Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
All right, this is the Doug Gottlieb Show here in
the bonus with Doug gottlie.
Speaker 2 (00:11):
What Doug Gottlieb Show in the Bonus Fox Sports Radio,
iHeartRadio app Welcome in Hope. You're doing great. So we
have a national champion. And congrats to Dan Byer and
my late father. Right I bring up late father. My
late father was in Ohio State alum. So they're both
and Dan Buyer is a huge Ohio State fan. They're
both really really happy.
Speaker 3 (00:44):
Wow. I thought the game.
Speaker 2 (00:46):
Was, uh, was closer at the end than it was
in reality. I thought Notre Dame showed great resolve and
toughness and preparation with their first tribes going a touchdown.
But I also thought that was a mismatch in terms
of the overall talent on one side and the overall
town on another. I do think Ohio State wins that
game probably eight, eight times and ten maybe even nine.
And granted Notre Dame not fully healthy. That's the problem
with this many games in the playoffs. The last thing is,
and we talked about this song on the radio show,
Jays two sent us this deal from on three which
showed the top fifteen nil collectives in Ohio State was one,
and they're won by a long shot. But those top
six or seven are almost all SEC teams, which is
why I thought more of them should have been in
because they have better players.
Speaker 3 (01:42):
The story of the first.
Speaker 2 (01:44):
Twelve team playoff was it was exactly what we thought
it would be, which is you had teams in there,
overseeded and placed in the tournament that probably didn't belong.
And you had a team that did not win their
conference title, did not win their conference title, play for,
play for and win a national championship. And it goes
counter to everything college football has been about for so long,
which I'm fine with, but again that's the that's what
college basketball has and college football hasn't, and I think
it's going to be fascinating to see where we go
with it.
Speaker 1 (02:26):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Doug Gottlieb
Show weekdays at three pm Eastern noon Pacific on Fox
Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.
Speaker 3 (02:37):
Let's get to what the Fox says and now say
every day at this time in the Doug Gottlieb Show.
Speaker 2 (02:45):
In the Bonus podcast, we play for you a portion
of a previous show on Fox Sports radio or Fox
Sports one we call it what does the Fox say?
Speaker 3 (02:54):
This was?
Speaker 2 (02:55):
This is Braddy Quinn talking about the first year of
the twelve team college Football Playoff.
Speaker 4 (02:59):
It just feels like seasons so long. That's one of
the complaints I think some people had. But I don't
know how you go about weighing the rest of recovery
for some of these kids, factoring in the academic calendar
and schedule, and then on top of it, you know,
trying to make in a product that people are going
to want to watch, I think the hardest thing. And
if college football wants to grow, which I think it
does because you know, the realignments, the college Football Playoff expansion,
those are all good things for the sport. The problem
is right now ESPN and Disney have a stranglehold on
it and it will never grow past the decisions of
that network, which to me have kind of dwarfed its
ability to grow to what it can be. And the
reason why I say that is because you know, if
you look at how it's presented, how they put it
out there, it's a singular perspective on it. Instead of
allowing a bunch of big networks to come in and
have and play a role in it. And people are
going to say, well, that's because you know you're at
Fox or whatever, and that's fine, that's your opinion. But
I would say that if I worked at ESPN, I
would say that I don't know that they're doing what's
in the best interest of college football. They're doing what's
in the best interest of ESPN and Disney.
Speaker 3 (04:13):
True, and they paid the money for those rights. So
I don't.
Speaker 2 (04:19):
I don't really understand what he does. He think more
people would watch it was on more networks. I guess
that's that's what Brady's saying, because the more people watch
the NFL. I don't think more people watch the NFL
because it's on different networks. They have ABC, they have ESPN,
they have ESPN two, like you know, I don't know
about that. I mean, the NCAA Tournament is far more
watched than the rest of college basketball. College basketball in
the regular season is just like college football is on
every different network, But once the na tournament's on, it's
on Turner, which is not a traditional sports brand, and CBS,
and sometimes it's only on cable. So I don't I
don't understanding why he thinks ESPN limits the growth of it.
Maybe we'll have Brady on some time to discuss it.
Here's Dan Patrick talking about Ryan Day in Ohio State.
Speaker 5 (05:10):
I think this is crazy that there are fans it's
so important to beat Michigan. That has been your identity.
