All Episodes

September 6, 2021 41 mins

Ben Maller thinks Cam Newton is basically a pawn and a cautionary tale for the media. Ben also thinks Newton is essentially done as a QB1. The Indiana Hoosiers football team had a spelling mishap and now they will find themselves on a website dedicated to the matter. Brett Favre claims to have a doppelganger. Plus, food-picks with Marcel from Brooklyn!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Hello and welcome. It's our number four, hour number four
of our radio program. In this hour, our lead from
the Unemployment Line as a story continues to percolate about
a former Patriot, an ex pat player, claiming that Mac
Jones was teaching Cam Newton the playbook in New England

as a rookie. What are the chances that Rob Nikovich
is right about Cam Newton? We take a look at that,
and a whole lot more. It's coming your way right
now in a spicy hot hour number four. Wait a minute,
you don't know the plays? Well, come man, the beginning

of another hour of the Ben Mathers Show. We are
together in the air everywhere as we are knee deep
in Malarkey, coast to coast, border to order and beyond
on the vast and powerful microphones of fs are emmateing

live from the factory, the factory of Audio Fund, the
Fox Sports Radio studios in the north Woods. And we
were back at it again here so our lead this
hour coming from the NFL. It gonna be spicy hot,
by the way, before before we get into the meat

of the matter here this hour, you can vote. There's
a pull up on my Twitter page. It goes back
to last hour and we were yapping and ranting and
raving about about tennis. So if you want to answer
that poll, you can do that on Twitter. But our
lead this hour coming from the n f L, the

National Football League. A story popped up over the weekend
regarding the New England Patriots, and it involves Cam Newton's
downfall in New England. It's an interesting so I don't
know he saw it or not. Maybe not, Perhaps he
missed this. So let me give you the bullet points
on this. So a former Patriot linebacker, an ex pat,

if you will, Rob Nickovic, he recently revealed that he
has been told by inside sources. I say that in
air quotes that mac Jones had been helping teach Cam
Newton the playbook, that Cam needed help to learn the
playbook in his second year with the Patriots, and that

as a rookie, a rookie from Alabama, Mac Jones was
so locked in, was so plugged in that he had
a better grasp, a better understanding of the playbook than
Cam Newton did. Now, clearly this is shots fired below
the belt. Is there any truth to it? Though? Let

us discuss now a Mallard Show investigation. Right now, the
question what are the chances is that Rob Nikovich is
right about Cam Newton, that what he's hearing from his
inside sources is accurate, that mac Jones was teaching Cam
Newton the playbook. So I'm going slim and none, as in,

I don't buy it. I don't buy this. I've investigated,
I don't buy it. Now my take, You've got SpongeBob,
Daily Double and Pinata, and we will combine all of
these things together make the babacanoos. We're gonna make the
babe ganoos, even on a labor day. Now, to lead
off at first glance, when I when I heard this,

my BS detector immediately started going who whoo. That's how
my BS detector sounds, just like that. But this report
a scathing indictment of Cam Newton if it were true,
So you're telling me that he was unable to pick
up the Josh McDaniel's Patriot Playbook after a year and

a half wouser's if it was true. But then when
you take three steps back and you take a deep breath,
you realize that this does not pass the smell test.
It just does not pass the smell test. I'll tell
you why. It makes zero sense that Bill Belichick would
bring back a player that could not figure out the

most basic, rudimentary elements of your job, the playbook. There's
no way you said, well, Cam came in late, it
was a COVID year in twenty twenty. I get all that,
but there's no way he would have been offered a
contract even at pennies on the dollar, which is what
New England got Cam Newton for, if he was ignorant

of the offense. I just don't believe it. Now, that
doesn't mean that he wasn't a Rhodes scholar on this.
They didn't screw up the plays from time to time,
but did not have a basic elementary understanding the offense.
I do not buy that players are expected obviously need
to be resourceful and adaptable, and when you change teams

it is survival of the fittest. You have to be
like SpongeBob SquarePants and soak up knowledge. You gotta be SpongeBob,
and Bill Belichick does not. I don't know the guy,
neither to you, but he doesn't strike me as the
kind of guy who has any patience for players who
are frazzled by the exes. And oh's now, Cam maybe

