All Episodes

May 18, 2024 52 mins

On this edition of The Best Of The Week of the Doug Gottlieb Show: Doug gives his take on Caitlin Clark's debut in the WNBA. Dan describes his first day as head basketball coach at Wisconsin-Green Bay. 

Doug talk about how the Mavericks lost game four against the Thunder and explains how missing free throws is contagious. Doug and the crew do a mock press conference as the new head coach at UW-Green Bay is announced.

In this week's version of The Midway, Doug and the crew share some mean tweets in the wake of Doug being hired as the new head basketball coach at Wisconsin-Green Bay.


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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Thanks for listening to the best of the Doug Gottlieb
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the way tire buying should Babe Welcome at So Nikolai
jokicch turns out he is the best player in the NBA. Right,

That's a good thing. It turns out he is the
best player in the NBA. The New York nikobachas left
for dead like the Undertaker wrote, like the the Phoenix
of Green Bay rose from the ashes of Game four
and uh Kaitlyn I mentioned Kaitlyn Clark struggled yea, Kaylyn
Clark struggled last night in her WNBA debut. Okay so

last night, Yes, we'll get to the press or that
I conducted or concluded or the introductory press conference for
my new head coaching job in a second. But last
night we said, we said IOA. Sam was like all in,
wasn't going to pay attention to the NBA games? Was
on ESPN two, gonna watch the w NBA games? Or

you did you say you saw? To hisself? It was
a two TV to two screen night, right, two screen night.

Speaker 2 (01:39):
I was all in on the Fever game, and then
I turned my attention to the NBA. Did not watch
the second WNBA game?

Speaker 1 (01:47):
Okay? Yeah, that sound that you heard was the entire
universe clicking their television sets over. Okay. Jay Stews said
he was in and then Dan I think, said he
would flip over right, Yes, is that right? Okay? So Dan,
how much did you flip over? How much did you
watch of.

Speaker 3 (02:04):
Each I watched more of the Nicks Pacers than I
did of the w NBA game. Again, you know, my
drive home work meeting, all of that played in, so
I didn't see the early part of the WNBA contest.
So by the time I tuned in, it was the
second half and the Fever were you know, trailing by
a bunch.

Speaker 4 (02:25):
Okay, Jase, do every minute, every minute of the pregame coverage,
every minute of the game. The first w NBA game
I've ever watched.

Speaker 1 (02:34):
Okay, this is a good place to start. What'd you think?

Speaker 4 (02:38):
It's a great barometer for me. As soon as Kaitlin
Clark struggled in the first half and as soon as
she went to the bench, it was hard for me
to watch. I had to I had to sit through it,
grunt through it. I had to look at my phone
a lot. And when then she came back, I was
eyes on the screen, true ruggling.

Speaker 1 (03:02):
Uh yeah, I mean, look, I watched the game and
then I I mean I was watching frankly online on
an airplane, and I watched mostly the NBA game, and
I was following her struggles. All right, buyer, what what
what about you? How did you? How did you balance
the fact that she was struggling some while watching that

w NBA game? Like what what is that? Because because me,
the issue with the games being played at the same
time is that it's such a much lower level of play,
Like I actually think it does them a disservice to
have them at the same time. I understand that there's
a big viewing audience out there and the numbers will
probably be good. But again, this is a little bit

like movies, right you go out and see it early
and like, and then the next weekend people don't come
in for you. What was your viewing experience?

Speaker 3 (03:52):
Yeah, I don't compare what I'm watching with the NBA
to the w n B A I feel I take
the w NBA at what it was I in the
bit that I saw, it wasn't just as much about
Kaitlyn Clark scoring the basketball, it was how she fits in?
How does how do her teammates play with her? And

I felt that she was she was fine, she set
up teammates. In the little bit I saw, she had
a couple of great passes, and that's what I was
looking for. She didn't hit. She had a wide open
three when I was watching that she she didn't make.
But I looked more at that sort of thing. How
was she defensively? And it's probably gonna need a little work,

but that's what I was looking at. Not to be
I'll try to sound like I'm a coach of a
one program, but that's what I watched.

Speaker 1 (04:41):
This is what Caitlyn Clark had to say after the game.

Speaker 5 (04:45):
I think just a lot of things will learn from it.
I didn't think we played well and we had cut
into six in the third quarter, so I think that's
a positive. You look at like we really did not
play a good game, but we were right there at moments,
and then it kind of got away from us at
the end of the third and fourth quarter. Didn't have
the greatest start. So I think just a lot to
learn from. You know, it's the first one. There's any
good ones, there's a new bad ones, and you know,

like we said in the longer room, like we play
on Thursday, you gotta learn from it and move on
and be ready to go.

Speaker 1 (05:14):
She just she's really really good at this. You know,
she's really really good at this. I don't know how
great she'll be as a w NBA player, it's very
reasonable to think. Look, it's a step up and level
of competition. And you know, she was a she was
a cat playing with the mice, playing with the mice,

going back to when she was in college. She was experienced,
she was talented. The game was slow, and now the
game's a little faster, The players are a little bit
more athletic, but her pacing her ease by which she
talks about it. Yeah, but now, look, the shooting numbers
are a real thing. We've talked about them. I'm going
to be interested to see what her three point shooting

looks like in the future. You know, four of eleven's
not good enough by anybody's accounting. The ten turnovers are
in fact an issue. All right, So we'll get to
the Knicks. We'll get more to Caitlin Clark, We'll get
more to defending champions looking like defending champions. But we
had a press conference earlier today. Okay, so did you guys?

Didn't watch the stream or anything? Was there? I don't Again,
I don't know your process of it. You guys just
got clips. How did it work for you, guys?

Speaker 4 (06:30):
I got the clips that we took in house here?

Speaker 1 (06:33):
Okay, Well, I had a beautiful, brand new blue suit.

Speaker 3 (06:37):
I watched a majority of it after the fact, and
I'll watch it live.

Speaker 2 (06:41):
But I did.

Speaker 3 (06:44):
It was about an hour with everybody, so I skimmed
through it this morning.

Speaker 1 (06:48):
How was it?

Speaker 4 (06:50):
It was good.

