Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Thanks for listening to The Jason Smith Show with Mike
Harmon podcast. Be sure to catch us live every weeknight
ten pm to two am Eastern seven to eleven pm
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Speaker 2 (00:23):
You're listening to Fox Sports.
Speaker 1 (00:25):
Radio Fox Sports Radio The Jason Smith Show with my
best friend Mike Harmon. Buddy Live from the tire rack
dot Com studios. Tirac dot com I help you get
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Speaker 3 (00:49):
Yeah so uh not the original guitarist okay, longtime Ozzie guitarist,
Zach Wabb fifty eight years old. Wow, while okay, he
did not. Zach's what's it Zach Sabbath?
Speaker 4 (01:03):
Right? Didn't he doesn't? He he's part of that.
Speaker 3 (01:05):
He's part of Zach Sabbath, right, Well, he started because
it's called Yeah, it's Zach Sabbath. Yeah he remember when
he did the Wizard when we used to play that
photographed by Ringo.
Speaker 4 (01:15):
So yeah, good times, good time.
Speaker 3 (01:17):
See how I'm trying to get away from this Monday
night football playoff game.
Speaker 4 (01:21):
They can't get very far.
Speaker 3 (01:22):
No, just just like Pachino and Godfather three, when you
think you're out, they pull you back.
Speaker 4 (01:26):
We'll be back in odd Sam run for his life
again right.
Speaker 3 (01:30):
Now, just under five minutes left to go. The Rams
didn't score in their last possession, but they held the ball,
killed some of the clock. The Vikings have the football.
They are near midfield with under five minutes left to go.
But it is a twenty seven to nine lead that
the Rams have. It is a three score game for
the Vikings. That's how big that two point missing. That
two point conversion was earlier in the third quarter. So
the Rams right now, boy to blow this, this would
really be something. So it looks like the Rams are
moving on and Sam Donald's continuing to watch dollar signs
and dollars flow out the way to let those commercials
in the you get like the local commercials when oh,
are you paying too much to heat your home? And
they show the window open and the money is flying
out because the heat when they were like, that's kind
of what's happened to Sam Donald tonight. With everything going on,
he keeps holding onto the football too long. He's getting sacked.
The Lions had the blueprint out last week. It's not
about blitzing from time to time. It's about relentless pressure
and Sam Donald struggles. That's what's happened tonight. They just
sacked Donald for the eighth time tonight. To go along
with a sack and a fumble, they ran in for
a touchdown. Yeah, Sam Donald's just watching money fly out
the window. It's like when your dad would say, come on,
close the door. I'm not air conditioning the outside. Close
the front door. Close the front door.
Speaker 4 (02:48):
That's what's going on.
Speaker 3 (02:49):
Problem is he's also gonna have see a bunch of
specialists after this one because he's been bludgeoned repeatedly. Like, oh,
I could get they would be tackler this side. Nope,
I slid right into a three her fifty pound defensive
tackle who's running unchecked through the Minnesota like Gallamore just
walked right through.
Speaker 4 (03:08):
Uh and the eyes told the tale.
Speaker 3 (03:11):
You know, one of those old tex Avery cartoons where
the wolf would get the really big eyes, really showing
my age here with uh you know the cartoon references.
Speaker 4 (03:20):
Well and also Wolfman is coming out. That's true. They haven't.
Speaker 1 (03:22):
Have you seen a commercial where they've actually shown the wolf.
I don't think they've shown the wolf.
Speaker 4 (03:25):
I've heard there's a there's the latest trailer. You dog
man wolf No, no, wolf, dog Man. I'm in for
dog Man the end of the month. Let's go. I
think you mean dog man Jayson. No, no, dog the
guy the dog that's the cock. No, no, no, no.
Speaker 3 (03:37):
It looks like a pretty good cartoon. What's that the
wolf Man is? It's with Ruth from uh from Ozar. Yeah,
she's gonna say blanker, blanker every five every.
Speaker 4 (03:47):
She's got a yeah. Like a half wolf, half human.
What is he?
Speaker 1 (03:52):
Well, well, I guess he's a wolf wolf man. I
guess wolf man. You are part wolf, part man.
Speaker 4 (03:56):
I is the latest iteration of the long time tale.
I assume I'm not. I'm not. I'm going on a limbit.
You can't just assume. I assume the top half of
him will be wolf in the bottom half of that's
an assumption.
Speaker 3 (04:08):
Do you believe you just think if it was the
other way around, and the top half was man and
the bottom man was wolf, people would watch it.
Speaker 1 (04:15):
Oh it's just a just a dude with a tail
and wolf legs. That's not nearly as menacing.
Speaker 3 (04:19):
But like all great movies, we got to have a
good soundtrack. You believe the underrated Metallica classic of Wolf
and Man will be in there. Sure, I think Werelds
of London will be on there as well. I'm sure
there's some scene where the wolf man like is killing
a lot of people playing pool.
Speaker 4 (04:34):
He kills him. His hair was perfect.
Speaker 3 (04:36):
If they if they haven't done that, they won't create
our own anime, wolf Man, anime for that wolf Man.
They're doing a good job of making me want to
go see it. Wolf Man, dog Man. Yeah, I'm gonna
go see dog Man Man first, then dogs. The dog
Man's trailers better, but his dog Man animated animated dog
cot see. I would say I would want a real
dog as a cop. But I saw that that Robbie
Williams movie opened with like less than a million dollars,
so I think that's you know too much.
