All Episodes

May 17, 2024 48 mins

It’s time for Chris Haynes and Marc Stein to link up for a new installment of #thisleague UNCUT! They turn their eyes onto the developing trade market for NBA stars and determine who they see as the player most likely to be trade: Donovan Mitchell, Brandon Ingram, or Trae Young? The latest on the Lakers head coaching search and of course warm farewell to Madison Square Garden as Chris finishes a perfect 4-0 covering the Knicks this postseason.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Donovan, Mitchell brandon Ingram Trey Young. Which of those three
high profile stars is most likely to be traded this offseason? Also,
what's going on with the Lakers coaching search, and what
were the latest adventures that Chris Haynes stumbled into on
his latest trip to the Big Apple to Madison Square Garden,

the mecca of basketball. We get into all that next
here on this League Uncut.

Speaker 2 (00:30):
Welcome to this League Uncut in the world of twenty
four hour NBIA News. This's you love, Chris Haynes. It's time,
works time, It's so time. This League Uncut is.

Speaker 3 (00:48):
Underway in a fire.

Speaker 2 (00:51):
This should be a good one.

Speaker 1 (00:55):
Hey everyone, welcome in to another edition of this League Uncut.
Mark Stein here with Chris Haynes. Bit of an unusual
schedule for us as we record on this Thursday afternoon,
will be a same day record and post. We're doing
this before the big game six in Minneapolis. Nuggets, once

down two in this series, have stormed back to win
three in a row, including two in Minnesota. Nuggets with
a chance to finish this thing off tonight, let's see
if the Wolves can win one at home and take
that series. The most anticipated second round series to a

game seven, But we decided, because of the schedules that
we both are following this week, that it would be best, easiest,
safest for us to get together in the afternoon before
this game. So we will not be able to talk
much about that series, but we're going to talk about
everything else. Chris Haynes fresh off another trip to his

favorite city, New York, New York. We'll get to that,
but just in general, was it all right? They are?
They still treating you well in Manhattan.

Speaker 3 (02:19):
Treat me, you know, treat me tremendously. They were trying
to convince me to come to a game seven, if
there is a game seven, they want me to come
to that game. As you know, well as you should know, ESPN,
ABC have Game six and Game seven of the series,
so I will not be attended. That was officially my

final sideline game of the season.

Speaker 1 (02:46):
Breaking news, your last sideline game of the season, last
Massive Square Garden berger of the season.

Speaker 3 (02:55):
Yeah, that was it for the Knicks or four and
oh when I cover a game?

Speaker 1 (03:02):
Last hangout with Latrell Spree, Well for the season.

Speaker 3 (03:05):
You're a hero, not just that again. I met Latrell
Massive Square Garden has been really good to me. Producer Ryan,
I know he's going to get on this Stein because
we told we were going to get to the meat
and potatoes at the beginning. But I'm sorry, I have
to say this.

Speaker 1 (03:21):
This is it's more natural to talk about your travels.

Speaker 3 (03:23):
He was.

Speaker 1 (03:24):
Producer Ryan was wrong. This is the more natural show
because I know where you're going. I think I know
where you're going with this. Can I just can I
just say? Is this about meeting another one of your heroes?

Speaker 3 (03:35):
Yes? It is. How would you know where this is going,
Stein when you don't have an I G. How do
you know? I think if you're on I G.

Speaker 1 (03:45):
No, because I think it was on Facebook too, so
I think I saw it there.

Speaker 3 (03:49):
It was on Facebook, I did. I did Madison Square.

Speaker 1 (03:52):
Gold Man, I saw it on Old Man.

Speaker 3 (03:54):
I yes, I met my favorite player of all time.
I'm growing up as a killer Trails free Will masson
Square Garden a few weeks ago. We talked about that.
But Stein the other day in New York Game five,
Oh Man, met my favorite rapper of all time, My

favorite rapper of all time, the one and only Buster Rhymes.
Oh my goodness, man, that was the first time I
met him, so I had the chance to go talk
to him. He gave me a hug. Man, I said, Buster,
I named like five of his albums just to prove
that I'm a fan, I said, Buster, I was with
you from the Leaders of the New School Days, from

from Genesis, the album from When Disaster Strikes to Extinction
Level Event. I just started naming all the albums. He
was just laughing and he I said, I'm from Fresno.
I was one of the rare West Coast dudes that
was rocking a East Coast cat in Fresno. Buster rhyse,
he said, Fresno, Hunt Fresno. He said, Man, I'm actually

performing in Fresno this weekend, he said, he said, he said,
He's performing with t Paine this weekend in forres Though,
I'm like, ain't this a bouttle bitch, Like, I'm not
even gonna be there.