Speaker 3 (06:51):
It's funny when you because I've seen a million press conferences,
but when you know someone and you work with them
every day for seven plus us years, you get to
know certain things. So I felt like I knew what
was planned.

Speaker 2 (07:05):
And what wasn't.

Speaker 3 (07:07):
Huh, Like I understand, Like, okay, that's that's that's Doug pointed, remark,
there now are we going off, you know, into a
different part. Where does he bring it back? That's that's
what I felt. I thought you did great. It's not
from Pepperdine sucks.

Speaker 2 (07:23):
That was you know, but.

Speaker 1 (07:26):
That was funny.

Speaker 3 (07:30):
Dogs read about the beautiful campuses and how beautiful the
Green Bay campus is. And the point was everybody that
comes to southern California or maybe the state of California
thinks got to see Pepperdine. And it's true because I
took my mom to Pepperdine the first time that she
ever came out and visited. I go, you have to
see this campus. And because you're looking at the ocean,
but your point is it's on a hill. It's impossible

to navigate, or not impossible, but not a joy to do,
so you're not actually on the ocean.

Speaker 2 (07:57):
And right that's basically the.

Speaker 1 (07:59):
One whereas you see barber Has, I mean Isla Vista
and the eucalyptus trees and you're you have dorms on
the ocean. It's amazing point. Loma Saint Nazarene amazing right.
It's like a downward like slant a hill with like
cypress trees and it looks like you're you're playing at
Cypress Point, only you're at a college campus. And then

Loyola Marymount I think is the better campus than Pepperdine.
It's on a bluff overlooking downtown LA and it's a
couple of blocks from the beach the other direction. I
like it personally, like it better. But the point is
that Pepperdine is I think that reputation was established one
because it's in Malibu, but two because they had a
very successful basketball program for a good period of time

and that's what people identified with. And my point is
that I would never know how nice this campus is.
Like literally the the the my office is overlooking parking lot,
but dorn with trees, and I would say, I don't
think you get a driver into the into the lake,

but you don't have to drive to get to the lake.
There's like a barrier of trees between here and the beach.
With the lake it's pretty amazing. And that's the beauty
to college athletics that you can be truly the front door,
truly the front door to university.

Speaker 4 (09:15):
But what was it like? I mean, what was the
entire experience like? Was it everything you expected? Was it?
Was it underwhelming? Was it overwhelming?

Speaker 1 (09:24):
Like it was whelming? How it's it's never whelming? What
was it like? I'll give you the day if you like.
I mean, I woke up. I was up at like
I got in at like two thirty. I was up
at five forty five. And I had somebody come to

meet me at the hotel who's a young guy who's
a recent graduate and wanting to get into kind of
the video room type of aspect. Then I did a
couple of radio interviews. I had to return I don't
know how many texts I had to return, ridiculous, And
and then I had to jet to UH to the

office and I met with the president and UH Mike,
Mike Alexander, and then I and then I met with
the athletic director as well, and we sat and we talked,
and then I did Dan Patrick, and after Dan Patrick,
I got Mike and I sat and talked for about
ten minutes just to make sure that we were on

kind of the same page. He's, hey, there was nothing really,
you know. He basically just said like, look, here's how
you get in contact with me. And I said, you
can call, you can text me anytime. And he said,
you know that. Let me tell you what works with
state schools, like, don't text stuff because they can. They
can ask for your your tech, your text messages can

or my text message as president can come up. You know,
anybody can request them. Like really, oh, that's right, that's
how it works. So I remember that conversation and then
he just said, you know, is there anything special you
want me to mention. It's like, nah, I've you know,
we've all done this before. I was like, I haven't
really done it before, but I've done it before in
my mind, like fifty different times. And then you walk
down you get introduced. I thought he said some really,

I thought he had a great short much short of
the mind, but a great speech. And the speech was
was essentially like, look, the times are changing, college athletics.
You can complain about them and get left in the dust,
or you can try and evolve with him and make
make a great thing out of it, and I actually
agree with that. I think that's the that's the key
to life in general, is you know, trying not to

complain about where you are and trying to embrace where
you're going. Then I got introduced, and you know, you
get up there and you think you know how you're
going to feel. And I wanted to start with the
story of my mom. So that's what I did. I
started with the story of sitting on my front porch
tell my mom that I had gotten the job. I

said this about the balance between doing this show and coaching.
Most coaches have their own coaches show, obviously not live,
not for two hours live nationally. Most coaches have moments
to which they're out of the office and somebody else
is managing the players and the situations. But obviously we're
gonna play as kind of as we go here. But

in terms of the mental gymnastics of doing it, I
know I can do it. I just have to prove
I can do it. I said this about my best
attribute as a coach, and I'm forty eight years old.
I'm not getting any younger. This is what I was
meant to do. I can talk and I can teach
basketball that's about it. That's about it. I can cook,

I can't really clean. I can drive very very fast,
although I have a tendency to get pulled over. I
got pulled over last night though, because my rear tail
lights weren't on. I had, you know, you get a rental,
and I forgot to I thought it was on auto,
that everything else was on.

Speaker 2 (12:52):
Do you have Illinois plates in the rental?

Speaker 1 (12:54):
I did not. That's a great question. I forgot about
that that Illinois plates always get pulled over in the
northern part of wisconsants that last year that was so good.

Speaker 4 (13:03):
Why is that?

Speaker 3 (13:04):
Because everybody from Illinois comes to Wisconsin and speeds in
the summer, and it's really annoying.

Speaker 2 (13:10):
Is go fly past you?

Speaker 3 (13:12):
So the state troopers who are gunning people on the
highways as everybody's going up north, they they are partial
to the Illinois plates.

Speaker 4 (13:20):
So illinoying.

Speaker 2 (13:21):
Dan, Oh, we got some acronyms, but we'll leave those
for another day.