Speaker 4 (05:03):
But my daughter saw it. She went to one. He
was the one she went to one of those, he
come see a movie.
Speaker 3 (05:09):
It's Robbie Williams life, except yeah, he's a monkey.
Speaker 4 (05:13):
Yes. So what they decided is, I've read a interview
with the filmmaker.
Speaker 3 (05:16):
It's very interesting that they decided that it would be
far more you'd be more sympathetic with the trials and
tribulations of a pop star if he were if he
was a monkey, because otherwise you just said, this guy
is an idiot, whereas all the trappings and problems that
you may experience being a big star are you're not
nearly as sympathetic to those characters are kind of point
and laugh at times.
Speaker 4 (05:41):
I said, it's a monkey.
Speaker 3 (05:43):
I don't think if you made Freddie Mercury with the
head of a giraffe in Bohemian Rhapsody, it would have
been the same movie.
Speaker 4 (05:53):
I don't I don't think. I think you're right.
Speaker 3 (05:54):
I don't think what's his name would have won Best Actor.
I don't think that would have remember Remy Mallack, it
would have been it would have been a different kind
of movie.
Speaker 4 (06:02):
Still don't understand how he did, but he did.
Speaker 3 (06:04):
Yeah, well, Jack, big long tongue GIRAFFELD I would be
there would be.
Speaker 4 (06:08):
But I don't think literally live in the Marvel universe.
And you're upset this isn't real.
Speaker 2 (06:12):
I did.
Speaker 3 (06:13):
That's what upsets you. Anyway, She said it was pretty good.
But does but does wait? Does does the does the
monkey have superpowers?
Speaker 2 (06:20):
Speaker 4 (06:20):
Is it a is it a whole?
Speaker 3 (06:21):
Like? Hey, I can bore holes and things with an escape?
Speaker 4 (06:27):
Say that again? Is it one of those escape monkeys? Yes?
That Hollywood? Did we get all them?
Speaker 2 (06:35):
Did they?
Speaker 3 (06:35):
Did they get We never got a report that they
got all remember they they thought they knew where they
all were. We never got a and not not only
did this monkey escape, he's the star of a movie,
he's a pop star. The problem problem with it is
never stopped, never stopping in America. I don't know that
Robbie Williams gets over.
Speaker 4 (06:55):
No, I don't if you made this, if this came
out in the UK.
Speaker 3 (06:58):
First you probab we get some run? Yeah yeah, Robally,
maybe you get some run. It's a bit of a
us as much as they tried to put them on
all of those competition es.
Speaker 4 (07:08):
Hey it's Robbie Williams.
Speaker 1 (07:09):
I guess I want to I want to know how
that got pasted. The whole bunch of rooms to make
it greenlit. But here's the thing. Instead of an actual actor,
it's going to be a monkey. Right so wait wait
the singer has a monkey. No, no, no, the singer
is the monkey. And it's this whole thing we're doing.
Speaker 3 (07:25):
And it's based on Bobby Williams life singer with a
monkey you would have done on Michael Jackson by.
Speaker 4 (07:30):
We need it.
Speaker 3 (07:30):
We need a whole thing here, and and the singer's
going to be the monkey. And boy do we need
a lot of money to make it happen.
Speaker 4 (07:36):
Sold, you're a genius. Make out that check to you.
How does that get?
Speaker 3 (07:39):
I really think what ended up happening is when they
pitched it, they switched the scripts. It was originally a
reboot of The Monkeys. Oh okay, and they never told them.
Yeah yeah, even brought in Mickey Dolans to do the
pitch songs.
Speaker 4 (07:53):
Yeah, well, this is great.
Speaker 1 (07:54):
Here's what you signed for, right, I'm sorry, last Last
Train to Clark still is going to be on.
Speaker 3 (07:58):
There more people, but in excellence this weekend. Then saw
that one true you might be right about that. You
may be right Inner Excellence. So we'll keep you updated
on the Rams game again, three minutes left to go.
Now Vikings are getting the football back and any other
movies including Monkeys, yes, yes, yes, yes, or wolves were
a little wolf Man bof Man? Uh maybe Wolfman is
is It's like one of the when they try to
do like uh they want to remember they were gonna
do Twilight from Edward's point of view and Midnight Sun
and they cancel it. Maybe like Wolfman, this is top Gun,
except from Wolfman's perspective. It's about Hollywood and wolf Man
and and and this is this is their thing. Taylor
Lautner might need the works. What about doff Manuff duff Man?
A movie that would be would be quality? Oh no,
it's it's hear that music. I hearn party down. But
so we'll keep you up to again. Vikings getting the
football back with about two and a half left to go.
The Rams had a possession, went three and out there
punting away. But the big story today from the NFL
was Mike McCarthy let go or not brought back as
head coach of the Dallas Cowboys.
Speaker 4 (09:05):
And yeah, it was this.
Speaker 1 (09:06):
Ridiculous dirty pool by Jerry Jones, who denied the Bears
requested interview a few days ago. Yeah, but I'll tell
you this much. I guarantee you he held on to
Mike McCarthy to see if what exactly is going on
now was going to happen. That is will another big
name shake free, and that's gonna be my guy.