a former MVP. He's got that on his belt, right,
He's got a lot of notches on the belt there.
But regardless, that's not gonna give him the benefit of
the doubt that accolade or any other accolades being in
the Super Bowl, losing in the Super Bowl, not jumping
on the football against the Broncos, which is his most
famous moment as an NFL player. So again I'm shaking

my head no on this one. Now. Furthermore, another reason
we are actually going to give Cam Newton the benefit
of the doubt, the benefit of the doubt on this
one is it's pretty simple. My theory is simple, right,
My theory on this is rather simple. This is patriot propaganda. Okay,

this is patriot propaganda. Now what do I mean by that?
What do I mean by this being patriot propaganda? I'll
tell you all right, this is the opportunity for the
Patriot Familee to kick Cam Newton in the shins. Rob
Nikovich is merely working as the pony Express to get

the message out, pumping chest out and do a little
victory lab dancing around and all that stuff, hitting the
Daily Double, if you will, because not only are you
up selling Skyrocket up Mac Jones as a crafty devil,
the new quarterback, a mensa member, but at the at

the same time, you're also celebrating the complexity of Bill
Belichick and Josh McDaniels that they have combined the Klingon
language and pig Latin and they have formed this perfect
playbook which is so hard that a former MVP cannot
cannot figure it out. All right, now, the last thing here,

So Cam Newton is a pinata at this point. He
is a pawn and you can just move him around
and kick him in the shins. And since Cam Newton
did not get vaccinated, he is the cautionary tale for
many of the media and they're looking to pile on.
And so this is red meat in the lions Den,
and you love red meat in the lions Den. For

Cam Newton saying that he didn't know the playbook and
he didn't have a rudimentary grasp of the playbook. And
now I don't feel bad for Cam. He had a
chance to let his play do the talking. And if
he had gone out and performed and not stunk up
the joint, he would not have given mac Jones the

opportunity to be the quarterback. Even with mac Jones performing well,
had cam Newton done his job, we would not have
ended up at the fork in the road where this
took place. Would not have happened. Now, the latest scuttle
butt says that the main reason that teams are keeping

an arm's length distance away from Cam Newton is the
history of injuries. That's what the latest reports. Plus he
hasn't thrown the ball well in years. Well, that is true.
Cam Newton has not thrown the ball well since God,
it's been at least four or five years. I mean
his last couple of years in Carolina. He was bad.
He never was was all that great at throwing the ball.

He was able to rumble and stumble and run over
people as a battering ram in his heyday. But he's
he's the knife's edge right in the in the knife's
edge that the old line from Wall Street. Don't whatever
you do, don't try to catch a falling knife. Don't
do it. Don't try to catch the falling knife. Cam
Newton's the falling knife. He's on his last legs. And

we've mentioned this in a previous Mala Monogue, and we
stand by this that Cam Newton will never again get
an opportunity to have the keys to an NFL team.
That that horse has left the barn and that's it.
Now he can be a backup conceivably and people will
keep him around and he could play when somebody gets hurt.

But to have a team say this is our guy,
I don't see that. I don't see that at all.
And now he needs the greater the greater fool theory
to kick in. And the greater fool theory simple that essentially,
there's a sucker. You got to go on to the
next sucker. That Cam was done with Carolina, and then
he found the Patriots and Belichick was the sucker. So

you go to one sucker. And now he's got to
find the greater fool, a greater fool than the Patriots
to bring him on. And what he needs Cam Newton
is someone who has the Father Flanagan coaching technique where
they want to help out players that are broken. I
want to fix the players that are broken, and that

is what Cam Newton needs. Needs to find that particular
coach that has a need at quarterback and then he
can come back and play as a backup for a
couple more years. But that story about Rob Nikovich saying
that Cam Newton didn't even understand the Patriot Playbook essentially
what he said, and mac Jones was the one teaching
him that is a bridge too far. That is a

bridge too far. All right. It is the Ben Mallers Show.
If you would like to be part, we'll take your
phone calls. You can join us here. The lines are
open for you at eight seven seven ninety nine on
Fox eight seven seven nine nine six six three six nine.
We're also available on Twitter at Ben Maller. You got
to take care of some business from earlier. So I

mentioned patternicity, and the Texas Longhorns opened up a renovated
stadium in Austin and they got apps reely roasted. Now
they tried to make the it's in the end zone
and they try to make it look like the Longhorn logo,
and it did not work. It did not work. The descriptions.