Speaker 1 (13:25):
Ah. Yes, I said this about the difference between winning
as a player winning as a coach. I've been on
the microphone, I've been on the court, I've been on
the sideline. I coached in something called the Maccabi Games.
It's like the Jewish Olympics, and I won two gold
medals as a player, but I won two gold medals
as a coach and it was better. It's a lot better. Yeah,
I just I feel it's just more rewarding for me,

for my in my brain to help others win than
it is to win myself. I don't know what. Don't
get me wrong. Maybe it's because I can't do anymore,
so coaching people to do is the best. But it's
just it's really enjoyable to put peace together, to create
a family environment, to create a cohesion environment, and to

end up winning because of it, and watching the joy
on guy's face when they play better basketball than they've
ever played before. Are you guys wearing my one My
one rule? This is my one rule? If you're gonna
learn that, I'm not gonna recruit guys that are. I
have a one philosophy. I'm the nobody else is. And

it's it's really the point is like sometimes you have
to be when you're in charge. Sometimes you have to
be the bad guy. Sometimes you have to be a
little a little rough around the edges. Sometimes, like I
can be tough on the officials. I can be tough
on the players. I can be tough on different things,
but you know what no one else can.

Speaker 4 (14:49):
Was there a was there a question that you like
the most? Well? Is there a question that stood out
the most? I know yesterday we put you through a
mock press conference to get you ready, and I think
we we hit you with some hard questions. By the way,
the bosses love the segment they did. I would encourage
our listeners to access our podcast.

Speaker 1 (15:08):
As as Twitter exploded because of it. There are numbers
go up because of it.

Speaker 4 (15:12):
It was a damn buyer special.

Speaker 1 (15:14):
I thought it was great, Dan, by the way, and
I got a call too from from the bosses saying
they really liked that segment. Whose idea was I said
it was Sam's.

Speaker 2 (15:21):
Yeah, that's that's always a good default. I just pulled
the sound effects, which I must say, we're good.

Speaker 4 (15:28):

Speaker 3 (15:28):
Wow, it was a little distracting, like those flashes Doug's
trying to answer seriously press conferences. Are you know your
finger was spasming with the clicks.

Speaker 2 (15:37):
The listeners have to hear the clicks. But yes, they
had great job.

Speaker 4 (15:40):
Dan, But where there were there any actual questions that
stuck out Doug that you thought were particularly good.

Speaker 1 (15:47):
I thought the questions are really good and were really fair,
and I this is this is a real thing. We had.
We went through it and and as as you guys know,
but I don't think the world knows because of the
pay of this thing. We didn't rehearse our press conference, right,
I just said, hey, second out of the show, let's
do a press conference. So I was prepared without preparing,

And then I didn't really walk myself back through the
answers that I gave, but I did kind of walk
myself when I was driving last night. I was kind
of walking through things I wanted to hit on, things
I wanted to say. And I guess maybe I've thought
about this so much that I kind of don't remember
which questions I asked on the radio, which questions I

answered on the radio, or which questions I answered at
the podium today.

Speaker 3 (16:36):
By the way, I will also say that we call
it a mock press conference because it wasn't a real
press conference. But the questions were legitimate questions, yes, And
I think there are the questions that many people had,
many people on social media that were bringing up of
the variety, especially on doing the double duty. And I
know you got some of those today as well, but

they were legitimate questions, not trying to soften the blow
or couch anything.

Speaker 1 (17:03):
Uh yeah, completely agree, and I do.

Speaker 4 (17:06):
I do. That's a great chance to promote the Midway
at the top of the hour. I mean, I want
you to listen to the entire show, but the Midway
is going to be really good today. That's all I'm
gonna say. And it's it's in the same vein of
what what Dan was just talking about.

Speaker 1 (17:20):
All Right, if you have a question that wasn't asked
at a press conference with the mock press conference or
the mock to the mock to the mock to the
mock press conference, you can tweet us at Gottlieb Show
or hit us up on Instagram at gotlib. Did you
guys see Rick Patino tweeted at me.

Speaker 4 (17:33):
That's a big one.

Speaker 2 (17:34):
Okay, So we did it.

Speaker 1 (17:35):
Yeah I did, But I didn't. I didn't. Like yesterday
was the least activity I'd ever had, I think ever
on social media, except for like if I was out
of the country or I was maybe on vacation. Even
then I stare at that damn thing too much. Because
there was so many calls and text messages and stuff
to do that I simply didn't have the book. And

then when I was flying, I just did the the
free texting because I just didn't. I had so many
text messages to return and I was trying to do
so many different things. So again I land and I
landed in in Phoenix on a layover, and I had
a little time, but I had to make a couple
of calls, and so then I get on the plane
and I hadn't checked so to me. Then I land

in Milwaukee, I get my rented car. I'm driving, and
I stopped to get Oh, this is a good question, right,
what would just if you if you're gonna stop and
get something on I was at forty three going north
from Milwaukee to Green Bay. What do you get? I
got beef turkey, I got a protein bar, and then
I got some liquid death. That mango liquid death is awesome. Anyway,

I look at my phone and I look at Twitter,
and the very first thing is Rick Patino. I'm like,
and I thought, like, I'm being duped, No way, this
is coach Patino. And then it was it was himy
He tweeted at me. That was really cool, really cool.
So and and like I didn't like reach out to him.
It was awesome.

Speaker 6 (18:58):
This is the best of the Leap Show on Fox
Sports Radio.

Speaker 1 (19:06):
That's the Gottlieb Show Fox Sports Radio. So did you
guys read this quote? Tom Brady says, I liked it
when the jokes were about me. I thought they were
so fun. I didn't like they wait the effected my kids,
Brady admitted on the podcast. It's the hardest part about it,
like the bittersweet aspect of when you do something that

you think is one way and when all of a
sudden you realize I wouldn't do that again because the
way it affected the people that I care about most
in the world, and it is now. Jay stew was
the quote from him actually attributed to him from last
week where he said, you know what was there not
to like they cracked jokes about my wife having you know,

relations with the jiu jitsu instructor something like that. Like
was that really a quote or was that a fact?
You can ever tell now with social media it's a
fake quote.

Speaker 4 (19:57):
I don't that doesn't sound right. I don't think he
said that. I think these were his first comments since
if I'm not mistaken, maybe down knows differently, But like
I just think that, like, really, you signed up for
this and you didn't consider how it would impact your kids,
Like this seems a little out of touch for a
smart guy. This seems like something that it just now
hit him that that's just weird.

