All Episodes

October 7, 2019 42 mins

Colin says Dak Prescott is a franchise QB but just isn't good enough to win a Super Bowl. He criticizes Aaron Rodgers for taking an unnecessary shot at Mike McCarthy after beating the Cowboys yesterday. He explains where he was right and wrong over the weekend plus, Super Bowl Champion and former Packers WR Greg Jennings talks about how good Green Bay can be and tries to defend Aaron Rodgers for his post-game comments.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Thanks for listening to the Best of Herd podcast. Be
sure to catch us live every weekday from twelve to
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every day on the iHeartRadio app by searching Herd. This
is the Best of the Herd with Colin cowher on
Fox Sports Radio. Oh here we are on a Monday,

and this is the Herd. Wherever you may be and
however you may be listening. We are live in Los
Angeles on iHeartRadio, Fox Sports Radio and FS one one
hour from now. Colin was right, Colin was wrong, and
as always there's plenty of both. Joy Taylor is joining me.

Redskins have fired their coach. Joy will have more on
that coming up. So we've got NFL news. Used to
be you had to get to like Thanksgiving to get fired.
Not in DC. Anything is possible. In Washington, that whole
city is It's like cursed over the last decade in sports.
They cannot get a break with injuries and coaches. So

Joy and I are ready to go today. Listen. It
is I always say I use this term a lot
in my real life. What's the hurry? Why buy a house?
What's the hurry I can rent? Why buy a new car?
I'll use uber. I have a theory in pro sports,
if I owned a team or ran a team, I

would pay very few people top dollar, and I would
only pay them when I had to. These are salary
cap sports outside of Baseball. Like I'm I'll pay the Lebrons,
all pay them a homes, all pay the great ones.
But I'm not paying you early because I have salary caps.

A lot more athletes are overpaid than underpaid in America today.
Dak Prescott, sometimes time works in your favor, and sometimes
time does not work in your favor. Dak Prescott is
losing money in the negotiations. It's not pretty. Dak is
clearly a piece, but he is also clearly not a piece.

And I want you to think about this. I'm gonna
bring up well run organizations. The Steelers were founded in
nineteen thirty three. They've won Super Bowls with two quarterbacks,
Terry Bradshawn big Ben. The Cowboys were formed in nineteen sixty.
They've won Super Bowls with two quarterbacks, Troy Aikman, Roger Staubach.
Green Bay formed in the twenties. They've run Super Bowls

with only three quarterbacks, Bart Star, Brett Farven, Aaron Rodgers
forty nine ers formed in the forties have only won
the Big Trophy with Montana and Steve Young. The Colts
have only won it with Unitas and Peyton Manning, and
they've mostly been well run. And by the way, New
England was formed sixty years ago, won a Super Bowl

with one guy. Even the teams that win just won
a Waugh Len DAWs in Kansas City, Drew Brees, New Orleans,
Russell Wilson, Seattle, Folks, you see a trend here. You
can win divisions, you can win games, but to get
into the trophy room of the Super Bowl, it is

overwhelmingly done with unique special Hall of Fame talents. Dallas
and Green Bay played last night. Those were two levels
of quarterback. One has already won a trophy and may
win another. The other has won divisions. Sometimes timing works
in your favor, sometimes it works against Dak to me

is a franchise quarterback, and he has a lot of
qualities I like. But the film doesn't lie, and your
eyes don't lie when you put him in the room
in that little box called a TV set next to
Aaron Rodgers. One's a trophy room guy, and one's a
guy with the top offensive line and the best running

back that can win games in a division. Greg Coo
sell as somebody I brought on for five years. After
Dak beat the Giants, I pressed him, Come on now, Greg,
Dak is special, right. I would say he looked comfortable
without question. I would also say that that performance by
the Giants defense was so bad. I really don't know

what to say. He threw to a ton of open receivers.
He made a couple of really good throws, but I
don't know what to say. Colling. Beyond that, you know
I'm being honest. I'm just trying to be honest because
I've been watching tape since nineteen ninety one. I've seen
an awful lot, So I don't know what to say
in response to quarterbacks sitting wide open receivers. Dak is

simply not a blank check guy. And there's about five
to eight on the planet. He is a right a
check to him guy. But that's where if I own
a team, I run a team. Timing I crossed my
fingers works in my favor, twenty seven point five million,

