All Episodes

May 18, 2024 80 mins

Jonas opens the show breaking down the NFL schedule release and reacts to the new video schedule release trend that has plagued every NFL team. Next Jonas talks WNBA breaking down what a CCW (Caitlin Clark Weirdo) is and how you can avoid being one! A brand spanking new edition of Do You Care and The Scraps! Finally, Jonas reacts to the Jets Primetime games and Harrison Butkers controversial graduation speech & so much more! 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
I'm beginning, Jonas Knocks, you thought you knew me. You
didn't know a thing about me. He's crazier than a else.

Speaker 2 (00:07):
Rapped that guy, Jonas Knocks, you heard me pray some
darkness is lighting up your speakers to establish an alibi
for the day. From the tirag dot com Fox Sports
Radio Studios, here's Jonas Knox.

Speaker 3 (00:25):

Speaker 1 (00:25):
So okay, I'll report of this. You know you got
to give credit where credit's due.

Speaker 4 (00:45):
Very sneaky move, very tricky stuff, kind of sliding it
in there when a lot of people aren't really.

Speaker 1 (00:52):
Talking about it.

Speaker 4 (00:52):
I'll explain what that is coming up here in just
a couple of moments from now, Jonas Knocks, Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 1 (00:58):
You can find this show on the iHeart Radio app.

Speaker 4 (01:01):
You can find us on hundreds of affiliates all across
the country and wherever you are making us a part
of your Saturday morning into the afternoon.

Speaker 1 (01:09):
We appreciate you doing so.

Speaker 4 (01:10):
We will be taking you all the way up until
four pm Eastern time one o'clock Pacific, and we do
so live. We'll do it to tire Ract dot com Studios,
tiract dot com. We'll help you get there an unmatched selection,
fast free shipping, free road hazard protection, and over ten
thousand recommended installers. Tire ract dot com the way tire
buying should be. So, the NFL did something this week

kind of sneaky, you know, kind of well, well, a
bunch of other stuff was going on, they just kind
of threw this in there, and it didn't get a
lot of run. I mean, people discussed it, but just
kind of in passing and say, oh, you know, it's
down the road, don't even worry about it. But it
speaks to a bigger thing that's happening with the NFL
that slowly started to take shape and take form. So

earlier this week everybody was caught up in the commotion
of the schedule release. I mean it was like you
would like they would sprinkle in a couple of games,
they'd throw in a couple.

Speaker 1 (02:12):
Of more, and then each day leading up.

Speaker 4 (02:14):
Until Wednesday at eight pm Eastern time, and it was like,
all right, you know, these teams all know what their
schedule is going to be.

Speaker 1 (02:20):
They all are aware.

Speaker 4 (02:22):
That's why everybody who's got to come up with some
kakamemi video by each team sort of describing who they're playing.
And who they're taking on. And I'll be honest with you,
I couldn't care less like you can put whatever goofy
video production together. You want to announce your schedule, just
tell me what the names are, what the dates are,
and then let me sift through the rubble and see

what we've got.

Speaker 1 (02:45):
That's how I look at the schedule release.

Speaker 4 (02:47):
So the production, all the other things that come along
with it does nothing for me. Ninety eight percent of
them aren't funny, which is just like Twitter and social media.
Ninety eight percent of people on there aren't funny, which
is why comedy is thriving because if you are an
actual comment who's comic, who's actually funny? You look around

and go, oh, the competition is pretty weak out here,
so we're good. But at the end of you know,
people get caught up in this stuff and they go
through who's my team playing, who's doing this, and so
all of this is happening, Primetime games, standalone games, who's
got the most Sunday to Thursday games, all of that

is happening, and then we get to Christmas and they discuss, well,
here are the matchups on Christmas. You've got you know,
the Chiefs and the Steelers, and you've got you know,
the Ravens and Texans, and you've got all the oh
my gosh, it's and then you know Netflix is paying
seventy five million dollars a game, and it's one hundred

and fifty million dollars, and it's oh and all of that.
Everybody just completely enthralled with the schedule, what they're playing.
Fans are Fans are looking around going, Okay, this is
when we plan our vacations. I've talked about this before
my buddies and night. This was a yearly event for us.
We wait until the schedules came out, and then we
identified which city we wanted to go to because it

was perfect. You get out there. You could fly in
on a Saturday, you could party all night on a Saturday,
go to a game on Sunday, and you fly back
on Monday.

Speaker 1 (04:23):
It's great. You miss one day of.

Speaker 4 (04:25):
Work if that, and you go and you get out
of town and try something new and go season an
NFL game, hopefully a good one, and have a good time.
The schedule release is fun. But the NFL did something
very sneaky, very sneaky that a lot of people didn't
really even pay much attention to because they thought, oh,
that's down the road, don't worry about that. While the

NFL's talking about primetime games, Monday night games, Thursday night games,
standalone games, while they're talking about Christmas games in twenty
twenty four, you.

Speaker 1 (05:01):
Know what, they also announced, Yeah, we're.

Speaker 4 (05:04):
Gonna do two Christmas games in twenty twenty five too.
It's like, oh no, that's cool, sweet, sweet, Do you
know what the NFL just did? They basically just told you, yeah,
we're taking Christmas too. Ultimate slide of hand. Hey look
over here, Look at all the commotion.

Speaker 1 (05:25):
Can you believe it?

Speaker 4 (05:26):
Hey, there's a fire in your front yard. You better
go put it out. And while you're scrambling to go
put it out with a garden hose, they went in,
took your pool table, your caguraider, all your nudy magazines
under the bed that you've had since you were sixteen.
They took everything they wanted and walked out and said,
all right, man, looks like you got everything taking care of.

Speaker 1 (05:45):
We're good here. They've stolen Christmas.

Speaker 4 (05:51):
It's brilliant, and everybody's like, oh my god, Well, we're
just focused on crib Man seventy five million. Oh my god, dude,
they literally just told you, yeah, we're gonna do Christmas
next year. We got two games, like we got Netflix
in the afternoon and Amazon Primate night. That's next year.

And you're probably thinking, like, who cares? That's so long
for me? Now, why are you worried about it? Because
what the NFL has done has just tell you we're
playing on Christmas every year moving forward. That's happening because
next year is a Thursday. The year after that, what
a Friday and a Saturday. And all of a sudden,

the pushback on you can't play games on a Tuesday,
it's all gone. They will be playing games on Christmas
for as long as they're in existence.

Speaker 1 (06:46):
That is a fact.

Speaker 4 (06:48):
And for anybody that pushes back and says, well, you know,
I mean, why play on all these holidays and you
already play on Thanksgiving? And what about, the NFL kicked
it down the road and just kind of said, yeah,
you know, listen, don't get used to it. We're just
gonna try this out. Remember that, we're just gonna try
it out. We're just gonna do it this once just

to see, because you know it kind of works with
the schedule and we'll see where we are. And then
they did it once and then they said, Okay, we'll
do it again, but look, don't get used to it.
It's not like we're gonna do this every And then
they did it again, and then they just told you
a year in advance. Oh we're doing it next year too,
and here's where you can watch it.

Speaker 1 (07:30):
It's over. Like it is over.

Speaker 4 (07:35):
If you were looking forward to Christmas and being like,
you know what, I can watch some bad NBA basketball
and hang out with the family. I could finally spend
time with the family because they hardly see me during
the football season. You know, I'm inundated with fantasy football
and gambling and all the other things that come along
with it. But at least I'm gonna give you guys Christmas.
You better tell him to get a head start and

tell Santa Claus to get his fat ass to the
house sooner, because we got football to watch, and we
got football to watch every single year.

Speaker 1 (08:06):
Under the radar.

Speaker 4 (08:08):
Kind of slid it in there and let everybody know
we've planted our flag. This is now ours. NBA Families, holidays, traditions, whatever,
prepare to be distracted because we're going to put two
games on this year, and we're going to do two
games next year, and spoiler alert, they'll be doing it

in twenty twenty six to two and beyond. That was
the sneaky, little under the radar move the NFL pulled
this week that a lot of people.

Speaker 1 (08:40):
Didn't talk about, and I think it's here to stay.

Speaker 4 (08:43):
Jonas Knox, Fox Sports Radio, get me on Twitter at
the Jonas Knox at the Jonas Knox on Twitter.

Speaker 1 (08:49):
All right, So I do want to give.

Speaker 4 (08:51):
A shout out here because there are some shoutouts that
are deserved, and there's going to be a couple of
shout outs here throughout the course of the show. Don't worry,
it all makes sense, but I do want to give
a shout out, a shout out to the ccw's out
there right now. You're probably wondering what is a CCW,
and look, that could be an acurateym for something else.
I have no idea, and if you have it trademarked
or there's a copyright on.

Speaker 1 (09:12):
It, my apologies.

Speaker 4 (09:13):
But I'd like to give a shout out to my ccws.
You know what a CCW is A Caitlin Clark weirdo.
You know who those are? Those are the people that
are like reveling in the fact that she struggled her
first two games in the WNBA. You guys are weirdos, man,

and there's a ton of them. There's a ton of
them that do what we do in this business. And
beyond there are people that have dedicated themselves to hate
watching the WNBA. Now, full disclosure, I will be one
percent transparent and I don't care who it offends. I

really don't care whether or not Caitlin Clark turns out
to be a superstar in the WNBA, and I've watched
a couple of minutes of her highlights. There's too much
else going on, all right. There was an NFL schedule release,
it's important. There's NBA games going on, there's playoff hockey,

There's been some boxing, we got some horse racing. I'm
sorry it just as far as priorities go, doesn't really
stack up to the rest. But the one thing that
I have noticed is there's a lot of people rooting
for it to fail.

Speaker 1 (10:36):
And it's just weird.

Speaker 4 (10:39):
Like if you're a die hard WNBA fan and like
you follow it religiously and that's like, that's your sport.

Speaker 1 (10:47):

Speaker 4 (10:47):
Like, listen, everybody's got something that's your thing. Cool, no
issue with that, whatever. But if you're like a diehard
WNBA fan and you're rooting for Kitlin Clark to fail
or like hate watching it and you love the fact
that she struggled her first two games even though she
had like a you know, a pretty tremendous first quarter
in the.

