, okay,
but you got to hear the question first.

Speaker 6 (37:33):

Speaker 1 (37:34):
All right, here we go.

Speaker 3 (37:35):
Russ the Great Emmett Smith played in seventeen playoff games
for the Dallas Cowboys. He leads the NFL with how
many total yards rushing in the playoffs seventeen games? Seventeen games?
Give you a second to think about it, all right,
who wants to go first? Buzz in with your name Rush, Russ,

give us your guests.

Speaker 1 (37:58):
I'm gonna stay eighteen eighteen hundred even, Okay, I'm gonna
go Rich here one thousand and six forty nine. Okay,
all right, now I haven't written down. I wrote down
one thousand and eight to fifty. So okay, Isaac.

Speaker 9 (38:12):
Lowen crom one dollar, I'm gonna be such a jerk.
You came one thousand, eight hundred and fifty one.

Speaker 3 (38:18):
Oh wow, ladies and gentlemen, em it's Smith rushed for
a total of one thousand, five hundred and eighty six yards.

Speaker 2 (38:29):
We went over.

Speaker 3 (38:29):
But the closest, the closest is Rich one thousand, six thousand,
six forty nine.

Speaker 1 (38:36):
Rich is the big winner for last one standing. No, no,
he came in with that number. I said a little
under our one hundred yards per game, so I'm guessing
the average about the averaged what ninety five yards?

Speaker 2 (38:53):
So you gave the benefit.

Speaker 7 (38:54):
He had a few hundred the super Bowl, that's right.

Speaker 3 (38:58):
Yeah, what a baller he was in the playoffs. Hey, Russ,
I appreciate you there in Florida.

Speaker 1 (39:02):
Hey, since Russ overtime, would you be able? Would you
guys be okay? If I decided to make the call
and say I want to give Russ a swiggy, he
held his own Russ impress Russ, I want to send
you our swiggy. Okay, buddy, we're just trying to gain
nice guy points because everybody knows he's the villain.

Speaker 2 (39:21):
It does hold water and he does the irrigations.

Speaker 1 (39:24):
Mets fan, I guess you know, yeah, you know it's
saying like one good thing. I'm bet fan could thank you.
Uh Russ, you played a great game. Hold on, we'll
get your info. Get you that CNR, Fox Sports Radio, Swiggy. Now,
two quick things I want to get to. I was saying,
I said, if I want, I need a GREETO, and
I was saying, greetel please, thank you.

Speaker 2 (39:41):
We need a c.

Speaker 4 (39:45):
That's it.

Speaker 1 (39:47):
We don't need a second. First, that's off, thank you.
I want to give everyone a reminder, then a quick
NBA no reminder. Next Friday, May seventeenth, we're going to
be in Eugene, organ at the Graduate Hotel doing our
show live from two to four pm West Coast and
then four to six pm hanging around for a happy
hour party. So if you're in the Eugene organ area Portland,

I know it's a good hour to hang out two
hours away. Get to Eugene, Oregon next Friday the seventeenth.
All the details will put on our CONVENI on Rich
social media at covine on Rich. I be part of
the live studio audience.

Speaker 2 (40:19):
Can't wait to see you perfect.

Speaker 1 (40:21):
Let's have a drink, you chop it up, and now
let's talk about tonight's games. You got Pacers Knicks game one,
Timberwolves Nuggets.

Speaker 2 (40:31):
They're up.

Speaker 1 (40:32):
The timber Wolves are up one game to none. We're
seeing a star merge when it matters most. Anthony Edwards
actually playing like Michael Jordan, who is kid. That was
the comparison. And yeah, I mean it's unbelievable to see
because you saw how dominant the Nuggets were against your Lakers, Danny,
to see someone else make them look human, it's pretty.

Speaker 2 (40:52):
Cool to see.

Speaker 1 (40:52):
And he's doing it for Lebron, which is kind of cool.

Speaker 2 (40:55):
That is cool.

Speaker 3 (40:56):
All throughout the NBA season, we talked about Anthony Edwards
because of his highlight don and he's got next, He's
the next big star in the NBA.

Speaker 1 (41:03):
And Danny before the show, Danny pointed out, like it's
cool when you see these are the moments, these playoff
series where stars emerge, stars and stars, and you've seen
two of them in this playoff series and it's Anthony Edwards.
And let me tell you, I went back to New
York for the first time in maybe six months, and
there is a Jalen Brunson. Brunson is the man. They've
embraced him. They love them. I asked Knicks fans and

I'm friends with, like, yo, you need you guys need
one other piece. They're like, yeah, but not the star.
You think they really believe that Brunson's the dude? So
could be the biggest star since youwing. I agree, I
bigger than Alan Houston or bigger than Spree. Well, like
I do think Brunson's bringing itself for a more reason
to tune in tonight. See two young dudes at the
height of their game. Nix and Nuggets both five and

a half and six and a half point favorite. So
Vegas is saying Nix and Nuggies home teams win tonight.
We shall see enjoy speaking of tomorrow, speaking of basketball,
shack Diesel trivia, and have a great night. Yeah, enjoy
art you baby, see you in the Promised leg good Bye.
Mm hmm.
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