I'd sign it. Thirty five I'll draft another. And again,
what's the rush rent? Rent for years before you buy
the house, It's really expensive. Drive uber for months until
you buy the car. Those are really expensive. There is
no reason to pay early. Time is clearly clearly working

against dak here and again I like him, but he's
not a blank check guy, and I'd sign him. But
in a salary cap league, I would squeeze every penny
back to my franchise to allow me to be as
nimble as I can to sign other players going forward,

let me shift to Aaron Rodgers. He put on a
clinical last night you would think as a good looking guy,
hundred million network, new contract, new head coach. Aaron Rodgers
has a happy life. Personally, it looks like his girlfriend
was there. He is. I mean, he got the DNA,
the arm, the hard work, the looks, the money, the

State Farm commercials. Life is good for Aaron Rodgers. There
is no reason for Aaron Rodgers, especially after last night,
Beat America's team looked absolutely sensational, deserves every bit of
praise I'm going to heap on him. There would be

no reason this morning or after that game to punch down.
Now would there to be petty to be snarky. But
after that amazing performance with Mike McCarthy, nowhere near the
conversation Aaron Rodgers had to take a shot at him.
I just think we're just a more connected team to share.

We're enjoying each other more. We like each other, I
think a little more. We hang out with each other.
It's the locker room is a raucous environment, whether it's
a you know, a Monday, or whether it's run after
a big win. I just think guys really really play
for each other more, and we have that chemistry that

because of the leadership that we have that maybe we've
been lacking the last couple of years. Oh god, Aaron stop.
I mean, you're like the guy that gets divorced and
runs to Facebook. Never been happier. Arm around my new boot. Aaron,

You're worth one hundred million. You're the best looking guy
in the NFL. You won your team Sunday Night football.
You were great. I mean, you're not even subtle about it.
This is why you've had family friends. Executives, although you
said the article was made up, take shots at you

be disappointed with you be better? I mean, why would
you punch down Mike McCarthy. You talk about leadership, well,
so he was the only leader in Green Bay last
year as it was man overboard. Aaron's win last night
makes him officially a five hundred career road quarterback. Is

Mike McCarthy get all the blame for that? Aaron is
now ooh two and seven in his last nine road games.
You would think with the looks and the performance, and
the money and the girlfriend and the fame and everything
going in his direction, he is beloved in a great

state of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Great stated wisky. He just beloved
that he has to fire a shot at the unemployed
Mike McCarthy. I mean, come on, Aaron, really, McCarthy was
nowhere near that room. And if you're gonna say now

we've got good leadership, well aren't you part of the
leadership the previous seven eight years. You certainly got credit
for the Super Bowl win because of your arm and leadership.
I mean, really, you're gonna run to Instagram with a
snarky video, got my new boot. Never been happier save

that for the twenty somethings, the kids. You're a grown up,
You're a franchise. Your face maybe of the league going forward,
do better be sure to catch live editions of The
Herd weekdays in noon eastern nine am Pacific on Fox
Sports Radio FS one and the iHeartRadio app. Joy and
I are our studio right here is you know, it's

fifteen minutes from Hollywood, and they have these red carpet
things all the time, and I don't go to them.
About five six times year I'm invited to go to
the red carpet or we work at Fox the Blue carpet,
and I of course say no because I'm not into them.
I go home, hang out with my dogs and eat
popcorn and my beautiful wife. And I'm boring, but I'm

okay boring. Boring is okay. Boring is fine too. You
gotta gotta be true to yourself. I'm boring. Joy is
much more exciting than I and that's why Joy's on
the show to bring some life to the show. But
I am boring, but I'm okay. I'm comfortable with my boring.
Should always be true to yourself. I am just I
am a homebody. I like watching documentaries. I'm boring. I
don't think you're boring. But okay, well, my wife hopefully

doesn't either. The point being is boring gets a bad rap.
I said this years ago. There's a difference between being
alone and being lonely. I'm alone all the time. I
never feel like I'm lonely. So in the NFL, you
don't want to hear this, but boring usually mostly when
Super bowls. Patrick Mahomes is fun and he's flashy, and

the Kansas City Chiefs are like a track meet, And
last night they met boring Indianapolis, and Patrick Mahomes mostly
sat on the Benson watched the game because the boring Colts,
who are built through the draft, pay almost nobody their
best players and offensive guard played keep away from Patrick Mahomes,

and the firework show was doused. Never forget that the
best show on turf in the nineties. One Super Bowl,
Peyton Manning's exhilarating Colts, one Super Bowl, Dan Marino's flashy Dolphins,
Nune and John Elwayne Nun until he got a running
game called Terrell Davis. Look around the league. Detroit and

