All Episodes

May 12, 2017 118 mins

Doug tries to find a reason for Rockets guard James Harden’s poor performance, losing by 39 points at home and getting eliminated from the playoffs by the Spurs. He argues the Spurs beating the Rockets without Tony Parker and Kawhi Leonard might have been head coach Gregg Popovich’s most impressive win, even more impressive than some of his championship wins. Also, Chargers WR Mike Williams joins the show to talk about winning the National Championship at Clemson and preparing for the NFL.

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
You're listening to Fox Sports Radio. Boom Doug god Leave Show,
Fox Sports Radio coming to you live and direct from
the City of Angels. Eight seven seven six three six
nine is the phone number. You can hit us up
on Twitter at god Leave Show and we will respond

eight seven seven nine six six three six nine. Paging
James Harden. James Harden to the basketball Flower plays. It
reminds you of of the like there are things from
our childhood or early adulthood which you remember and maybe
you don't if you're not like me, h Beijing doctor,

freely doctor, I p freely right, like things like so,
I don't know what happened last night. I would. I'm
gonna gander a bunch of guesses. I'm gonna put together
logical explanations, but I have no idea what happened. First,
let's give credit where it is due Greg Popovich and

the San Antonio Spurs. They didn't win the game. They
beat the Houston Rockets, Like you can win games and
not beat the other team. But that was a no
doubter by thirty nine points on the other team's home floor,
without your best player and without your long time starting
star point guard. Did I mention it was by thirty

nine points. But the idea that James Harden is gonna
go down shooting nine threes, eleven shots, six turnovers, seven assists,
only making two Like that's it, paging James Harden to
the basketball floor. Where was he last night? Does the

milk carton reference still work? Hello? Like like like like, look,
I hate to be the guy that tells you when
your references are old, but most people who are listening
to the Doug Gottlip Show on Fox Sports Radio, like
slapshot references are too old. They just are animal House

a little bit too old. You may love Caddyshack doesn't
stand up past the test of time. Like look, go
back and look at the born on dates of those references.
They're a little bit late. I don't drink milk anymore,
and when I do get milk for my kids, it's
sure as hell isn't a milk carton, So we don't
have the missing on a milk carton. So I don't

know if we do we do the what's the what's
there's there's one healthy kind of milk or whatever organic
milk or whatever that is that is still carton style.
But I don't ever remember them having somebody's face on it.
The milk carton used to be reserved for when a
child would go missing. It's funny these things that we um.

It's funny that these references we use, which are really
at the time they were actually cruel or scary. Right,
like when you used to tell somebody to take the
chill pill. That actually goes back to the what was
the guy's name, John Jones whatever? Who uh they they were?
The sect they broke off that would lived in a
foreign country Jim Jones, right, and he had people all

take a pill. They all killed themselves. Um, but but
and so the milk carton reference is actually not a
pretty reference, but it became synonymous when somebody would disappear
and James Harden's game completely disappeared. And look, I can

tell you it happens. It does. It happens to the
best of us. We have a bad game, we have
a bad night, sometimes you have a bad series like
it can happen. The problem with it is several fold.
This is not the first time we've seen it from Harden.
This was a team which was built around Harden the

whole offense. Their backs were against the wall. He didn't
seem to show any sort of facial effect, he didn't
seem to care, he seemed to be out of it right,
And then there's now pictures and snaps of him going
out after the game. And I'm not some prude that
goes like, hey man, you can't go have a beer

after a long and tiring season is over. But you
can't go have a beer at a club after a long,
tiring seasons over when you're taking on a team that's
seen his inferior because they don't have two of their
best players, one of the m VP candidates on your
own home floor. You lose by thirty nine points and
you don't pee a drop, Like what are you? What

are you doing? James Harden going out after last night's
game was a lot like um, I don't never necessarily
even know if it was there. There is a certain
Cam Newton, uh, Cam Newton to it, right, Remember like
Cam Newton not diving on football in the Super Bowl

down six I thought was inexcusable. Equally bad was his
postgame Q and a press conference performance which he became
really defensive and got up and left. But like, the
worst part of it to me, was a couple of
days later, when in front of his own locker, he
liked doubled down on it and said, like, why are

people because that's losing quarterbacks, Like you answer all the questions.
It's the idea that you had time to think about it.
Anybody can miss a shot, anybody can react poorly in
a split second. But when you have time to catch
your breath and think about something and then you do
something which can be viewed as arrogant or two's or
shut off from reality or just flat out stupid, like

that's when you're like, Okay, there's something more here. Ben
Affleck's character in UM, Gone Girl, do you guys see
Gone Girl? Gone Girl? Will scare the hell Gone Girls.
The twenty one century edition of Oh Man. There was
a movie in the eighties UH where in UH where

a guy has an affair Michael Douglas has an affair
and the chick that this side chick goes psycho fatal attraction, No,
not fatal attraction, not fatal attraction. Fatal attraction. Is there's
another one that's that's before that. Yeah, there's another one
that's before that. Scared the hell out at any dude.

Gone Girl will scare the hell out of it. I
just will. I don't want like I know it's been
but Ben Affleck plays this guy, Nick Dunne. I've heard
the books better. But seriously, it's over in two and
a half hours if you watched the movie. So, uh,
Nick's wife goes missing, and then they have him take
a picture in front of her picture, and uh he

for one split second kind of marks and smiles at
the camera, and that's the picture that gets broadcast on
all the news talk. Joe's right. It's like, I'm not
saying you can't smile, that you can't live a life,
but it just looks really, really really bad. It's how

we think, just how we think. But my takeaways are this,
this is why Oklahoma City traded him away. Like, if
you want to look back historically, it's fair to say
that Sam Presty made an awful trade in terms of
having an m VP candidate, and James Harden probably should

have won at least two years ago, should have won
the MVP probably this year, could have been should have
won the m v P this year. But to trade
him away when you had three young, burgeoning superstars, and
the trade they made wasn't good enough, and they held
onto uh Serge Ibaka and and forever had Kendrick Perkins,

like the those guys. If you had those three, you
could kind of figure it out. But if you remember back,
he really struggled against Miami and he when they didn't
foul him, he was just a guy and he seemed
to shut it down like that's who James Harden has been.
And they got really upset because when they were in Miami,

even after losses, James Harden kept going out because that's
what James Harden does. He likes to go out. You
can go out, you can go out in the regular season.
You can't go out and play out like Michael Jordan
would go out and plays Michael Jordan come in and

drop fifty five against the Knicks after playing eight thirty
six holes of golf, like you can do it better,
play really well, and I'm not one of these guys.
That's like remember in high school, when you lose a game,
your high school coach wouldn' let you talk on the
bus ride home, like come on, man, are you serious.
Here's a different team talking in the bus ride home
and going out after getting blasted by thirty nine by

the Spurs at home, who don't have Kauai and don't
have Tony Parker. I don't know if the monstar stole
his power. I don't know if he was concussed because
he did get banged around in the previous game. I
don't know if he was pouting because of something somebody
said to him. I've had a great teammate do that
where a coach yelled at him and he shut down.

I don't know if he was trying to prove a
point and prove his value, much much like um Kobe
Bryant did against the Phoenix Suns. When Kobe Bryant refused
to shoot the ball against against Phoenix Stuton, I fine,
went without me. I don't know, but I can venture
a couple of guesses, and I would say that there

is some precedent for it. Here's Mike D'Antoni, there's quiet Leonard.
I don't know if that psychologically our juices went down
a little bit. But you know, you got old Regen Kasol,
You've got two All stars out there still, so it's
you know, it was a battle, and obviously the fifth
game hurt us UM by not winning that one. Put
us where it was. But you know, I don't have

any reasons for why it happens other than you know,
like I said, I just I'm problem. We'll look at it,
we'll try to figure it out and and try to
get better. Here's the general manager of the Houston Rockets. Um.
This was earlier today. This was earlier today. Aryl Darryl
Moorey said this in regards to whether or not James

Harden is to blame. To me, it's a joke to
get on him because you know we're not where we are.
You know, game five, people are down on him at
the end of the game. Well it's not even We're
down by ten without James yesterday. You know, the guy's
heart us on James and James. I mean, you know,
I'm coaching. I saw him briefly after. We're gonna you know,

we wanted to give him some space and we're gonna
get with him longer shortly, But you can imagine giving
all this blood sweater, you know, one look that you
can you I understand what Daryl Morey's trying to say,
Like we wouldn't be here without James. You're right, which

only makes it more important that James Harden show up,
show some sort of effort, and sometimes teams collectively don't
have it. And I thought Game five was devastay. They
led the whole way until the end of the game,
and that was Kawhi Leonard wasn't playing with the sprained ankle,
and the Spurs came from behind and stole the game

right like that, But I don't know the rest of
us are like that would make me pissed and want
to play them in a game seven, wouldn't it. They
collectively laid ne egg, but their best player didn't seem
to have any facial effect, like he might take the
whole weight in himself. He may be putting too much
pressure himself, but like, dude, go down trying to make plays.

So you can't say we wouldn't be here without James
Harden and then not Levy a ton of the blame
for a complete and utter collapse in your own home
floor without being the fault of James Harden. You're right
and you're wrong at the same time. It's it was stunning,
Like the more I watched it, I was like, is
this does Houston have a game tomorrow night in Milwaukee.

It's like they don't care, like, oh it's it felt
like an AU game, like oh we're down, We're gonna
play tomorrow in the Ox gym. We'll work our way
back to the Winter's back. Like now, dud, your season
is over. And this one's a hard one to shake.
And if you don't think it's a hard one to shake,
think of how good Lebron James has been and thinking

how many people myself included still can't put him in
that Jordan category because of the Dallas Maverick series. But
that's a stunner, that's a wow, that's incredible. All we're
gonna catch up with Jason Wentlo Just went loock No,

just Willox next hour. Well, all right, um, Jason Winlock
is gonna join us next hour. Mike Williams supposed to
join us News so wide receiver for the Sandigo charge.
You're supposed to join us at some point during the show.
Take a couple of your calls up coming next Maybe
you have a theory as to what happened. Was it

the monstars they steal his power? Was he concussed? Was
he mad at his coach? Was he mad at somebody else?
Do you just not care? Do you just was it
was he frustrated he wasn't getting calls like what the
hell just happened? And UM has Colin Kaepernick head teams

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six nine at stage seven seven nine nine on Fox.
If you can figure out what they'll happen to James
Hard I'd loved I had do have some thoughts on
Greg pop Fitch. I want to share with you next hour.
Jason Wittlock will join us next hour as well. Um
so will um. Uh it's in the final Jim Jackson's
Final Out of the show, Final of the show. I
miss Jim Jackson and a cigar barrows. We were ships

passing in the night. I had a dinner and then
I was supposed to meet him in a different dinner,
but the guys I had a different dinner with. Uh,
they met him in a cigar bar that he hangs at.
And by the time I got to that second dinner,
Jim Jackson wasn't around, but I was also because I
was watching. We were my first dinner. We were watching
the game, and we're all just as actually me and

cow Herd, we're watching the game or like, can you
believe this? And that's when Colin he said earlier on
the calling counter joke, I thought he thought I quit,
which I do think that there was there was a
port of point there where he quit, but it was
just the the whole first quarter was We're sitting there
having um Arnold Palmer's and we're like, dude, he why

isn't he shooting? Why is he being so passive? Right?
And like, look, things can snowball, right, you can. You
can go into a game thinking I gotta get everybody involved.
I gotta get everybody's shots. You know, I don't want
to force it. And so you get to the end
of the first quarter like, okay, well I haven't taken
a field goal, Like all right, I don't want to
force it, don't wanna force it, but I needed to

take some shots. And then he he wasn't getting the
calls he normally get gotten. They threw some length out
of him at him, they made some adjustments the way
they were guarding him, and then there was nothing there. Yes, Ramos,
do you think that manage to nobody block? At the
end of the last game, I had a little bit
of a psychological effect on him. I don't. I'd like

to think. No, I no, like dude, ja shooter, shoot right, shooter,
shoot shooter? Shoot yeah. Have you ever had like, have

you ever at the end of a game, being someone
who played overseason college basketball, at the end of the game,
have you ever looked back at the game and gone,
what was I doing? No? Yeah, but my last college game,
I we lost to Florida. I didn't make a shot.
I just felt out of it, like it was just
completely out of rhythm, out of sports. Like I get it,
but I just I guess I hold James Harden to

a different standard, and like I don't think like the
whole idea like, well, Kobe would have shot, yeah, but
then he would have been awful, like right, like Okay,
there's but there's a different there's there's a happy medium
between eleven shots two of eleven and John Starks to
have said, you know what one of seventeen or two
is seventeen or whatever, And Kobe Bryant like, there's a

there's a happy medium there. Now, look, there is a
part to this which doesn't get discussed enough. So do
you guys understand when we say, like it's analytics, Like,
do you understand what how they what they're looking for? Like,
here's basically what analytics tell you, right, Analytics tell you
that the best shot in basketball's lay up, right um.