Speaker 1 (11:07):
Game that's going on right now. Like, if you're like
one of those people, I got a better solution for you.

Speaker 4 (11:14):
How about you know, thank you, like thank you for
actually getting people interested in the sport that I love
because those people didn't exist before you came around. That's
the truth. People can get upset by that, they can
get offended by that. All they want tough balls, that's
the truth. Like you could just say, yeah, you know,

thank you. It's like when Tiger Woods would you know,
be be dominating golfer when he didn't win in a while,
and then he would come back and you get like
some golfers and some golf fans.

Speaker 1 (11:46):
Be like, oh my god, like I'm.

Speaker 4 (11:49):
Still talking about Tiger Woods. You know, there's other players
out here who are really productive, and they've been much
better than Tiger lately. It's like, dude, why don't you
just say, hey, thank you, thank you for being part
of our tournament. You've gotten us more eyeballs and more interest,
and maybe you're tired of the conversation, but how about
just you know, thanks, we appreciate it. Instead, you got

a bunch of people that are rooting for it to fail,
like just like are hoping.

Speaker 1 (12:17):
That their take is safe.

Speaker 4 (12:20):
I predicted it to fail, and I'm gonna watch to
ensure that my take is safe. Like what is your take?
Like canned goods? Like you got to keep it on
the shelf for as long as possible, like and then
I'll leave it there, leave it there just in case,
you know, I leave it. It's like, dude, it's okay,

Like I've been totally upfront about it.

Speaker 1 (12:44):
I couldn't care less. I don't care if it works
or not. Don't care.

Speaker 4 (12:49):
Is what it is, like, has no impact on my life,
there's no effect on my life.

Speaker 1 (12:53):
But I'm sitting back watching and going what is it? Like,
what is the grind? Pep?

Speaker 4 (13:02):
She's getting shine and she's not the best player in
the world, So what it's eyeballs and interest to a sport.

Speaker 1 (13:08):
That didn't have him before, to a league that didn't
have him before.

Speaker 4 (13:12):
So what Well, she's getting to fly on on chartered
flights and nobody else is who cares? What is this
the nineteen twenties? People are taking horse and buggy to
the arena?

Speaker 1 (13:26):
Who cares?

Speaker 4 (13:28):
You act like some of these people in the WNBA
just to make ends meet our churning butter in the
front yard because they can't afford to go buy a
stick of margarine at the grocery store.

Speaker 1 (13:38):
Like, dude, who cares?

Speaker 4 (13:41):
And you've got people out there who have planted their
feet in and are standing their ground and saying no, no, no, no,
no no. Now, she's going to be a bust. This
is not gonna work. It's gonna fail. Well, I'm here
to tell you you've been given a name, and you've been
giving a group, and nowadays that seems to be what

everybody wants. So a shout out and a tip of
the cap and a cheers to all uccw's out here.
You Caitlin Clark weirdos who have been for some reason
become obsessed with whether or not somebody works in a
League that you didn't pay any attention to months ago.

It is fascinating to watch Jonas Knox here Fox Sports Radio,
at the Jonas Knox at the Jonas Knocks on Twitter.

Speaker 1 (14:32):
By the way, we are going to have the usuals
coming up later on.

Speaker 4 (14:35):
We're gonna have another edition of Do You Care at
the end of this hour, always a fun conversation. We're
also going to have the Scraps an hour two of
the program. That'll be a fun conversation as well too.
We'll tell you the truth about you know, several stories
in the world of sports you've been forced fed and
just want to let you know I have reached out.
There's been a lot of people who have wondered, you
know what the Preakness coming up later on, is Andy

Furman going to stop by.

Speaker 1 (14:59):
And hand on another winner.

Speaker 4 (15:00):
If you were here a couple of weeks ago for
the Kentucky Derby, Andy Furman on this show told you
Mystic Dan was the pick.

Speaker 1 (15:08):
I'm an idiot, I don't know much. Not that time.
He wasn't. Majority of the time he is not. That time, well,
this guy's always on top.

Speaker 4 (15:16):
He was, and Andy Furman handed out an eighteen to
one winner for the Kentucky Derby. I don't know anybody
else on national radio who had Mystic Dan to win
that race. Andy Furman did and people made money because
of it. So I've reached out to Andy Furman. I
have no idea what he's doing. He could be doing
snow angels and a pile of cash somewhere in Kentucky.

I had no idea, but we will hear from Andy
Furman if he does get around to getting back to me.
And he's not too good for this show after he
picked a winner last time, so I'll keep you posting
on that and maybe for a ball will be joining
us here an hour two of the program as well too.
It's all yours again as we take you up until
four pm Eastern time one o'clock Pacific. Coming up next
here though, from the Tirak dot Com studios, there's somebody

in the NFL who finds themselves in maybe the most
unique spot we've ever seen, and I'll tell you who
that is.

Speaker 2 (16:07):
Next, without a doubt.

Speaker 5 (16:09):
The most popular sports talk radio hosts.

Speaker 3 (16:13):
On the Island of glomb is Jonas Knox.

Speaker 6 (16:16):
Hey, it's Ben, host of the Fifth Hour with Ben Maller,
would mean a lot to have you join us on
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nature and more. Listen to the Fifth Hour with Ben
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get your podcasts.

Speaker 2 (16:47):
Don't listening to Fox Sports Radio Radio Premier Sports line
up in the nation looking on wont you looking at
the one? To find FS one on your television, go
to Foxsports dot com for details.

Speaker 5 (17:02):
F's one look on what won't you looking at the one?

Speaker 1 (17:08):
Ah Man, so good to hear.

Speaker 4 (17:11):
Yeah, Mary, the chres babies, that's the uh, the NFL's
gift to the NBA. Hey, Merry Christmas. We're gonna go
ahead and take this day from you, moving forward.

Speaker 5 (17:20):
Like Christmas in July, except it's only May.

Speaker 4 (17:22):
Yeah, there's nothing you can do about it, just zero
you can do about it. We're gonna take this Yeah,
Oh well, that's this is one time. No, we're gonna
go ahead and take this one and then we'll take
next year. Oh and by the way, twenty twenty five,
we got that too.

Speaker 5 (17:34):
Said line. Really good fellas. We just got to sit
there and take it.

Speaker 1 (17:38):
Just just brilliant, brilliant move by the NFL.

Speaker 5 (17:41):

Speaker 4 (17:41):
It is Jonas Knox here on Fox Sports Radio, by
the way, coming up in we'll call it less than
ten minutes from now here from the from the Tirak
dot com studios. I'm going to tell you about something
that really is relatable to a lot of people, and
I think a sport desperately needed it. So we will
get into that for you again less than ten minutes

from now here on Fox Sports Radio. So now I
mentioned this and I want to, you know, make sure
I do do somebody a solid here. When I open
up the show and I say, you know, hundreds of
affiliates and all that stuff, it's because the affiliates around
the country matter. Like there's people that listen to Fox
Sports Radio all around the country, and sometimes when you're

doing this you don't really take into account just how
many people are out there, because the gravity of it
all is just is kind of weird for me to
process sometimes, but I did want to give a shout out.
There is an affiliate of ours in Sioux Falls in
South Dakota, and a listener sent an email in to Tom,

who runs the station out there, the ops manager in
that area, and just basically said, hey, you know, wanted
to you know, give me a shout out and say
thank you and all this. It turns out out that
listener was a buddy of mine I haven't talked to
in probably twenty years, and you know, he just kind

of reached out said some nice things, said, hey, you know,
I haven't you heard from it, And I don't have
Facebook or any of that stuff, so he just reached
out and said a nice thank you and all that stuff.
So for people out there that are listening to this
show or listening to Fox Sports Radio all around the country,
we appreciate it. Like I just want to say that,
because sometimes you feel like, oh, you're kind of lost

in the shuffle or you're kind of you know, just
in the mix, and you know you're a small fish
and a big pond and you're not. We're all in
this together. We look at Fox Sports Radio as a
family so to have a buddy of mine who, by
the way, one of the great nicknames this dude had
in high school when we played football together. His name
was Porterhouse. So as you can imagine, he was alignment.

But good dude, great guy. And to reach out to Tom,
the ops manager out there in Sioux Falls at our
fine affiliate there KWSN, and to just let him know, Hey,
appreciate what you guys do. Appreciate listening to the station
and listening to Fox Sports Radio. We appreciate you more
than you appreciate us, and I can tell you that
so on from everybody here at Fox Sports Radio. Thanks

and if you're listening in all parts of the country
on you know, in another country, wherever you are on
the iHeartRadio app we appreciate it. And just wanted to
give you guys a little shout out here so that
you know it's not unnoticed and we're.

Speaker 1 (20:24):
Thankful to have you. So with that being said, we
get over to this.

Speaker 4 (20:28):
Speaking of broadcasting, Greg Olsen was kind of discussing the
Tom Brady edition to the Fox lineup. Because Greg Olsen,
you know, did a fine job as the number one
quote unquote. Now he's going to have to go be
the number two, as if that's some sort of a punishment. Nonetheless,
he's going to be with Joe Davis, and so Tom
Brady has taken over, and Greg Olsen just kind of

talked about, you know, Tom Brady and being a good
player and how it's not really applicable to being a
good broadcaster, and everybody's fascinated to see how this is
going to work with Tom Brady. Everybody wants to see
how this plays out because we're really not sure how
it's going to play out. And I'll be honest with you,
I don't even know how long it's going to last,
because if he ends up getting part ownership with the Raiders,

I don't know how that works. Because we were having
this discussion on the show yesterday on two Pros and
a Cup of Joe with myself and god.

Speaker 1 (21:21):
What are their names?

Speaker 2 (21:24):
Never heard of them?

Speaker 1 (21:25):
Yeah, well whatever, everybody knows. I'm the star anyways.