I don't know if I'm allowed to even say what
people said, the uh the logo looked like. But they
There is this term called patternicity, finding meaningful patterns in
meaningless noise, and that would apply. Like most people that
looked at that stadium did not see the Longhorn logo.
They saw a body part is what they saw. And

uh yeah, a female body part is what many people saw.
So that is the patternicity story. Now as far as
the spelling failure, we tease this earlier that goes to
the Indiana Hoosiers and they posted this on social media
and then they deleted it because they got some blowback,
and of course, anytime you get blowback, you run and hide.

But it was not a great weekend for or the
University of Indiana football team as they ran out on
the field against Iowa on Saturday, and they had their
road jerseys on and one of the players that now
right across the chess right about the chess plate there,
it says Indiana. Right, that's how how it's spelled I

N D I A N A Indiana. But one freshman
player for the Hoosiers their jersey it was spelled I
N D I N I A. Who goofed, I've got
to know this is the freshman and the freshman running
back named David Holliman. And the school actually did post

a photo of this and then once they realized wait
a minute, could get into some trouble for this. They
ran and hid, and they got in the fetal position
started sucking their thumb once. I guess they didn't even
notice the mistake or something like that. I don't know
how that's possible. I mean, I'm not a great speller,
but even I know that is that is completely wrong.

That is that is terrible. The first the first part
of it is correct, but they're the last part of
it not so much. And man o, man o, man
this happens every once in a a while. I remember in
baseball a few years ago, Cincinnati Reds took the field
and there was a player on the Reds. I forget
who who had it was Cincinnati was spelled wrong. I

remember the Arizona Diamondbacks. This website's dedicated to jerseys that
are misspelled, mass produced jerseys that are misspelled. And I
would assume, first of all, it's one of those things
where you get the jersey and you just when the
when the equipment people get the jersey just assumed the
jersey spelled right. They don't really look at it, and
the people that wear the jersey, they don't really look

at it either because they just assume it's right, and
everyone assumes, and you know what happens when you assume, Yeah,
it ends up occasionally once in a blue moon, getting
a jersey that is miss misspelled. It is the Ben
Maller Show. We'll press on. We'll take your phone calls
here at eight seven seven ninety nine on Fox eight

seven seven nine nine six six three sixty nine if
you want to be part of the show. And so,
a popular NFL quarterback from back in the day, Brett Farve,
has revealed who his doppel ganger is. Who the quarterback
playing today is most like Brett Farve? Who did he pick?
We'll get to that and we will do it next.

The Ben mall Show is a hick because Ben is
not a phoney. All the other sports ecchos are full
of rented blogoney. That's right. Yeah. Be sure to catch
live editions of The Ben Maller Show weekdays at two
am Eastern eleven pm Pacific on Fox Sports Radio and
the iHeartRadio app. Listen up mallor Militia. The Ben Maller

Show is the show of the people. Buy the people
for the people, Join the movement, and you can follow
the big guy on Twitter he is there at Ben
Maller and Ore Produce Sure executive producer filling in for
Coope de Loup is Ricky Herrera. He is twitterless, but
you can always give him an error high five. You're scintillating.
Content may be used on the air now more with

a man who still sleeps in a race car bed.
It's big Ben Alf the alien opinter from Springfield, Massachusetts,
home of the Pro Basketball Hall of Fame, where Muffett
McGraw is in shrine, says, after suffering through the murderer's
role of a lineup, I can only pray that Guesscon's

efforts to revive Benny versus the Penny are successful. I
will be live with you for that. Even if I
need to call Doc Mike for your number, We'll do
it live. Robin Vegas says, solid effort, Benny. That monologue
was a solid bus. At this point, Cam needs to

focus on the ugly hat and scarf business, also known
as the Haberda try line. I feel confident in declaring
Cam's NFL career as going, going, gone. Yeah, Well that's
about right. Jay Dot in Utah says Cam Newton is