And then the shot that creates the most points per
possession is a three point shot, most notably a three
point shot in the corner because it's a little bit
closer than the other three point shots. And then you
know at three point shot off a pass, you're more
likely to make it as opposed to three point shot
off the dribble. So if you can dribble in there
and get it to a lay up, great, If not
kick it out shoot three. If not dribble in to

try and get a lay up and not kick it out,
shoot at three, Like that's kind of the idea. And
one of the two shots that have gone by the
wayside because analytics tell you, analytics tell you that they're bad.
Shots are midrange jumpers because they're harder than lay up
but they're worth fewer points than three point shots, and

usually they're off the dribble, which makes them lower percentage.
And post up shots like a post up shot great
points per possession is like one is a great over
under right, and a post up shot posting up is
like point seven seven points per persession. Other words, it's
an inefficient shot. That's why the Houston Rockets don't post

anybody up. Now. Part of it is personnel, and they
didn't have Nane who is a good post scorer. But
they believe in layups or dunks or three point shots
and nothing in between. But see James Harden also wasn't
getting the calls, the little nickel dime calls. San Antonio
was doing a good job of putting their hands up
and not fouling him, but he also wasn't getting some

of the leaping leaning, and when you can't, you don't
always get a foul for your best player. But it
also the defense softens up when they get into the
bonus when they get into foul trouble, they have to
get into their bench more. And the fact is that
while it's inefficient to post somebody up. It does it

can create more fouls, It can create a defensiveness within
the defense. And oh yeah, by the way, when things
are going really bad, like a team for any other
team would like, hey, let's just post up James Harden
and have him find a way to get fouled and
maybe he throws a one and gets an n one.
And shooters will tell you see the ball going in

a couple of times and you feel better about yourself.
Get to the free throw line, get two free throws
knocked two down now of a sudden, those staying three
point shots yet, I mean, because if you're out there
for forty five minutes and you have only your two
of eleven, you haven't seen the ball go through the
basket with exceptional warmups. So look, there was a coaching
mismatch there. But and there was the mismatch of James

Harden mentally being out of it and him being the
most important. The whole team is built around him being
in command of control. But it's also really damning towards analytics.
And even though the stats would tell you it's a
bad idea to post up, if you watch the game,
the San Antonio Spurs. Anytime Houston went to a smaller lineup,
they went and posted them up, and while statistically for

the life of the season they may be inefficient, for
that particular game, it slowed the game. It made Houston
change the way they were playing defensively, it allowed uh
LaMarcus Aldridge to feel more comfortable, pau Gasal to feel
more comfortable, and it was like body blows. Body blows
at the Houston rock at the Houston Rockets defense and

frankly at their offense. We talked a lot about Colin
Kaepernick yesterday and this continues to be a national topic
that he hasn't signed, Blaine Gabbert has signed, and it's
such a stupid comparison. It really is. Blaine Gabbert's actually
much younger, and they were on the same team, and
Blaine Gabbert had actually beaten him out going back two

years ago and was the starting back in Blaine gabertt
wasn't good, but it wasn't like he was any worse
or any I mean, he wasn't noticeably worse. He might
have actually been better in many ways than Colin Kaepernick.
But gabrit also signed for a league minimum nine grand
and he basically signed on to be a backup. So
one advisor close to him, close to uh Colin Kaepernick,

said at least three teams have reached out to him.
So this idea that Colin Kaepernick hasn't been offered a
deal means kind of Like we said yesterday, I do
believe that the protests are are a problem. I do
just so you're aware, Like I kind of think anybody
who's protesting any sort of injustice as a have you

noticed no other story starting quarterbacks are doing it? Like
that's it's a It's different when you're that position of leadership.
Your investment in the team has to be first and foremost,
regardless of whether or not you're invested. And like if
you take what Colin Kaepernick says is, look he's just
invested in the greater good. That's fine. Still a football player,

Still a football player. You still have to perform your duties.
But I pointed out yesterday that like, look the Kaepernick
you think of, that's three years ago. At least he
had a good year and a half, a very good year,
and happen league he's had shoulder, thumb, and knee surgery,
and he's seen as tough to get along with, he's
not seen as a leader, and teams have called and

nobody's pursued. What's what does that mean? That means that
the ask has could be too high, whether he wants
a chance to start or whether he wants borderline starter money.
Because if somebody picks up the phone and calls and says, look,
I know cat might have a bad rap. I know
that he's a guy who uh might not fit into
our system, but that what's his level of interest? Like,

I'm sure the demands are too high financially, So this
idea that he is blackballed, like you can also blackball
yourself and you can end up chasing the market. I
told because we chasing the market is right. Chase the
markets like in real estate, for example, when it happens
sometimes in contracts with professional athletes where you think your

market is, like you you're gonna sell your house, and
you look around on Zillo or on real or dot
com or truly or whatever, and you're like, you know what,
I think my house is? Where six hundred thousand dollars
Because I put this into the bathroom, and this into
the kitchen, and I put in the stereo system. We
put in a pool and yeah, I bought it for

four a couple of years ago, but I put in
a hundred and it's gone up whatever percent. And if
you compare it to my neighbor's house that just sold
for five fifty, minds nicer. I should list it for
six hundred. But then you over listed, and houses around
you start selling for four. People come in they're like, well,

why why is this six hundred when I can get
that same house down the street but slightly inferior for
a hundred dred fifty grand less, Like, well, it's nicer.
And so then what happens is you're your contract expires
with that re order, you go ninety days and you
go to with another one because you blame the reorder,
and then you lower the plat price just a little bit,

like all right, I will do five fifty. It's still overpriced.
And by the time you get around too late in
the summer, when all the houses have already sold and
your house has been on the market for a hundred
and fifty days. Now somebody walks in and you've got
it priced appropriately at five hun dollars. You're not making
any money on the house and they get ready to
make an offer in the house, and like, wait, why

is this house been on the market for two hundred
days and nobody has made an offer. And even though
there's nothing wrong with it, because you've chased the market
down because you initially overpriced it, You're gonna end up
taking away less than you want to because you initially
overpriced it. That's what's going on with Kaepernick. Likely wanted
borderline starter, high quality backup money. The rest of the

league saw him as a guy who's a couple billion
dollars a year at best, and he's a hard fit
both socially. He's a heart fit in your locker room.
He's a heart fit x and O wise because kind
of runs around a lot, not true accurate passer, struggles
to change the angle. He's not the quarterback he used
to be, and now he's chasing the market, town turning

down even talking to teams, stuck out Live Show, Fox
Sports Radio. I hate that something that there's one thing
that generally has to happen for you to be considered great,
and it's one of the most annoying things that I've

been guilty of. It. Everybody who ever covered or talked
about sports has been guilty of it, and Gregg Popovitch
proved it to be a complete fallacy last night. We
do some dumb things in sports radio and sports TV, right,
And one of the things is we always talk about,
like the only way you've validate doing something great is
if you ultimately win a championship. And as dumb it's

the dumbest thing we do as sports pundits that the
only way to validate greatness is to win a championship. Now, look,
Gregg Popovich's greatness as a coach has been validated because
he's won championships. I'm not trying to invalidate, but what
he did last night in many ways, should validate that

he's a great coach, even more so than the championships. Like,
like I played for Eddie Sutton at Oklahoma State, Okay,
Eddie Sutton took Arkansas to the Final four. He took
Oklahoma State to the Final four one over eight hundred games.
He's only coach in college basketball history to win eight
D Division one games and not be in the Basketball

Hall of Fame. And I would I would venture to
guess that as a four time finalist, one he'll eventually
get in. But to the logical reason like Kaepernick, like
what's the reason he's not people and put him in.
Part would be the alcoholism. You know, he had an
issue at Kentucky with the n c A and the alcoholism,

and he didn't win a national championship. Like those are
three and look like the idea that he's the first
coach to ever break any rules at Kentucky And I could,
I could take the I could defend my coach's honor
and say he wasn't named in uh any of the
n c A findings, but like, look, he won the

first and he assures that when the last coach at
Kentucky that knew some things that were going on that
shouldn't have been going on. And oh yeah, by the way,
there are several coaches Jerry Tarkanians in the Hall of Fame.
Jerry Tarkan he had no regard at all frenzy rules.
It wasn't it wasn't that he was cheating, Like he
did not care for the rules. Other coaches got caught
cheating or got caught breaking the rules. And I do

think there's a difference between the two. And they're in
there's plenty of other coaches that have one national championship
that are in and I'm sure or there's another coach
or two that had a problem with alcohol, made problem
with drugs, maybe not as publicly so, but my point
would be like when he took over at Arkansas, I

think they went to one term in twenty five years
and he told the freshman, hey, if you stick with
me by the time you finished yere, we're gonna go
to a final four. Four years later there in the
final four. Like Arkansas was a dormant program, took him
to a final four. When he got to Oklhama State,
they only been in one tournament in twenty five years,
went to final fours fourteen nc A tournaments I think
in seventeen years. Remarkable, And so getting up pro programs

like Arkansas and Oakland State off the beaten path to
those heights, getting just to a final four is akin
to winning nation championship Kentucky. You're winning a national championship
at Duke or Carolina. But there's this sense that you
can't do anything great unless you win a title, right
like um Chris Carpenter, that's the former picture for St.

Louis Cardinals, and you guys will have to help me
with the year. Um, but it was the year and
I believe in which was the year they won the
World Series. Chris Carpenter went against Doc Holliday in Philadelphia
Game five of the n l DS. Ryan, if you

could look up the box score, you're gonna be blown
away by this, right. Chris Carpenter is as good a
big game pitcher as there has been in baseball in
the past fifteen twenty years. Like John Smoltz obviously was
a part of one World Series team and was a
great starter and a great closer. Of course, I think

he's as good a baseball analists as we've ever had.
Called the World Series called it for Fox last year
for the first time Smoltz, Like Smoltz's gift was only good,
but he was also good in the clutch and go
as the starter to go as a closer. Um. Carpeto
is that kind of guy. And my point about Game
five of the n l DS was he got covered
up because it was one the d S two. It

was on Friday night, and Friday sports stories always get
kind of lost because they're Saturday in their Sunday and
sports talkies like talkers like me, we don't start till Monday,
and it's baseball and his football season, all that other
stuff kind of covered it up. I'm gonna say he
didn't give up a run to the Phillies on the road.