Speaker 4 (21:29):
But the point is we were talking about this on
the show and I kind of asked the question because
I said, look, can Tom Brady be able to do
the job without being in any of the meetings with
teams prior to the game, Because that's what happens. Like
when you're calling games, you meet with the teams and

the report you know, the coaches or certain players from
each team, And if you're an owner from another team,
are they really going to give you any information that
you can use during the broadcast?

Speaker 1 (22:01):
Like are you going to be able to do that?

Speaker 4 (22:03):
And as his stands right now, because it hasn't been finalized,
there's no restrictions on games that Tom Brady can call
this upcoming year. So like everybody's looking at this thing, going, man,
how is it going to go? Nobody has the answer,
And that's why it's fascinating. That's why when the presentation
was put out and when Greg Olsen is talking about

you know, listen it's difficult, and people think it's easy,
Like we're all kind of wondering how this is happening.

Speaker 1 (22:30):
But what's so.

Speaker 4 (22:31):
Unique about this situation is the gravity and the name
brand that Tom Brady has when calling this game. Because
put this into perspective, this is how big of a
name and how interested people are in the discussion. Tom

Brady comes out and they announced he's going to make
his broadcast debut and it's going to be Cowboys Browns
in the four to twenty five Eastern time window Week one,
So he's getting the Cowboys, which are one of the
biggest draws in sports, in Week one in the big
window for twenty five Eastern against the Browns, and just

look at it like this, if you just want to
look at it from a quarterback standpoint two quarterbacks going
into this year who have the most on the line,
it's fair to say, are Dak Prescott and Deshaun Watson.
In the case of Dak Prescott, he's looking to get
a new deal. He's looking to get over the hump.

Jared Goff just got his extension done. There's people wondering
whether or not the Dallas Cowboys are going to go
there with Dak. They can't franchise him, so this could
be Dak's final year in Dallas, and if he continues
to play good football, which he has, he is going
to set himself up for a monster payday. But a
lot of people look at him and go, you can't
get over the hump. Tom Brady even made a joke

about it when announcing that he was going to be
calling the game. You can't get over the hump. You
can't win a Super Bowl. A lot of people look
at this as the last chance for Dak Prescott to
get over the hump and become the quarterback that Dallas
has sworn he is since he came into the league
in twenty sixteen. There is a lot on the line
for Dak Prescott. There's a lot on the line for

Deshaun Watson because there's some people out there who think
he's washed, that he got paid and he has not
been anywhere close to the quarterback that they paid for.

Speaker 1 (24:30):
Nowhere close.

Speaker 4 (24:31):
And in fact, I've talked about it before, he's been
outplayed by every quarterback in Cleveland and the ones who've
left Cleveland, like, ask yourself this, who was better last year?
Joe Flacco or Deshaun Watson. Flaco whe comeback player of

the Year? Ask yourself this, who was better last year?
Deshaun Watson or Baker Mayfield. It's Baker Mayfield and it
ain't close. So Deshaun Watson comes into this year trying
to get his career back on track. He got paid,
but there's a lot of doubters. You've got Mary Kay
Capott saying, look, man, if he struggles early on, they're

not waiting around, they're gonna put Jamis Winston in. So
if you just look at those two quarterback situations, it's
fair to say if you had to rank or put
it on him, Mount Rushmore or top five list, whatever
goofy list you want to use to kind of hand
out this, if you were to look at these two quarterbacks,
you would say it's fair to argue that Dak Prescott

and Deshaun Watson have the most on the line heading
into this upcoming season in the NFL. And even with that,
the storyline after that game is going to be how
did Tom Brady do? That's how big of a deal
this is. There's going to be more people watching this

game between two quarterbacks with so much on the line
to start the season, two playoff teams from a year ago,
and the commentary afterwards, and maybe the lead following Week
one in the NFL this upcoming season is how did
Tom Brady do? As a broadcaster, We've never seen it before,

and it's why everybody is fascinated to see how it
plays out. So Greg Olsen making the point like, look, man,
there's no guarantee. He's right, there are no guarantees, but
the one guarantee you do have is that game is
going to do monster numbers, and you're going to see people,
if you're in a public place or at home, that
are going to tell people around him, hey, shut up.

I want to listen to this. And I don't know
when the last time you've heard that while watching an
NFL game.

Speaker 1 (26:52):
Jonas Knox Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 4 (26:53):
Get me on Twitter at the Jonas Knox at the
Jonas Knox on Twitter.

Speaker 1 (26:57):
By the way, Thoroughbred Racing.

Speaker 4 (26:59):
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safety runs first dot Com. So we've got some relatable
drama coming up next here in the world of sports.

Speaker 1 (27:16):
But for all the latest, we.

Speaker 4 (27:18):
Turn it over to a man who's never been relatable
ever on the show, the one and only.

Speaker 3 (27:22):
Brian Well Jonas and you forgot to give a shout
out to our affiliate in Madagascar. It's afternoon Drive there
and they are a huge supporter of the Jonas Knox
Show on Saturday.

Speaker 4 (27:31):

Speaker 1 (27:31):
He is folks, you know like, you know what Finley is.

Speaker 4 (27:34):
He's like, you go to a wedding and somebody throws
a bouquet behind him, and Finley's the guy who puts
a pipe bomb in the middle of the bouquet. Like,
I'm trying to give a little bit of love to
our fine affiliates out here at people who are reaching out,
friends that I haven't talked to in twenty years, Okay,
which would make you wonder, well if they're really such
good friends. But people get busy, Okay. People have other lives,

all right. They don't do this Nickel and Dimes sports
talk radio that we do. And Brian Finley just a
few minutes later has got to throw a hand grenade
and everything.

Speaker 1 (28:04):
It just ruined everybody Saturday. That's wrong with you.

Speaker 3 (28:07):
It's not true at all, Jonas. I'm just giving a
shout out to to all of our fine folks in Madagascar.

Speaker 4 (28:13):
Hey, why don't you give a shout out to our
fine friend Andy Furman and tell him to respond to
a text like.

Speaker 1 (28:19):
Your buddies with him. Where's he at?

Speaker 3 (28:21):
Yeah, I'll call him. I'll call him during the commercial
break and I'll make sure that he's on at the
top of the album.

Speaker 4 (28:28):
I'm telling you right now, if Andy Furman doesn't show
up and he doesn't get back to me and appear
an hour two after he handed out a winner in
the Kentucky Derby, if he doesn't have the balls to
show up an hour two to hand out a winner
for the Preakness, I'm going to disintegrate him on the air.

Speaker 1 (28:42):
I'm gonna rip him to pieces on the air. I'm
not kidding Jonas.

Speaker 3 (28:45):
You you have to be mindful of his time, though,
because Andy has a second job and he also works.
He's a workout jockey for a lot of these horses,
so you're gonna call him during a time where he's
warming up the horses, he's taking them around the track
and all that stuff. So you know, you have to
be very mindful of his time.

Speaker 4 (29:04):
You know, I'll be honest with you, like I don't
want to know what goes into working out a horse
before watchday the truth, But thank you.

Speaker 3 (29:13):
What's that needle doing on the ground there?

Speaker 4 (29:14):
I have no idea, I have no idea.

Speaker 1 (29:19):
Just hey, Jerry, don't blame me, blame Finley.

Speaker 4 (29:24):
He's got a dirty mind and apparently everybody's going to
get it for him today.

Speaker 3 (29:27):
Jesus, oh jeez, well, I'll tell you what. Scotty Scheffler
has been getting it in a way. He was in
the slammery yesterday. He's back out and you know he's
actually struggling today, so he's in the penalty area. On four,
he went left of the card path. He is three
over through three holes today. This is the third round
of the PGA Championship. Started the day three shots off

the pace. He is now six shots off the pace
and potentially even more after what happens to him here
on four. But Xander Schoffley is our leader at twelve under.
He is even through three holes. He's got a one
shot lead over Colin Maury Cowell. You also have Bryce
and d Schambeau representing Lift Golf there and he is
twelve excuse me, ten under, and that is two shots

off the pace, a four way tie at ten under. Also,
I know Jonas was talking about Kate and Clark earlier
and she's having a fine game, So take that all
of you. Kaitlin Clark haters eighteen points for her four
of seven three point range seven to ten from the floor,
also four assists, but her fever are getting walloped by
the New York Liberty sixty four to forty two, seven

twenty six to go in the third quarter. There Caitlin Clark, though,
doing things that are gonna make her haters mad, we
also want to point out as well. And now we've
got a busy night when it comes to postseason action
in the NBA. We've got the Dallas Mavericks about to
host at eight pm Eastern time, the OKC Thunder. That
is a game six Western Conference Semifinals. A win for

Dallas and they are onto the Western Conference Finals. And
then I know Jonas is going to be watching this
one as it's also an eightiest turn on the ice,
and it's the Edmonton Oilers facing off against the Vancouver Canucks.
It's a game six with Vancouver leading in the series
three games to to Some baseball going on, including the
Yankees with a six to one lead through five innings

against the Chicago White Sox. Couple of games are up
and running, but no score there. And yeah, that's what
we have so far, Jonas. And as I get it
back to, I know people know you as Jonas Knocks,
but when you're at home, you're better known as the
tickle monster.

Speaker 1 (31:30):
What what's wrong with you? Man? That's what you're called
at home.

Speaker 3 (31:33):
That's not what I want to That's what everybody calls
you at home.

Speaker 1 (31:37):

Speaker 4 (31:38):
All right, listen, now, family, could you just find Andy
Furman for me?

Speaker 1 (31:43):
That's all we need.

Speaker 4 (31:44):
We just need Andy Ferman's whereabouts so that he can
come on the show and hand.

Speaker 1 (31:47):
Out a winner an hour two.

Speaker 4 (31:50):
I don't know.

Speaker 3 (31:50):
I don't even know if he knows how to operate
a cell phone, but I'll call him.

Speaker 4 (31:53):
Yeah, well, listen, rotary dial, whatever it takes. Okay, Firman,
get your candy ass. Okay, to your comrade, so we
can do this and hand out another winner here for
the Preakness. You rap bastard. All right, It is Jonas
Knox here on Fox Sports Radio. I gotta start being nice.