Speaker 3 (09:26):
Whatever it was. Now we're hearing that he and Dion
Sanders are talking about the job. So I guarantee you
with this, I don't think this is Jerry Jones to
screw Mike McCarthy. I think this look, it was a
bit of dirty pool to say, listen, if you let
me go, let me go. But I'm gonna hold on
to Mike McCarthy unless I can get a really big fish, right,
whether it's it was Dion or John Gruden.
Speaker 4 (09:46):
I thought was gonna be somebody.
Speaker 3 (09:49):
Back to the friendly nature of the relationship between Belichick
and the Jones.
Speaker 1 (09:53):
Maybe he wanted Ben Johnson, maybe he looked into Belichick's
buy out at North Carolina. But the fact that he
l on to Mike McCarthy, okay, and now we're letting
him go, he's got a big move. He's not gonna
do this unless he's getting his guy, and Jerry Jones
is not linked to anybody unless he gets them. These
are not situations. Jerry Jones loses.
Speaker 3 (10:13):
On the field, giving money away, signing guys to contracts.
Speaker 1 (10:17):
Jerry Jones loses, he loses a lot. But this situation
he doesn't lose. So the fact that he's already been
linked with Dion and they're talking Dian's gonna be the
head coach. He's good and he'll have his.
Speaker 3 (10:26):
Prescotts or something like, well, you're gonna put that much
kind of money in front of you, What am I
gonna do?
Speaker 1 (10:30):
I'm gonna say at Colorado, I'm gonna do like He's
done everything he can. He's finishing at Colorado. His sons
are done. He coached the Heisman Trophy winner, he coached
a guy that's going in the top five of the draft,
his son. Now, is he gonna get to coach his
son again?
Speaker 3 (10:43):
No, But this is the Dallas Cowboys, and this is
the rock star of rockstar jobs.
Speaker 4 (10:48):
On Lea.
Speaker 1 (10:48):
You have a college football rock star coming to the
NFL for the rock star job in the entire league.
This makes sense for everybody. Jerry Jones gets what he wants.
He gets attention, he gets the new site he gets
Dion Dion makes makes makes headlines.
Speaker 4 (11:03):
He's this good.
Speaker 3 (11:04):
This is already gonna be the story in the NFL
all season next year. He's getting exactly what he wanted.
But I'll tell you why he waits, because he wanted
to see, are we going to get that big name?
Shake loose? And now Deon Sanders is that big name.
And the last week, I'm sure there has been a
lot of back and forth and would you and will
you and ken you Andy, here's a deal, and here's
an offer, and let's talk. This is gonna happen. I
would be the most surprised guy in the world if
we're not seeing Deon Sanders at a press conference later
on this week, maybe on Friday, holding up the Cowboys helmet,
they bring out his jersey, he signs it. Everything is fantastic.
I would be the most stunned guy in the world
if this does not happen.
Speaker 4 (11:42):
Speaker 3 (11:42):
The other thing, in terms of reading the tea, leaves
with Dion right trying to predict the future of where
whether he was staying Colorado or not. A number of
his assistant coaches left for other jobs Right that had
big rise in their respective units. I'm thinking of Phil Loadholt.
Ascly right, what was the biggest problem Year one? Offensive
line was a train wreck? Here two bring in a
couple of bodies. He gets them to respectability. Now were
they one hundred percent buttoned up? No, but you could
argue should do our at times? Would hold the ball
too long? One of the things that we do with
every quarterback at this point, because I think everybody's getting
a bit smarter. Don't put it all on the offensive line.
They make their share of mistakes and issues. Right, Caleb
Williams sixty eight sacks and then another fifty They said
he evaded again, how much is that percentage of the
pie is the old line versus where he decided traverse
or hold on to the ball. But same thing here Loadholt.
Several other assistants had already left the program in the postseason,
so I was like, all right, we're going to read
the tea leaves that if that's being allowed right, that
you're breaking up the band to a degree and losing
all of your top personnel, then yeah, you're available and
open to business. And certainly for Dallas Jerry Jones, this
might be the one guy. Jerry Jones would actually listen to.
That's what makes it most true. Once in a while,
he's gotta go big. I mean in fire Mike McCarthy
to bring in Kellen Moore as the next head coach. Right,
he once in a while he goes big, Right, he
goes big, you know, Jimmy Johnson.
Speaker 1 (13:12):
Then he went for guys he can control. Then then
he went to parcels. Then he went to guys he
can control. And now I can't go from Mike McCarthy
to a guy I gotta get. I gotta be bigger
than Mike McCarthy on that on that scale of coaches,
and Dion certainly is bigger.
Speaker 3 (13:25):
Yeah, the I think the prevailing consensus and we talked
about it a little bit last week with McCarthy when
he was denied the opportunity to go talk to the Bears,
was that, well, you maybe you get the situation whereby
like he did with the contracts for Lamb and Prescott
at the eleventh hour, it's like, well there's nothing else better,
here's a giant novelty check and I butchered this one
too instead. Whatever the truth is, and this is where
it gets fun from McCarthy and his agent and from
Jerry's side as to the devil in the details of
years versus years for his assistance versus dollars and cents
like all of it. To say, when this came down
this morning, just kind of chuck them going, all right,
we have a new entry to the chaos and one
with a major profile. And he gave us so many
great memes, so many great AI videos that we've been
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Speaker 4 (14:35):
We'll coming up next.