Speaker 1 (05:09):
Fred, I'm hearing that you would have gotten.

Speaker 3 (05:13):
Oh that would have been so awesome, man, But nah,
that was cool. Matt buster Hides took a picture of him. Man,
everything was cool.

Speaker 1 (05:20):
So did you just run into him or did someone
introduce you guys or he know he was what happened?

Speaker 3 (05:26):
He was sitting courtside and I had to pass by
him to get to my seat. He was sitting directly
by the Indiana Patients bench and I sit behind the
Indiana Patients bench, so I had to walk past him
to get to my seat. And I saw him. You know,
he got this got this big old platinum diamond shame,
big old platinum dimond. You know, you can't miss him.

And so I saw him and I was like, man,
this is I gotta go like it was doing a
time out. I'm sorry, y'all. I know I'm supposed to
be working, but I had to. I had to go
talk to him. Chat went on for briefly for a minute,
but nah, he was cool. So I had some good
experiences at message.

Speaker 1 (06:05):
Did you invite him for a burger at halftime? To
your person, your personal VP of of the a top
three burger in your life?

Speaker 3 (06:15):
He said, well, let me let me tell you this,
din Yes it is. And what you're talking about that
area where the front row fans get to go, that
is different from the area of where the celebrities get
to go. So I imagine the room that they get
to go to, there's no burgers in there. I can

guarantee you that this that's this is where Chris Rock
Ben Steeler, Oh did you see? You see? I got
you see? I got Tracy Morgan on our pregame show.
I pulled that off stole. I pulled that off man.
I wanted to give Draymond some ship. And I actually
tried to call Draymond before Tracy come on, just to

give him my heads up. Draymond an ascwer. So I'm like, Okay,
he's gonna find out this way. So you know, Knicks fans,
they're not feeling Draymond right now. So I asked Trace.
I said, Tracy, I'm about to do this pregame show
inside the NBA. Drey mind is going to be all,
can you come on and give him some shit? He said,
I'm doubting. I want to give him a piece of
my mind anyway.

Speaker 1 (07:18):
And so that that led to that what a life
you've led in these playoffs already?

Speaker 3 (07:25):
You know what?

Speaker 1 (07:25):
Like we said, like we said Ryan two weeks ago,
not a single listener to this league uncut would have
believed that outlandish claim from Chris Haynes that New York
had passed up Miami as his favorite NBA city. But
after these first two rounds of the playoffs, between meeting
your hero Latrell's pretty well, hanging out with Buster Rhymes,

and getting a top three burger. Now at halftime of
every game you cover a top three in his life burger,
We finally do believe that Madison Square has vaulted to
the top of the Chris Haynes Personal Power rankings.

Speaker 4 (08:05):
Stein Haynes, as the old saying goes, the times they
are a change in.

Speaker 3 (08:12):
Yeah, yeah, and it happens. Y'all didn't believe me, So
you'll be sad.

Speaker 1 (08:18):
You'll be sad if the Knicks can win one more
game and go to the conference finals, you won't be
along for the ride because you have an updated assignment
in in the conference finals. Can you share that with us?

Speaker 3 (08:31):
Yes, I've been reassigned. So usually I'm the what you
would call the B crew. You know, you have Reggie Miller,
Kevin Harland, and Ali Leforest. That's like our A crew.
Then I'm part of the B crew me Stan Van
Gundy and Brian Anderson. So T and T has the
Western Conference finals and so that our A crew covers that,

and then I usually cover the opposite conference. So this
year is going to be the Eastern Conference. So while
I don't do sideline as I'm there basically as a
reporter or a correspondent and I give my reports on
the inside the NBA from the Eastern Conference. So just
about a week ago they took me off of that,
they reassigned me. So tn T is going to have, well,

I should say, it's going to be on True TV.
It's going to be an aut cast show where we're
going to be watching the game live. It's going to
be me, Vince Carter, Hall of Fame Vince Carter, Adam Lefko.
We're going to be hosting this altcast show on True
TV watching the Western Conference finals. So that's going to

be an alternative broadcast. You still get the traditional broadcast
on TNT. So well that's what I'm doing. I've been
reassigned to that, and you know they asked me for
want to do it? You know, I say yeah, good,
good change of pace, to be cool, and we'll be
bringing on guests, so we'll have some heavy hitters, some players,
some coaches coming on during this a hash show. So

I would encourage everybody, you know, give us a try,
come tune in to be on True TV covering each
game of the Western Conference Finals.