And yeah, we won a national title, but you need
to beat Michigan. If you said to Ohio State fans,
you're going to lose again to Michigan next year, but
you're going to play for the national championship. You have
to play for a national championship.
Speaker 1 (05:35):
You would think you would, you would think.
Speaker 5 (05:37):
But you know fan bases, the old school fan base,
how important it was. Because it used to be if
you lost that game, you weren't playing for a national championship.
That was the importance of it. Now with the twelve
team playoff, fourteen team playoffs, sixteen team playoff, okay, you
lose bragging rights there, but man, that national type them
that will cure everything. That's the great elixir, a national type.
Speaker 2 (06:08):
Uh yeah, I again, that's that's where was it Herbie
who talked about the lunatic fringe. Look, this is the pod,
so I'll say it. People are fucking idiots. People are
fucking beyond stupid. But the ones that you get most
upset about are not the random Twitter people. They're the
the shit that Stephen A. Smith was spewing about Ryan
Day needing a win a national title to keep his job.
Shut the fuck up, Like you don't follow it enough
to know anything about what.
Speaker 3 (06:39):
You're talking about.
Speaker 2 (06:41):
And this is a little bit of what you and
I got into it about yesterday. Jason is like, I
don't care if you want to say we're not doing
well or some slam piece whatever, but at least fucking
at least watch a game. At least watch a fucking
game when you're gonna like comment on things and have
any sort of context to it. Now, I thought you
sent us the best text you sent ever, which is
why is this spread only eight and a half when
you saw how much more money Ohio State's raised than
everybody else. So again, I think what skews it is
Ohio State fans know how much they're spending. I've told
you that the professionalization of sports will change everybody's perspective and.
Speaker 3 (07:29):
Their expectations of what's going to happen.
Speaker 2 (07:35):
And the whole thing is made crazy because we amplify
voices that either don't matter right Twitter tough guy fanboy,
or we amplify people's voices that don't cover the sport.
And if you want to say now, Ryan Day has
the yeah fuck you card because look what he did.
It does look even better about Michigan's upset. But I
think the big thing is Herbie's lunatic fringe comment really
really matters. In regards to Ohio State, here's Colin Coward
talking about the Bears hiring Ben Johnson.
Speaker 6 (08:09):
You definitely weakened Detroit. Dan Campbell's not known as a
scheme guru or a scheme wizard. He's a walk around guy.
He's a culture creator. And Ben Johnson was the scheme
to that stacked offensive building now Detroit. Because the O
line goff in the running backs, they're gonna score. It's
gonna be a good offense for a year's like Philadelphia.
There's just too many good players, too good of an
offensive line. Even Sirianni can't screw it up. But in
the end they won't be as clever or creative. And
Ben Johnson's the reason for that. So the question becomes
is he gonna be Brandon Staley? Is it going to
be Adam Gase. He's got a little bit of a
quirky personality. He doesn't feel like he's got that culture thing,
that gravitas of McVeigh. But when Matt Lafleuur got to
Green Bay, he was kind of quiet, kind of reticent,
wasn't a big, big alpha guy, and he's developed. I
think Matt Lafleur has developed into a great coach. So
I don't know exactactly what you get. I always root.
I always root for great athletes to find their Svengali,
their Guru, their wizard Chicago. I'm not only hoping it happens.
I think we could all say a little prayer that
it happens. This is an organization that cannot get quarterback right.
Speaker 2 (09:22):
Look, the schedule of the division is much more difficult
next year, but there are weapons there and I'll be
fascinating to see what happens. And as I've learned that
there's a difference in running an offense and running a team.
But I think that Ben Johnson very likely in the
last year continued to evolve in his plan towards being
a head coach, so he's probably more prepared, more prepared
than ever more prepared than ever.
Speaker 3 (09:51):
That's what the Fox said, do say.
Speaker 1 (09:55):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Doug Gottlieb
Show weekdays at three pm Eastern NUONUS on Fox Sports Radio,
and the iHeartRadio app.
Speaker 3 (10:05):
Let's find out who are what is annoying Jason Stewart?
Speaker 1 (10:10):
And now it's your annoying?
Speaker 3 (10:18):
Hey Jay Stu? What's ticking you off today?