Speaker 1 (14:35):
We'll have more on this story and tell you exactly
where Mike McCarthy's gonna end up because he is gonna
be really sought after as well as likely previewing the
off season for Sam Darnold and how much money he
cost himself in the last two games with he hat
another sack by the Rams. That's coming up next right here,
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Speaker 2 (15:49):
Be be sure to catch live editions of The Jason
Smith Show with Mike Harmon weekdays at ten pm Eastern,
seven pm Pacific on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.
Speaker 4 (16:05):
Fox Sports Radio.
Speaker 1 (16:06):
The Jason Smith Show with my best friend Mark Wahlberg.
Speaker 3 (16:09):
Sorry back when he was Marky Mark, it's me swollen.
I can dance like a son of a gun, and
now I fly on planes. My latest thriller with Tofer Grace,
well there's me in a bald cap. I mean I'm
in a ball cap. He shaved his head. I mean
he shaved his head. He really the whole whole thing
of how it was legit.
Speaker 1 (16:29):
Why like I like, but I feel like it's just hey,
here's on the Mark Wahlberg movie.
Speaker 4 (16:34):
But I'm gonna be bald in it? Oh? Okaying that
he can age, you know.
Speaker 3 (16:39):
Just so you know, Mark, here in Hollywood we have
the technology to uh just show you with a bald head.
Do we have to do this a picture of Walter White?
In fact, we don't even need to have you act.
We could just put you in the movie works. Don't
have to worry about stuff like accents or not, because
you know, you've been in Hollywood for thirty five years
and still you talk everything with a Boston accent.
Speaker 4 (16:58):
So we're okay, we got your voice down. Pat also
be fair.
Speaker 3 (17:01):
He does play characters name something other than Mark or
what is true? That which puts him over some other actors.
How about that that Ai Jerry Jones today? That prescontin
is good? Oh my goodness, I could play that.
Speaker 1 (17:16):
Probably not, no, probably not, but find it on the
internet if you like stuff like that. Somebody put together
an ai Jerry Jones explaining why he fired Mike McCarthy.
There were tears in my eyes.
Speaker 3 (17:27):
It was funny on the fifth listen because you lost it.
It's one of those contagious kind of things where all right,
he's enjoyed this so much that I think it's funny
on you know, listen number five. But it made it
that much funnier because you were doubled over with tears
in your eyes. We're gonna do things my way, and
my way is blank and terrible, but that's how we're
gonna do it.
Speaker 4 (17:48):
And I know that McCarthy has the big bet. That's
not a place she had just a big Perkins MANU.
Speaker 3 (17:53):
I mean Perkins like how many people, doesn't I mean
I gotta explain to Millennius what Perkins is?
Speaker 4 (17:57):
My goodness, I mean, how long ago was the Tiger Woods?
That's exactly I was gonna say.
Speaker 3 (18:02):
The last time Perkins was mentioned was the Tiger Wood story.
Speaker 4 (18:05):
That was it. I'm trying to figure out my timeline.
Speaker 3 (18:07):
Perkins Cake and Steaks, man, I used to have to go
to Perkins Cake and Steaks when I was like ten
and twelve.
Speaker 4 (18:12):
We go to Perkins. All that's Brits of Perkins. It's
a good line. Really was one of the funnier things
I've seen.
Speaker 3 (18:19):
But it is over in Arizona, Yes, Arizona where the
Rams move on to the next round of the playoffs.
They will be headed to Philadelphia to take on the Eagles,
and they beat the Vikings twenty seven to nine.
Speaker 1 (18:34):
Rams first. Then Sam Darnold, you know, I don't like
to say this a lot because you know me, I'm
this is kind of the person I am. But once
in a while, you know, remember I told you before
the season started the Rams were going to the Super Bowl.
I remember I said, said the Lion and how close
was I?
Speaker 4 (18:49):
How close did they go?
Speaker 3 (18:51):
But it doesn't matter what you're saying, is your fah,
this is going to go to hell now in the
Zuper Bowl.
Speaker 1 (18:57):
It's not like last year. I said, the Chiefs are
going to the soup. This is the low the Lions
come on. No one's picked the Lions for anything since
nineteen fifty seven.
Speaker 4 (19:03):
Actually I almost had them because everybody got cute. Last year.
They got nothing. That's the Chief said. That's pretty good
about it. How do you explain this to your family
this week? If you got the Rams, that's true.
Speaker 3 (19:12):
Uh, they're not playing the Lion, no, no, but eventually
they have to. I'll deal with that in a week.
Speaker 4 (19:17):
Yeah. Look, day to day, right back in the joint,
they're coming to get you. Everything is, they're mobilizing now.
Speaker 3 (19:24):
Everything is fine. The Rams have to play that. They
don't play each other this week. It's okay. Everything is okay.
Speaker 4 (19:29):
Eminem and all those minions, everything ready to take you out.
Bead oh, bead bead but.
Speaker 1 (19:35):
Gang ba look and and and one of the reasons
I talked about this was good again. This is not
we'll get to the Sam darn. This is not a
Sam Donald part was I'm always going to in a
big game. I've seen the Rams win games like this before.
I've seen them win many games like this before. I've
seen Sean McVay show up when the lights of brightest.