Indianapolis in the last two weeks have given you a blueprint.
We're gonna double team Travis Kelsey, the amazing tight end
that Patrick Mahomes can complete seventy five percent of his throws. Too,
We're gonna double him and take him out, and we're
gonna force Patrick Mahomes to make lower percentage firework throws

up the sidelines, and if one of those receivers, Tyreek Hill,
is hurt, we like our chances. And both Indie and
Detroit did a great job. Now I'm not saying you're
going to ever completely solve Patrick Mahomes, but the Internet
gushes over every no look sort of looking, kind of looking,

marginally looking pass that's like a hole in one of
the golf tournament. That guy never wins the tournament. You
know who wins the golf tournament, the guy that hits
his pots. And right now Kansas City's not hitting their pots.
They can't run the ball and they can't stop it.
And in the last ten days, I've watched Aaron Rodgers

sit on the bench watch the boring Philadelphia Eagles running
game overwhelmed the Packers. And yesterday I watched the boring
Colts offensive running game. Make Patrick Mahomes watch that game
from the side line. Boring overwhelmingly wins titles I don't

know if you've watched football, but the playoffs it's crazy.
Every year they're at the same time December and January.
And here's what's even crazier. They're played outdoors. Good luck
having a firework show in the rain or the snow
or inhale. They cancel them, soda great running games, they

cancel Aaron Rodgers, and they cancel Patrick Mahomes. And I
know they're boring, but Colin, we didn't have Tyreek Hill Stop.
The Colts didn't have Andrew Luck, Darius Leonard, Malik Hooker.
They were missing more. You gotta hit your pots. I
don't care about longest off the tea long Drive champions

holand one on a Thursday. Who hits their pots this league?
Look at the box score last night. As great as
Patrick Mahomes is, he had them all twenty two minutes.
The Colts had it almost thirty eight. That that is
what wins. Post Thanksgiving, be sure to catch live editions

of The Herd Weekdays and Noon Easter ninety Empacific. My
wife used to always make fun of me because she
says I would circle a house before I bought it,
like for six months, I'd circle a house. I'd drive
by it in the day, I'd drive by it at night.
I drive by it in the afternoon, and my wife
is more, you know, she's more about I like it,
I got it go. I tend to be a circler

and it's kind of a running joke in our family.
And I've done this. My wife and I've been together
now over a decade, and we've had some home purchases
and I circle and I want to see the house
at night. I want to see it in the day.
What's the traffic flow, like, what are the crazy neighbors like?
I'll go on the weekends, I'll go early in the morning.
And I'm a crazy person. I'm like a vulture. I
just circle it. You're case in the place. I kind
of case the joint. So that's kind of what I do.

But my point is, before I make a massive purchase,
I want to know everything. And I'm I'll say this
about dak Prescott. I like that Prescott a lot. And
I've been circling and circling, but yesterday did give me pause.
And I never understood. If you got on a plane
and the pilot said to you, listen, there's a massive

storm off to the right, We're gonna deviate and go left.
You'd be like, thank you. If you were gonna have
surgery and the surgeon said, you know, I've been looking
at your X rays and I just got a new
one in and I'm gonna make sure we do this
the right way because we've got new information. If your
stockbroker said, hey, the president of this company is selling

all his stock, so I'm gonna say cancel our order,
in all three of those cases, you'd be like, oh,
new information. Yeah, well, yes, except when you're a sportscaster.
I have to have an opinion and it never changes.
Yesterday I watched Dak, who I have been supportive of
now after years of doubting them, and it gave me pause.

