All Episodes

June 11, 2024 37 mins

Doug reacts to USA Basketball's explanation for why Caitlin Clark will not be a part of the Olympic team this summer. Doug welcomes NFL Analyst John Middlekauff onto the show to discuss Aaron Rodgers, the receiver market, and all of the major headlines around the NFL. Plus, Dan Beyer takes Doug through a game of "Rank 'Em". 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Thanks for listening to the Doug Gottlieb Show podcast. Be
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Doug Gottlieb Show, Fuck Sports Radio. I hope you're doing great.

Doug Gottlieb Show, Fox Sports Radio broadcast live from the
tyrat dot Com studios, tyrat dot com. That's the way
tire buying should be over ten thousand recommending solders tyrat
dot com. It's the way tire buying should be. Welcome
in and once again, the let's just I don't need

to do the intro of what the show is going
to be about or whatever. Let it's this is real,
kind of an amazing time. I want you to take
a snapshot and remember twenty twenty four, the month of June,
because I've said this throughout the year, and I mean it.
I don't think we'll ever be here again. I don't.

And the more time goes on, the more I believe
I'm proved right. And by here I mean that we
lead television shows, sports, television shows, news shows as well
with something about Caitlin Clark, something about the WNBA. And
you know I've said this in regards to other stories

in the past that anytime you need to clarify remark, right,
the President will like to clarify the remarks that he
said yesterday, and then you have a spokesperson come out
of was what the President meant to say was right?
Anytime you have to clarify what a manager says, what
a coach says, what a player says, anytime you have

to clarify it, it means the initial statement didn't land
anywhere near where people wanted it to land. Right. Anytime
you need to explain a joke, you know the joke
wasn't funny or you didn't tell it away that whoever
was listening could consume it and found it to be humorous,

even if you could read it to the guy stand
next to you or your buddy, like, if the audience
doesn't find it funny, you can't explain away a joke.
You just kind of got to move on. And yet
the USA Basketball, which is led by USA Women's selection
committee chair gen Rizzotti. By the way, I can spot

to lie in this very very simply. But she clarified
the criteria that the basketball committee went by and why
they didn't select Caitlin Clark, because this has become a
really really interesting discussion, right there is a portion of it.

There is a portion of it which I really like.
But the problem with that portion of it is it's
not being discussed, honestly. I get to that in a second.
Here's what Genrizotti said. Remember Generozotti was a great player
at Yukon Yukon before playing professionally in I think it

was the WNBA, but are very different teams back then.
And then she was a head coach in college at
Hartford I lived in Connecticut at the time and at
GW George Washington. So she says, here's the basketball criteria
we were given as a committee, and how do we
evaluate our players based on that? And when you base

your decision on criteria, there were other players that were
harder to cut because they checked more boxes. Then sometimes
it comes down to position, style of play for coach
Cheryl Reeve, and then sometimes a vote. Rissotti added, it
wasn't in the purview of our committee to decide how
many people would watch or how many people would root
for the US. It was in the purview to create

the best team we could for Cheryl. That's great, that's
a great idea, all right, listen, we just wanted no
politics to create the best possible team for Cheryl. Right.
But again, like part of it is, does anybody know
who Cheryl Reeve is? Could you pick Cheryl Reeve out

of a lineup? The answer is no. Cheryl Reeve, by
the way, is apparently the head coach of the Minnesota Lynks.
She's been a long time assistant coach in the WNBA
and since for the last fourteen years, has been the
head coach of the Link. So her background, her background

is in the WNBA, And obviously she's gotten a chance
to watch Caitlin Clark and evaluate Kate Clark, and she's
trying to build a team. And I get it. You're
a coach. Which you don't want is to build a
team where you gotta play this kid who's not as
good as the other kid more minutes. But when you're
trying to build an entire team, you have to find

players that fit the aspects of a team, right, I'm
doing this. I'm actually building a team as we speak. Currently,
I have at least we've broadcast eight players on scholarship.
We have three others that are committed, but until certain

things get worked out, we don't announce those commitments. Right,
So I have eleven and I have another commitment that
we have announced but doesn't count against our twelve scholar
or thirteen scholarships. So we have two more scholarships to give.
And once you have I have to figure is okay,
I can only play five players at once. I've yet
to see a team that can play more than five players,

and in a rotation you got eight or nine. So
if you have thirteen, you've got to build a team.
Where do you expect ten to compete? To play? One
probably will compete, and then what are those other three guys?