I have seen the Rams show up and the lights
of brightest. And I knew that in this game. Kevin
O'Connell is a great head coach. Let's see he's got
against the best head coach in the NFL. Right, Let's
see what he's got against Sean McVay. And clearly the
Rams game plan was out there and it absolutely stumped
and stumbled and made the Vikings fumble around. Darnold got
sacked nine times, lost eighty two yards on those nine sacks,
like it was an entire night where he was under
duress the entire game. The Rams are a really good team.
The Rams put it together late, just like has kind
of become their thing, their living life as a team,
that they start off one to four and yet they
wind up winning the NFC West. In a year, the
Rams went from being the oldest team in the NFL
to one of the three youngest. And here's where they're at.
You think this era of the Rams is something that
just holding on too. No, now now they've gotten younger.
Their playmakers are all young. Yes, Matthew Stafford is older,
but he is still playing at a really high level.
But it all comes down to I will take Sean
McVay in a game against Kevin O'Connell until Kevin O'Connell
shows me he can win this game. I'll take Sean
McVay and then not letting the candlebeat but I might.
I'll take Sean McVay next week over Nick Sirianni because
I know what Sean McVay does in big game. Not
that Nick Sirianni hasn't won big games before, but in
this chess match, I'll I'll take it. I'll take the
coach against a team that struggled to score points yesterday,
and it looked like Saquon Barkley had a great game.
He had one run at the end to salt the
game away. Outside of that, it was twenty seven carries
for ninety yards a night like John Riggins, but this night,
this was a game where I knew I'm taking Sean McVay,
and to an extent, to give a big shout out
to defensive corda, to Chris Shula, who probably in halftime
could have become the head coach of the Cowboys. Hey,
I'm ready want you hire me? Lo I just did
to Sam Darnold. This was a masterclass in coaching and
how to out maneuver a team in a week where
the Rams had to worry about where if their families
were gonna be okaycard they have to evacuate. They after
it was not till Friday the Rams that, okay, now
we can focus right Like the last three days a
prep for this game had been we're trying if we're
trying to practice and figure if our family is gonna
be okay with the LA wildfires which are still going.
Oh by the way, Wednesday at six o'clock, apparently that's
high nud. If we make it through Wednesday at six o'clock,
that's gonna be it, and everything's gonna be okay. So
please have your good thoughts out for us here in
Los Angeles. So they lose the home field, they go
to Arizona. Now they feel they can they can focus
a couple of days before the game, and still this
is the effort they got. They dominated from the beginning
of the game all the way through till the end.
Speaker 4 (22:27):
This was not a game.
Speaker 3 (22:28):
This is not a place where hey, their attack came
out and then the Vikings caught up to it. The
Vikings never caught up the entire game. This was a
Sean McVay Chris Jula masterclasses. This is why he's the
best coach in the NFL. Shula gets the nod from
me here. Obviously McVeigh and company. Their first script worked
very well. Went straight down the field, what was it
a seventy yard drive of finishing with the touchdown, and
immediately Sam Darnold takes the field seven to nothing deficit.
They have a negative run play, he gets sacked in
that opening possession and three and out and you're kicking
the ball right back and you heard the crowd. What
was interesting and really kind of cool to watch over
the weekend was dem Off Stafford's wife, everybody coming together,
getting a bunch of buses out there and rallying season
ticket holders to get them their passage there so they
could be part of the action today. So that was
a cool little subplot to a lot of them. Yeah,
how do you respond to the week that you had.
It's like a lot of folks hope to right you
dive back into your work when the world isn't quite
so secure around you.
Speaker 4 (23:36):
We've all done it.
Speaker 3 (23:37):
Illnesses, family circumstances, people passing in your family. Sometimes you
just put your head down and try to go to work.
The Rams today, perfect plan, early offensive explosion. But what
Shula and that defense were able to do all night long?
Like that Minnesota offensive line beleaguered. They got beaten up
last week by the Lions. It's one thing coming out
of the game that we did wonder about how much
of a hangover from that game would you have in
terms of the execution and just the style of play.
What you know you're gonna get from a Glen and
Campbell production making it awful Hollywood thing here as we
do is they're gonna bludgeing you. You get two hours.
This is a John Wick movie. As they get after
you defensively because you saw, even not having necessarily to
bring extra attackers, Donald was under dress all day and
you joke about seeing ghosts and some of that. Yeah,
you saw that, hanging onto the ball, an extra click
too long, throwing behind receivers even on passes he did complete.
He was betrayed a couple of times by Addison and
some of the receivers downfield. But I don't think they
thought the ball was gonna get to him, So I
think there's a lapse of concentration, like I got to
dial back in the ball is actually finding me, you know,
on target. So all of that to say, a great
game plan. Shueling Company nine sacks unfortunately, and get the
double digit. They get the two big turnovers, including the
fumble return for a touchdown, and roll to what seems
at least a pretty easy score. And now this defense
gets to get after Jalen Hurts and what has been
a suspect pass offense for Philadelphia for a few weeks,
including Jalen Hurts missing multiple games because of a concussion,
because only part of that was operation shut down, the
other part was legitimate health concern. So yeah, if you're Siriani,
if you watch this game tape, this might keep you
up tonight. I don't know that you'll find a more
impressive win all year in the NFL. When we talk
about what they all had to go through, the Rams
had to go through to win this game, how they're
able to again losing home fields, seeing focused, knowing that
the fires are still raging back home, knowing that it
was a hair's breadth away from where they practiced, they
had to cancel or stop practice because you could see
the fires with the field on Thousand Oaks. The fire
was so clear those two thousand Oaks. They are under
red alert. We've been under red alert in Los Angeles
for the last week. Again, hoping that Wednesday at six,
like that's the magic time, that's the magic hour for us.