Speaker 1 (10:09):
Okay, before I react to that, I want to ask
producer Ryan if he hears what I'm here. And Chris
Haynes is in Atlanta as we speak, checking on his
daughter who both attend university in the Atlanta area, and
yet somehow the beeping fire alarm of old from Sacramento

has made its way across the country and is infiltrating
this podcast. Do I have that correct?

Speaker 4 (10:37):
You do have that correct? So peek behind the curtain.
We set up our little recording session here. Haines had
got on just a couple of minutes before you, Stein,
and that was actually something I almost immediately brought up
to Chris. I go, you know, you're you're down visiting
your daughters, and it seems like this smoke alarm issue

has followed you from Sacramento down into the South area.

Speaker 1 (11:04):
So I predict any moment, any moment now, Prince, the
official dog of the show, will start barking and the
doorbell will ring with a pizza delivery. There may not
be a pizza delivery, surely will all happen in the
next fifteen to thirty minutes.

Speaker 3 (11:22):
Yes, I told producer Ride. I was gonna give a
disclaimer at the the end of the show, but we
went astray. So I want to apologize everybody my daughters have.
They are mimicking the bad habits of their father of
not putting batteries in the smoke detectors of alarms, and
so they are going off everywhere. There's too they are

too many in this house. It's like six of them
going off. I'm sorry. So I told you I apologize.
I will mute my mic when I am not talking.

Speaker 1 (11:50):
There's no need to mute your mic. But I mean, look,
I am the least handy person on earth. I can't
make toast. But you know, my late father, we used
to say he had hands of gold. He was the
handyman in the family. And every time he came to
visit me, I mean I just would hit him with
a list of please fix this, please fix that. So

I just would have thought, as you're visiting your daughter's
dad would have taken care of the fire alarm before anything.

Speaker 3 (12:19):
There's too many of them. There is high ceilings. This
in his house. It would take It's gonna take some time.
I'll get to it, stot, I'll get to it.

Speaker 1 (12:31):
Your vertical can't get you up to those high ceilings.
You need a ladder.

Speaker 3 (12:34):
Nah, these are these are these are There's a lot
of work to do in this house. We bought this
house a few years ago. Five bedroom house. We bought
it from my daughters. But dang, five bedroom. But the
reason we got five bedrooms because we we told our daughters, listen,
we'll get you a place near campus. But you got

you girls are responsible for recruiting, so we can make
a profit. So you know, let's get these rooms filed.
Let's make a profit. We ain't made a profit yet.
It's been two years. We had a room field for
a semester only. I think that was like the first year.
And so yeah, I told them, I'm like, yeah, as

soon as y'all done graduating, this house is going on
the market asap.

Speaker 1 (13:23):
That's still pretty awesome though, that you're both your daughters.
They basically go across to the other side of the country,
but they get to go to school together. That's pretty nice.

Speaker 3 (13:31):
Yeah. No, it saved us a penny. There was actually
a sister a sister brother special they had at Clark Atlanta.
I saved a few pennies, so I appreciate them doing that.
So yes, I'm excited. My oldest daughter, Justice, she graduates
this weekend, and then my daughter Jasmine, who's a junior,
should graduate next year. So I'm proud of my girl.

So I'm here early. I know it does it does?
My daughter came here fast, she graduated. Yeah, my daughter,
my oldest, graduated high school twenty twenty, that pandemic year,
and she didn't get to have Remember twenty twenty, she
didn't get to have a graduation, so she didn't get
to experience that. So I'm very proud of her, you know,

getting it, you know, getting this far, and she's finally
going to be able to have an official graduation. So
I'm going to stay here in Atlanta. I'm here early.
I'm gonna stay here in Atlanta until the Western Conference
final start for that All Cash show.

Speaker 1 (14:30):
I constantly whine about how fast my kids have grown up,
But it seems like your kids have grown up at
lightning fast speed. But I can Producer Ryan is just
throwing things in the background because we have talked about
New York. We've talked about fatherhood, we've talked about real life,
We've talked about everything except what producer Ryan wants us
to talk about so right now, immediate transition to potential

trade movement this offseason. The Cleveland Cavaliers, their season ends
Wednesday night in Boston. They lose Game five. Let's face it,
with no Donovan Mitchell, with no Jared Allen, I mean,

they were not going to win a Game five on
Boston's floor. They took the series to five games. I
don't think anybody really expected much more from this Caves team,
given how much they struggled in Round one with a
new to the playoffs Orlando Magic team. But now, of course,
the question becomes, has Donovan Mitchell played his last game

as a Cleveland Cavalier? And you know, the Calves throughout
the regular season, up to the trade deadline in February,
they swatted away external interest. Teams did call, they wanted
no part of it. But now it is widely anticipated
throughout the league that if the Cavaliers cannot convince Donovan