Speaker 1 (32:11):
Tom, otherwise it's not gonna show up.

Speaker 4 (32:12):
We are going to have another edition of Do You
Care coming up here in about ten minutes from now
from the tairaq dot com studios.

Speaker 1 (32:18):
But I did want to say this.

Speaker 4 (32:19):
This is very relatable, all right, and I think somebody
desperately needed it. Like the problem with golf is that
there's too many tools involved in it okay, Like there's
too many restrictions and rules and things like that. It's like, look,
I like to wear jeans or sweatpants. I can't do

that on a golf course. Most golf courses, you know,
like the ones that are reputable, the ones that are like,
you know, the elites. I can't do that because if
I do that, I'll get kicked out. I'll get asked
to leave. You got, like there's dress codes things like that.
It's just, you know, very elitist. And for a lot
of us, you know, us common folk, you know, we
look at that and go, it's not really what we do.

You know, Like I drive a car that's almost twenty
years old. I can assure you if I like pulled
up to Augusta National, they'd look at me and go,
excuse me, sir, you forgot your lawnmower. Like they wouldn't
like I wouldn't be welcomed beyond the gates. Okay, is
the point. And I'm not a golfer. I'm not, you know,
I'll do mini golf, like it's more fun to me
hitting a ball through a wind meal or a clown's

mouth than it is and having a couple of cocktails.

Speaker 1 (33:25):
Then it is, you know, going and.

Speaker 4 (33:28):
Teeing it up for eighteen bub Hey, how'd you shoot
on the eighth?

Speaker 1 (33:33):
H Like, I just that's not my thing.

Speaker 4 (33:35):
But golf needed something to make it more relatable, and
it got it for the PGA Championship. Because look, if
you're somebody who deals in road rage or has any
sort of an issue with with the way you drive,
and there's many of you who have that issue.

Speaker 1 (33:55):
Trust me, I'm on the roads every day. I see it.
I've dealt with it.

Speaker 4 (33:59):
You look at a guy like Scotty Scheffler and you go, hey, eh,
kind of like us. For those of you out there
that have ever spent a short amount of time in jail,
you look at Scotty Scheffler and you go, hey, man,
I've been in the drunk tank before. Man, I know
what it's like to know that you're not really a criminal,
but for the time being, you are, and you're associating
with what people on the other side quote unquote are

associating with every single leg or dealing with every single day.
You look at that and you go, I kind of
get it. And then if you're other people out there,
you know, in a marriage that is failing miserably. You
look at Rory Macroy and you go, hey, man, I
hear you trust me.

Speaker 1 (34:40):
I'm getting out too.

Speaker 4 (34:42):
And you know what, once I get out, I think
I'm going to perform my duties better than I have
in years past. So you look at Rory, you look
at Scotty Scheffler, and you go, you know what, those
are a couple of relatable guys, A couple of guys
we can all sit there and go, hey, I got
something in common with you. So let's put down the
elitist attitudes. Let's waive those membership fees, and let's wrap

our arms around each other and say, we're a family.
You know, we're a family. We're all flawed. Nobody hears perfect.
And if you've ether spent a night in jail, or
had some road rage or done something on the roads
you shouldn't have done, or you're in the middle of
a failing relationship that you want out of so you
can perform your duties to a higher standard and a

higher level. Then you watch the PGA Championship and no,
they're starting to get it, starting to become more relatable
to guys like me and you Jonas Knox he or
Fox Sports Radio at the Jonas Knocks on Twitter. Coming
up next here from the tiraq dot com studio Zo,
We're going to tell you about several things in the
world of sports you have been force fed over the

past several days, and we'll give you the brutal truth
on all of it.

Speaker 1 (35:50):
It's another edition of Do You Care? Right here on FSR.

Speaker 2 (35:53):
Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in
the nation. Catch all of our shows at Foxsports Radio
dot Com and within the iHeartRadio app. Search FSR to listen.

Speaker 4 (36:04):
Live Jonas Knox Fox Sports Radio Coming up top of
next hour, we will call it a little over ten
minutes from now from the Tireraq dot com studios. There's
somebody in the National Football League that is feeling the
wrath and they're going to get a lot more of
it coming up this season. We'll explain who that is

here again a little over ten minutes from now here
on FSR.

Speaker 1 (36:28):
Before we get to another edition of Do You Care?

Speaker 4 (36:30):
Though, I want to remind you that shortly after the show,
our podcast will be going up, So if you've missed
any of today's show, including the answer is to whether
or not you're a CCW. All you got to do
is search Fox Sports Radio wherever you get your podcasts.
Be sure to also follow, rate and review the pod. Again,
just search Fox Sports Radio wherever you get your podcasts.
You'll see this show posted right after we get off

the air.

Speaker 2 (36:54):
There are so many stories in the world of sports,
and most of them are a complete waste of time.

Speaker 1 (37:00):
Do your reports.

Speaker 2 (37:01):
Let's get kinky. Here's some of the big stories from
the last week. But Jonas, the real question is do
you care?

Speaker 4 (37:09):
And for that we turn it over to our executive producer,
Shay Morgan. Guard Shaye, what's happening? What the hell people
been talking about all week long?

Speaker 1 (37:16):
How you doing?

Speaker 7 (37:16):
Jonas? All right, let's start with the first one. Bronnie
James was at the NBA Draft combine.

Speaker 1 (37:21):
Do you care?

Speaker 2 (37:23):

Speaker 1 (37:23):
Like for me? I mean this.

Speaker 4 (37:26):
They've done a brilliant job trying to force feed this
stuff down everybody's throat, as if anybody cares whether or
not Bronnie James was at the combine and whether or
not you know he was listed at six ' four
last year, but he's only actually six.

Speaker 1 (37:37):
' to one.

Speaker 4 (37:38):
Whatever the case is. I actually feel bad for him.
He seems like a good dude. He seems like an
okay player. But for some reason, the expectations and this
wanting to pair him up with his dad and all
the other stuff that comes along with it that he
didn't ask for is kind of overtaking everything about him.
So with that being said, couldn't care last next.

Speaker 7 (37:57):
Dolphin's quarterback two Attackavoya has been absent for the large
majority of the voluntary offseason works since the Dolphins reported
back in April fifteenth. According to CBS Sports Jonathan Jones,
do you care.

Speaker 4 (38:10):
No, I don't care. I don't care about this. Look,
he'll be there for the season. They're gonna get some
deal done and he's not going to miss any games.
Like I was one of the few people that wasn't
stressed out about the Lamar Jackson situation when everybody thought,
oh my god, he's played his final game in Baltimore
and they're gonna move on from him, and they played
It's like, dude, he wasn't going anywhere, and neither's two.

Speaker 1 (38:30):
Everything's going to work itself out next.

Speaker 7 (38:34):
The forty five point margin in Game six between the
Timberwolves and Nuggets met Minnesota set a sixty eight year
high for teams facing elimination in playoffs history.

Speaker 1 (38:42):
Do you care? No, I don't care about the win.

Speaker 5 (38:44):
I don't like.

Speaker 4 (38:45):
They could have won by forty five, they could have
won by four hundred and five, they could have won
by point four to five.

Speaker 1 (38:51):
Doesn't matter. We needed a game seven.

Speaker 4 (38:53):
If we can see at least one more game of
Anthony Edwards and hear from him afterwards, that's a win
for everybody involved.

Speaker 7 (39:00):
An agreement to sign the then thirteen year old Lionel
Messi was written on a napkin almost twenty five years
ago at a Barcelona tennis club. That same napkin just
sold that auction for nine hundred and sixty five thousand dollars.

Speaker 1 (39:12):
Do you care? No, God no, By do I swear?

Speaker 4 (39:17):
Like if somebody said, hey, this is the contract that
Lionel Messi signed when he was thirteen, and it was
like on the back of a Dixie napkin that I
got in like a pack of fifty at Ralph's for
three ninety nine, I.

Speaker 1 (39:30):
Throw it away, like what do I care? What is it?

Speaker 2 (39:33):
Like? What is that?

Speaker 4 (39:34):
And by the way, nine hundred sixty five thousand dollars
do you know you could have done something like worthwhile
for nine hundred and sixty five thousand dollars like gamble
on games, like I've done something decent with your life,
and instead you're spending it on some napkin. You're gonna
put in a frame somewhere and tell everybody, look at
the contract I got and we don't even know if

it's actually valid.

Speaker 1 (39:56):
Next, Today is.

Speaker 7 (40:01):
The official oh not Today, May seventeenth is the official
show Heyo Tani Day in the city of Los Angeles.

Speaker 1 (40:06):
Do you care? No, I don't care about that.

Speaker 4 (40:08):
Like these official days where people come up with like
days or like hey, it's you know, National Donut Day,
and it's a show Heo Tani.

Speaker 1 (40:16):
Look great player. He's been great for the Dodgers.

Speaker 4 (40:20):
It's really fun like being in town here to see
how great that team is, the top of the lineup,
everything that comes along with it. I don't need May
seventeenth to remind me that it's show Heyo Tani Day.
And for whoever's birthday is on May seventeenth, my apologies.
It's now been overtaken by some guy that plays for
the Dodgers.

Speaker 7 (40:36):
Next ex Angels infielder David Fletcher bet with e Bae
me Zuhara's bookie.

Speaker 1 (40:40):
Do you care?

Speaker 4 (40:42):
Well, not really. I mean, listen, this says nothing for me.
Like I've said it from day one. I don't care.
I don't care about Tani Gambled. It doesn't bother me, Like, well,
big deal. So maybe the guy wants to bet on
the Preakness, he wants to bet on something else. Look,
as I've explained, we need more relatable athletes in this planet.
We need more of that. And if these guys have
got to gamble a little bit to reach that degree,

then I'm good with it. We're fine. So if you
are not a fan of something that has happened in
the NFL over the past I don't know, year plus,
get ready to get more annoyed. We'll tell you why
that is coming up here and just a couple of
moments from now. Jonas Knox Fox Sports Radio. You can

listen to this show as always on the iHeartRadio app.
You can find us on hundreds of affiliates all across
the country. Wherever the hell you are making us a
part of your Saturday afternoon, we appreciate you doing so.
We will be taking you all the way up until
the end of this hour four pm Eastern time, one
o'clock Pacific, and we do so live from the tire
rack dot Com studios.