Speaker 4 (26:10):
To get healthy. Friday finished the show Get Out.
Speaker 3 (26:13):
Yeah, that's that's how things were progressing. They're succeeding in
the face of adversity, and there is this You'll not
find a more impressive win by an NFL team.
Speaker 4 (26:23):
And right after the game was.
Speaker 3 (26:24):
Over, Matthew Stafford the onfield interview with Lisa Salters, and
here is Matthew Stafford explaining just how the Rams were
able to win with all of this going on.
Speaker 4 (26:34):
It's been a difficult week. You guys have a lot
of reasons to be distracted.
Speaker 3 (26:39):
Just how are you guys able to overcome all of
the obstacles that you face.
Speaker 4 (26:43):
This Greek that's a resilient group.
Speaker 3 (26:45):
Speaker 4 (26:46):
I'm so proud of these guys, great nix of young guys,
old guys. Our head coach is an absolute stud getting
used out in in the right direction.
Speaker 1 (26:53):
And I mean, we know what we were playing for today,
you know it was it was go get this win.
Speaker 4 (26:57):
But man, so the people in Los Angeles struggling right now.
It's been unbelieable to watch the whole community, you know,
the state, the country kind of get behind them. It's
it's a tough time to be back there.
Speaker 3 (27:06):
And we're just happy that we came out and played
like this tonight to get to you know, something to
be happy about.
Speaker 1 (27:11):
You, I mean, great answer and that that really encapsulates
everything by this effort for the RAMS, I mean, and
in a in a last week where there have not
been nearly as many you don't hear you you want
to hear more of the positive. Hey, here's the best
of human nature, right from from people that are you know,
as everybody is working together to try to keep everybody
safe in LA from the wildfires. Everybody is pitching in
this week. And we donated a whole bunch of clothes
to the West to the YMCA in our air because
they were getting clothes to victims who didn't have any,
and they were they were driving them to the YMCAs
to listen, give us your clothes, food, whatever, you have,
we will drive it to shelters where people are staying
who have lost everything.
Speaker 3 (27:54):
And when I got to the YMCA and I'm like, okay,
we'll go and we'll and we'll volunteer right like, we'll
go because we were on sideus it Also, I got
Zoe in the car ready to go go to volunteer
and we get there and we get out and they go, yeah,
go around the back with your stuff.
Speaker 4 (28:05):
Great. We go on the back and I stopped.
Speaker 3 (28:07):
The car and forty kids come to take the stuff
out of the car and I said hey, and they said,
I'm sorry, thank you for this.
Speaker 4 (28:13):
We have enough volunteers.
Speaker 3 (28:15):
And it was an awesome thing to see because they
had one hundred people there that we're trying to just
this one YMCA. They had one hundred people there trying
to go through things so to get to hear great
stories about how people are surviving. The one guy that
found his dog when he went back to his home
that he lost and his dog.
Speaker 1 (28:31):
Was living five around me for five days. And somehow,
I mean, we need more stories like that. But like
I always say, sports brings you what is the best
of us, And certainly tonight that's a national thing that
everybody can focus on. Here are the Rams, who, in
the face of the wildfires maybe the worst natural disaster
that Los Angeles has had since the north Ridge earthquake
and even before. When you think of what the devastation
we don't know yet. To see the Rams win this
game like this and able to overcome what they have
is an incredible Hey, here's a positive story out of
all of this heartbreak and and and tragedy.
Speaker 4 (29:09):
That we've been going through.
Speaker 3 (29:10):
Yeah, looking at the l A f D. Sweatshirts and
hats and all of that, the sides of unity, that's
what's been I think good because normally the journalism and
certainly sportstock radio right bleeds, it leads and if there's
you know, a losing locker room negativity, we're gonna we're
gonna spend a lot of time on it, right because
the anger, the vitriol, what have you. What has been
you know, kind of heartening in this situation is the
number of tales like you're you're giving us from that
Y m c A. Or you know, chefs getting together.
It's like, hey, use our kitchens, use use the fridges.
We've got space, random places. Yeah, just just dialing in
uh and and it's good because you can very easily
get dragged into the the politics and everything else that
flows with it. Plenty of time for that in the moment.
The best of the human spirit. Contribute, what and if
you can. We appreciate the good thoughts and efforts of
everybody around the globe on this one because it has
become an international story.
Speaker 4 (30:13):
Speaker 1 (30:13):
How about a Fresco exit swollen Dome. The Jason Smith
Show with Mike Carbon Live from the tiraq dot com studios,
time out to find out what's trending in the wide
world of sports, with special delivery Steve de Sager.
Speaker 4 (30:24):
Steve, what do you got for us? My friend?
Speaker 5 (30:25):
Well, the RAMS final was twenty seven to nine in
the playoffs over the Vikings tonight, and Ben Maler mentioned
last night, I've heard no one else mention this. Of course,
this game was moved to Arizona due to the wildfires
in LA. It was moved specifically to State Farm Stadium. Yeah,
state Farm being the insurance company that dropped about sixteen
hundred policies in Pacific Palisades in LA just this past summer.
Speaker 4 (30:49):
Oh, the irony.