Speaker 7 (10:20):
Doug? You often say this on the air. You had
one job, right, You had one job. So somebody had
the one job last night of getting Ryan Day and
the quarterback of the winning team from the field to
the press conference and a golf cart. This young woman
had one job. So I don't know what goes into
that job. Maybe you put some thought, maybe into the
geometry of turns and walls. She gets the coach into
the golf cart with the quarterback and a couple of
a team of fish and drives it right into the
wall so much so that she couldn't even like reverse
out of it. She couldn't do what one of your
favorite movies Austin Powers did, Yeah yeah, yeah, and try
to reverse forward, reverse forward her way out of it.
Big fail. And you could tell she's one of the
nervous types that that smiles when she's nervous, And if
anyone's around those nervous types that are are smiling, it
only aggravates you more because you don't think they're taking
it serious. But she was obviously very nervous. If you
haven't seen the video yet, you should watch it. It's
very funny. But at the same time, you had one
job to do. Doug.
Speaker 3 (11:43):
Yeah, I don't know.
Speaker 2 (11:44):
I don't know if annoying would be my answer, but still, uh,
it's a it's a it's a very funny point to point.
It's a very funny point to make.
Speaker 3 (11:53):
That's what it is.
Speaker 2 (11:54):
It was hysterical and painful all at the same time.
And can you imagine how nervous she was too. It
does remind me of something I've long known about, like
sports broadcasting, is when something's made, some mistake happens right.
Speaker 3 (12:15):
Almost always, almost.
Speaker 2 (12:17):
Always, that mistake is made by the person who's the
lowest on the total poll in terms of how much
they're making right, like a misspelling of a name, or
a misidentification of a team for our tribal right Kansas
State listed instead of Kansas, or maybe their logo instead
of Kansas logo, and people go crazy like why is.
Speaker 3 (12:40):
He ESPN and such idiots.
Speaker 2 (12:41):
You're like, it's one person who's like twenty four, doing
a million jobs, making the least amount of money.
Speaker 3 (12:47):
Who makes a mistake.
Speaker 2 (12:48):
That's what happened last night, right, She's probably an intern,
probably didn't get paid anything. And all of a sudden,
now you have the national championship coach and his two
best players in a golf cart with him, and you
have to turn around in a golf cart and it's
a four seater instead of two seater, and that thing
turns like the Titanic and you bang it up.
Speaker 7 (13:11):
Yeah. Oh man, So baller alert, I don't know if
you follow a ball alert on your social media, extremely
influential urban kind of hip hop site, and they pose
the question who is more relevant right now? Jello, Lonzo
or whatever the third one's name is that plays for
the Hornets, LaMelo. I would say, LaMelo and Lonzo right
now have thirty wins combined. The Bulls are like eleventh
or tenth in the East. The Hornets are below them.
Jello came out with a song that kind of went viral,
but I'm going I want to read you this. I
guess review Let's see here. Writer Alphonse Pierre of Pitchforks
that the track has inspired by two thousand's Louisiana hip
hop Stadium. Ball is putting out music that sounds like
he wants to convince us he grew up crooning on
the porches of Baton Rouge and Boozy and Webbe. The
song debuted at twenty nine on the Billboard. I think
Le Angelo is a Diamond Bar from Diamondbar, so that
doesn't really stick. I guess my point is this, I
think this is what the Ball Brothers ultimately, what their
legacy is gonna be a whole lot of noise and
popularity and not a lot of winning, not a lot
of like winning products. You know, the big Ball brand
shoes and everything that happened there. Leangelo's rip off Louisiana rappers.
Ball Brothers aren't winning. So I'm going to say none,
None of the Ball Brothers are relevant. And the legacy
that this family is going to ultimately have was a
whole lot of pomp and circumstance and hype and no delivery.
Speaker 2 (15:20):
Well, the fact that Jello is now like relevant is
actually a gigantic surprise to me. I do think he's relevant,
and I do think LaMelo. LaMelo feels like one of
those guys that will always be super talented, will never
win anything.
Speaker 3 (15:36):
I think.
Speaker 2 (15:38):
Alonzo had the best chance, but his knee and body
just let him down, and that by the time he
got his game together, his body was so broken down.