Speaker 1 (41:42):
Tire rack dot com.

Speaker 4 (41:43):
We'll help you get there an unmatched election, fast free shipping,
free road as a protection, and over ten thousand recommended
installers tire rack dot com the way tire buying should be.
So we do have an update, and here is the update.
As I mentioned last hour, we are efforting Andy Furman.
We are trying to get Andy Furman, a Fox Sports

radio host, on the show. I have now texted Andy Furman.
I have now called his house and I've called his
cell phone.

Speaker 1 (42:18):
Nothing not a reply, and his phone's not off.

Speaker 4 (42:21):
I called it, rang plenty of times, went to voicemail,
called his house line, went to voicemail, texted him, no response.
I don't even know if he's seen the text. I'm
assuming he has, and he's just blowing us off. So
for those of you that are looking around going hey, man,
like you know, you really helped us out. A couple

of weeks ago, you had Andy Furman come on Fox
Sports radio host broadcasting legend a man who ran horse
tracks like literally did the pr for horse tracks, like
some would say he might be the reason why Pete
Rose became a degenerate gambler. The point is I've reached out.
I've reached out multiple times and he has not responded.

So I'm just letting you know I've done my part.
It's like when you go to a restaurant and you
order something and they bring out the wrong order, Like
the person who's got to wear it, the person who
gets the criticism and catches the heat is the person
bringing out the food, not the person who butchered the order.

Andy Furman has butchered disorders. Thus far, all I'm doing
is bringing out what he put together back there.

Speaker 1 (43:34):
That's it. So I don't know what to tell you.
I've done everything I can.

Speaker 4 (43:40):
He is still not responded, but I will keep you
posted if he does decide that he wants to show
up and hand out another winner for the Preakness, because
he handed out a winner in the Kentucky Derby two
weeks ago, We'll see if he can hand out another
winner in the Preakness. And by the way, it's not
like he handed out a two to one or somebody
who was the favorite to win the race. Mystic Dan
was like sixteen eighteen to one.

Speaker 2 (44:02):
So listen.

Speaker 4 (44:03):
I mean, the guy knows this stuff. The problem is
he doesn't know how to answer his phone. So keep
your posting all that at the Jonas Knocks on Twitter
or at Andy Furman FSR if you want to harass
him and insult him until he shows up here on
the show. Now, I would like to say this. We
were talking about the NFL schedule release, and I was
kind of making the point that like, look, you know,

the NFL has basically decided Christmas is ours moving forward.

Speaker 1 (44:29):
That's what they've done.

Speaker 4 (44:30):
Now they are going to have a couple of games
on Netflix this upcoming Christmas, and you know, we're all
looking at that and it's like seventy five million dollars
a game. So they're paying one hundred and fifty million
dollars to show a couple of games on Christmas. And
they're getting good games, are getting Casey, Pittsburgh, Baltimore, Houston,
good games. But like you start to look at the

NFL and what they've done next Christmas, and you go, man,
are we are we going to see too much of them?
And I would say no, because the NFL's also taken
over next Christmas. That kind of flew under the radar,
real sneaky stuff, and so next year's Thursday, and it's like, dude,
they're telling you we are taking Christmas.

Speaker 1 (45:08):
It is ours now. And if you don't like that,
tough balls.

Speaker 4 (45:13):
They also basically told you, if you don't like the
coverage that Aaron Rodgers and the New York Jets are.

Speaker 1 (45:18):
Getting, tough balls is what it is.

Speaker 2 (45:22):

Speaker 4 (45:23):
The NFL's VP of broadcasting came on and basically explained,
you know, I mean, they've got all these primetime games
because they kind of owed us one. And some people
looked at that and said, oh my, wait, what it's like.

Speaker 1 (45:37):
No, they're being honest with you.

Speaker 4 (45:39):
And if you think about it, why wouldn't you want
to see them as much as possible, Like you're gonna
want somebody that generates a buzz and generates interest, right,
And the fact that the Jets, who were an awful
team last year, the fact that the Jets, who have
been awful for a long time. You don't think so,
when's the last time they made the playoffs? Twenty ten?

Like it's been a long ass time since you have
been in the postseason. Like they've had one winning season since.
So like you see like all of that, and you
see the coverage they get, and people go go, I mean,
why do we I mean hard knocks last year and
all the coverage last year and Zach Wilson and Aaron Right,
It's like, dude, you literally have potentially the final year

of one of the great careers we've ever seen in
the history of the sport. Like there's a real chance
this could be Aaron Rodgers' final year, and who knows,
depending on how last year would have gone, you might
have been had said the same thing. And so the
NFL said, all right, well we're going to feature them
a bunch in primetime and throw them out there. And
then four plays into the season, he gets hurt and

all is gone. Like the reason why people care about
an organization that hasn't made the playoffs since twenty ten
and has been bad for a decade and a half
is because of Aaron Rodgers. And he's one of the
all time greats. So why would you not want to

see him.

Speaker 1 (47:06):
As much as possible?

Speaker 4 (47:08):
What if you don't like his politics or you don't
like the fact that the guy you know likes to
experiment with ayahuasca and like you know, dig tunnels and
go underground and disappear for a while if you don't
like like his stance on the vas and all that.

Speaker 1 (47:25):
So what.

Speaker 4 (47:27):
Like they're like, I got news for you, Like it's controversy.
You know, there's some controversy there, you know, like look
at Harrison Bucker A full disclosure. I don't know everything
that was said. All I know is that a lot
of people are up at arms about it and when

it gets into the to the realm of politics or
religion and all that time. My mom gave me the
best advice a long time ago. She said, you know
what you should do. And I remember I was a
little kid, and I didn't understand it at the time
because I was little and I unders and why she
was telling me. She said, don't talk politics or religion.
It's like a real divider. And I didn't understand at
the time. And then I got into sports radio and

was doing sports radio, you know, at about twenty twenty,
and I realized, oh, yeah, okay, here we go. Now
it all makes sense. Like Harrison Butker made some comments
and now you look at and you go, oh, I
mean his Jersey.

Speaker 1 (48:24):
Sales have spiked. Why is that? Like it's weird?

Speaker 4 (48:28):
Like why is that It's like just because maybe you
might not like it and you maybe doesn't mean everybody is.
Like just because you're sick of the Jets and sick
of Rogers and don't like what he stands for, it
doesn't mean everybody feels the same way. And the NFL
knows that, so they're going to put him out there
as much as possible. Like, there was a guy who

ran a company, a professional wrestling company years ago called WCW.
It went out of business, but this guy who ran
the company and basically kind of you know, brought in
from obscurity to one of the most watched television shows
in the history of television. This guy by the name
of Eric Bischoff, really smart guy. He wrote a book
and the name of the book was Controversy Creates Cash.

Speaker 1 (49:12):
It's the truth. The NFL looks at Aaron.

Speaker 4 (49:15):
Rodgers and the Jets and they go, yeah, we know
there's some controversy there. We know he said some things
that have bothered some people. We know he's going to
make appearances on The Pat mcavie Show starring AJ Hawk
and he's going to make some comments that are going
to piss some people off. And we're not even at
the season yet and he's already pissed some people off.
But you know what, it's going to generate attention, going

to generate eyeballs, and that's what this whole thing is about.
So for people out there that are like, oh my god,
we're sick of the Jets, why do they have so
many primetime games and it's all front.

Speaker 1 (49:44):
Loaded and blah blah blah blah blah.

Speaker 4 (49:46):
Me personally, I got no issue with it because I
look at it like this, that's one of the all
time great players in the history of the league, and
this might be the final year we get to see him,
So why wouldn't you want to see him as much
as possible. Yes, he plays for the awful New York Jets,
we get it understood. But I'm watching the Jets because

I want to see Aaron Rodgers and if this is
the last chance to do so, so be it. Jonas
Knox here Fox Sports Radio, get me on Twitter at
the Jonas Knox at the Jonas Knox on Twitter, and
you can hang out with us as always on the
iHeartRadio app a lot of positive feedback, positive tweets here
on the show. Jason writes in the Otammy stoking bleep

Jonas Knox emptying your man bleep in your infatuation with
the Dodgers, Onesie wishing you could see that rising sun
bleep to munch On. Sonny writes in I don't know
what worse timing is my girlfriend's late bleep or you

being late on air right now with Jonas Knox. That's
a direct hit.

Speaker 1 (51:00):
To Andy Furman. It's unbelievable.

Speaker 4 (51:08):
David writes in Judas jaywadd Jonas is such a bleep.
Even your boy toy bleep sam Bleep got more cred
than your relevant boardop ass.

Speaker 5 (51:28):

Speaker 4 (51:29):
Aaron rights in, Hey, Jonas, it's nice that your buddy
had a quality nickname in high school like Porterhouse, but
I think you failed to let the listeners know that
your high school nickname was tube Steak. Braxton writes in
Jonas is going to go bankrupt on Bleep. Caleb Williams
OnlyFans content and cub season tickets. No one wants to

be associated with a bleep who shares needles with hoboes
on skid Row.

Speaker 1 (52:01):
Booby rights in.

Speaker 4 (52:05):
Hey, Jonas Clark Knox, I guess you've graduated from being
a soy boy bleepwasher to a lipstick bleep lover. Why
don't you put down the mic and ask Caitlin to
let you churn her butter for her for a living
at The Jonas Knox. At The Jonas Knox is where

Tony also writes in you woke, soy boy, go be
outraged and offended and want to boycott and cancel that
bleep Chiefs kicker Henry Bumkiss, who is still more manly
than your bleep ass is as a useless kicker again
at the Jonas Knox. At the Jonas Knox is on Twitter,

where you can find all the positive feedback here on
this show, so a lot of a lot.

Speaker 1 (52:57):
Of fun conversation here. It's advent. I don't have to
tell you. I'm sorry.