more clueless than Daphne searching for a ghost at a
weed party. Instead, Cam took direct direction to the coke party.
Okay from from Jay Dot in Utah, and we will
get back to the phone calls now at eight seven
seven ninety nine on Fox is the number eight seven

seven nine nine six six three six nine if you
would like to be part of the show. And let's
say hello to Whoopee Pie Blair in the Great state
of main And Hello, Whoopee Pie Blair. I'm sorry. I'm
sorry about last Friday. Bean Knight was totally sorry about that. Yes, Now,
for those who don't know, I had attempted. We had

an issue with the podcast, and I thought we were
gonna put Mars. We were gonna put a couple different
people on Doc Mike. We went through Doc, we went
through Whoopee Pie Blair. Uh, you said you were you
wanted to do it, You said you were you were
going to do it, and then you didn't answer your phone.
You turned your phone off. So it's hard to do
a podcast something and I can't I can't say what

I was watching, but I was watching something well and
I had my phone off until yeah, and I had
it off too late. But time I turned. Well know
you were watching, so I think we know what you
were watching. Well, you couldn't wait. You couldn't wait. The problem.
But I have people I don't want to. I don't
want people to know what I was watching because I
have the head coach the football team for a high

school that I followed. Well, okay, listen, Well what do
you assume? You're human? You enjoy that. At least you're
not going to the library anymore, Blair and paying for it. Right,
I'm not gonna say what I was watching. We all
know what you were watching, Blair, Roberto. Do we know
what Marcel was watching? Exactly? That's what he was I

call you, marcella. Excuse me. I'm sorry. I have Marcel
on the mind. I don't know he's he's in the
on deck. Anyway. The point is, whoope, pie, Bela, we
were watching porn. That's fine, whatever. Uh you're a young guy.
You were watching the pot. But but hold on a second.
Whoopee pie, Blair, you said with it. Five minutes before

you said you would, you would answer your phone. You
turned it. Within five minutes, you turned your phone off
and turned on porn. And you could have been on
the podcast. That's a bad job of you. Then we
went to Moving Man Matt, and he was a douche.
I was gonna I was gonna get him on the podcast,
but he was a jerk. He got upset that I
emailed him at the last minute. So then I was like,
screw it, I'll just do it on my own. I didn't.

I didn't having to be on You guys are all
a bunch of nuck guys. Doc Mike doesn't answer his phone.
You're watching Porno and you can't even answer you after
you said you'd answer your phone, you didn't answer your phone.
Moving Man Matt was a jerk. So fine, I don't
need any of you guys on the podcast. Bake frauds, right, well, yeah,
we speak for yourself clearly. Yeah, is that it bake frauds.

We all just we all just like we all just
let you go. We all just like, yes, we yes,
we left we let you left me hanging. I don't
know what the word for it, but we we left
you right handed, left hand? We love are you are
you right? Are you? Are you right hand? Or left thing?

All right? All right, I gotta go, thank you. It's
too much masturbation the problem here. Yeah, I was trying
to figure out because I Coop was in last week
and Coop had spoken to to Whoopee Pie Blair and said, hey, um,
you know Ben needs you. The podcast got messed up
by Gascon last week and so we needed somebody on

the podcast at the last minute and we had to
do a do over. And so I said, well, Blair
was on hold, we'll put Blair on. And then Blair
said to Coop, he said, yeah, I'll do it, and
Coop's all right, well, Ben's gonna call you in like
ten minutes, ten minutes, he's gonna call you up. He said, yeah,
I'll do it. I'll answer my phone, and within in
the span of like I think it was actually less
than ten minutes, Blair had turned on. He turned off

the phone and turned on the porno and he said
that's it. I'm out, And that was how that went. So, yeah,
he couldn't even control himself for five or ten minutes,
could not. And then Doc Mike, who's on hold. Doc
didn't answer this, well, Doc, are you there? Doc in Chicago?