And and look, if you're a baseball fan, you remember
this day. The Cardinals celebrated by tearing off his clothes.
Remember he had that, he had his uniform on. They
tore off his clothes on the dug and they tore it,
ripped his jersey into a million pieces, like to celebrate.
And the audul Roy Howiday wasn't bad as like a
one nothing game, complete game. It was a masterpiece. My

point is like that's as good a pitching performance as
I've seen. And you could say, well, it doesn't have
the pressure of the World Series, like okay, so there's
not pressure of the nlds on the road against the
Philadelphia Phillies that play in a ballpark in which there's
a jet stream to left and right center, Like that's stupid.
The Phillies were really good then that a power hitting lineup.
They had a great picture. Your offense provides you very

little support, and you went in with your team's backs
against the wall and you pitched an absolute gem. Why
you know, Clayton Kershaw had one of those last year
where teams backs against the wall and he went in
grab the ball, Like you can be bad at times
under pressure, but that doesn't mean you're a choker, and
you can show what you can do under pressure, and

so that you don't you don't show but Popovich and
his game planning, Popovich and using the Jon Day Murray
who hadn't played in the last game as a rookie,
and he plays him and he plays well, changing how
they're playing offensively, not going away but going back to

LaMarcus Aldiers, Like you can show your greatness as a
coach without having won a championship. I know he's won it,
so it's hard for it, Like I know you're one
championship dog, yes, but of all those like his first
championship he had David Robinson and Tim Duncan and Sean Elliott,
Like a lot of people might have been able to

win a championship with that, Not a lot of people
could do what he did last night and frankly in
game five, like sometimes the picture of greatness doesn't actually
culminate in a ring Lebron James and his performances performed
when they lost to the Spurs. Remember he had the cramps.

There was talk of making him the m v P
or simply getting the Calves to a game six two
years ago against the Warriors like that was as impressive
as in many ways as what he did last year.
He didn't hit the game big shot last year Kyrie
Irving did. But we we have this thing in our

heads to which unless it culminates in a championship, it's
not great. It's just really good. When anybody who knows
anything about sports would tell you, and especially know anything
about basketball, tell you you don't have your best player,
you don't have your point guard against a really good,
really talent team that plays a polar opposite style of

the one in which you want to play. It's not
just winning a game at home to go on the
road and beating by thirty nine points to take the
heart of a star player to where it feels like
everybody watched, like, dude, he just quit in front of us.
He said no moss, he waved, he threw the towel in.
That's great, and the Spurs are gonna lose to the

Warriors doesn't diminish the greatness of the accomplishment of the
last two games and last night, if anything, validates the
greatness of Popovitch, regardless of the championship brings that he
already has or he still may earn. Are We have
a new game that we found in our sack. Plus,

Mike Williams is gonna join us top of the hour.
Jason Whitlock will join us next hour as well. We've
got a fully packed show. Our new game is called
Guess Who. I have no idea what it I think
I know it is. Maybe guess what. Guess Who. You'll
find out what it is next Happy Friday, Tia Doug
Gotlip Show, Fox Sports Radio. Do kind of wish I

could play the guitar kinda, I mean right, kind of like,
I look, I got a good gig. I'm not gonna
sit there and go like and I have some talents, um,
but do kind of wish I could play guitar? Sing?
My son really wants to be a singer, and you
you just can't. Let's reach into my sack, shall we?
Let's reach into godly sack. Mike Williams is gonna join

us newest member the Sandy Good Chargers at the top
of the hour. Jason Whitlock next hour as well, Dan Buyer.
There's a new game in the Sack called Guess Who? What?
How do? How does it work? Well, let's let's see
if I pick guess who and it Yeah it is guys, Hey,
it is guess who? About that? Um, I am going
to give you a question and you have to figure
out maybe a scenario, a situation. You have to figure

out who had happened to Okay, as simple as that.
We'll start out. We'll start out, how about in the NFL?
What NFL all pro and veteran was mistaken as a
coach by one of his new rookie teammates. So you know,
rookies are reporting to camp, players are around, But what
current player had a rookie think he was actually one

of his coaches? It's got to be like alignman, right, Uh,
you're getting warmer, I'll tell you that much. Uh. I
don't know. Um, I gotta I have to guess aligneman. Um,
you are getting very warm. There's some sort of hot

reference here. No, I'm just it is alignment. It is
it is alignment. I don't know if you're red hot,
you may be brown hot. Oh yeah, okay, so that's
kind of what I thought it was, right, Um, it's
what's a man's name for the Cleveland Browns Thomas Joe
Thomas Thomas Brown's first round of first round ten and

David and Joeku was at a team event this week
and Thomas tweeted out that it was an honor to
be with the Browns rookies. And the funniest moment was
when Joeku asked Joe Thomas if he was his coach.
They're gonna be in the huddle together on Sundays. But
David and Joku thought that Joe Thomas was a coach.
How about what what power of five school will become
the first to use technology inside their helmets to analyze

brain trauma. I'm gonna go with Texas. I got it.
It is Texas, and I thought maybe it would go
like Stanford North Texas, Texas, just like swimming in money.
That is correct, This according to the SB Nation University
of Texas releasing a video describing the school's test program

with equipment maker right hel using technical innovations inside the helmet.
They'll be able if it hit his hard enough. Um,
they'll be able to have data on the sidelines to
tell you actually how hard that it was to the helmet.
If you've seen their defense last five years, not a
lot of data that's been passed. What possible Baseball Hall
of Famer called one of his former managers arrogant, clueless,
and quote aggravating as hell. David Ortiz? Who is David

Ortiz talking about Bobby All In Poppy My Story, the
book That's Coming out or Tease writes that the drama
began almost immediately in spring training of Bobby Valentine had
them doing drills that Valentine would put his teams in
Japan through, something of the red Sax had never done before.
So things did not start well or end well with

Bobby Valentine. What college basketball coach agrees with Kevin Durant
that top NBA prospects should skip the combine? I forgot that.
Draymond tells me. If it's correct, Uh, Calipari sang for
the guys. If you think there's anything that would hurt you,
don't come. This is what the agents have been saying
in the NFL as well. If if why have a

pro day A private workout, a combine and all that.
All it can do us hurt you. I canna help
you too. That's it's it's like a it's it's a
showcase and if you want to you know it can
it can help. It's gonna help some of these guys
as well. How many Diallo who is uh came to
Kentucky at the that's that's by the way, what's in
my sack? Came to Kentucky at the middle of the season,

probably gonna declare for the drafting though he never played
a day for Kentucky because he went to the combine.
Because he's a freak show athletically and they're gonna draft
him on upside length and potential. Mike Williams wasn't drafted
on upside length of potential. It was because he's a
big play, big ball wide receiver. We'll ask him if
he's met any of Philip Rivers kids yet? Can you

name them all? Next in the Doug Out Lip Show,
Doug Out Lip Show Fox Sports Radio coming to you
live and direct from Los Angeles, California. We got a
jam packed our for you. Jason Winlow is gonna join
us upcoming in fifteen minutes, we'll talk to him about
his uh, his thoughts on Colin Kaepernick, why Caps not
in the league? Way to hear what Clay Travis said

about Mike D'Antoni and what happened last night in Houston.
Jim Jackson, former NBA veteran, the great players in the
history of the state of Ohio high school college basketball,
Fox Sports one NBA in college analyst, as well as
you can hear my Fox Sports Radio join us next
hour on the show. Mike Williams is gonna join us momentarily.

He's the newest member of the San Diego Chargers. And
of course, uh, if you saw him play Clemson last game,
you saw him play. He was spectacular in the National
Championship game. But to those of you remember, like you
go back a couple of years ago and he actually
broke his neck first game of the season, the two
thousand fifteen season. They're playing Wafford. He had a touchdown

catch season opener, gets shoved into the goal post stanchion
right and he laid down their motionless and like, look,
if if you are a football fan, you knew, like
Mike Williams was a stud, right, you don't want to
see anybody laying down there. And then when you heard
it was Mike Williams laying down there motionless, and you're like,
and you hear broken neck, broken vertebal like you don't

know what's going on to go from that in fifteen
to winning a national championship, uh in January of seventeen,
and now in May of seventeen being a first round
traffick A member of the thought. I thought, it's a
pretty awesome turn around. Let's say, welcome in Mike Williams
of the San Diego Chargers. He joins us, Sorry, Los

Angeles Chargers. I even, I even I screwed that thing up, Mike,
How are you good? Man? Okay? So for and I'm like,
I don't want to bring back terrible memories, but it's
it's part of the story. Uh. What do you remember
about that day in Death Valley when you caught the
touchdown pass and got shoved into the goal post and

hurt yourself. I remember everything about it. You know. I
felt like that was a moment in my life where
a lot of things you changed, you know, me getting
that injury. You know, I never took anything for granted
after that injury. You know, the game could have been
taken from me at that moment. So I mean, every
chance I get when I come in the field, you know,
I gave him my all and just love to be

out here with my teammates and having fun. So there
was never a moment to which, you know, you go
to the hospital you gotta you gotta fracture in your
neck and you thought like maybe I did, I can't
play football in again again. No, sir, that was that
was never a problem. You know, the doctors told me
that I was able to play again. I mean I
was just trusting the doctor and just was believing in
with what he was telling me. You know, I trusted

him that he would give me the right idea what
he thought I should do, and he just every time
I met with him, he said, you will be able
to play football again. So I mean I was a
hundred percent sure that was be able to play again.
Such a it's you know, because of how the season ended,
everyone will say that last year was a storybook ending
or a storybook season for the Clemson Tigers, but it

wasn't really that way. Like you guys, you almost lost
NC State, You did lose to Pittsburgh. There's some other
games in which he didn't play great. You let other
teams kind of kind of hang around. What was the
actual forget the championship. We all saw you guys in
the semifinals in the championship in that story. What was
the actual season like for you? I mean it was
a great season. You know, every season go have his

ups and downs. You know, you can you can face
some adversity. You know, we say some adversity. You know,
you had a club game gets anc State, like you said,
lost the Pig game, you know, losing when we lost
the pick game. You know the scenes as the team
together and say we didn't want to all have that
feeling the game. You know, finished with the same record
we had last year. We just won our last game.
You know, our goal was to win our last game,

and we did that when UM was national champ. So
it was a pretty good season for us and we
all had a great time celebrating. And I want to
play for you something the Dabo Sweeney said after the
National Championship game in regard to a colleague of ours
calling coward. Take a listen for the guy that called
us a fraud. Ask Alabama for a fraud was the
name Colin Coward asking, I don't never met him, don't
know him, ask him if if we're Alabama for a fraud,

ask Ohio stated for a fraud, ask Oklahoma, and for
a fraud the only for all is that guy because
he didn't do his homework. I hope y'all print that,
all right, So it does lend lend us to believe that,
at least Dabbo does. What about you? Did you guys
watch all the shows, you guys listen to all the
conversation about your team, about your team story um and

whether or not you belonged in the college football playoff
before you actually got in. No, sir, we didn't watch
any of that. I mean Coach sweene uh, we don't
even use socio media or any of that during the season,
just because the guys right there, you know, co Sweeney
wanted to focus on only things that we can control.
We can't control how that do feel? I mean he
said we were a fraud. I mean, we knew we

was a great team. You know, we just wanted to
go out and sure everybody else then we just wanted
to go out there and be Alabama because we felt
like there was the best thing. We needed to beat
those guys just to prove a point. When did you
know the Chargers were gonna pick you? When I got
that phone call, you had no you had I mean,
did you have a sense? Did you A scout came
from the Charges and worked me out, you know, he