Speaker 2 (06:22):

Speaker 1 (06:22):
Do you leave spots open or do you fill them
with the idea in mind you're going to develop maybe
even red shirt players. That's the reality of it, because
you can't keep thirty. You can't play thirteen players. I
mean you can, but it's just becomes a turnstile and
nobody's happy. So I understand all of that, but a

couple things. One happy birthday to one of one of
the players on Team USA who just so happens to
be one of the great players in the history of
the sport, who just so happens to have been selected.
Her name is Diana Tarrossi. She's forty two today. By

the way, where Dina Trosti go to school? She went
to Yukon. Jen Rizzoti was a great player. Do you
want to shoot to school? You cut? If there's a
player on this team and there's a couple others right
cole players By the way, Khalaia Cooper and Brittany Griner
Okay are both on the Mercury Okay. Now Fisia Collier

is on the links. She only has one player from
her own team on the links. But the idea, like
Diana Tarrassi got in because she's basically grandfathered in one
of the all time great players. Some people think greatest
player ever. I haven't watched who Win's Basketball enough. I
know she went for NCAA titles. I know she's won
WNBA titles. I know she's awesome. I have I don't
have the I don't have the bandwidth of the knowledge

to argue back and forth, and honestly, I don't care.
But at forty two years old, I think you can
make the case that she's probably not one of the
twelve best players in the WNBA. But there's a couple
of things. One, she's probably okay not playing a ton
of minutes because she's forty two years old. She can't
play every minute. Secondly, at that age, I guarantee she

can stick a jump shot in any situation because she's
had confidence, she's seen it all that can she guard anybody?
I don't know. And then the third thing is she's
been so good for so long and done so much
for USA basketball that you're like, eh oh. And then
there's this other part. Do you think for one second,
Jen Rizzoti is gonna leave Diana Tarassi off the team?

Do you know why? Because every time those Ukon women
get together, she doesn't want to be the one who left.
You want to be the one that left Bria Dan
Tarassi off the team? Hello, Because that's why it works.
So we operate. And I heard who is a Joi Taylor? Right?
Joy Taylor talked about the men's team and how well

you know this could cause the women's team to lose
if they were to take Can. First of all, they're
not losing and she's not gonna be part of the
reason that they'd be losing. But I find it really
interesting that no one seems to point out that, For example,
the twenty twenty one Olympic men's basketball roster, do you

remember who was on that team? Any idea? I do?
Kevin Durant was their best player, right bam out of Bayo?
Is he one of the twelve best Americans? I know
Jeremy Grant isn't. And some of it was because not
everybody wanted to go. I understand, Kevin Love was on

the team. Keldon Johnson was on the team. Why was
Kelvin Johnson the team? Oh, that's because Greg Papovitch is
big with USA basketball. That's right, right, I mean everyone
that USA Basketball has always been political and this crap
that it's like, oh this type, welly just wanted to
select the best team possible to help Cheryl out with

building her team. Why'd you take jan Dan Tarassi? Well,
you know she wanted all the time great players, But
is she currently one of the twelve best players? And
if you said, hey, it's because we want to build
a really good team. Part of building a really good
team is having really good energy and having two or
three players at the end of that bench are just
happy to be there. And I understand that Jen Rizzotti

can sit there and say it wasn't on her perview
to decide who's popular or not, what the TV ratings
are not. But what you're saying is you're under a rock. Okay.
The same reason that Diana Tarassi was selected out of
college she wasn't one of the twelve best players, then,

is the same reason that you should select Caitlin Clark
because of her college accomplishments. She scored more points than
any woman to ever play college basketball. She also went
to two straight national Champishi games. I like she a loser,
and she did it surrounded by good players, but not
what they had at Yukon, be honest. And then oh yeah,
by the way, I did you ask her if she