Swit home Chicago, Doc Mike, Yes, I am, And I
apologize because I've just moved in with my girlfriend. All
my belongings are up in Libertyville, Illinois, and I had
the phone in the other room. It was not off.
It was probably ringing. And believe me, if I had

heard it, you to have beyond your podcast, because that's
my bucket list thing at the last thing. I understand.
I understand you need to be on there. And now
I hear a rumor that we might be getting Dick
on the podcast, but not because of you, you know,
Oh really? Yeah? How else are you? Did it get them? Well,
I mean it's some people that might know them, that

might be listening to you right now. You know some people. Wonderful. Yeah, Chicago,
that's the people place, you know, al Capone blah blah blah.
Well that's wonderful. And here's the deal. I'm heading for
Phoenix Tuesday morning. I catching a six o'clock flight out
o here to Phoenix and I'll be there for nine
days working on a bunch of patients. So nine days

in the valley of some wall, you'll be meeting fans
of yours doc and in the greater Phoenix area. Will
you be sure you let me know who they are?
You got my phone number. There, give them my phone number,
have call me. Well, no, but that's your landline. Isn't
that your landline number? Doc? They won't be able to
get a hold of you. Get this. Thank you to Comcast.
I call them comic Cast because I've had so many

problems with them over the years. But thank you to
Comcast and Lively Phones. I now have the flip phone
that I had last year when I went to Los
Angeles and they I guess they called it porting or
something like that. Oh, they put your number on the phone.
I got you, all right, So you have a size,
so you have a phone. Okay, all right, we'll very good.
I'm talking to You're on a cell phone now. It's

it's a one G or two G because I'm very
sensitive to E MF. It's a flip phone. What are
you gonna do when they get up to six or
seven G? What are you going to do? Oh? Yeah, right, sorry,
if we get there, you're gonna grow a horn out
on the top of drink for twenty years. Yeah, don't
you get it? Pal? Don't you get it? Pal? Right?

That's a great document. Who don't you get it? Pal'd
you get it right? All right? All right, Well, Doc,
are you going to call me again for a podcast thing? Well,
if Gascon screws it up, I'll be scrambling to get
somebody on the podcast. So stand you never know, I
might call you up and then a moment's noticed there.
So yeah, put me at the top of your scramble list,
because well, I'm in Phoenix. And now that I know

what that was, because I saw you had three calls
to me. I thought maybe that the station burned down
or yes, the station, Well the podcast burned down. The
station didn't burn down, the podcast burned down. Yeah, all right,
thank you, doc. All right, go away, there you go,
the great Doc Mike. So what a segment on him.
We've learned that Blair and Maine missed a podcast interview

because he couldn't hold off watching porn for five minutes.
And Doc Mike missed a podcast interview because he was
in the other room and the man that always answers
his phone didn't ask his phone. But he now is
a flip phone. So we've learned that we're learning a
lot of things about the Mala militia. James the Machine
List in Minnesota, says a Blair in main phone call
is just what we needed to salvage this plotting night. Yeah,

that's about right. All right, we'll press on with you
some more. You're amazing phone calls also Brett Farve and
his dappo ganger and his dappo ganger who is that.
We'll get to it, but right now, over to the
news desk, we go to get you caught up on
everything going on into the overnight. Okay, I guess you're
tossing it to me. I wasn't sure. Thank you, Ben.

And after hearing all of your mallar militia folks that
are turning you down, your ego must be on life
support right now. Jonathan Doer had a forty one yard
field goal in overtime that he connected on to guide
number nine Notre Dame over Florida State forty one to
thirty eight. Fighting Irish quarterback Jack Cohen completed twenty six
passes for three hundred and sixty six yards. He had

four scores during his debut and the Irish Blue what
was an eighteen point lead with four and a half
minutes to go in the third quarter. The Giants stick
a chain so to the Dodgers six to four. San
France now is in first place in the NLST as
the Dodgers drooped down to second Mariners with a win

against the Diamondbacks ten to four in eleven innings. As
Seattle has won five games in a row and they
continue their climb, They're just three games out of that
second Al wildcard spot, which is held by the Red Sox,
and they fell on Sunday. Jake cronin Worth for the
Padres belts a solo home run in the bottom of
the ninth to gut punch the Astros on a San