Speaker 1 (20:20):
Yeah, I'm gonna I actually understand a little bit, you know,
I actually understand Brady's deal in that I'm sure he
knew that he would take a brunt of the abuse
and that everybody in the dais you thought there'd be
something about maybe one thing about his ex, But I'm

not sure that people understand how viral that thing went.
I don't know. Daniel Jeremiah joins us here, NFI analyst
co host of The Move the six podcast. Did you
watch the Brady roast?

Speaker 7 (20:56):
Yeah, it's not really my cup of tea. I saw
some of the clips, you know, some of the stuff
like the gronks, you know, stuff where they were making
fun of him, even he knew about crypto or whatever.
That was probably the only thing that came across my
way that I thought was kind of funny. I'm just
I don't know. Divorce is not it's just not funny

to me, so in seeing kids involved in all that stuff.
So I know, people say you're overreacting, but like that's
just not mine, that's not for me.

Speaker 1 (21:22):
No, no, no, I I agree with you. I understand that.
That's where I can actually understand where he's coming from,
where he's like, yeah, I thought, you know, there's so
many different things to make fun of. I didn't know,
but you know, you know that that's one of those
deals where all you had to say was I'll do it.
We're just not going to do any divorce jokes.

Speaker 7 (21:40):
Yeah, you know. Yeah, which I think that's the whole
point of that whole uh, the whole thing there is
that like you don't get to tell them what is
and what isn't uh off limits, like that if you
tell them it's off limits, you're probably more likely to
get that joke. Yeah, because that's just that's what those are.
The thing that was just I don't know again, maybe
I'm reading that too much into this, but what bothered

me even probably more than you know, the jokes that
impact the kids, was the fact that he was so
offended by the craft thing more so than about the
family falling apart, like, that's kind of weird to me, but.

Speaker 1 (22:16):
Uh yeah, yeah I can. I can understand that too.
I think he thought his kids wouldn't see it. Yeah,
that's my guess. I thought he thought his kids wouldn't
see it, And what's happened now is it's impossible not
to see stuff that's really kind of the reality, the reality.

Speaker 7 (22:33):
I'm looking forward to seeing them call games, though, I
will say that I'm curious to see how that goes.

Speaker 1 (22:37):
I am too Jared Goff's contract. What's your reaction.

Speaker 7 (22:44):
Fair? You know, I think he's you know, that was
a place where it had been very difficult to win,
and it made a lot of right moves in terms
of the draft and by to the right coach and
general manager. But I also think that the quarterback is
a huge, huge piece of that. So to see him,
you get worried for it. And he's still young. I mean,
I think he's been around for so long. People get it.
I think when he entered the league, you just turned

twenty one, So he was a real young guy coming
into that draft. So still plenty of plenty of foot
all ahead of him. I think there's still room for
him to improve and I think he's got time to
do that. So uh yeah, I thought where the numbers
are right now was was about where they belong.

Speaker 1 (23:21):
Okay, so what does it mean for Jordan Love.

Speaker 7 (23:25):
I don't think I remember. He's just saying that Jordan
Love contract is gonna leap frog that one. I don't.
I'm not so sure about that. I think goss accomplished
a lot more, obviously than this Jordan Love in this
one year. That's encouraging. But I'm, you know, with the
Daniel Jones thing a little bit. I like Jordan Love
a lot, and I believe in his talent, but I
still want to see a little bit more there before

you jump into that deep end.

Speaker 1 (23:48):
Yeah no, I would do you know the and if
you're Jordan Love and you're sitting there going, okay, I'm
gonna make eight this this upcoming year and I got
I got a year after that. The longer you go,
the better you perform. There could be a huge financial
involve on the other hand of you, the packers. Do
you say, like, Okay, if we wait on this thing,
it could be fifty a year, whereas right now maybe

we can get in the thirties.

Speaker 7 (24:12):
Yeah, well, yeah, I mean, that's that's the dance that
you do right there. My thing is, once you're eight
million and thirty million, it's a big jump. But I
would sit there and go, man, I believe in myself.
Everybody I have around me is young, like we should
only get better. I'm not going to sign one for that.
I'm gonna wait till I can get up closer toward
the fifty number. If you have another really good year

and then you're in a totally different strategy.

Speaker 1 (24:35):
Here Stug Gottlieb show here on Fox Sports Trader. That's
the voice of Daniel Jeremiah. DJ of course, was the
lead draft analyst for the NFL Draft on the NFL Network,
and he's also the voice of the La Chargers. As
you know, look, we're we're in this period now where

guys are showing up and Kirk Cousins, he finally, you know,
spoke out on the Michael Pennock's draft spot, and you know,
he basically took the took the semi high road. We're
all good here or whatever. But what are people around
the league saying about that pick?

Speaker 7 (25:14):
It was a surprise. I mean, I you know, look
the people I talk to say I'm okay with giving
Cousins that money. I'm okay with drafting Michael Pennix. I
just I don't. I'm not really okay with doing both.
You know, that's where the h that's where the issue
comes in. So I know there's been something on uh
you know, media personalities and analysts that have come out
here and defend it, the importance of the quarterback position

and why not double down. But that's not the sentiment
I get in reaction I get and talking to people
all over the league. So yeah, we'll see, we'll see
how it knows one way or the other you're going
to be. You know, it's like, I feel like this
is what it's like when you have a training camp
practice as a head coach, where it's like everything's cut
down the middle. You get your offense has a great
day yet, but well your defense was terrible. Well your

defense picked off three ball. If you have my quarterback
to three interceptions, like, however, that's worked out four Cousins
or four Pinnis, it's gonna be kind of a bit
sweet scenario.

Speaker 1 (26:09):
It's can be, well you drafted a backup. One of
the two is give me a backup.

Speaker 7 (26:14):
For a team that's right there right now. You know
that's you know, it's right in front of it. I
think and Cousins whenever, he'll always say the right thing.
You know, he's just a pros pro. But I guarantee
you gave him some truth ser him. He's like, why
give me somebody to help me that first pick and
we can go win this division for the next two
or three years.