called me at the everyone watched the film that he
recorded in the workout. He said everyone was amazed how
I was moving and that I had great ball skills. So,
I mean, I heard great things from him, But I
mean I also heard some great things for teams who
was ticking before before on the Charges. So I mean,
I was just waiting on my phone to ring and
didn't want to get too too big on who I

thought was gonna draft me because if I didn't get
that by that team, you know, it would have been
a tough. So, I mean, I was just sitting there,
just waiting on my phone to ring, you know, with
my family. What what's that feeling like when you realize that,
you know, from humble beginnings and from that neck injury,
you're you've now made it. You're you're a pro, You're
a first round traffick. What's that feeling like, Oh, it's

a great feeling. I mean everything I dreamed. We're so
hard for it since I was a kid. You know,
it's just a great feeling, you know, just to come
out here and just enjoy the weather, you know, enjoy
the city, enjoy it being out here with the guys
having fun. You know, it's just everything I dreamed of.
I'm just enjoyed and have fun with. Um. How many
brothers and sisters you have? I have a younger brother,

older sister. Okay, so you come from like you know, like, look,
that's five people in your family. Like that's a good
kind of size family unit. Um. Are you aware of
how many kids your quarterback has? Oh wait, I think
you have like eight kids? Yeah? Eight kids. Do you
know any of their names? I met? I met two
of them. Man, uh fan day, but I can't remember

their names. Are there's Gunner, There's Sarah, There's Grace, Rebecca, Halle,
Caroline and Peter. You gotta you gotta know for sure,
I know for sure I met Gunner. How I gotta
gotta be I mean, they gotta be spaced out right. Yeah. Yeah,
and I met I wanted to I think the daughter, Yeah,
he was older than Gunner. Yeah, yeah, so yeah, no,

it's it's I mean like and look he's from the South,
like he drives to pick up truck like you guys.
You guys have been in. He guys been in, been
in good. Um when you were at Clemson your last year?
Do you live on or off campus? Live off campus? Okay?
So what was your how many was you by yourself?
You live with a teammate? Would you do? You know?
I lively it was me and through my teammates. All right,
so four bedroom place? How much was the rent? Uh?

Four for a piece or a piece or total a
piece of piece of piece? Um, have you looked yet
at what it's gonna cost to live in Los Angeles
or in Orange County? When you way more than you're like, wow,
I'm how much have I getting my contract? Awesome? Wait?

Wait how much does it cost to still here? It's
way more than that. I know that for sure. Um,
all you guys are are signed. Was there any like, look,
last year Joey Bosa held out got kind of ugly.
You end up not being ready to play to start
the season. Was was there anything said in regards to hey, guys,
you need to get this thing signed kind of quickly
and get it done so we don't have another Joey

Bosa situation. Oh no, sir, I mean my agent told
me he was gonna handle that. I got a great deal,
So I mean I was pretty cool. I was just
wanted to get that done and so I can come
out here and learn and come on here with the
guys and just half fun with those guys, you know,
just get out had half. Okay, Well, listen, it's only
a couple of couple of days in. But soon Philip
Rivers will be screaming at you like he screams and everybody,

but he only yells the people he cares about. Right, Hey, man,
welcome to Los Angeles. Congratulations on making it and can't
wait just to see you with the lightning bolt on
the side of your helmet. Thanks for joining us on
on Fox Sports Radio. I appreciate it. It's Mike Williams
stud Deep Deep, Deep, all threat. You have a Joe
or fifteen yards to But think about that though, when

you like, you know, like you said like that was
the moment in his life where he hit adversity. You
have a fracture in your neck and he said well,
the doctors said I'll be fine, So I decided, like,
I'm not not gonna take any day for granted. Now
he's gonna be catching footballs from Philip Rivers getting yelled at.

I say that because I'm actually a charge of fan.
Like Philip Rivers yelled, he yells at everybody. You're right.
Having an injury like that and then going back to
play a physical sport like football, Now, clearly it doesn't
seem like it affected him at all. He had an
incredible junior senior year going on winning the national championship.
Did you ever have an injury like a role or

something really, oh, man, because I got to imagine, like
that has to be something that sticks in the back
of your mind after that, right, like you think, like
a broken fractured neck. Yeah, it's it's crazy. Yeah, Like
I broke a necklace. What happened after that? I just
went back and play football to the little time it
took the season off, and then went back to play football,
and um, you know it's just second team All American

had ninety eight catches and yards and eleven touchdowns, one
national championship, played seven six snaps. You know, Oh, that's
all that that was actually the next day that that
was what. Yeah, dropped dropping the first round. Now I'm
in Los Angeles playing for the Chargers. That's about it.
He did say four sixty five. I thought that was
gonna be all in for all four dudes comest that.

That's probably a nice place, though if it's like four
bedroom plays My rent was seven. Our rent was like
the four of us we split it. It was a
dump though. We called it the palace and it was.
It was palace with the with the quotations. That was
my junior year. My senior year, I we my buddy
and I. We got a teammate to walk on. Teammate

and mind, Rodney Suder and I. We got a two
bedroom apartment that was brand new right above the Sushi House,
Well Sushi and still Water, Oklahoma. I wouldn't recommend it
for everybody, but for us it was great. And yeah,
they would knock on the door, Oh you look, you
want extra sushi. Very nice owners are from Japan, Like
I just can't imagine the culture shock of being from

Japan and living in still Water, America. But it was cool. Yeah,
we got sushi. Like I was kind of sushied out
the end of you're like no, like you know what
you know? You say like I would never turn down
free sushi. There was actually a period of time that
I would turn down free sushi. I thought crappy sushi
was weird though. Anyway, I gotta be from the South,
you know, I understand crappy sushi. That's pretty good though,

that he knew he had eight kids. We gotta have
Philip Rivers on a see if you can name all.
There's no way that Philip Rivers I'm treating name all,
but that he doesn't yell there yelled the wrong name
at the wrong kid. There's not a parent alive that
doesn't look, at least once a year, probably once a month,
look directly in the eye of a child who they

clearly know their name because they picked out their name
for a reason, and all them by the wrong name
if you have multiple kids. But that's apparently one on
one thing. My daughter's names are Harper and Grace. My
son's name is Hayes, and I can look right at
Harper and go, heys, Grace, whatever your name is, Why
did I do that? And of course my daddy should.
Colin Kaepernick is still on the market. Still available. He

is not for Facebook in a relationship with a team.
How much of it has to do with the fact
that he's been banged up, it hasn't been that good
that he had headphones on around the facility. How much
of it is that he was protesting the flag and
Colin cops murderers. We'll ask Jason Whitlock from Fox Sports next.

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Doug Gotlip show rolls on Fox Sports Radio. All right,

I just got worried that he's gonna hang out with
us here for about twenty minutes. Um, I really enjoyed
being part of his TV show. It's called Speak for Yourself.
It's on Fox Sports when they're they're dark today, but
most every weekday afternoon, every weekday afternoon at five o'clock
Eastern time, two o'clock Pacific time. Jason Wentlock, Colin Cowhard,

and usually some other guest debaters. It's not necessarily debate.
They discuss all the topics of the day, and Jason
Wentlock from Fox Sports joined us now on the Doug
Gottlip Show. Jay, how are you very good? How are
you good? Man? Can you figure out what they'll happen
to James Harden last night? No? I literally, what's your theory?
I had a bunch, Um, I had a bunch. How

can I go through that? You want to go through
the list? Literally? I'm fascinated? Okay, okay? So, uh, first
theory was maybe he was concussed, Like I don't know,
like he just looked out of it. So was he concussed?
He did get banged around a little bit in Game five?
Concussed is a? Was was a? Again these are hypotheses,
not theories. Um. I also think that there was just

he probably maybe came into the game with the thought
I'm gonna get everybody involved, didn't take a shot in
the first quarter, and then like do I sort of
kind of force it and then it just kind of
snowballed out of it to where he was he was
really frustrated because he couldn't get any calls. Um. That
was another one. Um. I also think there's the did
he Did he just choke right? Did he just the

pressure of carrying a team an entire year then just
kind of became overwhelming to him? And then he he
acted the exact opposite of what you thought he would act. Um.
I also think there's the kind of this is who
he was in Oklahoma City. He performed very poorly in
the NBA Finals. Was he going out and he maybe

just doesn't care that much and was disheartened by the
Game five loss and thought, this is you know, we're
peddling uphill. This isn't gonna happen anyway, or maybe get
started yet. Mike D'Antoni started yelling at him, somebody yelled
at him, and he kind of shut down on them.
That's that's the best I got, Jason. I got nothing else.
I didn't want to get swept by the Golden State
Warrior so early. That's my best guess. I didn't want.

I didn't think of that one didn't want that'll that'll
leave a mark, though, But that's going to leave a
very nasty mark on James Harden. He's got some work
to do to clean that up image wise. I think
it makes it very very unlikely for him anytime in
the near futures, like win a an m v P. Right,
even he probably should have won it two years ago.
He could have won it this year as well. And

I know it's a regular season where I I understand that,
but like, it's hard to watch that and go like, yeah,
that guy is the most valuable player in the league.
Which but by the way, it actually might if you
actually took the word value. He's so good that when
he's bad that he is atrocious. Right, actually might help
the argument, but I think it makes it nearly impossible
anytime in the near future from to win the MVP.

Fair I'm gonna go with my little favorite Twitter line,
Dwight Howard is cackling enrolling a blunt. He took all
that heat uh in Houston, and hell maybe it was
hard and tall, um is it possible that last night?
This was what I actually also thought was we have

a tendency, whether it's on your show or on any
other shows any other than any of the other yakkers
that are on TV. We have a tendency even on radio,
we only give credit when you win a championship. And
I know that Pop has won championships, but they're not
gonna win a championship. They're not gonna beat the Warriors.
But what he was able to do in this series
without Parker and then last night without Leonard, Like, that's

that's great coaching. That's greatness, regardless of whether or not
it ends up winning a championship. Doesn't that validate even
more so in many ways than championship runs. Just the
ability to get those two wins. I think the Game
five victory did that and said that about Pop and
just reminded us again like, wow, the guy's great. Harden

made such a mess. It's hard to take your eyes
off of anything other than him. And I know, LaMarcus
all just played a great game, and you know Pop
does deserve some credit, but James Harden laid down and
I don't know if you can go beyond that story.
Game five, certainly, to me, was about Popovich and the
culture he's built there and to be able to survive

that over time without Kawhi Leonard and Tony Parker and
now playing and the Marcus ordered wasn't any good in
that Game five and they still figured out a way
to one. That was about Pop's greatness. Last night was
about James Harden just laying down like a dog. Enough,
fair enough. That's a hard and that's a hard one
for anybody to get over. And then he goes out
afterwards and like, look, you are you on your way

to Vegas? Yes? No, you're not gonnakend. First first, I'm
not traveling this week, and we want to get together.
I'd hang with you. Um. I know you have other
other other things going on. Um, but you're a guy.
You'd like to go out right, just thing going on? Um,
I don't go out, not my thing. I like to

go to concerts, okay, But but you liked you're a
man about town. Jason would like join us from Fox
Sports here in the Doug Gotlie Show. Um. And I'm
not like one of these guys that like when you
played in college, when you played football in high school.
I don't know if your high school coach was if
you lose, nobody talks on the bus Like, I think
that's excessive. But the idea that James Harden would go
out club and last night after that embarrassing performance, I

think is even worse than the performance itself. Like, dude,
you got a house by thirty nine points at home
and then you're gonna show your face at a club
like I. I can't get I can't get down with that.
Last You gotta sit home and have a think about
what just happened, how important your career is. To go
out and hit the club is just it just says

too much about the NBA that I don't like in
terms of It's like these guys don't take it seriously.
It's like, hey, James hard is basically saying, look, man,
you know if it's Golden State in Cleveland all year anyway,
so I'm gonna go get my vacation or my off
season started immediately, uh and hit the clubs and hit
the golf course in the morning and being Costa Rica

early next week or wherever they can cool and wherever
they're always going. All Right. The other reason I want
to have you on was his Colin Kaepernick stuff. I
have my own thoughts and theories and opinions as to
why he hasn't been picked up. I do think some
of it is the political stuff. I don't think it's
all of it. Why do you think Colin Kaepernick still
in the market because his talent doesn't justify the publicity

and media circus that accompanies his very limited talent. No
one wants to answer questions about their backup or third
string quarterback, and nor should they have to, and no
one once. I mean, there's a variety of reasons. It's
all percentages, it's all part of the same pie. But
you don't want to invite a guy into your locker

room at that position who's particularly at that position, who's
not all in the football, because he clearly isn't. And
you know, you start out a football season, you start
on all season. We're all in on this guys, and
the only thing in his locker room that matters is football.
It's hard to argue that comment with you know, Kaepernick

standing there with his afro trying to pull off a mat. Yeah,
it's it's and it's it's weird, it's it's there's there's
this pushback from people that think that's wrong, that's a
wrong look for the NFL, that's a wrong look for society.
Do you think it's wrong for your former football player
as well as long journalist. Do you think it's it's

wrong for the NFL to not have a guy as
a backup who is who creates this sort of social awareness. Well,
I think most people who have played need athletics understand
the culture and understand what football and and look all
all coaches at all levels want to everybody all in.