Diego four to three win. I can't believe I'm going
through this update uninterrupted. This is I'm not used to this.
A team USA men's soccer ties Canada one one in
the World Cup qualifying, so the Americans get Honduras next.
Patrick can't lay the Tour championship winner on Sunday, and
with that he also takes home the FedEx Cup championship

and at the US Open. No no, no, no, no,
no US Open. I was polite, I was nice. The
people have spoken here. They do not want tennis. The
overwhelming majority of people that have responded to a scientifical
Mallard militia pole have spoken. They want nothing to do

with tennis. Sports radio and tennis do not go together.
The people have spoken, So why do you continue to
shove it down our throats? Do you want to enlighten
everybody that hasn't seen that poll? What the two answers?
They can go to my Twitter page. They can go
to my Twitter page. It's add Ben Maller there. Follow
me on Twitter. But the questions very simple, very basic.
Do you want to hear about tennis on sports radio?

We've had already had one hundreds of votes here in
the in the wee hours of the morning, and sixty
five percent say absolutely not. They do not want tis
on sports I don't know what the other options. The
sixty five percent is absolutely not, and yet you continue
to give tennis. You know the other option is no,
so you have absolutely not. I don't know if that's
the other I forget what the other answer is. Maybe

you're assuming it's no. Maybe it's not no, Maybe it's
something else. I don't know what it is. No, I'm
looking at it right now, and I know maybe you're
looking at the wrong pole. Maybe you're looking at the
wrong one. No, I know you are you done? Okay, yes,
I'm done. Back to you you know man, Wow you
got that glove? Yeah, you guys know what I meant?

All right? Back to you, big guy. Oh wow, awkward laugh.
We need the awkward laugh there. All right, it's a
bet ma show at leave. We press on and on
and on further and further into the overnight, and let's
see who do we have here? We have a skip?

Is this a skip? Doeszip? Or maybe it's just Skippy
in Ohio? Hello? Skip? It is an obvious fact, Skipp.
How are you back? Oh my god, it's been too long.
See if you hide behind social media. But we need
to hear the dulcetones here every once in a while. Well,
most of the time I am honestly as either asleep

at this hour or getting rid of for work. I
work a morning shift, so most of the time I
don't get to catch your lies. Boo, I dare you
work a shift? I spent I spent years years working
the overnight, so you would be on and I would
be on. So so you know, I'd listen to you
on my days off, but then my days at work,

I'd listened to you during breaks. So your your argument
with Finley tonight. Uh, it's kind of it's kind of
bringing me back to my old days just a little
bit and wanting to give Finley some advice of my
own for how I would have wanted to hear it
back in the day when I was I was the
overnight guy. Okay, well, you are a long time member

of the Malla militia. You have stayed loyal to the
show through all these years, so I will give you
the opportunity to educate the news guy over there. Okally,
dokally do now? No, Finley, Yeah, listen, I understand, and
I understand you're very enthusiastic about UCLA and you're doing
you're doing the the California Baseball scores, and you want

to talk about golf. It's great that can't lay one.
It's sad that Tiger Woods couldn't be out there dominating
as usual. You're bringing up tennis, but I even tweeted
to you that you're burying the lead. Four teams in
Major League Baseball scored five or more runs in the
ninth inning or later tonight, and the last time that

happened was nineteen forty. Now, I don't know if Eddie
Garcia would talk about it. But that's pretty noteworthy compared
to a bunch of breaking down of the Notre Dame
game when all in all reality, Notre Dame's not gonna win. Duda,
I mean, you've got to be bringing up more baseball,
my man. Then this time it's great. That's a great take.

That's a great take. Skip. What did Ben lead with
first hour of his show in his first monologue that
I missed college football? Yeah, I didn't just focus on
the Notre Dame game. How much baseball has been talking
about on this show? Zero, that's not not zero. Today.
I have imagined several baseball stories. You were not listening.

It's nothing related to what Skip's talking about right now.
So you have swung and missed on this too, big guy,
I like how this is. This is a great thing.
You see what he's doing. Skip. You were criticizing him,
and instead he's deflecting over to me when I'm not
part of this conversation. You're the news guy. You've admitted
that you're a biased news guy. You're in the tank
with Tennis and UCLA, which is fine, we learned that

in a previous hour. But this is not about me.
This is about you. At least you're the news guy.
You get brag about that. You don't have to have
any opinions because you're the news guy, and so you
don't want to criticize anybody, because God forbid, you lose
a gig. At least I follow Skip on Twitter. Unlike you,
you don't follow your own malor militia. I do, well,
you said earlier, I didn't follow Anthony. Yeah, I do
follow Anthony. Oh, now, you guys called I don't know.