Mitchell to sign a contract extension this summer, that they'll
be forced to trade him. Because the Cavs only have
one more season with Mitchell under Cavaliers control. Donovan Mitchell
has a player option after next season. For twenty five
twenty six, So twenty four to twenty five that's the

last guaranteed team control season on Mitchell's current contract. But
I'm gonna ask it a little bit differently. Donovan, Mitchell,
Brandon Ingram and New Orleans Trey Young in Atlanta. There
is considerable trade speculation slash anticipation about all three of

those players. Look into the Chris Haynes crystal ball for
me and tell me which one of those three players, Mitchell, Ingram,
or Ice tray On one of those three is most
likely to be moved before the start of next season.

Speaker 3 (17:05):
I would have to go with domin I'm going with
Donovan because that's that's something we'd be Yeah, I'm going
with Doblin because that's something we've been hearing all season long.
This isn't something we've heard about over the last few weeks.
We you know. And let's even take it back further
than before this season, when he got traded to Cleveland,

it was loudly known behind the scenes that he wanted
to go to New York. He did not want to
get trade to Cleveland. So the Cavaliers understood that you
either had to get you know, there are teams like
Toronto Raptors. You know I mentioned the Raptors before. You know,

you take a risk on trading for Kawhi Leonard. You know,
Kawhi doesn't want to be there, but you do it
in hopes that you would have some success and then
you get a whole season or you know, sometimes even
two seasons to recruit. Basically, you're trying to recruit him
to stay. And teams that are not a successful team,

or you're just not a team that players want to
play for just because of where you are, where you're
at on the map, then most likely you have to
take a chance. If you're not one of those two teams,
if you're not a team that's in the sun and
great weather, great views, or a team that's just having success.

If you're not one of those two situations, then most
likely a team has to take a chance. And so
Toronto took a chance. They have success everything when it's
playing as you're saying, it still didn't work. It still
didn't work in retaining Kawhi. They got a championship out
of it, but they wanted to keep him. So same
with the Cleveland Cavaliers, and I just don't let them

know that they're going to be able to keep them
as well. So I say Donovan as long Wooden answer,
I say Donovan because you know, we've heard for a
while where he would have liked to have played at
you know, when he was traded.

Speaker 1 (19:16):
I'm gonna go with Brandon Ingram. He's the one at
this point as we speak on May sixteenth, He's the
one that I feel most confident in projecting that his
team is going to really look at what the trade
market looks like. I mean, look, I think there's some chance,

I don't know what the exact percentage would be, that
all three could get moved. But in Donovan's case, it's
going to depend on whether he's willing to do an
extension or not. I think Atlanta, after seriously considering de
Jonte Murray trades at the trade deadline, I think they're

more apt to explore the Trey Young trade market this
offseason rather than Dejonte again. But because Trey already has
that two hundred plus million max, it might be more
complicated to find the landing spot to find the team

willing to take in all that salary. But these are
early projections. Like I said, I think there are scenarios
you can envision in which all three get moved. I
know in Cleveland there are still people connected to the
Cavs organization who hold out hope that Donovan Mitchell can

be convinced to sign the extension this summer. Let's face it,
signing an extension to stay, it's a lot of money,
and more often than not in the modern era, we
see players take the extensions rather than go to free agency.
So the Cavs are going to hope that they can

convince Donovan to re sign. But there's enough doubt about
it that you might be proven right and there might
be a more robust Trey Young market then, I imagine
as we're trying to analyze this on May sixteenth, but
just again at this early juncture, and it's still early.

I know, the whole league is in Chicago this week
for the pre draft combine, and that does kind of
in some ways get the offseason player personnel machine cranking.
But it is still pretty early in the trade process,
and so I think we're gonna need a little bit
more time to fully assess it. I think Cleveland's mindset

is they're gonna do everything they can. They're going to
explore every possible option to try to keep Donovan Mitchell.
They're only going to to trade him if it reaches
a point where they feel like there is just no
hope and they can't get him on an extension, and

that they know if they let next season start and
it plays out that they risk eventually losing Donovan Mitchell
for nothing. So I feel like the Calves are gonna
do everything they can to try to salvage that relationship
and keep Donovan Mitchell, whereas New Orleans, the Pelicans have

to really look at changes because their main three guys.
There's just a lot of data and a lot of
numbers to support the idea that the Zion Williamson, Brandon
Ingram CJ McCollum trio. The Pelicans just did not flourish
with that trio on the floor. And when I check
with other teams on it, there's just no mistaking that

there's a rising expectation out there around the league that
New Orleans is going to explore the Brandon Ingram trade
possibilities this offseason, and the Tray Young call is still
a little harder to me to assess that because now
that the Hawks have the number one pick. You know,
they're trying to figure out exactly what they should do.