would be the twelfth twelfth woman? Of course not. But
the idea that, oh, we don't. We don't decide these
things based upon popularity. Okay, it's not like she has
a little following. Okay, this is you had the opportunity

to include Taylor Swift at what's the concert series out
in the desert, not Cutchella, the country one stage coach.
You had a chance to put Taylor Swift at stage
coach and you decided not to do so because her

songs aren't as good as Luke Combe's songs. Right, that's
what she did. You're like, what, yeah, you know, Taylor Swift,
she's not that great singer. Excuse me, well, we're not
here because of popularity, Like she is a thing. She
has a chance to grow the sport to heights not

previously possible. And then oh yeah, by the way, did
you think of the downside to it? Did you think
of the downside? Because there's this gigantic Caitlin Clark following
They're playing the Connecticut Sun last night and I'm sure
I was, Sam was watching and in the fourth quarter

she's not playing because she's in foul trouble, which I
mean last time I checked. By the way, she has four,
you're down twenty, they give you five. This is, by
the way, this is not my line. I didn't invented.
This is my old coach, Eddy Sutton. He played our
best player, Adrian Peterson four fouls in the first half,

we were playing at Baylor one year and he's like,
you get five, stop bowling, And you know what he did,
you get six. She was sitting with four. So they're chanting,
we want Caitlin like she's a walk on on the

end of the bench, but the whole arena is chanting
on the road. What is that? Forrest Gump said, not
a smart man Jedi, right, But I do know that,
all right, she might not be the twelvest, she might
not be perfect, but she's she can play. She's got
more points than any woman in the history college basketball.

She's done amazing things for the sport. And the downside
is now just like you've got swifties, you got Kaitlyn
Clarkey's or whatever they're gonna think. And I think they're
right to think this, that enough of the women are like, yeah,
we don't want that around that they're not going to
watch on purpose, So I women's basketball can't help themselves.

They want to be so viewed as legitimate. On the
other hand, it's like they want anyone who made fun
of women's basketball or didn't watch for twenty five years
to admit that they were wrong for not caring about
something that they care about that we didn't care about.
And then when there's something that we care about, one

sham on us for not caring for twenty five years,
but two, yeah, we're not going to give that to
you because it's not as good as you think it is.
Dumb people do smart things. Smart people do dumb things
by overthinking it. That's all this is. You completely overthought it.
In an effort to be legitimate, You delegitimize yourself in

an effort to be popular. You're making yourself less popular.
I mean, what a load of crap. Like somebody should
ask gen Rozotti, Jen, what would have happened had you
not named the greatest Yukon player ever at forty two
years old to the Olympic team. What would happened? How

would that have gone over? We know the answer. We're
not stupid, but we're made to be treated as if
we're stupid based upon these results. They're just trying to
find the best basketball team possible. So to people who say, hey,
you know, the men's teams always the telve best player, No,
they're not. Some of it because guys don't want to go.

But some of it is they got to find guys
that are just happy to be there, and those last
couple guys are guys are just happy to be there,
and they're usually connected somehow with USA basketball, which is
what should have happened here. So I just it's it's
just embarrassing. Meanwhile, here we are talking about Win's basketball
again and we're in the on June eleventh. So I

guess they win, but they keep turning people off and
then instead of making people tun two watching it.

Speaker 3 (16:08):
Be sure to catch the live edition of The Doug
Gottlieb Show weekdays at three pm Eastern noon Pacific on
Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 1 (16:19):
Doug Gottlieb Show, Fox Sports Radio. I love that gen Rizzotti,
Like no one asked gen Rozotti, like, hmmm, I don't know.
You got another Yukon chick who's forty two years old.
She deserved to be on the team. Curious by the way, Uh,

she didn't play very well did she last night? There
ioa sam.

Speaker 4 (16:47):
No, she got hat on a several moments.