Speaker 4 (53:04):
I'm not up to speed on the Harrison Butker controversy.
I don't know, like, I just like I don't live
on social media all right, but apparently people do and
they're outraged by it. But if you'd like to go
ahead and see the unedited versions of all of those
again at the Jonas Knox is where you can find
that fun stuff for you here on a joyful Saturday afternoon.

All right, coming up next here though, from the Tirak
dot com studios, we are going to tell you about
a group of fans who have it worse than anybody
else in the world of sports this weekend, despite their
teams being good. Find out if you're one of them
next year on FSR man. This song sucks. Wow, what

a bad song?

Speaker 5 (53:48):
You get a jab at one of the greatest of
all time?

Speaker 1 (53:50):
Huh is this top Gun?

Speaker 5 (53:52):

Speaker 1 (53:53):
This is a song from Top Gun.

Speaker 5 (53:54):
One of the songs for Top Gun.

Speaker 1 (53:56):
That is a brutal watch.

Speaker 4 (53:57):
I mean it's not as bad as Top Gun too.
Top Gun two stinks out loud?

Speaker 5 (54:02):
Who are isn't here?

Speaker 4 (54:04):
I mean, look, sorry, Bos, start disconnect you right now.

Speaker 1 (54:08):

Speaker 4 (54:08):
Bo's at Lollapalooza right now, or wherever he's at some
music festival nobody wants to go to. We'd rather be
there than do this show because he's so cool. He
graduated college. It's like, I'm sorry, he's a fan of
bad movies. I don't tell you, did I ever tell you?

Speaker 5 (54:22):
My only experience being a round Lollapalooza. It was an
awful one. I actually was in. It was in Chicago,
and like I was in town to cover big ten
media days. My friend's like, oh, hey, come over here.
Well we'll get a drink before you head back to Toledo.
And I had already checked out the hotel. I go
to try to find parking. It's fifty dollars across the
entire the entire city for event parking because of Lollapalooza.

I'm not even anywhere close close to Soldier Field or
wherever they're holding Lollapalooza, but it's fifty bucks.

Speaker 4 (54:50):
Oh listen, scaling Jonas Knox here at Fox Sports Radio.
Let me just say this, like this hole like when
when Soldier Field, like when they put out these rents
rings of like the new field, like where the Bears
are going to play, and everybody's like, oh my god,
look at it.

Speaker 1 (55:04):
It's so cool.

Speaker 4 (55:04):
They're going to host Super Bowls. They left parking out
of the drawings. There's nowhere to park, and people like, well,
I mean there's this one little spot over there. It's like, dude,
that's the issue with the current Soldier Field. There's no
like and if you want to get a cab or
you want to get an uber or try and get
out of there, you've got to go walk all the
way in the opposite direction, like it's a disaster like

some It blows my mind how parking is like an
afterthought with some of these venues.

Speaker 1 (55:33):
Like I got news for you, full disclosure.

Speaker 4 (55:35):
There's a Monster Jam event at Sofi Stadium in Los Angeles,
and my kid loves Monster Jam. Not a shot in
hell he's going. I mean, he could literally clean the
entire house. He could paint the house. He could, you know,
fix the fence that that my buddy Allen, who's a
dirt bag and a half, screwed up when he tried
to install some fountain in the backyard a couple of

years ago. He could fix that. He could He could
do whatever he once and not be a pain in
the ass the entire day. And I wouldn't take them
because I don't want to have to deal with parking
at so Far, which is supposed to be one of
these just majestic, magnificent setups.

Speaker 1 (56:13):
For a venue. They've got everything there.

Speaker 4 (56:14):
They've got the National Championship, super Bowls, concerts, you name it.
We're gonna have Monster Jam, World Finals, all that stuff,
and the parking is a disaster. They've had WrestleMania's there.
Parking's a disaster. Getting to the venue as a disaster,
and for some reason, that's like the last thing anybody
thinks about when they put these things together. It's like, dude,
that's a big part of the deal, Like a big
part of it is like what you do to be

able to get inside the venue like that. That's why
when Bills games get canceled in the postseason because of
the weather, it's not the weather at the stadium, it's
how you get there. They don't want people on the roads,
and it feels like it's the same thing when you're
trying to get to some of these events.

Speaker 5 (56:52):
Last time I had to park at Sofi Stadium, I
think they made me park on like a dirt road,
like a dirt lot.

Speaker 1 (56:58):
Oh yeah, they don't. It's disgusting. Yeah, it's it's ridiculous.

Speaker 4 (57:02):
But nonetheless, you know, there's a little rant on venue
parking for anybody having to deal with that throughout the country.
Here Jonas Knox, Fox Sports Radio. By the way, coming
up in also an update. No word from Andy Furman yet.
There's your update. Just listen. He's basically told you Andy
Furman's basically told.

Speaker 1 (57:21):
You screw you.

Speaker 4 (57:23):
I don't care that I won you money on the
Kentucky Derby. I'm not interested in doing it again, all right.
There is no redo here, there's no part too. I'm
not going to show up to make pick something for
the Preakness one and done.

Speaker 1 (57:34):
He's scared. He's scared to show up.

Speaker 4 (57:36):
Again and hand out another winner like he did a
couple of weeks ago when he handed out sixteen or
eighteen to one.

Speaker 1 (57:41):
Mysstic Dan scared. I'm gonna pick scared, all right.

Speaker 4 (57:45):
So I'm not sure whether or not he's going to
make that happen, but if he does, I'll keep you posted.
We got some time to play with but as of
right now, no word back, and I've called him multiple times.
He is not responding, So I hope everything's okay, but
not really. I'm more interested in him making a correct
and try to make us money here on the show.
That being said, let's get over to this. There are
some people who you watch like you ever like seen

teams play like everybody grows up with a favorite team
you've ever seen, Like a couple of teams play and
you're watching them in the playoffs, and you go, man,
I wish my team was in.

Speaker 1 (58:18):
A playoff game. I wish my team was.

Speaker 4 (58:23):
And then you realize, well, you know, it's kind of
unfortunate because I'm rooting for this team, you know, so
they're not playing in any relevant game or anybody anybody's watching,
you know. And some people are just like they're born
into bad situations as fans. Example, all right, my buddy
and his wife, Eric and Angela lovely people. There's a

problem though, when it comes to baseball. He's a Pirates fan,
she's a Cubs fan. They've got two lovely children. Like
you imagine growing up having to decide between that. It's
like somebody asking you, hey, what what would you rather have?

Would you rather be electrocuted or stabbed?

Speaker 1 (59:09):
You choose? Is there a third option? Nope?

Speaker 4 (59:14):
Okay, what's the difference? Like, like, some people are born
into tough situations. It's like, oh, you could be a
Pirate fan or a Cup fan. Alright, so no World
Series for like another century.

Speaker 1 (59:24):
That's so cool. It's not fun. Sucks.

Speaker 4 (59:28):
You know what else sucks? Game sevens and you're probably thinking,
what are you talking about man, I'd do anything to
be a Pacers or a Knicks fan. I'd kill to
be a Timberwolves and a Nuggets fan. You want any
part of a Game seven? You talk about anxiety, It's miserable.
You can't enjoy it, Like what's to enjoy? There's like you,

like you'll hear from fighters who talk about the anxiety
they get before they go to a fight, Like before
we're arriving to the venue, walking out to the cage
or the ring or whatever. And it's like, you can't
even enjoy the process because you have so much anxiety.
All of these fans, and we might even get another
Game seven if Oklahoma City can pull it off in down,
like we might get another one. All of these fans

sitting there watching Game seven, knowing that their peace and
happiness and joy and anything else that goes on this
weekend or in the foreseeable future is all dependent on
some strangers who make a ton of money, who don't
really know you or care about you, and whether or

not they perform better than somebody else who's also in
the same situation. It's miserable, Like I swear to go
I was I told somebody this recently, I said I
would rather root for a bad team than ever root
for a team that's got a deal in a game seven.

Speaker 1 (01:00:52):
Honest to god, you have no control over it, Like.

Speaker 4 (01:00:57):
Your whole mile mood, everything's decided on a game seven.
You just got to deal with it. Just today, you're
just on the outside. You just got to uh, we'll
see what happens, Like I'd rather get swept, Like if
you're one of these other teams that's been eliminated already
in the playoffs, Like if you're a fan of one

of these other teams, you can just watch a couple
of games and be like, eh, whatever, yeah, we're not
playing for anything significant. But you know what, at least
we don't got to deal with that.

Speaker 1 (01:01:29):
That's fine. I'm good with it.

Speaker 4 (01:01:32):
Less responsibility, less chaos, less anxiety, less nerves, and god forbid,
you start drinking during any of those games, Like I've
made this mistake before. You start drinking during a sporting
event that you're invested in, whether it be a fight
or a game that you're of a team you're rooting for,
or if you're gambling on it. You start drinking and

you have no idea how much you've actually drank, like
literally because you're so anxious that it's just one right
after the other, right after the other, right after the other.
You can't You probably haven't eaten anything because your stomach
can't handle it. You just drink, drink, drink, drink, drink, drink, drink,
And then finally there's a commercial break, you're like, all right,
I'm gonna get up to use the restroom, and you
fall through the sliding glass door. Like nobody wants that,

not even the people that have a rooting interest. So
while you're watching these game sevens, don't be jealous, don't
be envious, don't look at it and go, man, I
wish my team could play in a big game like this.

Speaker 1 (01:02:30):
No you don't.

Speaker 4 (01:02:32):
It's not safe for them, and it's not safe for you.
Consider yourself lucky. Jonas NOx here Fox Sports Radio. By
the way, Thoroughbred Racing as a new independent regulator HAISA
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hands on care with cutting edge technology to help keep
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safety runs first dot com. That safety runs first dot com.
So we are going to have ourselves a fun little
discussion coming up in just a couple of moments about
you know, something that kind of flew under the radar,
not like the NFL releasing Christmas schedule a year in advance,
but something else that flew under the radar that if

it was on the other foot, if it was on
the opposite side of things.