Speaker 1 (26:32):
What what? What do you think of the NFL and
the Saturday night games. Does that affect the rhythm of
the season at all?

Speaker 7 (26:39):
Yeah? I mean again, I think I'm maybe I'm just
getting old, Doug, but I I kind of I like
when you just kind of have designated days. I was, okay,
kind of the Thursday thing. I get it, I understand it.
But Sunday, Monday, Thursday seems about right to me. And
then start throwing it out. You know, we got a
Friday game to kick off the season this year, we
got Saturday games later in the year. I don't know.

You know, the NBA used to own Christmas, and we
we own the Thanksgiving holiday in l NFL taking that
over as well. I don't know, it's so big. Maybe
there's no such thing as over staturization. But I kind
of like, you know that the routine of having that,
that's just someone who's on this side of it as
a player. I gotta believe they prefer having, you know,
a little bit more of a set schedule.

Speaker 1 (27:23):
Well, it's clearly a shot across the ballot college football
and Saturday night college football. The primetime game had been
a huge game. And I guess the question is, like
I maybe, I guess in the South, where college football
is big enough, you know that you don't play on
a Sunday. But is there anything college football can do
to push back? College footall obviously is taken up. Some

of the high school stuff would play on Friday night,
and I just wonder how this affects the college football games.

Speaker 7 (27:49):
Yeah, I don't think anybody wants to go against the NFL,
you know, so you can say we can try and
fight back, but the NFL literally owns that day of
the week on Sunday. So I mean you have to
have a yeah of a matchup to even cause it asking.
So I think here's all these other sports. You just
try and play as nice as you can with THESEL
and hopefully they throw your bone.

Speaker 1 (28:11):
Yeah, it's it's a it's a crazy deal. Odell, it's
not a big money deal. It's it's not it's like
three that could take you to eight. Does that make
sense for Miami?

Speaker 7 (28:22):
Yeah, I think it's fine. You know, he doesn't have
to be together. I think when you kind of know
who you are and and uh have a realistic view
of things, I think that's good for all parties involved.
And I think he you know, he can look at
who's there in that building, at that position and know
what is expected of him. And I think you you know,
you start stacking him up with you know, ones and

twos around the league, and you go, okay, not anything
like what he used to be. But now you start
stacking him up with threes and you're like, yeah, he shoot,
even with the injuries and coming back and maybe if
he's lost a little bit here or there, that's still
a really good three.

Speaker 1 (28:59):
Okay. What out their quarterback situation in his contract? What
do you do with toua?

Speaker 7 (29:05):
Well, I think they're gonna I think they're gonna end up,
you know, getting it done here. My My guess is,
you know, you you probably want those guarantees to be
two years, maybe three years, which should be a little
bit short of of what two was probably looking for there,
But that would be you know, just for me more
so injury concerns versus performance concerns. I think how they've

built the roster fits him. I think he can play well.
That's not as much of a concern with me as
much as the durability would be. So I'd be okay
with the numbers being big, but I would prefer to
keep that guarantee in the two to three year range.

Speaker 1 (29:42):
Yeah, can you do it? Like does his Does his
agent let that happen?

Speaker 7 (29:48):
Yeah, most of them are going to balk at it,
but maybe if the number is high enough. You know,
I'd be okay with the higher number, just a matter
of if you can sell him on that. Hey, you know,
you got to keep you healthy and then the next
one you'll still be really young. By the time we
get through three years, we redo this thing and you
can you can really catch it in. But I think
this is a way where we take care of you
in the short term and we protect ourselves in the

long term.

Speaker 1 (30:09):
Obviously, Dan and Jeremia also has the Move the Sticks podcast.
You guys are both really tied in with everything going
on in the NFL. Who's the team that people are
talking about, like this team has changed itself the most
in the offseason.

Speaker 7 (30:26):
Well, I mean I don't think it's a mystery. I
think the Bears, yeah, you know, with what they've done
offensively this off season. But even you know, ended up
being a you know, for as bad as the Claypool
trade was, the Montez Sweat trade was, on the other
side of it, I mean that was a home run
the way he turned that defense around last year. We've
got a really good secondary, that's a good good linebackers.

So that's the team. I think that when you look
up and just kind of start going through the post
draft rosters and you look at the talent, that's a
that's a really really talented team. It's a great It's
a really really great division right now. What's the you know,
teams we've already talked about when you think about Green
Bay and you know, Minnesota still has all those guys
coming back in Detroit, you know, really on the on

the come up and make a noise in the postseason.
So they've got their work cut out for them in
the division. But that is a really really talented team.

Speaker 1 (31:18):
Yeah, very talented team and a really good division, and
we'll see what Minnesota is able to do when they
have Is Sam Donald the guy or do they hand
that quarterbacks this stop? It's going to be well, Doug.

Speaker 7 (31:30):
There's one other team, you said now that I'm thinking of.
There's one other team that everybody's buzzing about, and that's
Wisconsin Green Bay. So that is one that's got a
lot of buzz, a lot of buzz, a lot of excitement.
And I'm proud of my guy.

Speaker 6 (31:43):

Speaker 7 (31:43):
Congratulations, thank you, thank you.

Speaker 1 (31:45):
Tell me what your what do you think?

Speaker 7 (31:48):
Dude? I'm stoked. I'm stoked. But here's my thing when
it comes to college sports. I want somebody with two things.
I want somebody with knowledge and then I want somebody
with passion. And you know, we've known each other for
a long time, Doug, and those would be two of
the first words I would use to describe you. So
I'm home.

Speaker 1 (32:06):
I appreciate well. Listen, come, did we don't play the Chargers?
The Packers don't play the Chargers? Do they?

Speaker 7 (32:13):
Uh? Not? This year? I don't believe.

Speaker 4 (32:14):

Speaker 1 (32:15):
We'll find an excuse to get in town and come
hang out and uh anytime. What you think in persons,
pretty it's pretty cool. I mean, it's really an amazing place,
and like the just the experience of it. I mean this,
I mean this to any assistant coach who's never been
a head coach in college, like, I wish this for you.