Speaker 1 (16:53):
Yep, look great, And honestly, I think she probably needs
the physical break. Right. It's just it's it's been a lot,
there's no there's been no letdown, no slowdown, but didn't
play particularly well and that team is going nowhere fast.
John Middlcoff In a moment, I saw this story and
I thought it'd be interesting. Robert Salah talked about why

Aaron Rodgers wasn't at OTA's today. Take a listen.

Speaker 5 (17:18):
Aaron and I spoke before OTIA started. He's been very
good in communication. He's been here the entire time. It's inexcused,
but he had an event that was very important to him,
which he communicated. He came through yesterday, he had his physical,
he did the multimedia day or the media day and
all that stuff. But like I said, he had something
that was very important to him. And if it's important

to him, it's important to us.

Speaker 1 (17:40):
It's not because it's an excuse absence, right, So what
do we think this absence is? I mean, we can
have some fun with that one. What do you think,
jayse do? If you had to guess, what would the
absence be for Aaron Rodgers? What would the reason something
he had to go to?

Speaker 6 (18:02):
I I personally I think that he is going to
a convention for doing your own research. Come on, yeah,
it's the doing your own research convention. I think they
have it in Vegas.

Speaker 1 (18:14):
They have lots of things in Vegas. It's very very
possible that could be slightly off strip, right. Uh, maybe
that's what's going to replace the Fountain Blue, the Fount
Blues in trouble. Maybe that's that's the way to get
it back going is to uh is to uh make
it the home for people doing their own research. Let's
welcome in John Middelkoff. He of course has the Three

Out podcast. John, what do you think of what do
you think Aaron Rodgers is doing? What? What event could
be so important to him that he could miss in
excuse fashion.

Speaker 2 (18:46):
I'm going AOC fundraiser?

Speaker 1 (18:49):
Okay, possible, It's possible.

Speaker 2 (18:54):
New York. You know he's already he's right around there,
you know, supporting the cause.

Speaker 1 (18:58):
What do you think of Clark not being on the
national team? Uh?

Speaker 2 (19:04):
Like, I can't pretend to break down the strengths and
weaknesses of the roster. But my overall take, my overall
take was this. The people that have been running the
WNBA for however, what two and a half decades, have
never been tasked with making any money. Right in your job,

in my job, if you don't make money, you go under,
but they've been subsized by the NBA. And I look
at it a lot like the government. The government doesn't
operate like a lot of companies do because they never
have to worry about going under, so financially, it's why
you could have issues and like whatever, it doesn't matter.
And you look at the WNBA, like from a marketing standpoint,

it's obviously a no brainer. You know, the NBA operates.
Look at the NBA team where they factor in, obviously
the best team, but there's a business element of it.
The moment, any layer of any recognition, no matter how
old they are, Lebron at forty four, once on the team,
Steph Curry, they know that matters for jersey sales. And

I just I'm not shocked. I'm just I'm not shocked
to the w NBA they keep and the people at
large and women's basketball keep pushing back against her. And listen,
I've sit over and over, I've never paid attention to
women's basketball maybe the Final four or whatever until now,
and it is incumbent on her now for the next

like five years. Like part of Bryce Harper or Tiger
Woods or all these people when they first show up
and everyone's taking shot or Lebron then you've got to
answer the bell. So it's like, it's not like she
you know, she's got a long way to go. But
to me, it is a simple one in this notion,
I'm like, what if she was on the bench and
the fan ry of like, who cares? Shut up? Just
put her on the team.

Speaker 1 (20:52):
It's not that hard.

Speaker 3 (20:54):
It's pretty.

Speaker 2 (20:55):
It's a it was a very but it's but also
it gets back to how how could anyone be shocked?
I could have seen this coming from a mile away?

Speaker 1 (21:04):
Fair Point, fair Point. He's John Metalcffee joins in on
the Doug Otutlib Show here on Fox Sports Radio. What
are your experts, let's go back to Aaron Rodgers. What
are your expectations of the Jets?

Speaker 2 (21:14):
Well, overall, I mean, whenever this and I'm sure it is.
I bet the Jets are very hesitant to leak it
out because then it's clear that they leaked it out
against them. It's probably some sort of if I truly
had to guess, ayahuasca darkness in the wilderness, something like that,
don't you think No.