Should they try to move Trey, Should they try to
move to Jonte again, Should they try to use the
number one pick in some sort of other deal for retooling.
The Hawks are still kind of evaluating all their options.
But again, I think I don't want to rule out
the idea. I mean, we there is a world, there

is a scenario where all three get moved. I think, man,
it would be hard to imagine none of the three moving.
I have to think at least one of them gets
moved this offseason.

Speaker 3 (23:46):
Let's talk about New Orleans and Cleveland, just for a
little bit. On New Orleans end, Brendan Ingram was your
pick out of the three players selected. And if they
do MOVEBI, that means they feel really good about somebody
being able to come in there and fill that rule.
Trey Murphy that he's ready. Trey is ready. Trey is

actually going to be one of our guests on an
all cast show that we do do in the Western
Conference Finals. He's ready, He's ready to take that next step.
He is a starter in this league, and he just
he just happens to play behind brandam Ingram. But you know,
he's somebody who's you know, salivating at the opportunity to

potentially have a bigger role, and he's up for the
extension this summer. So New Orleans has some decisions to make.
Do you give do you give Trey a big extension
and you keep brandon Ingram there? I don't know if
that makes sense right, you know, so I get you Stein,

you make some you make a compelling case of why
b I is your pick to be moved of those
three players, and it makes all the sense of the world.
But I definitely think Trey, I mean, just his presence
being there is definitely going to factor in to what
New Orleans decides to do with b I. Now on

the Cleveland's end, you know, with you know you're talking
about Atlanta, they got to figure out things, figure out
what they're gonna do. Cleveland has a lot to figure out.
Coach Bickerstaff, Donovan Mitchell, Darius Garland and and Donovan Mitchell
are those two? Can they continue to play together along

stretches and be successful? They had a pretty good run
this season. Jared Allen, You know, there there's there's reports
of complaints about Jared Allen not taking an injection and
playing and playing in the playoffs, and so as we know,
you know, Jared Allen had a rib injury and he

did not play. And the report came out from the
athletic that the team I don't think he got specific,
but members of the team were frustrated that Jared declined
to get a pain injection to play in the playoffs.
And what I can add to it, I haven't done

my own research, I haven't checked in on that, but
what I can say is that, yes, it is true
Jared he chose not to get a pain injection. And
one of the primary reasons why I was told that
he declined. I don't know if people remember, remember about
four years ago, Tyrod Taylor, the quarterback, he was the

quarterback of the Chargers at the time. He had some
busted ribs and the team doctor tried to administer a
pain injection and accidentally punctured is long. So that was
what I was told. That was in the back of

back of Jared's mind at that time. That's a very
serious situation. And you know, I can't fault a guy
for choosing to go that route. I can't faultimate if
he if he chose to take the pain injection, but
you know that was that was a primary factor and

why he decided not to based off of, you know,
the experience that that they experienced, that tyre that Tyrod
had with the Chargers and Tyrod ended up suing that
team doctor for that as well. So you know, it's
it's a serious injury, but you know, you have to
leave it up to each player to choose what's best

for their body. Now, with all that being said, again,
Cleveland has a ton of decisions to make. It's bigger
staff going to be brought back. Is Donovan Mitchell going
to be brought back? Ken Evan Mobley and Jared Allen
continue to play together. You know, listen, I think they've
had a had a they've had great success. And I

think in the playoffs, everybody knows it's all about matchups.
So if you can get the right matchup, or you
can if you can get in the right bracket laying
in those playoffs, you can see yourself with a path
to the Eastern Conference finals. Because if Donovan Mitchell and
Jared Allen, if they were there, I think they can
give Boston a battle I still say Boston, you know,

would would beat them, but you know they have some
good competitive games, so you just never know. So I
think a lot of this is overblown, but there are
definitely real decisions that have to be made.