It's really a it's mind blowing. And and then you know,
look I kind of lucked into it, and that we're
not in a dead period in college sports, but we're
kind of in a dead period, like there's no other
jobs that are really open, so it becomes a bigger
story than maybe it really is. And uh, just the
amount of support and it's it's crazy.

Speaker 7 (32:56):
I mean, answer me one question. Uh huh, what are
what is our what is our game day sideline apparel?
What have you thought about that?

Speaker 1 (33:04):
What do you It depends on the game, depends on
the game. I mean, you know, look, I love that
we've gone casual or in Adida's school. So you know,
my big challenge is going to be do I wear
hoop sneakers like the Hardens or the or the the
ant Man's or do I go with the kind of
the old school Adidas kicks, Like that's that's the challenge. Right,

I'm probably most most times, I'll probably most go halfzip.
You know, they get these cool white half SIPs and
you know, some gray pants. But there's definitely some games
that are suit games. You know, those are games where
you throw in the good watch you throwing a suit.
And then I think they'll be kind of a mixed.
I want to do jeans in a sport coat and
and sneaks on the sideline, maybe a T shirt, like

why not, Like you know, the whole thing is to
be kind of comfortable, but also you're the head coach.
You got to stick out a little bit. So that's
that's the deal. But I think the days like I'm
not un necessary three suit guy, but there will be
some some suit games. My thing is like here's what
I want to here's what I want to do, and
you tell me this is crazy, Like I kind of
want to go play. Like look, early early on, I

got I got the job here in May. There's not
gonna be huge expectations. Plus you know we're at Green Bay.
We're not expected to go take down the Titans. Like
I kind of want to go play some cool places
and go play some I mean one I want to
play somewhere warm. But two, you know, I want to
go play here, play there, Like I don't know if
I want to play Duke next year, but I'm friends
with John Shire and so I said, hey.

Speaker 4 (34:32):
You need a game.

Speaker 1 (34:33):
You know, I don't really know if I want that,
but I kind of want that. That'd be cool to do.

Speaker 7 (34:36):
I would. I mean, look, you're talking to somebody you
were other name Oklahoma State. I went to Northeast Louisiana
Appalachias State. So part of the recruiting pitch to me
as a quarterback in San Diego to go to a
school i'd never heard of a Northeast Louisiana was hey,
we're going to play four sec teams. And I was like, frick,
I would go play in front of eighty thousand people.
Shoine me up for that. That sounds great. I didn't
really lots of time I was going to get the

crap kicked out. I mean what that would feel like.
But it was definitely a factor of recruiting.

Speaker 1 (35:02):
Well I did. I did speak with my friends at
Oklahoma State, and I did say, you guys want to play,
tell us when we'll be there. But yeah, I just
don't know if I want to do the Kansas thing
because they're going to be monsters, or we want to
do the Duke thing because they're going to be incredible.
But outside of that, yeah, like, let's go, let's go
play some people, have some fun and I'll run some

game schedules by by you and you tell which thing.

Speaker 7 (35:26):
Yeah, dude, I'm gonna be living through you, buddy. So
I'm proud of you and I'm super excited to follow
this journey. Way to go, man.

Speaker 1 (35:33):
I appreciate Dana Jeremiah, a good friend of good Man.
You read his stuff and at NFL dot com of course,
move the sticks of the podcast, DJ, thanks so much.

Speaker 6 (35:42):
Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in
the nation yet. Catch all of our shows at Fox
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be well, Gobert, what what app? What app? So you

got the Denver Nuggets taking a commanding three games to lead.
The Knicks took a three games to lead, but it
didn't feel like it's commanding. The Celtics can vanquish the
depleted Cleveland Cavaliers. And I'm not forgetting Minnesota, Oh, Oklahoma City,
Dallas tonight where Dallas, it's the series is tied to two.

But man, didn't feel like Dallas just gave one away
in Game two. We also have the Caitlin Clark her
debut with the WNBA. We have some w NBA chatter.
We got a little bit of a NFL. You know,
we're in the middle of the day, the middle of
the week. I don't know if it's the middle of
the month, but.

Speaker 4 (37:00):
Let's get to middle fifteenth. It's the very middle of
the month.

Speaker 1 (37:03):
Well it is the fifteenth, it's May fifteenth. That's not
the Is there any IDEs of may or only in
IDEs of March. I don't really understand that. Let's let's
get to the midway. It's not getting.

Speaker 7 (37:16):
It's time for.

Speaker 1 (37:20):
The midway. All right, there, boys, I heard we were
doing mean. Doug Gottlieb tweets.

Speaker 4 (37:29):
Oh man, oh man, So I know you didn't spend
a whole lot of time yesterday on your way.

Speaker 1 (37:35):
Literally like, I literally didn't look at any of the
replies because I just I'm just inundated the boy.

Speaker 4 (37:41):
Are you in for a treat though?

Speaker 1 (37:42):

Speaker 7 (37:43):

Speaker 4 (37:44):
I have given two or three tweets to Dan, Me
and Sam. I have a couple for you to read.
These are reaction tweets to like major news sources announcing
the news yesterday. So ESPN said Doug Ottley's been hired
at UW Green Bay. And then you start reading the

comments underneath it. I could start and I want to
give credit to these these the tweeters, x tweeters, xers.
Here's a good one, Doug from at Dil's Dose d
y ls dose. He's gonna he's going to steal their

chance of being good.

Speaker 1 (38:30):
Oh I get it.

Speaker 4 (38:32):
Credit for the callback to the credit cards and steal
their chance of being good. You know, he does a
good play of words there, Dyl's dose, Doug, do you
have one?

Speaker 1 (38:45):
I do I do? That was really good Dill's dos
at bad underscore azz that sounds like a fake too random? Right?

Speaker 4 (38:54):

Speaker 1 (38:54):
Who put it? What's the over under on Doug that
Doug is fired in a year over under bad grammar.

Speaker 4 (39:02):
First of all, why are you asking the over under?
If you give away the year? It's what's the over
under on when he gets fired?

Speaker 2 (39:14):
Yeah, that was a self sabotage right there.

Speaker 1 (39:19):
What do you think? What is the over under? Do
we have it?