Speaker 1 (21:32):
I think I think it's it's got to be something.
He was there yesterday. He made sure to point out
he was there yesterday. So it's something that I would
say it's in close proximity. I don't know what it is, uh,
but yeah, I don't think it's I don't think it's
Ayahuaska or anything like that.

Speaker 2 (21:48):
Yeah, I don't mean he's going to do ayahuasca. I'm
just using that symbolically to like, I think it's probably
some sort of mental growth thing, would be my guest.
I also don't think, like to me more, never showing
up the old off season is much bigger deal than
Aaron going, Hey, listen, guys, I'm forty. I had this
thing I was going to like whatever. I don't think

it's that big of a deal topically a big headline,
but he's been there the entire time. I don't think
it's that where you could argue that when the season ended.
Hassan Reddick, who has been an Eagles star pass rushers, like, guys,
I want a new contract. They're like, Okay, think of
trade and when you trade for a guy that wants

to do contract in football, Like if you just trade
it for Brandon a Uk right now, do you think
he'd just be happy?

Speaker 3 (22:36):
You know?

Speaker 2 (22:37):
Day one of training camp. If the new team doesn't
extend him like that problem like that, that's just that
was bizarre, Like he's nowhere to be found, like ultimately
Aaron Rodgers, they want to train. Everything's fine. They just
traded for a pass rusher who the Eagles and how
he was like, okay, you're just gonna take our problem
for a third rounder. Well are you going to extend them?
And they never sended him. And now Robert Salad said,

like last week they haven't even talked one.

Speaker 1 (23:02):
Yeah, it's it's it's a weird one. But what about
the team? Did they fix the offensive line issues?

Speaker 2 (23:08):
I mean, they're just very dependent on some older players
that have some injury history. I give them credit for
taking an offensive lineman in the first round. I think
a lot of as thought and I talked to a
lot of people in the NFL, and again, sometimes the
NFL can think a lot like us on the outside,
that they were going to go with bowers or an
offensive weapon, and they went with their guns as an

offensive lineman. Who if those guys are healthy might not
even start, but they're definitely improved. You definitely have to
feel a lot better. But I think their whole team
or a lot of the guys they've signed, including Aaron.
You know, the health risk for them, is it fair
to say, is for any team that has a chance
to be competitive. It feels like it's the highest in

the league. I mean, Mike Williams, Tyron Smith, now Aaron
with his achilles. It's those guys are good. They're they're
going to be fine. Right if I told you right
now that those three guys played ninety percent of the games,
like they'll probably be in pretty good shape.

Speaker 1 (24:07):
It's a big ift, though, the biggest. I mean, it's
hard enough to stay healthy when you're young, let alone
when you're old.

Speaker 2 (24:14):
And Mike, Mike Williams, I mean, I don't know who
doesn't like him. They watches them play high character guys.
He's got a roof for he gets hurt a lot.

Speaker 1 (24:21):
He was always he was always hurt when even when
he's in his prime. Now he's coming off a major injury,
and I would say he's not in his prime. So
it'll be interesting to see. But you know, there are
certain organizations that feel like they got to roll the
dice on guys instead of developing their young guys the way.
For example, the Chiefs are developing, you could.

Speaker 2 (24:40):
Argue the way they have to play. Remember Lafleur's first
year with them, Aaron wasn't quite I mean, he wasn't
even close to what he became the next two years
when he's in the MVP, they kind of just dumbed
it down a little bit. And this defense on the
jet is better now the AFC is better than the NFC.
But maybe they don't need him to be super human
if their defense, again it's incumbent on the defense to

be top five is ish in the league because last year,
once he goes down, it's just hard for defensive players
when you start looking at the quarterback like this is
a joke. So even you could argue, even if Aaron
Rodgers now is the tenth best quarterback in the NFL,
if he doesn't turn the ball over, which he doesn't,
and they play good defense, you run the ball. But
you could argue the big question mark at the oppensive

coordinator is pretty clear. Lafloor is better than Rogers.