And so I think most people that understand the culture
of sports get it. There's a lot of people in
our business who don't remotely understand the culture of sports.
There's a lot of people in our business that are
motivated by Twitter popularity and they're just trying to build
a following. And the more they cast Colin Kaepernick as

a victim of racism, the more their Twitter following goes
up and their retweets and likes go up. It's just
a game. It's a dishonest game. But and it's a
game that you know, the media has empowered because you've
got so many executives that are clue list that can't
look beyond someone's retweets and followings, and you know, want

to go with that little rig up game of that
proves who's relevant and who has a voice and whatnot.
And it's a joke. You know. I'm not trying to
beat up on anybody, but I think the false reality
of Twitter and social media is being proven every day.
And a big example whether you know, Bill Simmons got
very talented guy. Five million Twitter followers, couldn't get two

hundred thousand people to watch this TV show. And they're
they're called followers where they don't follow very far. And
you know, so Twitter is a false reality that's driving
so many people in the media, and so it's very
hard to have an honest discussion because so many people
are thinking about what comes out of their mouth and
how does it land on social media, rather than what

comes out of my mouth? Is this truthful? Is it accurate?
I'm looking at people that know better. I got a
big dispute with Mike Florio to day. He's followed the
NFL long enough. They're acting like, how come teams aren't
calling Kaepernick as if he doesn't have an a gym
whose job it is to call teams. And that's how

when you're not one of the great players, seen as
a starter, seen as a difference maker between Super Bowl
and you know, not May on the Super Bowl, your
agent has to get on the phone and work teams
find you, find you well, to find you a job.
That's what, By the way, that's what an Asian four
that's like like, uh, you know you pick Aaron Rodgers

doesn't need an agent. I need any one. You need
one when you're a backup who used to be a starter,
who three years ago you were one of the bright
up and coming stars and you've had surgeries, you've had
you've had a falling out with an organization with a
couple of different coaches. Then you had all the all
the missteps last year, and the and then and the politics.
Like that's when you actually need an agent to pick

up the phone and oh yeah, by the way, you
have to find a way to get people who you were,
were in the locker room with you when you were good,
who believing you be the rabbi in the room. The
problem is that Hardball would might be maybe the only guy.
And he's in college, he's not in the pro so
I completely agree with you. Well, let's go and step further,
just on how dishonest and unrealistic the conversation is Kaepernick

as it becomes as it relates to the conversation about race.
He's radioactive right now. He is at the forefront of
the conversation about racing sports. There's a lot of coaches
that justifiably and executives that don't want to be anywhere
near that. There's like, I can't win there. Holy cow.

So if you bring Kaepernick in and have a conversation
with him, can you trust him not to repeat it
to his buddies in the media and the people in
the media. He's working constantly that he won't repeat it,
and something that you said won't be taken out of
context and used to hang you with. So this guy

needs an agent more than any athlete perhaps in the
history of athletes, because he needs someone that will go
in and have these conversations with people, answer these questions
with people, and and be someone that they can trust
it won't go out and try to use whatever real
conversation you had with as a device to hang that

person as lacow insensitive or racist. This person is or
this organization asked me, this is that question. I get
the people chirping the loudest about all how racist the
NFL is, how unfairly capertis being treated. Those are the
very same people keeping this guy away from a job
because coaches black or white. The coach with the Jets,

I can't think of his name, and the problem ty bowls,
he don't want to be bothered with it either let
alone a white coat like look and and and I'll continue,
I'll make your point for you. And what kind of
help I agree with you? And I can help make
your went for you. We'll get to that one second.
Jason Wittlow continues to join us. First, so quickly, what's

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with Jason Whitlock on the Doug Otlive Show Fox Sports Radio.
Um So, Jason, like here, here's your point. Jason was
just talking about Todd Bowles and like, look, Todd Bowles
only doesn't want that pressure. He already then as general manager,
you know drafted Christian Hackenburgh, who nobody thinks can play.
But the only way to hold on your job is

if he can play. Right. They got Bryce Petty, Like
you already have two guys that most people don't think
are good enough. A coach is on the hot seat
of general managers on the hot seat. The last thing
you want to do is bringing a guy who as
a backup is going to cause a story, has some attention.
And oh yeah, by the way, he's not a traditional quarterback.
Like he's not he's not just plugging play. You can

put him in any system. Kind of has to have
a system. Taylor made to him. He's not as good
as he used to be. Plus as you said, Jason,
he's radioactive. Like there's more to it than just the radioactivity.
It's a hard fit in many of these many of
these uh and many of these programs. I said, there's
a pie, there's percentages to all of this. But I'm

listening to people Brock ice Wiler he's on a team,
and I'm like, well, hold on, Houston made that mistake
on him. They spend all that money and now he's
with Cleveland or whatever. I'm like, well, hold on, man,
if you cut rock Ice Swiler, you're gonna get slammed
in Houston. Oh you blew all that money on him.

But no one's gonna question your personal integrity. No one
you're gonna say, hey, and you were a racist for
cutting Brock. And there's nothing you can It's like Chip Kelly,
like Chip Kelly was called racist by a Shaw McCoy, right,
and there's there's nothing. There's As a white person, I
can tell you there's no there's no real defense. I
can say, like, I'm super comfortable around black people, at

least I think I am, and I don't. I don't
carry any grudge against somebody because they're black. I don't
consider myself a racist. But once you put that out there,
like there's I can't really defend it. I know that
I could say to change your mind, it's the black
person calling a white person racist, like it's it's an
indefensible comment that that is uh that would happen to

whatever coach or general manager or president or owner that
would ultimately cut him it. I'm just saying. The whole
thing is like a guy going into a nightclub and
he can't get a phone number from any woman and
he goes to the excuse of, oh, they just don't

like me because I'm overweight or I'm too tall, or
I'm black or I'm white or whatever whatever the excuse it,
and none of the friends will say, hey, man, you
know you have a showered in three days and your
body older is off the charts, right, now, maybe that's
why no one's holering at you. And that's what someone

needs to tell Kaepernick man, Sean King, the guy from
the New York Daily News, all these other race hustlers
that he's running around with, that their body older keeping
NFL teams completely away from and someone needs to be
honest with to do as long as this is the

crowd you're gonna run with, your bo is so bad,
they're not touching you, man, because it's too dangerous that
that die is cast. I don't even think of I
don't think there's any changing from it now. And then,
as you know, once you're out of the league, you're
kind of out of the league're out of sight, you're
out of mind. League starts and and you're and you're gone,
and that's and then people move on. People move on

to the there's a current NFL head coach. I'm not
gonna put a name on it, gonna say the relationship,
but some teams wouldn't touch him for several years because
he was too tight with a reporter that they didn't trust.
Their like, there was a controversial NFL reporter that this

coach is very tight with, and there were a lot
of NFL teams like, Nope, not touching him, the baggage
of that reporter that he's tight with, and the sensational
articles that could go up about our team, We ain't
touching him, And so these sorts of political things go
on all the time. It's all It's not as simple,
Oh he threw sixteen touchingo. I don't only have four interceptions.

There's a whole big package that goes along with getting
any deal with hitting. Look, I mean you're talking to
a guy who knows it from my own experience as
a journalist, my point of view, being the middle of
the road now labeled conserved of makes me off limits

to a lot of media outlets. They just ain't having it.
You can't be an independent black voice in the media
and just get hired wherever the hell you want to anymore.
I'm willing to accept that that I don't fit in everywhere,
and so there's only certain organizations that will even consider me,
And even those organizations have people within any organization that

would prefer that I preach the liberal dogma that all
black people in the media must preach uh in order
to be employed. So it's the lack of common sense
being applied to the caepitic situation is one of the
most frustrating things I've ever experienced. The general Well, I

just I'll tell you first, I don't just agree with you.
I agree with you because it brings the proper perspective.
But I think it's it's one of those things you
said it earlier talking about how people don't understand locker
room culture. It's one of the one of the reasons
that I like working with you is because as a
former football player, you understand the business of athletics, right,

and so many people one the Kaepernick story brings in
mainstream media that doesn't normally cover sports, so they don't
know how it works. And then it also exposes that
even sports media, many of them weren't jocks, or many
of them haven't been in real business, like journalism isn't
real business, and so they don't understand the politics of
it simply saying politics like oh, well, it's because these

approaches like yeah, it is, but there's a little bit
more to it than that. There's all these other different
layers to it, but people can't see it because they
haven't lived it, they haven't felt it. And I think
that's really what allows you uh greater strength in this
but also exposes the weakness in some others. That makes sense,
but you know, look and football and sports operate at

a more efficient, fair level than other professions. But again
they're not perfect. And so when you think about Kaepernick,
just think about the guys on your job to go
out drinking with the boss, and the boss hangs out
with him, and so therefore they get treated a little
bit better. That's some of the issue Kaepernick is doing.

And I'm not talking about this protest. I don't talk
about he doesn't fit in. He only plays one system,
so he's not anybody that knows anything about Kaepernick and
is being honest. No, this guy isn't some playbook guru.
He's not gonna help your starting quarterback prepare. He's not

gonna see things in the coverages and in the game
plan and be a guy like like a Chase Daniel
loves to prepare love. When he's with Drew Brees, he'll
sit in the QB room and help him break down
stuff and he might see things Drew Brees doesn't see
that adds to his You as the backup quarterback, cap

ain't one of them guys, and Cap is a guy. Now, look,
if your team is built around social activism and doing
stuff that lands well on Twitter, Caps perfect for your team.
He will help you get involved with all the right
charity things that bring you great pr over social media.

But unfortunately they're playing football in the NFL and he's
not that good at it. To justify bring him more
with all these other issues, and his last three coaches
last three seasons have all been fired, not all his
That's not good. That's that's that's not have a great weekend. Um, sorry,
you're not going to Vegas that's your favorite favorite time.
I'm good. I need you need to break some time.