Speaker 2 (39:23):
I s don't know. That doesn't even make sense, right, Dan,
do you have one?

Speaker 1 (39:29):
I do?

Speaker 3 (39:30):
I do have a I do have it sweet? By
the way, that one was from Badass, right, that was
That's who it was, bad as sewn m k E
the Milwaukee abbreviation shaw m k E says April Fools
was last month.

Speaker 4 (39:49):
Good one. That's a good one. That's a good one.

Speaker 1 (39:56):
What did I do? Samdy Yellen?

Speaker 2 (39:57):
I do?

Speaker 4 (40:00):

Speaker 2 (40:00):
This is from at a Court twenty three, who says
Doug will be asking for a donation soon. Please provide
the full card number, expiration date and security code.

Speaker 1 (40:13):
Ah, that's good. That one that was actually not bad.
I kind of like that one, to be honest with you.

Speaker 4 (40:20):
I'm seeing a theme here, you know. They seem to
go to the same joke. I mean, it's it's been
twenty five years, so it's very fresh, definitely relevant. Yeah,
he did as a young man with a still developing brain. This,
This was the very inspiration for this uh this segment.

Sam brought this to my attention, And I don't think
it gets better than this one from Brothers Crispy from
at Brothers Crispy, Brothers Crispy. Yeah, Doug Gottlieb putting the
mid in mid, majire Ah.

Speaker 1 (40:58):
I kind of like that one too because the use
of the word mid, which which used to be a
very very cool word, but now you know what mid is.
It's mid.

Speaker 2 (41:09):
Speaking of which, the mid word. Good one, Sam, How
to get that in there? Contractually obgated?

Speaker 4 (41:18):

Speaker 1 (41:18):
You what you said? Well you said, speaking of which? Sam? Uh?
This from uh at Did you see this one? At
Spooky Underscore Kabuki. Everyone is disappointed that they will still
have to hear him on the radio.

Speaker 4 (41:32):
Hell, all right, Huckle Schmidt?

Speaker 1 (41:42):
Did we do?

Speaker 2 (41:42):
Huckle Schmidt?

Speaker 3 (41:44):
I hope the players get a locker to secure their
wallets and laptops.

Speaker 1 (41:49):
What's the laptop?

Speaker 7 (41:49):

Speaker 1 (41:50):
Why do people think that laptops is me? That's that's
Cam Newton? And what was the point guard? At Yukon?
They called the laptop for.

Speaker 4 (41:56):
God, God sham all?

Speaker 3 (41:59):
I think of no pall I think of now is
is Sebastian Maniscalco's TSA impressed in resonation?

Speaker 2 (42:09):
You guys, remember that.

Speaker 3 (42:11):
I don't know laptops, Like whatever I hear laptops, it's
all I think of.

Speaker 4 (42:15):
It's definitely a thing like people did conflate laptops with
the credit cards. Laptops is a big way to get
back at Doug in the last couple of days.

Speaker 1 (42:24):
Yeah, it's so weird. Like I need a laptop too,
by the way, I always work on the iPad. Well
you need a laptop. I need a laptop. Uh yeah,
not a laptop, guy, I mean like like that's what
happens when the offense was like thirty years ago, right,
twenty eight years ago.

Speaker 4 (42:41):
But anyway, Sam, you got one.

Speaker 2 (42:43):
Yes, I don't believe we've done this one. This is
from at Working Stiff. Have we done the Working Stiff
one yet? No? Okay? Here and Working Stiff says, if
anyone can help a mid major steal attorney bid, And

you know, dog, I'm rooting for you, Doug. I'm rooting
for you to steal attorney bit.

Speaker 4 (43:07):
Were gonna say, Jay Steele, lots of stealing, lots of
steel and steels in these U mean tweets. Uh, this
is a good one from Nuanced Tank two. Nuanced Tank two. Uh,
and he proves pretty quick that he's not very nuanced
the Green Bay What's is this a high school?

Speaker 1 (43:32):
I didn't think that was a talk about my school.

Speaker 2 (43:38):
This guy just showing he's not a back college basketball fan. Oh,
you're you.

Speaker 1 (43:42):
Gotta know, you got to know these people are right,
You gotta know these teams are.

Speaker 2 (43:45):
Didn't didn't Bruce Pearl coach at you w Green Bay? No?

Speaker 1 (43:48):
He coached Milwaukee. Sorry, Dick Bennett coached here? When they
stay in here?

Speaker 2 (43:54):
Iowa Lane? Sam? Okay, Yeah, I try to get to
know my brother's up north.

Speaker 1 (44:01):
Dan, you got another one.

Speaker 4 (44:03):
Doug Scott, you got one right there.

Speaker 1 (44:05):
I don't do, but I do, but it's it's the
same one as just a different person. At Shaw mk
E April Fools was last month?

Speaker 4 (44:13):
Oh no, no, you got to refresh your doc.

Speaker 1 (44:15):
Oh, I gotta refresh my doc. Sorry, I didn't refresh
my doc today at Robert Arnold M three fire the
company that did the background check, That would be Dan Parker.
Dan Parker, the background check, Dan Parker.

Speaker 4 (44:35):
I think that's it I think those were the Those
weren't that means?

Speaker 1 (44:39):
Those? Weren't that mean? I mean there, you know there's
a redundancy to the to the credit card thing and
to other things, but this weren't that mean? Were they?

Speaker 4 (44:47):
Brothers? Crispy was amazing. Putt in the mid in mid
Maybe that should be your thing, because I think yesterday
you said that your mantra was going to be you
could find me in the gym. Maybe it's putting the
mid mid may your nature.

Speaker 1 (45:01):
We put the mid in mid major. We put the
mid in mid major. Okay, you know that.

Speaker 3 (45:12):
I was just going to say, you know, there are
some Milwaukee Panther fans that you know, watch the whole
thing and because that's your rival, and we're sitting there
picking it apart. So they are wasting no time for
this rivalry too, to continue along the shores of Lake Michigan.

Speaker 1 (45:33):
I mean, what's do you got some commentary that you
want to share?

Speaker 4 (45:37):
Did you stood down?