Speaker 1 (25:27):
Guy there and pack it slightly, just a little bit,
little little little smidge a little smidge better. I would
say that's.

Speaker 2 (25:36):
The problems, that's the problem. I mean, anytime you hire
the coordinator thing, and what were they supposed to do?
I mean Aaron wanted them, But it's like even Lebron
want to Russell Westbrook. Sometimes you just you have these
rose colored glasses and it's like, this is not gonna work.

Speaker 1 (25:52):
Mike Tomlin three year extension. This is coming off a
ten and seven year but one in which they actually
gave up more points than they scored. Is this the
right for Pittsburgh.

Speaker 2 (26:01):
I just think it's just it's just their mo I mean,
they can't even help themselves. They're just like, we're just
we're never going to get rid of a coach, like
the Eagles got rid of Andy Reid and I got
news for you, Toms. Even I know he won a
Super Bowler on his career, he's never been as good
as Andy Reid. So I just I think they are
very it's it's the rooty wet they refuse to change.

I said last year. I love my Thomas. I mean
he's I think he's a really good coach. If he
would have been a free agent, who've been easily the
number one guy on the market, and he would have
got a job immediately. Some teams might to fire their
coach to hire. But like, isn't there time isn't the
old adage like in kind of basketball and football is
like it only goes like what Belichick did twenty five years?

Is really even Andy fourteen years in Philly? Hasn't that
kind of runs?

Speaker 6 (26:50):

Speaker 2 (26:52):
I just I just don't expect to see anything different
this year. Hell I already think and I don't even
like justin Field that much as a player. Just put
justin Field out there.

Speaker 1 (27:01):
See what you got as a quarterback? What is a
running back? Wider quarterback?

Speaker 2 (27:08):
Well, hybrid kickoff return man quarterback?

Speaker 1 (27:13):
What do you think?

Speaker 2 (27:16):
Say that again?

Speaker 1 (27:17):
What do you think kickoff returns look like this year?

Speaker 4 (27:19):

Speaker 2 (27:19):
I actually was watching some clips. I think it's gonna
be pretty sweet. I've watched a lot of just coaches
press conferences during OTA's kind of a loser that way,
and they're all like kind of getting juice up. I
think at first, you know, the natural reaction to any
human in any industry is pushed back on a big change.
But I think the more they've looked at it, it's
got a chance to kind of put your own spin

on it. We're going to get a lot more explosive place,
you know. And I think we're also going to see
a big diversity of different people returning. I mean some
people have like true returners, but I think we're going
to see a lot in tight games, you know, in
a big game, if you're playing a division rival or
a conference rival, where you're like Deebo Samuels, go back

their return, you know, Ta Kuon Barkley, go back there
and return this one because you're going to take a
hit or you're not gonna you're gonna take a tackle,
no different than you would as you would as a
as a runner, like Alvin Kamara hit back. It's seventeen seventeen,
we're both four and four. We're playing in the Atlanta Falcons.
Is a huge game, and I think you're less hesitant

because now, really the big molly Wop hit shop because
we didn't. I think only a little over twenty percent
of kickoffs were returned, so that that play had become
almost no one void. Now I think we're just going
to see a lot of actions because there's severe penalty
for kicking it out of bounds, even kicking it way
through the end zone, so it is promoting kicking it

in that little kickoffs zone, and again the defense only
gets the five yard head start on the offensive blockers.
I think it's going to be fascinating. You know, our
guys that might not have made the team make the
team because they can play a role even more consistently
on special teams, so that bottom half of your roster.
It kind of might open up more competition in training

camp where most of the good teams they really only
have a couple of spots. I wonder if that number
on you know, the top ten teams in the NFL,
goes from like two to three true open spots in
training camp to maybe six seven, which is definitely a
cool aspect if you're in the front office or a
coaching staff. It just adds the more intrigue. I think definitely,
preseason games now mostly suck because the mcveighlification, and I

don't blame them, and everyone kind of followed suit. Besides,
like Andy, I think we're all going to be paying attentionally.
Definitely happens right on a preseason game.