Speaker 1 (28:40):
I'm gonna have to quibble with you on great success.
And look, on one hand, you can say that the
pressure on JB. Bickerstaff has been unfair to a degree
because this season they have been absolutely smothered by injuries.
They lost guard Marland and Mobley early and then had

their best stretch of the season. I think it was
mid December to mid January. But look, Jamie Bickerstaff has
been under pressure since the playoffs last season, when the
Calves did so poorly in that first round series against
the Knicks, going out meekly in five games. The rumbles
about his job security have honestly been percolating since the

end of last season, and he had to cope with
it throughout this season. And given all the injuries that
the Cavaliers faced and the fact that they ultimately got
out of the first round, you could make the case
that it was too much. On the flip side, they're
just the Calves did not finish the regular season well,

and they had an experience edge against Orlando. That's the
team they clearly wanted to see in the first round,
an offensively challenged Magic team, and the Cavaliers squeaked by
in that series in seven game and not until they
fell way behind at home in Game seven. Yes, they

got out of it, but it has been a bumpy
ride and injuries. We cannot discount injuries as a factor.
Injuries were a massive factor in what a bumpy season
it was. And if the Cavaliers decide to bring JB.
Bickerstaff back, one of the factors would undoubtedly be what

direction are they going in terms of a replacement. That
certainly isn't clear cut. But there's been so much discussed
about Bickerstaff's future that it does make you wonder how
can he even come back from it? When, you know,
when there's been so much talk about a coach's job,
it's hard to kind of put that in the past

and pretend like it didn't happen. But putting aside the
whole coaching situation, I think what you said was exactly right.
Question number one is Donovan Mitchell's future. Can they sign
him to an extension or do they have to explore
a trade. Are they forced into exploring the Donovan Mitchell

trade market? If they do get an extension done with
Donovan Mitchell, does that mean that Darius Garland is for
sure going to be traded? I think it's reasonable to
assume that there will at least be discussions, and just
the prospect of that scenario will certainly encourage teams out

there that are interested in Darius Garland to make the
call and test the Cavs and see how willing they
are to talk trades there. And then with the two
Bigs as well, there's been tons of questions lingering now
for seasons with an s about the fit Jared Allen
next to Evan Mobley. Do they work together? The way

Mobley played late in these playoffs, he had some really
good games in the Boston Series. Does that encourage Cleveland
to say, you know what, We've got Jared Allen on
a value contract. They could easily trade Jared Allen and
get a lot. There would be a long line of
teams interested in him if they decide to move him.
Do the Calves finally decide, you know what, let's move

Jared Allen. Let's make Evan Mobley the focus of our
front line instead of trying to play those two together. So, yeah,
you're right, the Calves have so many things to tackle
and discuss and decide over the next month or two,
no question.

Speaker 3 (32:41):
All right, Well that's an easy segue right there. You're
talking about potential coaching moves, coaching decisions, coaching searches. Let's
get to coaching searches. The Los Angeles Lakers are holding
coaching searches right now, and they're going to meet with
a few coaches right now. There's still in the preliminary
stages and it's still to very much the initial stages

of this search. But Stein tip read off some of
the names that that are going to get an interview,
that's going to get an interview initially as of right now.

Speaker 1 (33:16):
Well, there, there's going to be a lot of interviews
because I think the most important thing here the Lakers.
All signs at this point point to JJ Reddick not
being available to the Lakers if he's the guy, if
he's the candidate. The Lakers ultimately choose here until after

the NBA Finals, and the reason for that is ESPN ABC.
A year ago, they let both Jeff Van Gundy and
Mark Jackson go. You were talking before about the A
broadcast crew and the B broadcast crew for ESPN ABC.
This season, the A team in terms of their broadcasting crew,

Mike Breen, Doris Burke, and Doc Rivers with Lease Assaulters
on the sideline, and ESPN ABC was under the belief,
or maybe we should say the hope, that they would
have Doc Rivers for at least one season. I think
they knew deep down that Doc Rivers would be lured
back to coaching. I don't think they expected it to

happen before February. Doc Rivers had his next coaching job.
By the end of January, JJ Reddick was swiftly elevated
to the A team. So it would be huge egg
on ESPN's face if they lose now another member of
their Finals team to a coaching job. So within the industry,

when you hear people project what's going to happen with
the Lakers, that's definitely a factor that people are looking at.
The working assumption that the Lakers, if they chose Reddick
as their next coach, couldn't even have him until after
the Finals. ESPN needs him for their Finals coverage, so
the Lakers are going to slow play this. They're going
to talk to lots of assistance. There are some former

head coaches in the mix, most notably James Barrego of
New Orleans. Barrego this past season was the associate head
coach in New Orleans. Kenny Atkinson and Golden State is
another former head coach who's on the Lakers list. Then
you have assistants like Sam Cassell from Boston, Chris Quinn

from Miami, David Adelman from Denver, Mike and Nori from Minnesota,
and I suspect there will be more, and I might
even be forgetting a name or two, but the Lakers
are going to move deliberately. They're going to talk to
a lot of people. If you've forced me right now
to pinpoint a favorite based on everyone I've talked to,

based on people I've spoken to in Chicago at the
pre draft, combine what's buzzing around there the early favorite.
If you were insistent that we had to choose one today,
if producer Ryan refuses to let us publish this podcast
without identifying an early favorite, it would be JJ Reddick.