They trailed thirty one to three. He looked terrible at
home against the Green Bay defense that Philadelphia torged. And
it's not that he lost. There is a disturbing trend
when you dig deeper with Dak in his last dozen
losses twelve, they all have something in common. The offense

is losing the game, not the defense. The last twelve
Cowboy losses. Look at the numbers. They score seven, nine, six, twelve, eight, thirteen, sixteen, seventeen, fourteen, zero, ten,
twenty four. Only once against Philadelphia did the team they
lost to score in the thirties the defense in the

last twelve and don't look at the game yesterday and
go well, it was thirty four twenty four. That was
green Bay trying to kill the clock and dat getting
garbage yards. In their twelve losses, only one has the
defense really not shown up. That was week eleven against
Philadelphia in twenty seventeen. So it's like Thursday night the

Rams lost. That's a good loss. You went up to Seattle,
Russell Wilson did what Russell Wilson does, and Jared Goff
looked very good in a hostile environment. By the length
of one football, if the kick goes left not right,
you leave. You can feel good about that. When Buffalo
lost to New England two weeks ago and Tom Brady

was awful, Buffalo's gotta leave that and think fellas the
only one Tom Brady in the league. We got a
chance to win double digit games. It is not losing
in this league. Nobody goes sixteen to no. It is
how you lose the Rams Thursday. You can take positive's
Buffalo losing at home to New England. You can take
positives Dak's last twelve losses only once has the defense

not helped him out. By the way, Dak against winning
teams since twenty seventeen is five and nine with eighteen
turnovers and has been sacked forty times. And that's not
an on line issue. That's a Dak holding out of
the ball issue. And in those twelve losses he has
seven touchdowns and seventeen picks. So we've got new information.

I like Dak. I would pay Dak, but don't pay
till you have to and take every single bit of
information in. This is what Pile was sitting next to
a pilot on a flight two weeks ago. I literally
got in a flight and there was a pilot that
had to fly to LA for his next flight, and
we talked about this. He goes, I get stuff two

hours before the flight, thirty minutes before the flight, and
in the flight, he goes, I'm getting constant information on
avoid this lightning storm, avoid this turbulence. If pilots can
do it, an NFL owner in a GM can't, like yesterday,
gave me pause. I sat there and watched and I
went you know what this. I'm seeing a trend. So
I start digging on the stats, dig into his last

twelve losses, dig into the numbers, dig into the data
we've got. I got no problem being wrong on stuff.
I think Dak's more of a twenty seven point five
million dollars a year quarterback. I think he's in that class.
I don't think he's a thirty seven. I don't think
he's a thirty five. I think you can pay him
mid to high twenties. Now time has not worked for him,
there's new information. I'm not going to be stubborn and rigid.

I've always been a pro Dak pay him thirty after
the last couple of games, and I'm like, nah, no, no, no,
I'd pay him twenty six, twenty seven. And now I
think Jerry's gonna pay him. Because Jerry's saying stuff after
the game. It's amazing. I love him. He's this, he's
that go for it. I mean, that's that's I don't
own the team. I don't run the team, but you
know this whole, I would rather get it right than

be right. I want my pilot to get it right.
I want my stockbroker to get it right. I want
my surgeon, if my kids or me are going to
the hospital, get it right. Don't be rigid and stubborn.
Yesterday I watched that and I thought, this is I'm seeing.
I almost felt like Goolay. Goolay is overly negative. I

try to be optimistic. That's just my natural cheery self.
But yesterday I'm like, yeah, this is a problem. This
is a problem. He is struggling against the good defense
and I mean struggling. And that had some Kirk cousins
looks to it that that was not pretty. One more Herd.
The Herd streams twenty four hours a day, seven days

a week within the iHeartRadio app. Search Herd to listen
live or on demand whenever you like. All right, we
do it every Monday. It's called Colin right, Colin wrong.
I am both regularly. We admit it when we whiff,
and here we go where Colin was right. Well, this
is officially John Goulay the hottest I have ever been
blazing five four and one again. We picked Kyler murto win.

We took the Viking, Saints and Packers. We are seventy
four percent on the year. I am on fire. Start
fading me very soon. By the way, we were also
red hot in the playoffs. Sure, I think we went
nine and two or ten and one, so we've been
on a streak. We get into these occasionally, they don't
last forever. I may ask you to pull back on

the size of your numbers, but Fox bet is happy.
So are we four and one, And I like that.
I took Kyler Murray to win. I always like when
I take like a dog team to win on the
road and they win. Way to go Arizona. Where Colin
was wrong? Couldn't you give John Gruden at least a
mention in Coach of the Year. And I'm not saying