Speaker 1 (30:50):
I think if they would have played if they could
in a different stadium, but they really, they really could.
Speaker 4 (30:54):
This is kind of the one choice we had.
Speaker 5 (30:56):
I did see the NFL trumpet this past week that
they ordered so many gallons of paint to make the
field look like a Rams home game. I mean from
the catalog the specific number of the blue and number
of the yellow of the Rams colors and their logo
at the center and Los Angeles there, and it looked
like a pack house here. And it was about fifty
to fifty with the fans at a great atmosphere.
Speaker 4 (31:21):
And then the.
Speaker 5 (31:21):
Rams defense just dominated. Yes, Matthew Stafford had two touchdown
passes in the first half. He is, by the way
as a Ram five and one in the playoffs fifteen
total touchdowns. But the defense sects Sam Donald nine times.
That ties a playoff record six secs in the first half,
one interception, one fumble return for a touchdown. You mentioned
the yards lost. Sam Donald lost eighty two yards on
the nine sacks tonight, most in a playoff game in
the Super Bowl era, most in any game, playoffs or
not in the last decade. There was an Alex Smith
game once where he was sacked nine times, had lost
forty four yards. This was nine sacks eighty two yards
lost by Darnold and the Vikings at fourteen and four
end the season. I know the regular seasons are a
little longer in the NFL these days, but no fourteen
win team had ever had its season end with back
to back losses, and this was spectacular. The Vikings lost
these last two by combined forty points. They only lost
to two teams the entire season, twice to Detroit twice
to the Rams. Coach Mike McCarthy will not be back
with Dallas. His contract is expiring in LA. The NBA
teams are resuming their schedules after the fires that started
last week. Clippers are at home and down at the
half forty eight to forty three to Miami. Lakers are
at the half at home and leading at the break
sixty two to fifty three over the Spurs. And there's
a ceremony going on at halftime at the Laker game
as they are retiring Michael Cooper's number twenty one.
Speaker 4 (32:55):
As we speak.
Speaker 1 (32:56):
Earlier now, they were going to give out a replica
jersey everybody at the game. However, the Lakers put out
a statement saying, hey, we had some errors, so everybody's
gonna get that jersey in the future, like, how do
you miss spell Cooper?
Speaker 4 (33:11):
I don't know that that's what it is, but how
do you miss pell Cooper? Well?
Speaker 5 (33:14):
I did see jerseys also of LA Fire Department logo
as well, so it's a nice replacement on this particular nine.
Of course, they had the moment of silence before the
Laker home game started this evening. Among the other NBA games, tonight,
Detroit got thirty six points from Key Cunningham and won
at New York one twenty four one nineteen. Jalen Brunson
did have thirty one points, eleven assists from three point
range one of seven, and the Pistons have won ten
of twelve.
Speaker 4 (33:39):
Back to you, Thank you, Steve O.
Speaker 1 (33:41):
The Jason Smizer with Mike Carmon live from the Tirack
dot Com Studios. Coming up next, we're gonna talk about
a guy who just watched a lot of money fly
out the window. What is next for Sam Darnoland. The
off season might not be as bad as you think,
or it could be worse.
Speaker 4 (33:57):
That's next, Jackson to Mike Fox.
Speaker 2 (34:02):
Be sure to catch live editions of the Jason Smith
Show with Mike Harmon weekdays at ten pm Eastern, seven
pm Pacific.
Speaker 1 (34:11):
He was working in the cocktail bar when I met him.
Now he's my co host. Mike Harmon. Greetings, the Jason
Smith Show with my best friend Line.
Speaker 3 (34:19):
I need to leave a tip. You jerk a lot
for the time we had. Service was terrible.
Speaker 1 (34:23):
I did it with a smile. You didn't bring me
any food. You said, sorry, Northwestern's on. I said, they
play sports and you said, yeah, what do you got Frostburg?
Speaker 4 (34:32):
Who was that guy when you weren't looking, who stole
your beer? That was not me? Yeah, I know that
that was Albert Hubelhoff. It is true. It was Albert Hubelhoff.
One hundred percent is doppelganger.
Speaker 1 (34:48):
So we'll have more on the rams angle of tonight's
playoff win coming up a little bit less than a
half hour from now. But the Vikings end of this.
Sam Darnold finished is this season with two absolute clunkers.
Right embarrassed by the Lions in the last game of
the regular season, then tonight two forty five a touchdown
but a bad interception. He also fumbled, which was returned
for a touchdown. He was sacked nine times for eighty
two yards. A lot of these.
Speaker 3 (35:18):
Sacks were, hey, you gotta make your progressions a little
bit better, get through it, get through it faster, you
had open receivers and get rid of the.
Speaker 4 (35:26):
Ball, and he did not.
Speaker 1 (35:27):
So now we talk about the money that he has
cost himself in the last two weeks, and he has
because this was winning time for the Vikings, two biggest
games of the year, and the opponents, the Lions and
the Rams, both showed this is how you shut down
Sam Donald. You put pressure in his face and he
doesn't know where to go with the ball. And that's
been the whole thing. What if I told you about
Sam Donald from the beginning. If he can make his
first read, it's great, But when you're asking him to, hey,
uh make three four, you know, go to your third,
fourth progression when the play, the longer the play gets,
the worst off it is some quarterback. The longer a
play gets, I'm gonna find somebody, the worse it is
for Sam Darnald and a lot of escapism he had
this year by throwing it up to Justin Jefferson. Because
when you throw it to the best wide receiver in
the NFL, a worse things can happen. But the future
for him seems really bad, because boy, what was he
gonna get? Was gonna get a big contract this offseason?