But there is a whole interview process to go through,
and my read on it is I do think both
Sam Kassel and James Brego will also be strongly considered
for this job, and then we'll have to see if
there are any other curveballs that emerge during the search process.

Speaker 3 (36:28):
I'm very high on Sam Cassel and Chris Quinn, and
that is not to diminish any other candidates in this pool,
but Chris Quinn and Sam Cassel are two assistants that
have been primed for the role of a head coach
in the NBA, and you know, just just thinking about

what the Lakers present and what they're trying to do
right now, I think those two candidates makes sense those
you know, it's rare that was It used to be
rare that an assistant coach who's never been a head
coach will get a job where there's championship expectations from
day one, But that landscape has changed over the last

five or six years now, so we're seeing scenarios like
that playout. And I think those two are really great candidates.
So I hope the Lakers really do their due diligence
on those two like they're doing with JJ and everyone else.
But yeah, no matter how you slice it with this
Lakers search, there is not a guy that just makes

home run. Since you know that candidate is not out
there for this team, usually you will want to have
a veteran head coach who's had some success, possibly even
had a championship, coach the team to a championship, but
definitely had a lot of success, experience in dealing with superstars,
experience of different dealing with different personalities. That coach is

not out there, So you know, I don't know's you know.
I like to think that the Lakers already knew who
they wanted in the back of their mind before they
fired coach Ham. Hopefully they're not just going through the
motions right now and being going to end up with whoever,

you know, whoever gave the best interview, because it's whoever
you hire this this hire would likely be scrutinized. Whoever
it is. You know, if it's an assistant coach, well
there's no experience. How can he tell Lebron and Ad
what to do? If it's JJ Riddick, Oh it's Lebron's

podcast partner, you know, whoever gets this job is going
to be scrutinized. So you know, hopefully whoever gets it
can do a good job, but you know, just it's
going to be tough. So I'll just say that whoever
gets the job is going to be going to have
a tough seat.

Speaker 1 (39:06):
Yeah. Look, I think there's no question that JJ Reddick
already does have fans within the Lakers organization. But he's
never coached anywhere but his son's youth basketball team. He
really has no coaching experience whatsoever. And yes, he has
the relationship with Lebron, maybe even the closest relationship with

Lebron when we talk about all the names or in
consideration now, but on that basis alone, to step into
one of the most high profile coaching jobs, not just
in the NBA but anywhere on the sports map, that
might be too much to ask. When I look at
Sam Cassell, I think it's very similar to the circumstances

when Darvin Ham was hired. Okay, Sam Cassell has not
been a head coach in this league, but he's been
an assistant for fifteen seasons on some really good staffs.
He's way overdue for a coaching job. Darvin Ham, it
took too long before he got his first shot. It's
taken way too long for Sam Cassell. He should have
had a head coaching opportunity by now, and I think

it's worth pointing out, as I reported earlier this week,
Sam Cassell is a clutch Sports client if that stuff
matters to you, just like both Lebron James and Anthony Davis.
And one more footnote on Sam Cassell if he does
not get the Laker job, I'm told that Doc Rivers
really wants Sam back with him. He would love to

bring him to Milwaukee. We'll see if the Bucks would
be able to pull that off. But Sam, for almost
two thirds of his coaching career has been on the
bench with Doc Rivers, either with the Clippers or Philly.
So Doc Rivers, i'm told, would love to reunite with
Sam Cassell and bring him to his Buck staff if

Sam is unsuccessful in getting the Lakers job. James Barrego
is another very highly rated assistant coach who of course
has already been a head coach in this league more
than once Orlando and Charlotte, and I think James Barrego
has to be taken very seriously in this search. And

like you said, Chris Quinn another highly rated assistant. He
comes from the Heat program, which is as highly rated
and as respected an organization as there is. And Chris Quinn,
as you mentioned, okay, he missed interacting with Lebron as
both a player and a coach. He narrowly missed out

on playing with or coaching Lebron. But Chris Quinn has
already been a member of Eric Spolster staff for a decade.
He's their longest tenured assistant coach. He's already been in
the mix for some head coaching interviews. So Chris Quinn
certainly is another notable candidate here. And again, I do
think you can expect a pretty deliberate search that's going

to go into June, because there's just really no incentive
for the Lakers to go fast here. Anyway. The only
other current coaching opening is Washington. The Wizards are rebuilding,
They're not going to be competing for the same candidates
most likely, And there's already there's this widespread working assumption