he's as good as but but the ab nonsense a
first time general manager. I gotta be honest with you.
The offense is fun, the free agent signing is on
offense look pretty good. The offensive draft picks at least
look pretty good. And the schedule. Vontes Berfect got kicked
out of the team. The cryo foot ab nonsense. There's

been a lot of noise now structurally, organizationally, I still
think this is a bottom five team in the league.
But I gotta give him credit here. They have wildly
overachieved in my opinion, from what I thought they would be.
I like watching them play, and Gruden is an offensive guy,

and Derek Carr looks comfortable, and they have established a
running game, and the free agents and the offensive draft
picks look pretty good. So I'm wrong on that where
Colin was right. We told you Saints are gonna be
fine with Teddy Bridgewater. You know what Teddy Bridgewater is
if he was an NBA point guard, because quarterbacks your
point guards. He's Mike Conley, smart, coachable, leadership skills, great distributor,

and he hits a couple of jumpers a game. He
keeps you honest. That's Teddy. Teddy doesn't make any mistakes.
He's a great distributor. He'll make two or three throws
that keep you honest. But the bottom line is he's
completing seventy five percent of his throws. What did we
tell you? He's Drew Brees. He can't throw it deep.
He's super accurate and smart. Now, now do I think
Drew situationally down the stretches better, No question. But Teddy's

the best backup quarterback in the NFL. And you know
what that's like, a real job. That's like being the
best guy off the bench in the NBA. Go ask
the Toronto Raptors, like having the best six man. It's
like a real thing. Right. You don't get the big
shoe deal. But Teddy's the world's best backup quarterback and
good for him. Where Colin was wrong? Adam Gaze right now?

Four touchdowns in twenty eight quarters. Now again, Sam Darnold's out.
I get it. But here's what's inexcusable. There's all eleven
backup quarterbacks have played this year. Doesn't need to be
man overboard. Jacksonville's playing with a backup. Caroline is playing
with a backup. Teddy Bridgewater is a backup. I don't
want to hear. Andrew Luck is out and he just

went with a backup in Kansas City. Just because you
have a backup quarterback doesn't mean you can't compete in games. Reportedly,
he gave first team reps to Darnold all week, knowing
he hadn't been medically cleared. Not acceptable. I don't want
to hear it's a backup quarterback. I know Sam Darnald
this week against Dallas, it'll be a real game to

an eight point spread. But the body language, the lack
of innovation, and I don't want to hear that Jets
don't have talent. C. J. Moseley, Jamal Adams, Leonard Williams, Quinnon, Williams,
Lavian Bell. The interior of their offensive line is good,
Robbie Anderson. They get Hernan Back the tight end and
Sam Darnold. If they go out and land egg against Dallas,

that's a problem because don't tell me that Jets don't
have talent. They got seven or eight elite players. Now
they got holes, but they got real players where Colin
was right. Well, I've been saying this for a long time.
Washington Redskins are a poorly run tire fire. They fired
Jake Gruden this morning. Dan Snyder may be a great businessman,
he's a crappy owner. Here's a guy years ago that

hired an offensive coordinator before hired the head coach, and
then when he couldn't get a head coach, he said,
I'll just make the coordinator the coach and Jim's orn.
Wonderful guy was over at Skis and got whacked by
the way. Jay Gruden and the staff did not want
to draft Dwayne Haskins. They had other people in mind,
reportedly Daniel Jones. So, but Daniel Jones' son went to

high school with Dwayne Haskins, so it's just the worst
kind of owner. Dan Sneyder's son, I'm sorry. Dan Snyder's
son went to high school with, you know, Dwayne Haskins,
so they drafted him and the Gruden guy. So you've
had and the minute Alex Smith got hurt, now you
got to play Dwayne Haskins. It's a mess. This is
a poorly run franchise. Good luck getting a legitimate coach.