I'm all at Jason Whitlock Fox Sports speak for yourself. Uh,
that was awesome. That was by his way like listening
on That's what my phone conversation with Jason are usually
like to me, And you're a little bit but great points.
You're like, I just to learn something, I learn something
and I we we agree, Like it's the way of

saying it's like, is the protesting the reason why? But
it's not because totally of the protest like this, it's
a lot to it. And frankly, I I can't say.
I can't I blame people? Can't I blame people? What
did the Fox say? Clay Travis had an interested in

take on who's to blame for last night's Rockets debacle?
And wait to hear what Colin Cowherd had to say
about James Harden last night. That's next. The Doug Gotlip
Show is brought to you by True Car. When you're
ready to buy a new or used car, visit True
Car to enjoy more confident car buying experience. Doug Gotlic

Show Fox Sports Radio thanks to Jason Whitlock, Mike Williams.
Awesome hour so far. Um, you know what, let's uh,
let's figure out what the Fox said earlier? And now.
I love our national radio lineup. I love Cookie Clay

Travis because he takes a different perspective on many of
the topics that we tackle. We're all trying to figure
out what happened last night with the Rockets. Here's Clay's perspective.
I think this is one of those situations where you
have to look at Mike D'Antoni and say, what in
the world happened here? When your team comes out and
plays like this and loses by thirty nine points. It's

evidence of your lack of control over the walker room.
I don't know what D'Antoni said to James Harden, I
don't know what he said to everybody else in that
locker room, but that team shouldn't be capable of showing
up in Game six at home and losing by that margin.
And I'm not a guy who is immediately going to
go to coaching, but I think every now and then

you see a performance that is so bad that if
I were an owner, I would say, Okay, what's going
on here? Yeah, look, I think it's fair to say
they know showed. I think it's fair to say he
takes some of the blame. And it would also be
fair to say that Dan Tony system has not won
the playoffs, but that was a no show by the players. Now,
in terms of motivation, part of it is the NBA

thing which is has always been really hard for me
to understand, which is NBA coaches they they they know
you can't go to the whip all the time. But
he didn't go to the whip. He just like everybody else,
and that team decided to kind of take it. And
there's nothing that they could do to change it. Here's
Colin Calherd. Last night, James Harden quit. He quit when

Nana went down for Houston. James Harden realized driving to
the arena for the rest of the series, bro, it's
it's my this is me now, James Harden, that point
forward was never the same without Kauai, without Tony Parker
at home, James Harden elimination game didn't shoot till six
fifteen left in the second quarter. We have a pattern now,

over and over and over when the team really really says,
dude's down, Okay, this is your series, you don't like it.
I do think we have a pattern. I think part
of the pattern also goes back to when he was
in Oklahoma City and he didn't play well in the
NBA Finals. Um, all of those previous patterns pay in

comparison to what we saw last night. Like I would
like to think that when your backs against the wall
and there's the opportunity of of Kawai Leonard not being
not playing in last night's game, that there would be
an extra attention to it, an extra energy and more passion.
That whole team looked like they had a game tonight

and now there's no games rest of the season. I
do think at some point that he quit, but I
don't think he quit before the game began. I think
it it just snowballed. And I would guess that he
started out with the best of intentions, which are, look,
I'm gonna try and get everybody he involved, get that
floor spread, because I know when it comes to winning time,

I'm gonna take over. And when he tried to downshift himself,
he simply could not do it. Couldn't get the calls,
couldn't make the shots, didn't feel right, and then when
they're down thirty, then he did, in fact quit. Every
day we played, what did the Fox say? That's what
was said earlier on Fox Sports Radio tonight is Wizards

versus Celtics Game six. What do all the previous elimination
games this season tell us about the Wizards Chances you
won't believe it even after I tell you it. It's
up coming next in the Doug Gottlieb Show, Fox Sports Radio.

Doug Gottlieb Show, Fox Sports Radio, coming to you from
the City of Angels, where there are no playoff teams.
But it should be remembered that there was a playoff team.
It was the Clippers and they got eliminated in Game six.
While that may lead you to believe that the Clippers,
or somehow some exception, they're actually the rule. Welcome in

to the Doug Gotlip Show. Hope you had a great week, right, Like,
if you're like, what happened this week, I'll happen this week.
Um let's see here mm hmm. In sports, James Harden
and the Rockets took a dump. Right, That's that's what
that was. They took a dump last night. I mean

that was awful, awful, unrecoverable definitely this season and for
seasons to come. Awful. Um that happened. Golden State eliminated
Utah and did so in spectacular fashion. Uh, hockey, we

got our conference finals decided. Right. The Capital's lost. I know,
I know you've heard that before. I told you I
actually recorded that seven year years ago, and it works
every year the Washington Capitals lost early in the playoffs.
But maybe what's most interesting is what happened last night

And happened in Salt Lake City, and happened in l
A and happened in Indiana, and happened in Portland and
happened in Memphis, and happened in Atlanta, and it it happened
in Chicago and happened in Toronto too. The Wizards play
the Celtics tonight. This has been a series dominated by
home teams. Home teams won every game. And you know
the cliche in the NBA, it is right, series doesn't

start to the road team wins a game, road team
wins a night series over, it's actually the opposite. Um.
If what's past is past is preston fine, Uh, if
you look at this, this is crazy. Home teams are

oh inten in elimination games in the NBA playoffs this season,
not one, not one team has been at home facing
elimination and won a game, not on the series, not one,
two games, not one, a single game. That's kind of stunning, right,

and it probably helps any non conspirat Like I don't
believe there's a true conspiracy about extending series. Did. I
think that the Kings and the Lakers was a little
fishy and the officiating was terrible, And I know Tim
donaghee played into that obviously with the previous regime, with
with with Stern and everything. Yeah, but the two reasons,

the two reasons that I don't believe the NBA fixes
the outcomes of playoff games. It's one if it had
been going on for this long, there would have been
more people talking. No one can keep their mouth shut,
Like it's just not possible, especially now with social media.
It's like one of the reasons that I believe that

cheating in college sports is happens far less than anybody
else does. It's because these kids can't keep their mouth shuts.
They can't stop snapping photos of themselves. I walked into
a pit so funny. I walked into a There's a
restaurant in l A which is a new version of
a restaurant that's in New York, and the restaurant in
New York, Like, I don't really understand how anybody goes there.

It's called Catch. It's in the meat packing District in
New York and Catch in New York City. Anybody's have
been there. You make a reservation, you go there, you're
like Gottli party of table of four. Okay, I have seen.
We'll call you when you're tables ready, or you can
go to the bar and we'll like we'll buzz you
or whatever. We'll actually and now they do it. Remember
they used to give you the buzzers and now like
they just like take your cell phone and we'll text you.

We wait for an hour and a half. We were
there fifteen minutes early and then an hour and a
half after table and that's like normal, Like well, you know,
catches about the scene, like I kind of thought his restaurant,
kind of thought about the food, Like I'm okay looking
at beautiful people walking around, but I'm much better at
looking at beautiful people walking around when I have food
in front of me for the people that I brought

to dinner. Anyway, So I walked in. There's a catch
l A and it's on Melroses. That is that West Hollywood.
I don't know my air. I'm not l A. I'm
oor Orange County. I think its Hollywood. And uh so
buddy of mine invited me there last night. I walk
in and it was perfect, Like I I literally walked
Maitre told the Maitre d, hey, I'm looking for the

pump table. They told me they can take me back there.
And as I walk in and it's like a rooftop restaurant.
It's really neat, and so part of it is open
air part of it is covered. There's like two girls
taking selfies and doing the fish face thing, and I
was like, this is perfect l A right, Like, you
can't go thirty seconds without seeing somebody take a selfie.

The kids it can't stop snapping. Yesterday we had a
we know, we had a potential jumper on the roof.
So yesterday the show ends and I look out, our boss,
Scott Shapiro is in here, A couple of people from
sales is in here. Ryan comes in here, Ryan Music,

who is the producer of this show. And we're walking
in and they start taping off outside of the building
and there's fire truck upon fire truck upon fire truck
upon Like, wow, is there a fire? And they're like,
you can't leave the building. Okay, there's a jumper on
your roof. And then we turned on the local news

and there's somebody who had it was a woman, because
I was my intuition was correct. By the way, they're like,
it's not a woman. What woman jumps? And she did
not jump. They saved her, which leads me to a
couple of different thoughts that I want to share with
you in one second. Um, anyway, I'm sure, what's going

with a jumper thing? What was I going with a
jumper thing? Wanted to story clue. I want to share
what I was going with with the jumper story eating
food something. I was eating food, but it was only
like only like l A things that you see l
A things that you see, Like I saw somebody potentially
jumping up roof I haven't seen. There's gotta be a
car chase today and walk into a restaurant and people
are taking selfish doing a fish face thing. It works,

I guess, yeah, so I don't. But the greatest thing
to help anybody who's anti conspiracy theory the NBA wants
the series to go longer, is well, if that's the case,
how come how come not one of these teams facing
elimination have even won a game. The IMMA is not
ricking these games. They can't. There's that big a disparity.

Cleveland one and four, Golden State four they won four twice,
cool and State one and four twice, UM Boston won
and six. It didn't go seven. Oh inten, that's craziness.
Now about the jumper who did not jump? Okay, I
have a I have a lot of different thoughts that

kind of crossed my mind here. I'm happy that she
didn't jump, that's the first thing, not just because she's alive,
but that would be scarring to anybody. And and thank
that she's alive. Right, Um, but doesn't she have to
disclose that to people? Like how long? I don't know

what the statute of limitations is on having to disclose
that to people, But in a relationship, how early on
do you have to disclose it? And don't you have
to disclose it? And do you have to disclose it
for the rest of your life? Music? What do you think? Oh? Man?
Like she comes like she probably went to get some

mental health care right afterwards. You know, they took her
to the hospital. You gotta wait, you gotta wait. That's
like down the road, okay, But like if you if
she she walks into the gym next week, right, she's
she's down, she's working out at any four hour fitness
and a friend of hers like, hey, where you been?
I haven't seen you like a week? Oh I just
you know, she didn't have to say it then. But

if you started dating somebody right at some point, like
you're like, that's the six months in kind of thing.
Six months in. Hey, I once upon a time I
was on the teeth intimate two thirty two story building. Yeah,
because that's like an intimate thing that you have to
know that this is on about to be like a
real relationship before. It's not like, hey, we've been on

two dates. By the way, almost looked off the building
and you know, basically, how that? What's the craziest thing
you almost did? What's the craziest thing you've ever done? Crazy?
But I was up? Have you ever been bungee jumping? Yeah?
Without cord, without a chord? No, that's something you can't
you can't share it and for a while, but you

have to share it at some point romost right, Like
you can't that one key you can't take to the
grave with you. That one you can't go to the grave.
I just what, I'm just like, what if she in
a relationship? You know? Well where Hey, how you been?
Does that come up? That has to come up? Right?
You know, I had a bad day. How about a

day it's up in the top of a thirty story
two stories building thinking about jumping off, happy that she
didn't jump, legitimately happy And it is one of those
things to which none of us. I believe could wrap
our heads around being so depressed that you would get
to that level, which only speaks to that her mind

wasn't working correctly and processing things accurately. And it like,
I'm a big proponent of mental healthcare, talked to somebody
because these problems are temporary, and that is a permanent
solution to a temporary problem. It just is. But there
are problems in the lest but it's something that you

can can be adjusted within the wiring of your brain,
and there are professionals that do that. And the reason
that you can't understand is because your brain is hopefully
processing information and even depression better than hers is. But
that doesn't mean that she's not fixable. Man, was that
scary stuff? We did have a conversation about ways to go?

I don't. I don't think that that makes it a thrayer.
That doesn't that's not not for not for air discussion.
Um so popular UM thought would be your backs up
against the wall and you're gonna you're gonna win a game.