in coaching circles anyway, that Brian Keith, who was the
interim coach for the Wizards basically from late January on,
that Keith's going to end up getting that job anyway
in Washington. So, as Cleveland contemplates JB. Bickerstaff's future Right
now as we speak, the Lakers really aren't competing with

anyone in the coaching market, so that does afford them
the opportunity to take their time. Okay, I think we're
going to put a bow on things here. We haven't
done much playoff talk again because of when we're recording this.
It's Thursday, late afternoon, so we can't really work in

the Minnesota Denver series because that game Game six in
that series will follow us tonight. Obviously, we did address
Boston eliminating Cleveland. We will have plenty of Boston discussion
when we get to the next round. The series that
Chris has been mostly covering Nicks Pacers, that goes back
to Indiana for Game six. The series that I've most

closely been covering, Mavericks thunder Dallas will have the chance,
of course Saturday night to eliminate Oklahoma City after a
huge bounce back from the Mavericks to win Game five
in OKC on Wednesday night. But the next time we
get together for a pod, we should have a clear
picture of our final four. And I should just say

again though, when we I mean like we started getting
into it today with all this coaching carousel talk and
a look at the trade possibilities with Donovan Mitchell and
Brandon Ingram and Trey Young. Just just think about this
list of teams. This is your list of teams that
have been eliminated since the play and Round began. Hawks, Bulls, Warriors, Kings, Pelicans, Lakers, Sons, Clippers,

heat Bucks, Sixers, Magic Cavaliers. Almost any team you name
on that list has major, major off season decisions and
business to tend to. And you know, maybe if you
except like Orlando, they're a young team, they didn't have

huge pressure on them, even though they were hugely disappointed
to lose a Game seven. But the Magic have tons
of cap space, so we know they're going to be
active this summer. The Sixers have tons of cap space.
We know they would love to make a run at
Paul George in free agency or make a splashy trade
to bring someone in to their cap space. So really,
anybody on that list again, Hawks, Bulls, Warriors, Kings, Pelicans, Lakers, Clippers, Sons,

heat Bucks, Sixers, Magic Cavaliers, all those teams are going
to be active. I mean, you could see several of
those teams making significant changes, whether it's through signings or trades.
I mean, there is going to be a ton of
business and tons of discussion going forward on this league

Uncut as we try to sort out what's going to be.
It's going to be a really active offseason. I think
there's going to be a lot of change with this
new very punitive luxury tax system that has been ushered in.
It just gets really tough the more expensive your team gets,
and it's going to put players in play for trades,

probably more often even than we've seen in the recent past.
So there is going to be action between now and
July fifteenth. When you listen to other teams forecast the
next six weeks to two months in this league, almost
universally the answer is get ready, buckle up. It's going

to be busy. And the good news for us is
Chris Haynes will have it all figured out to break
it down for us here on this League Uncut. Isn't
that right, mister Haynes? And let's face it, as this
podcast war on, we heard a lot less maybe even none.
I really haven't noticed the fire alarm. So if you

can solve that while you're on the air recording, who
knows what else is in store in the weeks ahead
is a big hilp. Oh that's what you did. Okay,
I didn't. There, it goes, yeah, I didn't. I didn't notice.

Speaker 3 (47:00):
I didn't notice you were.

Speaker 4 (47:03):
You go.

Speaker 1 (47:04):
So yeah, I wasn't.

Speaker 3 (47:05):
I was not quick at it.

Speaker 1 (47:06):
That just shows you how handy I am. I wasn't
even quick enough to notice that you were using mute.

Speaker 3 (47:11):
So when this podcast concludes, I will still have a
smoke detector alarm going off. I just wanted to spare you, guys.
That's all I'm thinking about you.

Speaker 1 (47:22):
Thanks for thinking of us. We appreciate it. Everyone out there,
please remember to follow us, rate the show, review the show.
We would love a five star review. I mean, let's
face it, the New York Madison Square Garden stories alone
from Chris Haynes in these playoffs, that's five star review

material right there, all right? That is going to do
it for this edition of this League Uncut. The next
time we're all together Chris Haynes, Producer Ryan and me
Mark Stein. By then we should be down to a
final four, which means twenty six of the league's thirty
teams will have begun their off season. We will get

into all of that next time here on This League Uncut.
Thanks everyone for listening, and that'll do it for us.

Speaker 2 (48:14):
See you next time.

Speaker 1 (48:16):
This League Uncut is an iHeartRadio production

Speaker 2 (48:21):
Lockup Chris Hanes and Mark Stein

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