What legitimate coach would take that job? No way that
in the coaching fraternity. This is poison. This is a
poison to stay out, yield, stop all the way where
all was right? Can you stop telling me Carolina doesn't

surround Cam with talent. They rushed for two hundred and
eighty yards, they had a defensive touchdown. They've won three
straight without Cam Newton. Listen, you and I are going
to disagree on Cam Newton. But here's what I'm tired
of hearing. You know, they don't really have any talent.
Are you watching them? They're loaded, Their receivers are great.
Christian McCaffrey is absurd. He may be the best running

back in the NFL. I'm not sure he is. Buddy's close.
Carolina dropped thirty four points yesterday. Stop telling me that
Cam doesn't have help. Now. I'm not saying Kyle Allen's
better than Cam, but that has been the lamest excuse.
Once again, Ron Rivera, the head coach. This team has

the eighth best defense in the league. So once again,
when Cam comes back for the sixth time in nine years,
he'll have a top ten defense to go along maybe
the best running back in football. Where Colin was wrong. Listen,
Jim Harbaugh's offenses have moved into pathetic category. How does

Wisconsin have better running backs than Michigan. I don't understand it.
Like listen, three for thirteen on third downs two hundred
and sixty yards against Iowa at home. I don't understand.
Jim Harbaugh's an offensive guy. They have no playmakers. They
don't have any pop or burst or explosion plays Like,

I don't get it. Listen. I still think Jim won
and Jim will win nine and a half games. But
the one thing I thought Harball would bring to this
franchise this program is toughness and some offensive pop. They're
getting worse. I mean, quarterbacks transfer there and they get worse.
Shane Patterson two years ago, I thought he could be

a first round quarterback. I'm not sure he's draftable now.
Where Colin was right Thursday night, Russo Wilson, Jared Goff,
we were right on both accounts. First of all, Russell
Wilson said it for years, is the most underappreciated quarterback
of my lifetime. I don't think there's a second place,
maybe Steve Young. I can't explain what he does. He's

the most unique quarterback ever. He runs but never gets hit.
He throws the softest deep ball in the league, and
every receiver and tight end they give him everyone works.
And then there's Jared Goff, who you kept telling me
is the liability. I watched that game and I thought
he's kind of the strength. I don't worry about Jared Goff.
I thought he looked like Tom Brady down the stretch.

So on Thursday, both Wilson and Goff proved our point.
Russell's an all time Hall of Fame talent, and Jared
Goff is not the Rams obstacle. He is not a liability.
He is a core straint where Colin was right. My
favorite NFL theory is called the bounce back theory. When

good teams are humiliated or good units, they always bounced back.
So I loved Green Bay this week because their defense
was humiliated in a Thursday night Fox game. Ten days later,
their defense looked amazing. Always go with a team that
was recently humiliated. The Vikings offense was humiliated, got ripped

in the press, came back and looked great against the Giants.
The five teams in the league that were called out
or humiliated Baltimore, Indie, Green Bay, Houston, Minnesota five and Oho. Now,
by the way, Kansas City's offense is getting ripped today,
go online, figure out the Vegas line. Watch Kansas City's

offense next week. Put on a fireworks show. It's the way.
It's my favorite NFL theory, the bounce back theory. These
are men, their professionals. As long as you have some talent,
Minnesota's offense, Green Bay's defense, if you get humiliated, especially
on a national TV standalone game, they always always play

great the following week. Not the case in college football,
almost always the case in the NFL. Be sure to
catch live editions of The Herd weekdays at noon Easter
not Ampacific on Fox Sports Radio FS one and the
iHeart Radio app. I'm not here to bang on Aaron Rodgers.
He was great last night. But when you have the
matinee idol looks one hundred million in the bank, you won,

McCarthy lost, You win the game, you beat America's team,
You look terrific, and then you come out after the
game and take a not so shuttle shuttle shot at
Mike McCarthy. Here it is. I just think we're just
some more connected team to share. We're enjoying each other more.
We like each other, I think a little more. We
hang out with each other. It's the locker room is

a raucous environment, whether it's a you know, a Monday,
or whether it's run after a big win. I just
think guys really really played for each other more, and
we have that chemistry that because of the leadership that
we have that maybe we've been lacking the last couple
of years. I mean, come on, that's just a shot

at McCarthy, right, did you really have to go there?
It was a night you should have just said how
much fun was that? Go Packers? Okay, I'm gonna take
this a few different ways. So when Mike McCarthy got fired, right,
one of the first things Aaron made sure we all

knew was that it wasn't his fault and that their
relationship was good. Like we all knew that it was fractured,
but it was. You want to portray that something is
better than what it is until it's not, and that's
what Aaron Rodgers was doing. It was all good. It
was all good, and then you feel for someone when