You're gonna force a seven. But like do ten out
of ten. That's a trend. But I still think the
entire sports world is reacting not to the fact that
the Rockets lost. Right, there wasn't a lot of buy
in to the Rocket style long term. Uh, it's the it,

it's the context of it. It's the Rockets lost in
KWHI Leonard didn't play. It's the Rocket lost and Tony
Parker was was hurt. It's the Rockets lost and James
Harden looked completely out of it. What's bigger the Rockets
losing or pop finding a way to get it done?
I would say that to me. The way in which hardened,

look disinterested, look disheartened, I think is bigger. At the
basketball guy in me says that this is as good
a win as Greg Popovitch has ever had. It's not
just that he won on the road in an elimination game.
He won the road, an elmination game without his best player,
without his long time point point guard, against a really

good team and a really good team at home. Um.
But I don't think historically anyone's gonna point to that game.
We don't do that. It's a flaw in how we
cover sports, right, I'm telling you how we in the
media are flawed. We got lots of flaws, but one
of the big ones is we're gonna completely forget if
the Spurs get swept by the Warriors, We're gonna say ah.

And and the truth is, like the Spurs weren't as
good as the Rockets or and this is what happens
when you have an upset. It's like we told you
about Utah. You tell wasn't better than the Clippers. The
Clippers were better, but Blake Griffin wasn't healthy. So the
Jazz beat the Clippers by the way. Game seven, elimination
game at home. Speaking of elimination game, even the Jazz

that even the Jazz lost at home like home court
advantages in the same but oh intent in elimination games,
Clippers lost home. But one of the reasons the Jazz
looks so in apt was when they were hurting too.
They weren't really as good as the Clippers. And so
when you have an upset sometimes it makes the next
series look like a far greater disparity than it should
have been. I think the pop Which win is bigger

than the hardened disaster, but everybody is going to remember
the hardened disaster and the hardened no show. And and
Mike d'antoni's team once again coming up small more so
than they are what Greg pop Vitch did. Also, because
Gregg pop Vitch has had better wins in terms of
winning a championship, we'll ask Jim Jackson, of course played

in the league starting the league, has his thoughts. What
happened to James Harden? What happened by not Next Doug
Got Leave shows brought to you by True Car. When
you're ready to buy a newer used car, visit True
Car To enjoy more confident car buying experience. Go to
true car dot Com. Doug ot Live Show, Fox Sports Radio.

Jim Jackson is our guest. I missed him at a
cigar bar last night, which I heard it's like his
cigar bar, That's what I heard. Jim, Is that right?
J j Is that your cigar bar? It was not mine,
but it might as well be as much as up there,
I mean where I was. I was hoping you would
come by. Man. You know, I thought you were going
to dinner, so I thought I was gonna meet your dinner.

They're like, no, he's always a cigar bar. You can't
get him out of the cigar bar. No, he wanted
to go. You know your boys, they want to go
to catch and being the scene. It was the scene
a lot of a lot of selfies, a lot of
a lot of selfies. There was an NBA listen, I
won't give away his name. There was an NBA All
Star who was who was there? I can tell you
off the air because I just you know, it wouldn't

be fair to quote him without asking him if they
quote him. Um, And I heard he was there, and
I went up and I was like, hey man, what
happened tonight? He's like, I don't know. I can't figure
it out like I And I was like, do you
know something about like Harden and the rest of the
team and Hardening. D'antoni's like, no, I don't know anything,
like he's he just no showed you. Look, you were

just leaving fourteen years. You know it as well as anybody.
What happened last night to James Harden? Well, I don't
know why the game five because he didn't play well
that game and come into game six, I thought it'd
be sympting, but this body language didn't look good. But
does let let me back up a little bit in

regards to who in this situation here with Hardened? Keep
in mind, you know, back a couple of years ago,
two thousand and fifteen. I think it was he didn't
play well when he really needed to step up. And
that's why I tell people this all the time. Everybody
I put on a lot of teams, everybody wants to

be the man. Everybody wants to be the Lebron James
the head honcho. But a lot of people can't carry
that burden. A lot of people can't come through despite
having the game that You've been around enough to know
James Herden could play. But in the critical moments when
I need you to win games, when I need you

to pull off a playoff series, you may not be
shooting well, but I need you to figure out how
to get us to win. It's only a few guys
that are playing the game now and that have played
the game that can do that. And James Harden once
again showed us. He's great during the regular season, he's
great through maybe the first round. But when I need

him to win one or two games, I just haven't
seen it yet where I can depend on him to
pull my team through. You are who you are. But
here here's the thing that that that doesn't help. I
played on twelve teams Okay, I had an opportunity to

play against, to play for, three Hall of Fame coaches
pat Riley, Larry Brown, and Phil Jackson. Okay, some very
good coaches, and Jeff Van Gundy and Rick Hadleman and
the rest were good. I'm gonna put Mike Damn Tony
in a good category. Great person great personality, Love him
to death, But as far as a coach, the problem

is the when I got to Phoenix in January two thousand,
two thousand and five, I think it was we're watching
film after a game, dec it was terrible. He corrected
a little bit, but he didn't make guys accountable. He
didn't get on him and say, no, this is what
you have to do. Some bad shots, some turnovers. So
what happens is you don't discipline yourself and you start

to treat these bad habits and guess when they show
up when you play San Antonio in a seven game series.
And I knew back then in January that we weren't
gonna beat San Antonio in seven games because we haven't
had the discipline and we haven't had to work the
right um um things in place for us to be

eight the right winning habits to be in place to
win the seven game series, and you saw a show
up a game once again with the Houston Rockets. So
I'm gonna blame Mike D'Antoni as well in regards to
how he prepares, or maybe lack of apparing his team
to win against a more season and discipline team like
San Antonio. Jim Jackson fourteen year NBA VET course, college

and pro analysts for Fox Sports and Fox Sports Radio,
joining us in the Doug Gotlip Show on Fox Sports Radio. Okay,
so help me out with this. I mentioned you're out,
you got your kind of a cigar bar where you're
the big celeb and everybody comes and kisses the ring
and in in West Los Angeles, and but like, look,
you're a grown man. You've always handled your business the
right way. I wonder about Harden went out after last

night's came and like, look, I'm not one of these.
You can't. You can lose and not go out. But
the way in which they lost at home, like I
don't know, kind of feels like there's a disc you
don't have to you don't have to cry when you lose,
But how do you go out when you get embarrassed
like that. Do you think it looks it should look
as bad as me as a fan thinks it looks well. Yes,

because if you're Ryan Anderson, maybe Patrick Beverley, Trevor Resa,
they don't care. They don't care if they see. But
when you're the guy annointed to lead the team to
a championship or get to the Western Conference finals and
you haven't played well for not one but two games
and you're out. Did did James Harden probably feel bad

that he lost? Yes? I'm not even saying that's not
the case, but the appearance that it didn't really matter
is what we're talking about here. I can't go into
the mind of James Herner how much it lost. I
remember when I lost in Sacramento to the Dallas Maveridge
from Chris Webber got her. I was crying, okay, because
I felt that was our chance to get to a

Western Conference finals and the chance to get to the finals.
I didn't want to go anywhere. But that's just me.
Maybe he handled it differently, But Douggie is, you know,
as the guy, as the face of the team, everything
you do is gonna be scrutinized. So why even play
into that. Why not wait a few days. Look, dreams
ain't going nowhere. I used to live in Houston. It's

been there for what. It ain't going nowhere. He could
have went later on in the week and nobody would
have said a word. But right after the game that
you lost and you didn't play well. Not a good look.
But did it says something not. It goes back to
the undisciplined nature of the system. When I played in Miami,
Doug pat Riley had his ear to the street. He

knew everything going on. So you know, as a player,
I couldn't put myself in that situation because he was
gonna judge me and look at me upon that. So
as as a team, we knew certain things we could
and couldn't do, and should and shouldn't do. If you
don't have that, the way you play a lot of
times is how you carry yourself when you're off the court.
And that was a bad decision to me after the game.

That's James Harden made Jim Jackson joining us on the
Doug Otlip Show Fox Sports Radio. Um, okay, what about
pop you know how much? Look here's so often times, Jim,
we get caught up and as you've made the transition
from athletes to media, you see it too, like we

get so caught up in who wins the last game.
Only you can only be great if you win the
last game. And I know Pop has won the last
game and has all those rings. But the ability to
win without Kauai, the ability to win without Tony Parker,
of course it's the first year and forever without without
Tim duncan um and to win multiple stile like to

win that series and to win in that way, to
just take the heart out of the Houston Rockets, like
that's as great as any coaching performance you can happen.
You talked about the culture that they've instilled the whole
time they played without They played without Kauai's eight times
this year one seven of anyway, So so they knew
that kind of coming in. But I don't know, I
am I overstating how how impressive that win was because

they were so depleted, because I have respect for Houston
and saying that that's the type of win that's a
great coach, maybe even more so than some championship wins
might be. Is that fair well on the outside looking
in for for somebody like me, on the inside that
knows the two coaches extremely well. Not surprised whatsoever because
it's a game of adjustments, whether that's in between games

or end games. And Mike D'Antoni didn't make him Popovich
did in regardless of how he attacked the switching defense
with the smaller guys. But here's the de beauty of it.
They've been doing the same thing since seven. Okay, you
made the playoffs every year since. The discipline required in

what they do is why they're able to not they
don't win the championship back to back then every year,
but they're competitive and that and Doug, that's the difference.
The differences they develop winning attitudes are winning work effort,
winning discipline, and winning habits. So if you take a

Tony Parker out of the lineup, if you take a
cowhide Lenard, guess what happened? Because you're not dependent upon
one person. As you saw a Doug you you'd have
loved it last night because you were a pastor, you
were a playmaker. Look how the ball was happening last night.
I mean, and and and and people. We get so
caught up in a lot of times in regard to
a guy scoring fourty or fifty. But how did he

get it? Was it efficient or was it not? Did
he take a lot of contestant shots last night? LaMarcus
All just doubted back a minute he was posting up inside.
But it was well the well executed plays. Guys given
up the basketball, guys playing defense. They adjusted defensively. So
the job for Pop didn't surprise me, because I don't

expect anything less. You're not always gonna win the game.
But the proper game plan Dougie was in place for
his team to go out there and execute against the
team coach, against Mike D'Antoni, who doesn't make endgame injustment
adjustments will last. Last thing. People are starting to talk
about Lebron approaching Jordan's. You were in the league, you're

guarding him. You know, you don't remember what it was like.
You know what it was like. Um, are you okay
with people putting Lebron in the Jordans discussion? Or maybe
some are putting him above Michael Jordan? Now no, I'm
I'm oh definitely. You know what the funny part is Now,
I said this before, when Shaq was so dominant, we

got a chance to compare him to wil Chamberlain before him,
A Kareema Jujabar as far as dominant centers. Okay, Michael Jordans,
we saw Connie Hawkins Dr J to kind of that highlight,
real kind of person. Even Kobe, we saw Michael Jordan's
with Lebron, you tell me one single player we've seen

and we can say we can compare him to do
you have? It's a comin. He's a combination, but it's
got to be magic. But he's so much more athletic
than magic. But he's not one. He's not one where
we can dial back the hands at the time and said,
here's Lebron another inter iteration of Dr J. This is

another interrate. You know what I mean because we haven't
seen it and what he's been able to accompliss. Forget
the rings, forget the three out of four. Look at
what he's doing at age thirty two and fourteen years
and they're gonna say, well, Eastern Conference. He asked Hi
about they play against, Well, he got to play against somebody, hey,
and he's still able to win it. He's still able

to dial in in and we want to we want
to take I always say, don't take greatness, for granted,
and that's what we're doing with Lebron, and when he's
gone out of the leagu we're gonna appreciate what he
was able to do. And again, other people have revisioned
revisionist memories. I played against Michael, I was there, I mean,
the goat. But Lebron, let me tell you something, when

this thing is all said and done, forget about on
the championship what he's been able to accomplish. I'm gonna
pretty light up there above him. I'm not gonna say
a problem. It maybe one a and one a period.
It's hard because because Michael attacked differently. Michael was a
really good post up player, good pull up player off

the dribble. Lebron doesn't have those two in his games.
Lebron rebounds better and passes better. So they're different in
what they do, you know. So, but he's definitely in
the conversation. Hey man, have a great weekend, look forward
to I'll see this cigar bar very soon. I appreciate
you joining us on. I'm bringing I'm bringing that well.