Where the Viking's gonna trade him someplace He's gonna sign
someplace where.
Speaker 4 (36:23):
He could sign a big contract.
Speaker 3 (36:24):
Or would the Vikings keep him, give him a big
contract and trade JJ McCarthy.
Speaker 1 (36:28):
I'll tell you how this is gonna go. The Vikings
are paralyzed with indecision here because to let Sam Donald go,
because you can't forget what the first sixteen weeks in
the regular season were and how and how great he
was and how great this team was. If they let
him go, they're gonna be nervous. They turn their back
in a franchise quarterback who is still only twenty seven,
and they're turning things over to a guy who is untested. Now, granted,
you drafted JJ McCarthy because you were restarting your program.
As you have seen now, we don't need a reboot. Wait,
pretty good. We were fourteen and three this year. We're
a pretty good team. So we're past that. We don't
know that we need to start over again. But if
you keep Sam Donald and you say Okay, JJ McCarthy,
it's it's his team.
Speaker 3 (37:13):
Do you try to trade him? Is he gonna sit
for another year? Conversely, so what do you do?
Speaker 4 (37:18):
Right? The Viking's gonna be paralyzed my.
Speaker 3 (37:19):
In decision because whoever they they say farewell to, they're
gonna be nervous that they're gonna succeed, and they're gonna
make the wrong decision that Sam Donald's gonna be a
one year wonder, or they're gonna turn it over to
JJ McCarthy, who's not very good.
Speaker 1 (37:32):
Right, So how it's gonna go is this. They'll be
a lot of bluster. There'll be a lot of odd
Maybe somebody if I'm the Giants, I say, hey, number five,
pick for JJ McCarthy, they wanted them last year. I
try to see if they do anything. But in the end,
the Vikings are gonna be too paralyzed because it's too
tough to get a quarterback in this league and life
is miserable without one. So what they're gonna do is
I guarantee you they're gonna franchise Sam Donald. They'll bring
him back for another year, and then it's gonna be
Donald McCarthy battling it out in the summer for practice
and maybe whoever wins the job, they spin the other
quarterback off, or hey, McCarthy wins the job but he's
not very good. Donald wins it back, or Donald wins
the job, he's not very good, so then they go
back to JJ McCarthy. The Vikings aren't gonna want to
make a decision that could come back to haunt them,
so they're gonna try to kick this can down the road,
and in the end Donald will get franchised. They'll make
thirty five, thirty and whatever for I think it's like
thirty five or thirty eight million for a franchise quarterback
next year, and that's how the Viking's gonna go into
next year. Let's keep the quarterback room the way we are,
and at the end of next year, we'll make that decision.
Kind of like the Falcons this year when they had
two healthy quarterbacks and Cousins and Michael Pennix and Cousins
was able to keep the job, but then they realize
we got to move on. They move on to Michael
Pennox at the end of the year, and they'll move
on from Kirk Cousins. Well, it'll be the same thing
for the Vikings. Next year, it'll be Sam will come
in as the quarterback. They'll battle it out and then
mccarthy'll be ready and Sam Darnald will either see the
job to him or he won't, and at the end
of next year it's okay. Well, now we kind of
got to move on because Darnald's great and nobody's gonna
care if they trade JJ McCarthy. Wait, because now we
have two great years a really good quarterback. No one's
gonna care. We spent that first round pick on McCarthy.
W what's curious?
Speaker 3 (39:11):
And this came up a few weeks ago and you'll
laugh about it because you kept putting a picture of
him out on social media. And how about a fresco earlier?
Is how Daniel Jones may it? Let me allow me
to expound the fact that he's been in the building
a while and Kevin O'Connell just was able to massage
the best performance possible out of Sam Darnold this year.
What if he thinks he could do that on the
cheap with Daniel Jones and not have to pay a
franchise tag for Sam dal It's all one air. This
is something Bucky Brooks and I talked about on the
Sunday Morning Show a few weeks ago, just starting to
look at Sam before the floor dropped out from underneath him,
of Hey, you've got to give him four years. You've
got to give him a five year deal. He's the
next best thing. Now you're just kind of wandering, and
you've got a guy and McCarthy who had to have
two knee surgeries. Now you can have all of the
euphemisms you want in the in the public eye of oh, no,
he's far ahead of schedule. Have you ever heard of
a guy actually being behind schedule until it was too late?
Speaker 4 (40:14):
Speaker 3 (40:14):
Never, never, never, right and all these recovering Oh, he's
well ahead of schedule, just reporting, and he's not on
the fields, like, yeah, he experienced a little bit of
a setback.
Speaker 4 (40:24):
So maybe that's all fine and true.
Speaker 3 (40:27):
You could do the dollar cost averaging with Sam and
with McCarthy and move on and play it out as
you did. But the Jones thing is an interesting little
wild card that Bucky had brought up a while ago.
Curious to see if that actually comes to Fruition.
Speaker 1 (40:42):
Exit out about a Fresco exit swollen dome coming up
next do we have a response from Dion Sanders on
the Cowboys Job?
Speaker 4 (40:49):
Jason and Mike This as Fox Sports or radio