they lose their job. Sure, now there's been time that
has passed, and let's face it, he knew what the
reality was last year with Mike McCarthy and he and
his relationship, and it was what his comments are true,
Like his comments are true. Is it a shot, Yes,
it's a shot because it's Aaron Rodgers and that's what

we've come to know. But I don't think he was
taking it. I don't think he was directing that at
Mike McCarthy. I think he was just making a generalized
statement of what he feels. And sometimes when we when
you're asked the question, you're answering that question, and then
you start to say things of how you really genuinely
feel and you think like, well, I shouldn't have said

that because they're gonna take that the wrong way. Well,
the leadership last year we didn't have. That's kind of
a shot at McCarthy. I mean it's it could be
a shot at McCarthy. It could be. The leadership within
the locker room has changed defensively with the Smith the
book ends, they hadn't they didn't have that bad Clay Matthews,
but he was on his way. So I can see

you're you. You think I'm re No, I don't think
you're reaching. I don't think you're reaching because it's Aaron,
and we know Aaron to make these subtle, subtle jets.
This is this is Facebook after you get divorced. I've
never been happier. That's what it is. It's it's early
marriage for most, it's early any type of relationship. Everything

is a great list. And because you haven't really experienced adversity,
you haven't heard all the chatter. It did have a
couple of um and I like this. Frankly, Aaron and
Matt Lafleur in the sidelines disagreed. I think it's incredibly
healthy if you watch that that that part. I like,
I like them going back and forth, Aaron voices his opinion.

Lafloor does it's it's healthy. I think it's green. You
think about it. That's what did not happen with Mike
McCarthy and Aaron Rodgers. It was I'm coming to the sideline.
I'm so disturbed at what just transpired. I'm not going
to even acknowledge. I'm just gonna walk to the bench,
sit down, forget it. Sometimes he would stay in the huddle.
There were times during timeouts Aaron didn't know what's go

over the sidelines. Yeah, I mean that's that's not always well,
you know, yeah, you do typically go to the sidelines
as a quarterback. I'm trying here, I'm trying, okay, Yeah,
all right, So let's shift to Dak Prescott. Okay. I'm
a supporter of Dak. But there are moments I was
telling Joy my wife makes fun of me because we

before we've ever bought a house. I tend to circle it.
I drive by it at night, day weekends. I want
to see how it looks in all it's glory, and
I want to see what the what's the traffic flow
in the day, night, what's the neighborhood like in the
day night? And I like, Dak, well, you don't have
any traffic because you're back fence like seven acres. Yeah,

talk about it. So, but I watched Dak yesterday. I'm
still circling before I write that check. I gotta be honest.
That makes me if I'm Jerry, I'm pulling about five
mill off the table. I gotta pause on that. Greg
like that. That. That's here, his last two games against
good defenses, his quarterback, his passer ratings in the seventies. Yeah,

when you look at Dak Prescott, he is he's definitely
hurting himself because he's not been winning these games outright
on his own and it and I'm saying on his
own because it's typically on the shoulders of Dak Prescott.
When we saw them last week against New Orleans, the
game was on his shoulders. If it's like, Okay, what
are you gonna do? I would say this, it's a

challenge for a guy like Dak Prescott when I feel
like you are asked to, Okay, don't lose the game,
versus go win the game. So you think he's being
told don't lose it it's it's not so much that
he's being told that, but by the way that he plays,
it's it's we the Dallas Cowboys, haven't proven that we're

sold on this guy and he's just our guy and
we're gonna send him out there and say win the
game for us. That if that was the case, they
would have already hate him. And so my point is
he's being shown by actions that as a player, when
a coach, you know, when a coach has the ultimate
in an organization, has the ultimate respect and belief in you,

when they just tell you, go do what you do,
go win the game for us. But that's not who
he ends. That's it's and they know that, that's my point.
They're telling him things like, all right, let's take care
of the ball. All right, let's let's be smart. Well
that's not exuding confidence when I go out on the field,
So you think, guarantee you when they look at Amara Cooper,

they're looking at Amari Cooper like, go make let's go
make plays, Go make play, Go make a play for us.
That's a different mentality that you're walking onto the game
field with versus a coach telling you or a coordinator
telling you all right, let's be smart on this possession. Yeah. No,
I to some degree, I think I'm just watching that