I've followed him for a long time, and you don't
even know. You're uneducated. You're a dope. All right, Thank you, Skip,
Thank you for listening all these years. Skip, your a legend.
Great advice. You gave some tremendous advice. There. It was
completely ignored, as as you would imagine it would be
ignored by the gentleman. I say that loosely over there.
Let's go, who do we have here? Any meany money?

Let's go to Broncho in Colorado? Hello? What an appropriate name?
Probably a fake name? Hello, Broncho. Hey, it's Broncho bro.
Let's get it right, Bronco, Bra? What up? Bra? Okay?
But number one? As uh? Why is uh? Are you

still there? No? I left. No, I'm not here. I
am not here. I left. I left calfinitely. Why is
tennis showed on table and not on the major network
channels like golf was? Yeah, that's right. Is that a clue?
Right there? That's a clue? Is it Chip Kelly? Or

now tell Chip from us LA his wife to dress
him better? On the sideline, I thought that guy was
supposed to be did shaping all that? The number thy
the Dallas Cowboys or the Dallas Cowboys. They act like girls,
they're the Dallas cow Girls. Well that's a hot take.

I'm so glad we got that. Thank you, all right,
thank you, buddy. I appreciate that. Unreal sexist it's hot
take right there, solid yep. Well, this guy's always on top. Man.
We wanted to take We gotta take guy Deliver. Didn't

realize he was on the ear at the beginning of that.
But but so'll be all right, Ben Mather Show on Fox.
I did see an amusing story from Major League Baseball
about a one Actually, let's see if you can guess
this before I give you the name. One of the
highest paid players in baseball was desperately trying to avoid

the media over the weekend. This particular person makes over
thirty million dollars a year and literally hopped a fence
to avoid having to speak to reporters. Jumped a fence
to get away from the media. Any guesses, Roberto, you're
a baseball guy. I want to take a guess. What

was that again? Thank you for listening. A baseball player
that makes over thirty million dollars a year hopped a
fence to avoid having to speak to the media. I'm
gonna say, Fernando Tatis. Fernando Tatis, all right? Final answer, Yeah,

I'll change it. Francisco Lindor, Francisco Lindor all right? Anybody
else want to play our game? Anybody sounds harper ish?
Bryce Harper? Guess by Ricky who's in producing? Ben Maller
is my guess? But I do make thirty million dollars
a year. I like to I like to dress like

I'm disheveled, but I really have a lot of money.
The correct answer from you have the team right? The
player wrong, Roberto, It was Jacob deGrom of the Mets.
De Gram has been persona non grata from the Mets
for some time. There has got the injuries, always something
with him, and he was throwing before the Mets game

on Sunday. Some reporters saw that went over to question him,
and de Gram hopped a fence to get away from
the reporters. He really didn't want to talk to the
media there, so who knows. I did see there was
a story I think it was last week that said
there's like a zero point one percent chance of the

grim coming back to the Mats. That's the only way
the Mets are going to make the playoffs. I know
they've they've closed the gap a little bit, but there's
still what are they one game over five hundred I think?
And the Mets owner was talking trash because they're one
game over five hundred. You gotta be kidding me, man,
you gotta be joking. All right, it's the Ben Mallers Show.

As we press on, we'll take more of your phonocus
about food picks with Marcel as well. Always an exciting
portion of the show, and we'll get to that. We
will do it, nags. Be sure to catch live editions
of The Ben Maller Show weekdays at two am Eastern
eleven pm Pacific. Hey, it's Ben, host of The Fifth
Hour with Ben Maller along with my trustee sidekick David Gascon,

would meet a lot to have you join us on
our weekly auditory journey. You're asking one in God's name
is the Fifth Hour? I'll tell you it's a spinoff
of that Ben Maller show. Colt hit overnights on FSR.
Why he should you listen? Picture if you will a
world will? We chat with captains of industry in media,
sports and more every week explored some amazing facts about
a human nature and more. Let'sten to the Fifth Hour