Speaker 1 (29:43):
Yeah, no question, I can't wait. I'm like you, I'm
actually quietly looking forward to it, wondering what it is
actually gonna look like.

Speaker 2 (29:51):
We'll see some like all of a sudden Debo or
Saquon or a guy like that back. There are still
coaches are going to be hesitant to like hurt a
main offensive player.

Speaker 1 (30:01):
I think initially we will not, but I think if
they see the possibility and in rare situations, yeah, then
I think by mid season we will. It'll be guys
maybe last year their contract, or guys that have major
contracts that have been signed so they're good for a
couple of years. I think guys in the middle will
you won't use He's John Mettalkoff three and out as

the podcast, Going Low as the golf podcast. He's the best, Johnny,
Thanks so much.

Speaker 3 (30:26):
Be sure to catch the live edition of The Doug
Gottlieb Show weekdays at three pm Eastern noon Pacific.

Speaker 1 (30:34):
We're broadcast live from the tyright dot com studios. Ty
right dot com. Wepe you get there on match selection Pass,
free shipping, free run as a protection, or ten thousand
recommended sellars t right dot com, Way tire buying should
be Stug Gottlieb Show here on Fox Sports Radio. Hey
what if we get to Dan Byer and get them
again and have a game Dan.

Speaker 3 (30:54):
This is game time on the Doug Gottlieb Show.

Speaker 1 (31:00):
A right, dny B, What do you got my friend, Doug?

Speaker 4 (31:05):
The game today is rank them?

Speaker 6 (31:08):
All right?

Speaker 4 (31:09):
Doug ranked the top three players in the NBA Finals
so far. Uh.

Speaker 1 (31:18):
Top three players in the NBA Finals.

Speaker 4 (31:22):
By the way, I thought I sent these to Jason,
but I have not, so I'm gonna send them over
right now.

Speaker 1 (31:27):
Yeah, I mean we can rank them. Let's do I'll
do Drew Holiday three. I'll say Luca who and Jalen
Brown one. Okay, I could put Luca one, but he's

been so bad on defense. You know, it's interesting in
basketball we always make fun of the fact that kids
work out against cones. Who knew that it would prepare
the Boston Celtics for facing Luka Doncik on defense?

Speaker 4 (32:01):
Huh Whoodopatrick Beverley call it Cohen was a Chris Paul
was that?

Speaker 6 (32:09):

Speaker 1 (32:09):
Was it?

Speaker 4 (32:09):
Okay? All right? So the little little different take on
what you just had. So you have Jalen Brown, Luca
and Drew Holliday rank the three most important players going
forward in this NBA Finals.

Speaker 2 (32:23):

Speaker 1 (32:24):
I'm gonna go with Jason Tatum two. Kyrie Irving excuse,
Jason Tatum three, Kyrie Irving two, and Luka Doncik one.

Speaker 4 (32:35):
Mm hmm. Interesting. Luca is the only reason why the
MAVs that think have been competitive. Correct, But he can't
beat the Celtics single handedly.

Speaker 1 (32:47):

Speaker 4 (32:47):
I thought maybe Porzingis would be in this because this is.

Speaker 1 (32:50):
He he he would, but I mean, like, is he
more important? Like we still haven't seen Jason Tatum shoot
the ball well. Jayson Tatum shoots the bow well, it
can more than make up for Brezingis. But yeah, I mean,
Perzinga's has some injury that I've never heard. Have you
ever heard of this injury? No, neither. It sounds really bad,
and they're like, Buddy thinks he could play so well, gay,
maybe it's not that bad. So I don't know. I

literally no idea.

Speaker 4 (33:13):
All right, Doug switching gears as there's news from the
NFL T Higgins youet to sign that franchise tag. So
he is a no show at the Teams of Mini
camp that is no surprise, but Jamar Chase did show up.
Chase is also looking for a new deal as he
is now three years into his career. Doug, rank your
top three Bengals wide receivers of all time.

Speaker 1 (33:32):
Top three Bengals wide receives all time.

Speaker 4 (33:35):
We're doing a Bengals story today.