last night and I'm like, I'd rather get it right
than be right. And I'm like, I can't look at
A and Dak on the same TV. There, they're no,
not even close. They're not even close. But you have
to also consider where do you go from here if
your Dallas, if you don't, if you say, Okay, we're
not gonna sign Dak, We're gonna try to figure this out. Well,

he's not a bad quarterback. No no, no no, no, no no,
he is not. He can he can win games. But
you but the problem that I see with the Dallas
Cowboys and that we're all starting to see, is you
that can be fine. You can have a great team
and they can win a lot of games, But in
the playoffs, you need players. You need guys that are

gonna step up, and when you do send them on
that football field, you can say, go get this done
for me. Go go get a game, go score, go
get a touchdown, go catch a ball, go make a play.
And that's just not what we're finding out. Dak Prescott's strength.
If the Cowboys were in the AFC this morning, I
may think entirely different than I think about the Cowboys

in the NFC, where I've got the Seahawks and the
Eagles and the Packers and the Rams. I mean, the
teams I don't even buy in the NFC. Minnesota are loaded. Yeah,
the teams I don't buy in the AFC. You know Jacksonville,
I got Gardner Minshew marching up and down the field.

So I think some of this is Dallas is They're
a good team, but there's too much great in the NFC,
and you saw it last night. Can you explain the Raiders?
Like I always thought dysfunction they make so much noise.
But I'm watching them against the Bears. Offensively, they're fun,
they got a running game, the aligns better, they stole

a tight end from Baltimore. I literally was watching then
dominate Chicago and I'm like, I can't explain it. This
should not be three and two. Yeah. Well, when I
look at the Raiders, they weren't terrible offensively last year.
Like you think about what Derek Carr was able to
do last year, he had some of his best numbers.
He had arguably one of his best years in his career.

So there was there were a builder building blocks to
their success and what we're seeing. I'm not sold on
the Raiders. Having said all that, because they do have
a running game. They do have a running game. I like,
I love everything about Josh Jacobs, and I love in
one thing we do know about John Gruten. He wants
to establish the run and he wants he wants to

be physical upfront. And that's what this offensive line in
this running game provides, a physicality. You look at what
they did against the Chicago Bears, Like right was shot.
I mean I think we all were. I was shocked.
I think we all were. I'm like the right at
the best, like punched them right in the mouth. A
defensive team that is stout up front, that is stout

on all levels of their defense, and they do that
to him. That was impressive. I was. I sat back
in all right. But again, having said that, I'm not
quite sold because the Bears can't score and they have
their own woes. And then who have the Raiders really
beaten by the way Kansas City, Oh, firework shows. See
a lot of you guys are cool and lit and cool.

I'm not. I'm boring. So here we go. Firework. Kansas
City got a big fireworks show. You know what, put
the firework show out rain? Cold weather? Playoffs are outdoors.
You probably love Kansas City. I got my questions about
Kansas You mean like last year firework show? See, this
is this is what I want to halt you and

make sure you're aware of this. Yeah, are they out
there with a full deck? Oh? Injuries? My bad. It's
a part of the game. I get it. Yeah, it's
going to dictate what you then look like on the field,
and it did yesterday. They are who they are. They
just they're terrible with stopping the run. And if that

doesn't change, So you're saying Tyreek Hill changes everything. Tyreek
Hill and Sammy watching Sammy Lotkins started playing, he got hurt.
That's NFL. It is the NFL. But if if if
Patrick Mahomes has this full arsenal, it's full deck, that
doesn't happen last night? Now, could they have been better? Yes?
I will say this. When I think of what is
going on with the Kansas City Chiefs and Patrick Mahomes,

it's starting to look a lot like what happened in
Green Bay with Aaron Rodgers tell of awesome amazing electric offense.
Defense is gonna let you down every year. Defense let
Aaron Rodgers down and kind of stunted. There that success. True.
I'm starting to see this early with the Kansas City Chiefs.

If they don't fix this defense, we're gonna see a
lot of what Patrick Patrick Mahomes could have done, should
have done so for most of the game and watched.
Suppose Brett Farve teams Brett lost a lot of games.
Watching the last four minutes. Yeah, I'm just saying they
better fix something. I love fireworks. I don't, Yeah you do. Nope,

I take my I don't let my kids go to them.
Scares the dog, scares the kids. You know what we do.
We stay home at TV sers that is just me,
and watch the news. Wasp, that's fireworks right there. I
watched Clouds, yelled him.
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