Speaker 1 (01:03:17):
We'd hear a whole lot more about.

Speaker 4 (01:03:18):
We'll get into that for you next year on FSR,
but for all the latest from around the world of
sports ladies and gentlemen, he's back for more.

Speaker 1 (01:03:24):
He's Brian.

Speaker 3 (01:03:25):
Oh my goodness, Jonas and you talking about horse racing.
We've got to preak this coming out tonight.

Speaker 1 (01:03:30):
Hey, Tinny, can I ask you a questions?

Speaker 3 (01:03:32):

Speaker 1 (01:03:32):
J And I don't want to.

Speaker 4 (01:03:33):
I don't want to get personal. Yre, I feel like,
why not, Let's let's ask the question. Let's really go
behind the curtain.

Speaker 1 (01:03:39):
Are you any.

Speaker 4 (01:03:40):
Relation to that drug addict who played bumper cars on
the four or five yesterday in the wrong direction?

Speaker 1 (01:03:46):

Speaker 3 (01:03:47):
Well, so I ended up that I actually was on
the four or five earlier playing Frogger. So, so I
did that, but I didn't do the bumper cars. Were
you the one driving the car from behind?

Speaker 4 (01:03:59):
And no, no, by the way, did you see the
woman who was responsible for that. It was one of
the craziest police pursuits I've ever seen.

Speaker 1 (01:04:05):
It was actually on the air.

Speaker 4 (01:04:07):
We were on the air yesterday morning when it happened,
and it was right after the Scottie Scheffler stuff. And
it was a woman driving some utility van. She got
out of the van like it looks like she had
fallen asleep on a table saw like I don't know,
like just a complete lunatic. And I don't look I've
never done any drug, Like, never done any drug whatsoever.
Like all you gotta do is look her square in

the eyes and go.

Speaker 1 (01:04:29):
Oh, you're a drug addict. And I was just wondering
if you knew, are so Jones?

Speaker 3 (01:04:33):
Why do you think I'm a drug addict?

Speaker 4 (01:04:34):
You know?

Speaker 3 (01:04:34):
It's like, what's that with that.

Speaker 4 (01:04:36):
I'm not saying you are, I'm asking if you know
if any relation do you know her? Are you familiar
with it? If you're not familiar, I would encourage you
to look it up. I'm just saying, well, I'll have
to do that.

Speaker 3 (01:04:45):
And maybe she is related to me, and she certainly
doesn't have my looks, as you can look at the
picture there. But but yeah, and you were talking about
drugs and everything, and Bob Bafford known for a few
of his horses to be drugged up. And let's go
right into the segua there to the previous How about that, Jonas,
that's a broadcast professional place.

Speaker 4 (01:05:03):
It is a broadcast professional it's also so negative. Why
can't you be positive like me? I'm all I'm doing
is shining a light on positive things in sports, and
you've got to be the dark cloud to ruin everybody's day, Jonas,
I grew up on the racetrack and so del Mar, right,
so I was there every summer. And you know that's relatable. Jesus,

I grew up in del Mar. No, no, no, no, I'm
saying I went to the racetrack in del Mar.

Speaker 3 (01:05:29):
That was what we did. I mean, my family has
ties to the horse horse racing industry and I can't
tell you how many times, and we've talked about this before,
where I'm an innocent nine to ten year old kid
who is still has a zest and a love for life,
and then sees what happens when they bring the tense
out on the racetrack and you have to go, hey, daddy,

what's going on over there? You know, and it's like,
what are we doing here?

Speaker 2 (01:05:56):

Speaker 4 (01:05:56):
Look, I mean, you know, things have changed, family, and
by the way, for anybody that's got an issue with
just the cycle of life and the circle of life
and how this stuff happens. I mean, you ever watched
National Geographic growing up? Was it Marty Staffer?

Speaker 1 (01:06:10):
Is that his name? The guy who used to follow it.
It's like, dude, you see a lot.

Speaker 4 (01:06:13):
Of things that happen in nature and you go, man's
that sucks, And it's like, well, yeah, but it's nature,
you know stuff. I mean, things happen sometimes, but horse
racing has become increasingly more safe. And that's why we
are thrilled, you know, with Heisa and everything that they've done,
because they're really looking after the animals, and they're looking
after the jockeys as well too.

Speaker 3 (01:06:32):
They are, and we're looking after one of our jockeys
in Andy Furman, who I called to Jonas. I know,
we were trying to get him on to talk about
her preakness. No, no answer. He doesn't even have his
own voice in the voicemail.

Speaker 4 (01:06:43):
Actually, I'll call him right now. Okay, let me h,
can we pop the music down real quick?

Speaker 1 (01:06:48):
I just I'll call Andy right now.

Speaker 3 (01:06:49):

Speaker 1 (01:06:51):
If he doesn't answer, he's a real douche.

Speaker 3 (01:06:53):
I mean, what else could he be doing right now?

Speaker 4 (01:07:05):
Whether you're listening to live coverage of us calling Andy Furman,
this guy's supposed to show up and make a Preakness pick,
he's nowhere.

Speaker 1 (01:07:13):
To be filing.

Speaker 3 (01:07:14):
Let me tell you why he's not answering.

Speaker 1 (01:07:15):
Well, let's see if we get his voicemail. I don't
want to give out his number on the air. I
kind of do want to give out his number.

Speaker 3 (01:07:23):
Your call has been that is definitely not his voice.

Speaker 1 (01:07:25):
Stand him got it can't stand.

Speaker 3 (01:07:27):
So so let me tell you why he didn't call
because it didn't respond to you. So, Andy, what you
have to realize is Andy hits about one out of
the music.

Speaker 1 (01:07:35):
Back up. I don't want to ruin your up to Andy.

Speaker 3 (01:07:38):
Hits on about one of fifty horse racing picks. So
he was so prideful that he finally got one right,
that he knew, by the odds Jonas that whatever he
told you he was going to get wrong today.

Speaker 5 (01:07:49):
So he just.

Speaker 3 (01:07:49):
Decided to ghost.

Speaker 1 (01:07:50):
You probably don't. Yeah, he doesn't. He wants to go
out of winner.

Speaker 3 (01:07:53):
He does.

Speaker 1 (01:07:54):
That's what they've hit.

Speaker 4 (01:07:54):
But it's like, dude, that's not how this works, like
like you could like double up your your profit here
and apparently he's not.

Speaker 3 (01:08:00):
Interested so well because he knows, he knows he got lucky.

Speaker 1 (01:08:03):
And that's the case.

Speaker 3 (01:08:05):
But as we look at the Preakness at six fifty
Eastern time, and I know a lot of people are
going to be watching that the second leg of the
Triple Crown, Mystic Dan is going to be in that
four position. He is the eight to five morning line favorite.
Jonas you like how I use a lot of the
horse racing there, grew up on the track and all
that stuff and shovel and all the hay and all

that good stuff. So yeah, so you know, anyway, a
mystic day him. By the way, so he wasn't supposed
to be the favorite. There was a guy Youth who
was actually trained by Bob Baffort. Youth was scratched because
of a fever. Bob Baffort who's not allowed at Churchill
Downs because of all of the drug issues that he's
done with his Horses is going to be at Pimlico

for the Preakness. He's got Imagination, one of his horses
in there, and I'll just leave that right there. So
from there, let's go to the PGA Championship. It's the
third round right now. Colin Marie Kawa's Ander Softlaire in
a tie for first at twelve under for the tournament.
Both of them are through six holes. Chaffle is even,
he hasn't had a birdie since his tenth hole yesterday
in the second round on Friday, and one under through

six holes is Colin Moreri Kawall. We look at Scotty Scheffler,
who is working his way all the way down into
what is tied for twenty seven. He started the day
three shots off the pace, but he's made a mess
of things. Rarely did we see Jonas on a golf course,
but if we did, he would be Scotty schefflering it.
If I can turn that into a verb, he's gone
left off the tee.

Speaker 1 (01:09:30):
I'd be working the drink cart. I can't go terrible.

Speaker 3 (01:09:35):
Well, you could also be working on smoothing out the greens.

Speaker 4 (01:09:39):
True, Yeah, I mean I do have a background in landscaping.
So there there, and I drive the truck for it.
So nothing wrong with that. Yeah, and you know what, Yeah,
so Scotty Scheffler struggled a little bit today. What do
you expect from the guy? He's been eating prison food
for the last god knows how long and then he
gets out. You know, he's got a lot of adrenaline
and then all of a sudd you know, he's got

to you got to figure out his wife with like
an impending legal case, you know, beyond I don't blame
him for struggling a little.

Speaker 3 (01:10:06):
Bit, but he played really well when he got out
of jail yesterday. And so I know you've been a
couple of times at the Slammer in years past.

Speaker 4 (01:10:14):
I have for certain things I have got I definitely
have not. Oh yeah, but the way this show's going
about twenty minutes away from it. To be honest with you, I'll.

Speaker 3 (01:10:24):
Leave you with this Jonas the last thing, Caitlyn Clark,
I know you're a big fan of hers. As am
I twenty two points for the Indiana Fever, and yeah,
she led the Fever to a loss. I don't know
how you lead a team to a loss. Usually lead
the team to the win, but they fell to the
New York Liberty ninety one to eighty. Caitlin Clark did
have twenty two points and she went nine of seventeen

from the floor, did not attempt to free throw Jonas,
but but she got hers and more. And I love
what you said earlier on the show about all those
Caitlyn Clark wannabes want to see her fail. How wrong
they are, Jonas. You really told them, you showed them
whose pots?

Speaker 1 (01:11:00):
Hey, thanks, Fanny, I appreciate it. Man.

Speaker 4 (01:11:02):
Yeah, the Caitlin Clark weirdos, all the ccw's out there,
by the way, congratulations. You know, everybody wants to have
a group, like a faction, if you will. Everybody wants
to have that nowadays. So if you're one of those
people that like watches to see and hope that Caitlin
Clark struggles and the Indiana Fever or whatever they're.

Speaker 1 (01:11:17):
Called, struggle, dude, just I mean, you know, at least
you can know.