with Ben Maller on the iHeartRadio app, Apple podcast or
wherever you get your podcast. Most are unable to lend
an ear to the Ben Maller Show all night long,
but with podcasting you can get caught up on all
the unique show moments you might have missed. The Ben
Maller Show podcast is available on iHeart and wherever you
get your podcasts. It's a piece of cake and upsets
the corporate guys. Now back to a man who was

always a teacher's pet. It's Big Ben and we will
have food picks with Marcel, always a fan favorite. Brett
Farve has it out his doppelganger. The quarterback that plays
most like him is quarterback blank, and that quarterback would

be Josh Allen. Farve says that the Bill's quarterback most
reminds him of him himself. Did he feel that way
when Josh Allen was stinking up to join a couple
of years ago? Will he feel that way again? Will
Josh Allen? Will he play well? Will the seque will
be the equal? Last year was a breakthrough season for

Josh Allen? Will that continue this year for the Bills?
Inquiring minds would like to know. Let's say hello to
Marcel in Brooklyn. Hello, Marcel, good morning man. Happy labor day, Roberts,
Oh yeah, Roberto, Ricky and Roberto. Yeah, and guess what

Marcel today is yet again? It's Roberto's birthday. Today's a
happy birthday, Roberto, Happy birthday, Roberto, Thank you, thank you
very much. And that amazing call with you man on
the podcast about Blair in Maine a total enemy along
with doctor Mike or was I say one from Chicago? Who? Yeah? Yeah,

Now Marcella, I don't have heard about the private one
on your podcast and hanging up their phone instead. Yeah, Marceilla,
what private one? Well, it's private parts an appropriate one, sir. Yeah,
you never do that, right, Marcella, You don't do it, Blair. No, no, no, no, no,
no no no. Not too much masturbation the problem here, Yeah, daddy,

I understand. Now. I don't have your number, Marcella, so
I couldn't call you up to be on the podcast.
I have no way of getting ahold of you. But
for some reason, Mary, I'll be. I'll be with you
on Friday after your show. Yes, so fingers cross. In
the meantime, a new dawn, a new day, Labor Day
twenty twenty one is here. So don't worry, don't worry.

It's just tay the tot no no wrong sound bite,
mala militia. Let's get into it. There you go, and
of course not one but two special guesses who join
Ben now Justin and Cincinnati Robin Arkansas. Starting with you, Justin,

what is your foot pick from last night? Then you
have Rob who's coming your way soon. Let's play foot picks. Well,
I think in honor Roberto's birthday, you had one of
his burritos, and I think Finley had whatever. Naomi Osaka
toldom he could have. Vegas says it could be in
Ohio and chicken instead. Chicken patties would catch up in step.

But you know what Rob, I mean justin and Cincinnati.
That is not going to be a bad good choice
for you, so f minus instead. Thank you? All right
back on Friday now, Robin Arkansas, Good morning to you, sir.
What is your foot pick from last night? Yeah? I
don't I don't think we have a good Yeah, there's

blind Scott. You want blind Scott, the blind blind Scott
Blant Scott coming in Scot, Good morning to you. We
don't have much time. What is your food? M Plant Scott?
I wrote this freestyle rap because I'm not they did
your mom drink when she was pregnant with you? All right,
we don't have time for your rap there, plant Scott,

let me go in here. I'll go. Chicken patties with
ketchup is what I'm gonna go with. Good. Oh, good
choice there, man, thank us cross Ryan. That's not a winner.
Two corn a corn dog on the right hand and
one of the right and left hand A good choice.
Not a good choice? No, no, no, all right, what

do you got? I'm gonna say you had a chicken palm?
Whoa not a one, not the right run. No, thank
you sir. No, yeah you shut down? Yeah for Coop
de loop. What do you got that? Yes? Can you

tell me what is your foot pick from last night?
I'm going to see you had carne Sanda? Of course no,
it's not a one of good choices either. What what
animal does Carnieasanda come from? Marcel? What animal does that
come from? I don't know. How do you think a zebra?
Did you know that? I like that? Mature guy, straight

to the hurry up? What's it? Go ahead? What is
that boot pick from last night? It will be oodles,
loodles and noodles. Gotta murder, gotta go
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