And like I've told you before, most most of those
people in the Lakers organization think that happened because he
was wearing his dad's shoes. So I do think they're
more relevant than you think, especially Langelo. But I do
enjoy that you point out the parts of it which
you're comical.
Speaker 7 (16:07):
No, trust me, ball are alert. If they think they're relevant,
then obviously they're resonating with a community. I just it
just seems from my standpoint as a fifty two year
old white male, that there's a lot of noise and
not a lot of winning anyways.
Speaker 1 (16:25):
Balls, chickens, balls, bars.
Speaker 7 (16:29):
Shit talking. I like to shit talk. I grew up
in the business on shit talking. I was most inspired
to get into the business by a couple of shit talkers,
Jim Roman Howard Stern. I love shit talking, especially like
in the locker room and stuff where I don't like
shit talking is from our president. Like that, I still
think that there should be an expectation of class and
decorum and statesmanship. Our current president spent almost the entirety
of inauguration speech shit talking to people that were sitting
five feet from him. I thought that was below the
office of the president and the reason I did not
vote for him.
Speaker 2 (17:25):
I think many of the things he does is below
the office of the president. But I'm glad you pointed
it out. He's not a good fucking person. And again,
there are some of his policies which I agree with.
I do, but I do think that I think this
in my job and my multiple jobs, but my job,
I think it's the same thing. I think, what type
of person you are? Trump's what type of politician you are?
It just does so I'm with you, and I mean, look, look, dude,
he made up, or he bought into, the conspiracy theory
of of President Obama not being born in the country,
never apologized, and I just to me, there's so many
unforgivable things. So obviously he comes out and people don't
really know how those directives that he signed works. But
none of it surprises me, and I'm glad you pointed out,
because there is that is supposed to be a position
of dignity and he lacks it. And now he doesn't
have to run for reelection, so he feels emboldened to
do whatever he wants, and the people around him feel
embolden to do whatever it wants. It's going to be
very interesting next four years.
Speaker 7 (18:39):
So a golf cart driver having one job, a hype
overhype ball brother brand and presidents that should talk.
Speaker 3 (18:48):
Hmmm, uh, I'm gonna go with.
Speaker 2 (18:59):
I'm gonna go with the lady who couldn't turn around
the golf cart, Like, come on, man, this you had
one job.
Speaker 3 (19:06):
It is not that difficult.
Speaker 2 (19:10):
So to the lady who could not make a U
turn three point turn in a golf cart with Ryan Day,
Will Howard and I know who else was in the
in that car? Was it? Was it the wide receiver
who's just a star? Or was it I don't remember? Anyway,
Why are we doing this.
Speaker 3 (19:35):
Because we can.
Speaker 7 (19:38):
Travis Kelcey is a shit talker and he makes this
segment a lot. For whatever reason, he really took offense
that the Cincinnati Bengals defensive coordinator lost his job.
Speaker 3 (19:49):
Yeah, that was weird.
Speaker 8 (19:50):
I don't know what the fuck is going on over
there that is. That was a wild, wild move I
did not see coming because I thought that, you know,
from the outside, their defense was playing really fucking good
towards the end of the year.
Speaker 3 (20:04):
They definitely played better. I just think Lou.
Speaker 4 (20:07):
I don't think they had the horses on defense that
they've had in the past, and Lou got handcuffed.
Speaker 3 (20:11):
I don't know that that made sense.
Speaker 4 (20:13):
He's proven how good of a decoordinator he is with
good players.
Speaker 8 (20:16):
But whatever, I'm with you, dude, I'm with you. I've
always respected the hell out of them.
Speaker 2 (20:22):
Yeah, you know, I mean, I don't know enough. But
I also think that those guys know they know who
a good defense court. They would not have brought it
up if they thought he was bad, and they're just taking.
Speaker 3 (20:35):
Up for a guy who's their boy.
Speaker 2 (20:37):
Otherwise, it doesn't it shouldn't resonate on their podcast.
Speaker 3 (20:41):
Why can we play it for you? Because we can.
That's it for the end the modst podcast.
Speaker 2 (20:45):
Check out the radio show every day three to five
Eastern twelve to Pacific Fox Sports Radio.
Speaker 3 (20:49):
I heard radiop'm Doug Gotlieg