Jim Jackson joining still still he and Harold Dean two
best arms in the history of college basketball, Like any
kid who ever grew up watching college basketball was like
in the gym, like I gotta get arms, like Jim Jackson.
I gotta get arms like Harold Deane played a Virginia
Jim at ed ohiose days awesome Quickly, Let's find out
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The crazy thing about Jim Jackson had just joined us

on Fox Sports Radio, is that Jim Jackson a little
bit old than me. Right. I I grew up Watchington
play at Ohio State, my dad's Ohio State lum and
uh they had a point guard j Berson before he
got there. He was a stud. And Jim Jackson was
the first two time Mr Basketball in the state of
Ohio and of course a superstar when he was at
Ohio State. Crazy thing about it is like I I

look I think I look fairly young for my age,
but like Jim Jackson looks the same age or younger
than me. He looks exactly the same as when he
played It's crazy, crazy, crazy crazy. All right, let's get
you updated on some stories. You may have missed some
things that you may have let pass by. But as

you're getting ready for your weekend, you want to know.
We call it the press, the press. Do do do
Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do do,
Dan Buyer, what what do you got ready to go?
I wasn't sure if I should just jump in or not.

You know, I was taking a breath like pregnant pause.
Johnny almost gave me the number one, but I don't
know if he was pointing to me or saying he
was number one. Speaking of number one's first round pick
of the l A Chargers, Mike Williams signed his contract,
and so yesterday and today he joined you here on
the Doug gott Leaps Show on Fox Sports Radio eight
and told me he was gonna handle that. Got a

great deal. So, I mean, I was pretty cool. I
was just wanted to get that done so I can
come out here and learn and come out here with
the guys and just half fun with those guys, you know,
just get out here half way. I'm I'm encouraged, not
just because all the Chargers draft picks. I believed I've
already signed, We're getting this thing done really early last year.
Remember Joey Bosa long holdout over essentially nothing I and

then he missed the first couple of games. Bosa turned
out to be a beast. Um. But I I I
honestly feel like the Chargers. People think that the Charges,
because of the second team in l A, it's going
to be a harder sale. Thirty thousand's foot thirty um
seat stadium might stub Hub where the Galaxy play. That

place can be packed. They have a star quarterback, they
put better Pete. They revamped the offensive line again. Um
like at some time Keenan Allen's gonna be healthy. Now
you got Mike Williams is a deep downfield threat. You
got a deep downfitth right, you still have old man
Winter catching the ball over the middle of Antonio Gates. MELM.

Gordon seemed to come into his own last season. Like,
I kind of think the Chargers might be the team
that no one's talking about. And look, people in l A.
They got behind the Rams and they came and then
they bailed on the Rams as soon as they started
losing right and no one knows if yard golfs any good.
Sean McVeigh who good dude, like in his early thirties
and he's got good energy. But it's going to be
a process of building. Where's the Chargers look? Raiders have

a ton of town because they've drafted well, they've drafted
high for years, and they have a really good quarterback.
But there isn't any reason that the charges you gave
away game after game after game after game last year
can't be competitive. And I'm excited to see because they
have all their guys fully um signed, sealed and ready
to play what they look like game one. They realized
that the l A market is still up for grabs

and you can't have holdouts and if you can win
right away, you are going to win in this market. Um.
Speaking of winning, the Mets haven't been doing it lately,
but why not distract from what's going on at the
big league level by this report from the New York
Post saying that the Mets of ed talks about promoting
Tim Tebow in the minor leagues. He would move up
if he did, from Class A to High A ball.
Tebow hitting two fifty with two home runs, but hitting

three over his last sixteen games. According to the Post,
I'm gonna feel it, starting to feel it. Got a
couple of groundball with eyes like look moving up from
from a ball to high a ball, we can move
to high eight. Hi. It's not like they're promoting him
and he's gonna start in right field for the Metropolitans.

But yeah, I mean Jura Familia has uh what he's
gotta he's got He's got a blood clot in his shoulder. Uh.
Matt Harvey. Matt Harvey was not too drunk to go
play golf. It was too drunk to show up to work,
so they sent security. Noah Syndergard has got a torn
lat out, so things aren't Curtis Granderson just stinks flat out,

stinks over the hill, and so when things aren't going well,
it's a great It's the the old bait and switched like, Hey,
don't worry about the big team, but timmy down in
a ball got a chance. The A Sports announces that
the Patriots quarterback Tom Brady will be on the cover
of Madden eighteen coming up this summer. Do you got
do you play Madden? Um? I'll do it like every

couple of years because it doesn't change as much from
it's actually great for for NFL season, I don't know,
like especially last year. Last year you can update stories
that they go updates players and they go when she
if you log in online, it's it's kind of good
for our business because you're like, oh, I totally forgot
he I've done that every year since I've been a broadcaster.

I also, my son's eight now, so we go at
it and play Madden in the morning before school. He
still wants to play on my team because I still
kind of dominate in Madden. Um, I don't understand the
whole East East East sports thing. Like I would never
go watch somebody else play Madden. I just don't want
anybody else do it. No, I don't want to watch
somebod else sleep with my wife either, Like, I just

don't like those things that I don't want to I
don't want to see that those the things I don't
want to see happen. So. Um, people are concerned about
the Madden Football curse, right, that's that's in mad Yeah,
who is in Who was on the cover of Madden
last year? Do you remember I know, I do know Gronk. Yeah,

did Matt did he get hurt? Yes? He did? Who
who was who was on the cover of Madden uh sixteen? Um, Hey,
I do know that. Yeah. Odell Beckham Jr. Did he
get hurt? Um? No, not that year. No, he did
not get hurt. He did not get hurt that year.
The year before that, I think it was Richard Sherman, Right,

you didn't get hurt. So we we've pretty much gone
away from this. They had, you know, they had Barry
Sanders Anniversary one. They had Adrian Peterson, who didn't get
hurt that year. I don't think so. The Madden curse
has kind of gone away, like they hadn't around. The
game has been around long enough to survive the Madden Curse.
And even if Tom Brady did get hurt, they still
got Jimmy Garoppolo. Final one for you. Two women in

Jones Borow, Arkansas. I've been busted for stealing a tractor
trailer full of Little Debbie snacks. The trailer went missing
early Wednesday after it was taken while it was sitting
outside of a storage unit. Over five thousand dollars of
Little Debbie products were in the trailer according to the
person who actually owned five thousand dollars worth a Little

Debbie Zebra cakes. My favorites zebra I was getting. That
was my next question. What about you guys, what's your
what's your favorite Little Debbie gotta go zebras cakes? Really? Yeah?
Them zebra cakes are the ones where they're like, yeah,
white and white and black. Right, it's like world white frosting,
white cake, white frosting on the inside and then just
black frosting stripes on the outside. Yeah, but they also

have what are the black ones that are like swirled
like chocolate on the inside, like, but by none of
these are my favorites, by the way. My favorite of
the oatmeal cookies, banana twins, banana pudding rolls, nutty bars,
marshmallow supremes. Uh, there's a cheese danish Uh, Swiss cake
rolls or what those are called. I would go oatmeal

cream pie one Swiss cake rolls too. That suppressed back,
get out there and pressed. That was the press and
they were like the still nine nine cents for a box,
so they had to be five thousand boxes in there, right.
It was it was like like when you're trying to
calculate like how much? Like when when when they say, like, well,
there's five million dollars worth of cocaine was taken off

the street today, right, and there's like big packages of
big packages of cocaine like that, that's a lot of cocaine.
But you have there's a calculation there. It's a pretty
easy calculation with that little Debbie stacks right, Like what
it was that what you said, Dan, it was five
five thousand dollars, so that it had to be five
thousand buses because it's cents a box. That what Greg

Popovic and Aaron Rodgers have in common. Next, you can
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Ota Leave Show Fox Sports Radio. Hey, have yourself a

great weekend. We're getting close to summer. That means lake
and uh beach season and have a good time. Enjoy
the water. Make sure you can swim through out in
West Coast sharks right like shark nato um. But if
you're drinking, no drive, It's like no excuse anymore? Right
with Uber's like no excuse I have. I have zero
time for you if you make some excuse about how

you just had to get home. Sorry, dude, I got
hit by a drunk driver. Plus I'm a human being,
and it's not a good not a good thing, not
a good thing. So I I thought of this. I
thought that there's there's something about Aaron Rodgers, something about
Greg pop Pitch, which are the same. They both won
Shape Chimps in the past. I had this heated discussion
with Joy Taylor and Greg Jennings yesterday on Joy Taylor's

Facebook Live show in which I agree with Dreg Jennings, like, um,
I understand that Tom Brady we call him the goat
because he's the most accomplished quarterback, but who's actually the
best quarterback? Would you rather have Aaron Rodgers? Would rather
have Tom Brady? I would rather have Aaron Rodgers because
he can do so much many more things with his legs,
because his arms so much stronger. He's definitely accurate. They're

both super bright. And what people say is well, one
has one super Bowl, one has five super Bowls and
that to that argument, I can't. I have no. But
if there's boxes you check on quarterbacks, Rogers checks all
of him and he's won a super Bowl. But maybe
even more so is like what Aaron Rodgers was able
to do this year when they were five or below

five hundred disaster and he said, we could win, you know,
we just win the whole thing. And they won all
those games and they win in Dallas in the playoffs.
Like that's a lot like what Pop did last night.
Like Green Day wasn't going to get to or win
a Super Bowl. Their defense was a joke. It was terrible.
They had to convert a wide receiver to be their
running back. Their offensive line was actually pretty good, and

Rogers was great, and the wide receivers Jordy wasn't the
same as he was before he tore his A C
L and so he couldn't get deep behind the defense,
and so Aaron had to throw a lot of mopen.
But the point is it wasn't a super Bowl team,
but in order to go on the run, they went on.
In order to overcome the pressure of winning and playing
well in Dallas, he had to be as good as
anybody who's ever played the game just like pop in

order to win that series. You know, they got embarrassed
in the first game. I mean absolutely embarrassed with I
thought I I declared them dead. They lost Tony Parker
for the rest of the year, maybe for his career,
thirty four years old. To win the series then do
so quite hurt at the end of Game five, doesn't

play games six, don't have Tony Parker the whole time,
And to beat the Rockets, and not just beat them,
to beat them so badly, beat them into submission. They're
not gonna win the championship at thirty nine on the road,
They're not gonna win championship. They're not gonna beat the Warriors.
But it's that's greatness. Greatness can that cannot We cannot

be people that only define greatness as people who win championships.
Greatness can be an individual or small performances that show
up on incredibly big stages, but maybe not the biggest
of stages. Let's pood for thought for the weekend. Have
yourself a safe and happy one. Magic Head coach Frank
Vogel joins us. Next week we'll be back on the

Dug Gottlip Show
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