Speaker 1 (33:39):
I like that.

Speaker 4 (33:40):
So you've got Actually, I think you have more with
the Bengals than you would for a majority of NFL teams.
You got out Joe Sinko, you got your buddy TJ. Hushman, Zada.
AJ Green had a great career, Carl Pickens shined, Peter
Warwick was there for a while. Aside from Chase and Higgins,
Eddie Brown, how about Chris con Collinsworth. Yeah, yeah, Rank

your top three Bengals receivers all time.

Speaker 1 (34:05):
Huh. I'm gonna put hu'sh three because we're friends and
he's awesome. That's really where it comes down to. I'm
gonna put Collinsworth two and AJ Green one.

Speaker 4 (34:18):
J Green one. No O, Joe Sinko in this.

Speaker 3 (34:21):

Speaker 1 (34:22):
I just think it was great. But I mean, I
don't know. I felt like I just I like, who's better? Sure,
maybe I know Josh. Yeah.

Speaker 4 (34:32):
Jad Johnson, by the way, is the Bengals all time
leader in receiving yards and touchdowns by one over AJ Green.
He has sixty six. AJ Green has sixty five, Carl
Pickens sixty three. These numbers are closer than people would realize.

Speaker 1 (34:48):
And you're talking Carl Pickens was big time. Pickens's big time.

Speaker 4 (34:53):
Jeff Blake. Remember Jeff Blake throwing those bombs? All right,
Doug ranked the top three Olympic sports that you will watch.

Speaker 1 (35:01):
Okay, I got full disclosure here. I don't really like
watching the Olympics. Okay, I mean people followed the show. No,
that's like I you know, the it's I've never really
been a huge Olympics guy.

Speaker 4 (35:12):
People are now saying, well, I'm not gonna watch women's
basketball because Caitlyn Clark's not there.

Speaker 1 (35:17):
Yeah, I didn't watch it previously, so it doesn't matter.
So the three that I'll watch, oh man, what will
I watch?

Speaker 6 (35:29):
You know?

Speaker 1 (35:29):
We always get into the swimming and diving. I just
I don't know. I'm not big on swimming and diving.
I'm gonna tell you what the best sport is is wrestling?

Speaker 4 (35:39):
Okay, all right, wrestling one of.

Speaker 1 (35:40):
The original five sports, five rings sports Greco Roman wrestling
at three at two? Uh, do I have do I
have to say? Specifically? Like the hundred meters dash perfect.

Speaker 4 (35:58):
It's good good for Are you gonna have.

Speaker 1 (36:01):
A because I honestly won't watch a bunch of track.
I'll just be honest events. I watch that and then
men's basketball. Uh, you know gymnastics in the mix that
I watch some but not like I used to, not
like the Mary the retin days. So yeah, that would
be the three.

Speaker 4 (36:17):
You'll you'll find me watching some good rowing in some
rowing awesome events. Yes, oh yeah, flying down the waterways
going what looks like three hundred miles per hour. Finally,
Doug Madden twenty five cover released today. Christian McCaffrey is
on that cover. Rank your top three sports video games?

Speaker 1 (36:38):
We should. We could do a show on this or
a podcast on this all time top three sports video games.
I can't do any one year. Mad Madden has to
be the goat.

Speaker 4 (36:49):
Yeah, okay with that one, yeah.

Speaker 1 (36:50):
Okay, Madden is the goat. Their number one. I almost
feel like this is like top ten party schools, where
Wisconsin used to always say, like, don't put us on
a list where professionals they're amateurs anyway, but I'll put
Madden number one. Wow, this is so hard. I'm gonna
do RENHL ninety four at three and Lakers, Celtics, and

the NBA Finals. The original EA Sports Basketball game is
number two.

Speaker 4 (37:20):
That's game time, game double.

Speaker 3 (37:23):
This is game time on the Doug Gottlieb Show.

Speaker 1 (37:27):
Double Dribble Blades of Steel, Double Dribble Blades of Steels,
Doug Gottlieb Show here on Fox Sports Radio. You're not
gonna believe what we have next. It's next.
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