Speaker 4 (01:11:21):
That you're part of the ccw's, you're the Caitlin Clark weirdos,
because for some reason you're infatuated by whether or not
some girl is successful and some woman is successful in basketball.

Speaker 1 (01:11:32):
It's weird. It's weird how that works.

Speaker 3 (01:11:34):
And you're part of the goth group follow in the cure.

Speaker 1 (01:11:37):
Hey, hey, so what if I've seen the care and concert.
It's not your business.

Speaker 3 (01:11:40):
You're just telling you the obvious.

Speaker 4 (01:11:42):
All right, Well, you grew up, you know, on a
horse track. And I was going to say something almost
got to thrown off the air, and I'm not going
to say it. I'm the broadcast professional here, not you. Yes,
all right, but the point is, if you're one of
those people rooting for Kaitlyn Clark to fail, you're a loser.
All right, how about thank you? So we appreciate all
the eyeballs and attention that you brought the sport, but instead, nah,

you just want to root for it to fail. It's ridiculous,
all right, Jonas Knox he or Fox Sports Radio. By
the way, we are going to come up with another
edition of the Scraps less than ten minutes from now.
That'll be here on the tiraq dot com studios. I
do want to mention this because I thought this was funny.
So apparently there was an NBA Draft lottery earlier this week.

I got apparently, Yeah, if the NFL had a draft lottery,
and I don't want to talk about like the logistics
and all that, Like if the NFL had a draft lottery,
it would do better numbers than NBA playoff games. And
in fact, I would argue if the NFL had a
draft lottery, it would do better numbers than maybe any

other sporting event in the country. The NBA had a
draft lottery, and it was like somebody cutting a fart
in the woods.

Speaker 1 (01:13:04):
Who cares? Nobody cared. I just it's kind of wild.

Speaker 4 (01:13:08):
So the fact that the NBA is going to get
two game sevens tomorrow potentially a third kind of a
good thing, right, kind of a good thing, and it's
needed as you're trying to grow the sport and bring
more eyeballs to the sport. That a guy like Anthony Edwards,
the ant man, calls it like it is twenty two
years old, not a care in the world.

Speaker 1 (01:13:28):
Those are good things, you know.

Speaker 4 (01:13:30):
The fact that nobody knew that you had an actual
draft lottery a few days ago, maybe not Jonas Knox
here Fox Sports Radio, at the Jonas Knox at The
Jonas Knox on Twitter coming up next here again, we're
going to have another edition.

Speaker 1 (01:13:41):
Of the Scraps.

Speaker 4 (01:13:42):
Things in the world of sports and beyond we've not
had a chance to get to, and they're yours here
on FSR. Ugh, I'm not gonna say it, you'll if
you perfet.

Speaker 1 (01:13:55):
My God.

Speaker 5 (01:13:56):
In my defense, this computer is dead. Yeah, I had
to stand by.

Speaker 4 (01:14:02):
Hey, you know our tech producer has technical issues. When
you've got to turn to Green Day to get us
through the end of the show. Yeah, that's how bad
this is. Speaking of bat trade is empty. I swear
to gain if Green Day was pilling a concert in
my backyard, I'd run errands and call the cops. Jonas

Knox here Fox Sports Radio. By the way, make sure
you stick around little over ten minutes from now from
the tire Rack dot Com Studios, Carmen Vitali and Alex
Curry will be taking over the airwaves. Lots of NBA conversation,
all the fun stuff. Make sure you stick around for
that again, always a fun listen a little over ten
minutes from now here on FSR. A reminder before we
close up shop with another edition of the Scraps. Also,

I would you want to let you know Andy Furman
did call me during the break. He can't make it,
so at least he did well. Actually, you know what,
he didn't even call me. He texted me and I
called him, and he said he can't make it because
he's busy, he's got other things going on and whatnot.

Speaker 1 (01:14:59):
And then he was.

Speaker 4 (01:15:00):
Attacking me with a violent tone as to why I
didn't reach out to him during the week.

Speaker 1 (01:15:05):
And I only text him and called him earlier today.

Speaker 4 (01:15:08):
So apparently I've got to go through the proper channels
if I want to get a hold of Andy Furman.
Woo whatever, it's fine. I mean, I'll throw you know,
I'll throw it out there. I think imagination we drew
horses names out of a hat for two pros and
a cup of Joe yesterday on Fox Sports Radio. So

I think I drew imagination out of the hat. I
think it was like nine to one. It might be
like four to one now. So if you want to
bet the imagination, I believe in the nine horse, that'll
be my pick. And if it doesn't work, whatever, it's
not my problem. All right, you took bad advice, not me,
that's you. But a reminder that shortly after this show,
our podcast will be going up. So I have you missed

any of today's show, including a tribute to Caitlin Clark, weirdos,
and also how the NFL stepped in and stole your holidays.
Make sure you check out that podcast you search Fox
Sports Radio wherever you get your podcast.

Speaker 1 (01:16:07):
Be sure to also.

Speaker 4 (01:16:07):
Follow, rate and review the pod again. Search Fox Sports
Radio wherever you get your podcasts. You'll see the show
posted right after we get off the air. I will
tweet out a link to that podcast as well too,
as soon as it's up at the Jonas Knocks on Twitter.

Speaker 1 (01:16:19):
But right now it's time for this.

Speaker 2 (01:16:22):
Jonas moron, How could you not get to these stories? Moron?

Speaker 1 (01:16:27):
These are there scraps?

Speaker 5 (01:16:30):
All right?

Speaker 1 (01:16:30):
Shaye? What the hell have we miss so far on
the show?

Speaker 7 (01:16:33):
Before I got into the scraps, I want to let
everyone know if you do want to hear what Andy
has to say about his pick tonight, he'll be on
at three am with Bucky and I at three am
Pacific Standard at six am Eastern. Again, if you guys
want to hear Andy, you can hear him then. But
let's get right.

Speaker 1 (01:16:48):
Yeah, but you know what those shame Yeah, calm it
down a little bit.

Speaker 4 (01:16:52):
Yeah, but doesn't but doesn't that kind of make you
lose a little bit of respect for Andy.

Speaker 3 (01:16:57):
I'm going to bring it up to him.

Speaker 1 (01:16:58):
Don't worry. I'm I'm gonna him know.

Speaker 7 (01:17:00):
I mean, it's crazy that it got the pick right too,
because we have this game called it's called back uh
not Backguard, that's brain easy bottom barrel autom barrel betting.

Speaker 5 (01:17:08):

Speaker 1 (01:17:09):
By the way, do you know who's the creator of that?

Speaker 4 (01:17:11):
Years and years ago, a little about ten years ago,
I created that game.

Speaker 7 (01:17:14):
It's a terrific game. I mean, you have what's your
other the porn Star game is a great game too.

Speaker 4 (01:17:21):
Pro wrestler or porn Star. Not suitable for daytime hours, yeah,
back in the weekend overnight.

Speaker 5 (01:17:25):
So yeah, I have no clue what you're talking about there.

Speaker 7 (01:17:27):
Yeah, but no, Yeah, I'm gonna let anthy know tonight
one hundred percent. Don't worry, He'll he'll get an airfold
for me. But let's get straight into it. So, as
you know, the NFL is getting right back into their
international games and they're going straight to Brazil, and the
ticket prices have come out.

Speaker 1 (01:17:43):
Did you see the prices for the tickets?

Speaker 4 (01:17:45):
No, they are looking at here absurd. So packers Eagles.

Speaker 7 (01:17:50):
So the game ticket only is one thousand, five hundred
and forty five dollars. What But they also have packages.
So if you want to stay for three nights in
a hotel and you get a single game ticket, you
can pay thirty five hundred dollars.

Speaker 1 (01:18:05):
You know that.

Speaker 4 (01:18:05):
I mean, if you think, okay, look, I mean it's
a lot of money. I'm not doing it. I wouldn't
spend it. But you know, I mean you're talking to
somebody who literally celebrated getting fourteen dollars for recycling cans
two weeks ago.

Speaker 1 (01:18:16):
So I mean, I'm you know, it's not like I'm
gonna spend this money.

Speaker 4 (01:18:19):
But for thirty five hundred dollars, I mean, there's worse
things that you've spent thirty five hundred dollars on.

Speaker 7 (01:18:28):
That's without airfair though airfare it's five four hundred and fifty.

Speaker 1 (01:18:35):
Would you do that? No, I'm not sorry. Look here's
the here's the other problem.

Speaker 4 (01:18:40):
The viewing experience on television for every sport is so
good now that I'm just not as interested in going
to actual live events because of how comfortable and how
good the experience is when you watch on television It's
like I would rather pay the money on a big

screen TV and like put together my own little like
you know, mini man cave or sports bar or family
room or whatever and dial that in, then spend thirty
five hundred dollars to fly to South America to watch
the Packers in the Eagles. I'm sorry, Like, I just
feel like you can put that elsewhere, and I just
the viewing experience is too good now in the NFL

and other sports just is get like production's better.

Speaker 7 (01:19:28):
You can get like five TVs for thirty five hundred dollars.

Speaker 1 (01:19:30):
Oh yeah, it just h that's too much.

Speaker 5 (01:19:32):
We stop.

Speaker 1 (01:19:33):
Yeah, not even do it. I need to do that.
What else we got?

Speaker 7 (01:19:36):
So we got jj Reddick. He is actually rumors are
saying that he is in the lead to be the Lakers'
next coach.

Speaker 1 (01:19:44):
What do you think about that?

Speaker 4 (01:19:46):
I actually kind of want to see it because I
think he might be the one guy that Lebron can't fire, Like,
he can't get fired because if he does that, then
he loses his podcast at the same time, you know,
so like if you really want to make somebody commit,
you've got to give him something to lose. And I
just don't think Lebron wants to lose that podcast, so
at least you know one coach would be saved for
the Lakers moving forward, this has been a fun one.

Appreciate Shay, Chris and Brian, Carmen and Alex are next

Speaker 1 (01:20:12):
Shoonas Son of a Bitch.

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