Speaker 1 (45:38):

Speaker 3 (45:38):
No, it's just there was there was a guy who
just basically live tweeted the entire press conference. Yes, Jimmy Lemke,
Jimmy Lemken, but he has the Black and Gold Club.
So I just ended up doing a whole live tweet.
And the reason is because when you search Doug Gottlieb
as we were looking for these tweets, this guy's face just.

Speaker 2 (46:01):
Kept on showing up.

Speaker 1 (46:03):
That's hilarious.

Speaker 2 (46:04):
Yeah, So the rivalry is Is that cooling anywhere?

Speaker 1 (46:08):
That's cool? I mean, you forget about the fact that
I admitted that I wore forty four at least in
some small part because of a guy named Kirk Kaji
who played for my dad at you but you and
Milwaukee forget about all that though. But like, look it's on, Well,
we're gonna have like hate Week? Can we? Should we
do like hate Week when we play Milwaukee? Yes?

Speaker 2 (46:27):
Absolutely, Okay, I'm kind.

Speaker 1 (46:30):
Of bummed I get out here and the Bucks aren't playing, though, Man,
I feel like I can get some good buck seats now,
I really do, and I get buyers some good buck seats,
and he would like that.

Speaker 4 (46:40):
Just don't ask a Rod for those tickets.

Speaker 1 (46:43):
What's the story with a Rod and the and the
timber Wolves? Are they ever going to own the tipples? Huh?

Speaker 4 (46:48):
The whole thing sounded pretty shady, right, didn't think current
owner pulled the Uh yeah, pull the bed?

Speaker 1 (46:53):
Yeah, which I actually don't mind. I mean it's just
a really good lesson for people to learn that they
think a deal is done, like it ain't done until
it's last and final, last and final, it's done. And
that's the midway. The midway Byron, I'm interested, Like, I
look at this Caitlin Clark thing, and she didn't play

well last night. She had ten termers they could beat.
She's four of eleven from three. And remember, like the
Fever wouldn't have had the number one pick unless they
were crummy, right, I mean, they were not good last year.
So but I do wonder how long a runway we
give her. I mean it's it's one game, so I'm
not freaking out at all, but how long a runway

do we give her? And then the other part too,
It is it is really interesting how that season kicks
off already. They just got done playing in early April,
and now she's playing basketball, and what does it look
like when she goes into her second year.

Speaker 3 (47:51):
I actually think that the wrong way is pretty long,
and I actually use Zion Williamson as the example for
it of I think that we've gotten to the point
was Zion where we aren't sure where his career was going.
And then right when we thought that even this year
that it was back to going where we had hoped
it was, he ends up getting hurt and is unavailable.

But even for that brief instant, we were back on
the Zion train. And I don't think it's much different
than the hype machine that was of Caitlin Clark, and
so I think that is going to be the case where, yeah,
they may not have a great season this year, which
is a little surprising to me honestly because I'm not
a full WNBA fan and don't know about it.

Speaker 1 (48:35):
But so not only doesn't play in the WB, but
they have.

Speaker 3 (48:41):
A Leah Boston as well. So you have two number
one overall picks from the final or the previous two drafts,
and I would think that that would be a really
good place to start for a core. So it's like, well,
how many other good players do you have to have?
I mean, if you're the number one overall big and
you have two of them on your tea, I would
expect something. So maybe their depth isn't there or what

they have, but I just think that if she ends
up doing anything unique when she gets adjusted, we will
be back on track and locked in and excited to
watch her play.

Speaker 2 (49:15):
She's just she's just got that it factor. And just
like Zion had as well.

Speaker 1 (49:21):
I think here's what's going to benefactor benefit her. I
think now that we move towards that could be wrong
because there's such a popularity thing with her, but I
do think we'll get back to watching her in highlights,
and her in highlights is better at times than her
in real life.

Speaker 4 (49:35):
But the league, to hit on what Dan just said,
you get this feeling that there's a ton of people
that want this to work and that we're rooting for
it to work. And that was my takeaway last night
watching the game, and follow me on this. The league
needs this to work. Not only does it need to
work and needs to succeed, she needs to transcend. The

league needs that. And that's juxtaposed against this polar opposing
factor where other veterans in the league want to shut
her down, they want to put it in her place.
So it's like there's a built in, almost like resentment
that she's the one that's taking the game the next level.
So you have these opposing factors where veterans, like the

women last night were all over her, and that's going
to probably be every night. But that works against the
agenda of the league where Kaitlyn Clark needs to be
the next best thing.

Speaker 1 (50:28):
It's interesting because, of course Michael Jordan went through some
of that right famously, Isaiah Thomas throws him out at
the All Star Game. Right, we did see that Michael
Jordan for a long time wasn't a winner until he was.
So that is a bit of a rite of passage
for anybody who's a young, virgeoning star. I think the
issue becomes that those games are harder and harder to watch.

They just are. And you know, I do think that
one of the reasons we fell in love with Caitlyn
Clark was what was first the highlights because she was
shooting from so far out. She felt like Steph Curry.
She had a creative passenger. Then you watch like, man,
that's it's not really efficient and everybody is gunning for

and then when you watch in you know, in the
entire game, you see a lot more mishots, you see
a lot more mislayups, and then you juxtaposed it with
the NBA. I just found it found it hard to watch.

Speaker 2 (51:21):
And doug Her uh Her performance at Iowa, like they
were the top scoring team in the country, like I
think like the last two years she was there. So
you go from a team that's a number one seed scored,
you know, breaks one hundred points like I don't know,
eight times in the season, and then she goes to
a team there it's bad and putting up like what
seventy points?

Speaker 4 (51:40):
It's it.

Speaker 2 (51:40):
It takes, it takes some of the the what is it,
the luster.

Speaker 1 (51:44):
Off of her, No question, I don't think there's any question.
There's some luster ofugh for her. But you know, to
to Dan's point, I do think there's a long runway.
I do think everybody's in love with her and you know,
barring some sort of collapse, But there is the anti
Kaitlin bias that exists among WNBA players. I don't think
that's new at all. Bird went through that, Jordan went

through that, Kaitlyn Clark can go through that.
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